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Most hated Star Trek character



  • chokopop1chokopop1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TOS: Uhura... She just genuinely annoyed me.

    TNG: Lwaxana Troi. I wouldn't wish that kind of mother on my worst enemy... Seriously, she's as annoying as mothers get.

    DS9: Weyoun. Good god I hate that little Vorta prick! He could get tossed out an airlock, and I'd just sit and laugh. Annoying doesn't even cut it.

    VOY: Kes. Do I need to explain?

    ENT: Hoshi Sato... Seriously, what was up with her? Yes, she did have her badass moments, but if you're as whiny as her... Do not get onto a starship.
  • collegepark2151collegepark2151 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    chokopop1 wrote: »
    TNG: Lwaxana Troi. I wouldn't wish that kind of mother on my worst enemy... Seriously, she's as annoying as mothers get.

    Hmm... so it may be a bad thing that I have Lwaxana as the caller ID picture for my mother on my phone? :rolleyes: Granted I don't think my mother is QUITE that bad, but she does have Mrs. Troi tendencies.

    Kai Winn was the only one who really made me wince when she came on-screen, but that was kind of the point, so I guess hurrah for the writers!

    Porthos is not amused.
  • goedzooigoedzooi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TOS: Kirk, his smile annoyed me (don't kill me please?)

    TNG: Deanna Troi, I. HATE. COUNSELLORS. (In the movies I didn't hate her. (so much))

    DS9: Ezri Dax, I. STILL. HATE. COUNSELLORS. And Jadzia had to die D:<

    VOY: Kes, Never seen someone sooooo boring.

    ENT: T'Pol, her TRIBBLE were to big.
    (Or a pig)

    Sorry if my English is bad.
  • gibbon1182gibbon1182 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well I have a couple of characters I don't like.

    TNG - Everybody's favorite Wesley Crusher, he was a neat character, but he was just, as it was stated before, too perfect. He always saved the ship when Starfleet finest seem to be incompetent.

    DS9 - Kai Winn, oh I just wanted to strangle her. I laughed like an insane person when she died in the end.

    VOY - Kess and Neelix were some of the most annoying and pointless characters in that show.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TOS: Greek Gods that would show up

    TNG: Troi- All those romance episodes ticked me off a tad but not as much as #1 Wesley Crusher...

    DS9: Ezri Dax

    Voy: Kes Kes and Kes. Then Janeway a bit later on. I actually liked 7 of 9

    To clarify better.

    Top Annoying Characters in Star Trek

    10. Jake Sisko

    9. Janeway

    8. Kim

    7. Troi

    6. Most of the Enterprise crew except Tripp

    5. Bev. Crusher

    4. Kai Winn

    3. Ezri Dax

    2. Kes

    1. Wesley Crusher

    Top 10 Faves.

    10. Data

    9. Worf

    8. Scotty

    7. Odo

    6. 7 of 9

    5. The Doctor

    4. Spock

    3. McCoy

    2. Sisko

    1. James T. Kirk
  • marcusdkanemarcusdkane Member Posts: 7,439 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Can't really contribute much new to this one, as the only character I truly hated was Wesley... I was glad when Pulaski left the show, but equally never really hated her... Janeway was a bt tedious, but never really irritated me enough to hate her... I used to absolutely hate Trip Tucker when Enterprise started, and the idea of a redneck like him wearing a Starfleet uniform really ground my gears, but by the end of the series, he'd actually quite grown on me(as a person, I still don't think he's officer material). I think his line about his uniform being rated as fireproof, but not wanting to set himself on fire to prove it was comedy gold. I never liked McCoy's racism towards Spock, but I guess that was to show that even in an enlightened future, there'd still be some embarrassments. I found the treatment of Jolene Blalock/T'Pol seriously degrading, esp the episode where she was dressing in Human clothes behind a sheet, and her silhouette showed nipple... :eek: She might well have being paid to do it, but in my book, that's just a really sleazy way to treat a woman... :mad: although I rather liked the character herself...
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2012

    Never liked him
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    The whole crew/cast from the JJ. Trek. I couldn't stand anyone of them. What little I saw before I cut the movie off and turn on something else.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • admiralbrad77admiralbrad77 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    i will start with my favorite show and move on down the list, from best to worst, it will also include my hated and most favorite characters.

    Ent: vulcan high council and Hoshii (seemed like she was a diva), Klingons (stubborn) Ferengis
    favorite: Tripp Tucker (hilarious), Capt. Jonathan Archer ( i just liked everything about him as a captain.) T'Pol (dealing with her emotions, and having to deal with humans and the vulcan high council), Plox (thought he was cool as a doctor), Shran (liked how he was always saying archer owed him one LOL)

    Voyager: Neelix and Kes (just annoying), Tom Paris (seemed like a male diva because his father was admiral), Kazons (think thats how its spelled no reason just dont like them). Im sure there are more but cant think of any atm.
    favorite: 7 of 9 (duh), Tuvok (thought he was cool), Icheb (as achild borg he was very smart), Captain Janeway ( i just thought she did good as a captain, my opinion) and of course the doctor (need i say more)

    TNG: wesley crusher ( enough said), Dr Polaski (wasnt dr bev crusher LOL) and ferengis
    favorite: data ( lol), Worf (by not acting like the normal klingons)

    TOS: klingons
    favorite: spock and mccoy for getting in their little arguments lol

    DS9: i cant say anything becausei havent seen it yet.
  • aveldraaveldra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Jar Jar...I mean Q. An omnipotent god creature in the show always seemed out of place to me.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My favourite characters:
    1. Garak (without question one of the best developped character on TV)
    2. Picard, Data, Janeway
    3. Jadzia Dax
    4. Lwaxana Troi (She has always been hilarious and was very well developped in the DS9 episodes)
    5. Q, The Doctor

    And the most annoying ones
    1. Mr. "everybody should be honored to meet me" Archer
    2. Tasha Yar
    3. Dr. Polaski
    4. Harry "my parents, my parents" Kim
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Hmm least favorite..... Kai wynn what a *****.

    Most favorite was worf.

    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Well, I would name most of the Voyager and Enterprise crew, but I guess that would be too easy.

    So I'm thinking either Neelix or Archer.

    No Wesley mentioned. Yeah, I'm shocked too. He's annyoing, but not as much as those two.

    Sligtly lower on my list is Deanna Troi - a true captain obvious with little to no character, played by an annoying actress.

    Also, it depends on how you look at such characters. I could mention Lwaxana or Kai Winn as being annoying or hated, but their actions and attitude served the story development. The whole "romance" thing between Odo and Lwaxana was somewhat painful at times and you really felt for Odo, but most (not all) of this translated into some decent character moments in the show. As such, I can't say I hated such characters just because they were annoying on screen. They served their purpose and they did it well.

    Something that I cannot say about Neelix or Archer, which are both good examples of really bad and inconsequential writing. I refer to SF Debris reviews in this matter, as I completely share his opinion on their subject.
  • ryeknowryeknow Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Not sure if I have just one most "hated".

    A) Mr Kosinski. The starfleet propulsion expert in "Where no one has gone before" (the first episode with "The Traveler"). Such an arrogant pompous TRIBBLE of a character. Even years after the fact, when I watch that ep I just want to beat that guy with a ball bat.

    2) Wesley Crusher. They screwed Will Wheaton over with his character. His best episode was "Parallels" in which he guest stared in the episode for like 15 seconds.

    D) Neelix. Dude just got on my nerves. Dunno why.....just did. Like Nancy Grace...talked too much, offered too much opinion as a Know-it-all and the mere sight and sound of them makes me want to do evil sinister things with an axe and chainsaw.

    Whiskey) The entire "Enterpise" cast/writers/producers. The entire show was epic fail. Only episode worth a TRIBBLE was "Bound" and that was only because of the three smoking hot women actresses playing the Orion Slave Girls.

    Zulu) Ensign Ro. Hated her character from the first time she stepped foot on set to her last. Just annoying , more so than Tasha Yar.

    My favs:

    A) Quark. Armin Sherman was just boss and made that character perfect. His antics cracked me up.

    2) Ben Sisko. As a starfleet officer, he was a Warrior to the core, even more so than Warf was as a Klingon. Often bucking the system to save the lives of his crew and beating the odds. Like a Marine, Sisko was a true soldier and probably saved Starfleet in the Dominion War.

    D) Picard. How can anyone not like Captain Picard. So calm and poised under pressure, his character was that of a true leader and boosted moral for the crew (and ST fans).

    Echo) Scotty and McCoy. Both are fairly equal here in my own opinion. Both with their antic humor and witty lines has made me laugh years well after their mainstream success in the original series and subsequent movies.

    Foxtrot) Worf. The guy got his butt kicked by everyone except other Klingons whom he regularly killed or insulted greatly. But Michael Dorn played one heck of a character with Worf and remained wildly popular being the single character with the most Star Trek appearances of any cast member ever in the Star Trek franchise. Dont know why, but I always liked Worf despite the odds stacked against him.

    Victor) Cmdr Riker. The daredevil of TNG. Really liked Johnathan Frakes as both actor and director in the ST series. As his character, he made a perfect 1st officer. Always loyal to the Captain and followed orders, yet when the times called for it, he was quick on his feet and created unorthodox tactics to win.

    Whiskey) Miles O"Brian (DS9 version) Just a good ole scrappy Irishman. Night and day from DS9 and TNG characters. Liked the guy.

    Zulu) Captain Kurn....or Tony Todd in general. The guy is a great actor and played Kurn well and also played an older Jake Sisko in "The Visitor".
  • timkerridgetimkerridge Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I will break this down by series and by Main cast Vs enemy :
    TOS : Main cast : Checov, enemy : the giant cat in "catspaw"
    TNG : Main cast : Troi, enemy : "fear" that guy that fades into darkness at the end of an epidode
    DS9 : Main cast : Kira "I'm a rebel agaonst oppressors (i.e palestinian) so everyting I say or do must be right". enemy : Kai/Vedek "self centered, self rightous" Winn
    VGR : Main cast : this is really difficult because I hate Chakotay, Paris, B'lanna, and Kim but I'll go with Paris. Enemy : Ceska.
    Ent : Main cast : Trip or Malcolm, I hate people who can't choose so I'm gonna say Trip. Enemy : none really, the main suliban i suppose
    Movies : Main Cast : The NEW Ensign "lets stereotype the **** out of this character and try and fail to make him pseudo-funny" Checov. enemy : well Khan would be the obvious choice but we kinda love him, I'd say the guy that killed Kirk.

    Bonus : people we SHOULD hate but that we/I love : Khan and the Borg Queen
    Fav's : TOS : Spock, TNG : Data, DS9 : none really, gul dukat, odo, jadzia, worf but lets say Cheif O'Brian, VGR : 7 of 9, Ent : T'Pol
  • rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    All Ferengi's.

    I mean all of them, anooying to look at annoying to listen to, just plain annoying.

    If I had a thaleron weapon my first target would be Ferenginar.
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
  • scruffyvulcanscruffyvulcan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For me, it's a tie between Tasha Yar and the entire cast of Voyager.
  • otisnobleotisnoble Member Posts: 1,290 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I choose Tasha Yar/Sela for being annoying and T'Pol for being Spock without the pathos.
    Fleet Admiral Stephen
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    All Ferengi's.

    I mean all of them, anooying to look at annoying to listen to, just plain annoying.

    If I had a thaleron weapon my first target would be Ferenginar.
    It's like Keevan said: "I hate Ferengi". :P

    They're a generally abnoxious and annoying lot... there are a few exceptions, but very few. Even the Vorta hated Quark!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • beritpandionberitpandion Member Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    TOS - Decker pretty much wasted space IMO

    TNG - This was harder I get the complaints of Pulaski, Yar (and her various incarnations, Wes, but so much of that was writing that I give all of them a pass even though Sela was on my list of potential NPCs that need to die again it's more scripting than problem with the character. Barkley was up there for me. Every one of those episodes I wanted to scream but part of that was missing the funny lunatic from A-Team vs the sad one in TNG. All annoyed me at times. But at the end of the day I have to go with Shinzon and B4 from Nemesis. as the whole story was so contrived that they could have accomplished a lot of the story without cloning Jean Luc and the Data II.

    DS9 - This was the easiest for me. Odo and the 'founder' that leads him to the Dominion

    VGR - Have to go with Kess.

    ENT - Never watched enough of it to really make a REAL opinion but I will say Archer was a negative and one reason I haven't gotten around to it yet.
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    VOY - Neelix. It would be Janeway due to her psychosis, but Neelix makes me want to lob beer cans at the
    screen whenever he's present. Clearly only brought aboard by Janeway because she really hates her crew.

    ENT - Johnathan Archer. For being crazier than a Japanese game show. Who thought it was a good idea to give this crazy, paranoid, racist hobo a starship?

    This rant made me lol! :D

    How about Reg Barclay? certainly the most useless character on any show. A walking anxiety case with a stutter and I have heard he was designed to "represent fans of the show" just another case of the writers disrespecting the fans.

    And yes Alexander was annoying but even worse the writers made Worf a deadbeat dad! Seriously just abandon your son and join Starfleet why don't you! Worf was written as such a cranky loser head case but no one seems to notice.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • illyrian2008illyrian2008 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In essence there are two types, the well played characters you love to hate and the horrid mess of poorly made or acted characters.

    I'll limit myself to Chief Blonde Bimbo Seven of Nine, way to go getting a blonde barbie into painted on suit, really subtle. :rolleyes:

    Almost as subtle as Chief Bridge Bimbo T'Pol, seriously THAT is the best they could find for a female Vulcan? Anorexic stick with pencil thin arms and puffed up lips. :D

    YMMV ;)
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Lets see

    Kai Winn
    Hard to pick one from TOS but Decker has to fit there.

    ENT- The whole show was bad for me except for two seasons where it was watchable barely.
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In essence there are two types, the well played characters you love to hate and the horrid mess of poorly made or acted characters.

    I'll limit myself to Chief Blonde Bimbo Seven of Nine, way to go getting a blonde barbie into painted on suit, really subtle. :rolleyes:

    Almost as subtle as Chief Bridge Bimbo T'Pol, seriously THAT is the best they could find for a female Vulcan? Anorexic stick with pencil thin arms and puffed up lips. :D

    YMMV ;)

    I thought that Blaylock's acting was pretty weak, plus her voice can soun like she is out of wind or feeling weepy(good looking woman but not necessarily atalented actress) and I cannot get over 7's high heels, they just break immersion for me and make me realize I'm just watching a tv show.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited August 2013
    wait your saying the only reason they gave 7 of 9 a role as a liberated borg is because she couldn't act it to begin with?

    ...she can act... maybe not on a paramount stage where she knows deep inside everything is a faaaaaaaakeeee!
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
  • zdfx19zdfx19 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    TOS: Mudd (annoying.)

    TNG: Wesley (arrogant, condescending, spoiled, punk that was too mary sue.)

    DS9: Ferengi (all, race of ugly, selfish whiny, sexist, money grubbing jerks )

    VGR: Neelix (happy go lucky annoying.) Kim (went mushy and limp on 7 of 9.)

    ENT: Archer (Bakula didn?t have a captain?s screen presence. Better 1st officer. Needed a beard. Almos as Adama in BSG had command presence in spades for example.)
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'll only talk about acting and not lorewise.

    TNG : I'd say Wesley, but I didn't hated him as much as some people.

    ENT : I don't remember his name, the chief engineer that have an affair with T'Pol. This guy was just some random cowboy in space, and he was annoying. I really liked Archer, but to be honest, I grew up with Quantum Leap, and I would have loved him anyway.

    VOY : Kim was kinda annoying, and dumb. I never liked 7 of 9, except for a few moments, otherwise, she was just your average bimbo with implants. Kess was so incredibly sexy I couldn't blame her for anything, and I found she was a good actress (with a very bad plot).

    DS9 : Jake. Seriously, I hated the kid, it was just another wesley. Also, the worst actor I've never seen in a TV show, Vedek Bareil. I was so happy when he died, this guy talked so slowly with so few emotions, it was difficult to stay awake listening to him.
    I don't especially liked DS9 in a whole (some episodes were still good imo), but the characters were awesome. Except for a few.
  • doctormerkindoctormerkin Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    only character i really dislike is chakotay,mainly for his spirit guide episodes and that i think hes a bad actor:eek:
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    lykum wrote: »
    wait your saying the only reason they gave 7 of 9 a role as a liberated borg is because she couldn't act it to begin with?

    ...she can act... maybe not on a paramount stage where she knows deep inside everything is a faaaaaaaakeeee!

    No Blaylock played T'pol.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    erei1 wrote: »
    I'll only talk about acting and not lorewise.

    TNG : I'd say Wesley, but I didn't hated him as much as some people.

    ENT : I don't remember his name, the chief engineer that have an affair with T'Pol. This guy was just some random cowboy in space, and he was annoying. I really liked Archer, but to be honest, I grew up with Quantum Leap, and I would have loved him anyway.

    VOY : Kim was kinda annoying, and dumb. I never liked 7 of 9, except for a few moments, otherwise, she was just your average bimbo with implants. Kess was so incredibly sexy I couldn't blame her for anything, and I found she was a good actress (with a very bad plot).

    DS9 : Jake. Seriously, I hated the kid, it was just another wesley. Also, the worst actor I've never seen in a TV show, Vedek Bareil. I was so happy when he died, this guy talked so slowly with so few emotions, it was difficult to stay awake listening to him.
    I don't especially liked DS9 in a whole (some episodes were still good imo), but the characters were awesome. Except for a few.
    ENT: you're thinking of Trip Tucker. I kinda liked the "hillbilly" approach to being an engineer. Sure it's somewhat unrealistic, but it was very different than the previous cheif engineer characters we've seen.
    My character Tsin'xing
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