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Do you play your own gender ingame? POLL TIME!!



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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    xaosmg123 wrote: »
    For those complaining about male characters being too young looking, or not enough muscle - I'll help.

    I'm a very built and athletic guy. So in games I play, if I'm able to, I will make my character look like myself. So in STO my main is a Fed-Human that I created to be me in this great gameworld.

    A couple of options you can mess around with to get a muscular character.

    Shoulder width, torso options, leg options, arm/leg muscle, the other shoulder option, hands and feet being a block bigger than other stuff (like 2/3 or 3/4 of the bar full)

    You can also play around with a characters neck and head shape so it fits your characters body type.

    An EASY way is to create a GORN character - then go look at the body sliders and see what is used for what. Then seeing this "muscular" template that most gorn characters get at the start, you go on your own character and do what you saw on the Gorn.

    Anyways, GL! S!

    Smart. I'll try this out.

    But what would make my day, for season 9? A muscle definition slider. So my Fed girl can be a 6'8" living weapon instead of a 6'8" lanky...well, unrealistically lanky person. And so that my Klingon can have some serious muscles. Bulk just doesn't do it for her.
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    onyxheart1onyxheart1 Member Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I play 8 toons all female

    i have three KDF toons, two Ferasans and a Klingon

    one ferasan is a Sci, she's a carrier captain and is the KDF equivalent of an explorer and researcher, she's also a TRIBBLE ^^

    my other ferasan toon is Tac, and is a spear point for the KDF, always at the forefront of battle, she is actually transgender and a pansexual (i roleplay her that way anyway, she's male to female)

    my final toon is the klingon, an engineer and Raider captain, fierce like all klingons, she eschews ranged weapons for her bat'leth at every opportunity

    I have three Fed captains, a trill, caitian, and a vulcan

    my caitian engineer is a deep cover Starfleet Intelligence operative spying on the forces of the Mirror Universe

    My Trill is a mercenary in the employ of Starfleet Intelligence as well, doing the dirty work most starfleet officers would be loathe to, she like my KDF sci is also a TRIBBLE

    My newest Fed is my Vulcan Sci, logical to a fault, but also hopeful of reunification between her people and the romulans, she is more asexual than anything, really doesn't pay attention to sex unless she is experiencing pon farr.

    Finally i have two Republic toons, a Romulan and a Reman

    Romulan is a sci, and like my vulcan, not very interested in sex, not that she's unfeeling, she loves to socialize, but she's a cerebral person

    and my Reman, an engineer, is really a playful woman, but many consider her species...unlovely, so she rarely gets a chance to be romantic with others, and being a Republic Intelligence operative seeking out the Tal Shiar far from Republic space doesn't help either :P

    That said, i rarely ERP...though i have in the past, not going to lie, i am a role player sometimes, other times i just like to pew pew

    And as for gender....i'm like my ferasan, a male to female transgendered person :)
    KDF for Life! <3 Romulan at Heart <3 Fed cause they made me ~ :P
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    jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Well, the devs and mods are gonna hit you pretty hard...

    Seriously, I throw snowballs at nude modders. I caught one once in winter wonderland about two weeks back. Me and a gang of my fleetmates snowballed him until he logged. Good, clean, honest fun. :D

    Nude modders should be permabanned, both for being pathetic and for being annoying.

    ...how exactly can you tell? Display changes like that are entirely client-side. Unless the person in question made the mistake of wearing the tattered Orion top with an otherwise full set of metal Orion gear, there should be no way you can reasonably discern who does or does not use those mods.

    Unless, of course, you use those mods as well, in which case the affected articles would indeed also be visible to you. But that would mean you have the mod also, which further means you forfeit any right to pick on others using it.
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    clearbeardclearbeard Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Being a heterosexual male, I find that I enjoy watching female characters on screen more than I go for "immersion" by playing a male character. I have a mix of both genders but spend most of my game time "handling" my Orion slave girl.
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    akatsubaki1986akatsubaki1986 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This is a loaded question, simply because it depends on typical norms of there only being two genders and noting more. That said there are a lot of more gender fluid people than most people think there are. On top of that more and more people are becoming more and more open about it.

    I'm a MTF Transgenderist (Simply meaning that I'm male but dress, act, look, and try to be more female. Transgenderist is actually a term that means I'll do any feminizing procedure short of actual gender reassignment surgery.) I also happen to have XX male syndorme, which means technically I'm genetically female. One or both of my X chromosomes happen to have male genetic information so I was born physically male.

    Anyways and TL:DR, being a gender fluid feminine male... I actually will play either gender depending on my mood. But I tend to play females more often if I have the option of putting my character in a skirt, because I'm more comfortable in a skirt. Seriously just looking at pants makes me uncomfortable most of the time, and yes I'm weird, and proud to be an oddball. My primary character is a Romulan female.
    flash525 wrote: »
    I have three characters, all of which are Male. Those are an Andorian, a Saurian and a Klingon. I am Male myself.

    I don't truly see any practical reason for any normal Male to play a Female character unless they were being at least a little bit perverted. Lets be honest about it. If someone managed to figure out a ratio of all Women playing Male characters (by choice) and all Men playing female characters (again, by choice) you can bet the male ratio would be the higher one cause we tend to be more perverted in the sense.

    Say what you will, but that's the truth about it. All you guys playing with women (should I rephrase that) you're all perverts. :P If that isn't the case, then it's quite simply likely to be that said person has grown a little too attracted to their polygon officers.

    Hey just because you're a pervert doesn't mean everyone else is. Some guys and gals like to play as the opposite gender because these are role playing games, you know FANTASY! There other reasons to play the opposite gender aside from perversion. Like; self expression, curiosity, role playing, non-sexual aesthetic preference, and more motivations than I can really list other than being perverted. So quit projecting, admit you're a pervert, and indulge your self by making a female toon.

    Seriously though if we were all the same, and had the same motivation for doing things like, playing the opposite sex in a role playing games... Then life would be really boring as hell. Does playing an alien species mean that someone is a xenophile? No it doesn't because this is fantasy. So stop; being narrow, projecing, and/or trolling.
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    nikkojtnikkojt Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    As a male, all 5 of my characters are female. No, I'm not TRIBBLE or transgender, I just find male characters in most games to be horrendously generic.

    Also, my main's bridge crew is entirely female, for reasons which fall quite far outside the "philosophy & morals" area :P
    I am NikkoJT, Foundry author and terrible player. Follow me!
    There used to be a picture here, but they changed signatures and I can't be bothered to replace it.
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    lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm male. All 5 of my characters are male, as are their entire bridge crews and away teams.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
    My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
    Click here to view my DeviantArt.
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I bet I could make a drinking game of how many times the "I want to look at a backside that pleases me" defense is put up for female characters played by male players. But then I might need to go to an emergency room for alcohol poisoning if I followed it too closely.

    It would bother me less if more male players had even the slightest sense of fashion or at least color coordination. It's usually painfully obvious who is male playing female: all white "angelic yet naughty" gogo boots and bikinis, like something out of an AXE commercial. :rolleyes:

    I have one female character, out of seven. And she's a character first. I made her beautiful in an alien way but tasteful. That doesn't mean prudish, mind you. Just not "zomg this is my pretend waifu" material.
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mb52 wrote: »
    Depends on the game really..

    First person games.. doesn't matter. 3rd person games though I prefer female toons, despite being male cause.. honestly I prefer to look at a nice female behind while adventuring over the... uh other option. :P

    I never felt the urge to look at any male character's rear while playing them. There's a lot more going on screen.

    Then again, there's a reason that those silly Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball games were so popular I suppose. Why they don't just download you-know-what nice and free from the 60% of the internet that provides it and need PG-13 stimulation all the time is beyond me.
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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    It's usually painfully obvious who is male playing female: all white "angelic yet naughty" gogo boots and bikinis, like something out of an AXE commercial. :rolleyes:

    You wont find these on any of the female toons I play (I did make a Rommie who has a pink theme but she doesn't get played so it's good :P) but as a male I prefer my female toons as I feel more free than with male ones.

    (On a side note I find male toons horribly boring)
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jexsamx wrote: »
    ...how exactly can you tell? Display changes like that are entirely client-side. Unless the person in question made the mistake of wearing the tattered Orion top with an otherwise full set of metal Orion gear, there should be no way you can reasonably discern who does or does not use those mods.

    Unless, of course, you use those mods as well, in which case the affected articles would indeed also be visible to you. But that would mean you have the mod also, which further means you forfeit any right to pick on others using it.

    The guy offered to sell me nude-modded screenshots of his character and mine.

    And apparently he has a history of doing so, according to several fleet members who I trust. So I got a few of the warriors together and we hit him with snowballs and a snowblower.
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    masternecromanmasternecroman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    KDF - Nausicaan - Male

    Rom - Romulan - Male

    And I am Male.
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    alexvio1alexvio1 Member Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yes because I'm not a TRIBBLE.
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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    worffan101 wrote: »
    The guy offered to sell me nude-modded screenshots of his character and mine.

    And apparently he has a history of doing so, according to several fleet members who I trust. So I got a few of the warriors together and we hit him with snowballs and a snowblower.

    Someone should start a modded-STO screenshot honeypot-thread to lure in the suckers, so the mods/devs can instaban those asinine enough to post there. :D
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    stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Who cares?

    It is a polygon virtual avatar, anyone who gets a thrill off cartoon females need their head examined, the one you bear on your shoulders. This is especially true if you start RP'n as a female, unless you are of another persuasion that I need not mention.

    - Nuff said
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Someone should start a modded-STO screenshot honeypot-thread to lure in the suckers, so the mods/devs can instaban those asinine enough to post there. :D

    ...actually, that's a pretty good idea.

    The only time I've actually gotten a non-form response after reporting someone is when I reported that nude modder.

    I think the fact that he was sexually harassing female characters was part of it, too.
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I bet I could make a drinking game of how many times the "I want to look at a backside that pleases me" defense is put up for female characters played by male players. But then I might need to go to an emergency room for alcohol poisoning if I followed it too closely.

    It would bother me less if more male players had even the slightest sense of fashion or at least color coordination. It's usually painfully obvious who is male playing female: all white "angelic yet naughty" gogo boots and bikinis, like something out of an AXE commercial. :rolleyes:

    I have one female character, out of seven. And she's a character first. I made her beautiful in an alien way but tasteful. That doesn't mean prudish, mind you. Just not "zomg this is my pretend waifu" material.

    Well, I personally have my Klingon woman in red spiky armor. And my Romulan's best outfit features that black winter coat (which looks like Jack Harkness's badass longcoat from "Doctor Who"), which is definitely not "angelic yet naughty". My Fed alien woman wears a black combat bodysuit--a sort of armored-looking design.

    And yes, I am a heterosexual pig male; yes, I am easily distracted by cleavage, skin, and pretty rear ends; yes, I find scantily-clad women to be attractive. That doesn't mean I like to play MMORPGs as characters that look like walking fantasies.

    You are absolutely right, however, in that most male players who play female characters go straight for sex appeal and let realistic physics go hang. I saw this toon with triple-D TRIBBLE in a Seven Of Nine outfit (with collar) at ESD the other day--in direct defiance of realistic physics. I mean, how exactly can a woman with a chest like that dress herself in an outfit like that?????

    My 2 slips of latinum.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hey just because you're a pervert doesn't mean everyone else is. Some guys and gals like to play as the opposite gender because these are role playing games, you know FANTASY! There other reasons to play the opposite gender aside from perversion. Like; self expression, curiosity, role playing, non-sexual aesthetic preference, and more motivations than I can really list other than being perverted. So quit projecting, admit you're a pervert, and indulge your self by making a female toon.
    So, you're calling me a pervert because I'm the one running around with male characters? Right ... I think you might need to go back to logic school.

    Just to help you understand briefly, I am a straight male. I hope that clears things up for you. :rolleyes:
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    hunteralpha84hunteralpha84 Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yes and no.

    My fed main is male like me and I have:

    Orion female
    Romulan male
    Gorn male (naturally)
    Caitian female
    Nausican male
    Vulcan male
    Alien female
    Klingon male

    I like variety and generally speaking females in MMOs have more customization than males. STO is pretty good in that regard. Except for male hair, there's only 2 maybe 3 decent hairstyles.
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    reinawattreinawatt Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I only play as female, no desire to play as male.
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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    So, you're calling me a pervert because I'm the one running around with male characters? Right ... I think you might need to go back to logic school.

    Just to help you understand briefly, I am a straight male. I hope that clears things up for you. :rolleyes:

    You might not be a pervert, but surely a weirdo.
    A straight male, only playing male characters.
    Thats weirdo enough for me.
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Thats weirdo enough for me.

    There's nothing weird about a guy wanting complete control over the electronic equivalent of a harem of barbie dolls.

    Nothing. At. All.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You might not be a pervert, but surely a weirdo.
    If I'm weird for playing male characters, then everyone who plays a female character is definitely perverted. At least by your logic. :rolleyes:
    twg042370 wrote: »
    There's nothing weird about a guy wanting complete control over the electronic equivalent of a harem of barbie dolls.

    Nothing. At. All.
    /sarcasm ;)

    ...only because some people probably wont get what you're getting at. It's hard to believe I know, but there are some pretty naive people around here.
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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    If I'm weird for playing male characters, then everyone who plays a female character is definitely perverted. At least by your logic. :rolleyes:

    /sarcasm ;)

    ...only because some people probably wont get what you're getting at. It's hard to believe I know, but there are some pretty naive people around here.

    Just playing the ball back into your hands. I don't even have to use sarcasme either. It is really funny how people are limiting their openmindedness, and flaunt it as if it is religion cut in stone.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Just playing the ball back into your hands.
    I was under the impression this game had ended. Apparently there are those out there that don't wish to let it settle, yourself included.
    It is really funny how people are limiting their openmindedness, and flaunt it as if it is religion cut in stone.
    Open mindedness about running around as a polygon woman. Yet if a man runs around as a man, they're weird? Right. Cause that makes perfect sense, doesn't it? :rolleyes:
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    futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's a random sample of screenshots of three of my female characters. As you can see, I'm a real perv.

    Now I'm not going to claim to have no more revealing costumes. I have a lot of costumes. I ain't afraid to admit to playing space barbies because there's so little to do in STO's endgame that I spend most of my time standing around. But that's what my characters look like 90% of the time.
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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    I was under the impression this game had ended. Apparently there are those out there that don't wish to let it settle, yourself included.

    Open mindedness about running around as a polygon woman. Yet if a man runs around as a man, they're weird? Right. Cause that makes perfect sense, doesn't it? :rolleyes:

    Eventhough i know you will obviously point towards the post where i made a point out of males playing males only was weird...
    ...I really, really, don't care wether a person is singing kumbayah, play male, female, crossdress or are running naked around with a bouquet of roses up their...

    What i wanted to show with that post, is called dualism. Tomatoe, tomatoe. You call out a name, because it 'fits'. Well, what I did to you were nothing else than what you did to me.

    Yet, you continue to fail to see that your own reasoning is a moot point. -but continue the carousel of rigid thinking, believing others are wrong, that you are right. Are you a Voth or something? -Bound to a strict doctrine?
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well, what I did to you were nothing else than what you did to me.
    Just to clarify, because you did quite clearly state:
    A straight male, only playing male characters.
    Thats weirdo enough for me.
    Do you stand by that statement? If you do, great, you're entitled to that opinion, though I am curious to see what every other weird player has to say about it. If you don't stand by it, then you could have saved yourself a lot of time and bother by saying something else, something more practical and less insulting toward a large group of players.
    Yet, you continue to fail to see that your own reasoning is a moot point. -but continue the carousel of rigid thinking, believing others are wrong, that you are right. Are you a Voth or something? -Bound to a strict doctrine?
    I can't fathom why anyone (who is male) would choose to play as a female character if they didn't at least admit to the eye candy. This whole discussion relates back to one thing, and that's sex appeal. Whilst it is normal for a guy to find a girl attractive, I don't think it's normal for a guy to have a whole bunch of female characters on a game. To me, that just isn't normal. They're not even real. It's pretty much the excuse of "I can't get any female attention in real life, so I'm going to make myself some instead". It's no different from a guy in the gym drooling over the women there. It's perverted. I'm not saying that's always the case, but I bet a fair percentage of it is.
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    sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    Just to clarify, because you did quite clearly state:Do you stand by that statement? If you do, great, you're entitled to that opinion, though I am curious to see what every other weird player has to say about it. If you don't stand by it, then you could have saved yourself a lot of time and bother by saying something else, something more practical and less insulting toward a large group of players.

    Read my previous post once more, and contemplate.

    I can't fathom why anyone (who is male) would choose to play as a female character if they didn't at least admit to the eye candy. This whole discussion relates back to one thing, and that's sex appeal. Whilst it is normal for a guy to find a girl attractive, I don't think it's normal for a guy to have a whole bunch of female characters on a game. To me, that just isn't normal. They're not even real. It's pretty much the excuse of "I can't get any female attention in real life, so I'm going to make myself some instead". It's no different from a guy in the gym drooling over the women there. It's perverted. I'm not saying that's always the case, but I bet a fair percentage of it is.

    So you find the word pervert for the rest of us...

    I can do this dance all night...
This discussion has been closed.