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Why is the Scimitar more powerful and adaptable then the Galaxy X/Bortas



  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ha ha knew it would not be long before a thread like this
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think, some day, a great giant of a light bulb is going to appear over cryptic studios and flash SO brightly it blinds everyone for miles, because they will have figured out exactly how to steer this game. But we arent there yet. The game isnt balanced. i dont think it SHOULD be balanced. I think each side should be playing up to its strengths instead of relying on technological masterpieces to pull their butts from some fire..
    people complin about canon or not canon.. They couldnt handle canon.. The klingons would be little more than a side show because they dont have a sense of protocol and diplomacy. The feds would be breding children with silver spoons in their mouths to hold up the diplomatis ends they cant back up with force and the romulans?/ oh my gods.. at least they got parts of tht race correct. diplomacy out the left side of the mouth and murderous firepower out the right. if it wrent for the undine borg elachi and tal shiar, the whole thing would be one insane mess, where words would determine whether you lived the next moment or not.. No one could write this game to be canon.. it would bore everyone into oblivion.. I like it for what it is: a good game with a good story behind it and plenty of action to have fun in.. but thats all it is..
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    robeasom wrote: »
    Ha ha knew it would not be long before a thread like this

    sorry you came late for the party.. the thread has been going for several hours :;lol:;.. Silly isnt it??
  • lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2013
    We don't want to shoot anyone (Starfleet) but the rest of the galaxy hates that quality in us! So they shoot at us constantly, and we have to shoot back.. there's ur action.

    I like a chunk of what ur saying wufang, but not exactly in the context you are looking at it.
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
  • bain4bain4 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yeh I agree with the OP , this ship is so overpowered, I can see it now I will fly into a mob charge up my super weapon and by the time it has charged up there will be nothing for me to shoot because some escort will have vaporized the mob with sv3 and ts3 . As for PvP everyone will be wanting to sit on my tail to destroy my shiny new ship but because its so OP it will last not 5 secs but 6. :)
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Because Cryptic doesn't care about anything but money. Not just money, but new money. They advertised LoR all over the place, and got swarms of people in. Now they want them to stay, so they put out ships that are better than the older in game ships.

    Its not that the ship is OP per say, but its just slightly better than the rest. Though the 2 and 3 set bonuses kind of push it over the top.

    The Thaleron weapon is the least of my concern with this thing. Its the rest of the stuff I am worried about.

    Its just them treating their newer customers better because they have milked us for as long as they can.

    The only thing that comes to mind is this
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lol this is the first thread I have read since I have seen the blog this morning. Knew the feds would moan due to the Scimtar being the best romulan ship in game at the moment.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    robeasom wrote: »
    lol this is the first thread I have read since I have seen the blog this morning. Knew the feds would moan due to the Scimtar being the best romulan ship in game at the moment.

    Its not just Feds, chief.

    Many people are getting mighty sick of their zen bought ships from other factions being completely outclassed by anything and everything Romulan.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    Its not just Feds, chief.

    Many people are getting mighty sick of their zen bought ships from other factions being completely outclassed by anything and everything Romulan.

    Who are these many people, chief?
  • linkjoylinkjoy Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    If all the dreadnoughts are supposed to be "balanced" like the D'Deridex is supposed to be the Romulan mirror to the Negh'var and Galaxy. Then WHY is the Scimitar about 10 times more powerful with a better tactical layout, better consoles and superior firepower. Anybody notice how ships like the Galaxy-X Dreadnought have been shafted again!

    Why has there been no update to both Klingon and Federation Dreadnoughts (Possibly the Odyssey because its a 3 pack) to be competitive with this new ship.

    Bet Cryptic won't do this... they are having too much fun milking the Romulan fanbase now. Hi Klinks, we're the Federation, we had our day but now we are going to join you in mediocrity.

    The Gal-X is a complete joke, it shouldn't even be called a "dreadnought" ship.
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Who are these many people, chief?

    Well, you can look at this thread, or the 15 others on this same topic. Look at the countless threads on the other romulan ships, the threads from LoR release, pre-LoR release on tribble, etc.

    Its called power creep. Unfortunately right now, the romulans are getting most of the benefits of the creep. Desperate attempts for the rest of us to catch up in the form of fleet holdings and consoles, except romulans have access to them as well.

    Take a look at some of the older ships in the game compared to the new ones being added for romulans. It is quite obvious that Cryptic has learned from their 3 years of this game. How to make more desirable ships, layouts, consoles and what not. It is just unfortunate that this will never result in them going back and buffing some of the older ships, which is what many of us have a problem with.
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i find this kinda funny TBH,

    fed get a overpower ship, no one would complain.
    kdf get a overpower ship, feds complain
    romulan get a overpower ship, feds and kdf complain.

    i think some of you are way to spoiled.
    look at all the ships feds and kdf have
    compared to romulans.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    artanisen wrote: »
    i find this kinda funny TBH,

    fed get a overpower ship, no one would complain.
    kdf get a overpower ships, feds complain
    romulan get a overpower ship, feds and kdf complain.

    The only poster with a Klingon avatar I could find in this thread didn't complain.
    You're missing something in constructing your argument there.:)
    Also, while I've seen a "give us a Fed Scimitar" thread, I've not yet seen a "give us a Klingon Scimitar" thread so...nope.

    I also don't think it's overpowered.
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Scimitar is made for war, it is made for mass murder, galaxy is made for what? planetary defence and assistance? bortasqu is made as command ship for the fleet?

    Isn't scimitar meant to be a "predator" that works alone and fills every role by being it's own fleet?

    The ship is powerful because it simply has no place in exploration or assistance missions. It's full of WAR!
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    artanisen wrote: »
    i find this kinda funny TBH,

    fed get a overpower ship, no one would complain.
    kdf get a overpower ship, feds complain
    romulan get a overpower ship, feds and kdf complain.

    i think some of you are way to spoiled.
    look at all the ships feds and kdf have
    compared to romulans.

    I am getting a little bit tired of these kinds of comments.

    You seem to think that all feds are whiny ninny-hammers.

    There are some people who are voicing their concerns about it, some are more vocal than others.

    First of all, as a cruiser captain, I don't find any cruisers the feds have to be OP. Aside from that, I heard some rumblings about the Kumari being OP, but personally I find its kind of a nuisance more than anything as people just tend to die constantly in it. It is very fragile. It can be powerful, but it has enough drawbacks to be at least close to balance.

    I wouldn't say KDF ships are overpowered compared to fed ships. I would just say they are better in certain areas, mainly the important areas like damage potential.

    Romulan ships may be few and far between, but its about quality rather than quantity. You can look through the various escorts and find virtually any combination of things that you would want for layouts comparatively speaking in regards to the other factions.

    They were really lacking in decent cruisers, but not anymore with the scimitar. Maybe in the realm of science vessels they lack a bit.

    For myself, I am not crying nerf on the scimitar, but rather am getting a bit annoyed that new things keep coming out for this new faction than are a step above everything else that is in the game currently. Not quite to OP level, but the trend is starting to make me worry. I am really starting to regret ever putting money into any other previous ships at this point, and I am getting more and more hesitant to buy anything as with this trend in mind, I might as well save my cash for the next new faction whos ships will be a little bit of a step up from the romulan ones, and so on and so forth.
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    I am getting a little bit tired of these kinds of comments.

    You seem to think that all feds are whiny ninny-hammers.

    There are some people who are voicing their concerns about it, some are more vocal than others.

    First of all, as a cruiser captain, I don't find any cruisers the feds have to be OP. Aside from that, I heard some rumblings about the Kumari being OP, but personally I find its kind of a nuisance more than anything as people just tend to die constantly in it. It is very fragile. It can be powerful, but it has enough drawbacks to be at least close to balance.

    I wouldn't say KDF ships are overpowered compared to fed ships. I would just say they are better in certain areas, mainly the important areas like damage potential.

    Romulan ships may be few and far between, but its about quality rather than quantity. You can look through the various escorts and find virtually any combination of things that you would want for layouts comparatively speaking in regards to the other factions.

    They were really lacking in decent cruisers, but not anymore with the scimitar. Maybe in the realm of science vessels they lack a bit.

    For myself, I am not crying nerf on the scimitar, but rather am getting a bit annoyed that new things keep coming out for this new faction than are a step above everything else that is in the game currently. Not quite to OP level, but the trend is starting to make me worry. I am really starting to regret ever putting money into any other previous ships at this point, and I am getting more and more hesitant to buy anything as with this trend in mind, I might as well save my cash for the next new faction whos ships will be a little bit of a step up from the romulan ones, and so on and so forth.

    yes, i do think majority of Feds are drama queens. one of the reason i dont
    play fed character any more...

    i can see your point with the quality and quantity part.

    i just think its funny, every single time somethings about to come out
    or the devs mention there working on something. people complain
    about things being OP 2 months before the damn content even out.
  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wait, so your complaining that the Scimitar will be more powerful than older ships? Say it aint so!

    You know why the new Scimitar will be more powerful than those other ships you mention? Because its NEW. New ships are better than old ships. I prove this point almost everyday when I 1 vs 1 the Bugship and win everytime in my Fleet Dhelan. New ships will keep coming too. One day the Scimi will be old, and something new will rise.

    They are not going to buff your old ships because they can make more money releasing new stuff and not buffing items that pretty much everyone already owns. I own every ship in the C Store and i am happy the way they are. They are retro, the scimi is not. Gotta deal with it :)
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    artanisen wrote: »
    yes, i do think majority of Feds are drama queens. one of the reason i dont
    play fed character any more...

    i can see your point with the quality and quantity part.

    i just think its funny, every single time somethings about to come out
    or the devs mention there working on something. people complain
    about things being OP 2 months before the damn content even out.

    The majority of Feds, or players for that matter, don't even use the forums so that is kind of an unfair generalization.

    A more accurate assessment would be that the majority of Fed players don't know how to build a decent ship, but I would honestly extend that to just include all players. I have seen some pretty terrible KDF players. You will see the gap closing more and more as the factions even out now as well. You saw less drama queens in the KDF because there were less players. Now that the pool is getting bigger, except more. Its just the nature of these kinds of games.

    And the STO community doesn't hold the patent on complaining. Every single MMO I have ever played has had the same issue. Some of it is legitimate complaints, some of it is not. Its also not JUST the feds complaining.

    This game though is by far the most blatant in the way it adds new things to make them money, which is mainly the reason I am voicing my opinion on this topic.
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »

    This game though is by far the most blatant in the way it adds new things to make them money, which is mainly the reason I am voicing my opinion on this topic.

    of course they need to make money, they got bills to pay.
  • gonjaagonjaa Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    The majority of Feds, or players for that matter, don't even use the forums so that is kind of an unfair generalization.

    A more accurate assessment would be that the majority of Fed players don't know how to build a decent ship, but I would honestly extend that to just include all players. I have seen some pretty terrible KDF players. You will see the gap closing more and more as the factions even out now as well. You saw less drama queens in the KDF because there were less players. Now that the pool is getting bigger, except more. Its just the nature of these kinds of games.

    And the STO community doesn't hold the patent on complaining. Every single MMO I have ever played has had the same issue. Some of it is legitimate complaints, some of it is not. Its also not JUST the feds complaining.

    This game though is by far the most blatant in the way it adds new things to make them money, which is mainly the reason I am voicing my opinion on this topic.

    What a silly thing to complain about.
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    artanisen wrote: »
    of course they need to make money, they got bills to pay.

    Oh no doubt they do and I understand that. Its just that I have never seen it presented in such a blatant way as the way this game does it.

    $10 for the low level variant (read: console), $25 for the higher level one for its console. Then $5 more for the fleet version. Put them all together and you get a 2 and 3 piece set bonus.

    Or give us $50 for a 3 pack for the console bonus.

    Not saying they don't need to make money, but it just gets a bit excessive. Some other games devs at least pretend that they don't see their customers as ATMs.

    gonjaa wrote: »
    What a silly thing to complain about.

    Ok. Thank you? :rolleyes:
  • ericshatnerericshatner Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    My 2 ec on this is that it is a PvE ship, and as a result the power creep is pretty irrelevant. This ship will get toasted in PvP, the only area where ship balance really matters.

    There is a small population, maybe 5% of players out there using any ship class well getting very high dps and survivability out of Odysseys, Vestas, Kumaris and lock box ships. The Scimitar *might* join those ranks. It looks fun. Even if it's 10% better than any of those ships (and it probably isn't), it will still not change the fact that most players won't get the most out of it and the same people will dominate your ESTF or whatever. And it just won't matter.
  • stongbadsstongbads Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wufangchu wrote: »
    That means you have essentially a very big mogai style ship with halfway decent ( but still minimal ) hull specs.. It has a 7 turn rate :lol:; i can see some layouts with rows after rows of RCS consoles lined up just to get this thing to move..

    And to add insult to injury, only 1 hangar. Such a waste. All you have to do is light the paperbag that it came in on fire and place it at the doorstep of a Tact cube and hope they come out and stamp it out.
  • this1isavailablethis1isavailable Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    cha0s1428 wrote: »
    I wouldn't say KDF ships are overpowered compared to fed ships. I would just say they are better in certain areas, mainly the important areas like damage potential.
    More damage potential? There are no 5 tact consoles raptors and none of the battlecruisers support a double aux2bat+APO 1 build (unless you wanna try a tor'kaht without sci skills in pvp).

    Plus the only 2 battlecruisers coming with 4 (or more) tactical consoles are the fleet tor'kaht and the bortas, sure you can try cannons on the tor'kaht but it's nowhere as good as a real tanky escort like the somraw.

    And finally the probably best 2a2b beam boat (in my opinion the fleet k'tinga, the kamarag having a laughable 25 inertia rating to help it bleeding defense) has only 3 tact consoles and lower hull than some escorts. Now compare it to fleet Excelsior and fleet assault cruiser...

    Well appart of a bortas alpha strike I don't see how KDF ships have more damage potential :confused:

    EDIT : obviously I am talking about pvp because the bortas is probably awesome in pve.
  • papertoastypapertoasty Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    dark4blood wrote: »
    Because the Scimitar IS more adaptable and powerful than than the Galaxy X and Bort. I said this when I made my blog about why it didn't needed to be added to the game and now here come the incoming complaints. Let me remind you about the REAL stat difference between the 3 ships. I really don't think people know HOW nerfed this ship had to be to even match anything in this game. It is EQUIVALENT to a Borg Cube in firepower.

    Scimitar class:

    890 meters
    Width: 1350 meters
    Armaments: 52 disruptor banks; 27 torpedo launchers
    Defences: regenerative deflector shields; cloaking device
    Systems: thalaron generator
    Auxiliary craft: 40+ Scorpion-class fighters

    Galaxy X:

    11 phaser arrays; 3 photon torpedo launchers
    Defences: deflector shields, cloaking device
    Auxiliary craft: workbees; Federation shuttlecraft, shuttlepods; runabouts; captain's yacht

    Borg Cube:

    Crew: 640,000 drones
    Speed: warp 9.99; transwarp drive
    Armaments: 36 adaptive weapon arrays; 12 focused neutron beam banks; 24 tractor beam emitters, shield depletion pulse
    Defences: regenerative shields
    Auxiliary craft: 1 Borg sphere

    I really think people don't consider what they are asking for when they make threads like this as these ships were NEVER made to be comparable. The Scimitar is a MONSTER, the stats are not supposed to match ANY other non-ultra ships in Star Trek. The only other ship besides the Cube that could match it is maybe the Dinosaur ship from Voyager.

    very true.
    for all the 'hard core' trek geeks out there, they seemed to have forgotten about these and other super ships that could/would walk over anything the feds, klinks, and rommys could throw at them.
    that dino ship from voyager would be a, well, a t-rex to stand toe-to-te with.
    but lets not forget about the tac cube as well. a standard cube was a force to be reckoned with, imagine how first contact would have turned out if that cube was a tac instead of a normal one . . .

    and for all the complainers, 'nerf this its OP', look what it took to destroy the cube in first contact and the scimitar in Nemesis.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    and for all the complainers, 'nerf this its OP', look what it took to destroy the cube in first contact and the scimitar in Nemesis.

    a Phaser to the knee
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    artanisen wrote: »
    of course they need to make money, they got bills to pay.

    Adding new items is fine and good, it helps Cryptic and it helps the players. Making every new item more OP than all of the items that came before it is not fine and good. It actually hurts their sales volume by making older catalog items obsolete and undesirable. All they can sell is the new stuff, and nobody buys the old stuff. Thus it becomes self-fulfilling, they must make every new thing even more OP, because they made the previous things more OP.

    If they had ships and packs that were all good, people would buy more than just the latest thing
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think they did a great job making the Scimitar reflect its canonical counterpart. I was surprised it has a thalaron weapon, since the Romulan FE series specifically states that those weapons are illegal in the Romulan Republic...
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • bullschizzybullschizzy Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yomatofan wrote: »
    If all the dreadnoughts are supposed to be "balanced" like the D'Deridex is supposed to be the Romulan mirror to the Negh'var and Galaxy. Then WHY is the Scimitar about 10 times more powerful with a better tactical layout, better consoles and superior firepower. Anybody notice how ships like the Galaxy-X Dreadnought have been shafted again!

    so they can push this ROMULAN agenda....thats why...:D
    "buying a subscription to STO is a lot like feeding pigeons, you give them food, they give you.......well you know":rolleyes:
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Then why dont you get lost. Pack up your troubles and walk away and take your nasty comment with you. Cryptic is a business. They need to make things to sell to suvive. As someone said in another thread. How do you think they survive? Selling Unicorn Farts?

    I think Cryptic do an excellent job despite nasty abuse from people like you.

    Thats exactly what they sold me with my Regent ship :mad:

    For those saying the Thalaron blast is useless, Im not going to ever buy one, but wouldnt it be wise to travel in a wolf pack with one Scimmy and two other ships? First ship traps it with a tractor or gravity well, when that wears off the next ship tractors it, then when that wears off the Scimmy tractors it, and by that time the Death Ray has fully charged. POOF their dead.
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
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