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Tyler Durden



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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The idea of the TD channel is to arrange random matches... however if you ask for someone to fill in a fleet match of course that's cool.

    I doubt you asked in a way that mislead anyone. If they didn't want to help you out and have some fun they wouldn't have responded. :)

    Your fleet mates are entitled to good pvp matches just as much as anyone else.

    Getting new people into pvp is partly the reason we have the TD channel. Everyone is welcome in a TD match... 4 year vets and 4 day new guys alike. That's partly why we started the channel to set everyone up to have FUN. To enjoy a match that isn't one sided. No one has a good time in those matches. (well ok there are some folks that need the Ego boost I guess)... in general though everyone has much more fun in a close match no matter what there skill / xp level is.

    Please drop by the channel any time if your fleet needs an extra person or two for interfleet fun. Just let everyone know what your up to. Those sorts of things sound fun... and in general I think anything any of us can do to promote PvP in STO is worth doing.

    If you guys are looking for PvP tips in general ... stop by the channel and ask. Opvp exists for that somewhat.. use either channel. If you guys want to participate in some TD matches in general stop by as well. I believe there are many people that have been taking part in TD matches that have become pvp proficient thanks to the high level games they find there. Not to mention likely a few helpful pointers here and there from other players.

    So basicly... Thanks for using the channel. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    zenithnaderzenithnader Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    g0h4n4 wrote: »
    What's Target calling?, naming someone you don't like?

    Insult keybinds and fireworks are great for drawing aggro. PvP Threat control! :D

    Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
    Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
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    g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Insult keybinds and fireworks are great for drawing aggro. PvP Threat control! :D

    Roger, /bind x team "target/Subnuke/Fireworks Zenith"
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
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    g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Is it possible to promote this channel in star trek online general discussion forum?

    That's up to the devs, they have seen this thread I am sure
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
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    mcduffie369mcduffie369 Member Posts: 787 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Is it possible to promote this channel in star trek online general discussion forum?

    You don't want it to become organized pvp 2.
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    my experience with the td channel, which is always hosted on Panda's teamspeak, hasent been good. I havent had fun, always on the losing side of an imbalanced team, and geting raged at in teamspeak by try-hards who take the game way to seriously for my taste. - Maybe im just not good enough.

    Surprise Attack however has always been fun, balanced games. Too bad there werent more of them, instead we have td and their mysterious hilbert algorithm that is supposed to assign balanced teams. I have never had a GG in Td.

    I hope you all have fun playing in TD, by Sad Panda rules, on their teamspeak. Lets face it, td should be renamed SP. Its not for me. I have had better luck getting into fair games in the public ques.

    Like I have said since the first No BS tournament. Whoever makes up the 'rules' wins. Your rules are what makes the game not fun, not your alleged 'broken cheeze'. I'm sure you are having fun when you get to make the rules though. Enjoy.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    my experience with the td channel, which is always hosted on Panda's teamspeak, hasent been good. I havent had fun, always on the losing side of an imbalanced team, and geting raged at in teamspeak by try-hards who take the game way to seriously for my taste. - Maybe im just not good enough.

    Surprise Attack however has always been fun, balanced games. Too bad there werent more of them, instead we have td and their mysterious hilbert algorithm that is supposed to assign balanced teams. I have never had a GG in Td.

    I hope you all have fun playing in TD, by Sad Panda rules, on their teamspeak. Lets face it, td should be renamed SP. Its not for me. I have had better luck getting into fair games in the public ques.

    Like I have said since the first No BS tournament. Whoever makes up the 'rules' wins. Your rules are what makes the game not fun, not your alleged 'broken cheeze'. I'm sure you are having fun when you get to make the rules though. Enjoy.

    You sound like you're getting more, and more bitter by the day. Which is a shame.

    There are what, 5 rules, for a typical TD match? Most of it are the items that are clearly OP or simply broken/exploits.

    The teams are randomly assigned, so I'm not sure how those tiny handful of rules favors any one "team" more than another.

    You've been fairly negative in this thread since its inception, you are free to organize your own rules-free matches. Or your own tournaments. Or...anything.

    You could even create your own channel and call it "Free-for-all PvP" where there are no rules.

    Whatever you decide, good luck and have fun.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    my experience with the td channel, which is always hosted on Panda's teamspeak, hasent been good. I havent had fun, always on the losing side of an imbalanced team, and geting raged at in teamspeak by try-hards who take the game way to seriously for my taste. - Maybe im just not good enough.

    Surprise Attack however has always been fun, balanced games. Too bad there werent more of them, instead we have td and their mysterious hilbert algorithm that is supposed to assign balanced teams. I have never had a GG in Td.

    I hope you all have fun playing in TD, by Sad Panda rules, on their teamspeak. Lets face it, td should be renamed SP. Its not for me. I have had better luck getting into fair games in the public ques.

    Like I have said since the first No BS tournament. Whoever makes up the 'rules' wins. Your rules are what makes the game not fun, not your alleged 'broken cheeze'. I'm sure you are having fun when you get to make the rules though. Enjoy.

    Sorry you haven't had more fun. The Tyler TS was graciously donated by a long time player. He predates any fleets named after cuddly toys. He is kind enough to make sure his friends in the cuddly toy fleet have a place to try hard together. ;) He is also cool enough to have a server ready for 60+ person tournaments, boot camps you name it.

    The TD TS is fleet tag clean... TD is fleet tag clean. The hilbert TD tool... is just a tool. We found getting matches started with TD rules is very time consuming. In the early days one person would scratch there heads for 10-20min trying to figure out how best to balance. The Hilbert tool gives people a quick way to get a baseline. That isn't to say it is more balanced then when someone used to do it by hand I will agree there. However its a great place to start... I have found its the game after the first one that tends to be more balanced as the people playing see what wasn't perfect the first time and tweak the teams.

    If your just burned on PvP in general hey I get that, hope you pop in for a few more matches at some point though. Every match can't be the perfect 15 14... that is the goal though no matter who starts up the games.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    zenithnaderzenithnader Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    my experience with the td channel, which is always hosted on Panda's teamspeak, hasent been good. I havent had fun, always on the losing side of an imbalanced team, and geting raged at in teamspeak by try-hards who take the game way to seriously for my taste. - Maybe im just not good enough.

    Here's a TD match you won:
    There is no conspiracy by Hilbert of TSI and Sad Pandas to place you on the losing team.

    pulserazor wrote: »
    Too bad there werent more of them, instead we have td and their mysterious hilbert algorithm that is supposed to assign balanced teams. I have never had a GG in Td.
    Kill scores for this evening'TRIBBLE run of matches (kill count only): Blue v Red
    15:13, 17:6, 5:15, 15:15, 13:15, 9:15.
    So that's 3 very close matches, and another 3 which I would not consider complete stomps.
    Don't see any complaining about this PUG match with a similar kill score, btw.
    pulserazor wrote: »
    I hope you all have fun playing in TD, by Sad Panda rules, on their teamspeak. Lets face it, td should be renamed SP. Its not for me. I have had better luck getting into fair games in the public ques.

    You forgot /bitter sarcasm. Any other fleet TS3/voice comms can be used for the matches. Lack of game volume and the fact that a lot of match organisers are actually Pandas, usually results in TD users using that particular server, and it's been stated openly that the the rooms are there to be used for that purpose.
    I think you're just resentful we had a no TIF/scramble doff rule for that match (pretty standard for the ones I host, fyi). If equipping that is your definition of fair, set up a match.
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Like I have said since the first No BS tournament. Whoever makes up the 'rules' wins. Your rules are what makes the game not fun, not your alleged 'broken cheeze'. I'm sure you are having fun when you get to make the rules though. Enjoy.

    The point has been made that whoever hosts the game sets the rules for that respective match. No one's preventing you from making a game with your own interpretation of what is forbidden/allowed, and using the provided TS3 to host that game.

    That being said, the majority of players are unfortunately too lazy or impatient to actually set up their own.
    There, I've said it. PROVE ME WRONG! Get more games going people! :D

    Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
    Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    my experience with the td channel, which is always hosted on Panda's teamspeak, hasent been good. I havent had fun, always on the losing side of an imbalanced team, and geting raged at in teamspeak by try-hards who take the game way to seriously for my taste. - Maybe im just not good enough.

    Surprise Attack however has always been fun, balanced games. Too bad there werent more of them, instead we have td and their mysterious hilbert algorithm that is supposed to assign balanced teams. I have never had a GG in Td.

    I hope you all have fun playing in TD, by Sad Panda rules, on their teamspeak. Lets face it, td should be renamed SP. Its not for me. I have had better luck getting into fair games in the public ques.

    Like I have said since the first No BS tournament. Whoever makes up the 'rules' wins. Your rules are what makes the game not fun, not your alleged 'broken cheeze'. I'm sure you are having fun when you get to make the rules though. Enjoy.

    Just cos it's hosted on Panda TS, doesn't make it Panda ruled.

    Just like Bootcamp, its a tag free zone where even the bitterest in game rivals can pew without the fleet tag BS.

    If the No BS thing was that bad, how come it's had so many incarnations of it in recent months?

    If TD is bad, why did we just have a successful tournament a couple of weeks back based on TD style play?

    I think personally, your judgement on the Pandas for whatever reason is clouding your opinion full stop of Tyler Durden itself.

    Notice how many times you tried to use the Pandas as derogatory? Just to make it easy, I highlighted it for you in red.

    Yes, we do expect the best from the players in the team and things can get heated - Man up! Its not meant personally.

    Just an FYI, the biggest participants and the bread and butter players of TD aren't Pandas. We just help coordinate. Most are players from HOBO's, IC, LAG, Nova and other None major PVP fleets who just want team based PvP experience.

    Rage quitting in the middle of a match leaving your team mates hanging is just low and selfish. Congrats for being selfish...
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    ivantomdisplayivantomdisplay Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    naz4 wrote: »
    Just an FYI, the biggest participants and the bread and butter players of TD aren't Pandas. We just help coordinate. Most are players from HOBO's, IC, LAG, Nova and other None major PVP fleets who just want team based PvP experience.

    And what fleets would be major pvp fleets, excuse-moi?
    [10:49] [Combat (Self)] Your Proton Barrage deals 96581 (43411) Proton(Critical) to Seto.
    Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
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    naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    And what fleets would be major pvp fleets, excuse-moi?

    HOBO's, IC, LAG, Nova , TRH and others
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    saw that comming. Just like in the ques, bring your whole fleet in for some forum pvp.

    Im not using the name of your fleet as a derisive, I know a few people in your fleet - the kind that will tell me all all kinds of interesting things, ah-k? I mean... ok? Is that botter? I am simply stating that from my perspective, there has been nothing arranged or hosted there that didnt have the Panda stamp of approval, meaning it was the rules they needed to play the game the way they wanted. - Just like the No BS Tournament.

    I had the integrity at the start of the match to advise everyone what I was currently slotting, knowing that they were on the 'qq about it' list. Just like those interceptors are. Difference between me and others is that I have the consideration to ensure that no one has need to lament over fair because of me. Let me point out that no one has ever accused me of cheating, or exploiting. I want to enjoy myself - If I find that someone else isnt enjoying themselves on my account, that doesent work for me.

    If I wasnt held back by those rules, I wouldnt have been trapped in a spawn 35 km away from the battle locked in combat by swarmers and elite interceptors that I had to deal with while my team died because I couldnt spiral up in time to meet you all at the 2 dimensional top of the map you like to rush to as soon as the game starts. I quit because I wasnt having fun. Neither was I contributing to the team because I wasnt performig well enough, and I had no counters to the siphon tractor pet spam preventing me from joining the match. I will never do something that I dont enjoy, and no matter of smack talk on these forums, in opvp, or on your teamspeak will change that.

    I felt scammed into a game where it was going to be fair, and it turned into a massacre, that no amount of skill could have overcome, it was a loss on paper before the first shot was fired. Logs dont lie.

    You wonder why people warp out on you.

    Kill scores for this evening'TRIBBLE run of matches (kill count only): Blue v Red
    15:13, 17:6, 5:15, 15:15, 13:15, 9:15.
    So that's 3 very close matches, and another 3 which I would not consider complete stomps.
    Don't see any complaining about this PUG match with a similar kill score, btw.

    Of course I didnt compplain about that match, it was a public que match, and no one ever told me I was going to be set up on even teams, or that no one was going to be using bad manner skills/items. Complaining about that game would have been silly. "GG Hobos" was all I could say. - and it was a good game. It was a loss, but at least I didnt end up looking terrible because I couldnt move from my spawn because I had elite 12 different tractor beam pets on me, even though they were in the match, and every one of them were using tractor beam mines, they had the tact to not deploy them at spawning players while they are trying to spiral to the top of the map.
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    aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    - I don't usually join TD matches, I think the Leaderboard idea is a waste of time and I don't post results to it or hold any value on it's data. However, I do appreciate the idea behind TD as a way of getting decent games out of what is normally just a pug stomp.

    - Not in a "PvP Fleet" and want to get in on some decent PvP? - Tyler Durden.

    - Don't know many people, but want to find out who's who and get into the community? - Tyler Durden.

    - Part of a larger group that wants to fight other teams of decent skill for practice, but can't find another premade to fight? - Tyler Durden.

    - Myself and a lot of LAG members played in the recent TD style tournament, it was awesome! It was simple, it was quick, it was drama free.

    If the fact that the Panda TS is being used so frequently aggrovates some, then use another. Everyone is welcome on LAG's TS, and i'm sure other fleets like Nova Core are preferably happy for a few people to hide in a channel and PvP.

    If you don't like the taste of ginger, don't eat gingerbread. If you don't like Coca Cola, drink Pepsi. If you don't like Tyler Durden, then just don't bloody use it, then?

    Seems like a no-brainer to me.

    pulserazor wrote: »
    there has been nothing arranged or hosted there that didnt have the Panda stamp of approval, meaning it was the rules they needed to play the game the way they wanted. - Just like the No BS Tournament.

    LAG ran the latest No BS Tournament, it had ZERO Panda involvement besides two of their teams signing up to play. They had no says on the rules, the date, the name being used, the scoring system, or any other aspect.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    saw that comming. Just like in the ques, bring your whole fleet in for some forum pvp.

    I felt scammed into a game where it was going to be fair, and it turned into a massacre, that no amount of skill could have overcome, it was a loss on paper before the first shot was fired. Logs dont lie.

    The only people that spoke... where

    Myself... the founder of the channel... and Critz member till the bitter end. lol (full disclosure I have a couple toons in pandas) lol

    Zenith. Old time klinky who also has a toon or two in pandas... he is the guy that starts the vast majority of TD matches. I don't think anyone would accuse him of setting up slaughter fests.

    Naz... who yes is a well known panda... and also the guy that sets up the majority of the tournaments that take place in STO.

    TD isn't about fleets however... so this is way way off topic. ALL players are welcome fleeted or not. Honestly what you are typing feels to me like you have been bringing your tag with you to TD matches.

    Feel free to setup all the matches you like in the TD channel... if you don't like the FREE TS that was provided for our use... you are free to use your own or even use the in game chat... just let people know what you want to do in the channel and get it started... you don't even have to use hilberts tools... balance it by hand if you like. ;) If you build it... we will come... even those of us that are pandas. I don't much care who starts up the matches... and if you want a specific rule set... advertise it and if enough agree to the premise you'll get the matches you want.

    Leave them tags at the door... come in and punch people. Guess what you are GOING to loose 50% of the TD matches you join... that is sort of the way its intended to work.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    thats all I was trying to say, but I wanted to provide feedback and tell why I wasnt using it anymore, rather then just leave - because lets face it, I Will say the things that other people wont say, wether they dont dare say them, or they are too apathetic to say them. Its right in everyones face - I just make it visible. Its on the tip of everyones tounge, I just give it a name. - Like me for that or not. Fact is people get all hurt in their feelings when someone points something out that puts them or their ideas in a less then favorable light, so they get their fleet leader to post on the forums and in opvp, isnt that right?

    I also think its fair enough to post about these these in public because as long as you are promoting your TD experience, I think people should know what to expect, and know that in case they experience the same results I do, they are not alone, and they dont need to run and hide from pvp altogether because they are bad: Note that im not parked in opvp or td 'rageing', or dropping subtle insults (naz, by the way it was a warpout, not a /logout) - You want to to save pvp, but experiences like the ones I have had are going to drive them away as sure as anything. - Thats why I am sharing - dont take it personal, im not talking to you. im talking to the averager pvper who no one has met yet, who might stumble into this forum and think TD might be for them.

    Here it is again in a nutshell - TD is NOT for casual Players, and you are quite likely to be pitted against a team of people who are out to kick you in the TRIBBLE for their jollies, and if you think TD is going to be some magical haven away from what you think is spam/cheeze/exploits then think again. -

    You can swallow a pint of blood before you get sick -

    But you WILL get sick.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thanks for the Feedback PR.

    Really though TD is for EVERYONE. All are welcome... and new players are encouraged to come out.

    Yes you will be playing games in many cases with people that LOVE pvp which is why they are not trying to invade the ques.

    Expect to loose 50% of the time... cause that is the goal. If a matches are always well balanced... EVERYONE is hopefuly if everything works out going to loose half the time.

    Also Expect to get advice from other players. People in general don't come to TD cause they don't love pvp... they will offer you advice. If you are new yes take there advice and use it to improve your game... it will make your experience in general better. As well as there's which is part of the reason they are giving you advice.

    If you are new to pvp SAY so when you come to the game... it helps ensure we are balancing the teams as best as possible. If there are 4 players from X fleet and 2 players from Y fleet in a match good odds people from those fleets will be on the winning side (100% in fact as they will have guys on both teams lol)... Fleet CRED is not what TD is about. Also I KNOW many of the people that frequent the TD matches take it as a mission to help new players get better. I won't say show up and you will get free gear... but I have been known to mail new people 20+mil worth of gear cause they came wanting to get better and a gear injection helped them at least mind set wise. lol

    New players if any of you are in fact reading this... no TD is NOT about fleets. Yes some fleets have really locked on to the idea because it creates better pvp then the que provides.

    I would just like to add... it would be great to see more people starting more matches.

    PR is partly right... some players have really driven the idea. People like Zenith have started a ton of matches. The channel is free and open for ANYONE from any fleet or even people from no fleet to start matches.

    I know there are some PvP and many PvE/P fleets out there doing interfleet stuff for fun... come use TD to fill your numbers. If you have 7 folks and would like 3 more to add to your inter fleets start there. It would be great to see more of the community jump on the idea.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Here it is again in a nutshell - TD is NOT for casual Players, and you are quite likely to be pitted against a team of people who are out to kick you in the TRIBBLE for their jollies, and if you think TD is going to be some magical haven away from what you think is spam/cheeze/exploits then think again. -

    What you are saying is you lost some matches when a few of the regular pvpers hit up in TD?
    That, of course, is the Pandas fault...

    For you, it's better to pug stomp in the queues where the other players don't know how to pvp or just don't care and want dil.

    Go TRIBBLE on another thread since it's obvious you have nothing good to provide to this thread.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What you are saying is you lost some matches when a few of the regular pvpers hit up in TD?
    That, of course, is the Pandas fault...

    For you, it's better to pug stomp in the queues where the other players don't know how to pvp or just don't care and want dil.

    Go TRIBBLE on another thread since it's obvious you have nothing good to provide to this thread.

    You clearly dont know what I am saying. Learn to read full sentences. Until then, dont address me.

    Also, just so everyone knows, this has nothing to do with my fleet, or any other fleet, it really isnt about SP, apart from the observation that When I logged into tylerdurden.failnoob I realized I was acually on sadpanda.failnoob teamspeak. and every single match I have ever been a part of has been full of people from that fleet. it was an observation. It becomes about other fleets when people see them all jump on one person in opvp and on these forums for making these observations, and offering their perspective viewpoints.

    And Besides, I dont even have a fleet worth mentioning, its full of alts from other fleets in European timezones whom I dont get to see anymore because of work, this fleet is a place to dump resources for credits when they dont feel like waiting all night to be first in line when their fleet project cooldowns are up, I dont expect to see any of them until the next bit of fleet creep.
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    xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Take it easy Ringo. Learn to read full sentences. Until then, dont address me.

    Plenty of newer/casual players join up in TD and have fun so telling them not to is a disservice. But it's clear from your attitude that you are you a weak PVPer anyway so not having you in TD is probably a good thing.

    Telling them it's "a team of people who are out to kick you in the TRIBBLE for their jollies" is simply lies being told by a sour little loser.

    Grow a pair or stick with PVE. And hey if you want to use your toys in a match just say it. FFS it's CASUAL matches after all.

    pulserazor wrote: »
    Here it is again in a nutshell - TD is NOT for casual Players, and you are quite likely to be pitted against a team of people who are out to kick you in the TRIBBLE for their jollies, and if you think TD is going to be some magical haven away from what you think is spam/cheeze/exploits then think again. -

    I'll address little drama causing TRIBBLE ants like you any time I please.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Plenty of newer/casual players join up in TD and have fun so telling them not to is a disservice. But it's clear from your attitude that you are you a weak PVPer anyway so not having you in TD is probably a good thing.

    Telling them it's "a team of people who are out to kick you in the TRIBBLE for their jollies" is simply lies being told by a sour little loser.

    Grow a pair or stick with PVE. And hey if you want to use your toys in a match just say it. FFS it's CASUAL matches after all.

    I'll address little drama causing TRIBBLE ants like you any time I please.

    OOh Forum Bullying. Imagine my surprise.
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    mozohamozoha Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Be cool everyone. :cool:
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    OOh Forum Bullying. Imagine my surprise.

    The people you are arguing with have done a lot to make TD work. They have encouraged new players when ever they have come to join the fun. So some of the things you have been saying are more then a little bit annoying.

    Overall the channel is working... we have seen plenty of new people PvPing at a much higher caliber game then they had access to previously. For the most part they appreciate it and have been coming back for more matches. Dismissing the work of people trying to better the game by saying TD is just some sort of trap to come and get challange stomped ? lol It is a bit infuriating.

    We just had a TD rule tournament and everyone seemed to have a great time... I know I got teamed with a few people I had never seen before... and they both played well and it was a lot of fun getting teamed with them. I felt I let them down when we didn't do better... point is we are trying to get new players into pvp... the que doesn't work you know that.

    TD works better then I think anything else we have ever done as a community. Most new players never get to see high level PvP in STO... in TD they do... yes that means sometimes if we don't get the balance right the games may feel more like stomp then intended. However I think 95% of the time people running the TD matches get it very right... and I have seen a lot of great 15 10+ matches.

    I also got the feeling from a small handful of people that they where not happy to be on the loosing side when it happened 2-3 times in a row... I get that its human nature. I think the point of TD though isn't about WINNING frrankly... its about being in a good pvp match. I would rather be in 10 loosing TD efforts in a row then have to endure more then one match in the que most nights. Good pvp is its own reward. (bad example though... probaly after 10 in a row I might be forced to rethink my build lol)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    I felt scammed into a game where it was going to be fair, and it turned into a massacre, that no amount of skill could have overcome, it was a loss on paper before the first shot was fired. Logs dont lie.

    Let me know when you will grow a pair, put on your big boy pants and actually try to organize anything, for anyone else.

    The only thing you ever do, is work passively aggressively to tear down something other people are putting their own hobby time to keep going. You are under no obligation to join.

    Out of curiosity how many TD matches did you organize?

    How many 5v5s?

    How many premades?

    How many 10v10s?

    How many tournaments?

    Now, out of those options, how many of those have you shown up in threads to complain about the rules, complain about how said activity was being organized?

    pulserazor wrote: »
    Its right in everyones face - I just make it visible. Its on the tip of everyones tounge, I just give it a name.

    I'll give this rant of yours a name "Immaturity".
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    zenithnaderzenithnader Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    pulserazor wrote: »
    my experience with the td channel, which is always hosted on Panda's teamspeak, hasent been good. I havent had fun, always on the losing side of an imbalanced team, and geting raged at in teamspeak by try-hards who take the game way to seriously for my taste. - Maybe im just not good enough.

    Maybe you should try harder, instead of berating try-hards who make the attempt. Harden up, your chatter will often get heated - victory is important, it's PvP after all.

    pulserazor wrote: »
    Like I have said since the first No BS tournament. Whoever makes up the 'rules' wins. Your rules are what makes the game not fun, not your alleged 'broken cheeze'. I'm sure you are having fun when you get to make the rules though. Enjoy.

    You mean fun in the queues like team cycled TIF, scramble doffs, mass grav pulse, premades/opvp pugmades vs pugs, etc?
    And for the nth time, YOU ARE FREE TO MAKE YOUR OWN MATCH AND ATTENDANT RULES. Considering you agreed to play in the match with clearly stated rules, you sure seem bitter about it.
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Also, just so everyone knows, this has nothing to do with my fleet, or any other fleet, it really isnt about SP, apart from the observation that When I logged into tylerdurden.failnoob I realized I was acually on sadpanda.failnoob teamspeak. and every single match I have ever been a part of has been full of people from that fleet. it was an observation. It becomes about other fleets when people see them all jump on one person in opvp and on these forums for making these observations, and offering their perspective viewpoints.

    Expect to be called on making statements based on falsehoods. 'It's not about SP.. except':
    How is Sad Panda participation is a problem? How is Sad Pandas TS3 hosting the matches a problem? Please explain why this perturbs you so.
    Just because you have a viewpoint doesn't mean it's just as valid as one based in fact.

    pulserazor wrote: »
    OOh Forum Bullying. Imagine my surprise.

    You shouldn't be surprised, your indignation at the channel and the people who organise matches is based on falsehoods you are being asked to validate.
    I gave you the scores for the evening, half of which were quite symmetrical, the most imbalanced was on the order of 15-5. If you'd bothered staying in that match, your team might have even fared better. You didn't even bother addressing the stats I gave you and still insist on making claims about the channel, as if saying something makes it true.
    pulserazor wrote: »
    Here it is again in a nutshell - TD is NOT for casual Players, and you are quite likely to be pitted against a team of people who are out to kick you in the TRIBBLE for their jollies, and if you think TD is going to be some magical haven away from what you think is spam/cheeze/exploits then think again. -

    Both teams in the match you participated in had at least one Sad Panda in them.
    How does this validate your notion that Sad Pandas use Tyler Durden as some kind private stomp channel?
    FYI I lost my fair share of matches that evening. No other player participating soiled themselves, abandoned their team/left the match, and left the channel.
    Congratulations on joining rage quit luminaries such as SD.

    Perhaps there should be a new Tyler Durden channel rule:
    EVERYONE FIGHTS, NOBODY QUITS (unless the imbalance is just terrible and we call for a reshuffle - YES, WE DO THAT!)

    Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
    Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Like I said, I didnt quit because i was outmatched, or outclassed, I quit the match because 3 spawns in a row it took me forever to get back into the action because I was swarmed by pets who locked me in combat 35 km away from the action, by the time I got there I was the prime target (as a known healer). I dont know how they managed to get me locked up with pets that far away, but it was annoying, and so I quit. I felt better abou tleaving the match then staying in a match and looking like the weakest player to myself when I looked at the score (btw I could care less what I look like to anyone else.) - The pets that were locking me up werent outright banned from the match, I assumed erroneously that they would not be included because I thought I was entering a match of high calibur players with dignity and class, the same class I exibited by submitting that I was a tif user. - Every single no bs tournament had them banned, so when I saw them used against me, especially in a way that made me completely useless 35 km away from the action before I even got to move from my spawn, yea - I was miffed enough to leave - I havent acually ever seen pets do that before. I may as well not have been in the match. I promise if I had stayed it would have been no different, my team probably would have lost even faster if I had stayed.

    What I really should have done was said TRIBBLE you guys and your BS elite interceptors, im just gonna use tif and evasive away so I can save my friends. I didnt. Cant have it back, and now you have someone new to hate on.

    My regrets and apologies Antonio for being offensive, and easily misunderstood. You have done more for the community then will be said that I have, though I feel like pointing things out the way I do is contributing. No one has ever listened to my ideas or concerns before, it was foolish of me to think it would ever be otherwise.

    I was honestly free of sarcasm and pith when I said: Good Luck With TD.

    To everyone else:

    Perhaps everything you say is true and I am wrong.

    At any rate, I am clearly out numbered, and universally hated.

    Who will be the first to drop it?

    Can you settle for not having the last word?
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    rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ran a pretty fun match with some of you guys tonight. It was well balanced, enjoyed it. Subbed to the channel as a result. =D
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ran a pretty fun match with some of you guys tonight. It was well balanced, enjoyed it. Subbed to the channel as a result. =D

    Thanks for joining. Glad you found some good pvp tonight. TD is quite most of the time... all it takes is one person to say hey lets get it going. :) If you have 2 or 3 friends already instead of trying to que and hope you get a good match shout out in TD and see if you can get it rocking.

    Welcome on board. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    mancommancom Member Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Maybe a short comment regarding the balancing tool is in order:

    It can only work when there is data for all players available.

    If there are players without data, the algorithm will assume their values as zero and thus essentially balance a 4v5 or such. Obviously the missing player will then tip the scales and make the match unbalanced. So if you happen to encounter a situation where players don't have data, consider using the algorithm to balance a 4v4 (or 3v3) and then add the previously removed players to both sides.

    Full disclosure: I am not a member of the TD channel, I only participate in matches that are advertised in OPVP or when I happen to be on Teamspeak when the matches are being started.
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