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Why is the Scimitar more powerful and adaptable then the Galaxy X/Bortas



  • mercenary4hiremercenary4hire Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I purchased a Galaxy X Dreadnought 2 weeks ago and then just recently I saw the Romulan version of the Dreadnought, Scimitar which was WAY more powerful and has way more useful abilities. What do we get in the Galaxy X? A pathetic cloaking device that all romulan and klingon ships already have?! Not even usable in battle! And a spinal phaser thats nowhere near as powerful as it should be. Im not asking for an I WIN button but come on it should be so much better!
    And now these scimitars make it look even worse!
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Now to address your post, I don't think the FED Flagship should have "more" Tactical consoles, as the FED side of the Triumvirate would be more engineering based. The KDF side should be mostly tactical based, and honestly the Scimitars should be Science based. If you disagree, then think about the canon from the movie this ship is based off. What did this ship have besides a giant awesome looking hull, and cloaking/hangers. It had a huge Thelaron lab dedicated to using this technology as a super weapon against it's enemies. This ship should be science oriented, even if you make 3 like the others(which I believe you are) then even though there is a tactical and engineering ship as well, they should still be more science themed like the odyssey's no matter Tactical/Engineering/Science are still Engineering themed.
    How do we know that a ship of the Tulwar class isn't the Romulan flagship? You know, the Scimitar variant with 3 Tactical consoles, 2 Engineering, 5 Science...
  • spacefleaspaceflea Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Here is the reaction from PWE execs if they were to ever read your post: 'trolololol'.

    Buffing something most people already purchased won't fill their pockets. Instead, when enough players complain here, they'll create a new tri-pack for your hard earned cash and tell ya "feeeeeeed me".
  • mercenary4hiremercenary4hire Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    spaceflea wrote: »
    Here is the reaction from PWE execs if they were to ever read your post: 'trolololol'.

    Buffing something most people already purchased won't fill their pockets. Instead, when enough players complain here, they'll create a new tri-pack for your hard earned cash and tell ya "feeeeeeed me".

    How about FIX THE GALAXY X
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    How about FIX THE GALAXY X

    Other than being the oldest designed special ship, what is wrong with it?
    Many vessels in STO become obsolete as one levels up through thr anks, why should the Gal-X be special?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • thedragon1976thedragon1976 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Other than being the oldest designed special ship, what is wrong with it?
    Many vessels in STO become obsolete as one levels up through thr anks, why should the Gal-X be special?

    because they are all the top tier ships ? think about it.

    i for myself own all the different dreadnought classes of fed, klink and roms

    and now guys open your eyes. the new scimitar is way more powerful than all other ships before. the thalaron weapon may be TRIBBLE for pvp but in pve it?s a really great spike dmg.

    and look at all the other features it has. it gets a much better set bonus for all 3 ships then the bortas and the oddy

    it has a better weapon setup than the bortas. the first 5 front weapon cannon cruiser .... why does the bortas not have also 5 front weapons ? it?s a damn big klink cannon cruiser ...

    it gets an extra hangar slot without losing anything for it. both the oddy and the bortas need a console slot for their "pet" with it?s 3 MINUTE cd ...

    also the other consoles are stronger. 15 seconds full fire while cloaked, thats crazy
    and the -50 weapon power after the 15 seconds - laughable. with a good energy transfer that is no match.

    the secondary shields which absord about 17-18k dmg each facing

    and the most OP : cloaked with full shields. with this damn beast noone never has to worry about incoming torpedos while using battlecloak, the shields will absorb it

    so YES. all other top tier ships need some love, but i think cryptic has only love left for the new romulans
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    because they are all the top tier ships ? think about it.

    i for myself own all the different dreadnought classes of fed, klink and roms

    and now guys open your eyes. the new scimitar is way more powerful than all other ships before. the thalaron weapon may be TRIBBLE for pvp but in pve it?s a really great spike dmg.

    and look at all the other features it has. it gets a much better set bonus for all 3 ships then the bortas and the oddy

    it has a better weapon setup than the bortas. the first 5 front weapon cannon cruiser .... why does the bortas not have also 5 front weapons ? it?s a damn big klink cannon cruiser ...

    it gets an extra hangar slot without losing anything for it. both the oddy and the bortas need a console slot for their "pet" with it?s 3 MINUTE cd ...

    also the other consoles are stronger. 15 seconds full fire while cloaked, thats crazy
    and the -50 weapon power after the 15 seconds - laughable. with a good energy transfer that is no match.

    the secondary shields which absord about 17-18k dmg each facing

    and the most OP : cloaked with full shields. with this damn beast noone never has to worry about incoming torpedos while using battlecloak, the shields will absorb it

    so YES. all other top tier ships need some love, but i think cryptic has only love left for the new romulans

    But that's precisely not the point of this thread. It's not about bringin all ships onto the same level, but about some ships that are appearently more "worthy" of that than others.
    Either do all or none.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So nothing truely broken, its just not as seemingly capable as the new Scimitar.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • ajma420ajma420 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    If all the dreadnoughts are supposed to be "balanced" like the D'Deridex is supposed to be the Romulan mirror to the Negh'var and Galaxy. Then WHY is the Scimitar about 10 times more powerful with a better tactical layout, better consoles and superior firepower. Anybody notice how ships like the Galaxy-X Dreadnought have been shafted again!

    Why has there been no update to both Klingon and Federation Dreadnoughts (Possibly the Odyssey because its a 3 pack) to be competitive with this new ship.

    Bet Cryptic won't do this... they are having too much fun milking the Romulan fanbase now. Hi Klinks, we're the Federation, we had our day but now we are going to join you in mediocrity.

    Uh oh, better call the Wambulance...

    Who ever said the scimitar was on par with the Galaxy X or Bortas? Head to head in (not in STO), the scimitar would have annihilated either of them. the only reason the scimitar was destroyed was because Shinzon needed Picard and wouldn't destroy the enterprise.
    Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!

    Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
    Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
    Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
  • stongbadsstongbads Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, I saw the stats. The Federation Dreadnought is now the weakest endgame ship. time for this captain to retire to Risa until a new Dreadnought is constructed.

    That's nothing new to the old Star Fleet battles gamers. :(
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,462 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Don't know about it being a 'complete joke', but it has definitely fallen behind - FAR behind - most of the other T5 ship options, to the point where it's not really viable and really only for players who love the look of it.

    Hopefully the Fleet version will address some of this, but there is still not ETA on when that might become available.

    I fly the galaxy-X from time to time, but it's far from a powerful vessel.
    If you get huge opponents who sit still then in theory you could unleash a lot of firepower with DHC, but the low turn rate makes it only viable with beam arrays and cannons

    Love the way it looks, but some changes to turn rate and addition of extra boffs and potentially a hangar would be very nice.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    If all the dreadnoughts are supposed to be "balanced" like the D'Deridex is supposed to be the Romulan mirror to the Negh'var and Galaxy. Then WHY is the Scimitar about 10 times more powerful with a better tactical layout, better consoles and superior firepower. Anybody notice how ships like the Galaxy-X Dreadnought have been shafted again!

    Why has there been no update to both Klingon and Federation Dreadnoughts (Possibly the Odyssey because its a 3 pack) to be competitive with this new ship.

    Bet Cryptic won't do this... they are having too much fun milking the Romulan fanbase now. Hi Klinks, we're the Federation, we had our day but now we are going to join you in mediocrity.

    My Rom has a Scimitar and my Klink Orion a Bortasqu..... the SCimitar is really not vastly more powerful. It cannot carry any more weapons than the Haakona (it merely sacrifices a rear weapon for an addiitonal forward weapon... it is still an 8 weapon layout, merely 5 fore and 3 aft rather than 4 fore and 4 aft) and only has 2 additional console slots, which meant one less console I could carry carry over from my old ship once I added all three dreadnought consoles.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Scimatar isn't really more powerful then these ships, just different. The foolish Scimatar captain who tries to use Thaleron pulse against a Bortas with all three consoles will die a painful death as they just made it silly easy to turn auto cannon and all its weapons on the Scimatar and its pet on it to rip it appart before it fires.

    I will admit universal bridge officer slots are being abused and should be exclusive to BoPs. Still the Scimatar is not over powered when you really look all the info and think about it seriously.

    Yes, pardon me old Chap, I need to fire off my thalaron pulse, you wouldn't mind holding still for 12 seconds while I do this, would you?

    I'll be honest, I personally find myself using the secondary shield and the cloaked barrage options far more than the thalaron pulse. Except against slow moving AI targets, the thalaron is useess
  • mercenary4hiremercenary4hire Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Other than being the oldest designed special ship, what is wrong with it?
    Many vessels in STO become obsolete as one levels up through thr anks, why should the Gal-X be special?

    Because the Scimitar is. Why should the Romulans have a special awesome 10 console slot ship while Fed gets a pretty standard ship.
  • redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    puttenham wrote: »
    its more powerfull, cause cryptic wants everyone to scramble to buy it.. they have kind of admitted to this in the past.. i believe captain geko said somehting like to this effect about lock box ships.. but i doubt it would stop there.. pay to win for the win.. (this is one of many reasons i quit the game..)

    ^^^^This! This is your answer. It's all about bringing in more money. :cool:

  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    and now guys open your eyes. the new scimitar is way more powerful than all other ships before. the thalaron weapon may be TRIBBLE for pvp but in pve it?s a really great spike dmg.
    A spike damage that take 12seconds to charge ? While you can't shoot or turn or anything ? That's not a spike damage, that's just something to have big numbers for fun.
    On a parser, the thalaron pulse do 5-6K DPS. That's an average player DPS. Nothing to see here, I can spike much more with a tac. And a good player will make more DPS by just shooting instead of using the pulse.
    it has a better weapon setup than the bortas. the first 5 front weapon cannon cruiser .... why does the bortas not have also 5 front weapons ? it?s a damn big klink cannon cruiser
    With a turn rate of 7, while the Kumari have 16. Make it a turn rate of 8, if you have 2 consoles. That's still very low, and you need some work to make it turn quickly enough to use DHC, not to mention the very high inertia, that make you slide several km after every speed boost.

    the secondary shields which absord about 17-18k dmg each facing
    Which is nothing. In eSTF, you'll loose it in seconds.

    i think cryptic has only love left for the new romulans
    It's a new faction, expect new toys for them, as they are lacking a lot compared to the feds, and even the klingons.

    People need to stop whinning and test the ship. It's a good ship, but it's not op. It takes a good player to make it powerful, IE using DHC and still be efficient. Otherwise, it's an Akira with a third of it's turn rate.

    I honestly think the scimitar is as powerful as the Kumari or the Vesta, taking ship I like and know as example. They are just different, you don't expect them to work the same way.
    A Vesta is very powerful with full power to aux (including the new warp core for 130 aux power) + GW3 + sensor scan (if sci) + CSV + TS, it will make huge AOE and help your team with CC and debuffs. And still be decent for team healing and mono target DPS.
    A Kumari is extremely good for spike damage, and hunting fast moving target in PVE.
    A Scimitar is weak for CC and chasing EPtE buffed sphere, but it's a real threat when it comes to slow moving/immobile targets. For example, I had a lot of fun nuking the probes and neg'var in CSE, a lot less chasing the fast moving sphere in ISE.
    I have fun using all of them, and never feel one is stronger than the other. They are simply different.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    LOL, speaking of its inertia.... my first trial run on it to test it out, I attempted to do a dead stop attack out of cloak and my inertia carried me past my target.... (opps) which is little good, as while everyone is harping on its 5 forward weapons slots... it only has 3 aft.... the thing can carry no more weapons on it that my Haakona or Ha'apex could... it merely moved one from aft to foreward..... needless to say, that is primarily what the trial runs are for... to get the feel of the ship in movement.

    But yeah... the people calling this thing OP are speaking out of their TRIBBLE.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Because the Scimitar is. Why should the Romulans have a special awesome 10 console slot ship while Fed gets a pretty standard ship.

    Why do the feds deserve an upgrade everytime something new comes out ingame?
    The Gal-X is one of many top tier ships ingame, why is it special?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i for myself own all the different dreadnought classes of fed, klink and roms

    What's the KDF Dreadnought?
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Why do the feds deserve an upgrade everytime something new comes out ingame?
    The Gal-X is one of many top tier ships ingame, why is it special?

    because while its a high tier ship, have you flown it lately? It's not in line with any of the other ships of its line Especially when you compare the Romulan Dreadnought to the Galaxy-X (Federation Dreadnought) and its really one of the only Warships we have.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    questerius wrote: »
    but some changes to turn rate and addition of extra boffs and potentially a hangar would be very nice.

    Changes to turn rate are unlikely. Especially for a ship that has been around as long as that one.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's not in line with any of the other ships of its line

    It is very much in-line with the federation cruisers.

    It stacks up just fine against non-fleet variant T5 ships, including such other c-store purchases as the Retrofit Galaxy.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What's the KDF Dreadnought?


    Grandpappy of them all
  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am going to agree with the arguement in comparison with the Galaxy X and the Simitar, for the longest time many players have out right requested the Galaxy Class Dreadnought get a Tactical Boff Station upgrade, which is what the ship deserves.

    The only thing I that I really got to say, if they make a Fleet version of the Simitar for Romulans, they also better make one of the Galaxy X for the Fed side as well, I am not sure about the Klingon side, thus I will leave that to one who knows. It's only fair, and I will be the first of many to step up and say something about it if a Galaxy X never makes it as fleet ship but the Simitar does.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am going to agree with the arguement in comparison with the Galaxy X and the Simitar, for the longest time many players have out right requested the Galaxy Class Dreadnought get a Tactical Boff Station upgrade, which is what the ship deserves.

    The only thing I that I really got to say, if they make a Fleet version of the Simitar for Romulans, they also better make one of the Galaxy X for the Fed side as well, I am not sure about the Klingon side, thus I will leave that to one who knows. It's only fair, and I will be the first of many to step up and say something about it if a Galaxy X never makes it as fleet ship but the Simitar does.

    They will likely maker a fleet version of the scim.... they likely won't of the galaxy-x... the FED and KDF have fleet-store of comparable ships as the scim in the Bort and Ody, nothing wrong with the Roms getting an equiv as well.... saying that they shouldn't get one unless fed get yet another is absurd.
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Uh, no. They don't make fleet versions of ships that already have 10 consoles.

    I was talking fleet-store really... used it later, sorry, typo. But yes, there is no more likely for this to be get a specialized fleet version than the Ody or Bort. Why the Galaxy-X junkies are hammering for a specialized fleet version when no one else has one is beyond me.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    Grandpappy of them all

    Wait, the carrier?

    I think the Vo'Quv Dreadnought is an NPC ship. And the player ship, the carrier, isn't a dreadnought?
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It is very much in-line with the federation cruisers.

    It stacks up just fine against non-fleet variant T5 ships, including such other c-store purchases as the Retrofit Galaxy.
    yes because most ships flown nowadays are non-fleet ships. the problem is the dreadnought is more the just a cruiser and should be treated as such.
    I am going to agree with the arguement in comparison with the Galaxy X and the Simitar, for the longest time many players have out right requested the Galaxy Class Dreadnought get a Tactical Boff Station upgrade, which is what the ship deserves.

    The only thing I that I really got to say, if they make a Fleet version of the Simitar for Romulans, they also better make one of the Galaxy X for the Fed side as well, I am not sure about the Klingon side, thus I will leave that to one who knows. It's only fair, and I will be the first of many to step up and say something about it if a Galaxy X never makes it as fleet ship but the Simitar does.

    Agreed, The Galaxy-X may not be a 3-piece set but it is a Dreadnought damnit!
    tekehd wrote: »
    They will likely maker a fleet version of the scim.... they likely won't of the galaxy-x... the FED and KDF have fleet-store of comparable ships as the scim in the Bort and Ody, nothing wrong with the Roms getting an equiv as well.... saying that they shouldn't get one unless fed get yet another is absurd.
    its not about the feds getting another ship, its about one of the oldest and to many most beloved ships updated to what it always should have been.
  • lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2013
    Would really like to see Romulan equivalent of Guramba Siege destroyer. Huge zen profit potential if they made it the Romulan D7!
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
  • blagormblagorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    How is that relevant, its what I happen to believe about the state of the community in the game. But this is not relevant to the topic at hand. Why is the Scimitar VASTLY superior to the Bortas and the poor Galaxy X Dreadnought which has never seen the light of day post-Fleet ships.

    I thought these ships were all Dreadnoughts so they are all supposed to be highly similar except for their race's preferred profession.

    Listen here, the Empire is POOR not your silly old Oddysey! Half federation vessles are much much better than ours! Some cant even be penetrated! So you lsiten here, just because now the Romuans get it doesnt change much. The KDF can handle it but you feds got to lay down! The KDF, although "loved" in this expansion (bwt, no VO... another broken promise) has never gotten a 50 Ship since may of 2011 or 12... that Borta.... even so the Bortas isnt that great, much worse than your "Oddysee" so get with the program! You have now become a KDF situationer, and us KDFers are now into deeper KDFism. So calm down and get on with it.

    Sorry, I had to ge that out.
    R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
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