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    picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This um...doesn't match any of my testing. 70-80 overcap, there's nothing below 125. 50-60, can run into sync issues where you lose arc and the first weapon is no longer the first so it drains as well if arc is acquired again at a specific point. At that point, yes - the 10.5 to 12.5 EPS (no consoles) takes you back to 125 in less than a second.

    The thing to keep in mind about why Beams benefit the most, is that the benefit is not a boost to damage - it is a boost against the loss of damage. Those beam firing cycles create a larger loss of weapon power - takes longer to get it back - thus more damage is lost. Cannons don't lose as much, not as much is lost, thus the benefit is less. Don't lose as much, can't benefit as much...cause you're still capped at 125.

    It pretty much works as Geko described it...outside of sync issues, arc issues, drains, etc, etc, etc. I run beams on 5 of my 9 guys. They all work along the lines of what Geko said.

    Are you sure you aren't running NI doing that test? I just took my Dread Carrier in to try this out, and I can guarantee you will see that initial energy drop no matter what your overcap.

    - My weapon power level runs 125/100 with no buffs.
    - Fire my 4 forward polaron arrays and cutting beam, and I see a drop as one would expect.

    - Activate EPS III (+30.9), EPtWIII (+46.8), and RMC (+35) [EPS Manifold Efficiency here]
    - At a minimum, my "overcap" should be 237.7

    Yet if I fire those same 4 arrays and cutting beam, I still see a power drop into the 90s. It does quickly fill back up, but the second volley of shots is weaker.

    All of the damage values are what you would expect. My first shot at the natural 125 is about the same damage as my first shot at the "overbuffed" 237.7+. A slight damage increase from the EPtW damage buff, unrelated to power.
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Are you sure you aren't running NI doing that test? I just took my Dread Carrier in to try this out, and I can guarantee you will see that initial energy drop no matter what your overcap.

    - My weapon power level runs 125/100 with no buffs.
    - Fire my 4 forward polaron arrays and cutting beam, and I see a drop as one would expect.

    - Activate EPS III (+30.9), EPtWIII (+46.8), and RMC (+35) [EPS Manifold Efficiency here]
    - At a minimum, my "overcap" should be 237.7

    Yet if I fire those same 4 arrays and cutting beam, I still see a power drop into the 90s. It does quickly fill back up, but the second volley of shots is weaker.

    All of the damage values are what you would expect. My first shot at the natural 125 is about the same damage as my first shot at the "overbuffed" 237.7+. A slight damage increase from the EPtW damage buff, unrelated to power.

    Plague (Eng) / Chel Grett

    Base Weapon Power = (126)/100
    +EPtS1 (EPS Manifold +10) = (136)/100
    +EPtW1 (+26.2) = (163)/100
    +MACO 5stack (+10) = (173)/100
    +EPS3 (+34.3) = (207)/100
    +OWA (+10) = (217)/100

    EPS Rate: 12.5/s

    Fore: Omega, Experimental, 2x Rom Array
    Aft: Hyper, Cutting Beam, 2x Rom Array

    Once he gets the 5stack, he doesn't drop below 125 without outside influence or the goofed arcs I mentioned.

    Prophet (Eng) / JHEC

    Base Weapon Power = (129)/100
    +EPtS1 (EPS Manifold +10) = (139)/100
    +EPtW1 (+24.4) = (154)/100
    +AtB1 (Avg +21.7) = (176)/100
    +Leech 8stack (+17.6) = (193)/100
    +EPS3 (+32.8) = (226)/100
    +OWA (+10) = (236)/100

    EPS Rate: 11,3/s

    Fore: Cutting Beam, Tet DBB, 2x R-Tet Array
    Aft: Web Mine, 2x R-Tet Array

    Broadside is covered before Leech.

    Saraquael (Tac) / Assault
    w/ [E->W] Core

    Base Weapon Power = 121/100
    +EPtW1 (+23.2) = (144)/100
    +AtB1 (Avg +13.8) = (159)/100
    +WCE DOFF (+25) = (186)/100

    EPS Rate: 10.5/s

    Fore: 4x Polaron Array
    Aft: 4x Polaron Array

    She will drop below 125 once enough weapons have fired to go beyond her overcap.

    Boreas (Eng) / Heavy Retro

    Base Weapon Power = 112/100
    +EPtS1 (EPS Manifold +10) = 122/100
    +EPtW2 (+30.9) = (153)/100
    +EPS3 (+31.8) = (184)/100

    EPS Rate: 10.5/s

    Fore: Elachi Array, Nanite Array, Polarized Disruptor Array, Plasma-Disruptor Array
    Aft: Elachi Array, Nanite Array, 2x Plasma-Disruptor Array

    He will drop below 125 once enough weapons have fired to go beyond his overcap.

    Notus (Eng) / K't'inga Retro

    Base Weapon Power = 117/100
    +EPtS1 (EPS Manifold +10) = 127/100
    +EPtW2 (+30.9) = (158)/100
    +EPS3 (+31.8) = (189)/100

    EPS Rate: 10.5/s

    Fore: Elachi Array, Nanite Array, Polarized Disruptor Array, Plasma-Disruptor Array
    Aft: Elachi Array, Nanite Array, Polarized Disruptor Array, Plasma-Disruptor Array

    He will drop below 125 once enough weapons have fired to go beyond his overcap.

    I just took Notus into a CE, doing the broadside flying around the Entity. With just the EPS Manifold and EPtW2, he did not drop below 89 firing 8 beams. With EPS3, he did not drop below 115. That's in line with 158 - 70 = 88 and 189 - 70 = 119. Well, that's not entirely true, like I mentioned earlier - if the arcs get dorked and the first weapon doesn't think it's first again, you can end up eating an additional 10 drain. During two turns (I hate flying into the atmosphere and the white-screening), he dropped to 77 and 109.

    I'm not sure how you're dropping from 237 down to 90ish. Like I said, all of my guys have and continue to follow things the way as Geko outlined them. Hrmm, let me go back and note each of their EPS rates. None of them sport any EPS consoles though.
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    picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    Yes, please do. What ever it is you are doing that is keeping the power levels at 125, I want in! My thought was power transfer rate as well, that perhaps your transfer rate is so high, the game does not even have time to display the drop and recharge, but you seem to say that is not the case.

    Are your beam weapons on autofire or do you spam the space button? I've noticed the autofire is the most well timed simultaneous firing of all the beams, but also shows the greatest power drain.

    My Transfer Rate is 9.7/sec, no consoles as well.

    Jem'Hadar Combat Engines +5
    Assim. Console +5
    Starship Weapon Perf (level6)
    Starship Warp Pot (level6)

    All said and done, my weapon power at setting of 50 is 92. So for arguments sake let's say my 125/100 is already overcapped at 140/100.

    The simplest test of all, just did it in Battleship Royal Rumble.

    Base of 140/100.
    EPS, EPtWIII, RMC for +112.7
    Total w/ "overcap": 252.7

    * Start firing one polaron array. No power drain as exepcted of course.
    * Fire the second polaron array. Briefly power reads as 115/100 before jumping back to 125.

    This is indicative of the behavior I am seeing, where power is shaved off of 125 regardless of your "overcap" and then begins to recharge to what your resting point "should be". It happens relatively quickly, are you sure you aren't looking down a second or two later and seeing the recharged value?

    Also, just to be totally clear, all of these beams that fire when I'm reading 125/100 with a bunch of overcap, are hitting for what you would expect from a 125 power beam. There is no "super powered" beam attacks that actually are buffed directly by power levels of 252.7 like folks have suggested elsewhere in the thread... I would notice for sure :P
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Are your beam weapons on autofire or do you spam the space button?

    Technically, both. They're on autofire but I've also got the standard spacebar thing going with variations of:

    space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FirePhasers $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireTorps $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FireAll $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields"

    Also, just to be totally clear, all of these beams that fire when I'm reading 125/100 with a bunch of overcap, are hitting for what you would expect from a 125 power beam. There is no "super powered" beam attacks that actually are buffed directly by power levels of 252.7 like folks have suggested elsewhere in the thread... I would notice for sure :P

    Heh, definitely - I try to point that out as well - it's fighting off the loss of damage (thus gaining damage) not directly gaining damage. You're still at 125.

    For example...say we had a common Mk X Array with the standard 9 Weapon/9 Energy - no consoles or anything else.

    @125 Weapon Power ~747.3 DPV
    @115 Weapon Power ~687.6 DPV
    @105 Weapon Power ~627.8 DPV
    @95 Weapon Power ~568.0 DPV
    @85 Weapon Power ~508.2 DPV
    @75 Weapon Power ~484.4 DPV

    It's not a case that it's anything like...

    @135 Weapon Power ~807.1 DPV
    @175 Weapon Power ~1046.3 DPV

    ...cause you're still @125 when you overcap. Overcapping just helps you not lose damage...er...thus gaining damage you would have otherwise lost...but er...not new damage that didn't exist.
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    lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Edit - Nevermind, I had a derpa derpa moment.

    Please ignore this post. :P

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    "But doesn't Cryptic tell us this isn't the case?" I'm not sure that's a sentence, so I'm not sure how to respond. But I think I understand what you are referring to.

    You cannot get weapon power past 125 with batteries or powers. The power levels are pretty hard capped. That is, any power (say, a beam) that calculates damage based on your current weapon power level will never deal damage based on anything more than 125.

    If you activate a buff that gives you more than 125 power, the power is still there, and you can draw from it. So, lets say:
    • You are at 50/125.
    • You activate a buff that gives you 50 power.
    • You will be at 100/125.
    • Weapons fire based on 100 weapon power.
    • If multiple weapons are fired, power will start to drain, and all weapons will subsequently deal less power.

    However, let say:
    • You are at 100/125.
    • You activate a buff that gives you 50 power.
    • You will be at 125/125.
    • Weapons fire based on 125 weapon power.
    • If multiple weapons are fired, power will start to drain. However, you still have 25 unclaimed power from your buff, so that fills in. Your weapon power level wont drop below 125 until you deplete that buff. Once that happens, then power levels will drop below 125 power.

    I'm pretty sure its working how its supposed to, but I haven't looked at that math in a long time. So there could be a problem, but I'm pretty sure its WAD. Haven't really thought about whether that should be changed or not.

    Hi Capt Gecko,

    Thanks for shedding some light on this long, long, debated topic.

    What are your thoughts on Cannons (single or dual) not seeming to be receiving the same benefit that beams (single or dual) do with regard to the amount of usable "unclaimed" power?

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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hi Capt Gecko,

    Thanks for shedding some light on this long, long, debated topic.

    What are your thoughts on Cannons (single or dual) not seeming to be receiving the same benefit that beams (single or dual) do with regard to the amount of usable "unclaimed" power?


    I know this wasn't aimed at me, and I'm certainly not the overwhelming authority on overcapping, but isn't the difference in "usable" power merely the difference in firing duration? What I mean is that beam weapons seem to take longer to actually complete their firing sequence than cannon weapons, so tend trigger the "when fired with other weapons" drain effect more often, thereby drawing on a greater volume of weapon power. DHC's take the faster firing sequence one step further, since they only fire 2 pulses per volley.

    Actually... virusdancer, do you have any numbers on the firing patterns of each of the weapon types? Mostly, how many seconds the firing duration is and how many seconds the cycling duration between firing is, by weapon type. I know you love the numbers ;)
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Actually... virusdancer, do you have any numbers on the firing patterns of each of the weapon types? Mostly, how many seconds the firing duration is and how many seconds the cycling duration between firing is, by weapon type. I know you love the numbers ;)

    Cannons are supposed to be x/3s and Beams x/5s. This reminds me though, I saw something in testing for another thread that kind of threw me...and I forgot to go back and look at it (pesky Cataclysm event, lol)...
    Those are timestamps from a parse firing a single DHC at a target.

    13:09:25:08:28:04.4 (First Shot)
    13:09:25:08:28:05.0 (Second Shot)
    13:09:25:08:28:07.7 (First Shot)
    13:09:25:08:28:08.2 (Second Shot)

    Obviously the time before the first shot's not displayed, but you've basically got..

    00.0 Trigger
    00.5 First Shot of First Cycle
    01.0 Second Shot of First Cycle
    03.7 First Shot of Second Cycle
    04.2 Second Shot of Second Cycle

    And I'm curious why there's an additional 0.2s delay, because it gives the appearance of the cycle being 2/3.2 rather than 2/3 (which the DPV/DPS numbers support). Wonder if it was changed...hilbert might know with his oodles and oodles of data.

    Cannons really aren't my thing, and it wasn't until not that long ago that I even looked at info for them when it comes to power.

    In general, to be blunt, I'm not really sure about how the drain return aspects work other than to parrot things I've seen said...outside of things like the EPS return part....but if there's actual weapon return on its own? Don't know - have just seen it said.

    Say we go with one of my guys and that average 10.5s/ return from EPS and look at the following: 4x DHC/3x Turret vs. 8x Arrays where the "first" is free.

    125/100 Weapon Power

    4x DHCs/3x Turrets would be -60 power if one of the DHCs was counted as the first weapon.
    8x Arrays would be -70 power with one of the Arrays counted as the first weapon.

    If it was just 10.5s return from EPS, then we'd see the following, no?

    125 - 60 = 65...75.5...86...96.5 at the end of the 3s cycle.
    125 - 70 = 50...60.5...71...81.5...92...102.5 at the end of the 5s cycle.

    That's not what we see though, is it? So it makes sense that there is a weapon return value working as well as the EPS return, no? Course, that's where folks have gotten into the discussion that the overcap tied in with the EPS return results in that return - but you see the same returns with and without overcap.

    Given that pause at the end of the firing cycle, the return happening somewhere between that and the next shot; is where it gets into that longer wait on the return for the Beams than Cannons. Basically the less overcap needed for the Cannons because of the less potential time/chance to be below that 125 Weapon Power.

    But that's all water cooler talk instead of blackboard/spreadsheet warrior stuff...and one of those things where I wonder what hilbert and lordhavelock could chime in with regarding the actual workings...like I said, I can only parrot certain things because I have by no means done extensive testing on them. Heh, I'm lazy - I just run massively overcapped beams and don't worry about it. ;)
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    drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A simple question then:

    Is it worth it to run EPS consoles on a beam boat in order to maximize DPS?
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    rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A simple question then:

    Is it worth it to run EPS consoles on a beam boat in order to maximize DPS?

    ^^^ This! Would love to get a straight answer...

    Also, is there any way to observe power levels that doesn't involve watching the tooltip? A logging mechanism of some kind? Can we tease this info from CombatLog?

    First person to write such a utility will become an instant hero to anyone struggling to maximize beam DPS. :)

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    masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wonder if its practically possible to keep your weapon power at 115/125 without using the cutter then. Im often capped at 175 now but with 8 beams i still see drops to 90 ish. My EPS flow speed is like around 210%
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
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    picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wonder if its practically possible to keep your weapon power at 115/125 without using the cutter then. Im often capped at 175 now but with 8 beams i still see drops to 90 ish. My EPS flow speed is like around 210%

    Unfortunately you will always see that energy drop, regardless of how much extra power you have. The only way to keep power levels high is drain resistance like NI. Nothing else, all the extra power in the world will not help, one of the reason engs/cruisers are inferior to the tac cannon scatter volley madness.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ah yes, batteries. every time i use weapons batteries in testing nothing makes sense. im pretty sure those dont work past 125 or something. similarly to BO being bugged past 125, it takes ALL your overcaped power, AND -50 starting at 125.

    Didn't they say BO basically works differently from anything else, in that it actually consumes power, intead of 'reserving' it?
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    dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Didn't they say BO basically works differently from anything else, in that it actually consumes power, intead of 'reserving' it?

    its exactly like getting hit with any other energy drain, only in this case its a -50. and you get that power back at your EPS transfer speed. so an EPS console should help normalize your DPS after a BO faster
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