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Scimitar post-dev blog reactions (Feedback)



  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My current build, it is parsing pretty good dps and got 1st in dps a few times in DPS-5000 channel private matches, and killing stuff quick in pvp. It does blow kind of easy with lack of heals on my build though so relies on killing most threatinging targets quickly to survive or cloaking. i have gotten up to 3 kills on players before cloak barrage expires with this build, its very fun.

    Tac Scimitar-

    Fore- 5 Romulan plasma DHC [CrtD]x2
    aft- 3 Romulan plasma turrets [CrtD]x2

    Omega deflector
    Omega engines
    Elite resilient shields ResB

    subspace field modulator, shield, weapons, and aux batteries

    hangar- scorpions (elite tommorow)

    eng- plasmonic leech, neutronium

    sci- 3 plasma infused flow capacitors or the scimitar 3 piece set, or sometimes 2 pieces and 1 plasma infused console.

    tac- 5 plasma tac consoles

    doffs- 3 technicians, 2 evasive doffs

    boffs ( all romulan superior operative)

    Cmdr Tac- TT1, APD1, APO1, CRF3

    Lt Cmdr Uni (eng)- EPTA1, Aux2Bat1, DEM2
    Lt eng- EPTS1, Aux2Bat1

    Lt sci- HE1, TSS2
    Ensign uni (sci) tractor beam 1
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    zdfx19 wrote: »
    I haven't gotten one yet. I am still watching the fall out and bug reports. All I know is that as soon as Scimitar pilots see me dropping fully pumped Gravity Well 3's they start following me around like a puppy train to line up Thalaron Weapon shots. Its gotten awfully funny. I can't shake em. lol.

    Welll, i bought the bundle, and must admit i love it but i see this isnt a simple three ship combo with different numbers of console slots either..

    I took everything there was on my mogai and moved iy all over to the falchion class, dumping the stuff that came with it.. It was OK, but my dps ratings dropped to an abominable low.. I added a couple things to it and now its a decent ship, but before i added stuff, i once more moved everything off the falchion and put it on the scimitar.. even with hull plating, the hull defences dropped to default. shields dropped to default, the ship was unmanageable and slow. it was a pain in the TRIBBLE.. So i moved everything back to the falchion class and hey, happy surprise, it all works fine.. there are some coding differences between each ship class that i havent had time to investigate or understand, and the complexities when using a tac officer in an engineering ship running as a heavy cruiser and not a battleship are just astronomical.. but there's something very different between each of the three ships..

    Oh and Cryptic: I LOVE the drones.. they are awesome :):)
  • objulenobjulen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    voxius wrote: »
    From what I can tell, looking over the stats of each ship, the only thing setting them apart by class is BOFF, Console lay out and bonus power. Everything is the same. Turn rate, shield, speed, hull, etc.

    So they're not really true tac/eng/sci ships but rather ships that are focused towards those classes, if that makes sense.

    when you consider that many of the ship bonuses aren't nearly as useful without having the high level science/engineering powers, it diminishes the point a great deal.
  • mcghiey13mcghiey13 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    this ship is a HUGE disappointment. This thing beat up on Picard's Sovereign like he stole something.... it should AT LEAST be comparable to the Odyssey, if not stronger. This ship is incredibly squishy, and I feel like it was a total waste of money, when the Advanced Fleet Advanced Warbird and Fleet D'Deridex have stronger hull stats among the other survivability issues, you guys need to put a fix in.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think they made it squishy because of the outcry of the haters and the "me too's" . Hopefully in time when the idiots die out, they'll fix it and make it proper.. I'd personally like to see the hull increased to at least Bortesqu levels.. I'm happy with shields, maneuvering etc.. Over all I love this ship, but yes, it IS a bit squishy.
  • pissycutapissycuta Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I know this is feedback thread but i am sorry to say i am doubting more and more i will purchase this pack, while i have the money ready so to say and i was planning on getting it, the feedback i see is highly disappointing. I have already been disappointed once with the kumari line, but at least that you advertised as a glass cannon... it ended up more like a paper cannon, being deadly and dead at the same time... ended up flying just one of them and without any of the special consoles just to stay alive....
    As it seems this so called "predator" of a ship is one torpedo and gone... for a canon ship this is even more disappointing, i don't want an OP ship or a WIN button, nor am i interested in pvp and the like... but as it is it seems we have 2 choices... buy the pack never use the consoles and use the ship as any other ship... or put 5 tactical consoles and 3 from set and not even have enough space left for a basic build and she's a predator... for the first 10 seconds until it blows up.

    Sorry but to sum up what i saw so far:
    - shields are bugged
    - hull/resistances are bugged
    - inertia is insane
    - thalaron pulse is illegal but everyone uses it and while Donatra does 150k a hit, "ours" does 30k if you aren't dead in the 12 sec it charges.
    - ship is huge and just impedes combat, this is from experience as i blew up in KASE from getting stuck in a scimitar's wing while i was on evasive maneuvers from the exploding tac cube.
    - turn rate bonus and advanced ambush bonus don't apply properly and so on....

    Sorry again but not really the best advertising...
    The Kumari's shields at least were "fixed" if you can call it that after 2 weeks... any ETA on the Scimitar fix? Or is it working as intended? Please let me know so i know if i spend my money or not! ;)
  • tk151daztk151daz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Don't normally post but felt so cheated that I feel the need to vent it slightly as refunds are not an option.

    I didn't want or expect a powerful "I win" ship but I did want/expect a heavy cruiser type vessel that's on a par with my Klingon Bortasqu.

    Ill break my despair with this bundle up as it hits me on a few levels.

    First of it cost a fortune, but I am willing to invest in a ship that I enjoy and can fly STF missions and the occasional bit of PvP in, so I was happy willing to spend the cash.

    What did I get for my money...

    A great looking exterior design of an iconic ship.. This was good, the ship looks the part and I was happy.

    Interior.... well what a rip off... its a rip off because Cryptic have clearly not put any resource into making this ship what so ever... I have read the comments from the designer and I understand his explanation.. but cryptic need to understand that it is a rip off to charge the same amount of money that other company's charge for an entire game for an in game item that they have not any real resource into. If there was a warning that the interior is just 2 rooms on the pack then I would not of bought the ship on that basis alone...

    I am not the kind of player that calculates all the specs and works out what is good or not, but I can tell you... decking this thing out with the best parts I have (that worked perfectly well on my DD) it performs badly in PvE and PvP.
    I would like a ship that competes with a bortasqu (give it the same stats if you like)

    Tholaron is a waste of space and time. it was novel at first but now I cant be bothered with it.

    in summary, im back in my DD and will be removing these piles of junk from the hangar to make room.

    Enjoy the money Cryptic, its all you cared about when you made this thing.

  • howiebabey82howiebabey82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i examined the stats of this ship and they looked pretty ideal for what i wanted to do with. I admit I did miss my d'deridex for a little bit but with a bit of practice and fiddling it became my new favorite ship i agree there is some bugs that need to be worked out like the shield
    regeneration and also it takes take a bit of practice to fly but ive gotten use to it. I'm flying the falchion version, i do think cloak barrage needs to be fixed up cause sometimes im hit sometimes im not. . I am finding that for a Cruiser this baby turns well im using double cannons and im doing ok a lot better then i did with my d'deridex with cannons. This ship to me is a cannon cruiser and im liking it. But i do admit the tholaron pulse is difficult to use i think it needs to go down to about 5 seconds and it mite be useful but at the same time ive seen it do some decent damage so 6 seconds max and ive used it against the borg by cloaking, switching to defensive mod, going point blank,deactivating the cloak and letting it rip even wit that well the damage is reasonable enough. Some will like this ship some will not i hope the tholaron pulse is fixed sometime along with the shields etc still that said. Well mistakes happen and i hope the bugs will be fixed and hopefully the charge up time for the tholaron pulse will be fixed i know this game is patched often so lets just hope the sto team reads this and fixes the problems with this ship. Still as it stands i like this ship im able to turn well enough to hit my target i like the extra shields and the 5 forward cannons and my 40 k hull holds up well . thanks cryptic for the ship and i hope yas fix the bugs on this ship im hopeful. as for those who wish to run their mouths cant please everyone but some people have been pleased and im one of them :)
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I dont get it.. Yesterday, i'm dieing every thirty seconds and not getting about 700 DPS. Today, I'm not dieing and i'm averaging 1900 DPS, and believe me, its been an off the wall day and night, especially the night..

    Ok, i simply took the sugestions listed in this thread.. I retired my runabout, that fixed the damage taken. i run the secondary shields and my shields heal normally. Admittedly i've seen better than i can give with the thaleron, but i figure i'm still working that out. Ive been parsing each of my estfs and using the data to go through my consoles to get rid of the less effective ones and replacing them with better ones. the result is that regardless of a cat poking me in the face cuz well, he loves me, My housemate playing king of the hill ( which i Hate ), and everything else going on including large fireworks going off just outside the door, I did enough damage to be third in the estf ( the guy who came in first did one shot for 140K damage ).. I mean, my build isnt perfect, but there isnt anything i can complain about., this ship is part voodoo. i swear it.. I believe the people that said its got the same problems as the Kumari are correct, though i havent owned that ship so i cant really say.. It does have some weird things going for it, but mostly i think that its a matter of not trying to treat it like other ships, and doing the homework to build it up in a way that works..
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pissycuta wrote: »
    I know this is feedback thread but i am sorry to say i am doubting more and more i will purchase this pack, while i have the money ready so to say and i was planning on getting it, the feedback i see is highly disappointing. I have already been disappointed once with the kumari line, but at least that you advertised as a glass cannon... it ended up more like a paper cannon, being deadly and dead at the same time... ended up flying just one of them and without any of the special consoles just to stay alive....
    As it seems this so called "predator" of a ship is one torpedo and gone... for a canon ship this is even more disappointing, i don't want an OP ship or a WIN button, nor am i interested in pvp and the like... but as it is it seems we have 2 choices... buy the pack never use the consoles and use the ship as any other ship... or put 5 tactical consoles and 3 from set and not even have enough space left for a basic build and she's a predator... for the first 10 seconds until it blows up.

    Sorry but to sum up what i saw so far:
    - shields are bugged
    - hull/resistances are bugged
    - inertia is insane
    - thalaron pulse is illegal but everyone uses it and while Donatra does 150k a hit, "ours" does 30k if you aren't dead in the 12 sec it charges.
    - ship is huge and just impedes combat, this is from experience as i blew up in KASE from getting stuck in a scimitar's wing while i was on evasive maneuvers from the exploding tac cube.
    - turn rate bonus and advanced ambush bonus don't apply properly and so on....

    Sorry again but not really the best advertising...
    The Kumari's shields at least were "fixed" if you can call it that after 2 weeks... any ETA on the Scimitar fix? Or is it working as intended? Please let me know so i know if i spend my money or not! ;)

    I have to disagree with your assessment of the Kumari ships. The Charol is very durable in combat with the right setup and can still dish out some serious pain. The 2-piece Console Bonus of 10% Acc is awesomesauce. The platforms are ok. Extra dps is always nice and the Cannon Overload, when buffed right, can cause some serious POPping. Tacs and Engies benefit quite well from these ships. I can't speak for Sci, though.
  • talajtalaj Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, I've spent some time trying this thing out, and I'm making the switch back to my Tal Shiar cruiser until such time as all the bugs are worked out. Not that everything that's disappointing about this ship boils down to bugs, if I'm honest. The console set in particular is uninspiring, and I got better results dropping it entirely in favour of regular consoles.

    I must admit, it does look pretty sexy with a Jem'Hadar space set on it though. :cool:
  • stongbadsstongbads Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've gotten used to flying the dread and using it as a blunt instrument since I've left off the 3rd. But I still feel a lot safer piloting my tiny fleet ship with the added bonus that my big redball of doom does a lot more damage then the dread's signature weapon.

    While flying the dread with my Tac, I wish I had one more science so I can get some CC.
    While flying the dread with my Sci, I wish I can use GW3.
    While flying the dread, I wish I can launch the unstable plasma torp. (V_V)
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    doomicile wrote: »
    I have to disagree with your assessment of the Kumari ships. The Charol is very durable in combat with the right setup and can still dish out some serious pain. The 2-piece Console Bonus of 10% Acc is awesomesauce. The platforms are ok. Extra dps is always nice and the Cannon Overload, when buffed right, can cause some serious POPping. Tacs and Engies benefit quite well from these ships. I can't speak for Sci, though.

    He was referring to when the Kumari first came out. It only had a 66% strength hull and shield healing ability and it's shield mod was only 0.6, instead of the 0.9 it was supposed to be. It also had bugged resistances and defense.

    It's fine now, and I think he's hoping for something like that on the Scimitar.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    He was referring to when the Kumari first came out. It only had a 66% strength hull and shield healing ability and it's shield mod was only 0.6, instead of the 0.9 it was supposed to be. It also had bugged resistances and defense.

    It's fine now, and I think he's hoping for something like that on the Scimitar.

    Ah, gotcha. Sorry. I know there are still some people out there who think the Kumari is gimped but yeah, once they patched that stat issue, she turned out to be a pretty good escort.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    He was referring to when the Kumari first came out. It only had a 66% strength hull and shield healing ability and it's shield mod was only 0.6, instead of the 0.9 it was supposed to be. It also had bugged resistances and defense.

    It's fine now, and I think he's hoping for something like that on the Scimitar.

    A very similar thing happened with the Steamrunner too, which was promptly fixed.
  • litchy74litchy74 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Funny thing is ran a few red alerts , infected elite and rom patrols usually random hull going pop at the smallest thing. Saw the possible work around with dismissing the shuttle, got rid of it, now ran a red alert, infected again patrols and not died once, same set up same missions also ship feels a lot stronger, a ship blowing up next to you doesn't take90% of your health.

    Weird thing is after I dismissed the shuttle my power tray was all messed up with powers missing and moved.
    Where ever you go, there you are.......

    Join The Space Invaders,..... Federation and KDF fleets.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    litchy74 wrote: »
    Funny thing is ran a few red alerts , infected elite and rom patrols usually random hull going pop at the smallest thing. Saw the possible work around with dismissing the shuttle, got rid of it, now ran a red alert, infected again patrols and not died once, same set up same missions also ship feels a lot stronger, a ship blowing up next to you doesn't take90% of your health.

    Weird thing is after I dismissed the shuttle my power tray was all messed up with powers missing and moved.

    theres something far weirder going on.. now that youve dismissed your shuttle, remove one of the three consoles for maybe half an estf and then put it back in.. You will die again.. I guarantee it.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    stongbads wrote: »
    I've gotten used to flying the dread and using it as a blunt instrument since I've left off the 3rd. But I still feel a lot safer piloting my tiny fleet ship with the added bonus that my big redball of doom does a lot more damage then the dread's signature weapon.

    While flying the dread with my Tac, I wish I had one more science so I can get some CC.
    While flying the dread with my Sci, I wish I can use GW3.
    While flying the dread, I wish I can launch the unstable plasma torp. (V_V)

    its been like this for me with all my romulan ships. instead of just ten console slots, it needs thirteen.. Change one console out in there, and you cripple yourself one way or another. its truly maddening.
  • nicholasbattlesnicholasbattles Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I bought this only for the Thalaron Pulse, and I am deeply disappointed. It is not even worth the time it takes to charge up. When I get rocked by it, I can get dropped down to 50% hull. When I use it, I am lucky if the initial blast causes 3% hull damage. I'd much rather had spent that $50 on some random TRIBBLE.
  • howiebabey82howiebabey82 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    im liking it more and more the tholaron pulse however needs to modified i think like a bit more range, less count down time id say about 6 or 7 seconds the damage would be worth a try for sure then i still like to try and use it but all i can with it really is cloak,switch to defensive mode , fly to my target at til i mash into the target then uncloak and let it rip
    with that said tho 40 k hull 7 degree turn the cloaking abilities and 5 forward cannons makes this thing a beast when used correctly will it retire my d'deridex completely? nope if i saw a fleet version would it? possibly i just hope we will see a fleet version sometime
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i just hope we will see a fleet version sometime

    This is already at fleet level strength. You have 10 consoles and 40k+ hull. You can't make a fleet version of this ship without making it too powerful. Looking at it's current stats:

    Hull: 40k
    Shield mod: 1.1
    Console Count: 10

    Fleet Version (following standard patterns of fleet stuff in game) would be:

    Hull: 44K (acceptable)
    Shield mod: 1.21 (... a tad high for a ship like that)
    Console Count: 11 (that's more than any other ship in the game)

    So... yeah. I would LOVE to see a Scimitar that strong, but at the same time, I would hate seeing it because I know it would be too powerful.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i have to agree with hereticknight085. An additional console, extra shield modifiers all that would make this plane too overpowered.. Not that i would yell at all if it were, but frankly, I rather enjoy a bit of uniqueness with the ship, and i cant be unique if everyone is flying one. ESD and New romulus have both turned into scimitar city regardless of the time of day you go there.. i'm hoping people will stop flying it ctually, just so i can selfishly have my scimitar and enjoy the hell out of it and its uniqueness. But i digress..

    All romulan birds suffer from weak singularities. the power drain is so immense that you end up flatlined and unable to fire at times because theres no power. Topping the weak singularity, no effort was made to provide for a balance to this power issue, so all romulan ships have this problem. They also suffer from weak shields and weak hulls. Even my Armitage, flown by a captain that has no science and no engineering traits or skills and with a 47K hull as opposed to the scimitars 55K hull can take more of a pounding ..

    And the thaleron is slow to the point of distress, and weak. it does make a small difference in the amunt of time it takes to bring down a cube or gate, but its nothing circumstantial and hardly worth noting. Its practically a joke, and if it didnt have its one narrow band of small uses, it would be.

    Over all however, the scimitar is still a wonderful ship. Lose the runabout or shuttle. click on secondry shields before you begin movining make sure to shange power back to weapons from aux after firing the thaleron and dont park and you'll come through most of the time. however, the caveat there is i'm using the full Maco set now, as well as full fleet weapons. End game stuff most people dont have. Its sad really that this ship should require end game equipment in order to survive at a normal level. But then again, thats not just the scimitar. its the entire romulan fleet.
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    i have to agree with hereticknight085. An additional console, extra shield modifiers all that would make this plane too overpowered.. Not that i would yell at all if it were, but frankly, I rather enjoy a bit of uniqueness with the ship, and i cant be unique if everyone is flying one. ESD and New romulus have both turned into scimitar city regardless of the time of day you go there.. i'm hoping people will stop flying it ctually, just so i can selfishly have my scimitar and enjoy the hell out of it and its uniqueness. But i digress..

    All romulan birds suffer from weak singularities. the power drain is so immense that you end up flatlined and unable to fire at times because theres no power. Topping the weak singularity, no effort was made to provide for a balance to this power issue, so all romulan ships have this problem. They also suffer from weak shields and weak hulls. Even my Armitage, flown by a captain that has no science and no engineering traits or skills and with a 47K hull as opposed to the scimitars 55K hull can take more of a pounding ..

    And the thaleron is slow to the point of distress, and weak. it does make a small difference in the amunt of time it takes to bring down a cube or gate, but its nothing circumstantial and hardly worth noting. Its practically a joke, and if it didnt have its one narrow band of small uses, it would be.

    Over all however, the scimitar is still a wonderful ship. Lose the runabout or shuttle. click on secondry shields before you begin movining make sure to shange power back to weapons from aux after firing the thaleron and dont park and you'll come through most of the time. however, the caveat there is i'm using the full Maco set now, as well as full fleet weapons. End game stuff most people dont have. Its sad really that this ship should require end game equipment in order to survive at a normal level. But then again, thats not just the scimitar. its the entire romulan fleet.

    I bolded the part I both agree with and take issue with. I am actually looking at trying to solve the power issue that plagues the Romulan Fleet right now via the Power Skills in Engineering. I am going to throw six into all of them if I can. So far, testing on the skill builder shows it is possible to do this. I am curious how much power is generated.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • goku5030goku5030 Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    Pssst, the Scimi 3-pack isn't going to be the Romulan flagship. That will be a whole other ship. ;)

    What the Scimitar 3-pack does do is provide a dreadnought carrier for Romulan/Reman players...which also provides the ship to both main factions in a sense. :D

    Nope :( sadly romulan have there own ships.. same with all other factions.. Remember the romulans are different from the federation and kling empires .. they have there own ships and they fight for different Goals.. they may not have there own faction stations or stuff like that but.. they have there own ships so no .. Fed ships have there own ships and Kling ships have there own as well... :/
  • jamie19862jamie19862 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think kind rip off if buy just the one ship which I have done ya cant get the other to universal consoles and without them cant use the scimitar ultimate weapon make this mistake and then ya surely have to pay double equally the amount to buy other 2 ships to get scimitar at its full use :( of course I didn't know this till after purchase just horrible sitation to been in to have half ship not doin what designed to do unfair
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    jamie19862 wrote: »
    I think kind rip off if buy just the one ship which I have done ya cant get the other to universal consoles and without them cant use the scimitar ultimate weapon make this mistake and then ya surely have to pay double equally the amount to buy other 2 ships to get scimitar at its full use :( of course I didn't know this till after purchase just horrible sitation to been in to have half ship not doin what designed to do unfair

    it IS a bad situationbut its a bad situation all around, whether you bought one ship that doesn't perform as expected or advertised ( but wait, it did perform as advertised ) or three ships that blow apart like paper balloons at the first sign of a fight.

    In some ways it feels like a replay of an old movie called Labyrinth where the bad guy ply's the protagonist with pretty baubles and junk, making empty promises to keep the protagonist happy. The protagonist though was every bit as in the wrong as the bad guy as she openly accepted all these things, never questioning up front. We kinda do the same thing here. "oooo, look at the pretty ship". Its ok, people do the same thing with automobiles. How many people have bought corvettes thinking they would be the king of the streets?? The never were king of the streets, but they thought they would be, and for one hell of a price tag too.

    We are consumers, they are vendors. We buy, they sell. But we sometimes seem to think that our loyalty to them requires them to expend effort. it doesnt. If Ford comes out with a new Pinto, is anyone going to buy it?? I doubt it. If Chevy Comes out with a new Nova, will anyone buy it?? Probably not.. But we get all upset simply because we buy a product that we expect to behave a certain way, when it doesnt. If a Ford doesnt work as expected, we buy a Chevy or a Jeep, We dont whine to ford about it.. We vote with our wallet.. In the case od Star Trek, theres only one Star Trek, and it isnt even Trek, just a space combat game with pretty ships. And at the moment, its the only one of its kind on the planet. but theres a new boy coming, from a developer that created one of the most successful game series in computing history. Its called Star Citizen and it comes from the creator who made Wing Commander. It isnt Trek, and it doesnt Claim to be. In many many ways, from what ive seen, its better than STO with a broader scope of player capabilities.. You can believe I'm gonna be there.. Look it up..
    As for Bugs in the ship?? What are we doing to help?? Most feedback we give them isnt feedback at all. We berate them, Belittle them. We stomp our feet and wave our hands in rage like a four year old crying " It Dunt work. fix it fix it fix it". That kind of feedback is about as helpful as a broken billiard ball at a beach party.. Some people get it, but most dont.. If we love the product, then be a part of the process. Give feedback that gives useable data like many in this forum have. Dont just sit there with a temper tantrum. Tell them information they can use.. They really are human beings on the recieving end of our posts and emails.. treat them like that..

    If you dont love the product, then its a very simple solution, buy from a different manufacturer. Play a different game. No, the people at Cryptic are not perfect, no matter how much we demand they be. They're people; human beings. They make mistakes just like we do. Give them a break; throw them a bone; work with them to correct the issues and i think we'd see a new Trek. If not, Well, I cant wait for Star Citizen to come out.. It's just that good.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    All romulan birds suffer from weak singularities. the power drain is so immense that you end up flatlined and unable to fire at times because theres no power. Topping the weak singularity, no effort was made to provide for a balance to this power issue, so all romulan ships have this problem. They also suffer from weak shields and weak hulls. Even my Armitage, flown by a captain that has no science and no engineering traits or skills and with a 47K hull as opposed to the scimitars 55K hull can take more of a pounding ..

    Singularity Abilities make up for the lost power. And if you do things right, you can still sustain decent power levels on all the ships. Just put your weapons power at 90 and push the extra 10 power to shields. Your damage output will be slightly reduced, but you'll have a little more tank.
    raventomoe wrote: »
    I bolded the part I both agree with and take issue with. I am actually looking at trying to solve the power issue that plagues the Romulan Fleet right now via the Power Skills in Engineering. I am going to throw six into all of them if I can. So far, testing on the skill builder shows it is possible to do this. I am curious how much power is generated.

    7 points into each performance will give you 8 additional power to each system. 7 points in to potential will generate an additional 4 power for each subsystem. Add in 6 points into efficiency and you'll generate quite a lot of power overall. And if you really need more power, use a plasmonic leech.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Singularity Abilities make up for the lost power. And if you do things right, you can still sustain decent power levels on all the ships. Just put your weapons power at 90 and push the extra 10 power to shields. Your damage output will be slightly reduced, but you'll have a little more tank.

    7 points into each performance will give you 8 additional power to each system. 7 points in to potential will generate an additional 4 power for each subsystem. Add in 6 points into efficiency and you'll generate quite a lot of power overall. And if you really need more power, use a plasmonic leech.

    Thanks for this.. Yeah, it means i gotta spend more money on re-spec chits at the beginning of the month, but it does help me to improve my ship and my abilities a great deal.. Much appreciated..
  • airlianairlian Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Here is a very silly question I guess but I can't seem to see it in the description, is this Romulan Captains only?
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    airlian wrote: »
    Here is a very silly question I guess but I can't seem to see it in the description, is this Romulan Captains only?

    In a word, "Yes"

    The Scimitar is a 'Warbird', albeit a Dreadnaught Warbird. It has a Singularity Core slot and standard Romulan Battle Cloak.
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