Its obvious that they wont stand against a fully setup premade, but that wasnt the point.
It was the shear amount of DPS that they brought to PvP and instantly made a difference.
Its obvious that they wont stand against a fully setup premade, but that wasnt the point.
It was the shear amount of DPS that they brought to PvP and instantly made a difference.
Just because you got beat by it doesn't make it awesome in a week I'm sure you will be running 5 beam boats and claim you created and mastered the build can you please explain how your p2w remade lost to pugs.
Just because you got beat by it doesn't make it awesome in a week I'm sure you will be running 5 beam boats and claim you created and mastered the build can you please explain how your p2w remade lost to pugs.
It's just a combatlog parse, from start to finish.
Usually people will post the main bulk of the run as opposed to the something like the final fight against the carrier (depending on how you've set ACT to handle encounter times) - but that's part of (why I think) ISE is the standard as it is just straight combat the entire way through.
But that's the thing...looking at that same parse, it has the following:
All 26m31s.
Encounter 57s.
Encounter 14m20s.
Encounter 8m5s.
That 8m5s aspect? Nothing happened in it. No damage. No healing. It lists a Nanite Sphere, Plasma Torpedo, and a Sphere. Whatever it was...took 8 minutes.
The 57s was the 2x Spheres and Cube at the start of ISE.
The 14m20s was after that.
The Damage vs. Base Damage for the four players was...87.6%, 89%, 70.4%, 79.6%.
I almost never run a parse for things outside of testing something, I fly around going whee too much to care about how fast a run was - even with the AFKer and the two Tacs doing less than half the damage than the second Eng, the optional was still completed.
Just a case of going by the All, looking at the Duration for the specific player, dividing the Damage (not Base Damage) by that Duration, to see if the listed DPS I said, it's not my thing in the least so I'm not sure.
I have seen 5 Odsseys flying in formation with all of them under cross-heal TSS, and Extend shields spamming non-stop FAW from all 5 ships beat a good premade. I will try to scour you-tube for the video. Prob 6 months old or more. But it was a death blossem like I had never seen before or since. All 5 were covered with a TSS or extend and the FAW never let up.
Just because you got beat by it doesn't make it awesome in a week I'm sure you will be running 5 beam boats and claim you created and mastered the build can you please explain how your p2w remade lost to pugs.
Now, I wasn't on the team, and unlike many other fleets Pandas tend not to make excuses for their losses (that's the sole reason they are ignoring you), but because you're being so adamant and needy about it I'll bite: From the sounds of it, they lost to a four man with one pug in it -- not a pure pug team. They also didn't have any damage dealers as their goal was to be as annoying as possible as opposed to as powerful -- That's not to say that the cheese they were using isn't extremely overpowered, just that some sort of team balance is still necessary to create an effective team. Oh, and one of their players had just came back from a 1+ yr absence with absolutely no rep.
Does that finally satisfy you, Novalous? Will you kindly stop thread crapping now? And yes, I know for a fact that it is you because the people in your fleet that dislike you inform me whenever you create a new forum alt to circumvent your multiple bans.
Well, I can't speak for that particular parsing. Topset will have to answer it.
I'll give him a nudge if I see him in game.
I'm guessing that it's just going off of that character's duration number, rather than the various encounter duration numbers...which makes sense thinking about it.
Like I said, parsing for DPS has never been my thing. I parse for Accuracy, Crits, changes in DPV based on what's being done, looking at damage resistances, and stuff like that.
Heh, probably because I've never really built for DPS on a guy.
Yeah my fleet (EDS) tried A2B fawboats in a pug months ago, was pretty funny seeing them melt before the DPS. We weren't doing the 20k+ Topset is doing but most of our good players are floating around the 11-20k mark now.
Against a premade though they can be countered especially with APA, FBP, APD combo. The trick is to time feedback pulse for the first shots of beams if against beam boats as they just can't stop ripping themselves to pieces and usually can catch them outside of a heal cycle. But then you all probably knew that.
Incidentally it was no longer than 2 weeks ago I was saying how PvP builds couldn't keep up in PvE and it was these kinds of damage numbers I was talking about. Sorry for not clarifying, could probably have saved myself some snide comments at the time
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Nerf Beams ? there the highest overall dps energy weapon I think is the point.
Seriously though all the weapons are fine if they fix the stupid power drain changes they made awhile back.
If weapons drained as they where intended. Instead the stupid hold during cycle thing they have added now... Engies would have a point for one... and in general things would just work properly.
I know I am just being nitpicky, but I made some corrections in red.
No worries, and not sure why I put 750k for the Tac Cube - that's nowhere near what I would have put based on the numbers. Would have been closer to 1.5m...hrmmm.
Are those numbers in red just hull or shields too?
No worries, and not sure why I put 750k for the Tac Cube - that's nowhere near what I would have put based on the numbers. Would have been closer to 1.5m...hrmmm.
Are those numbers in red just hull or shields too?
Just hull. Shields are slightly more complicated.
Spheres: ~22-25k per facing.
Cubes: ~50k per facing
Tac Cube: ~100-250k per facing (sorry bout the huge spread -.-, that one is harder to estimate because it actually redistributes it's shields and you have all 5 players firing on it making it much harder to watch the numbers... and the combatlog...)
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
When people are talking about 30k+, what does that actually mean? Is that raw dps or net dps? Against what kinds of resists? With elite disruptors? How long can they sustain this kind of damage?
They usually mean sustained 30k dps from start to finish of the ISE encounter. Usually Romulan plasma beams. The people I have seen in the 30k neighborhood in ISE do all kind of tricks to pad their DPS, a good portion of it is just wasted fluff like shooting at gates while passing by to the next transformer, FAW hitting everything and wasting dps on transformer while generators are still up, racing ahead to the next cube while spheres are still alive to get a head start, anything they can do to keep the dps parser counting regardless if its effective to the mission or useful to the team. Its really not too much faster then running STFs with people in the 10k dps range, you reach a point of diminishing returns where all that extra dps doesn't really help get things done a lot faster to justify doing it other then bragging rights, its why I stopped using my PVE DPS builds and just went back to using my PVP builds in pve, even though I made DPS builds in that range it wasn't worth the effort to keep changing to it and back to pvp build so I stick with my pvp builds that can still hit 10-15k dps in pve and works good enough.
They usually mean sustained 30k dps from start to finish of the ISE encounter. Usually Romulan plasma beams. The people I have seen in the 30k neighborhood in ISE do all kind of tricks to pad their DPS, a good portion of it is just wasted fluff like shooting at gates while passing by to the next transformer, FAW hitting everything and wasting dps on transformer while generators are still up, racing ahead to the next cube while spheres are still alive to get a head start, anything they can do to keep the dps parser counting regardless if its effective to the mission or useful to the team.
I don't think this is true (Well, for some I'm sure it is, but for the vast majority of the min/maxers I run with, this doesn't happen).
During an ISE, the only wasted "padding" DPS is when you BFAW above the transformer to hit the cube, transformer, and generators. Anything hitting that transformer is wasted, no arguments here. People are careful enough to not waste anything on the gate - and when you're running with a team like this - the generators and transformer die within 20 seconds anyway - so I think the number padding is minimal.
As for avoiding the spheres to cut on the downtime, that's actually optimal strategy in some situations. The spheres don't heal the other side, but they will fly over to you. You can either spend 3-5 minutes chasing down the spheres one at a time, or you can wait for them to finish EPTEing all over the map, and come to you on the other side when you're taking the second transformer down.
Generally speaking this doesn't happen much because we often have a CC burst in a NWS setup who can TBR+Gwell the spheres, kill them extremely quickly with two people using scatter volley, and everyone moves on to the other side.
Anyway, I'm going way off topic, get back to the PvP stuff, which I know nothing about, but can at least listen.
The only thing which turns me off getting into PvP, is exemplified quite brilliantly in this thread. There's an awful lot of ego, name-calling and childish behaviour in here, and as someone who comes from a min/maxing PvE community I find it quite baffling. At the end of the day we're all here to have fun, and I can do without the childish name calling - but that's just a personal opinion.
The only thing which turns me off getting into PvP, is exemplified quite brilliantly in this thread. There's an awful lot of ego, name-calling and childish behaviour in here, and as someone who comes from a min/maxing PvE community I find it quite baffling. At the end of the day we're all here to have fun, and I can do without the childish name calling - but that's just a personal opinion.
Bit off topic but I think game developers are starting to realize just how damaging to their bottom line a toxic? hostile? community or sub community can be.
I found the post indecipherable, so I'm afraid I can give absolutely no insight whatsoever :P
It's frightening at times to think about how well some folks can read VD out there - I'll look back on certain posts that I quickly typed up while reading multiple threads, playing the game, watching TV, fighting with my headphone cord, trying to listen to the girlfriend (she's the most important, should get the attention - not always the case though)...
...the gist of the question was:
The 30k+ that simply the number listed for DPS from the All section of a parse? Or are there additional calculations/corrections/etc that are made to determine it?
The only thing which turns me off getting into PvP, is exemplified quite brilliantly in this thread. There's an awful lot of ego, name-calling and childish behaviour in here, and as someone who comes from a min/maxing PvE community I find it quite baffling. At the end of the day we're all here to have fun, and I can do without the childish name calling - but that's just a personal opinion.
There's people that do not like each other. That has little do with PvP - it happens in all aspects of the game...all aspects of life. I'm not going to get into my experiences with PvP crowds and PvE crowds over the years, but suffice to say - everybody's experiences are subjective experiences so different folks will see things/feel things differently in regard to the two. As for most of what's taken place in this thread...meh, it's just folks that don't like each other - they could be talking about pizza and it would be the same.
Bit off topic but I think game developers are starting to realize just how damaging to their bottom line a toxic? hostile? community or sub community can be.
This is a good thing I thinks.
Which is why so many folks avoid the PvE areas of the forum like the plague...just saying.
The 30k+ that simply the number listed for DPS from the All section of a parse? Or are there additional calculations/corrections/etc that are made to determine it?
Aaah right, I just saw a wall of numbers and got confused. Yes, the 30k+ numbers are purely DPS listed for the entire encounter. From start to finish (Some people like cutting the combat log after the main bulk during CSE and KASE to make the numbers higher, as you're hanging around for bosses and your DPS is falling. This is a practise I can't stand, It annoys the hell out of me and it's why we insist on ISE parses. It's nothing but meaningless ego inflation.
Certainly no number manipulation happens on these parses, just a straight readout from ACT/CBLP. Once you get into the 35k+ parses you're well into the region of extreme glass cannons. Stuff running without a single heal/hull heal which will only work on a premade excellent PvE queue because you need stuff to die before it has a chance to do any real damage to you.
There's people that do not like each other. That has little do with PvP - it happens in all aspects of the game...all aspects of life. I'm not going to get into my experiences with PvP crowds and PvE crowds over the years, but suffice to say - everybody's experiences are subjective experiences so different folks will see things/feel things differently in regard to the two. As for most of what's taken place in this thread...meh, it's just folks that don't like each other - they could be talking about pizza and it would be the same.
I suppose this is a fair and valid point, I just don't see this vehement dislike and very heated discussions which can degenerate into mud-slinging matches anywhere else on the forum (excluding General Discussion, but the GD sub-forum of any forum is by far the lowest common denominator!)
Which is why so many folks avoid the PvE areas of the forum like the plague...just saying.
lol. I just find if you take General Discussion away, this isn't true. The forums I mostly frequent (Shipyard, Mechanics, DOFF system, and Tribble) don't get particularly heated. Sure there are one or two forum regs who drag every thread they enter down to their level, but the PvP subforum seems to be the worst from what I've seen, hence why I rarely post in it. I like to read it, because there's for sure some good game mechanic discussion - but it's pretty cringeworthy at times.
They usually mean sustained 30k dps from start to finish of the ISE encounter. Usually Romulan plasma beams. The people I have seen in the 30k neighborhood in ISE do all kind of tricks to pad their DPS, a good portion of it is just wasted fluff like shooting at gates while passing by to the next transformer, FAW hitting everything and wasting dps on transformer while generators are still up, racing ahead to the next cube while spheres are still alive to get a head start, anything they can do to keep the dps parser counting regardless if its effective to the mission or useful to the team. Its really not too much faster then running STFs with people in the 10k dps range, you reach a point of diminishing returns where all that extra dps doesn't really help get things done a lot faster to justify doing it other then bragging rights, its why I stopped using my PVE DPS builds and just went back to using my PVP builds in pve, even though I made DPS builds in that range it wasn't worth the effort to keep changing to it and back to pvp build so I stick with my pvp builds that can still hit 10-15k dps in pve and works good enough.
Well, while this is true to some degree, it is not entirely correct. The reason we can do ISE in 1:33 seconds (13:27 on optional timer) is that we are coordinating our efforts with the beams. And we worked on advanced strats:
HSE in 3:02 of total play time (excluding 1:00 of wait time at start).
NWS in 7:02 of total play time (excluding 1:00 of wait time at start).
I also have a ton of NWS exploit vids too (4 kumaris and beam boat, 4 man team and random pug, 3 vestas and two escorts, 5 beam boat win, etc).
We could not do these record runs with pure cannon builds. So Beam FAW does more than just hitting "fluff;" although the DPS is most definitely inflated by it. We all will admit to that which is why we upped the requirement to channels for beam builds. But in ISE the "fluff" is mitigated as if you really watch, not much is being directed to gate.
As for running faster than "doing run with 10k dps'rs" I'll let the vids speak for themselves as it is way faster. We struggled to break the 13:00 barrier on all stfs in pure cannon builds, and were only able to do it on CSE with cannon & beam builds. But we easily smash through it with beam builds now.
Our main concern right now is that beam boats are becoming so prolific that people are losing their piloting skills. Beam boats are annoying easy to fly, cannon builds take an enormous amount of attention much like pvp'ing.
But what I did want to address is this A2B callouts I keep hearing. We really do not fly with that set up--not the guys that are cutting edge.
Lastly--and mostly out of curiosity--why is their so much resistance and defensive posturing on this thread trying to denounce PvE guys surprising and upsetting the status quo? We were approached by the PvP guys, we embraced their ideas and offered our knowledge and builds. This isn't a pissing match. I can't seem to wrap my brain around why you out-of-hand dismiss a legitimate observation by Naz. We loved to be challenged as it forces us to rethink and up our game play, builds, strats, etc. I sense a "Been there, done that" attitude on this thread, and "here is how you smash it" feel; yet when we show up and take on a team (and yes premades as well), all we see on zone chat and opvp is people crying that we are cheating/hacking/A2B/Marion/cheese/etc., etc. Or, we get rage quits in first couple minutes of match. Not a "well done guys, will you show us how you are doing it?" Because the first guy that did reach out to us, we told him exactly what we did (skillplanners included). And we listen to what they had to say in offering us ways to counter things were are not used to. We have no secrets, we love to share our knowledge.
Sheesh, sorry about the mini novella I just wrote.
Lol someone remind me to hit topset and these guys up in game, I have a few questions about maximizing damage. But those vids were quite... impressive. Last time I saw an STF that smooth was way back in S6. And I mean WAAAAY back. Damn guys that's almost inspirational.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
It was the shear amount of DPS that they brought to PvP and instantly made a difference.
Just because you got beat by it doesn't make it awesome in a week I'm sure you will be running 5 beam boats and claim you created and mastered the build can you please explain how your p2w remade lost to pugs.
I smell chicken
Aceept the cheddar challenge?
But that's the thing...looking at that same parse, it has the following:
All 26m31s.
Encounter 57s.
Encounter 14m20s.
Encounter 8m5s.
That 8m5s aspect? Nothing happened in it. No damage. No healing. It lists a Nanite Sphere, Plasma Torpedo, and a Sphere. Whatever it was...took 8 minutes.
The 57s was the 2x Spheres and Cube at the start of ISE.
The 14m20s was after that.
The Damage vs. Base Damage for the four players was...87.6%, 89%, 70.4%, 79.6%.
I almost never run a parse for things outside of testing something, I fly around going whee too much to care about how fast a run was - even with the AFKer and the two Tacs doing less than half the damage than the second Eng, the optional was still completed.
Just a case of going by the All, looking at the Duration for the specific player, dividing the Damage (not Base Damage) by that Duration, to see if the listed DPS I said, it's not my thing in the least so I'm not sure.
It was just an example from my last parse...only one I had, had an afker in it.
Now, I wasn't on the team, and unlike many other fleets Pandas tend not to make excuses for their losses (that's the sole reason they are ignoring you), but because you're being so adamant and needy about it I'll bite: From the sounds of it, they lost to a four man with one pug in it -- not a pure pug team. They also didn't have any damage dealers as their goal was to be as annoying as possible as opposed to as powerful -- That's not to say that the cheese they were using isn't extremely overpowered, just that some sort of team balance is still necessary to create an effective team. Oh, and one of their players had just came back from a 1+ yr absence with absolutely no rep.
Does that finally satisfy you, Novalous? Will you kindly stop thread crapping now? And yes, I know for a fact that it is you because the people in your fleet that dislike you inform me whenever you create a new forum alt to circumvent your multiple bans.
Well, I can't speak for that particular parsing. Topset will have to answer it.
I'll give him a nudge if I see him in game.
I'm guessing that it's just going off of that character's duration number, rather than the various encounter duration numbers...which makes sense thinking about it.
Like I said, parsing for DPS has never been my thing. I parse for Accuracy, Crits, changes in DPV based on what's being done, looking at damage resistances, and stuff like that.
Heh, probably because I've never really built for DPS on a guy.
Base Damage: 6,812,114 Damage: 5,965,688 (~87.6%)
Swings: 5,986 Hits: 5,951 (~99.4%)
Base Damage Taken: 4,185,025 Damage Taken: 643,241 (~15.4%)
Swings: 1,647 Hits: 1,221 (~74.1%)
That second set is what I'm usually building for...wheeeee!
Against a premade though they can be countered especially with APA, FBP, APD combo. The trick is to time feedback pulse for the first shots of beams if against beam boats as they just can't stop ripping themselves to pieces and usually can catch them outside of a heal cycle. But then you all probably knew that.
Incidentally it was no longer than 2 weeks ago I was saying how PvP builds couldn't keep up in PvE and it was these kinds of damage numbers I was talking about. Sorry for not clarifying, could probably have saved myself some snide comments at the time
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post. nerf, you mean, remove them from the game? Because I don't think that they could nerf em anymore than they are now.
What else could they do? Make their drain mechanic WORSE? Lower their base damage? :P
They'll nerf them and sell something to make them ~90% as good/bad as they were previously.
Marion 2.0?
That explains a lot.
I know I am just being nitpicky, but I made some corrections in red.
Seriously though all the weapons are fine if they fix the stupid power drain changes they made awhile back.
If weapons drained as they where intended. Instead the stupid hold during cycle thing they have added now... Engies would have a point for one... and in general things would just work properly.
depends on what they wish to sell next, I suppose.....
No worries, and not sure why I put 750k for the Tac Cube - that's nowhere near what I would have put based on the numbers. Would have been closer to 1.5m...hrmmm.
Are those numbers in red just hull or shields too?
Just hull. Shields are slightly more complicated.
Spheres: ~22-25k per facing.
Cubes: ~50k per facing
Tac Cube: ~100-250k per facing (sorry bout the huge spread -.-, that one is harder to estimate because it actually redistributes it's shields and you have all 5 players firing on it making it much harder to watch the numbers... and the combatlog...)
Imma used to it.
They usually mean sustained 30k dps from start to finish of the ISE encounter. Usually Romulan plasma beams. The people I have seen in the 30k neighborhood in ISE do all kind of tricks to pad their DPS, a good portion of it is just wasted fluff like shooting at gates while passing by to the next transformer, FAW hitting everything and wasting dps on transformer while generators are still up, racing ahead to the next cube while spheres are still alive to get a head start, anything they can do to keep the dps parser counting regardless if its effective to the mission or useful to the team. Its really not too much faster then running STFs with people in the 10k dps range, you reach a point of diminishing returns where all that extra dps doesn't really help get things done a lot faster to justify doing it other then bragging rights, its why I stopped using my PVE DPS builds and just went back to using my PVP builds in pve, even though I made DPS builds in that range it wasn't worth the effort to keep changing to it and back to pvp build so I stick with my pvp builds that can still hit 10-15k dps in pve and works good enough.
I found the post indecipherable, so I'm afraid I can give absolutely no insight whatsoever :P
Kirk's Protege.
I don't think this is true (Well, for some I'm sure it is, but for the vast majority of the min/maxers I run with, this doesn't happen).
During an ISE, the only wasted "padding" DPS is when you BFAW above the transformer to hit the cube, transformer, and generators. Anything hitting that transformer is wasted, no arguments here. People are careful enough to not waste anything on the gate - and when you're running with a team like this - the generators and transformer die within 20 seconds anyway - so I think the number padding is minimal.
As for avoiding the spheres to cut on the downtime, that's actually optimal strategy in some situations. The spheres don't heal the other side, but they will fly over to you. You can either spend 3-5 minutes chasing down the spheres one at a time, or you can wait for them to finish EPTEing all over the map, and come to you on the other side when you're taking the second transformer down.
Generally speaking this doesn't happen much because we often have a CC burst in a NWS setup who can TBR+Gwell the spheres, kill them extremely quickly with two people using scatter volley, and everyone moves on to the other side.
Anyway, I'm going way off topic, get back to the PvP stuff, which I know nothing about, but can at least listen.
The only thing which turns me off getting into PvP, is exemplified quite brilliantly in this thread. There's an awful lot of ego, name-calling and childish behaviour in here, and as someone who comes from a min/maxing PvE community I find it quite baffling. At the end of the day we're all here to have fun, and I can do without the childish name calling - but that's just a personal opinion.
Kirk's Protege.
Bit off topic but I think game developers are starting to realize just how damaging to their bottom line a toxic? hostile? community or sub community can be.
This is a good thing I thinks.
It's frightening at times to think about how well some folks can read VD out there - I'll look back on certain posts that I quickly typed up while reading multiple threads, playing the game, watching TV, fighting with my headphone cord, trying to listen to the girlfriend (she's the most important, should get the attention - not always the case though)...
...the gist of the question was:
The 30k+ that simply the number listed for DPS from the All section of a parse? Or are there additional calculations/corrections/etc that are made to determine it?
There's people that do not like each other. That has little do with PvP - it happens in all aspects of the game...all aspects of life. I'm not going to get into my experiences with PvP crowds and PvE crowds over the years, but suffice to say - everybody's experiences are subjective experiences so different folks will see things/feel things differently in regard to the two. As for most of what's taken place in this thread...meh, it's just folks that don't like each other - they could be talking about pizza and it would be the same.
Which is why so many folks avoid the PvE areas of the forum like the plague...just saying.
Aaah right, I just saw a wall of numbers and got confused. Yes, the 30k+ numbers are purely DPS listed for the entire encounter. From start to finish (Some people like cutting the combat log after the main bulk during CSE and KASE to make the numbers higher, as you're hanging around for bosses and your DPS is falling. This is a practise I can't stand, It annoys the hell out of me and it's why we insist on ISE parses. It's nothing but meaningless ego inflation.
Certainly no number manipulation happens on these parses, just a straight readout from ACT/CBLP. Once you get into the 35k+ parses you're well into the region of extreme glass cannons. Stuff running without a single heal/hull heal which will only work on a premade excellent PvE queue because you need stuff to die before it has a chance to do any real damage to you.
I suppose this is a fair and valid point, I just don't see this vehement dislike and very heated discussions which can degenerate into mud-slinging matches anywhere else on the forum (excluding General Discussion, but the GD sub-forum of any forum is by far the lowest common denominator!)
lol. I just find if you take General Discussion away, this isn't true. The forums I mostly frequent (Shipyard, Mechanics, DOFF system, and Tribble) don't get particularly heated. Sure there are one or two forum regs who drag every thread they enter down to their level, but the PvP subforum seems to be the worst from what I've seen, hence why I rarely post in it. I like to read it, because there's for sure some good game mechanic discussion - but it's pretty cringeworthy at times.
Kirk's Protege.
Well, while this is true to some degree, it is not entirely correct. The reason we can do ISE in 1:33 seconds (13:27 on optional timer) is that we are coordinating our efforts with the beams. And we worked on advanced strats:
ISE in 13:37
KASE in 13:19:
CSE in 13:37:
HSE in 3:02 of total play time (excluding 1:00 of wait time at start).
NWS in 7:02 of total play time (excluding 1:00 of wait time at start).
I also have a ton of NWS exploit vids too (4 kumaris and beam boat, 4 man team and random pug, 3 vestas and two escorts, 5 beam boat win, etc).
We could not do these record runs with pure cannon builds. So Beam FAW does more than just hitting "fluff;" although the DPS is most definitely inflated by it. We all will admit to that which is why we upped the requirement to channels for beam builds. But in ISE the "fluff" is mitigated as if you really watch, not much is being directed to gate.
As for running faster than "doing run with 10k dps'rs" I'll let the vids speak for themselves as it is way faster. We struggled to break the 13:00 barrier on all stfs in pure cannon builds, and were only able to do it on CSE with cannon & beam builds. But we easily smash through it with beam builds now.
Our main concern right now is that beam boats are becoming so prolific that people are losing their piloting skills. Beam boats are annoying easy to fly, cannon builds take an enormous amount of attention much like pvp'ing.
But what I did want to address is this A2B callouts I keep hearing. We really do not fly with that set up--not the guys that are cutting edge.
Lastly--and mostly out of curiosity--why is their so much resistance and defensive posturing on this thread trying to denounce PvE guys surprising and upsetting the status quo? We were approached by the PvP guys, we embraced their ideas and offered our knowledge and builds. This isn't a pissing match. I can't seem to wrap my brain around why you out-of-hand dismiss a legitimate observation by Naz. We loved to be challenged as it forces us to rethink and up our game play, builds, strats, etc. I sense a "Been there, done that" attitude on this thread, and "here is how you smash it" feel; yet when we show up and take on a team (and yes premades as well), all we see on zone chat and opvp is people crying that we are cheating/hacking/A2B/Marion/cheese/etc., etc. Or, we get rage quits in first couple minutes of match. Not a "well done guys, will you show us how you are doing it?" Because the first guy that did reach out to us, we told him exactly what we did (skillplanners included). And we listen to what they had to say in offering us ways to counter things were are not used to. We have no secrets, we love to share our knowledge.
Sheesh, sorry about the mini novella I just wrote.
DPS Channels / League Info (STO Forums)
EDIT: Why did you put .com on the end? Idiot. It's just Porch Song @ PorchSong
Kirk's Protege.
For sure, Ryan uses it - he's the guy in the videos that Porch linked.
As an aside, I have to cringe when I watch the ISE video. Tom, always with the **** talk :P
Kirk's Protege.