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Winter Wonderland 2013 Feedback



  • carnivottcarnivott Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    variant37 wrote: »
    Never going to happen. The snowpiles were the target of mass exploitation by bots last year.

    The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that the so-called "mass exploit" was not in any way game-breaking. It didn't negatively effect anything as far as I could tell. If gold sellers were doing this to buy up items to sell them on the exchange, then the price of those items would go down making the botters efforts less valuable. And anyone could dig snowballs for drops, again lowering the value of winter items. A simple fix would have been to this year make items purchasable with winter commodities bind on pickup.
  • vixenjalynnvixenjalynn Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think they need to bring the commodities and other things back. Part of that kept the market down and made it easier to obtain things. I have done the invasion three times and have only gotten minimal things and being the only person that had a weapon vs snowballs is irritating. I think they should just grant the things blanket style like they do in the event with rewards. That way, all get the same and the cookies and whatnot can be left for bonus objective rewards. More than two recipes should be there.. I was on a team of five and have YET to find a recipe ANYWHERE. I will not be able to get my holiday tribble and will not pay the high to near ridiculous prices on the exchange. The energy credits are stupid hard to get and nearly impossible to deal with.. unless there is a LEGIT place to get them. This is getting more and more like EVE and pay to win. I dislike those greatly and migrate quickly back to games that don't do that. i for one would enjoy it greatly if all of us for participating get a holiday food item recipe and leave the drops of random for extra. *sigh* I like the concept, however I agree that if you tribble the stuff and it comes out COMPLETELY different, they need a new plan. No sense in play testing if you don't see the same result. It would be like going into a store to buy a shirt and coming out with a blanket, then being told you were trying on the blanket the whole time. It needs to be revamped there first. THEN redone for us to see results.
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Fixed 4 U.

    no it was right the first time.. lol...

    honestly, I play about 3 other games, and while they have quirks when new content is released.. the material is usually still playable, and the main mechanics usually work out of the gate.. cryptics lack of testing, and or quality control is by far the poorest in the gaming industry, and I believe that is something everyone on these forums can agree on.. I have yet to see them release anything relatively "smoothly"

    but I will concede that other games have problems, just not to the degree that cryptic games do...
  • vixenjalynnvixenjalynn Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    k. for the record, bots are a HACK, so to say all of us used them to get tags is like saying anyone playing that modifies a starship is breaking the game. Like it says in the users agreement, hacking and modifying the game are illegal to use.. hence bots are illegal. They should have a tracker to see how much we could "legitamently" obtain by mass squishing the F button repeatedly like it is expected on the space bar to fight. This then can be used as a Max standard. Then, anyone getting more, can be flagged by a overseer bot in the zone of possible Exploit/hack/bot and then be investigated and banned/blocked/punished accordingly. I don't see how this would fix the troll harvesting issue, I still feel they need to do away with "master looter" for the reasons it states in the term and title. I don't want my hard earned items going to a random person or fleet member if they are my drops. Leave it so that all of us get a chance to get a drop.. you want to stop the trolls .. there is an answer, take away the mechanic granting advantages. Voila! it makes sense.
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    cryptics lack of testing, and or quality control is by far the poorest in the gaming industry,

    Someone never heard of Battlecruiser 3000 AD.
    and I believe that is something everyone on these forums can agree on.

    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • brewtolomusbrewtolomus Member Posts: 277
    edited December 2013
    But I am kinda fed up with all the holiday TRIBBLE. It's all around me IRL and in the games I play for an escape.
    And the voices at the staging area for Q's winter wonderland thingy are supremely annoying.
    Makes me not want to participate at all.
    But...I want that bloody ship!
    Guess I'll be running this festival business with a clenched jaw, muttering profanities about how silly it all is.
  • mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Q loves all the little creatures...even you
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The ship only takes a few minutes each day in the Winter Wonderland. After that you can drop-kick Star T-Rexes again for the rest of the day.:D
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • uss917019uss917019 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My thought on this is that theres too much stuff to do at the same time like for ex:

    1. your on your way to do the race to get your pics then you know what happens the big large snowmans comes you missed it oh well. 2. you start the Fast and Flurious not to menchion that i did it for the first time this year and you know what happens JUST BEACUSE the snow man event started it IMMIDIATLY cancelled the FAF and i did that basicly for nothing. 3. and with all other stuff that i need to do at the winter wonderland i myself still needs to be at the dyson Sphere doing my Rep for the last Tier to do.

    I know some of this you already said but just wanted to say it in my words.
  • brewtolomusbrewtolomus Member Posts: 277
    edited December 2013
    mrgrocer56 wrote: »
    Q loves all the little creatures...even you

    Q always loved you best!
  • stormbringer77stormbringer77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Adding my tuppence worth whilst waiting on WW cooldowns...

    Arrived at ESD and went to WW. Brilliant. Liked the new NPC voice over, did my daily race to get autographs. THEN the chef's VO started getting repetitive.

    Did Gingerbread village defense, enjoyed it. Lots, despite having been told I got a recipe everytime I've run it, no recipe or beads, but hey-ho. Back to WW.

    VO getting really annoying. Did Pie-eating contest, first time was fun, then I saw the CD timer. Thought I'd check some snow piles. D'oh! Stood around waiting for CD on ice-rink because I couldn't face VO.

    Came to forum to kill time while waiting on CD.

    In summation: Please do something with the CDs and drop rates. Lowering the frequency of the NPC call-outs (although kudos for putting more voice-acting in the game) might stop people stuffing their Christmas chocolates in their ears. Epohh tags would be nice to see for those of us that don't like the PvP race. I'm sure you're aware of the reported bugs in the Gingerbread defense event, if you could sort them, that'd be great. Finally, please either triple the table size for pie-eating or make the pies respawn much faster/instantantly. Failing all of these suggestions, could you maybe extend the event to allow those of us with a pixel-crack addiction to stand a chance of getting all the new goodies...pretty please?

    All this aside, thanks for thinking of the players, and Merry Christmas to all those on the STO team :D
    ***The above ramblings are, as always, my own opinion. Based on my experiences and interpreted by my mind, they by no means reflect the universal truth (unless coincidentally). Peace.***
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    mayito2009 wrote: »
    Please somebody wake me up, is this April 1st, fools day?

    What a garbage of event, what a bad design waste of time garbage. I tried yesterday, first thing eating pie, freaking eating pie competition?

    Then defend the gingerbread, I stood there like a moron for 10 minutes, no one joined, then the ice race, what? I ran, better said slide back and forth, then the NPC goes running by me on a straight line like he is running on asphalt, I am sliding so bad I get off the track and DQ

    I go back to the other event and oh bad luck you need to wait for 30 minutes.

    And the rewards are you kidding me?

    Whoever designed this cacophony of stupidity should be punished to stand on thin ice wearing a spedo.

    I have no problems with the Winter Event, my fleet was having a blast hunting down snowmen and the daily race is just has easy has it has always been.

    Everything in the Winter Event is paid for with time and the beauty of that is if you do not like what the even has to offer you do not have to make time for it.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    But I am kinda fed up with all the holiday TRIBBLE. It's all around me IRL and in the games I play for an escape.
    And the voices at the staging area for Q's winter wonderland thingy are supremely annoying.
    Makes me not want to participate at all.
    But...I want that bloody ship!
    Guess I'll be running this festival business with a clenched jaw, muttering profanities about how silly it all is.

    Just turn the sound off ;)
  • brewtolomusbrewtolomus Member Posts: 277
    edited December 2013
    errab wrote: »
    Just turn the sound off ;)

    Too easy.
    I'm from the South, we do things the hard way.
  • osiabunnyosiabunny Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To answer the question, of course this event is a joke, it's a holiday. Duh.

    These events are to be entertaining, which this one is. It's not to be serious. And I absolutely love the animations they did for the slipping and sliding on ice. Makes the games all that much more fun. Especially running away from an army of snowmen

    Great job on the event Cryptic :D
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Many of you know me on this forum as being very critical of Cryptic, and rightfully so. However; that being said, the event is a good one.

    The Winter event is one of Cryptic's highlights and bright spot of STO. The rewards are fair and we get to run this year a rep system for our choice of vessel.

    The new events are nice to, as well as the new winter toys we get to enjoy with. Please count your blessings, these type of fun and rewarding events are few and far between.

    Just be happy they did not bring back the Red Gift Boxes from HELL, those old timers who have been around will know what I am referring to., and even that, nobody ever won one and most had to be bought on the CStore.
  • salem1574salem1574 Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well I am enjoying the holiday atmosphere of Q?s Wonderland!! Of course I am always pleased by anyone?s efforts to bring a bit of holiday cheer to life.

    My only wish is that they would of made it possible for us to have Christmas trees, garland on our starbases etc to warm up the places for the holidays. Nothing like a little holiday eye candy to chase away the winter gloom.
  • phadrenphadren Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well. opinions are like ...holes, some smell worse than others, but I really enjoy the event its a lot of fun especially when you pull out a snow blower and wipe out snowman, or the Mr. Bill ginger bread man and the Bumble (they bounce) yeti. Good times for sure.

    Thanks Cryptic the event is fun.Thanks for your work, Happy Holidays:)
  • captcokecancaptcokecan Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hey Djinn, I was calling out in Fleet chat last night for anyone to do a private run of the Invasion since the public queue was borked (and then disabled anyway), but didn't get many takers.

    Offer still stands, when I get home.

    Oh, and if anyone else wants to run it with me, @Cokecan in game.

    I have to admit though, the creeping in of anti-social gameplay mechanics (the pink Credit coins in the Sphere Battlezone, the present only rewarding 1 captain) are a little disconcerting to me.

    Wow, What happened ?
    The winter event fell a bit short in expectations for me. Too bad too, I was so looking forward to it.

    Cryptic, I don't expect something for nothing, but a lot of these winter vanity items are kinda useless after the Winter Wonderland event, so could you turn down the grind to obtain the snowball artillery stuff just a tad? I'd like to actually get them, and play around with them while the event is still live.
    Could you please increase the drop rates? Please?

    The rest of the game's grind is waiting for us right where we left it. What's the harm in having this one event be more about the FUN, and less about the grind ? You know take a little break from it to .......enjoy the season.
    (I'm not talking about having to run the race for the ships BTW, I understand working towards that. I'm talking about getting the the snowball cannons, guns and such)

    If you don't want us digging for winter commodities like last year, at least hide them throughout the map then and have us go on egg hunts or something.

    I'd like to give away some of these clothing items as virtual gifts to fleetmates, but to be honest, at current drop rates, that's clearly not gonna happen, MUCH.
    Not with the fleet ornament project competing for these same resources... :rolleyes:

    The good news is, there is still time to tweak this into something better.

    I haven't had the pleasure of defending the gingerbread village. I'm really looking forward to that. As soon as I can play it that is.

    I like the fact that the two ships can use each other's consoles, (for a set bonus), but for next year, (or maybe this year, if there is time?), Could you please consider offering an upgrade to the Breen set, sorta like the Jem Hadar set? (Except let us use those autographed pics instead of lobi?)

    Also, - please consider a PVP snowball arena next year. I think that would be a nifty idea.

    Hey I just vaped you, and this is crazy;
    But here's my frequency, so hail me maybe?
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,536 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    There are only two things that annoy me about hte Winter Zone. The lack of how you get certain things and the really annoying voice over that is sucking up to Q in the main area. It just won't shut up! :eek:
    > <
    > <
    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
  • phadrenphadren Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Not to mention is a game based on an organization from Earth, so they will have the same traditions in game, But at least in game you don't have go shopping and can throw snowballs at EEEEEEVVVVVVaaaaaaaLLLLL Snowman.
  • solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I think all of you haters should back off! Wanna know why? Because . . .



    Seriously - I LOVE this years' event! I almost peed my pants when I heard the "NOT Mickey Mouse" Gingerbread voices. And the Vulcan gingerbread pet I got that follows me around now is the creepiest thing I've ever seen in the game. I LOVE IT!
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    themarie wrote: »
    Basically they took everything that made the previous two events so good.... Increased the grind factor (seriously, GRIND for RECIPES to COOK with?!), lowered the quality of the prizes (bright red and green jackets). Add to this an utterly insipid and childish voiceover (burping sound-effects? REALLY?)
    themarie wrote: »
    I want to know how the walking animation got messed up. How do you even DO that.

    I agree, It's sad they took something I so enjoyed and appreciated from last year and turned the grind way up on that too.

    It wasn't even necessary either, it's not like we weren't going to stop running the races daily for the ships. (I was really hoping for another cool ship, like a Krenim warship myself btw)
    I was so hoping for an upgrade to the Breen space set too. That would keep me coming back to the map as well and it would have tied in nicely. They did it for the Jem hadar set after all.

    It's not like the game's daily grinds aren't right where we left them either, they're still waiting for us, this should have been an enjoyable little break from it all, something more fun than grind.

    I'm not real keen on grinding to get the whole snowball arsenal thing, they're only good on this map anyway. These items should been made easier to get, so we can participate in the whole snowmen thing MORE, (with better drops on that) - to keep us coming back for this activity.
    Just my two cents anyway.

    But I'm not giving up hope.
    I'm still hoping Cryptic listens like they always do, and tweaks things a bit, like they have in the past.

  • doctorstegidoctorstegi Member Posts: 1,219 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    "Is this winter event a joke?"

    Yes it is. Its as simple as that. Who wants to grind more during the freaking holidays its like in real life you wanna work more during the holidays ? Its not enough we have a new rep system fleet spire and other dailies grind no, we need more stuff to grind.

    So yeah it is a joke and bad one at best
    C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited December 2013
    "It is a joke - joke on me, joke of the universe. The king who would be man. "

    - Q

    Somehow this felt appropriate.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2013
    But I am kinda fed up with all the holiday TRIBBLE. It's all around me IRL and in the games I play for an escape.
    And the voices at the staging area for Q's winter wonderland thingy are supremely annoying.
    Makes me not want to participate at all.
    But...I want that bloody ship!
    Guess I'll be running this festival business with a clenched jaw, muttering profanities about how silly it all is.
    I feel for ya bro, I was looking forward to the winter event actually, then i saw all the grinding you had to do and was like BS I've got a damn fleet to run, and a omega rep to finish on my klingon.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Meh. You can avoid it almost entirely, just like I do in real life. I didn't so much as glance in the direction of the Risa summer event. My only gripe is when the implementation of these "events" interferes with unrealated stuff that I actually want to do.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    carnivott wrote: »
    I've been looking forward to the Winter Event for weeks. Last year's event was fun even for having to do it every day on 6 alts. But today I found out first that there are no longer random drops from making snowballs. That was an easy way to get epoh tags to do the daily epoh doff missions for marks. Then, the giant snowman doesn't appear. The competitive race doesn't start. [I've read that these work, but are not on the schedule that is advertised. I was there for an hour and they didn't seem to be working at all.] The new gingerbread instance had me loop loading for five minutes until I was able to quit out of it. The pie eating contest worked, but I can't see how I or anyone else could do it more than once or twice without going batty. It takes a long time to complete, it's very repetitive, and other players can unintentionally make it difficult for you. The race where you get autographs worked, but that is a 3 week grind, and with everything else, I don't know if I want to do it this time around.

    There are promises of fixes tomorrow, so I gave up and tried something else. [I can only hope that either we'll be able to get drops from making snowballs, or that a sufficient number of epoh tags drop to do the doff missions every day.] The patch notes made it seem that level 1 fleet spires would have a console to allow access to fleet versions of 1000 day veteran ships. That was not the case. After figuring out how to make it to the fleet spire [you can't get there from your starbase/embassy/mine], I find out that my fleet didn't have the console. No problem, you can access the ships from the ship vendors at the various faction starbases. I bought the required fleet module for 500 Zen only to find that I couldn't buy the ship. You need to be in a fleet with tier 2 of the spire completed. So I checked around with a couple other fleets; it seems no one has a tier 2 spire yet. And because tier upgrades for fleet holdings take over a week to complete, that means I won't get the upgraded vet ship until sometime next year.

    In space, even you could hear me scream at this point.

    Cryptic, please don't do this to me again. I'm going to play some other games now.
    Regarding the highlighted part, you do realize (I hope) that you must either be a 1000-day veteran Gold subscriber or a Lifetime Subscriber. You can't get the ship if you're silver. It's impossible for them to get it. The reason is you must have the Vet ship as part of the requirements, if you don't have it, you don't get it at all.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    redz4tw wrote: »
    I feel for ya bro, I was looking forward to the winter event actually, then i saw all the grinding you had to do and was like BS I've got a damn fleet to run, and a omega rep to finish on my klingon.

    There is hardly any grind this year... You get everything easy this year vs. years past. The only people affected were the those exploiting the snowpiles by having their macro setup to autodig for resources while they AFK. There isn't anything there that anyone has to have either.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    But I am kinda fed up with all the holiday TRIBBLE. It's all around me IRL and in the games I play for an escape.
    And the voices at the staging area for Q's winter wonderland thingy are supremely annoying.
    Makes me not want to participate at all.
    But...I want that bloody ship!
    Guess I'll be running this festival business with a clenched jaw, muttering profanities about how silly it all is.

    ESC>>>OPTIONS>>>AUDIO(tab)>>>VOICE VOLUME(set to whatever volume you prefer):D
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
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