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Do you play your own gender ingame? POLL TIME!!



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    groomofweirdgroomofweird Member Posts: 1,045 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ^ yeah the one thing i hear from fleet members who are male playing females is "if i have to look at somebody's butt all day it may as well be a females". And whilst thats not my philosophy pe say i get it.
    "If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
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    ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited December 2013
    Typically prior to playing STO, my choices were always male (as I am male).

    But shortly after joining STO, a good friend said this to me:
    If you're going to be staring at someone's rear-end for most of the game (ground, esd etc), you may as well be staring at a good-looking tuchus.

    Since then 4 of my 7 toons have been female. Oddly enough, my choice in starship has been governed by the principle as well.
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    sarreoussarreous Member Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm a guy, my first couple of characters were male before I branched off into female characters. I've found that with female characters, regardless of game, I spend a lot of extra time customizing uniforms/outfits. I don't know what it is, I just like the various styles, colors, combinations, etc. So maybe that's a large part of it for me.

    There's also the roleplaying aspect. I'm into writing (though I'm out of practice), so I like to have various backgrounds to work with. For example, one female I have is a Betazoid. She was once in Starfleet medical, then went renegade for yet unexplained reasons. Her crew is a hodepodge collection of aliens just trying to make it in the galaxy. Before this happened she had a daughter with a Vulcan. The daughter is my Lor character, who is trying to come to terms with her family, her life in general, and to top it off the drama with the Tal Shiar. She started in Starfleet, only to drop out to "find herself". What she unexpectedly found was the command seat to an out of date warbird.

    My male starfleet character is from some dinosaur like (nothing to do with the Voth) species. Similar to some species, they come in various sizes. He's more of a runt among his kind but makes up for it in intellectual pursuits and an ambitious streak.

    My male KDF is of a conquered species who obtained his own command mostly due to the war effort. (Or if you go by the new tutorial...). The General who assigned him didn't expect this to last, but despite a meek demeanor this "servant" is proving to be quite capable at vaporizing the enemies of the empire.

    More recently I've begun considering a new Romulan/KDF character with the possibility of a Fed counterpart. One would be male, the other female. But I'm only likely to do this if I combine it with some writing I've thought about doing.
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    xaosmg123 wrote: »
    boys or girls

    I play whatever gender seems like it'd give me the most interesting-to-look-at costume at the time.
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    elric071elric071 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well, this thread was an entertaining read :rolleyes:

    I am a male. I play 12 Alts. Male to female ratio is probably 40%/60%. I have to agree with ddesjardins's little piece of wisdom he picked up from a fleet-mate of his...If I gotta look at a rear end while I am running around, why not make it an aesthetically (sp?) pleasing rear end? :D

    I am also one of those people who try to make their male characters look as much like me, within the given species, as possible. My female characters I tend to make look like what I like in females...Am I a pervert? I don't think so, but you never know how you look through the eyes of others....

    Illigitimi Non Carborundum

    Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang
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    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,994 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I play as a male on all my characters
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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      capnshadow27capnshadow27 Member Posts: 1,731 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Well currently, i have 5 toons, 3 male and 2 female, going to make a 6th and have that one also be female.

      So i basically run the middle line, and even it out. I am male, and the reasoning behind my choice is just variety. Different costumes, different looks.

      Each one runs different specialities.

      I have a male alien, He does Science, and thus also has a pompousish name.

      Male Romulan, he is an Enginner, and kinda looked like a romulan billy zane and was named thus.

      Female vulcan, she is a Tactical officer.

      Female alien, also an Engineer.

      Male Gorn also Engineer.

      and the upcoming will be a female orion, and most likely Tactical.

      All different Races, genders, and careers. So i play a little of everything :D
      Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
      I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
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      xaosmg123xaosmg123 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Ok, first of all I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all the players that have responded to this post. Everyone seems really friendly and a bunch of you made me smile. That being said ,I just want to clarify some things...

      1 - I have come across many males playing as females and it never "bothered" me one bit. They were open about their gender after I asked and that was it. It was never mentioned again and we have grouped and chatted since and all has been great :)

      2 - Those of you who seemed to have taken offense to the fact that someone could care whether a character is male or female IRL - understand that even in STO, there are thousands of players that aren't part of the "mmo community". Players that haven't played RPGs or tabletop RPGs and the like. They log in, pick a male beause they are male(or female because they are female) and don't even think twice. Most don't even realize that there are hundreds of guys running around as females - up until they talk to one that ends up being into ERP or a little too forward or creepy. Then they start wondering whos playing that character they group with all the time - male or female character.

      Personally, I don't ask the question "are you male or female IRL?" too often. When I group and chat with someone a lot over time, and we start talking about more than what instance to run next or this console or that mission - then I'll want to know to get a bit of a better idea of who I am talking to. Or, if I'm going to RP with someone for a while(episode/instance/social area/etc) then I'll ask. 99% of the time, when I do ask, I get a yes or no answer - and that's it. Done deal and moving on. But when someone gets upset, or acts offended or negative and tries to hide their gender - then I wonder why and usually avoid that person.

      Some will be new to mmos and wonder why I asked. Then I explain how many males play as females and some females play as males. That I don't that and cant comprehend why someone would(unless homosexual - that I can understand) but as long as someone is fun to play with ingame and a friendly, nice person- they could be purple with five hands and be married to a horse for all I care lol. When I first played an mmorpg game years ago, I didn't think more than a handful of males played as female characters - up until I got verbally ERP attacked in a game's bar lol. Then some players explained how some players acted in mmorpgs and I was surprised.

      Most people don't "CARE" necessarily - but just like it is a player's choice to play a male or female character, it is also a player's choice to wonder if someone they talk to ingame is the same gender as their character.

      Also, a lot of people ask if a female character is a female IRL because they honestly cant believe that a woman would be playing an mmorpg - and def not a Trekkie! But they exist! lol

      So anyways, DONT GET OFFENDED when someone asks. Some players will ask you what State/Country you live in to get a better idea of your timezone to set up runs and such. Others want to know how old you are. Being a 33 yr old - I would have an easier time talking to someone ingame that's closer to my age than I would someone who could be my son or daughters age! lol. I have players as young as 10(I know the boys father and they are both in my fleet) and as old as 65 on my friends list.

      You can choose not to answer or you can answer without hesitation, Its your choice. Everyone has their own opinions based on their own experiences. Lets not judge others - just be open and friendly and we can all get to know a little more about eachother.

      So feel free to keep adding your info and we can see what others do and think ingame.

      This a forum for a GAME afterall. Some of the later posts seem to be heading towards arguments and some of the other posts make you smile and realize there are some amazingly friendly and nice players in STO.

      So have fun, and don't take the game too seriously:) HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERY1!!! S!
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      captainbaileycaptainbailey Member Posts: 356 Arc User
      edited December 2013

      30 toons
      I think like 4 are male the rest are female.

      If I am going to stare at a computer all day id rather stare at a girl. Also, it is too much of a sausage fest for me. Boobies for everyone, The bigger the better :D

      Btw any mmo I have ever played I mix the genders of the characters I create but I lean more heavily towards female as for the reasons I stated above.
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      xaosmg123xaosmg123 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      And I am soooooo happy that most of you are enjoying this thread :D

      I am glad that a lot of you are telling us how many characters you have and what their Factions are. Some of you are even saying what their classes are, their sexual preference, the ideas behind those characters and little backstories! Its awesome to know this community has some wonderful imagination and creativity!

      I didn't make this thread to be rude or offend anyone. I have my opinions and everyone has their own as well. But getting a better idea of what each player plays and the why allows many of us who are new to STO to get a better understanding of why people play the opposite sex.

      After reading the responses, I know I will always think a male playing a female is an AWESOME player with great character ideas, before I think of that player as possibly being an ERPer pervert lol. And that's because of the great responses in this thread! So woohoo! :)

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      dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      All my toons in STO are female. I've tried male toons on STO and other games but just don't like it most times. Most times male toons are hulking bodybuilders. STO's males aren't as bad as that but do have less customization options than the female toons.

      Plus, if I'm gonna spend hours staring at my toon's backside, I'd rather it be female. :D
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      worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      flash525 wrote: »
      Taking it to the extreme. I admire. ;)

      Taking it to the extreme in what way? The Romulan who misses her long-deceased girlfriend, or the pansexual genetic freak, or the TRIBBLE Vulcan?

      Or the sleazy Ferengi?
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      zachariyazachariya Member Posts: 156 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Male IRL
      2 Fed, Female
      1 KDF, Female
      1 Fed Aligned Romulan, Female
      I always roll female in MMO's. Started as something of a joke, became an odd tradition.
      Shoot through the Galaxy, Final Master Spark!
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      shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Speaking as an Andorian, I find all you two-sex species deeply, deeply weird. :D
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      futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      The very first character I made, who I played extensively for my first year in the game, is male (Trill).

      All the rest of my characters are chicks, 'cause I like playing space barbies.

      I am not a girl.
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      tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      My KDF Tac I play right now is one of the rarest of rare female Orion types..... she goes into combat usually in veteran armor or Honor Guard quv armor as opposed to a bikini and loincloth.
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      shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Actually, my Orion engineer is usually fully dressed; she saves the bikinis and stuff for casual social occasions.

      (I have a total of eight characters, all female - or, in my Andorian engineer's case, female in the eyes of you weird two-sex pinkskins.)
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      worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      shevet wrote: »
      Actually, my Orion engineer is usually fully dressed; she saves the bikinis and stuff for casual social occasions.

      (I have a total of eight characters, all female - or, in my Andorian engineer's case, female in the eyes of you weird two-sex pinkskins.)

      Andorians have how many genders, exactly?
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      tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      worffan101 wrote: »
      Andorians have how many genders, exactly?

      Non-canonically they have 4. Two roughly "male" types that fertilize; and two roughtly "female" types, one which produced eggs and one which does not contribute genetically but carries it. This is purely from the novels though.
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      aurigas7aurigas7 Member Posts: 488 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Male, and only male chars.
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      worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      tekehd wrote: »
      Non-canonically they have 4. Two roughly "male" types that fertilize; and two roughtly "female" types, one which produced eggs and one which does not contribute genetically but carries it. This is purely from the novels though.

      Wow. Just...wow.

      And nonsensical, for a cold-climate species. ESPECIALLY for a cold-climate sentient species. That's like...I mean, doubling the minimum number of parents? Downright stupid, TBH.

      </career biologist>
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      tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      worffan101 wrote: »
      Wow. Just...wow.

      And nonsensical, for a cold-climate species. ESPECIALLY for a cold-climate sentient species. That's like...I mean, doubling the minimum number of parents? Downright stupid, TBH.

      </career biologist>

      It's a plot construct. And one that doesn't vie with Canon used here... in that same plotline Andor is no longer a Federation member and many planets were destroyed in a massive Borg incursion before the Borg threat was ended by the Borg collective being absorbed by their parent race, the Caeliar.
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      starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      tekehd wrote: »
      Non-canonically they have 4. Two roughly "male" types that fertilize; and two roughtly "female" types, one which produced eggs and one which does not contribute genetically but carries it. This is purely from the novels though.

      Also, it's based on a throwaway line from ENT that Andorian marriages consist of four people, but that could just as easily mean polygamy.
      "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
      — Sabaton, "Great War"

      Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
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      sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      flash525 wrote: »
      Please don't.

      Why not? You out right branded any man that makes a female character, a pervert. :rolleyes:
      flash525 wrote: »
      Could you be in denial?

      flash525 wrote: »
      You are at the very least more attracted to the viewing of polygons shaped in female form than you are male form. True?

      Why would that even be a thing? In your world then, I could say that any man that prefers to look at a guy running around, is TRIBBLE?
      flash525 wrote: »
      On a related, but unrelated note, I bet half the people complaining about this are only complaining because, when they talk to one of these female toons, they're not actually sure whether they're talking to a guy or a girl. They get all excited thinking they've found a girl gamer, only to find out they've just thrown up over a guy.

      Huh? if you are talking about roleplay, then yes it would be creepy for a guy to pretend to be a woman for anything in life, not just games..

      Are you saying that anyone who plays an mmo, must be a role player, and must strictly pick their own gender?

      Such a boring world you must live in.....
      Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
      Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
      What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

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      panserbjorne39panserbjorne39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      I love the positive vibe of your post. I'm afraid you won't quite find as many positive friendly people in the STO forums that you can find in game. But none the less, I'd like to share too:

      I have five Characters. Two KDF, two Federation, and one KDF aligned Romulan.
      My original main is a Federation Vulcan Male Tactical captain. These days I spend most of my time doffing, PvP'ing and on Qo'nos trying to build and promote my fleet that I run with a couple other guys. Our fleet JoHa vo Etih is a small casual fleet and we're pretty low key. We like to joke around on voice chat and help each other with the many aspects of the game we all enjoy.
      I've become quite obsessed with all the different ships and have started collecting them. Right now I have around 18 ships in my dry dock. I like to try all the different Bridge Officer abilities and play styles so I have Captains in the three different classes.
      STO is the first MMO I've played and I have always been mostly a console gamer in the past. I grew up with TNG and the movies so Star Trek itself is what got me interested in this game and the free to play aspect as well. At the time I started playing I was unemployed and pretty lonely so a free to play MMO like STO was exactly what I needed at the time.
      Stark Trek is what brought me in. The really fun and interesting space combat and ships have been what's kept me around. Going back now and watching Deep Space 9 has made me appreciate a lot of the little cool details in the game that I didn't notice before.
      Wow, I only wish I had a newer computer that could run the graphics on high settings. I bet it's really great looking. Even with old TRIBBLE laptop a lot of the effects like Tyken's Rift and Beam Arrays look pretty sweet.
      Besides what I've mentioned, my other favorite aspect of the game is the friends I've made along the way. There's some great guys in my fleet that I feel like are genuine friends that I could count on and they've come to trust me and count on me too.
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      lordvalecortezlordvalecortez Member Posts: 479 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Main: Male.
      Alts: 4 Females, though one is my sister's toon. Drow don't belong in space.
      Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
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      jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      I watched Star Trek at my grandmothers house growing up, I must have awatched the Trouble with Tribbles a hundred times as that was one of only three she had. I found STO by accident, before I played only console games and RTS pc games and it is the first and only MMO I have enjoyed.
      I have 6 characters, 1 Klingon side, 2 Romulan Side, 3 Federation Side
      my main 3 are
      Shi'Sok - Federation - Andorian - Science - Flies a Mirror Deep Space Science Vessel
      Javar Natal - Federation - Bajoran - Engineering - Flies a Galor Cruiser
      Tra'vel - Romulan - Engineering - Flies a Scimitar Warbird

      My original is my Bajoran and for that reason has been respeced many times as I learned from these forums how to build a character.
      I play for fun tricks and strategic gameplay so tactical doesn't appeal to me but i like to experiment with different types of ships and universal consoles.
      I spend most of my time in STFs, Dyson Ground and Earth Spacedock.
      Unlike many who have posted on the forums I simply ignore the fact that I won't be likely to get a ship and open lockboxes almost daily for the special weapons and consoles.
      My Andorian I made during a immersion phase of mine and so he has only Andorian BOFFs. My favorite is a Cardassian I made from the Alien Creator on my Bajoran.

      I am always looking to meet new friendly people in STO to make my STO community more alive. I also enjoy helping new players and learning more about the game. If anyone ever needs help leveling a character through some patrol or story missions I am always happy to help.
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      kaiserkactokaiserkacto Member Posts: 482 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      Fed Male (main)
      Fed Female
      Romulan Male
      KDF Female

      I'm a guy IRL
      "In every age,
      In every place,
      The deeds of men remain the same..."
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      nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
      edited December 2013
      14 toons, only about 3 females:
      2 Joined trills (one is a MU version)
      and an Orion female, because who makes male orions? :rolleyes:
      Harden up Princess
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