i dont understand why this large ship has only 1 hangar bay.
the thing has a battle cloak, 5 forward weapon slots, a set bonus that gives it a turn boost speed, and lets the ship keep the turn rate of the Romulan Cloaking turn rate boost for a few after decloaking ...I'm surprised Cryptic left one hanger in there.
A few recent incident on the Fed side that fleeties had create a problem by forcing people to buy from their fleet store through their nose and arm and a leg, and that they perpetuate the myth that that is the only way to do so.
They are also the same people that complained about OP. In short, it imply an unfairness.
But let me ask you this: Is it fair to be charged that much just to get good weapons? It was, but it soon won't be, if they do not nerf Scimatar.
So I will tell all those who want to get Scimatar - let your voice heard. let cryptic know that you are buying scimatar, so that you can get around the high fleet item cost.
Honestly the scimitar is extremely well balanced, it has multiple play styles open to it, it isn't a win button, yes it is heavily armed at the fore, and it makes trades to make up for it. Can you fit the three piece plus Tachyo, borg, zpm, leech, and valdore console on it without sacrificing Tac slots for it? What if you want to throw infused sci consoles or dil mine consoles? And the hull strength, yes, 40k base is a lot. Not as much as the D'Deridex Fleet or the Ha'apax fleet. This is not a ship that brings the best of all possible worlds.
It looks good, don't get me wrong, in fact I think this should be the template for all Fed and KDF dreadnoughts in the future. 5/3 with one hangar and a turn rate between 7 and 10 (which I would put the cloakless fed dreadnoughts as) is a winning formula with a lot of room for expansion and iteration. We're talking about the first in a new breed of ships in STO,
We're talking about the first in a new breed of ships in STO,
Ehm, nope, we are talking about the 5th 5000 Zen 3-pack.:rolleyes:
FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
You want to put in a ship thats op fine, but this is too far. For several months players have been telling you the cruiser needed a dps upgrade. So what do you do? You do nothing! Then you bring out this Scimitar with 5 forward weapon slots? What the hell.
To add insult to injury escorts do not even get five forward weapon slots, and you have it a base turn rate higher then the Galaxy, the Bortas, Odyssey, and D'deridex class. To make matters worse this ship is supposed to be way bigger then any of those classes.
The Scimitar class starship needs to be nerfed before release. To a base turn rate of 4 to 5, especially given its size. It also needs its weapon slots reduced to four forward or four aft. If you want to have five forward weapon slots. Then add that to all tier 5 class star ships. Special consoles are one thing but this goes way beyond that. You are not even pretending to balance this ship.
After all the complaining about the Galaxy Dreadnought, and Galaxy class starships needing better turn rate, you do this?
Too many weird and worrisome players nowadays. Scim hasn't been released/tested, and yet everyone1 seems so transfixed. We all know that stats description isnt always true. Moreover, there is a small print that says the devs reserve the right to modify it.
So unless the ship is released and tested... there is no point of over reacting or worry. Well, theta console seems like a super dmg dealer for STF gates... but I don't think it will ever hit anything in pvp. It's more like a sitting duck console in pvp to me.
4 consoles and the helmsman trait will put this thing at a minimum persistent turn rate of 16.7 not even factoring in the additional amount from evasive, cloak, etc.
Effectively this thing could easily become an escort if built right.
You want to put in a ship thats op fine, but this is too far. For several months players have been telling you the cruiser needed a dps upgrade. So what do you do? You do nothing! Then you bring out this Scimitar with 5 forward weapon slots? What the hell.
To add insult to injury escorts do not even get five forward weapon slots, and you have it a base turn rate higher then the Galaxy, the Bortas, Odyssey, and D'deridex class. To make matters worse this ship is supposed to be way bigger then any of those classes.
The Scimitar class starship needs to be nerfed before release. To a base turn rate of 4 to 5, especially given its size. It also needs its weapon slots reduced to four forward or four aft. If you want to have five forward weapon slots. Then add that to all tier 5 class star ships. Special consoles are one thing but this goes way beyond that. You are not even pretending to balance this ship.
After all the complaining about the Galaxy Dreadnought, and Galaxy class starships needing better turn rate, you do this?
Your PRECIOUS escorts have been Cryptic's wife, secret lover, and vegas wife since STO day 1.
You are whining and complaining about the Scimitar having five forward weapons...but I doubt you even batted an eye at the Andorian Escort
You Escort fanboys, who think that Escorts should be the be all and end all of power, performance, domination, and winning is what is wrong with STO. It is alright for the escorts to have 5 forward weapon slots...but not a cruiser, or, heaven forbid, the mighty Scimitar.
I hope the Scimitar literally bends the the word "ESCORT" over and pummels it until the escort doesn't even have to push anymore. It would serve the escort kiddies their just come-uppins.
This is not worrying, this is not complaining this is simply wrong. They do not give the defiant a battle cloak, they do not give the Galaxy class Dreadnought a better turn rate, they do not give the galaxy class a better turn rate. Now why do you think that is? Its called balance. You can troll me all you want, and claim I am worrying or that I am simply complaining. This is no where near balanced to other tier 5 cruisers. If you do not believe that, I suggest you start looking at those ships and compare them to this thing. Another thing why was it that the spinal lance of the Galaxy class Dreadnought was nerfed? It was consider to be too op. You are really going to sit there and tell everyone in sto its balanced compared to other cruisers.
As far as the Andorian escort goes bud I do not fly ships that do not belong in this timeline of star trek.
I think they have other things on their mind, like whether the ship is OP, UP, or has enough hangars.
Also, I think there's a simple in-universe explanation why it doesn't have a "perfect cloak": technology has developed a lot since "Nemesis" and a cloak that was once "perfect" might now be "regular".
Completely true... Cruisers have been gimped on the Federation side for MONTHS. The only Cruisers worth a damn in this game now are the Sovereign and Excelsior (Just as Geko likes it with his constant hard on for the Excelsior, a 120 year old obsolete ship)
I think it just comes down to this...
The Federation are not the focus of the game anymore, pretty soon they will end up as neglected as the Klingons in favor for the Romulans because of LoR. We all knew this would happen, Cryptic are unable to do things for more then one faction at a time... They've never been able to balance these ships either.
Some at Cryptic LOVES the Scimitar, if you get what I mean. Its the Excelsior-fest all over again...
To hell with your balance. learn to use tactics and stratagems. You dont think lifes fair? Too bad, it isnt. Get used to it. The scimitar had to be heavily nerfed just to get it into the game.. the original scimitar WAS OP.. Way OP.. And compared to existing ships, its just mediocre now.. we'll get our first real look at it in eight and a half hours. till then lets save the judgements of what it can and cannot do, and put this stupid argument in the trash where it belongs.
i'm not really impressed with the Scimitar stats... at best it's very a good PvE ship, but in PvP it will be dominated by the likes of the Jem'hadar Attack Ships and Fed Escorts due to the Scimitar low to mediocre Eng console slots and inferior turn rate, and don't think the Scimitar 3 piece Uni consoles bonuses will save u, because i promise u it won't... it's just another tier 5 zen store ship thats gonna be put down with the wind in PvP.
So better off for Rommie players to stick with the T'varo and Dhelan retrofits and Ha'feh classes if they wanna fight in PvP.
NOTE: Any comments that say "Use X ship" will be ignored. This is a thread about ships, not gameplay.
So it's a thread about ships, but you say we can't recommend another ship?
Here's your answer. Cryptic isn't TRIBBLE science. You have a ship with 5 sci consoles and a Ltcmdr and Lt Sci. How is that "TRIBBLE science"? Why did you imagine the Scimitar as anything other than tactical?
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
NOTE: Any comments that say "Use X ship" will be ignored. This is a thread about ships, not gameplay
So if it isn't about "gameplay", your point is entirely irrelevant. If you are simply after ships for aesthetics you are in for a surprise as gameplay takes precedence.
yeah well as heretick said: 5 sci consoles (on one variant) 2 to 6 possible sci boff stations...just hard to understand where this ship variant is not sci heavy.
where there's a new ship there is one that will complain...allways.
also, gypsiblade is absolutely right. Where does it say sci captains are allowed only sci ships. personally i find the sci ship/sci captain combo rather weak compared to the other 2 combos.
anyway, another random rant with very little facts to support it.
Everytime a new ship is released, a lot of people start whining "the ship is op". They'll stop sooner or later, once they release it's not op. Or once another ship is released, and they have something else to bash.
Stupid arguments are you kidding me, can you prove me wrong on what I just said about the Defiant, Galaxy class, and Galaxy class dreadnought?
This is a post about an opinion I have, and the stats as it sits right now says this ship trumps all current cruisers out there. Life isnt fair? Making one hell of an assumption about my life.
As it stands I could say more but Ill wait and see what happens for now.
One hangar bay is lame and is an extreme slap to the face. What next? They're going to require your to own every Romulan ship and be a Lifetime member in order to purchase the single drone fighter for it? So the Romulan shipwrights couldn't figure out how to cram in a second hangar bay in a ship the size of DS9?
Best part is...how the hell they are able to fire ultra doom fire mode of green lights without warpcore to power it? Instead we have singularity core, and it should not be able to power up Thalaron Weapon. Where the pup Robin? I mean where is Thalaron Core Cryptic?
Original Poster I want to welcome you to most of the responses you get. Because there are 40 year olds who act like 12 year olds if you dare insult the almighty Cryptic!
Original Poster, I agree with you. See what Cryptic is doing (and what most MMO's do eventually) is instead of fixing things, or improving on other such items in the game, is push out content to make the quickest buck possible.
I have been playing MMO's for 15 years (since EQ1 days) and when this starts to happen, it means the game is failing. I have seen it, and at this point you either keep playing with the current bad company just pushing new content and not caring about fixing, or just stop playing, vote with you wallet and end it.
I have. I just like to check the forums from time to time now to see the trolls, since when you don't agree with the massess they Either
A) Laugh at you Do what this guy does, whine that you whined.
Best part is...how the hell they are able to fire ultra doom fire mode of green lights without warpcore to power it? Instead we have singularity core, and it should not be able to power up Thalaron Weapon. Where the pup Robin? I mean where is Thalaron Core Cryptic?
The scimitar in the movie used a singularity core as far as we know, the thalaron radiation was only used for the cannon and not to power the ship
BTW, technically they are called singularity warp cores. the only difference between the two types is that one uses a small singularity to power it, the other uses matter/anti-matter. While the Anti-matter warp cores seem more powerful, the singularity warp cores can apparently be used as a weapon without damaging the ship in any way.
on-topic: I Love the Scimitars design, always have since i saw the movie. I am very tempted to buy it, if only because of the design and nothing else.
Plus, as it said in the article, it apparently also allows the bonus turn because of battle cloak to last for as long as the de-cloaking bonus. Meaning, it'll be able to turn really well for the time of the extra buff if you de-cloak to attack. Plus the normal bonuses of de-cloaking.
Can't think of a bigger reason for a ship to cloak in and out constantly than for a big huge cruiser to keep the turn bonus up as long as possible. Makes this thing scream for Reman boffs.
You want to put in a ship thats op fine, but this is too far. For several months players have been telling you the cruiser needed a dps upgrade. So what do you do? You do nothing! Then you bring out this Scimitar with 5 forward weapon slots? What the hell.
To add insult to injury escorts do not even get five forward weapon slots, and you have it a base turn rate higher then the Galaxy, the Bortas, Odyssey, and D'deridex class. To make matters worse this ship is supposed to be way bigger then any of those classes.
The Scimitar class starship needs to be nerfed before release. To a base turn rate of 4 to 5, especially given its size. It also needs its weapon slots reduced to four forward or four aft. If you want to have five forward weapon slots. Then add that to all tier 5 class star ships. Special consoles are one thing but this goes way beyond that. You are not even pretending to balance this ship.
After all the complaining about the Galaxy Dreadnought, and Galaxy class starships needing better turn rate, you do this?
I don't really have the energy to pick apart your complaint, and the fact that you and people like you constantly say how every ship Cryptic introduces these days is "overpowered" before it even gets into the game
the thing has a battle cloak, 5 forward weapon slots, a set bonus that gives it a turn boost speed, and lets the ship keep the turn rate of the Romulan Cloaking turn rate boost for a few after decloaking ...I'm surprised Cryptic left one hanger in there.
They are also the same people that complained about OP. In short, it imply an unfairness.
But let me ask you this: Is it fair to be charged that much just to get good weapons? It was, but it soon won't be, if they do not nerf Scimatar.
So I will tell all those who want to get Scimatar - let your voice heard. let cryptic know that you are buying scimatar, so that you can get around the high fleet item cost.
It looks good, don't get me wrong, in fact I think this should be the template for all Fed and KDF dreadnoughts in the future. 5/3 with one hangar and a turn rate between 7 and 10 (which I would put the cloakless fed dreadnoughts as) is a winning formula with a lot of room for expansion and iteration. We're talking about the first in a new breed of ships in STO,
Ehm, nope, we are talking about the 5th 5000 Zen 3-pack.:rolleyes:
Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
Too many weird and worrisome players nowadays. Scim hasn't been released/tested, and yet everyone1 seems so transfixed. We all know that stats description isnt always true. Moreover, there is a small print that says the devs reserve the right to modify it.
So unless the ship is released and tested... there is no point of over reacting or worry. Well, theta console seems like a super dmg dealer for STF gates... but I don't think it will ever hit anything in pvp. It's more like a sitting duck console in pvp to me.
Effectively this thing could easily become an escort if built right.
We don't even know how the thing will perform yet. Anyone dumb enough to use the thaleron pulse deserves what they get as well.
"Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."
U.S.S. Weatherlight
EPG builds / SCI ground enthusiast
Your PRECIOUS escorts have been Cryptic's wife, secret lover, and vegas wife since STO day 1.
You are whining and complaining about the Scimitar having five forward weapons...but I doubt you even batted an eye at the Andorian Escort
You Escort fanboys, who think that Escorts should be the be all and end all of power, performance, domination, and winning is what is wrong with STO. It is alright for the escorts to have 5 forward weapon slots...but not a cruiser, or, heaven forbid, the mighty Scimitar.
I hope the Scimitar literally bends the the word "ESCORT" over and pummels it until the escort doesn't even have to push anymore. It would serve the escort kiddies their just come-uppins.
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
As far as the Andorian escort goes bud I do not fly ships that do not belong in this timeline of star trek.
Also, I think there's a simple in-universe explanation why it doesn't have a "perfect cloak": technology has developed a lot since "Nemesis" and a cloak that was once "perfect" might now be "regular".
I think it just comes down to this...
The Federation are not the focus of the game anymore, pretty soon they will end up as neglected as the Klingons in favor for the Romulans because of LoR. We all knew this would happen, Cryptic are unable to do things for more then one faction at a time... They've never been able to balance these ships either.
Some at Cryptic LOVES the Scimitar, if you get what I mean. Its the Excelsior-fest all over again...
So better off for Rommie players to stick with the T'varo and Dhelan retrofits and Ha'feh classes if they wanna fight in PvP.
We have THREE Science vessels. THREE.
There are enough combat vessels. Release some science vessels to add some balance.
NOTE: Any comments that say "Use X ship" will be ignored. This is a thread about ships, not gameplay.
So it's a thread about ships, but you say we can't recommend another ship?
Here's your answer. Cryptic isn't TRIBBLE science. You have a ship with 5 sci consoles and a Ltcmdr and Lt Sci. How is that "TRIBBLE science"? Why did you imagine the Scimitar as anything other than tactical?
They aren't required to fly a science ship.....
So if it isn't about "gameplay", your point is entirely irrelevant. If you are simply after ships for aesthetics you are in for a surprise as gameplay takes precedence.
where there's a new ship there is one that will complain...allways.
also, gypsiblade is absolutely right. Where does it say sci captains are allowed only sci ships. personally i find the sci ship/sci captain combo rather weak compared to the other 2 combos.
anyway, another random rant with very little facts to support it.
EPG builds / SCI ground enthusiast
This is a sig worthy one-liner. Ignore comments about ships because this is a thread about ships? :rolleyes:
This is a post about an opinion I have, and the stats as it sits right now says this ship trumps all current cruisers out there. Life isnt fair? Making one hell of an assumption about my life.
As it stands I could say more but Ill wait and see what happens for now.
Original Poster I want to welcome you to most of the responses you get. Because there are 40 year olds who act like 12 year olds if you dare insult the almighty Cryptic!
Original Poster, I agree with you. See what Cryptic is doing (and what most MMO's do eventually) is instead of fixing things, or improving on other such items in the game, is push out content to make the quickest buck possible.
I have been playing MMO's for 15 years (since EQ1 days) and when this starts to happen, it means the game is failing. I have seen it, and at this point you either keep playing with the current bad company just pushing new content and not caring about fixing, or just stop playing, vote with you wallet and end it.
I have. I just like to check the forums from time to time now to see the trolls, since when you don't agree with the massess they Either
A) Laugh at you
The scimitar in the movie used a singularity core as far as we know, the thalaron radiation was only used for the cannon and not to power the ship
BTW, technically they are called singularity warp cores. the only difference between the two types is that one uses a small singularity to power it, the other uses matter/anti-matter. While the Anti-matter warp cores seem more powerful, the singularity warp cores can apparently be used as a weapon without damaging the ship in any way.
on-topic: I Love the Scimitars design, always have since i saw the movie. I am very tempted to buy it, if only because of the design and nothing else.
Can't think of a bigger reason for a ship to cloak in and out constantly than for a big huge cruiser to keep the turn bonus up as long as possible. Makes this thing scream for Reman boffs.
I don't really have the energy to pick apart your complaint, and the fact that you and people like you constantly say how every ship Cryptic introduces these days is "overpowered" before it even gets into the game
This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
To romulans i mean