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Why is the Scimitar more powerful and adaptable then the Galaxy X/Bortas



  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    New ships are always more powerful than older ships. Why else would you buy it?

    Of course, it kinda makes no sense in this instance since the toons that would buy the Scimitar cannot buy the other bundle ships and vice versa.

    Gee, thanks for shooting down your own initial point there Dracounguis! ;):D

    You're welcome. :P
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    if you look closely the 3 scimitars BOFF slots
    are no different then an Tac/engineer boff setup
    with 3 different version of console setups.
    and one weapon slot move to the front.

    after flying the ship for a few days, this is
    the impression/feeling i got from it.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Your making an assumption... Get yourself a Scim pack and find out for certain before running around with your hands flailing screaming the sky is falling. The Scim Dreadnaught still has to deal with the issue of lower power levels.

    Folks that go shelling out the $50 or so to get the pack are paying for what they hope MAY be an advantage, but are really paying to get a really cool looking ship to play.

    I notice the Oddy, and Bort are far from dominating PvP or PvE combat.. the Scim will be no different.

    Try an Engineer Captain.

    I never have ANY Power problems.
  • defiantexedefiantexe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    O.K. Im amused how many people have this whole thing wrong. So ill elaborate for you all.
    First, each Race got a Flag Ship (except Klingon) that's new in design. Each Race got a Dreadnought.

    Federation Flag Ship: Odyssey Class = 3Pac
    Federation Dreadnought: Galaxy X = 1 piece

    Romulan Flag ship: Ha'Apex (Haakona is in the Zenny store) = 1 piece
    Romulan Dreadnought: Scimitar = 3Pac

    Klingon Flag ship: ????? Negh'Var currently, waiting on flag Ship.
    Klingon Dreadnought: Bortasqu' Battlecruiser = 3Pac

    Source: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Dreadnought -- Read it yourself >_>

    Now, why its a little messed up right now, and why everyone's confused:

    1) Klingons Dont have a new Flag Ship.
    2) Federation's Flag ship has a 3 Pac, But Romulans and Klingons do not.
    3) Both Romulan and Klingon Dreadnought's have a 3Pac, But Federation does not.

    Now To address the OP's original Question: Why is Scimitar more powerful/Galaxy X shafted?

    Answer: Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' ARE more powerful then the Galaxy X. And here is why:
    1) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer 3 PAC set for customize.
    2) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer TEN CONSOLES. Thats right, TEN. Galaxy X has 9
    3) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer Universal Bridge officers for personal functionality.
    4) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer 3 unique universal consoles (3 total for set)

    Now why is the Galaxy X being shafted? The primary reason is, it is not priority. right now, Devs are working on making Game play smoother, adding more content, and keeping the interest. Romulas playthrough JUST came out recently, so they want to keep players busy.

    The Galaxy X re-vamp was in the works, but is tossed on the back burner, who knows for how long. But, if they want to keep things fair between all three races, then its likely the Galaxy X will be re-vamped for a 3Pac set just as much as Romulans and Klingons will get a 3Pac set for their respective Flagships, like Federation got with Odyssey.

    As for those who currently own the Galaxy X (such as myself), whenever the Devs launch the 3Pac set; because we already own the Galaxy X, the devs will either give us an option to pay an extra 2500 Zenny to upgrade to the 3Pac, OR they will allow us to chose weather we want the A) Tactical B) Engineer C) Science version of the Dreadnought.
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My Galaxy X use to bear the name Zorro, but I saw how outclassed it was becoming, the Lance felt weak, and I changed my main's primary ship to a Vesta class tac.

    All us Galaxy X owners ought to get together some night and have an official decommisioning ceremony for our ships and officially give them to the Starfleet graveyard. :rolleyes:
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • defiantexedefiantexe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As to the 3Pac (10Console) GALAXY X DREADNOUGHT, my Personal Opinion, it will look something like this:

    Engineer Consoles: 5
    Science Console: 2
    Tactical Consoles: 3
    Universal Console: Saucer Separation
    Power Level: + 5 Power to all subsystems

    Engineer Consoles: 4
    Science Console: 3
    Tactical Consoles: 3
    Universal Console: Warp 14 (like the Fleet Excelsior)
    Power Level: +10 Power to Shields and Auxiliary

    Engineer Consoles: 4
    Science Console: 2
    Tactical Consoles: 4
    Universal Console: Lance Rapid Fire (likely will reduce Lance strength, but allow multiple blast / and or multiple targets)
    Power Level: + 10 Power to weapons, + 5 Power to Shields and Auxiliary

    The Hull will be increased from 40,000 to 42,000
    Phaser Lance and Cloak built in (no need for console slot usage)

    3Pac 5000 Zenny, 2500 Zenny individually.

    I think, this is the BEST possible outcome for the Galaxy X Dreadnought. If you agree, then perhaps we should all pitch in some work and contact Cryptic and throw them this layout for the Federation Dreadnought Update.

    This truly is the best outcome we can get. Lets pitch this to Cryptic everyone.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sooo... anyone care to acknowledge the other dreadnoughts? The Vo'Quv? The various dreadnought lockbox ships(I'm sure there are at least a couple)? The Odyssey for crying out loud?
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Sooo... anyone care to acknowledge the other dreadnoughts? The Vo'Quv? The various dreadnought lockbox ships(I'm sure there are at least a couple)? The Odyssey for crying out loud?

    The Odyssey Star Cruiser, is NOT a Dreadnought, it IS the Federation Flagship. Please refer to the quoted post below. I hope your feeble mind can read. -_-
    defiantexe wrote: »
    O.K. Im amused how many people have this whole thing wrong. So ill elaborate for you all.
    First, each Race got a Flag Ship (except Klingon) that's new in design. Each Race got a Dreadnought.

    Federation Flag Ship: Odyssey Class = 3Pac
    Federation Dreadnought: Galaxy X = 1 piece

    Romulan Flag ship: Ha'Apex (Haakona is in the Zenny store) = 1 piece
    Romulan Dreadnought: Scimitar = 3Pac

    Klingon Flag ship: ????? Negh'Var currently, waiting on flag Ship.
    Klingon Dreadnought: Bortasqu' Battlecruiser = 3Pac

    Source: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Dreadnought -- Read it yourself >_>

    Now, why its a little messed up right now, and why everyone's confused:

    1) Klingons Dont have a new Flag Ship.
    2) Federation's Flag ship has a 3 Pac, But Romulans and Klingons do not.
    3) Both Romulan and Klingon Dreadnought's have a 3Pac, But Federation does not.

    Now To address the OP's original Question: Why is Scimitar more powerful/Galaxy X shafted?

    Answer: Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' ARE more powerful then the Galaxy X. And here is why:
    1) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer 3 PAC set for customize.
    2) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer TEN CONSOLES. Thats right, TEN. Galaxy X has 9
    3) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer Universal Bridge officers for personal functionality.
    4) Both Scimitar and Bortasqu' offer 3 unique universal consoles (3 total for set)

    Now why is the Galaxy X being shafted? The primary reason is, it is not priority. right now, Devs are working on making Game play smoother, adding more content, and keeping the interest. Romulas playthrough JUST came out recently, so they want to keep players busy.

    The Galaxy X re-vamp was in the works, but is tossed on the back burner, who knows for how long. But, if they want to keep things fair between all three races, then its likely the Galaxy X will be re-vamped for a 3Pac set just as much as Romulans and Klingons will get a 3Pac set for their respective Flagships, like Federation got with Odyssey.

    As for those who currently own the Galaxy X (such as myself), whenever the Devs launch the 3Pac set; because we already own the Galaxy X, the devs will either give us an option to pay an extra 2500 Zenny to upgrade to the 3Pac, OR they will allow us to chose weather we want the A) Tactical B) Engineer C) Science version of the Dreadnought.
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    defiantexe wrote: »
    Klingon Flag ship: ????? Negh'Var currently, waiting on flag Ship.
    Klingon Dreadnought: Bortasqu' Battlecruiser = 3Pac

    The Bort is the flagship. That was made clear when it was released alongside the Odyssey.

    It even says so on the ship's wiki, on the very site you linked.
    The Bortasqu' Dreadnought Battlecruiser is a massive dreadnought introduced by the Klingon Empire in 2409, intended to become the new flagship of the Klingon Defense Force. They are formidable warships capable of launching a Hoh'SuS Bird-of-Prey to assist them in combat.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    defiantexe wrote: »
    Klingon Flag ship: ????? Negh'Var currently, waiting on flag Ship.
    Klingon Dreadnought: Bortasqu' Battlecruiser = 3Pac
    defiantexe wrote: »
    1) Klingons Dont have a new Flag Ship.

    "The I.K.S. Bortasqu' is a Bortasqu' Dreadnought Battlecruiser under the command of Captain Koren and the flagship of the Klingon Defense Force in 2409."


    "The captain and senior staff of the I.K.S. Bortasqu' flagship will be inviting all warriors of the Empire onto their bridge in order to introduce the valiant crew. "
  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    If all the dreadnoughts are supposed to be "balanced" like the D'Deridex is supposed to be the Romulan mirror to the Negh'var and Galaxy. Then WHY is the Scimitar about 10 times more powerful with a better tactical layout, better consoles and superior firepower. Anybody notice how ships like the Galaxy-X Dreadnought have been shafted again!

    Why has there been no update to both Klingon and Federation Dreadnoughts (Possibly the Odyssey because its a 3 pack) to be competitive with this new ship.

    Bet Cryptic won't do this... they are having too much fun milking the Romulan fanbase now. Hi Klinks, we're the Federation, we had our day but now we are going to join you in mediocrity.

    Tell me OP...why would Cryptic update existing ships in this game that have already been purchased by a large number of the player base?

    There is no money in that. Updating ships would only buff existing and paid for ships and Cryptic would not make nearly as much money as they would by releasing all new ships. It is the way it works...why do people think they deserve updates to their old ships because the romulans got something new?

    Best thing to do is join em. Make yourself a romulan and buy the new Scimitar. If you want to fly the old Galaxy X, then go fly it, but there is nothing stopping you from enjoying these new ships either.

    Bottom line is, they will not bring old ZEN store ships up to the same level as the Scimitar because it would subtract from their earnings, they never have in the past and they wont in the future. They may release a fleet version of the Galaxy X, they may not. Seems the "saucer separation" has been holding that up for over a year now...(why the galaxy x with its built in SPINAL phaser lance would have a separation is beyond me, it would break the thing into 2 parts and the saucer would go around firing it, not the stardrive section).
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    corvalle wrote: »
    Tell me OP...why would Cryptic update existing ships in this game that have already been purchased by a large number of the player base?

    There is no money in that.

    There is more then one view of what makes money and what doesn't .
    You can say that Cryptic wants you to always buy the new shiny , but you can also say that Cryptic wants you to play the game as much as possible , and return to the game as much as possible .

    If the second option is as important to them as the first , then it's in their interest to keep all their costumers happy , not just the ones that run off to buy the latest shiny .

    I also agree that what is considered 'out of date' can be subjective , but there is a near-consensus that some ships need a bit more "pew" .
    Most talk about the Galaxy/Galaxy-X .
    I for one would be happy with that , but Id also like the Vulcan D'Kyr to get some love (namely another tac console + a LT.Com station) , as I recently rewatched Enterprise , I wanted to fly my Vulcan ship , but the outdated lay out suggested that I'd be a hindrance to my team , so I gave up on that idea .

    I also know that some would like the Kitty carrier to get a buff too .
    (I don't own that one)
  • psychickittypsychickitty Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I don't think the new ships are really that power...considering for me in my last pvp battle I shot through the shields....yes some powers let you ignore them....and then I drained the other player real bad....and they thought they could cloak and hide but didn't think I might have torpedos that find cloaked ships.

    Anywise as to topic change of why cryptic would want to do an update on existing ships.....its because they probably already know that the current system is a throw away system that wont keep players playing...thus their silence suggests they are looking into a new system for ships that will most likely upgrade or allow upgrades.

    Something like that would make them a lot of cash....as is proven by some of perfect worlds other games.....impatient players who want that specific look or specific ability set will shell out the cash.

    Right now cryptic and perfect world are shooting them selves in the foot badly...with their current systems for the lock boxes in star trek and champions and neverwinter.....they should have learned from jade dynasty and perfect world what works better.....ie they charge very little for the lock boxes in jade dynasty and perfect world...and don't use keys.....instead they totally get people to get he boxes and want them.....by offering a potential to get some item...and then they only offer the lockboxes for limited periods......although now they are making sets of them available for limited periods and giving discounts.
    They make a lot of cash from that system.....and it seams cryptic has not learned from that very well....they don't understand people are willing to spend cash if it seams trivial....that's how you get gamblers to gamble.

    Anywise.....again back on topic.....I don't agree with the OP that the new scimitar ship is more powerful...its a differing ship type....and you have to have the weapons and abilities and consoles to make any ship good.

    Power without Perception is Spiritually useless and therefore of no true value.


  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    There is more then one view of what makes money and what doesn't .
    You can say that Cryptic wants you to always buy the new shiny , but you can also say that Cryptic wants you to play the game as much as possible , and return to the game as much as possible .

    If the second option is as important to them as the first , then it's in their interest to keep all their costumers happy , not just the ones that run off to buy the latest shiny .

    I also agree that what is considered 'out of date' can be subjective , but there is a near-consensus that some ships need a bit more "pew" .
    Most talk about the Galaxy/Galaxy-X .
    I for one would be happy with that , but Id also like the Vulcan D'Kyr to get some love (namely another tac console + a LT.Com station) , as I recently rewatched Enterprise , I wanted to fly my Vulcan ship , but the outdated lay out suggested that I'd be a hindrance to my team , so I gave up on that idea .

    I also know that some would like the Kitty carrier to get a buff too .
    (I don't own that one)

    As much as people want the old ships updated, it wont happen. They would have to pay employees to do that work. There would not be enough sales of the newly updated ships because most people already own that ship that was updated. Sure, they would be flying around in an updated ship they already purchased, but they will not sell enough of that newly updated ship to compensate for what they had to pay an employee to do the work.

    That is why they release new and better ships. No one owns them yet, and the money will roll in. And they would have have to take the ship designers off the new ship projects and put them on old ships. Its a buisiness and updating existing ships is not where the money is. Maybe if this were a sub only based game and did not have a ZEN store, then I could see this happening. I dont think they mind if a few disgruntled players are upset because their old ships are obsolete, there are plenty of people still around that will give them money for new shiny.
  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anywise.....again back on topic.....I don't agree with the OP that the new scimitar ship is more powerful...its a differing ship type....and you have to have the weapons and abilities and consoles to make any ship good.

    Actually, the scimitar is much more powerful than the galaxy x...the BOFF layout, the amount of consoles slots, the special consoles it comes with, the turn rate, the shield modifier and 5 forward weapon slots and an integrated battle cloak make the Scimitar a better ship all around.

    The galaxy x is old, it was one of the first ZEN store ships in the game and it will prolly stay that way, but at least it looks cool sittin in SOL system :P

    And as far as the galaxy X using cannons...ya ok. A LT Tac boff station pretty much makes that a gimmick. Only 1 cannon ability can be used, and not even a high ranking one, just a rank 1, thats it. Its basically a regular galaxy with a terrible lance ability and a ROFL BOFF layout and the ability to cloak ONLY if you use a console and take up one of its 9 available console slots.
  • razhgalrazhgal Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the reason is simple.

    any developer of any product would like the customer to purchase more of their items.

    there are several ways to archive that, but to simplify it, they are upgrading existing mechanics or altering them.

    an example would be the development from ipod touch -> ipad -> ipad 2 et cetera.
    Romeo - Engineer D'Kora / Leia - Science Charal
    Sirius - Tactical Kumari / Hatschy - Tactical Scimitar
    lil - Engineer Corvette / Dark - Tactical Guramba
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    corvalle wrote: »
    Actually, the scimitar is much more powerful than the galaxy x...the BOFF layout, the amount of consoles slots, the special consoles it comes with, the turn rate, the shield modifier and 5 forward weapon slots and an integrated battle cloak make the Scimitar a better ship all around.

    The galaxy x is old, it was one of the first ZEN store ships in the game and it will prolly stay that way, but at least it looks cool sittin in SOL system :P

    And as far as the galaxy X using cannons...ya ok. A LT Tac boff station pretty much makes that a gimmick. Only 1 cannon ability can be used, and not even a high ranking one, just a rank 1, thats it. Its basically a regular galaxy with a terrible lance ability and a ROFL BOFF layout and the ability to cloak ONLY if you use a console and take up one of its 9 available console slots.
    I think it should be the other way around. The galaxy is bad, obviously (almost) anything else is better. Including the scimitar.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Odyssey Star Cruiser, is NOT a Dreadnought, it IS the Federation Flagship. Please refer to the quoted post below. I hope your feeble mind can read. -_-
    Ouch, getting personal. That's the sign of a weak argument.


    The Jupiter- and Odyssey-classes are both dreadnoughts in addition to the Galaxy-X and the Venture-X classes. Ironically gotten from following the link in your own post. Guess I'm not the one who can't read.

    Both the Klingon and the Federation flagships are indeed dreadnoughts. And next time you feel like insulting childishly instead of doing your research, stop and think. It's embarrassing to even watch that.
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Anyone heard of fun?

    back in the day (about a month ago) when I played STO, I used to buy things, and have setups THAT I ENJOYED, not to win, but to enjoy the game.

    When the Odyhomessey did not have the Aquarius Visual bug, my ship would only last a few seconds in PvP, but hell , I loved playing PvEs with it.

    It is, with my Lifetime subscription, the best purchase I have spent on a game.

    It all changed when the bug came; inflatable aquarius has been passed around.

    So , to wait, I bought the MVAM , gave it a crappy setup, enjoyed it.

    That said, I just have not enjoyed the MVAM nearly as much as the Odyssey. So until the bug is fixed, I will not properly play (only in to check the fleet) STO.

    But to a hardcore TNG fan, The galaxy may be a tonne of fun, so if it sucks, whatever ...
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jumpingjs wrote: »
    That said, I just have not enjoyed the MVAM nearly as much as the Odyssey. So until the bug is fixed, I will not properly play (only in to check the fleet) STO.

    Why don't you just unslot the Aquarius console untill it's fixed? You'll still enjoy your Odyssey and not have to watch the inflated Aqarius.

    When I'm about doing serious business and not the easy type of PvE, I don't use the Aquarius console and put something that would be more beneficial in that slot. This works fine since the Scimitar was released cause the Oddy got a buff, so now the enhanced engineering systems are a 2-piece set bonus. The 3-set bonus is the 0.5 turnrate buff, the reducing of the cooldowns and there were work bees and gravity well III added to the chevron when it's separated, but the Odyssey works just fine even with the 2-piece bonus.

    And heck, even when I use all 3 of them I rarely disembark the Aquarius since it can't be used with the chevron, and I find the chevron much more beneficial to use to give me increase in turn rate and especially with the new buffs. Furthermore, the chevron will be even more usefull after the new carrier interface hits holodeck, because it will give the AI of the chevron the ability to escape warp-core explosions.

    So you can slot all of the consoles, just don't use the Aquarius untill it's fixed. There's no reason not to enjoy your favourite ship just because of that.
    I bought the Odyssey in this last sale a week or so ago, because in a game of pew-pew it screams "Star Trek!!!". It's a Starfleet standard design - two warp nacelles, with stardrive section, a neck and a saucer section. A big cruiser that has saucer separation and uses beams, just like the shows. And it's modern, 25-th century design - I feel that my captain belongs to this ship in this time in the Star Trek universe. Every captain in the shows had it's own designated class, I have the new Odyssey now. It's tons of fun. Plus, it's fanmade, so it's nice to have a ship that represents the community's contribution to Star Trek.

    About everything else, I agree with you. The point of STO is to have fun, that's why I always buy and fly ships based on the looks and what it seems to be fun for me. People have been hating on the Bortas for over a year now, but I absolutely love the thing. I love it so much that I have dedicated much time, effort and money to outfit it, but now I have a ship that I love flying and that works like a charm. It hits like a runaway train. :D

    So everyone, have fun and don't let others tell you which ship is "the best" or which setup is "the best" or that a tactical officer has no place in a cruiser, etc. Do whatever it's fun to you and you win! :D
  • jumpingjsjumpingjs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    shpoks wrote: »
    Why don't you just unslot the Aquarius console untill it's fixed? You'll still enjoy your Odyssey and not have to watch the inflated Aqarius.

    When I'm about doing serious business and not the easy type of PvE, I don't use the Aquarius console and put something that would be more beneficial in that slot. This works fine since the Scimitar was released cause the Oddy got a buff, so now the enhanced engineering systems are a 2-piece set bonus. The 3-set bonus is the 0.5 turnrate buff, the reducing of the cooldowns and there were work bees and gravity well III added to the chevron when it's separated, but the Odyssey works just fine even with the 2-piece bonus.

    And heck, even when I use all 3 of them I rarely disembark the Aquarius since it can't be used with the chevron, and I find the chevron much more beneficial to use to give me increase in turn rate and especially with the new buffs. Furthermore, the chevron will be even more usefull after the new carrier interface hits holodeck, because it will give the AI of the chevron the ability to escape warp-core explosions.

    So you can slot all of the consoles, just don't use the Aquarius untill it's fixed. There's no reason not to enjoy your favourite ship just because of that.
    I bought the Odyssey in this last sale a week or so ago, because in a game of pew-pew it screams "Star Trek!!!". It's a Starfleet standard design - two warp nacelles, with stardrive section, a neck and a saucer section. A big cruiser that has saucer separation and uses beams, just like the shows. And it's modern, 25-th century design - I feel that my captain belongs to this ship in this time in the Star Trek universe. Every captain in the shows had it's own designated class, I have the new Odyssey now. It's tons of fun. Plus, it's fanmade, so it's nice to have a ship that represents the community's contribution to Star Trek.

    About everything else, I agree with you. The point of STO is to have fun, that's why I always buy and fly ships based on the looks and what it seems to be fun for me. People have been hating on the Bortas for over a year now, but I absolutely love the thing. I love it so much that I have dedicated much time, effort and money to outfit it, but now I have a ship that I love flying and that works like a charm. It hits like a runaway train. :D

    So everyone, have fun and don't let others tell you which ship is "the best" or which setup is "the best" or that a tactical officer has no place in a cruiser, etc. Do whatever it's fun to you and you win! :D

    Forgive me when I say, could be OCD, but I hate change. The purpose of the Odyssey is to have the escort and the chevron and the hull healers. If one those criteriors fail, then it is not an Odyhomessey to me.

    Thanks! :)

    You could not be more right! :cool:
    Hopefully I'll come back from my break; this break is fun; I play intellectual games.

    I hope STO get's better ...
  • sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dark4blood wrote: »
    Because the Scimitar IS more adaptable and powerful than than the Galaxy X and Bort. I said this when I made my blog about why it didn't needed to be added to the game and now here come the incoming complaints. Let me remind you about the REAL stat difference between the 3 ships. I really don't think people know HOW nerfed this ship had to be to even match anything in this game. It is EQUIVALENT to a Borg Cube in firepower.

    Scimitar class:

    890 meters
    Width: 1350 meters
    Armaments: 52 disruptor banks; 27 torpedo launchers
    Defences: regenerative deflector shields; cloaking device
    Systems: thalaron generator
    Auxiliary craft: 40+ Scorpion-class fighters

    Galaxy X:

    11 phaser arrays; 3 photon torpedo launchers
    Defences: deflector shields, cloaking device
    Auxiliary craft: workbees; Federation shuttlecraft, shuttlepods; runabouts; captain's yacht

    Borg Cube:

    Crew: 640,000 drones
    Speed: warp 9.99; transwarp drive
    Armaments: 36 adaptive weapon arrays; 12 focused neutron beam banks; 24 tractor beam emitters, shield depletion pulse
    Defences: regenerative shields
    Auxiliary craft: 1 Borg sphere

    I really think people don't consider what they are asking for when they make threads like this as these ships were NEVER made to be comparable. The Scimitar is a MONSTER, the stats are not supposed to match ANY other non-ultra ships in Star Trek. The only other ship besides the Cube that could match it is maybe the Dinosaur ship from Voyager.

    That's why there has to be 4-5 of them in every fleet alert ! :)
    Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    orangeitis wrote: »
    Ouch, getting personal. That's the sign of a weak argument.


    The Jupiter- and Odyssey-classes are both dreadnoughts in addition to the Galaxy-X and the Venture-X classes. Ironically gotten from following the link in your own post. Guess I'm not the one who can't read.

    Both the Klingon and the Federation flagships are indeed dreadnoughts. And next time you feel like insulting childishly instead of doing your research, stop and think. It's embarrassing to even watch that.

    Just to throw this in: NPC classes and player classes have very little to do with each other.
    The Vo'Quv NPC is also a dreadnought
    very much unlike the player version.
    So that the "Dreadnought Cruiser" is also an NPC dreadnought is pretty much coincidence and does not say anything about the Federation Flagship at all.;)
  • fredscarranfredscarran Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    D'Deridex and Scimitar should swap turn rates.

    Anyways Ijust got the D'Deridex because that's a real Romulan ship, and the Scmitar is a Reman prototype. We should be see'ing more D'Deridex, and less Scmitars.

    Heck give the Scmitar the turn rate of the free Bortas, and then add another weapon slot in the back.

    *remembers Star Fleet Command games where there were different types of firing arcs with more customization, sigh*
  • fredscarranfredscarran Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    razhgal wrote: »
    the reason is simple.

    any developer of any product would like the customer to purchase more of their items.

    there are several ways to archive that, but to simplify it, they are upgrading existing mechanics or altering them.

    an example would be the development from ipod touch -> ipad -> ipad 2 et cetera.

    It would be nice if the developer would try to sell stuff that looks more like Star Trek and less like a Circus Show.
  • fredscarranfredscarran Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    corvalle wrote: »
    Actually, the scimitar is much more powerful than the galaxy x...the BOFF layout, the amount of consoles slots, the special consoles it comes with, the turn rate, the shield modifier and 5 forward weapon slots and an integrated battle cloak make the Scimitar a better ship all around.

    The galaxy x is old, it was one of the first ZEN store ships in the game and it will prolly stay that way, but at least it looks cool sittin in SOL system :P

    And as far as the galaxy X using cannons...ya ok. A LT Tac boff station pretty much makes that a gimmick. Only 1 cannon ability can be used, and not even a high ranking one, just a rank 1, thats it. Its basically a regular galaxy with a terrible lance ability and a ROFL BOFF layout and the ability to cloak ONLY if you use a console and take up one of its 9 available console slots.

    How unfortunately considering how ugly the Scimitar is. The game is looking less and less like Star Trek, and more and more like....whatever.
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The scimitar IS NOT A CRUISER, anyone who says any different has no idea what they are talking about. It is meant to be an offensive juggernaut and a Destroyer, in the movie it used cannons and had a decent turn rate, just like it is in-game. Sorry to anyone who does not like the layout of the ship, but it is actually very similar to what it was in the Movie. The Gal-X does need a buff though, not likely going to happen though since cryptic ignores feedback.

    How does you not liking the scimitar correlate to the game not looking like star trek fredscarran? The Scimitar is a canon ship
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    misterde3 wrote: »
    Just to throw this in: NPC classes and player classes have very little to do with each other.
    Stat-wise, you're right. But canonically, they're the exact same.
    misterde3 wrote: »
    The Vo'Quv NPC is also a dreadnought
    very much unlike the player version.
    So what exactly makes the "player version" Vo'Quv not a dreadnought? And more importantly, why should we define 'player versions' of ship classes differently than NPC classes?
    misterde3 wrote: »
    So that the "Dreadnought Cruiser" is also an NPC dreadnought is pretty much coincidence and does not say anything about the Federation Flagship at all.;)
    Yeah, it kinda does. They're the same ship class. You're taking gameplay-story segregation and trying to make it canon. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.
  • fredscarranfredscarran Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The scimitar IS NOT A CRUISER, anyone who says any different has no idea what they are talking about. It is meant to be an offensive juggernaut and a Destroyer, in the movie it used cannons and had a decent turn rate, just like it is in-game. Sorry to anyone who does not like the layout of the ship, but it is actually very similar to what it was in the Movie. The Gal-X does need a buff though, not likely going to happen though since cryptic ignores feedback.

    How does you not liking the scimitar correlate to the game not looking like star trek fredscarran? The Scimitar is a canon ship

    In the movie it had more inertia than the enterprise (couldn't escape a ramming). And it was cloaked most of the time you couldn't tell how fast it could maneuver.

    So is the JJ Abrams "canon", I still don't like it.
  • originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    If all the dreadnoughts are supposed to be "balanced" like the D'Deridex is supposed to be the Romulan mirror to the Negh'var and Galaxy. Then WHY is the Scimitar about 10 times more powerful with a better tactical layout, better consoles and superior firepower. Anybody notice how ships like the Galaxy-X Dreadnought have been shafted again!

    Why has there been no update to both Klingon and Federation Dreadnoughts (Possibly the Odyssey because its a 3 pack) to be competitive with this new ship.

    Bet Cryptic won't do this... they are having too much fun milking the Romulan fanbase now. Hi Klinks, we're the Federation, we had our day but now we are going to join you in mediocrity.

    Why does noone notice that the Galaxy-X is not supposed to be a true federation dreadnaught powerhouse, but in fact just a novelty ship.

    It shouldn't even exist any more, because it only existed in some weird alternate timeline/all in Picard's mind/Q's fun time. The only reason it will ever get a buff is if it appears they will make a bunch of $ from it.
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