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  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    maicake716 wrote: »
    while i love this idea i do have my reservations and see it as others have stated, its such a shame the ingame chat channels dont allow "sub channels" to branch off of the main channels like how ventrillo or teamspeak do.

    this would solve so many issues imo...

    Is it really such a big deal... I have OrganizedPvP subbed... I have TD subbed... and 12 other ones as well.

    They are colour coded... no big deal really.

    I am not asking anyone to leave OrganizedPvP... its a great channel and it has become more of the PvP hub then the actual Organized match channel sadly.

    It should however and of course always will be in STO the channel for premades to find other premades for challange matches.

    This new one is and should be less formal... its for anyone to come in find a match... and with a little work before the game starts we will even it up as best we can so that the matches are as good as possible. I would imagine lots of new players will learn fast... returning vets will sharpen back up faster... and heck perhaps some of us will make a few new friends... seeing is all we do anymore is team with the same 5-10 people in our fleets. ;)

    I get it 100 other people have tried to start the Kill Organized PvP channel... that is NOT at all the intention of this.

    If this goes the way I am hoping it will... by the of this weekend we will have 200 or so people in the channel and we will be seeing....
    LF3M 5x5 Cracked X
    Popping up in there though out the day... with people duking it out.

    If we can get a good following... I'll start doing weekend lethal lottos and stuff in there...
    I don't want all that type of stuff stepping all over the organized pvp channel... as it is Opvp scrolls so fast on my screen half the time I miss entire conversations. lol
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If this proves popular, i'll consider joining it. But as it stands, OPvP does all of this for me. Why should I change when we already have a chat channel most of the community seems to be in? if it ain't broke, why try and fix it.

    As for the queues being dead, I disagree. Sure, you get the odd premade who are too stupid or too scared to advertise their existence or jump a few TS's to find another group to fight, but I still don't see where all this farmer TRIBBLE is coming from. The only person I see AFKing in the queues these days is Star Dagger, and that's pretty normal.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited August 2013
    Slightly off topic, but in general I've seen a lot of people saying things like "I never see Aceton Assimilators" or, more to the point, "I never see farmers/afkers". When I took a break from PvP a few months ago every match started one person short on the Fed side, without fail. From there one was AFK leaving Fed side short two people. Then a third person either suicided or quit. Now that I'm back it's more of the same. Most of the time when I queue I do so solo, I sign up for any game and unless my finger slips it's always FvK because I worry about gorn getting bored (<3 <3).

    For the last match of the night I joined an FvK Cap and Hold that started with 2 Feds v 3 KDF. The other Fed never left the spawn.

    I know experiences vary but there is no way I can have such awful luck that I'm the only person seeing these things.

    But when people claim that they don't see the farmers I have to wonder what game they are playing, and also, can I play?
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I like the concept, and will join as soon as the server comes back up...

    Question; what criteria do you use to level the teams?

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Question; what criteria do you use to level the teams?

    A very relevant question, I think.

    Honestly, if the PvP queues used some kind of leaderboard system to at least attempt to match people up according to level and skill I would have more interest in PvP than I do now.

    As it is, we'll see if Cryptic decides to do anything to revitalize PvP.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Question; what criteria do you use to level the teams?

    Hopefully he will line you up and organize you according to the amount of muscular definition of your torsos as well as the intensity of light reflectance from the oils on your skin.
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hopefully he will line you up and organize you according to the amount of muscular definition of your torsos as well as the intensity of light reflectance from the oils on your skin.

    how much of a factor is shiny/oiled muscle skin?
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hopefully he will line you up and organize you according to the amount of muscular definition of your torsos as well as the intensity of light reflectance from the oils on your skin.

    So basically you are saying that he will...pump *clap and point* you up! :D
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Of course you should still team as a premade and get good premade matches going... seriosuly though don't claim you guys are looking for games... I didn't see you guys post any premades on the entire night... but ran into full 5 mans in the ques a couple times. lol

    Why would you say this when you (I assume you are Husanak...if you're not...then um disregard this post) responded to me multiple times when I was asking for a match. I asked if you wanted to take the best from your Fight Club matches and challenge us. You refused even though you had plenty of seasoned veterans that would have been able to put up a good fight. Then later you suggested Shift's team fight against my team even though we were on the same team, which I guess you didn't realize, but it only goes to prove that you were aware that both of us were looking for a team to fight.

    I posted more than half a dozen times looking for a team to fight last night as I do every night when I'm on a full team so don't post this nonsense about us not looking or wanting to fight another premade when through your own interaction with us you knew good-and-well we were looking for a team to fight. Regulus did the same thing last night claiming all we do is pug-stomp, but I particularly remember fighting against his premade last weekend in a private challenge match.

    You guys need to stop making up stories and instead of complaining about us hitting the queues with our friends/fleetmates, form up a team to challenge us. We're on almost every Saturday afternoon (U.S.)/evening (Euro) fighting premades all day and we're sometimes on at night (U.S.) during the weekdays.

    With all of that said, I do like your idea for this Fight Club. When I'm not playing with friends/fleetmates I'll definitely stop by and see if I can't get into a pick-up game.
  • highlethighlet Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    skurf wrote: »
    Why would you say this when you (I assume you are Husanak...if you're not...then um disregard this post) responded to me multiple times when I was asking for a match. I asked if you wanted to take the best from your Fight Club matches and challenge us. You refused even though you had plenty of seasoned veterans that would have been able to put up a good fight. Then later you suggested Shift's team fight against my team even though we were on the same team, which I guess you didn't realize, but it only goes to prove that you were aware that both of us were looking for a team to fight.

    I posted more than half a dozen times looking for a team to fight last night as I do every night when I'm on a full team so don't post this nonsense about us not looking or wanting to fight another premade when through your own interaction with us you knew good-and-well we were looking for a team to fight. Regulus did the same thing last night claiming all we do is pug-stomp, but I particularly remember fighting against his premade last weekend in a private challenge match.

    You guys need to stop making up stories and instead of complaining about us hitting the queues with our friends/fleetmates, form up a team to challenge us. We're on almost every Saturday afternoon (U.S.)/evening (Euro) fighting premades all day and we're sometimes on at night (U.S.) during the weekdays.

    With all of that said, I do like your idea for this Fight Club. When I'm not playing with friends/fleetmates I'll definitely stop by and see if I can't get into a pick-up game.

    The tells I was getting in broken english from nemo last night after he complained about my build after those couple c&h against your guys 4-5man were pretty hilarious. 13 is a tough age though, I'm sure he'll grow out of it.

  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    skurf wrote: »
    You guys need to stop making up stories...

    This is very good advice for everyone.

    I wish everyone would take this to heart before posting or repeating things on the forums.

    Food for thought, for all of us.
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    highlet wrote: »
    The tells I was getting in broken english from nemo last night after he complained about my build after those couple c&h against your guys 4-5man were pretty hilarious. 13 is a tough age though, I'm sure he'll grow out of it.


    Yes, I've talked to him about his attitude before. He is a bit emotional/impulsive/rude at times, and that's just how he is, but I would rather him not be that way when fighting with Nova Core and I've told him as much. Let's just say it's a work in progress.
  • tripwire690tripwire690 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The original poster is full of it. What you NEED TO DO is learn how to use Organizedpvp as Ninjaboy originally intended for it to be used. If you can't get a fleet team together. Form an opvpmade. Don't sit here and act all victimized like premades prey on the weak and innocent. You are a competent and knowledgeable player. I suggest you captain your own opvpmade when you know premades are in the queues. Kax does it. I do it. Bleeps does it. Why can't you do it?

    And instead of suggesting its somehow an entire fleets responsibility to baby sit players who prefer to play pick up groups. Maybe if you are frustrated so much about pugging when a premade is in the queue you should form your team and make it YOUR responsibility to challenge the team in the queues. Fleets are not obligated to NOT play in the public queue. They have the same rights as any other player who queues up.

    I side with Hilbert. Who the hell in their right mind wants to play on a team with useless players who care more about themselves than the other 4 players they're paired with? Fleet mate, friend, or competent opvp player. I'd rather play with those players than some random selfish someone I don't know only out to kirk his night away. Premades are NOT the problem. Its players who cry and do nothing when they are in the queues. Invite these so called "victimized" pugs to opvp then. Invite them to team. Queue with them. Give them advice on what they can do better. Compliment them on what they can do well. We can grow this community through organizing more teams in the queues. Not by segregating them in "fight clubs" as if you can some how do it better than what opvp has been doing for 3 years. Or by banishing them all to private matches never to be seen or heard from again. You'll get out of opvp what you put into it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
  • highlethighlet Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    skurf wrote: »
    Yes, I've talked to him about his attitude before. He is a bit emotional/impulsive/rude at times, and that's just how he is, but I would rather him not be that way when fighting with Nova Core and I've told him as much. Let's just say it's a work in progress.

    Haha no worries man. Usually enjoy games against nc guys. Good fights
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The original poster is full of it. What you NEED TO DO is learn how to use Organizedpvp as Ninjaboy originally intended for it to be used. If you can't get a fleet team together. Form an opvpmade. Don't sit here and act all victimized like premades prey on the weak and innocent. You are a competent and knowledgeable player. I suggest you captain your own opvpmade when you know premades are in the queues. Kax does it. I do it. Bleeps does it. Why can't you do it?

    And instead of suggesting its somehow an entire fleets responsibility to baby sit players who prefer to play pick up groups. Maybe if you are frustrated so much about pugging when a premade is in the queue you should form your team and make it YOUR responsibility to challenge the team in the queues. Fleets are not obligated to NOT play in the public queue. They have the same rights as any other player who queues up.

    I side with Hilbert. Who the hell in their right mind wants to play on a team with useless players who care more about themselves than the other 4 players they're paired with? Fleet mate, friend, or competent opvp player. I'd rather play with those players than some random selfish someone I don't know only out to kirk his night away. Premades are NOT the problem. Its players who cry and do nothing when they are in the queues. Invite these so called "victimized" pugs to opvp then. Invite them to team. Queue with them. Give them advice on what they can do better. Compliment them on what they can do well. We can grow this community through organizing more teams in the queues. Not by segregating them in "fight clubs" as if you can some how do it better than what opvp has been doing for 3 years. Or by banishing them all to private matches never to be seen or heard from again. You'll get out of opvp what you put into it. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    Not everyone is interested in Opvp pugmades, sometimes even random pugs are better then the pugmades I run into and beat sometimes. Forming Opvp pugmade doesn't really give you a chance against dedicated premades, it just lets them feel like they aren't pugstomping when they pretty much are almost doing the same thing. I rather pug, kerrat, or use this channel instead if not enough of my fleet is PVPing at the time. So no the op is not full of it he has a great idea, also it lets us get around segregated Fed/KDF queues.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't play this game to stroke anyones ego... or beat on them... I play to play.

    Devolved one... yes I admit I was confused last night for some reason I didn't think you where Noca Core... my bad. Yes you asked me to fight earlier its true... still didn't see shift who I assume was your wing commander leader what ever Feds call themselves asking in Opvp at all.

    Which according to him is where you should be doing such things. :)

    Not to hurt your feelings guys... but the Channel idea is NOT about you.

    For the record last night I DID invite you guys to come play... however I explained we where not looking for premade vs premade fights... but that you where welcome to come and do the mix match stuff with us. We where a bunch of guys just playing we didn't have a sci and I was n't about to ask someone to switch to there sci sci toon... and try to theory craft a perfect team before we fought you. You where free to join us and we would have mixed it up so each side had a semi equal number of Sci and a tac spike and heals... and been more then happy to go at it.... Heck if there eneded up being more then 10 of us we could have made it a 6v6 or 7v7 if we had needed to.

    In any event I hope you guys join the new channel... don't unsub from Opvp... sub to both.. I hope you buy into the idea... cause more good players will make for more good matches... as well I think both Devolved and Shift would be good at eyeing up there matches and making sure they are as balanced as possible.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    A very relevant question, I think.

    Honestly, if the PvP queues used some kind of leaderboard system to at least attempt to match people up according to level and skill I would have more interest in PvP than I do now.

    As it is, we'll see if Cryptic decides to do anything to revitalize PvP.

    Leaderboards aren't really needed to setup good close matches.

    We ran a bunch last night and they where all super close... and went for long times, ending in scores like 15 13... its not because they where long heal fest boring matches either... both sides where just well balanced.

    To answer the question you where answering... it really isn't hard to balance a challange match. Once everyone is in the challange match window all that has to be made clear is who is playing what role.

    1) Sci balance.... simply ensure this is as balanced as possible. Don't start a match where one side has 4 sci and the other side has none.

    2) Tac balance... again don't start a match with one side having 3 bug ships and the other side being all cruisers.

    3) healer balance... again don't throw 2 tholian cariers and a couple engi cruisers on one team.

    4) Vet / Newer player balance... its my hope that a good number of vet / fleet premade players ect join up as well as many newer players. I don't think its to hard for someone to be honest and say hey I'm a bit newer to this... and for the people in the match to NOT start a match with a team of 5 new players vs 5 Fleeted up Hard Core long time pvpers. :)

    I know not every match we start in there will be perfect... but come on it will be better then the que matching which 95% of the time is terrible. Also hale is right the ques still start matches with 4 on 5s or 3 and 4s... or there is that one guy that doesn't load in for the first 5min... most of that stuff won't happen. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The original poster is full of it. What you NEED TO DO is learn how to use Organizedpvp as Ninjaboy originally intended for it to be used. If you can't get a fleet team together. Form an opvpmade. Don't sit here and act all victimized like premades prey on the weak and innocent. You are a competent and knowledgeable player. I suggest you captain your own opvpmade when you know premades are in the queues. Kax does it. I do it. Bleeps does it. Why can't you do it?

    Careful what you wish for Trip... the Critz boys might get sick of Big walking robots and Warplanes. lol

    Frankly Trip... the Opvp bug making... and the fleet running of the ques at all hours of the day is part of the problem right now. It hurts pvp uptake... have you ever talked to one of the new kids pugging ?

    I don't mean responding to there "haxors" calls in zone... I mean in fact PMing them after a match and talking to them.

    I see plenty of people every day pvping that I assume are afking for marks... after talking to some of them I realize... there just frustrated. Some matches they try... some they give up on.

    I am not trying to blame you or any other one person Shift... we are ALL GUILTY of it.

    You know I'm just as bad... I have done the same with SOG and Grethor and Critz teams... In fact I remember you going off more then once in OrganizedPvP after having to face us more then a hanful of times in an evening.

    I am not asking you to stop teaming up and playing... I'm simply asking you guys to take a step back now and then... ask a few of those new kids to join both Opvp and TD... and come in and run some TD style fight club matches. I know you will have fun... I know everyone will improve player wise. I also 100% believe you guys will have an easier time finding premade matches... as you will befriend people from other fleets you meet at fight club.

    Don't be all defensive Shift... Join the channel please you would be a great add. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't play this game to stroke anyones ego... or beat on them... I play to play.

    Devolved one... yes I admit I was confused last night for some reason I didn't think you where Noca Core... my bad. Yes you asked me to fight earlier its true... still didn't see shift who I assume was your wing commander leader what ever Feds call themselves asking in Opvp at all.

    Which according to him is where you should be doing such things. :)
    There was no need for him or anyone else on our team to ask since I was asking. I was also asking in TRH's public chat and Sad Panda Cubs public chat to no avail as well as checking my friend's list to see if anyone had a premade.

    Not to hurt your feelings guys... but the Channel idea is NOT about you.
    I realize this, and that's fine- my feelings aren't hurt ;). Like I said, I like your idea and you'll probably be seeing me in there when I don't have a team, however I doubt we'll be splitting up our team to join because it is better for us to practice target calling, subnukes, switching and stuff with each other, and we are continuously trying to bring in more Nova Core members into the PvP fold. When we do this, we would rather play with each other so we get to know each other's style, accents, methodology, and be able to help fleetmates that may not have played in premades before, which we wouldn't be able to do if we split up, and this is why we didn't split up to join your Fight Club last night.

    BTW, is Noca Core some kinda knock on our fleet (I think I saw you say it last night too)? If so, I don't get it. :confused:
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thats cool man... your a long time friend... glad you didn't take offense. I admit I am slow on the who is in what fleet anymore stuff. Granted if you where doing the asking I owe you both an apology then.

    So I apology for my misunderstanding... Devolvedone and Shift. Hope you accept it I mean it.

    I do hope you both join and get your friend to join fight club. Trust me after you run a few good matches you will see the advantage of getting your guys to view it as training on some level.

    Learning how to anticipate random other good players in matches that stretch the limits of both sides improve us all... there is so much more to premade playing then just target calling... sometimes its that 4th string guy you have playing second sci noticing something and reacting just 1s faster that makes the difference. :)

    See ya in game. Thanks for engaging the conversation.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • tripwire690tripwire690 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Careful what you wish for Trip... the Critz boys might get sick of Big walking robots and Warplanes. lol

    Frankly Trip... the Opvp bug making... and the fleet running of the ques at all hours of the day is part of the problem right now. It hurts pvp uptake... have you ever talked to one of the new kids pugging ?

    I don't mean responding to there "haxors" calls in zone... I mean in fact PMing them after a match and talking to them.

    I see plenty of people every day pvping that I assume are afking for marks... after talking to some of them I realize... there just frustrated. Some matches they try... some they give up on.

    I am not trying to blame you or any other one person Shift... we are ALL GUILTY of it.

    You know I'm just as bad... I have done the same with SOG and Grethor and Critz teams... In fact I remember you going off more then once in OrganizedPvP after having to face us more then a hanful of times in an evening.

    I am not asking you to stop teaming up and playing... I'm simply asking you guys to take a step back now and then... ask a few of those new kids to join both Opvp and TD... and come in and run some TD style fight club matches. I know you will have fun... I know everyone will improve player wise. I also 100% believe you guys will have an easier time finding premade matches... as you will befriend people from other fleets you meet at fight club.

    Don't be all defensive Shift... Join the channel please you would be a great add. :)

    You disrespect our fleet with names like "Noca Core" and i'm not supposed to be defensive? I will not join your channel or bother spreading the word about it. There is nothing wrong with opvp except for players like you who try to siphon players away from the channel. The very thing you are doing with your Fight club channel you could be doing in opvp. you CHOOSE not to. And don't lecture me about inviting people to opvp or private messaging players to try and help them out.

    "Join the OrganizedPvP channel and team up with an opvpteam. Talk pvp, ask for build advice, find a PvP fleet. Become apart of the PvP Community."

    That is my keybind that i post after matches when i make opvp teams. I've invited several players to the channel and onto our teamspeak to discuss builds and team play. The only other bind i publicly post is our fleet recruiting message which i also do occasionally after pvp matches. I do my part to support and encourage growth in our pvp community. And I will continue to do so. in the official pvp channel of Star Trek Online. THE ORGANIZEDPVP channel.

    Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    As it is, we'll see if Cryptic decides to do anything to revitalize PvP.

    Oh sweet naive Blue...
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    edit: Never mind - it was some sort of twisted and perverse insult...though, I'm not really seeing it.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You disrespect our fleet with names like "Noca Core" and i'm not supposed to be defensive? I will not join your channel or bother spreading the word about it. There is nothing wrong with opvp except for players like you who try to siphon players away from the channel. The very thing you are doing with your Fight club channel you could be doing in opvp. you CHOOSE not to. And don't lecture me about inviting people to opvp or private messaging players to try and help them out.

    "Join the OrganizedPvP channel and team up with an opvpteam. Talk pvp, ask for build advice, find a PvP fleet. Become apart of the PvP Community."

    That is my keybind that i post after matches when i make opvp teams. I've invited several players to the channel and onto our teamspeak to discuss builds and team play. The only other bind i publicly post is our fleet recruiting message which i also do occasionally after pvp matches. I do my part to support and encourage growth in our pvp community. And I will continue to do so. in the official pvp channel of Star Trek Online. THE ORGANIZEDPVP channel.

    I am glad to hear you are promoting the community shift. We for sure disagree on a few things, pushing things forward though we both agree on that no doubt. I respect your views and we will have to agree to disagree. :)

    The Noca Core thing... if you didn't take offense it wouldn't be so funny. You guys merged with another major fleet and dropped there name. Couldn't help but keep it alive at least a little bit. ;) lol

    Honestly TD is about dropping the air of seriousness that has infected the top tier pvp fleets. (yes I just lumped you in with top tier... not sure if its right to do that) Its a joke sorry don't go all serious mode on that one. Really come and fight club with us...its not about what fleet your in or who your friends are or who your better then or who you dislike... its about getting some great pvp, and feeling alive in this game. (I know that is something you hunt for cause you GG when you loose close matches I have see you do it. lol)

    The choice is yours of course... the channel isn't private your welcome any time. You don't have to leave Opvp in fact you should still promote Opvp of course for new kids that is the place they should be asking for advice ect. When we are running matches one night I will ask you to join in Opvp I hope you come and see what you are missing. I think at that point you will see the value of the channel and join. At least I hope...if not we again will just have to agree to disagree. :)

    Have fun, nuke and scan buddy.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • xalexkxxalexkx Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    /channel_Join OrganizedPVP

    why make another channel?
    To boldly go where no FAWer has ever FAWed before.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    xalexkx wrote: »
    /channel_Join OrganizedPVP

    why make another channel?

    Its very simple really.

    OrganizedPvP is likely the greatest thing we have done as a community. It really is the defacto PvP channel in STO.

    I am not asking anyone to leave Opvp... quite the opposite. We should all be in OrganizedPvP using it in a way it was intended to be used. Setting up Premade matches. Premade Vs Premade.

    Tyler Durden isn't about that man.

    The matches we setup in Tyler Durden are NOT preset teams ever. Teams are welcome to come and you best be prepared to fight each other. In order to balance teams we need to move people around. You will be playing with your friends you simply may be shooting at them... its liberating to not worry about your fleet and take things so serious all the time.

    People jump into large 10v10s in Opvp all the time... and its fun because it can be so random. Imagine doing 80% of your pvp that way... setting up 5v5s... 3v3s whatever people feel like running. Balancing the sides as close as you can to ensure everyone gets a nose bleed. :)

    Allow me to butcher a Tyler Durden quote for you....

    "You're not your fleet. You're not how much EC you have in the bank. You're not the ship you pilot. You're not the contents of your reputation rewards. You're not your f***** khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing c*** of the world."

    Honestly you join Tyler Durden to Fight... Everyone fights... the point isn't who wins or who looses... the point is that you FIGHT.

    The ques are full of Junk most of the day... this is the way around that... when you feel like banding together with your fleet mates and your headsets go for it... and find matches in OrganizedPvP thats what its for.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • tripwire690tripwire690 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Its very simple really.

    OrganizedPvP is likely the greatest thing we have done as a community. It really is the defacto PvP channel in STO.

    I am not asking anyone to leave Opvp... quite the opposite. We should all be in OrganizedPvP using it in a way it was intended to be used. Setting up Premade matches. Premade Vs Premade.

    Tyler Durden isn't about that man.

    The matches we setup in Tyler Durden are NOT preset teams ever. Teams are welcome to come and you best be prepared to fight each other. In order to balance teams we need to move people around. You will be playing with your friends you simply may be shooting at them... its liberating to not worry about your fleet and take things so serious all the time.

    People jump into large 10v10s in Opvp all the time... and its fun because it can be so random. Imagine doing 80% of your pvp that way... setting up 5v5s... 3v3s whatever people feel like running. Balancing the sides as close as you can to ensure everyone gets a nose bleed. :)

    Allow me to butcher a Tyler Durden quote for you....

    "You're not your fleet. You're not how much EC you have in the bank. You're not the ship you pilot. You're not the contents of your reputation rewards. You're not your f***** khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing c*** of the world."

    Honestly you join Tyler Durden to Fight... Everyone fights... the point isn't who wins or who looses... the point is that you FIGHT.

    The ques are full of Junk most of the day... this is the way around that... when you feel like banding together with your fleet mates and your headsets go for it... and find matches in OrganizedPvP thats what its for.

    Organizedpvp is exactly that. Organized PvP. 5v5, 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1, premade or opvp pug vs opvp pug. Its THAT simple.

    Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Organizedpvp is exactly that. Organized PvP. 5v5, 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1, premade or opvp pug vs opvp pug. Its THAT simple.

    Your wrong its that simple. :)

    Leave your fleet drama at the door and join Tyler Durden... or don't the choice is yours.

    If you choose to join don't leave Opvp... keep that and use it as intended find teams for Nova Core (see I am being nice) to fight. Those Opvp fights you are talking about are nothing more then both sides trying to setup a "premade" team and all the junk that entails. Play the game to play the game man... you will have much more fun.

    Join TD to just fight... don't worry about who your wing man will be or how many sci you have or who has rep and who doesn't... who's the nuke, who's the hammer... who's my pocket healer. Come and be ready for true fights... Everything the ques should be, and sadly are not.

    I still hope you will come shift... you are the sort of player who should be able to look at a group of 10 guys subjectively and shuffle them around to ensure great matches.

    Either way see ya in game.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • tripwire690tripwire690 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Your wrong its that simple. :)

    Leave your fleet drama at the door and join Tyler Durden... or don't the choice is yours.

    If you choose to join don't leave Opvp... keep that and use it as intended find teams for Nova Core (see I am being nice) to fight. Those Opvp fights you are talking about are nothing more then both sides trying to setup a "premade" team and all the junk that entails. Play the game to play the game man... you will have much more fun.

    Join TD to just fight... don't worry about who your wing man will be or how many sci you have or who has rep and who doesn't... who's the nuke, who's the hammer... who's my pocket healer. Come and be ready for true fights... Everything the ques should be, and sadly are not.

    I still hope you will come shift... you are the sort of player who should be able to look at a group of 10 guys subjectively and shuffle them around to ensure great matches.

    Either way see ya in game.

    Your wrong its THAT simple. And what is this drama TRIBBLE you speak of? OR-gah-NEYES-duh pee-VEE-pee. So we are clear. Its not Premadepvp channel. When Kax announces "BATTLEKAX TEAM FORMING. X UP!!" I don't recall him begging for specifically 2 sci and 3 tacs. Or 2 engineers and 3 sci. When I say "x up for Team pvp" or "x up for Team 7 PvP" I don't beg for you to have abc and d before I will invite you. Again your making **** up. Mai Kai is the same when he puts a team together. So yah. When players make opvp teams the people they ask to join aren't interrogated, processed and screened with a full background check before they are allowed to queue with us. We simply take whoever x's up first.

    The simple team forming you say happens everyday in opvp. There are just too many indians and not enough chiefs. The problem is when Kax is putting together an opvp team its usually only him. When I am putting an opvp team together it is only me. If there were more players making opvp teams we would have more opvp team vs opvp team private matches going on. But there aren't. You certainly don't help. But it's as simple as putting your own opvp team together and challenging the other opvp team. And if there are two 5 man opvp teams thats half of a 10v10. So don't act like opvp doesn't represent the "little guy". Your full of it. And your channel is nothing more than an attempt to make opvp look bad. As if its lacking something. The channel itself isn't lacking. It's the players that aren't taking enough advantage of what the channel COULD BE that are lacking.

    Now you go off to your little fight club and continue to further fracture what little community us pew pew people have. Mai Kai, Kax, and myself will continue to do what we can when we can for the Opvp community members from day to day.

    Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Now you go off to your little fight club and continue to further fracture what little community us pew pew people have. Mai Kai, Kax, and myself will continue to do what we can when we can for the Opvp community members from day to day.

    Oh I'm sorry you folks are the community stewards... my bad. Everything is so smooth amongst us pvpers I just didn't notice. I understand now the garden is tended.

    I never said TD was the place for the little guy Shift... I have been trying to invite you for 3 pages now. Your a steward not a little guy, not sure where you are getting that from.

    You seem to have a beef with me ... bring it to fight club I'll team us opposite and you can throw stuff out the airlock at me. Let the rage out my friend... rage against the dying of the light. :)

    Also stop reading between the lines... there is nothing hidden in my Message. OrganizedPVP !!!! its the best channel the community has ever created and it continues to be. Stop trying to forum fight with me and join fight club you pansy.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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