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Re: 4-yr Ann. Event (was: Enjoy another rep for anniversary ships *post #30 & #643*)



  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    noblet wrote: »
    Cryptic - coming up with new ways to make your sto suck. They know everyone hate grinds, therefore they shall give us more of what we hate.:D

    i love morons who take .3 % of someones post, and try to make it look like they said something different.. flamers for the win...
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well, the screenshot posted in the OP wasn't planned to be seen at this time, so it throws off our publishing schedule that reveals all the necessary information, so everyone should be missing all the information until its released. That's the issue :)


    Brandon =/\=

    That's as believable as a celebrity claiming their house was broken into and their sex tape stolen, or their cell phone stolen and their nudy pics plastered on the internet.

    December 10, 2013 Tribble server patch notes: Some snowball weapons "nerfed" and this:
    None of these changes are drastic. I didn't even really intend for the above notes to be seen by players as you honestly aren't likely to even notice (they were for QA's benefit). Just go have fun. This isn't really going to change anything.

    You guys seem to be getting into the habit of stuff showing up on Tribble server that we aren't suppose to see yet, or at all, or posting patch notes meant only for the QA department.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Just as people are unhappy with whatever Cryptic does, there will also be people who will support Cryptic no matter what.

    Cryptic Defense Force, ASSEMBLE!
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Well this is a bummer. I doubt I have the time for grind for all the ships. So looks like I will have to choose wisely on the ship. For the one who plays on weekends like my self. This will make is a rough grind. I hope the event stays up at least long enough for "Weekend Warriors" to get it.

    I don't have time to grind it during the week like I used to.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    i love morons who take .3 % of someones post, they make me happy.

  • caleb143caleb143 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    my 2 cents: if i were to get the ships for my 15 eligible toons: grinding that mission 240 times
    however, once i find the exact stats of the ships, ill narrow it down to 3. reduces the grinding, but not the headache
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    That's as believable as a celebrity claiming their house was broken into and their sex tape stolen, or their cell phone stolen and their nudy pics plastered on the internet.

    December 10, 2013 Tribble server patch notes: Some snowball weapons "nerfed" and this:

    You guys seem to be getting into the habit of stuff showing up on Tribble server that we aren't suppose to see yet, or at all, or posting patch notes meant only for the QA department.

    like i said earlier, i need more than my two hands to count the amount of times that has happened.. and we know its usually on purpose. but what i find funny is them claiming it wasn't just makes them look more incompetent than they already are.. lol..
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    eazzie wrote: »

    Grinding on this event will in the long run only be minimal compared to other events in the year

    you mean its going to get WORSE?
  • newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited January 2014
    Hi Captains,

    This image was taken from Tribble, but I wanted to provide a few important notes about this. The free ships this year are not your average Anniversary ship; they've got some extremely amazing bells and whistles, and even 2 new mechanics being introduced for the first time (more info soon). Because of this, you'll need to work a tad bit harder for a free ship over just running an episode one time. However! You will receive a package of 400 Qmendations as a one-time reward the first time you complete the Featured Episode, "A Step Between Stars." That means you only need to collect 600 more, which at 40 a day from completing a short daily, will take 15 days out of the 25+ days the event runs. There should also be a Lobi option for additional/ substitute Qmendations.

    All of this info and much more will be coming up in our Dev Blogs next week, and I think once you see the ships, you'll see why a little extra effort for the ships will be more than worth it.


    Brandon =/\=

    With overy 20 active toon's I am really hoping they are not that great or it will mean blowing my weekly game time limit:rolleyes::D
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Eh....unless this new mechanic is actually interesting, or can be applied to other ships via consoles, unless I like the ship this likely isn't worth my time. Only reason I did the winter event was a wanted a breen cruiser because I like how it looked, not how well it would do in something.

    Though I tend to agree with the assessment that no matter how amazballs this ship is, having another grind like this so soon is rather stupid.
  • litchy74litchy74 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I go to work 9 hours a day 5 days a week, I come home relax, eat watch a bit of TV, socialise, spend time with the family, have a bit of time free to enjoy a game.

    I turn on the PC repeat the same mission for my toons each day, a mission that doesn't change and is the same each time, I've got a bit extra time one day but no the mission is time gated forcing me to repeat the same grind each day.

    Is this the dev idea of fun.......at least take the time gate off the mission so If we want we came do the same mission with full reward for the same toon repeatedly.

    Ohh and ' we have to work a little harder'........ I play this game as escapism from work.

    Where ever you go, there you are.......

    Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    warpet wrote: »
    so for u guys is better to have free useless 9 console no universal console ship like every year then to work a bit for 10 consoles +universal console ship?

    Actually, yes. I would prefer the ship for free (as was the Obelisk, and the 3yr Ambassador, and ships prior). My issue (other than I am tired of grinding, and I do realize it is my choice to grind or not) is that what was once a truly free perk (do 1 mission), that many looked upon as a gift of thanks for being with the game that long, has been replaced with a 15 day grind.

    If they gave the ship with the 1st mission, and assuming it comes with a console (this is just speculation), that you had to earn the Qmendations to get the console from Q... I would have been OK with that.

    I'd be fine with the 9 console ship, with no console (as has been customary for anniversary events)... and the 10 console version in the Spire (since it is Hybrid Dyson tech), that I would have to grind materials for...

    The point I am disappointed in, is that they have now moved the anniversary celebration (this is what it has been for the 1st three years), into a grind.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    litchy74 wrote: »
    Is this the dev idea of fun.......at least take the time gate off the mission so If we want we came do the same mission with full reward for the same toon repeatedly.
    In their view this is the moment you should take out your wallet and just spend your money on Master Keys to get some Lobi and purchase the Anniversary ship(s) that way.

    That's why I said earlier that I'm not sure which method is better - to provide us with a completely free 9-console ship and put an upgraded 10-console version to the C-Store/Fleet Store/Lobi Store (like the Odyssey, Ambassador or Obelisk) or to run a pointless and tedious mission so that people who have the time and patience can get it for free, while others will need to pay the money (or not get a thing).

    I understand that Cryptic needs to find a way to encourage people to spend their money in some way within the game, but they shouldn't force them to do so with a carrot on a stick and a hamster wheel.
  • enablingenabling Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Frankly, I do not know if I'll grind for this new ship or not, I really don't.

    What I do know is that once the winter event ended I just had to take a break from sto. Last time I logged on was on the 15th. I assumed I wouldn't log on again till the 30th at least. and I usually log on daily, (think of this as a commentary to the metrics).

    With the rep grind for Dyson sphere, the (2) romulans alt, and the winter event I've just grown numb. (and that is With grinding to tier 5 in the dyson sphere on only on char and sponsoring the rest).

    About a week after the beginning of the winter event I stopped caring about refining the full amount of dili per day.

    This is the problem with all the grind. people will just give/burn out, and leave the game.

    I know I don't have to grind for this (those) ship(s), but if it is so great that it'll be worth my while... (you can complete this sentence yourself). It's the same with the other rep grinds - in order to be competitive you just have to do it.

    And it's no fun, esp if you do it on (all) your alts.

    I would advise that if - if - this foolhardiness be maintained, raise the bonus to 800 marks and have us run the grind for extra 5 times. It's not about getting something great for free (although sci have defiantly deserve some love), but about giving your players - your workers - some slack.

    What do I mean by 'workers'?

    STO is currently a f2p mmo. This means that at least some of the content is generated by the players (for example, pvp, but this post is not about that. The dili exchange, the regular exchange, ec brought into the game, stf teams, etc. We (the f2p players) are doing all of that. That is what we bring into sto.

    And it's hard work*.

    With all due respect for sto developers, if they can't provide us with new content, they (you) should at least not direct us to of this constant grind instead, in order to to keep us online.

    Again, for myself, I don't know if i'll bother anymore.


    I am a strictly f2p only, I spend no money on sto, However, I have bought services from the zen store by using the dili exchange.

    More importantly, I provide refine dili and goods for the exchanges. I provide a solid teammate for stf and I donate constantly for the fleets SB (over 10m FC).

    I have amassed quite a lot of wealth in my 2+ years in sto:
    I have one attack ship and one temporal destroyer waiting it the bank. I fly Wells on my sci, and fleet ship on my other alts. I have over 1.5b EC, about 2m refined dili in 4 chars. I also have (almost) all the rep grind ships and stuff on all my chars.

    I disclose those thing to show that I am a serious player - maybe too much - or, at least I was, it remains to be seen.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited January 2014
    Was going to come in and bash this "announcement" but after reading some of the posts, other players have done an awesome job. But I still feel like saying my piece:

    This is a horrendous idea for these reasons:

    1) Another grind after a series of grinds last fall including the new rep and winter wonderland
    2) Monotonous not alternative way to earn
    3) Time gate and limited window makes it even more hectic
    4) It is not a gift if you have to work for it and spend lobi
    5) Escalation of greed ... previously you got a 9 console ship for free and paid $20 or $25 in store. Now you either grind your eyes out or spend lobi (easily $100 or more)
    6) Not an account unlock
    7) Hideous designs btw and not canon. Liked the Ambassador but couldn't give a rat's TRIBBLE for this hybrid TRIBBLE
    8) Free giveaways don't make up this
    9) Tired of grinds. Fleet grind, rep grind, holdings grind, dilithium grind. Wasn't this supposed to be a game?

    Another epic failure in a long line of epic failures. Guess Cryptic is a master at torpedoing an exciting event.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Actually, yes. I would prefer the ship for free (as was the Obelisk, and the 3yr Ambassador, and ships prior). My issue (other than I am tired of grinding, and I do realize it is my choice to grind or not) is that what was once a truly free perk (do 1 mission), that many looked upon as a gift of thanks for being with the game that long, has been replaced with a 15 day grind.

    Well put.

    The anniversary event was a qualitively different event to the winter wonderland or risa.

    Now it isn't. And that is not a good sign.

    Diversity is good, monoculture bad.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2014


    The QQing is really getting out of hand. Yeah, it's a grind. Yeah, it comes right after the winter event, with all of its issues (seriously, devs, kill the creepy chef already). But...

    --According to Word Of BranFlakes, these ships are really cool and special in a way we haven't seen before.

    --It is LIKELY that they are 10-console ships (although I'd like confirmation on that), and that they have a really awesome new mechanic to go with them.

    --Also, the grind is SIGNIFICANTLY less than it was for the Winter and Summer events.

    --Finally, we're getting a new FE with a Trek actor VO. And a complete revamp of the Fed missions. And some sweet new QoL upgrades. And a new expansion later this year, and a mysterious event in March.

    Frankly, I'm not upset. I'm excited. A little disappointed about the grind, and I'll really lose it if these are no more special than, say, the Obelisk carrier, but overall, this is a good thing.
  • dom1941dom1941 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hello everyone hopefully the devs too, Im sure im on the wrong thread BUT I am going to speak my mind. PWE STOP THIS. Please its obvious people don't want to grind anymore. Now before I get bitched at by others who say "Then don't do it" I say this...this is the ANNIVERSARY event I shouldn't need to grind for one games accomplishments over a period of time. I miss the old events, before the rep, was there grinding? yes. will their still be grinding? Of course there will be...but IMO at least this has gone way to far, I hope this message wont get me banned and I hope all of you understand my deep frustration with this, thank you all to those who read and or care.
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    --According to Word Of BranFlakes, these ships are really cool and special in a way we haven't seen before.

    --It is LIKELY that they are 10-console ships (although I'd like confirmation on that), and that they have a really awesome new mechanic to go with them.

    --Also, the grind is SIGNIFICANTLY less than it was for the Winter and Summer events.

    All which is great, but still doesn't make the choice to do it this way any less annoying.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited January 2014
    Stop trolling legitimate and honest criticism of this latest cash grab / mind numbing grind. If you want to troll, the Doom thread is THAT way.

    worffan101 wrote: »


    The QQing is really getting out of hand. Yeah, it's a grind. Yeah, it comes right after the winter event, with all of its issues (seriously, devs, kill the creepy chef already). But...

    --According to Word Of BranFlakes, these ships are really cool and special in a way we haven't seen before.

    --It is LIKELY that they are 10-console ships (although I'd like confirmation on that), and that they have a really awesome new mechanic to go with them.

    --Also, the grind is SIGNIFICANTLY less than it was for the Winter and Summer events.

    --Finally, we're getting a new FE with a Trek actor VO. And a complete revamp of the Fed missions. And some sweet new QoL upgrades. And a new expansion later this year, and a mysterious event in March.

    Frankly, I'm not upset. I'm excited. A little disappointed about the grind, and I'll really lose it if these are no more special than, say, the Obelisk carrier, but overall, this is a good thing.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Looks like another ship I'll be skipping then. I skipped the Breen ship the first go around because I hated the idea of doing that race over and over and over. I skipped the summer ship. I finally forced myself to do the breen ship this year, and found it as tedious and annoying as I thought it would be. No way am I doing another ship grind so soon after.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited January 2014
    dom1941 wrote: »
    Hello everyone hopefully the devs too, Im sure im on the wrong thread BUT I am going to speak my mind. PWE STOP THIS. Please its obvious people don't want to grind anymore. Now before I get bitched at by others who say "Then don't do it" I say this...this is the ANNIVERSARY event I shouldn't need to grind for one games accomplishments over a period of time. I miss the old events, before the rep, was there grinding? yes. will their still be grinding? Of course there will be...but IMO at least this has gone way to far, I hope this message wont get me banned and I hope all of you understand my deep frustration with this, thank you all to those who read and or care.

    Asian grind fest in all but name. I hope everyone sees that. Maybe some day, people will realize that there is no such thing as a free lunch or F2P. You pay for it ... dearly.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • kyuzos7kyuzos7 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    i believe we should all reserve judgement till the ship specs are known.
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    greyhame3 wrote: »
    All which is great, but still doesn't make the choice to do it this way any less annoying.

    Not disputing that it is annoying. However, I bet that some devs worked overtime to get this done, and that this is basically the only thing they've been doing besides bug fixes ever since S8 went up (I'll bet that the winter event and the refined Klingon content were already set up and ready to be plugged in). They worked their asses off to get us ships with
    extremely amazing bells and whistles, and even 2 new mechanics being introduced for the first time.
    Sounds like they will be worth about 10 minutes per day for 16 days (10 minutes was how long the winter race took on a bad day).
  • dom1941dom1941 Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    macronius wrote: »
    Asian grind fest in all but name. I hope everyone sees that. Maybe some day, people will realize that there is no such thing as a free lunch or F2P. You pay for it ... dearly.

    So it seems yes I fully agree. I hope so as well
  • oracle54oracle54 Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This one hopes, despite knowing better, that you will at least give him another ship slot to play with this 'amazing' new ship. Unfortunately, he does know better...
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    What I don't understand is 'why.' I mean if someone is going to log on an hour a day either way, then why make them do something they don't like instead of just let them have the ship, then let them go play with it. Its not like a they make profit just from us being around, only if we spend money, and people are more likely to spend money if they're having fun, not bored. Grind is only profitable insomuch as it encourages us to spend.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hi Captains,

    This image was taken from Tribble, but I wanted to provide a few important notes about this. The free ships this year are not your average Anniversary ship; they've got some extremely amazing bells and whistles, and even 2 new mechanics being introduced for the first time (more info soon). Because of this, you'll need to work a tad bit harder for a free ship over just running an episode one time. However! You will receive a package of 400 Qmendations as a one-time reward the first time you complete the Featured Episode, "A Step Between Stars." That means you only need to collect 600 more, which at 40 a day from completing a short daily, will take 15 days out of the 25+ days the event runs. There should also be a Lobi option for additional/ substitute Qmendations.

    All of this info and much more will be coming up in our Dev Blogs next week, and I think once you see the ships, you'll see why a little extra effort for the ships will be more than worth it.


    Brandon =/\=

    I'm normally supportive of what you guys do, but I've got to say that I am not looking forward to grinding the same mission over and over for 15 out of 25 days per character for a ship... after having just done that for three of my characters during the winter event.

    This is more than "just a little extra effort". And it's more time-consuming than it sounds. You might as well have put these ships in the C-Store and been done with it.

    Maybe I'll change my mind after I see the stats, but those ships are going to have to be pretty amazing for me to do it even one time.

    Please, please do not start pushing everything into the Event system with 1000 point projects. You start turning all of these promotions into 25 day grindfests and people are going to start getting fed up with them. I know I was looking forward to not having to grind out another one-mission Event for at least a few months. I have fleet projects I need to spend time on.

    I would have happily played through a 5-episode FE series to get a ship. I get that you can't realistically do that kind of thing very often. If you had left the Event timing more open-ended, I would have been okay with that too. Or give us the whole month of February to run it ten times. Or make the dang reward account-wide.

    ANYTHING to make this tolerable to those of us who have alts and like it like that. That's my feedback.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    macronius wrote: »
    Asian grind fest in all but name. I hope everyone sees that. Maybe some day, people will realize that there is no such thing as a free lunch or F2P. You pay for it ... dearly.

    ive said it before.. going free to play doesn't help anyone but the developer.. and as far as the community goes, there is a definite difference.. (i refered to as going free to play is like changing an apartment building to section 8 housing.. usually doesn't go all that well lol..)..

    but yes, unfortunately, we can complain and what not all we want, but it wont change anything.. cryptic has made their decisions, and wont change their ways..

    all i can say, is if you don't like it, don't pay for it.. that is the only way they will listen, is if it hurts their pockets.. i truly don't think anyone who is against this should run or buy the ships.. stop it here and now.. it would be awesome if this happened, but i wont hold my breath.. lol
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