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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Jogo's end as the Federation Patrol watches they soon try a disruptor like emission from their deflector dish which fails to do anything. *

    Ship AI: May I suggest I try and deactivate the forcefield from its point of origin?

    Jogo: The mine/satallites are still on and we have no idea what it would do but we have little choice.

    *turns to his science officer*

    Do it. Because it seems to me that the UNSC commander is being a Bakari...

    *The AI is going through each part turning it off as it goes a hole big enough for ships to get through barely... though for the larger classes of ships that is not possible as the worm tries to block its path..*

    *The AI returns *

    Ship AI: I was only partially successful in deactivating a big enough hole for smaller ships to leave the area. I was unsuccessful as the worm blocked my path.. Its origin is unknown but it is highly evolved and dangerous.

    Jogo: Issue an emergency order to those ships that those that can't move will be beamed or shuttled out now.

    Have the shuttles move out.

    How much longer do we still have?

    Science officer: 5 minutes. It will take at least that longer to get shuttles out.. All we can really do is move in closer and hope the hole is big enough for us to get a lock.

    Jogo: Then make it so. I don't care if they want to blame us for this technology being sold on the black market they voted for it too. Nor do I want them to be bashara..

    OOC: Ahem... do you think you could let me decide what my faction did and didn't vote for? Thanks.

    *The Republic pulls up alongside the Reconciliation, as the other Republic ships pull up alongside the rest of the larger UNSC ships, opening Fold-Space Conduits to let the UNSC ships escape.*

    David: Forge, Halsey, get your larger ships through those Fold-Space Conduits! We'll follow you through!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Ahem... do you think you could let me decide what my faction did and didn't vote for? Thanks.

    *The Republic pulls up alongside the Reconciliation, as the other Republic ships pull up alongside the rest of the larger UNSC ships, opening Fold-Space Conduits to let the UNSC ships escape.*

    David: Forge, Halsey, get your larger ships through those Fold-Space Conduits! We'll follow you through!

    Captain Naid : very good republic.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Captain Naid : very good republic.

    *The larger ships each begin to travel through the Fold-Space Conduits as the Republic Vessels remain to keep them open.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    Ops: Epsilon Emitters running hot!

    David: Keep it open, lieutenant!

    Ops: Aye sir!

    Sci: Captain, the Station's Core is going to go in 2 minutes!

    Dana: We need to go.

    Ops: Sir, if we don't go in 30 seconds, we'll overheat the Fold-Space Drive!

    David: Understood!

    *Several of the Republic ships start to enter their fold-space conduits, having gotten their assigned UNSC vessels evacuated. While the Titans leave the field safely, one of the Omaha-Class ships gets clipped by the closing conduit after their drive overheats.*

    Ops: Captain, the Nagasaki!

    *David looks at the screen as the last Omaha-Class begins to enter its conduit, the conduit discharging energy bolts as it does so, as the epsilon emitters desparately try to keep the conduit open.*

    David: Republic to Nagasaki, break off! Your conduit's destabilised! BREAK OFF!

    Captain *Over Comm*: Too late!

    *They see a blue flash from the conduit as it slams shut, severing the Nagasaki in half, causing small explosions along the surviving hulk.*

    Sci: I'm picking up 23 life signs in the surviving section!

    Ops: Sir, 10 seconds!

    *For several seconds, David looks out at the Nagasaki's severed hulk. If he shut down the Fold-Space Drive, he could rescue the survivors, but the Republic wouldn't be able to safely escape the singularity, assuming the blast didn't reach them.

    He closes his eyes, knowing that his next decision is going to condemn 23 people to death.*

    David: Get us out of here.

    *The Republic blasts through the conduit like a bat out of hell, getting through before the conduit has a chance to destabilise.*

    OOC: Okay, you can blow 'er up now.

    May I make a point? The Epsilon-based Fold-Space Drive is a safe and efficient means of interstellar travel, but like any other energy-using device, if left running for too long it will overheat. Under normal circumstances, when a Fold-Space Conduit is being closed, the epsilon particles feeding it are slowly reduced in quantity, carefully closing the conduit safely over a matter of 5 seconds. When the Drive overheats, the feed is cut off immediately. This starves the conduit and causes it to take the particles from the space surrounding it (the energy discharges). However, because it can't get enough particles from normal space, it quickly and violently seals itself. While an object is passing through a conduit, it is in 2 places at once. When a conduit seals, any object inside gets turned into two at the aperture (to appease the laws of physics). In layman's terms, it gets cut along the aperture.

    When incidents like this happen, Republic ships usually break off by initiating a full impulse reverse to keep clear of the aperture. When a ship is already in an aperture as it's destabilising, they're usually fast enough to get all the way through the conduit without taking damage (or at the most, shedding a few outer hull plates). In this case, the Nagasaki didn't realise the conduit had destabilised until the point of no return (the point when the gravitational forces of the conduit and the ship's own forward momentum are too powerful for a reverse thrust to decelerate before entering the conduit) and still tried to break off, cutting their speed to an extent where they couldn't get through before the conduit sealed.

    There's a reason every Republic ship (including civilian) comes equipped with a Fold-Space Drive; so other ships don't have to burn their's out for another vessel. This means that in most circumstances, Epsilon Fold-Jumps are completely safe, but because the UNSC were stranded by the mines, the Republic ships only had one way to get them out; using their own fold-space drives longer than they were ever intended.

    The potential failure of the fold-space drive is also why every Republic vessel (including civilian) has Warp, Slipstream and Transwarp capabilities.

    So no, the Fold-Space Drive was not reckless here - the misuse of it was reckless, but unavoidable.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: report

    Officer: sir the republic lost one vessel according to scans.

    Jacob: once we are all clear set course for reach we will regroup with battle group Balto there

    Officer: aye sir

    Jacob: and send our thanks to the republic and im going to have a talk with commander wolf to try and learn what the hell happened
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *The larger ships each begin to travel through the Fold-Space Conduits as the Republic Vessels remain to keep them open.

    R.S.S. Republic, Bridge.*

    Ops: Epsilon Emitters running hot!

    David: Keep it open, lieutenant!

    Ops: Aye sir!

    Sci: Captain, the Station's Core is going to go in 2 minutes!

    Dana: We need to go.

    Ops: Sir, if we don't go in 30 seconds, we'll overheat the Fold-Space Drive!

    David: Understood!

    *Several of the Republic ships start to enter their fold-space conduits, having gotten their assigned UNSC vessels evacuated. While the Titans leave the field safely, one of the Omaha-Class ships gets clipped by the closing conduit after their drive overheats.*

    Ops: Captain, the Nagasaki!

    *David looks at the screen as the last Omaha-Class begins to enter its conduit, the conduit discharging energy bolts as it does so, as the epsilon emitters desparately try to keep the conduit open.*

    David: Republic to Nagasaki, break off! Your conduit's destabilised! BREAK OFF!

    Captain *Over Comm*: Too late!

    *They see a blue flash from the conduit as it slams shut, severing the Nagasaki in half, causing small explosions along the surviving hulk.*

    Sci: I'm picking up 23 life signs in the surviving section!

    Ops: Sir, 10 seconds!

    *For several seconds, David looks out at the Nagasaki's severed hulk. If he shut down the Fold-Space Drive, he could rescue the survivors, but the Republic wouldn't be able to safely escape the singularity, assuming the blast didn't reach them.

    He closes his eyes, knowing that his next decision is going to condemn 23 people to death.*

    David: Get us out of here.

    *The Republic blasts through the conduit like a bat out of hell, getting through before the conduit has a chance to destabilise.*

    OOC: Okay, you can blow 'er up now.

    May I make a point? The Epsilon-based Fold-Space Drive is a safe and efficient means of interstellar travel, but like any other energy-using device, if left running for too long it will overheat. Under normal circumstances, when a Fold-Space Conduit is being closed, the epsilon particles feeding it are slowly reduced in quantity, carefully closing the conduit safely over a matter of 5 seconds. When the Drive overheats, the feed is cut off immediately. This starves the conduit and causes it to take the particles from the space surrounding it (the energy discharges). However, because it can't get enough particles from normal space, it quickly and violently seals itself. While an object is passing through a conduit, it is in 2 places at once. When a conduit seals, any object inside gets turned into two at the aperture (to appease the laws of physics). In layman's terms, it gets cut along the aperture.

    When incidents like this happen, Republic ships usually break off by initiating a full impulse reverse to keep clear of the aperture. When a ship is already in an aperture as it's destabilising, they're usually fast enough to get all the way through the conduit without taking damage (or at the most, shedding a few outer hull plates). In this case, the Nagasaki didn't realise the conduit had destabilised until the point of no return (the point when the gravitational forces of the conduit and the ship's own forward momentum are too powerful for a reverse thrust to decelerate before entering the conduit) and still tried to break off, cutting their speed to an extent where they couldn't get through before the conduit sealed.

    There's a reason every Republic ship (including civilian) comes equipped with a Fold-Space Drive; so other ships don't have to burn their's out for another vessel. This means that in most circumstances, Epsilon Fold-Jumps are completely safe, but because the UNSC were stranded by the mines, the Republic ships only had one way to get them out; using their own fold-space drives longer than they were ever intended.

    The potential failure of the fold-space drive is also why every Republic vessel (including civilian) has Warp, Slipstream and Transwarp capabilities.

    So no, the Fold-Space Drive was not reckless here - the misuse of it was reckless, but unavoidable.

    *OOC: I am aware of that.. Its why I was not worried too much about the Republic vessels. The UNSC however yes. *

    *Each vessel warps out as the station melts down and soon lets out its Singularity as it soon explodes... The Singularity sucking in as much as it can before it dies out... leaving nothing of the area. *


    *Weynal is sitting back watching the parliamentary hearings continuing their look at OSS. The data stream next to it is something else entirely.. A wiry man walks in... unfettered and clean.. as if meticulous.. *

    Weynal: Well an Innovade here in my home that is progress.

    Innovade: Be careful you never know what would happen from one day to the next.

    Weynal: Like a joint Republic-UNSC taskforce to deal with terrorists? Rogue Klingons to be exact. I do wonder who here gave them the information to strike where they did? To kill who they did..

    Innovade: Oh I never do such things. Klingons are such brutish things and not so dull.. Compared to two hundred years ago things and their species has changed. Hopefully for the better.

    Weynal: Perfection? Tell me.. Do you think that if need be that we should supersede nature in order to stave off extinction? Or should we allow it?

    Innovade: I don't know. The universal imperative was something that Northman was suggesting...

    Weynal: Yes he was to a degree but he was still a butcher to the military and those that did not side with him. Our founder did not.

    Innovade: For all the good it did him.. or the universe..

    Weynal: *Looks at him intently but shrugs it off. * In the future Gingrich do try to avoid causing too much damage. Try fishing perhaps. You never know what pelts you get.

    Innovade: I don't like that name... but I can see your point just fine. Just try and avoid easy moves. They may seem good tasting but later could cause problems...

    Weynal: Don't forget who it was that woke you up and saved you from your own demise..

    Innovade: My predecessor was maniacal and obsessed with becoming god.

    Weynal: What ever you say M...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: wolf i want a full report on what happened on the station

    Wolf: yes sir i will have it ready and on your desk in the hour

    Jacob: good dismissed commander

    AS wolf walks out jacob returns to his monitor looking at a current formula he is working on.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Kai enters Stane's office as he makes his report.*

    Kai: The mission went well enough but Archangel seems to be more of a wild element..

    Stane: I expected that but when the three were together did things get done?

    Kai: Yes.

    Stane: Good. Give her the next assignment. One she will take on her own. Assassination...

    *Kai turns to leave*

    Kai: How will you handle Omarka?

    Stane: I do have something in mind..

    I have our friends working on that.

    *As Kai enters Archangel's quarters he hands her the order packet *

    Kai: This should be something your more suited for.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: well this should do until we get back to reach.

    Captain Naid stands on the bridge watching the readouts and damage reports come in

    Jacob opens up an old bottle and pours himslef a drink
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob pulls up a file

    Project Harvengir

    Jacob: computer bring up a list of the projects status

    A small list appears

    Jacob: send a message to fleet comm we will start the harvengirs trials when we return

    Jacob deactivates the terminal as he makes his way to his quarters to finally get some rest.

    Reach Space dock Alpha 1

    A heavy cruiser is being completed for service as recent events are making her trial be a actual posting.

    It is comparable in size to a carrier but is not armed with many fighters

    Hull- Iborium hull plating 2 feet thick
    Shields- multi frequency adaptive high regenerative shields 2 layers
    Engines- Titan class slipspace drive, Damoclies Impulse engine
    Sensors- Level 5 sensory package
    Comm- level 5 communications package
    Crew- 1200

    Support craft
    10 Pelican class drop ships
    5 Harvest class repair shuttles


    18 heavy cannons
    28 cannons
    10 beam arrays
    2 PAC Super canons
    58 point defense canons
    ( all weapons beside the PAC are tesseract powered weapons so they are far more powerful then any thin in the current UNSC fleet. But no one out side of a select few know that)

    The Harvengir is the pinnacle of years of research by the UNSC to bring its navy up to a better standing against current powers in the galaxy. Her weapons shields and engines are all powered by and made from alien artifacts and the tesseract making it a powerful vessel.

    Commanding officers- Vice Admiral Jacob Halsey
    Captain Jo'tel Krem
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc: quite today. Oh well will wait awhile till I post again.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Kai enters Stane's office as he makes his report.*

    Kai: The mission went well enough but Archangel seems to be more of a wild element..

    Stane: I expected that but when the three were together did things get done?

    Kai: Yes.

    Stane: Good. Give her the next assignment. One she will take on her own. Assassination...

    *Kai turns to leave*

    Kai: How will you handle Omarka?

    Stane: I do have something in mind..

    I have our friends working on that.

    *As Kai enters Archangel's quarters he hands her the order packet *

    Kai: This should be something your more suited for.

    OOC: In fairness, she did say that she works better alone. She's an infiltrator, not a soldier.

    *She looks at it, studying it.*

    OOC: Am I specifying the orders?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob walks out of a holo deck wearing a black T-shirt with black military pants and boots sweating after a 2 hour work out.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob with a towel over his shoulders walks onto the bridge as the harvenger comes into view.

    Jacob: prepare to move all crew and personnel over to her asap.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Jacob: I'm going to go take a look at her.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: In fairness, she did say that she works better alone. She's an infiltrator, not a soldier.

    *She looks at it, studying it.*

    OOC: Am I specifying the orders?

    *OOC: Whoever you think would be suited to die. Me I can't think of anyone in specific but since he does not know where Sam is right now, I think he knows how to draw her out. Especially since T'mar is a newtype and can feel people die. So.. Take your pick. Not Weynal or Holtz I have something in mind for them... Or the Broker. Since I think you all are curious as to who he actually is.. *

    Kai: Something more tailored to you. Gyunei and Northman have already left on their missions. But remember any who see you must die. But please do make it look like an accident.

    Since we cannot locate Sam we will settle for those close to her. I am sure you know of that target.

    *Gyunei arrives under disguise... at a Klingon outpost where Markon is studying the virus outbreak.. As he walks by he does notice that the symptoms look familiar to him. *

    Gyunei: So he was transmitting the disease at least. *laughs to himself*

    *OOC: Oh yeah who wants round 2?*

    *Northman on the other side of the region is hopping transports hiding his face through a similar disguise.. He does find the ship he is looking for and pays latinum to the crew member...*

    Northman: *Not in his own voice* I hope that is enough to tavel on your ship..

    Crewman: Sure is. Where are you heading?

    Northman: Oh around its not the destination I care too much about but the travel and the people I meet.

    Crewman: A wanderer huh?

    Northman: Oh I have seen so many things and been on many adventures. So why stop now.

    *slips another bar*

    For keeping it to yourself.

    Crewman: *goes back to his duties*

    *As Northman boards he feels the people he is looking for.. Romulans. Both of them.. *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob beams over to the new ship.

    Jacob: she is a gorgeous I mist say.

    Neroon : hello admiral Halsey I'm neroon ship ai.

    Jacob: hello let's get this ship ready to fly.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: Whoever you think would be suited to die. Me I can't think of anyone in specific but since he does not know where Sam is right now, I think he knows how to draw her out. Especially since T'mar is a newtype and can feel people die. So.. Take your pick. Not Weynal or Holtz I have something in mind for them... Or the Broker. Since I think you all are curious as to who he actually is.. *

    Kai: Something more tailored to you. Gyunei and Northman have already left on their missions. But remember any who see you must die. But please do make it look like an accident.

    Since we cannot locate Sam we will settle for those close to her. I am sure you know of that target.

    *Gyunei arrives under disguise... at a Klingon outpost where Markon is studying the virus outbreak.. As he walks by he does notice that the symptoms look familiar to him. *

    Gyunei: So he was transmitting the disease at least. *laughs to himself*

    *OOC: Oh yeah who wants round 2?*

    *Northman on the other side of the region is hopping transports hiding his face through a similar disguise.. He does find the ship he is looking for and pays latinum to the crew member...*

    Northman: *Not in his own voice* I hope that is enough to tavel on your ship..

    Crewman: Sure is. Where are you heading?

    Northman: Oh around its not the destination I care too much about but the travel and the people I meet.

    Crewman: A wanderer huh?

    Northman: Oh I have seen so many things and been on many adventures. So why stop now.

    *slips another bar*

    For keeping it to yourself.

    Crewman: *goes back to his duties*

    *As Northman boards he feels the people he is looking for.. Romulans. Both of them.. *

    OOC: Okay, first of all, T'mar isn't a new-type. She's a genetic oddity, but she's not a new-type. Unlike most pure-blooded Vulcans, her telepathic powers stretch over a distance (interesting given she's only 2/5s Vulcan). Simply, she's the subject of an unusual mutation - possibly due to her Guardian safeguard, though her parents never had the same problem. I suppose it could be related to Sam (and Angel) being born around the same time, though I did plan for it to just be random chance that T'mar had better telepathy than most Vulcans. It's not even remotely linked to New-types.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob: how long till we leave the dock.

    Tech: a few hours sir at most.

    Jacob: well I netter go inspect the ship them.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Okay, first of all, T'mar isn't a new-type. She's a genetic oddity, but she's not a new-type. Unlike most pure-blooded Vulcans, her telepathic powers stretch over a distance (interesting given she's only 2/5s Vulcan). Simply, she's the subject of an unusual mutation - possibly due to her Guardian safeguard, though her parents never had the same problem. I suppose it could be related to Sam (and Angel) being born around the same time, though I did plan for it to just be random chance that T'mar had better telepathy than most Vulcans. It's not even remotely linked to New-types.

    *OOC: Okay.. Never mind.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: Do what ever you like. *
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *OOC: Okay.. Never mind.*
    *OOC: Do what ever you like. *

    OOC: I was just clearing that up, since it has been a while since I last mentioned it.

    I just don't know who Archangel should kill. I mean, it doesn't really have to be someone Sam knows, because Sam's already got a personal reason to hate Archangel (she did take away a massive chunk of Sam's innocence).

    Wait... Sam, the Galaxy's Public Enemy No. 1, is on Nopada - a smuggler's cove of sorts - and news hasn't reached Stane that she's there yet? Given allowing Sam to live would be detrimental to his masters' plans, it makes sense that Stane would want Sam eliminated, so it could easily be Sam that Stane's sending Archangel to kill (and it means I don't have to pull something out of my rear end).
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Jacob soon appears back on the bridge of the harvenger in full uniform as the crew prepares for launch.

    Jacob: bring all systems online.

    Officer: aye sir.

    Jacob: helm prepare to take us out.

    Officer : sir all hands report ready sir.

    Jacob: very good. Helm take us out.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The harvenger comes to life as it leaves dock

    Jacob: report

    Officer : all system green sir.

    Jacob: alright let's see how this ship does.

    Ooc: be back after a few hours.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: I was just clearing that up, since it has been a while since I last mentioned it.

    I just don't know who Archangel should kill. I mean, it doesn't really have to be someone Sam knows, because Sam's already got a personal reason to hate Archangel (she did take away a massive chunk of Sam's innocence).

    Wait... Sam, the Galaxy's Public Enemy No. 1, is on Nopada - a smuggler's cove of sorts - and news hasn't reached Stane that she's there yet? Given allowing Sam to live would be detrimental to his masters' plans, it makes sense that Stane would want Sam eliminated, so it could easily be Sam that Stane's sending Archangel to kill (and it means I don't have to pull something out of my rear end).

    OOC: Fair point. Plus I think that would work. As far as stopping them goes.. I don't think it is really possible. Just delaying them really. Which right now depends on what you want to do with Sanders right now. Plus if you want Vala to have a sort of Devil's Advocate alliance with Northman to deal with a political enemy. That would certainly be interesting. As for Gyunei, I did enjoy that fight with Markon, and that depends on if he can find him.

    But yeah overall I do want to develop Holtz and Patrick a bit more, as well as the Preserver.. Though I do want to give him a better name. Something that fits with his goals right now.

    But yes most of that line Kai gave is actually true.. Those three did develop it.. I wonder what Jacob would do if he found out about what his dad was really doing.

    What do you think Logan?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think it might be interesting.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Officer: sir we have cleared the dock.

    Jacob: alright bring slip space engines online and let jump.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The Harvenger makes the jump to slipspace

    Officer: it looks different

    Jacob: its because of the engines they have more power making us move faster which changes the view of slip space.

    Helm: our speed is 4x greater then that of any other UNSC ship we can also move undetected to any other vessel while we are in slipspace we cant be seen.

    Jacob: this ship is the first of its class we already got 2 more half way done. The hull can also regenerate if it takes damage. It took some time but I think we finally got it all right.If you need me ill be in my quarters.

    He arrives at his quarters

    Jacob: tea cold with ice

    He takes the drink and begins setting up his desk. He sets a holo of him and the family from many years ago. He looks at the picture a moment looking at his parent and Nick. He then puts some nick nacks on his desk of things he has collected over the years. Including a TIC reactor.

    Jacob: well dad i wonder what youd say if you saw me now

    He takes a drink of his tea as he sits at his desk looking at the holo
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *Sanders opens his eyes, finding himself restrained to a table. He sees the insectoid aliens surrounding him. Any scans they've taken to understand his race are useless because of his disease.*

    Sanders: What... what do you want with me?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Ooc working on a post now
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • sylar2of5sylar2of5 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    hello there im a big fan of Star Trek and STO, ive been involved with and online virtual Rp community and have been instrumental in helping create an improve voice rp with other fans from UK,US,Aus,Canada and more. if you have heard of Inworlds. then youll know the nature of this type of Fan Rp if your interested in jioning us please message me and let me know.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Sanders opens his eyes, finding himself restrained to a table. He sees the insectoid aliens surrounding him. Any scans they've taken to understand his race are useless because of his disease.*

    Sanders: What... what do you want with me?

    *OOC: Okay let me sit on this I will post at around 4-5pm my time.*
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