When playing STO, I always play as a male. I'm a male so I feel its more immersive as my own gender. I can get into the game more and when I RP - I can be myself in this amazing gameworld!
I love this game - wayyy more than I ever expected to and I don't want women to take offense when someone asks if they are male or female irl. Truth is, if more players played their own gender ingame then most wouldn't even think to ask. (Unless you are playing STO to find yourself a Trekkie to date - m or f)
I would love to know who plays males and who plays females. Men or women - boys and girls. Lets find out if more males play as females than females play as males!
Fed - male - Xalon
Rom - male - Xalion
KDF - male - Xaos
And I am a MALE irl.
Thanks for posting and I hope I get to group or rp with most of you ingame sometime! and HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!
I'm a guy IRL but I play a female character 90% of the time if the game gives me a choice and I have literally no idea whatsoever why. Female Bajoran Fed (my avatar), male Lethean KDF.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
[10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh." "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness."~Day[9] "Your fun isn't wrong."~LaughingTrendy
I prefer to play my sex in the bedroom with my wife. Am I right guys? High five? Don't leave me hanging?
Oh come on, it wasn't that bad of a joke.
Mine are about 80/20 male/female. Over other MMOs and games where gender choice isn't fixed, I'd say it skews a bit lower, maybe 70/30. I'm much more likely to play a female character if it actually affects the experience, such as Fallout and Mass Effect were some situations play out differently or offer different solutions depending on your gender.
Fed Male Tac officer: Basically me, even has my name.
Fed female Engineer Bajoran.
Fed Male Sci
Female Orion Sci
Male Alien[drow] eng
Female Rom tac
Male alien eng
Split it about 50/50 just because.
And sometimes as a guy and I have no shame, you don't want to look at a guys behind as he runs.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
My Friends, does a game avatar really matter? It's not like you can pick up girls in this virtual realm. However; I tend to play more males than female avatars. Gender really does not matter to me, it is just an avatar. Has anyone ever played Scarlet Blade? Play it at your own risk. The game is sexist to the bone and designed for the younger male crowd.
that thread title can be translated a few different ways btw. maybe a good idea to replace the word sex with gender. i used to have the nickname "one lap wonder" and got pm'ed about it from a female racer on a forum elsewhere a while back about it without realizing that it can be translated into "that" way :P.
got 7 males and 7 females ingame.
split up 5 feds, 5 kdf and 4 roms.
not telling you my gender, see no reason to.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
If males played as males for the most part, there would be no need to even wonder if someone ur grouped with is playing their own sex.
There's no need to wonder it anyway. It's a game, and allegedly a Role-Playing game at that.
There is no valid reason to even care what human gender is controlling the cat-person or catfish-faced (Benzite, anyone?) alien you're playing alongside.
That said, male player, 10 characters, 8 male and 2 female. (And two of the males are actually even Human. :P )
I have three characters, all of which are Male. Those are an Andorian, a Saurian and a Klingon. I am Male myself.
I don't truly see any practical reason for any normal Male to play a Female character unless they were being at least a little bit perverted. Lets be honest about it. If someone managed to figure out a ratio of all Women playing Male characters (by choice) and all Men playing female characters (again, by choice) you can bet the male ratio would be the higher one cause we tend to be more perverted in the sense.
Say what you will, but that's the truth about it. All you guys playing with women (should I rephrase that) you're all perverts. :P If that isn't the case, then it's quite simply likely to be that said person has grown a little too attracted to their polygon officers.
After coming back to STO, Ive noticed there are tons and tons of males playing as females, and even some females playing as males.
I made this post because I'm sick of females thinking its "creepy" or "rude" to ask if someone is male or female. If males played as males for the most part, there would be no need to even wonder if someone ur grouped with is playing their own sex.
While i dont think its creepy to ask people their real life gender in a casual conversation, i do think its none of anyone's business if the other person does not want to answer, and it slightly worries me that you have taken the time to find out 'tons' of peoples real life genders. I fail to see why it matters?
why should males play as males, just so you know who is who? what does it matter to you who a person is?
Say what you will, but that's the truth about it. All you guys playing with women (should I rephrase that) you're all perverts. :P If that isn't the case, then it's quite simply likely to be that said person has grown a little too attracted to their polygon officers.
I take offense at that statement!
I just happen to prefer to look at a female running around, rather than a male. Does not mean I am a pervert, or am sexually attracted to my characters :rolleyes:
I have to say, it's funny and sad at the same time, how much emphasis and attention people pay to the concept of "gender" (Although to be technical, word 'sex' is more accurate here, given it's the physical sex you are born with... while word 'gender' is a stupid society construct which should be blown out of the sky, from the dictionaries and from humankind mindset too).
Just play and be whatever you want. Sheesh. Some people, seriously. :P
[10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh." "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness."~Day[9] "Your fun isn't wrong."~LaughingTrendy
Does not mean I am a pervert, or am sexually attracted to my characters.
You are at the very least more attracted to the viewing of polygons shaped in female form than you are male form. True?
On a related, but unrelated note, I bet half the people complaining about this are only complaining because, when they talk to one of these female toons, they're not actually sure whether they're talking to a guy or a girl. They get all excited thinking they've found a girl gamer, only to find out they've just thrown up over a guy.
Fed-male (TRIBBLE Vulcan), male (sexist, offensively heterosexual Ferengi), female (pansexual "living weapon" who doesn't care what other people think of anything she does).
Rommie-female (TRIBBLE Romulan).
KDF-female (straight Klingon with MASSIVE anger issues), male (genially bored/disinterested Gorn), female (Joined Trill with a fun backstory, because that's the only way I see a joined trill as a KDF lieutenant at any point in the STO storyline).
IRL: Male and straight, preferring strong, tough women with attitude. Jadzia Dax, the Borg Queen, the Duras sisters--pretty much anyone who's woman enough for Worf.
I don't really care either way, even when I rp. (I like light RP, nothing too serious, although as an amateur actor I like a bit of a challenge)
I have three characters, all of which are Male. Those are an Andorian, a Saurian and a Klingon. I am Male myself.
I don't truly see any practical reason for any normal Male to play a Female character unless they were being at least a little bit perverted. Lets be honest about it. If someone managed to figure out a ratio of all Women playing Male characters (by choice) and all Men playing female characters (again, by choice) you can bet the male ratio would be the higher one cause we tend to be more perverted in the sense.
Say what you will, but that's the truth about it. All you guys playing with women (should I rephrase that) you're all perverts. :P If that isn't the case, then it's quite simply likely to be that said person has grown a little too attracted to their polygon officers.
What you think is the truth and what the truth actually is are too very different things.
So its ok to create an andorian, a klingon and a reptilian like alien which are not even the same species as us, but playing as a female means people are perverts and going too far?
I dont create female characters because i fancy computer generated characters, or because i'm perverted. i create them because I like variety in my characters. whether they are giant lizards, or liberated borg, or whatever. female characters often have different clothing options and i like to mix up my characters so they all look very different.
Say what you will, but that's the truth about it. All you guys playing with women (should I rephrase that) you're all perverts. :P If that isn't the case, then it's quite simply likely to be that said person has grown a little too attracted to their polygon officers.
"My name is Phil Robertson, and I support this statement." :P
The GENDER I play ingame is female.
I don't do the naughty thing on/with my computer. My missus is jealous enough of my avatar. She would drop the hammer on me if she caught me... ...immersing myself... :eek:
I'm male and have two male characters (Human Federation & a Klingon) and a female Romulan. I went female for that for a touch of balance. As it turns out, I think the Romulan plot does seem more suited to a female character. But that could just be my sexist neanderthal inner-self talking.
Fed-male (TRIBBLE Vulcan), male (sexist, offensively heterosexual Ferengi), female (pansexual "living weapon" who doesn't care what other people think of anything she does).
What you think is the truth and what the truth actually is are too very different things.
I swear some people take some things far too seriously. :rolleyes: Either way, my previous statement, it's an opinion (my opinion) thus, from my perspective, I'm not wrong. It's what I happen to believe.
So its ok to create an andorian, a klingon and a reptilian like alien which are not even the same species as us, but playing as a female means people are perverts and going too far?
I never said people were going to far, I only said they were perverted.
If you create an Andorian, Klingon or Reptilian Male you're missing a couple of features. One of them tends to be TRIBBLE. It's no secret that in society TRIBBLE have become a big thing (sometimes too big, but that typically depends on the implants). You can jump to a hundred different games and you'll see the same thing. Game developers flaunt these features at us because they know it attracts us.
Season 7 had a Vulcan with her shirt undone. Not your traditional Vulcan. Normally a Vulcan would be all dressed up, and looking at where she's firing her phaser, but not this one. Cryptic/PWE did this because they knew it would attract male viewers (male moreso because there tend to be more guys playing these games than there are girls). LoR, what did we have there, a strapping young romulan officer? Oh! No, we had another woman with a devious look in her eye. Why? Because it attracts viewers.
Why do you think there are so many Female Orions running around? Sex Appeal, even if it's of the polygon variety.
I dont create female characters because i fancy computer generated characters, or because i'm perverted. i create them because I like variety in my characters. whether they are giant lizards, or liberated borg, or whatever. female characters often have different clothing options and i like to mix up my characters so they all look very different.
:rolleyes: The female characters of this game have enlarged chest areas and the option to wear skirts. That's it. I suppose you've got more hair features too. Otherwise, they look pretty much the same.
KDF - Male
Fed - Male
Fed - Male
Fed - Female
Fed - Female
Romulan - Female
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
KDF; 2x Male, 1x Female
Romulan; 1x Male, 2x Female
And i'm male in reality.
So pseudo-full male for a male
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
The ratio of the sexes of my characters are 50:50.
Helpful Tools: Dictionary.com - Logical fallacies - Random generator - Word generator - Color tool - Extra Credits - List of common English language errors - New T6 Big booty tutorial
Fed = Male alien (freaky reptillian)
KDF = Gorn male
Rom = Romulan male
I do not erp but the sf dentals used to keep humping me on Drozana station :rolleyes:.
Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
Oh come on, it wasn't that bad of a joke.
Mine are about 80/20 male/female. Over other MMOs and games where gender choice isn't fixed, I'd say it skews a bit lower, maybe 70/30. I'm much more likely to play a female character if it actually affects the experience, such as Fallout and Mass Effect were some situations play out differently or offer different solutions depending on your gender.
Fed Male Tac officer: Basically me, even has my name.
Fed female Engineer Bajoran.
Fed Male Sci
Female Orion Sci
Male Alien[drow] eng
Female Rom tac
Male alien eng
Split it about 50/50 just because.
And sometimes as a guy and I have no shame, you don't want to look at a guys behind as he runs.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Fed Main: Female Lib Borg.
KDF Main: Female Orion.
Rom Main: Male Reman.
I always usually have female characters.....
Stay Thirsty
got 7 males and 7 females ingame.
split up 5 feds, 5 kdf and 4 roms.
not telling you my gender, see no reason to.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
There's no need to wonder it anyway. It's a game, and allegedly a Role-Playing game at that.
There is no valid reason to even care what human gender is controlling the cat-person or catfish-faced (Benzite, anyone?) alien you're playing alongside.
That said, male player, 10 characters, 8 male and 2 female. (And two of the males are actually even Human. :P )
I don't truly see any practical reason for any normal Male to play a Female character unless they were being at least a little bit perverted. Lets be honest about it. If someone managed to figure out a ratio of all Women playing Male characters (by choice) and all Men playing female characters (again, by choice) you can bet the male ratio would be the higher one cause we tend to be more perverted in the sense.
Say what you will, but that's the truth about it. All you guys playing with women (should I rephrase that) you're all perverts. :P If that isn't the case, then it's quite simply likely to be that said person has grown a little too attracted to their polygon officers.
While i dont think its creepy to ask people their real life gender in a casual conversation, i do think its none of anyone's business if the other person does not want to answer, and it slightly worries me that you have taken the time to find out 'tons' of peoples real life genders. I fail to see why it matters?
why should males play as males, just so you know who is who? what does it matter to you who a person is?
What on earth is there to adjust too?
I take offense at that statement!
I just happen to prefer to look at a female running around, rather than a male. Does not mean I am a pervert, or am sexually attracted to my characters :rolleyes:
Just play and be whatever you want. Sheesh. Some people, seriously. :P
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
Could you be in denial?
You are at the very least more attracted to the viewing of polygons shaped in female form than you are male form. True?
On a related, but unrelated note, I bet half the people complaining about this are only complaining because, when they talk to one of these female toons, they're not actually sure whether they're talking to a guy or a girl. They get all excited thinking they've found a girl gamer, only to find out they've just thrown up over a guy.
Rommie-female (TRIBBLE Romulan).
KDF-female (straight Klingon with MASSIVE anger issues), male (genially bored/disinterested Gorn), female (Joined Trill with a fun backstory, because that's the only way I see a joined trill as a KDF lieutenant at any point in the STO storyline).
IRL: Male and straight, preferring strong, tough women with attitude. Jadzia Dax, the Borg Queen, the Duras sisters--pretty much anyone who's woman enough for Worf.
I don't really care either way, even when I rp. (I like light RP, nothing too serious, although as an amateur actor I like a bit of a challenge)
What you think is the truth and what the truth actually is are too very different things.
So its ok to create an andorian, a klingon and a reptilian like alien which are not even the same species as us, but playing as a female means people are perverts and going too far?
I dont create female characters because i fancy computer generated characters, or because i'm perverted. i create them because I like variety in my characters. whether they are giant lizards, or liberated borg, or whatever. female characters often have different clothing options and i like to mix up my characters so they all look very different.
"My name is Phil Robertson, and I support this statement." :P
I don't do the naughty thing on/with my computer. My missus is jealous enough of my avatar. She would drop the hammer on me if she caught me... ...immersing myself... :eek:
FED-allied Romulan - female - T'kav
KDF Orion - female - K'nesh
I am male in real life.
I swear some people take some things far too seriously. :rolleyes: Either way, my previous statement, it's an opinion (my opinion) thus, from my perspective, I'm not wrong. It's what I happen to believe.
I never said people were going to far, I only said they were perverted.
If you create an Andorian, Klingon or Reptilian Male you're missing a couple of features. One of them tends to be TRIBBLE. It's no secret that in society TRIBBLE have become a big thing (sometimes too big, but that typically depends on the implants). You can jump to a hundred different games and you'll see the same thing. Game developers flaunt these features at us because they know it attracts us.
Season 7 had a Vulcan with her shirt undone. Not your traditional Vulcan. Normally a Vulcan would be all dressed up, and looking at where she's firing her phaser, but not this one. Cryptic/PWE did this because they knew it would attract male viewers (male moreso because there tend to be more guys playing these games than there are girls). LoR, what did we have there, a strapping young romulan officer? Oh! No, we had another woman with a devious look in her eye. Why? Because it attracts viewers.
Why do you think there are so many Female Orions running around? Sex Appeal, even if it's of the polygon variety.
:rolleyes: The female characters of this game have enlarged chest areas and the option to wear skirts. That's it. I suppose you've got more hair features too. Otherwise, they look pretty much the same.