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Why is the Scimitar more powerful and adaptable then the Galaxy X/Bortas



  • azrealdragonkingazrealdragonking Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    xalexkx wrote: »
    and also, dont forget it has a lack of power due to singularity core

    That is true.
    But there was a 1v1 encounter I had in my oddy agents a Romulan saw me win by 1 kill due to accidental death by the Romulan torp the other player was firing but my shields never buckled from the tactical onslaught.
  • howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    Wow, you take stupid to a whole new level. The Excelsior is ONLY powerful in this game because of Geko's stupid hard-on for it. Personally I think he should have been fired a long time ago... The Galaxy is superior to the Excelsior because its a newer design. It has better firepower, engines, shields and science PERIOD!

    Check memory alpha or the technical manual if you do not believe me. Stop contesting stuff that is fact and just except that Cryptic are doing it wrong and they have been from the beginning.

    Obviously as a KDF Player... your opinion is null and void.

    So retrofitting ships is impossible??? And didn't we just discuss how an Excelsior went up against a Defiant in the show and literally the ONLY reason the Defiant wasn't roflstomped to death was because Leah Brahms... err... Captain Benteen decided not to use the ships quantums... Now that's hweird, those seem like new weapons on an older ship... That's hweird... So hweird how that hworks...

    Also, I'd like to point out only one of us here is name calling... You should feel ashamed... Look I get that your favorite ship is like the Ford Excursion of starships and that the one you don't like is closer to the Jaguar XJ220, no one's fault... You don't have to name call people over it... You are reported, sir!
  • silverfaustxsilverfaustx Member Posts: 262
    edited July 2013
    jem dread is better then the scimi
  • brokenmirror2012brokenmirror2012 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Your making an assumption... Get yourself a Scim pack and find out for certain before running around with your hands flailing screaming the sky is falling. The Scim Dreadnaught still has to deal with the issue of lower power levels.

    Folks that go shelling out the $50 or so to get the pack are paying for what they hope MAY be an advantage, but are really paying to get a really cool looking ship to play.

    I notice the Oddy, and Bort are far from dominating PvP or PvE combat.. the Scim will be no different.

    The scimitar has 5 Fore weapon slots. Already better then most ships in STO.

    Shields while cloaked? Well, that will come in handy!

    ERMG THE BORG CUBE IZ ALMOST DED I DUN WANA DEKLOAK, Well fire ur cannons while cloaked.

    NUUUU MY SHIELDS IZ DOWN. Well click your supershieldreinforcer.

    What u think itle suck because it cant turn? Then cloak, face ur target then decloak. Its not rocket science.

    Hey hey hey. Lets throw in the Thaloron pulse now.

    Megabase? Yep, lets tact buff it, 400k? Probably. is 400k enough to make an STF stupid, yes.

    Its not gonna be all mighty in PvP but it will be in pve.

    And on another note, Its 10x better then the Dderidex. The Dderidex doesn't have a Single stat that makes it better.
  • azrealdragonkingazrealdragonking Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jem dread is better then the scimi

    I really like the Jem ship but kinda hate it at the same time. strange how that works. mostly cause I cant seem to get one. lol
  • this1isavailablethis1isavailable Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    My point was that the trade-offs between fed and KDF were there. Cannons and turn vs. higher hull. Now with romulan ships, the little tid bits that we could debate back and forth are out the window because the romulan ships outclass both Fed and KDF by a slight margin. Scimitar (mind you with all 3 consoles) now outclasses even the current romulan ships by a slight margin.
    You know i definitely agree with you, it feels like romulan ships have no trade-offs for their top tier stats and battlecloak (only lower power).

    But I'm still drooling at fed cruisers because they have optimal bo layouts :D
    And for the tor'kaht i have one and was not impressed by its performances, i tried different builds but the somraw was so much better for that job... it's still in my shipyard for the gallery.

    And back to the topic i prefer seeing OP scimitars than ships that make no sense (JHAS).
  • howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You know i definitely agree with you, it feels like romulan ships have no trade-offs for their top tier stats and battlecloak (only lower power).

    But I'm still drooling at fed cruisers because they have optimal bo layouts :D
    And for the tor'kaht i have one and was not impressed by its performances, i tried different builds but the somraw was so much better for pvp... it's still in my shipyard for the gallery.

    And back to the topic i prefer seeing OP scimitars than ships that make no sense (JHAS).

    Give the Torky the Regent boff layout and it would be a much, MUCH improved ship...
  • azrealdragonkingazrealdragonking Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ok i'm gonna try and point this into a way that's fair for everyone.
    Yes, we all know that this is a game and things will not quite be fair as it should be, but the fact is engineers get the short end of the stick.
    We have no power in our weapons we don't get any good skills like sci officers. (Grav well ect.) and we don't have a tactical console advantage.
    We are at the low end of the power tree in STO and we need things to change in some way or form to keep us in fair standing with the other ships and captains out there.
    People that say we are just moaning either don't play as an engineer or have no idea of the struggle we have to face to be of any use to anyone in this game, its dominated by tactical and sci captains in PVP.
    Where we are just the cannon fodder and this new ship will most likely be the end of any engineer taking part in PVP again.
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, I saw the stats. The Federation Dreadnought is now the weakest endgame ship. time for this captain to retire to Risa until a new Dreadnought is constructed.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I do not see where the fleet Torkhat needs any changes. Its a very deadly and fun ship u der a good build. Flies like a big raptor, imo.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • howiedizzlehowiedizzle Member Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I do not see where the fleet Torkhat needs any changes. Its a very deadly and fun ship u der a good build. Flies like a big raptor, imo.

    I'm just not crazy about the Cmdr/Ens Eng slots, would much rather have Cmdr/Lt Eng and Lt Cmdr/Ens Tac... Could be just me, plenty of people like it as it is, and it is a great ship... That's just my one little nit pick with it...
  • jldaawsnearjldaawsnear Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sander233 wrote: »
    I'll take Bortasqu's decloak-alpha-o'-doom over your hold-still-while-I-charge-my-thalaron-pulse any day.

    I'm sure the thalaron pulse will be hilarious to see in action, but really the only thing I see it being good for is taking out big Borg targets, like cubes, gateways and unimatrix ships.

    And before you say it, yes, my Bortasqu' can outrun your thalaron pulse. In fact I'll bet I could maneuver behind a Scimitar and take it out before the pulse fires.

    I think we are forgetting that in Nemesis a well trained crew and skilled Captain can take out this Scimitar in a "simple" Sovereign Class Starship.

    Prepare for a barrage of well placed attacks and a ship that just won't die.
  • this1isavailablethis1isavailable Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I do not see where the fleet Torkhat needs any changes. Its a very deadly and fun ship u der a good build. Flies like a big raptor, imo.
    Yeha but the problem is if you fly it like a raptor you probably better go with a somraw which is almost as tanky (fleet patrol and bug level of tankiness) and much, much more maneuverable (i own both).

    Now if it had the layout of a reagent, this ship would be absolutely perfect :D
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This ship better be balanced.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
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  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think we are forgetting that in Nemesis a well trained crew and skilled Captain can take out this Scimitar in a "simple" Sovereign Class Starship.
    I look forward to the Betazoid BOFF that lets me reveal Remen ships
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeha but the problem is if you fly it like a raptor you probably better go with a somraw which is almost as tanky (fleet patrol and bug level of tankiness) and much, much more maneuverable (i own both).

    Now if it had the layout of a reagent, this ship would be absolutely perfect :D

    I like the layout of;
    Com: Eng
    Ens: Eng
    LT: universal.
    It allows for a good A2B build or even other ideas with a good Tac purpose followed by good Eng buffs.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    If all the dreadnoughts are supposed to be "balanced" like the D'Deridex is supposed to be the Romulan mirror to the Negh'var and Galaxy. Then WHY is the Scimitar about 10 times more powerful with a better tactical layout, better consoles and superior firepower. Anybody notice how ships like the Galaxy-X Dreadnought have been shafted again!

    Why has there been no update to both Klingon and Federation Dreadnoughts (Possibly the Odyssey because its a 3 pack) to be competitive with this new ship.

    Bet Cryptic won't do this... they are having too much fun milking the Romulan fanbase now. Hi Klinks, we're the Federation, we had our day but now we are going to join you in mediocrity.

    The Bortas, The Galaxy X, and the Scimitar. ONE of those ships is actually not a dreadnought. Guess which one?
  • jjumetleyjjumetley Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just bought the Bortas pack and I might be wrong but from what I remember the Hoh'Sus didn't have the autocannon and you had to slot all three special consoles to get bonuses for the Bortas, right?
  • arcjetarcjet Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I wish that one time, only one time, people would somehow indicate whether they're talking about PvE, or PvP and not mix it all up.

    Geez, not everbody is just PvE'ing, and hell no, definitely not everyone is PvP'ing!

    More on topic: Yes, I'd like to buy a Fed ship with similar stats than the Scimitar.
    But. I don't like the Odyssey, because I think that ship's badly proportioned, thus ugly. So if at all, new and good looking, classic shape, well proportioned Fed flagship, please.
    And yes, at least regarding PvE, the Scimitar is hilariously overpowered.

    Just were does Cryptic plan to stop with that powercreeep?
    They'll have to at some point, if they don't want to completely break their game, and drive off any halfway demanding and critical player.
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Semi-objective opinion here...

    Let me start by saying I don't own the dreadnaught or currently have a toon that flies any version of the Galaxy, simply due to the fact that it sadly sucks.

    The Dreadnaught *should* share some things in common performance-wise with the Scimitar, IMHO. Perhaps not with as much grace, but *something*

    In short, the Dreadnaught needs some sort of buff.
  • originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The Scimitar is essentially a big, slow destroyer.

    It is not a cruiser like the Oddy, Gal-X and Bortasq. I think they should stay engineering focused.

    The problem here is not that there is some new "power creep" or that the ships are better based simply on their merits, because they aren't.

    The problem is that Tactical Boff powers are completely unbalanced when compared to their Science and Engineering counterparts. Thus everyone wishes their cruisers were destroyers instead.

    I think the problem would be fixed by fixing science and engineering powers (especially at the LtC and Com levels) and consoles and NOT by homogenizing the game by making every ship have a Commander tac due to all the whining.
  • originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Now if it had the layout of a reagent, this ship would be absolutely perfect :D

    You, sir or madam, are part of the problem.

    If you want something to fly like the Regent, fly the Regent. Stop trying to homogenize the game.
  • redsatyrredsatyr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's funny how people forget money doesn't come out of nowhere for F2P games. The business model is built on how much can they get out of people because they don't have a constant monthly sub to back them.

    On the Scimitar, it is a fanatic ship, with cool abilities, and when played right can be kinda bad a**. But there are down sides that come with such a cool looking ship. While Thalaron Pulse looks cool, but you stop shooting and you leave yourself open while using it.
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    originpi wrote: »
    The Scimitar is essentially a big, slow destroyer.

    It is not a cruiser like the Oddy, Gal-X and Bortasq. I think they should stay engineering focused.

    The problem here is not that there is some new "power creep" or that the ships are better based simply on their merits, because they aren't.

    The problem is that Tactical Boff powers are completely unbalanced when compared to their Science and Engineering counterparts. Thus everyone wishes their cruisers were destroyers instead.

    I think the problem would be fixed by fixing science and engineering powers (especially at the LtC and Com levels) and consoles and NOT by homogenizing the game by making every ship have a Commander tac due to all the whining.

    Galaxy-X = Federation Dreadnought

    Scimitar = Romulan Star Empire/Romulan Dreadnought

    should be like this:
    Galaxy-X = Scimitar

    instead its like this:
    Galaxy-X < Every Fleet/Cstore ship < Scimitar
  • jtoney3448jtoney3448 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Gal X also not a 3pack ship thus not subject to being = to fleet version like andorian vesta scimitar.

    If being a dreadnaught made all ships the same then all cruisers must be the same. See the bad logic? The Fleet Gal X having the regant layout is perfectly acceptable, the Gal X = AC layout, Fleet Gal X = Fleet AC layout. Can you really argue with 4 tac consoles + lance and saucer sep? Not to meantion the galx is built of a galaxy aka cruiser its fitting it should be more like a cruiser then a full on attack dreadnaught like the scimitar.

    Sadly we are still waiting for Fleet Gal X/Gurmba. Not all Cstore ships are equal, most old ones needs redone, Gal R/Def/Intrep for example. Even if redone they wont be on par with 3 pack ships because they wont be 10 console ships or have the hull/shields of a fleet.

    Cstore < 3pack < Fleet < Lockbox.

    How bout the scimitar layout, 5 forward weapons 3 aft. but 1 is a fused slot where only a lance weapon goes, it fires the same way the andorian wing cannons do and has 45 degree firing arc. Adv/Elite versions bought at starbase with Acc x2 dmg x2.
  • general1devongeneral1devon Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jtoney3448 wrote: »
    Gal X also not a 3pack ship thus not subject to being = to fleet version like andorian vesta scimitar.

    If being a dreadnaught made all ships the same then all cruisers must be the same. See the bad logic? The Fleet Gal X having the regant layout is perfectly acceptable, the Gal X = AC layout, Fleet Gal X = Fleet AC layout. Can you really argue with 4 tac consoles + lance and saucer sep? Not to meantion the galx is built of a galaxy aka cruiser its fitting it should be more like a cruiser then a full on attack dreadnaught like the scimitar.

    Sadly we are still waiting for Fleet Gal X/Gurmba. Not all Cstore ships are equal, most old ones needs redone, Gal R/Def/Intrep for example. Even if redone they wont be on par with 3 pack ships because they wont be 10 console ships or have the hull/shields of a fleet.

    Cstore < 3pack < Fleet < Lockbox.

    How bout the scimitar layout, 5 forward weapons 3 aft. but 1 is a fused slot where only a lance weapon goes, it fires the same way the andorian wing cannons do and has 45 degree firing arc. Adv/Elite versions bought at starbase with Acc x2 dmg x2.
    to me the Dreadnought will always be more then just a cruiser, it says dreadnought so it should be an overpowered weapon of mass destruction, there should have been 3 varriants, a tac version with a battle cloak for example. it should at the very least have the same weapons layout and or console layout of the romulan dreadnought. but thats just my two cents
  • briayabriaya Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What I don't get is why did one part of this topic talk about the show and not the game? The way the show portrays somethings may not at all be reflected in gameplay. Besides ships from an alternate history that we actually barely know anything of in the ship other than it has a pew pew phaser that can destory ships like a torpedo could if not better.

    Didn't they make a major ship a Galaxy-X? U.S.S. Victory, right?

    Oh.. And the point of the Galaxy-X...at least the way I got it was that they were trying to put a Fed cruiser in that acted a bit like a Klingon cruiser. It shows all the signs of being a tactical cruiser. Giving a more tactical edge for this ship might be kind of nice? I think they could just make a fleet version, improve the cannon a little, and tweak the turning speed to make it just a little faster. It may make it at least up to par with the recent ships.

    I can't say much about the Scimitar or Bortas.
  • sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ok i'm gonna try and point this into a way that's fair for everyone.
    Yes, we all know that this is a game and things will not quite be fair as it should be, but the fact is engineers get the short end of the stick.
    We have no power in our weapons we don't get any good skills like sci officers. (Grav well ect.) and we don't have a tactical console advantage.
    We are at the low end of the power tree in STO and we need things to change in some way or form to keep us in fair standing with the other ships and captains out there.
    People that say we are just moaning either don't play as an engineer or have no idea of the struggle we have to face to be of any use to anyone in this game, its dominated by tactical and sci captains in PVP.
    Where we are just the cannon fodder and this new ship will most likely be the end of any engineer taking part in PVP again.

    In this game, engineers are the healers. I have one engineer character, and what I do mostly in PUG STFs is to heal the newb escorts. :) I say newb, cos the veteran escorts can heal themselves quite well. :D
    What would make engineers have a role, would be content what'd require extensive and constant healing.
    Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sortof wrote: »
    In this game, engineers are the healers. I have one engineer character, and what I do mostly in PUG STFs is to heal the newb escorts. :) I say newb, cos the veteran escorts can heal themselves quite well. :D
    What would make engineers have a role, would be content what'd require extensive and constant healing.

    The only Engineer innates that can be cast on others are EPS Power Transfer which is not even a heal and Engineering Fleet which is darned useless. There is nothing at all stopping a Tac or Sci from loading up a healboat Galaxy as opposed to an Engineer.
  • this1isavailablethis1isavailable Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    originpi wrote: »
    You, sir or madam, are part of the problem.

    If you want something to fly like the Regent, fly the Regent. Stop trying to homogenize the game.
    Of course i would... if i had the option on kdf side.
    I never said i want the tor'kaht to have a different layout, just saying kdf cruisers are not optimal for pvp dps despite popular belief.

    Of course there is the Galor, but it's not klingon design and it is very expensive.
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