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dStahl Talks Voyager



  • enderssoupenderssoup Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I loved the The Hierarchy characters,

    they where one of the more original species in the Quadrant,
    their ships looked interesting considering what they do in The Hierarchy.

    Although I liked the Krenim concept, their whole existence wavered on one man and a temporal crew, so it might be hard to pinpoint what they are all about in a constant storyline with all that Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...Stuff.
    Excuse me, excuse me, would you mind stopping that darn noise?
    obscene gesture, vulcan neck pinch, claps, cheers
  • timeladykatietimeladykatie Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I know they were a one-off species, but the Vodwar from the episode Dragon's Teeth had those substpace corridor networks...? It might be a good way to get the Delta faction, whatever it is, to interact with the Alpha/Beta quadrants? I remember once dreaming up a massive fleet of Krenim/Vodwar alliance ships showing up in Federation space and the diplomatic tensions that would cause, considering how the Vodwar, from their perspective, probably felt Voyager betrayed their people and left them to die.
    Vice Admiral Meria Farron
    USS Stradivarius

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  • ulukayxulukayx Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    What I actually would like to see is a chance for players to further diplomatic relations and make allies with some of the Species.

    So far, every single new species introduced seems inclined to take over the alpha quadrant, at this rate, it's going less towards star trek and more towards Warhammer 40k where everyone is at war with everyone else.

    Introducing Delta quadrant species would allow both the Federation and Klingons to try to build up new alliances against the Iconians, not to mention that these allies would allow them to gain a foothold in the quadrant and build transwarp gates
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  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    To get to the Delta Quadrant would be easy:

    Us the same plot device that DS9 used:

    Sudden appearance of a convenient wormhole linking the quadrants.

    Maybe work in some intrigue about some race causing it to happen for their own reasons: Prophets, what have you.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    robdmc wrote: »
    The only way I can see any exploration to the delta quadrant with 2-way travel with out too much delay is if we were to hijack another borg transwarp hub (Risky) or if they had expanded the pathfinder project to create a larger enough wormhole to get more then communications through and get a construction crew on the other side with a second MIDAS array on the other side to help with the requirements. I think it would be interesting if they managed to use the first dysons sphere that they found as a way to harness enough power to create a wormhole that size.

    Or all of that is rambling crazy talk.

    that only worked because a pulsar was nearby and amplified the signal with a micro wormhole and besides this it only happens once every month, so even if somehow this midas thing can be extended to a large wormhole, you would be waiting 30 days to get back. but there are questions as to how long the wormhole; can stay open? will it fluctuate? what reactions would this artifical wormhole have to exotic materials. is there a pulsar on the otherside? for that matter how does starfleet get that new midas array to the otherside, install it and protect it adequately?
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • skaldraskaldra Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Am I missing something or do we not have a transwarp gate that currently goes directly to the delta quad?

    I think what made voyager good is that they were secluded and having to survive... this is the devs opportunity to do something innovative. Saying that, I believe the transwarp gate should be removed and something set in place to make it "difficult" to go back and forth between the two.

    Another thing that I think this game is lacking, is open world PVP. The delta quad should be "risky" and I think its the perfect opportunity to challenge the max level players who are waiting for some PVP updates!!

    PLEASE do not make the borg a playable race! and do not put them in lockboxes, for the love of god no! As fun as it would be, it would go against everything the borg are... AND borg ships would be way overpowered OR inaccurate to the series if you dumbed them down to be even with other ships.

    And, I have to say... if you are planning on adding an entire new part to the galaxy map, shouldnt you finish the alpha quad too? Its sad to have playable species who cant even visit their homeworlds :( BETAZOID ANYONE? and many others! The alpha quad has seen many awesome updates over the past few seasons, but I have to admit it feels pretty empty in some of the "original" sector blocks. If this is in the future of the shows you'd think maybe starfleet would have built some fancy new style starbases in empty sector blocks?! Zeta Andromeda and Alpha Tri have nothing in them!

    An the most important thing last... CUSTOMIZABLE STARSHIP INTERIORS! My Adapted destroyer bridge right now wont even show my bridge officers on it! All generic NPCs!
    Director of Marketing
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i think a Dyson sphere is not big enough for ship to ship combat ... maybe shuttles can work

    but the Maps whould be smaller then the PVP maps we have now

    i whould like to see Kazon and the The Krenim as enemys

    and i personallly whould like to fly the way the voyager was flying back you can make it even as a Add On you have to buy for maybe 25 or even if long enough 50 Euro maybe as a coop 5-10 Player mission like Left for Dead but with a ship your ship from one of you sto cpt.

    or to get into the Delta Quadrant the tunnels from Star Trek Destiny ...
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
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  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    a galaxy class fit inside of one no trouble and there was plenty of room to move about. not forgetting you can get a sun inside and there has to be distance between that star and the surface of the dyson sphere aswell for lifeforms to survive.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • deceon55deceon55 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well we dropped Nelix off so why can't we send a message through the Hirogen sat. network or midas aray. The Talxians could build a transwarp gate and we build ours to get to the delta Quad. We have one for Gamma to fight Borg.
  • drreverenddrreverend Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    seven of nine :o:D;):cool:

    back to topic:
    the war technically doesn't need to end but rather we need to move to 2410 and enter a "cold war" in which both the federation and the klingon would both start to behave imperialistic. using transwarp conduits they both have their to gain access to the delta quadrant and much like the Imperialism that took place during the 18th century the fedeation and the klingons will try and gain as much of the newly found territory as they can. but since they are in a state of cold war it means that simmular to the nuclear arms race that took place between the USA and russia both parties will wan't to constantly outdo the other. if the klingons annex a planet the federation must colonize one that has better resources and when a delta quadrant species allies whit (or joins) the federation the klingons must subjugate/recruit a stronger species. the race is on!

    That's pretty much my take on the Federation-Klingon relationship at this point, that with the death of B'vat and ongoing threat of the Borg, Dominion, Tholians, and now the issues with New Romulus, the "hot" war has pretty much run out of steam and while the Federation and Empire are still rivals are not sending their fleets against each other. There's still conflict, of course, but it's more on the scale of the occassional raid, rogue captain, or pirate or proxy than massive warfleets. Captains can't directly attack each other, but they can TRIBBLE each other over.

    Think how the Klingons and Federation were in TOS post-Organian Treaty, which the TOS writers themselves admitted made the Klingons a lot more fun to write. It forced the two sides to not fight... but doesn't rule out the occassional bar brawl either.

    That, and given the amount of fighting the Borg and other enemies the KDF and Starfleet have done together, I imagine that by this point the captains of the two sides have built up a healthy respect for one another. After all, they've probably saved each other's lives a few times.
  • inhumanekitteninhumanekitten Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I voted for Devore, since the Krenim is the landslide favorite, but I would like to see both of them, with equal enthusiasm. I would suggest, however, that the Delta Quadrant be the birthplace of exploration in STO, which has been glaringly absent from STO. Yes, combat is inevitable in that region, but one of the great things about Voyager was that they spent several years in uncharted territory, meeting new species, making friends and enemies, and doing A TON of research and exploration. Creating a new quadrant map is a great opportunity to introduce exploration, through the introduction of new game and map mechanics, as well as a massive new space, which does not have to be filled with enemies at nearly every planet.

    With all our encounters with the Borg, I find it hard to believe that the Federation hasn't figured out how to get back and forth in a matter of months, rather than decades. They might have to stop several times to adjust their course to avoid running into things on such a long journey, but I would LOVE to be able to choose to have a character go to the Delta Quadrant to do deep space exploration. Or, if not in the Delta Quadrant, deep space exploration somewhere alone, like Voyager or the Titan, etc.
  • redraphaelredraphael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I could see a 'Project Full Circle'-style storyline working quite well - retracing Voyager's footsteps, with the ultimate aim being to get back to the Ocampa homeworld, since they hold the key to defeating the Iconians or something.

    This could perhaps be done by way of a featured episode series, with the first mission dumping your ship in the DQ near where the Borg Transwarp Hub was (it'd be pretty cool to see that neutron star (or whatever it was) that the Transwarp Hub was built around again, complete with tons of Borg wreckage still floating around!) and each episode bringing you into contact with different Voyager species.

    This might perhaps be an unpopular suggestion, but Neelix could even accompany the player on the journey as a sort of guide - being eager to see his own homeworld again.

    Once the player has finished the episode series, a social hub or something could be unlocked in Ocampan space, opening up new STFs etc; though this would require a plausible way to get back to the Alpha Quadrant and back on a whim.

    Suspiria (the female Caretaker) could also be involved somehow.

    Another option might be to explore the space between the Gamma Quadrant terminus of the Bajoran Wormhole and Kazon/Vidiian space (since it's roughly the same distance as from the Kazon/Vidiian space back to the AQ), but incorporating other Voyager species might be an issue there.
  • magneticmoosemagneticmoose Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I think the Kazon are being overlooked due to their poorly told stories, but from an STO standpoint the Kazon would make a perfect choice. Let me explain;
    • The Kazon were notorious for stealing technologies that might help them beat other factions of their own race
    • They had a repeatable trend of aligning themselves with anyone that gave them the upper hand
    • If the Iconians are the big baddies I could see them easily using the Kazon as pawns in their conquest of the galaxy.

    As for getting their and back:
    Graviton Catapult (during the proto-type phase of this Delta Quadrant device it was able to send a ship 100s of light years in a matter of minutes) Voyager should have had the plans for this, and it wouldn't have been a stretch of the imagination to believe that SCE could have worked on it, and created a better version of it.

    I hope the Dyson Sphere is a shuttle zone rather then a starship zone. We need more uses for shuttles and fighters.
  • thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Kazon

    Not much of a threat to anyone by themselves, however I can see them being conquered by the Klingons, giving the Empire Kazon bridge officers, ships and weapons.

    The Vidiian

    The Vidiian were said to be cured but it's possible the Think Tank was lying. I also like the idea of the Think Tank actually removing the cure because of what Janeway did to them. Kurros, (Jason Alexander), could return and give Admiral Janeway, (Kate Mulgrew), a message explaining that she is responsible for the Vidiian's current plight.

    Like the Kazon, I can see the Vidiian actually becoming a member of the Klingon Empire. Angry at Starfleet because it was Janeway who made the Think Tank remove their cure, the Vidiian may accept the Klingon's help. The Klingons could promise to help them find a cure, (Klingon Blood is important for that cure), and so the Vidiians agree to serve the Empire for as long as it takes.

    The Krenim

    A lot of people want to fight the Krenim but honestly, the end of the episode implied they weren't much of a true enemy anymore. Voyager had a brief chat with one of their ships and moved on without incident. They said that area of space was in dispute so I suppose bad things could have happened in the meantime and perhaps now they would be a more aggressive species. They could also end up being an ally of the Federation if the Klingons enter their space being loud and obnoxious as they sometimes are.

    I like the ally idea personally. Considering the Krenim's understanding of temporal mechanics and the fact we know the Federation will be hardcore time travelers by the 29th Century, we could say the Krenim helped make that possible.

    The Malon

    Not major enemies. The Malon as a people were not an enemy and the garbage waste was really just "evil corporation dumping and polluting." Perhaps they end up working with the Ferangi who help them find other locations in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants where they can dump their waste, which naturally doesn't sit well with Starfleet or the Empire.

    The Hierarchy

    Little is really known about them. Maybe they can prey on ships as a random nuisance. Or Cryptic can take some creative liberty and flesh them out a bit.

    The Devore

    They could be interesting to fight. They hate telepaths and probably wouldn't like Alpha Quadrant powers bringing more telepaths into their territory. However, do they really pose a real threat to Starfleet or the Empire?

    The Vaadwuar

    They're not on this list but they really should be. The Vaadwuar had controlled a large portion of the Delta Quadrant 800 years ago but their empire was crushed by slave uprisings. Plenty of them had survived by going into stasis and were eventually revived by the Voyager crew. Now they want their Empire back.
  • jarenriccarjarenriccar Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    a19spectre wrote: »
    Just a thought, but don't we have the TW gateway to the Gamma Orionis sector in the Delta Quadrant?

    Cestus three and Mutara are in the Alpha quadrant, i dont know why we needed transwarp there, its not Borg space its borg -occupied- space.

  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    undine and use fluidic space as a shortcut to the delta quad.

    all the people saying Starfleet this and Starfleet that what about the KDF?

    If you remember Klingons were in the delta quad before voyager was there.
    Just they started from the other direction going the other way. ( Prophecy ) and we, the Klingon empire already have an entire planet there.

    Earth also has ties to the quad and the federation could have a planet to ally with, those people that were decedents of alien abduction victims.

    and Please do NOT let borg become player faction or their ships. the game needs atleast one decent fall back enemy for when they run out of other stuff to do. and as far as the borg being boring all they have to do is adapt to what we use against them now and BAM instant hard dangerous enemy again.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • afreebyafreeby Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just because the phage is cured does not mean the Vidiian become happy go lucky hippies.

    They were merciless organ collectors. They may no longer require the organs, but I can see them remaining in business, harvesting organs for greed rather than need.

    Not to mention, with extinction off the docket, they could begin to expand.

    That makes them a fairly frightening enemy. Remember that they carved Voyager like a turkey, and that the crew provided almost no resistance. Voyager was more successful at repelling the Borg than they were the Vidiian.

    That being said, they are a known enemy. Perhaps Neelix sends a barclay-gram to Admiral Janeway, asking for assistance.
  • lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Setting the entire update within a Dyson Sphere is going to add a new dimension to ship combat

    So... You're saying that the entire update - as in literally the entire season, is set within the dyson sphere?

    There goes any interest I otherwise had in it
    Another option would be to introduce a new playable faction that is from the Delta Quadrant. With practically a new species introduced every week,

    Given the time, resources and hassle involving cbs, etc... thats involved with adding anything new to the game, I don't believe for a second that we're ever going to see 'practically a new species introduced every week'

    That reeks of the same claims about featured episodes when that whole thing started
    It may be best to focus on the major Voyager series species already represented in-game. This includes the Undine, The Borg, and the Hirogen. Considering that STO has a focus on space combat, it makes me wonder which one of those species has the coolest ships to command in space combat. While the Hirogen are definitely strong delta-quadrant players, the Undine and the Borg both have technologies and starships that would add some unique variety to STO?s gameplay. You can already get your hands on an Undine ship holo-emitter, but could you imagine commanding a Borg cube? That is some serious firepower. This is the type of topic that consumes many development planning hours and countless boxes of donuts.

    Really? You spend that much time discussing the introduction of playable species that don't make sense to implement, nor that are in any way practical to even be a faction? That explains alot

    By the way, you mentioned all these races....even the Malon... which never really went anywhere to begin with...but no mention of the Vaadwaur? They at least make a certain amount of sense and have a rather open ended story that could be told
  • mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    drreverend wrote: »
    That's pretty much my take on the Federation-Klingon relationship at this point, that with the death of B'vat and ongoing threat of the Borg, Dominion, Tholians, and now the issues with New Romulus, the "hot" war has pretty much run out of steam and while the Federation and Empire are still rivals are not sending their fleets against each other. There's still conflict, of course, but it's more on the scale of the occassional raid, rogue captain, or pirate or proxy than massive warfleets. Captains can't directly attack each other, but they can TRIBBLE each other over.

    Think how the Klingons and Federation were in TOS post-Organian Treaty, which the TOS writers themselves admitted made the Klingons a lot more fun to write. It forced the two sides to not fight... but doesn't rule out the occassional bar brawl either.

    That, and given the amount of fighting the Borg and other enemies the KDF and Starfleet have done together, I imagine that by this point the captains of the two sides have built up a healthy respect for one another. After all, they've probably saved each other's lives a few times.

    indeed once well move on to 2410 the war has run out of steam both sides try to gain economical and political superiority to in order to deal whit the other decisively once they do and go imperialistic on the delta quadrant to do it.
    social-economical expansion into the delta quadrant, pirate raids (on the ships to and from probably inside the delta quadrant) and proxy wars all over the delta quadrant will define 2410 :)
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
  • lordgabelordgabe Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Two playable races would be nice to ally them logically with the feds/klings just to keep the faction identiy solid and maybe give us reasons for actual war in the story telling.
    But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
    W.B. Yeats

    Lifer since beta its never been so good! So now can everyone chill this game is going in the right direction :P
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,429 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Because in STO slipstream stops working every time you jump to another sector block. :D
    So, your exploration fleet has to pause for two minutes every time they change sector blocks. They'll still get there in less than a year... :)

    I think maybe some folks are unaware of the sheer scale of a Dyson sphere. Imagine a sphere ninety-three million miles in radius (approximately the distance between Earth and Sol). That gives an inner surface area of approximately 1.09 x 10^17 square miles. This is approximately 549 million times the surface area of Earth.

    If we start looking at volume, the numbers get really staggering...

    Would you be happy with an expansion that gave you 550 million new Earthlike worlds to explore? Because that's the potential of what we're talking about here.
  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Kazon? Someone needs to just make the Kazon extinct already. When watching Voyager, the Kazon episodes are the episodes that I entirely skip over. And the Malon are almost as annoying.

    Another idea is to make the already in-game Intrepid Class ships into a pack with set bonuses. I know we already have the Vesta, but an Intrepid pack might be a fun and authentic way to play a Delta Quadrant expansion.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
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  • blahhdreyblahhdrey Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    While I like the idea of exploring another Quadrant, a lot of that is dependent upon the development of an actual exploration mechanic. In the current incarnation of the game the Gamma Quadrant makes more sense as there is already a method of travel established, a connection to the existing factions, and a lot of unanswered questions following the end of DS9. Also, playable Cardassians just make more sense than playable Borg or Undine given that we're supposed to fear them as highly advanced, irreconcilable foes. Borg or Undine faction would seem to imply a more dedicated PVP mechanic, which certainly is not the direction that the game has been developed in thus far.
  • daelosprimedaelosprime Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Voth are definitely a species that I'm excited to see. I remember in the Voyager DVD specials that they wanted to return to the Voth but because of various production reasons they couldn't. And with the occasional "exploration" mission in STO right now where we investigate and eventually find "reptilian DNA" on the consoles but no trace of the scientists this has been hinted at for years, and finally they are being realized!

    That said I have one other word: Vaadwaur. They appeared in the episode "Dragon's Teeth" and instantly charmed me. And they could fit wonderfully into STO via their subspace corridors which reached from the depths of the Delta Quadrant all the way to Talax where Voyager began their journey! So why couldn't these corridors reach to the Alpha/Beta Quadrant (and maybe provide a reasonable way for Starfleet/KDF/Romulans to get TO the Delta Quadrant)? And we know the Vaadwaur are out there, in the episode they distinctly stated that several ship escaped into their corridors but again couldn't revisit them in the series because of production reasons.

    Consider all this Cryptic! It opens possibilities!
  • xiaoping88xiaoping88 Member Posts: 1,493 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Given the time, resources and hassle involving cbs, etc... thats involved with adding anything new to the game, I don't believe for a second that we're ever going to see 'practically a new species introduced every week'

    That reeks of the same claims about featured episodes when that whole thing started

    I am fairly certain that part is about Voyager, not STO. Voyager had a new alien every week.
    Reality is an illusion.
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  • sanatobasanatoba Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I say use a story line involving the Talaxians and/or Ocampa asking the Federation for assistance or even joining the Federation to allow us to play in the Delta Quadrant. That makes the most sense to me and those are actually the delta quadrant species I most want to see in the game.;)
    Been Playing STO as much as I can for 11+ Years!

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    "To Boldly go.........well punch it already!"
    "To Be or Not To Be"....Alas, the Foundry is Not To Be. We Shall miss Thee, dear Friend!
    "Does anyone remember when we used to be explorers?"- Captain Jean-Luc Picard
    Thank You, Cryptic......even when I don't agree with all your decisions....Thank You for Star Trek Online!
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The Vidiian are a much more interesting choice, plot-wise and as a playable species.
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  • generaldisaster#4313 generaldisaster Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    since comments have been disabled for news item http://sto.perfectworld.com/news/?p=966741 , I though I would share my thoughts here.

    as long as the signed Q pictures are used in the new winter event I will be happy. I was sooo close to getting the breen ship last year. as for possible player borg ships, the only borg ship I want, is the Borg Tactical Fusion Cube from Star Trek Armada II (8 Tactical cubes joined together). a technology assimilation beam, for playable borg ships. where when used on a another player the cube would for that engagement, be granted a random BOFF or console special ability (like the fed akira carrier's photorp turret) and (if they fusion tac cube comes to sto) the ability to have up to 4 assimilated techs. if only normal and tac cubes are used then, 1 assimiliated ability for cubes, and 2 for tac cubes. also an assimilation beam, a tractor beam that lowers targets shields (50% chance), disable engines (100% chance) and beams borg (or other) crew aboard which then begin assimilating the target ships crew (attacks targets crew and begins disabling ship systems for a set period of time - maybe somewhere between 3 - 15 seconds)
    Star Treking, across the universe. Only going forward because we can't find reverse...
  • kisdra87kisdra87 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    IMHO, the Intrepid and its variants are fine as they are, components of the main free leveling, with the fleet variants and modernized versions.

    What could be very interesting thought would be to recreate the feeling of having multiple factions aboard your ship, just as in Voyager from the beginning : at the start, the Starfleet crewmembers and the Maquis crewmembers. In STO, with the many duty officiers packs which have been released over time, my Federation & Romulan crews are very mixed : many come from the Federation or the Romulan Republic, but many others comes from other powers, other non-playable factions of the ST universe.

    In Voyager, as they too gather crewmembers from some of the races they encounter during their journey, these different origins are many times the point of episodes in which we see that despite the duty they have from being the crew of the same starship, there are still tensions, even conflicts, but also many very interesting sharing of cultural point of view during the events of the story.

    I think it would be really great to think how these elements could be emphasize in the game, as part of giving even more personnality to our crews.

    Could be, for example, triggering events like the first contact missions : some of your crewmembers from different factions are having some tensions, you have to discover why and how to solve the problem while keeping them on track as part of your crew.
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I wanted to vote the Vidiians, and in my heart I did.

    Actually I may have regretted my choice, if it not for the Think Tank Episode.

    But because I want to ally with them, and I like them [yet , and I do apologise, I cannot articulate why].
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
This discussion has been closed.