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Star Trek Online: These are the voyages... (a role-play thread. All welcome!)



  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    [U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Ensign's Quarters]

    *Ensign Wil was writing up a report on his PADD while drinking a mug of jestral tea. He has been temporarily reassigned to the U.S.S. Bunker Hill after the evacuation of the U.S.S. Vancouver, with the task of acting as the Admiral's liaison and a familiar face for the rest of the Vancouver crew. After several years working aboard a deep space science vessel, the relatively fast-paced duty aboard a multi-mission recon vessel came as somewhat of a shock to certain members of the crew. It was Wil's job to help them adjust.

    The clear-glass monitor atop his desk started beeping with the accompanying notification "Incoming Transmission."*

    Wil: Accept.

    *On the screen appeared a familiar Andorian face, and Wil instantly straightened up.*

    Wil: Captain Thryiss! To what do I owe the pleasure?

    Thryiss: Just checking in, Ensign. I heard you were made the representative of our crew aboard the Bunker Hill, and I wanted to see how things were going.

    Wil: Thank you, Captain! Not much to report; your officers are performing admirably and they seem to be well received among the rest of the crew!

    Thryiss: I'm glad to hear it. And what of Mr. Shrod?

    Wil: Unfortunately, there's been no progress yet, but the doctors are working around the clock to find out what's wrong and how to bring him back. There's just no way of knowing how these particle entities interact with other lifeforms. Our scanners don't know what to look for.

    *Thryiss lets out a sigh.*

    Thryiss: Well, the important thing is that he's still alive. That makes me breathe a little easier.

    Wil: Agreed. And how are the repairs of the Vancouver coming along?

    Thryiss: We're moving again, and that's all that matters. Once we get to Earth Space Dock, she'll be fully repaired and temporarily decommissioned. Which reminds me, Ensign. Have you thought of where you'd like to be assigned after your debriefing?

    Wil: I have, sir, but I haven't made up my mind. I was perhaps considering signing up for duty aboard the U.S.S. Quadra.

    Thryiss: Oh, don't do that. The Quadra's been running the same patrol missions since I served aboard it as a Lieutenant. I'm pretty sure she still has the same Captain, too.

    Wil: Hah, thanks for the advice, Captain.

    Thryiss: Though, tell you what. After a bit of shore leave, I'll be taking command of the U.S.S. Sunstone, a Prometheus-Class starship, and I'm gonna need somebody with some advanced tactical know-how to be my chief tactical officer and chief of security.

    *She looked at him expectantly.*

    Wil: Me, sir?! Uh, I-I'd be honoured! That would be amazing! Thank you so much, Captain!

    Thryiss: No, Ensign, I should be thanking you. Your performances as of late of been exemplary, and I'd be happy to have a Starfleet officer like you on my bridge. I've put in a good word to Starfleet Headquarters. There's just... one problem.

    Wil: Captain?

    Thryiss: These positions bear a great amount of responsibility, especially for an Ensign. These duties are usually given to higher ranked officers. But who knows, there might be another pip waiting for you at your debriefing. Thryiss out.

    *With a subtle wink, Thryiss disappears from the screen, and Wil sits back in his chair with a grin.*

    Lieutenant Leko Wil...
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    *Sol system, after the Effect has subsided. The Black Phantom remains cloaked and power has been routed back to all systems, since the temporal shield can be disengaged.*

    Voporak: Oh, how painful a lesson it is when one does not handle time correctly. If only they had seen what I have seen.

    Omet'etan: Do we decloak?

    Voporak: No, let's just let them figure out that we disappeared in all the commotion. And see how long it takes until someone higher in command remembers that we have a cloaking device. Helm...

    *He pauses*

    Helmsman: Sir?

    Voporak: I'm wondering where we should go. *after a moment* Set course for the Z-6 sector, warp 9.


    *Invisibly, the Phantom comes about and jumps to warp...*

    OOC: I will be gone from tomorrow until next Saturday (a little over a week). Plenty time to get to the Z-6 sector, I'm sure.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • kylelockekylelocke Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    [U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-91895, Odyssey-class Star Cruiser]

    *As the the streamlined hull of the Federation starship Excalibur approached the Sol System the sensors began going wild as it detected the edge of the temporal anomaly that had engulfed the much of the Vulcan Sector*

    One of Five: Sir! Detecting remnants of the temporal anomaly ahead of us, I recommend that we come to a full stop.

    Kyle: Agreed. Sai, take us out of warp.

    Sai: Taking us out of warp, outside of the anomaly.

    *The Odyssey-class Star Cruiser came to a stop and floated on the very edge of the Vulcan solar system.*

    Jasmine: Can you give us an analysis One?

    One of Five: Sensors indicate that the anomaly has stopped expanding and has mostly dissipated. Whatever was cause has ceased functioning however there still are some pockets left

    Kyle: Is there a way to stabilise the area?

    One of Five: If we were to disperse chroniton particles adjusted to our own temporal phase variance using a resonance pulse from the main deflector at the epicentre of the distortion and irradiated the area with those particles we should be able to repair whatever damage was done to subspace.

    Konovuh: Sir! We do have a compliment of Chroniton Torpedoes, perhaps we could remove the payload and attach them to some Class-2 probes. We can also use the Runabouts to help reduce the time it will take to deploy them.

    One of Five: Due to the nature of the anomaly we will need to equip both the runabout and the probes.

    Kyle: I've never really liked those torpedoes to begin with, you have my permission to get started on those modifications. You've both just earned some extra down time on your next shore leave.

    Konovuh and One of Five: Uh...Thank you sir.

    *With the help of much of the crew the modifications to the runabouts took less time than had been expected, with the three runabouts immediately deployed afterwards. Each one warping to different points around the Sol System*

    Irak'tlan: This is Kokoda, we've deployed the probes.

    Sai: Hamilton reporting in, the probes are in position.

    Jasmine: Ravenna, all probes deployed.

    Three of Five: Probes are in position.

    One of Five: Temporal Phase Variance settings have been adjusted to our own and particle saturation is within acceptable parameters.

    Kyle: Now let?s get this show on the road. Fire!

    *The captain shouted and each vessel fired off a modified resonance pulse at a cluster of the probes to use the following detonation and shockwave to disperse the altered chroniton particles across the sector and stabilise the region.*

    One of Five: Dispersal rate is good, no fluctuations detected.

    Kyle: Even though we were late to the main event, hopefully this will ensure that no one else creates an anomaly within this sector of space for a while at least. Call our runabouts back. Once they're aboard I want you to plot a course for spacedock. We need to replace the torpedoes we've used and this time tell them to give us transphasic torpedoes or quantum torpedoes.
    "I will make the Orion Syndicate face the light of justice or burn them with it." - Captainl Kyle Nathaniel Locke, U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-98105-C
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    *Manheim Research Station, Earth Orbit. Soval and a team of Starfleet Security Officers are searching the Station for Dr Lassiter after confirmation from Station Security that he caused the accident.

    Soval eventually ends up walking into one of the computer labs, hearing footsteps around the corner.*

    Dr Lassiter: I can hear you coming, Admiral.

    Soval: Dr Lassiter, as an Admiral in the United Earth Space Probe Agency and United Federation of Planets, I am required to place you under arrest.

    Dr Lassiter: Unfortunately, I am rather busy right now. I simply do not have time.

    *Soval turns around the corner and finds no one there. He takes his phaser and sets it to stun.*

    You see Admiral, time truly is the fire in which we burn. Every fleeting moment of our existence is charred by consequence fuelled by those who should never have lived, never have died, or those who should never have been assimilated at Vega Colony.

    Soval: Doctor, your attempt to incite an emotional response from me is not only obvious, but highly illogical.

    Dr Lassiter: Are you saying you would not attempt to save Lt DeSalle, given the chance? What about your Captain, for that matter?

    Soval: Doctor, your arguments are irrational. By interfering in temporal mechanics, you place the entire time-stream at risk.

    Dr Lassiter: Perhaps. I do know this; I will not be remembered. None of us will. But, I will make a difference, even if no one can realise it. I shall craft a better world.

    Soval: Soval to Bunker Hill.

    T'las *Over Comm*: Bunker Hill here.

    Soval: Are you picking up Doctor Lassiter's life signs?

    T'las *Over Comm*: Negative.

    *Soval places his phaser back in its holster.*

    Dr Lassiter: Time is the fire in which we burn, Admiral. It is a predator that stalks us all our lives, never allowing us to correct our mistakes.

    *Soval walks around the room, spotting a device on the ground and kneeling down next to it. He picks it up and finds that it is a communicator.*

    And I'm afraid our time has run out. It was interesting to speak with you, Admiral, but I have loose ends I need to tie up.

    Loose ends within the room you are standing in.

    *He hears the communicator cut out, followed by a low-toned beep from a console. He looks up to see the console displaying a countdown from 2 minutes. He hears another tone.

    U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Bridge. The Bridge crew can hear the situation over the comm-link.*

    T'las: Beam him out of there!

    Ores: I can't! There's some kind of dampening field in place!

    *Back on the Station, Soval is staring at the console as he slowly advances on it, and with a final tone, the countdown begins.*

    T'las *Over Comm*: Admiral, get out of there!

    Soval: Negative, Commander. Without transporters, there is no time to facilitate a complete evacuation. My only option is to attempt to disarm the device.

    *He takes out his Tricorder, activating the holo-interface and linking it up with the console. He begins his attempt to disarm the bomb.*

    T'las *Over Comm*: Admiral--!

    Soval: Commander, you must attempt to facilitate whatever evacuations you can in the event I fail.

    T'las *Over Comm*: Soval--

    Soval: You have your orders, Commander.

    Soval out.

    *He continues his attempts, finding himself locked out each time.*

    Very well.

    *He comes out of the link-up with the console and switches to the forcefield protecting the device itself, the countdown now in the final minute.

    After about 30 seconds, he manages to hack into the system and disable the force field. He stands back about 30 meters from the device before taking out his phaser and setting it to Level 16 - the highest level. He fires, barely vaporising the bomb's outer casing and blasting several other consoles as the device is disintegrated.

    Consoles and conduits begin to spark and explode throughout the room, before a final explosion fills the room and a column comes down on Soval as the searing heat scorches past.

    U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Bridge.*

    Ores: Commander, I just picked up an explosion inside that chamber!

    T'las: Bunker Hill to Vice Admiral Soval, come in please!

    Commander T'las to Vice Admiral Soval, respond!

    Repeat, T'las to Soval, please respond!

    Soval *Over Comm*: Soval here.

    T'las: Thank...

    What's your status?

    Soval *Over Comm*: Alive, Commander.

    T'las: Was that sarcasm, Admiral?

    Soval *Over Comm*: A statement of fact, Commander.

    However, I believe it may be necessary to be met by medical personnel upon my return.

    T'las: They'll be waiting in Transporter Room 1.

    *Transporter Room 1. A small Medical Team has assembled in the Transporter Room, with T'las just walking through the door. She nods to the Transporter Chief.*

    Transporter Chief: This is Transporter Room 1 to Vice Admiral Soval, we are ready for transport.

    Soval *Over Comm*: Energise.

    *The Chief places his fingers on the three columns of the transporter console's holo-interface. He runs his fingers up the columns as the fill and the transporter comes to life. When the columns are filled completely, he brings his fingers back down and the transport process completes, with Soval standing on the pad.

    Soval's 2370s issue Admiralty Uniform is charred and torn in places, with his skin dotted with burns, bruises, and a small cut on his forehead, with green blood slowly oozing out. An injury that should leave humans struggling to stand has not had the same effect on the Vulcan Flag Officer.

    The lieutenant leading the team walks over and takes his tricorder's medical scanner, scanning Soval.*

    Medic: Mild 1st and 2nd degree burns, 2 fractured ribs, a fractured right humorous, some moderate bruising and a couple of cuts.

    Overall, nothing too serious. At least, not for a Vulcan. You'll wanna stop by Sickbay to get those fractures treated though.

    Soval: Thank you, lieutenant.

    *He looks at T'las.*

    Under the circumstances, I believe it would be appropriate to add "attempted murder" to the list of charges against Dr. Lassiter.
  • kylelockekylelocke Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    [U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-91895, Odyssey-class Star Cruiser, Sol System]

    Helmsman: The Runabouts have returned sir, setting coordinates for Earth Spacedock.

    Kyle: Good, I'll be in my ready room.

    Three of Five: Here are the reports sir. Jasmine, Irak'tlan and Sai have gone through decontamination and are on their way to the bridge.

    Kyle: Thanks. Vulcan Mocha, hot.

    *He retrieved the coffee from the replicator and then took the PADD from Three of Five's hand*

    Three of Five: Might I ask why you are against the use of Chroniton Weapons sir?

    Kyle: Have you read the mission logs from the U.S.S. Voyager?

    Three of Five: I am aware that Voyager's crew member reported to the captain of being exposed to Chroniton Particles.

    Kyle: Then you are also aware that it also made her 'jump' through time or so the reports claim. It is for that reason alone that I will not allow anyone to be exposed to Chroniton based weaponry despite the claims that Chroniton radiation is harmless.

    Three of Five: If I may speak freely, your posture and voice indicates that it sounds personal.

    Kyle: It is personal because I don't want my people put into a similar situation and as captain I have to look out for the crew. Even if the chances are slim, the risk is still there. If you're done psycho-analysing me, you're dismissed.

    Three of Five: Yes sir.

    *The Liberated Borg headed for the door, however looked over her shoulder with slight concern as her captain continued to looked through his 'paper work' and then exited the room with the doors hissing behind her. As the Excalibur drew closer to Earth, Kyle's personal communication channel received a personal invite to Club 47 at Earth Spacedock and he glared at it, despite its seemingly innocent nature of the message.*

    Kyle: Another mission, huh?
    "I will make the Orion Syndicate face the light of justice or burn them with it." - Captainl Kyle Nathaniel Locke, U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-98105-C
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    *Starfleet Headquarters, Earth. Soval is standing before 3 Starfleet Admirals; Quinn, Yanishev, and Hill. T'las is standing next to him.*

    Hill: Vice Admiral Soval, you are aware that this is an informal hearing to ascertain whether a Court Martial is necessary, not a formal trial?

    Soval: Yes sir.

    Quinn: Commander T'las, the charges do not extend to you.

    T'las: With respect, Admirals, I am First Officer. If I share in responsibility for the ship's safety, then I share the blame too.

    Besides, it was my suggestion to violate the quarantine.

    Soval: Unacceptable. Sirs, I was in Command, and I gave the order. Commander T'las should not be held accountable for my actions.

    Hill: Admiral Soval, do you realise that by doing this, you take full responsibility for disobeying Starfleet Headquarters on orders transmitted on a Priority 1 Channel, the highest order that can be given in wartime second to that of the Commander-in-Chief?

    Soval: I do.

    Yanishev: Admirals, I think it is important to remember that Starfleet Regulations required Vice Admiral Soval to assist any civilian in distress. The Priority 1 Disaster Code orders could be considered a distress call, and Sol certainly has many civilians.

    These regulations can only be set aside on the order of the President, which was not given at the time.

    Also, had the Vice Admiral failed, we would not be able to hold this hearing - or any subsequent Court Martial!

    Quinn: Agreed, on that point.

    I motion that all charges against Vice Admiral Soval be dropped.

    Yanishev: Seconded.

    Hill: Very well.

    All charges against Vice Admiral Soval shall be dropped.
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    [U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Mess Hall]

    *Ensign Wil was sitting at a table with Kate Reese and Brim Tanes, former members of the Vancouver crew.*

    Reese: ...He couldn't believe it! He said he's never seen anyone run a level 5 diagnostic so fast. He even checked over my entire work just to see that I actually got it all done. He was appalled! Though he wouldn't admit it, being a Vulcan and all.

    Brim: Hah, no kidding. I betcha he was pretty damned impressed though! I wish I had a chance to show my SO what I can really do. They just didn't have enough work for all the extra science officers they got stuck with. I had more free time than I knew what to do with.

    Reese: Get used to it, Tanes! Once debriefing is is over and done with, we got plenty of shore leave to look forward to!

    Brim: Man, I can't wait to be back on Bajor with my wife and kids again! When do we leave, again?

    Wil: The shuttles are scheduled to arrive at 0600 tomorrow.

    Brim: Why do they always have to make things so early on these ships?

    Reese: So Leko, what's going on with Lieutenant Shrod? Where's he gonna go?

    Wil: As soon as we get to Headquarters, they're gonna send him straight to Starfleet Medical.

    Reese: It's so sad. I hope they can wake him up soon.

    Wil: Yeah. Me too.

    *The three of them continued to talk about their plans during shore leave. After some time, Reese and Brim set off to bed, and Wil decided to follow suit.

    He entered the turbolift*

    Wil: Deck 19, Crew Quarters.

    *The turbolift accelerated*

    Wil: Halt... Sickbay.

    *The turbolift accelerated once again.

    The Sickbay lights were dimmed to reflect the nighttime aesthetic, and Shrod was resting in the Intensive Care Unit, still as motionless as he has been since their arrival on the Bunker Hill. A doctor was sitting in the office, going over some readings. Wil stood beside Shrod.*

    Wil: Well, sir. We're going home... At least there's that...

    *Wil paid his respects by placing his hand on Shrod's shoulder. Upon doing so, Shrod's antenna twitched.*

    Wil: Doctor!

    *The doctor looked through the window and saw Wil's mixed expression of concern and amazement. He then leapt from his seat and ran to the biobed.*

    Doctor: His neural activity is increasing!

    *Shrod's hand raised slightly.*

    Wil: Is he waking up?

    Doctor: Possibly. Wait...

    Shrod: Trrr...

    Wil: Doctor??

    Doctor: His neural readings aren't matching his records.

    Wil: What does that mean?

    Shrod: Trrrr....

    Wil: Doctor?!

    Doctor: I'm not sure... It's almost as though he's not him.

    Wil: What?

    Doctor: Like it's the mind of someone else. As though something is using his brain to emit its own consciousness.

    Wil: How is that possible?

    Shrod: Trrraaapped.... Trapped!...

    Wil: Trapped? What do you mean by trapped?

    Shrod: Trapped!... We... Are trapped!...

    Wil: Trapped in what?

    Shrod: We are trapped!!

    *Shrod's eyes opened to reveal a green glow behind them. He jumped off the biobed and shoved Wil with so much force, he was thrown across the room. He grabbed the doctor by the throat, and launched him through the office window. Wil tapped his combadge.*

    Wil: Security to sickbay! NOW!

    *Wil hopped to his feet, ran towards Shrod and threw his arms around him in an attempt to detain him, but was nowhere near strong enough to hold him. Wil was once again thrown across the room. Three security officers ran through the sickbay doors.*

    Wil: Don't kill him!

    Security Officer: Set phasers to stun.

    *All three of them fired their phasers. The blasts propelled Shrod back into the wall, but he was still standing*

    Security Officer: Increase setting!

    *They fired again. This time Shrod was knocked off his feet, but he quickly began to prop himself up.*

    Security Officer: Increase again!

    Wil: No!

    *Wil got up and ran into the office. He wiped the shattered glass off the console and accessed the quarantine forcefield controls. As Shrod got to his feet, Wil erected a high level forcefield around the biobed. Shrod moved forward and collided with it. Filled with rage and confusion, he started punching and bashing against the forcefield, but with no effect.
    Wil tapped his combadge*

    Wil: Ensign Wil to Admiral Soval. We have a situation in Sickbay...
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    [U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Mess Hall]

    *Ensign Wil was sitting at a table with Kate Reese and Brim Tanes, former members of the Vancouver crew.*

    Reese: ...He couldn't believe it! He said he's never seen anyone run a level 5 diagnostic so fast. He even checked over my entire work just to see that I actually got it all done. He was appalled! Though he wouldn't admit it, being a Vulcan and all.

    Brim: Hah, no kidding. I betcha he was pretty damned impressed though! I wish I had a chance to show my SO what I can really do. They just didn't have enough work for all the extra science officers they got stuck with. I had more free time than I knew what to do with.

    Reese: Get used to it, Tanes! Once debriefing is is over and done with, we got plenty of shore leave to look forward to!

    Brim: Man, I can't wait to be back on Bajor with my wife and kids again! When do we leave, again?

    Wil: The shuttles are scheduled to arrive at 0600 tomorrow.

    Brim: Why do they always have to make things so early on these ships?

    Reese: So Leko, what's going on with Lieutenant Shrod? Where's he gonna go?

    Wil: As soon as we get to Headquarters, they're gonna send him straight to Starfleet Medical.

    Reese: It's so sad. I hope they can wake him up soon.

    Wil: Yeah. Me too.

    *The three of them continued to talk about their plans during shore leave. After some time, Reese and Brim set off to bed, and Wil decided to follow suit.

    He entered the turbolift*

    Wil: Deck 19, Crew Quarters.

    *The turbolift accelerated*

    Wil: Halt... Sickbay.

    *The turbolift accelerated once again.

    The Sickbay lights were dimmed to reflect the nighttime aesthetic, and Shrod was resting in the Intensive Care Unit, still as motionless as he has been since their arrival on the Bunker Hill. A doctor was sitting in the office, going over some readings. Wil stood beside Shrod.*

    Wil: Well, sir. We're going home... At least there's that...

    *Wil paid his respects by placing his hand on Shrod's shoulder. Upon doing so, Shrod's antenna twitched.*

    Wil: Doctor!

    *The doctor looked through the window and saw Wil's mixed expression of concern and amazement. He then leapt from his seat and ran to the biobed.*

    Doctor: His neural activity is increasing!

    *Shrod's hand raised slightly.*

    Wil: Is he waking up?

    Doctor: Possibly. Wait...

    Shrod: Trrr...

    Wil: Doctor??

    Doctor: His neural readings aren't matching his records.

    Wil: What does that mean?

    Shrod: Trrrr....

    Wil: Doctor?!

    Doctor: I'm not sure... It's almost as though he's not him.

    Wil: What?

    Doctor: Like it's the mind of someone else. As though something is using his brain to emit its own consciousness.

    Wil: How is that possible?

    Shrod: Trrraaapped.... Trapped!...

    Wil: Trapped? What do you mean by trapped?

    Shrod: Trapped!... We... Are trapped!...

    Wil: Trapped in what?

    Shrod: We are trapped!!

    *Shrod's eyes opened to reveal a green glow behind them. He jumped off the biobed and shoved Wil with so much force, he was thrown across the room. He grabbed the doctor by the throat, and launched him through the office window. Wil tapped his combadge.*

    Wil: Security to sickbay! NOW!

    *Wil hopped to his feet, ran towards Shrod and threw his arms around him in an attempt to detain him, but was nowhere near strong enough to hold him. Wil was once again thrown across the room. Three security officers ran through the sickbay doors.*

    Wil: Don't kill him!

    Security Officer: Set phasers to stun.

    *All three of them fired their phasers. The blasts propelled Shrod back into the wall, but he was still standing*

    Security Officer: Increase setting!

    *They fired again. This time Shrod was knocked off his feet, but he quickly began to prop himself up.*

    Security Officer: Increase again!

    Wil: No!

    *Wil got up and ran into the office. He wiped the shattered glass off the console and accessed the quarantine forcefield controls. As Shrod got to his feet, Wil erected a high level forcefield around the biobed. Shrod moved forward and collided with it. Filled with rage and confusion, he started punching and bashing against the forcefield, but with no effect.
    Wil tapped his combadge*

    Wil: Ensign Wil to Admiral Soval. We have a situation in Sickbay...

    *U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Bridge. T'las looks at Soval worriedly. Soval nods to her and Sylix.*

    Soval: On my way.


    *T'las and Soval follow him towards the port Deck 1 Access Corridor.*

    Commander Gardra, you have the Bridge!

    Gardra: Yes sir!

    *The 3 leave the Bridge.

    5 minutes later, they enter Sickbay and see Shrod punching the containment field. Soval looks to Wil.*

    Soval: What happened Ensign?

    T'las: Computer, activate Emergency Medical Holographic Program.

    *The EMH appears.*

    EMH: Please state the nature of the medical...

    *He notices Shrod punching the forcefield and trails off.*

    Never mind. I'm a Doctor, not a security guard!

    T'las: Run a medical analysis.

    EMH: Very well.

    *Sylix walks over, holding a tricorder in hand, watching the holographic display as it scanned Shrod.*

    Sylix: Fascinating.

    Soval: Commander?

    Sylix: There appears to be some form of strange energy inhabiting the Lieutenant.

    What can you tell us about what happened, Ensign?
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Bridge. T'las looks at Soval worriedly. Soval nods to her and Sylix.*

    Soval: On my way.


    *T'las and Soval follow him towards the port Deck 1 Access Corridor.*

    Commander Gardra, you have the Bridge!

    Gardra: Yes sir!

    *The 3 leave the Bridge.

    5 minutes later, they enter Sickbay and see Shrod punching the containment field. Soval looks to Wil.*

    Soval: What happened Ensign?

    T'las: Computer, activate Emergency Medical Holographic Program.

    *The EMH appears.*

    EMH: Please state the nature of the medical...

    *He notices Shrod punching the forcefield and trails off.*

    Never mind. I'm a Doctor, not a security guard!

    T'las: Run a medical analysis.

    EMH: Very well.

    *Sylix walks over, holding a tricorder in hand, watching the holographic display as it scanned Shrod.*

    Sylix: Fascinating.

    Soval: Commander?

    Sylix: There appears to be some form of strange energy inhabiting the Lieutenant.

    What can you tell us about what happened, Ensign?

    *Wil knelt down to tend to the doctor, who gave him a quick nod and thumbs-up as he managed to get to his feet.*

    Wil: Sir, the doctor said that something might be using the Lieutenant's brain to... project itself, in a way. These Barrier Particles, you said they were most likely a form of life, right? It seems they could also be sentient, using Mr. Shrod's body as a puppet.

    Shrod: Trapped!!!

    Wil: He's been saying that all along, sir. And then he attacked us. Maybe the particles don't know how to get out of his body.
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    *Wil knelt down to tend to the doctor, who gave him a quick nod and thumbs-up as he managed to get to his feet.*

    Wil: Sir, the doctor said that something might be using the Lieutenant's brain to... project itself, in a way. These Barrier Particles, you said they were most likely a form of life, right? It seems they could also be sentient, using Mr. Shrod's body as a puppet.

    Shrod: Trapped!!!

    Wil: He's been saying that all along, sir. And then he attacked us. Maybe the particles don't know how to get out of his body.

    Soval: A logical conclusion, Ensign.

    *Soval walks up to Shrod.*

    I am Vice Admiral Soval, of the United Federation of Planets. Can you understand me?
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Soval: A logical conclusion, Ensign.

    *Soval walks up to Shrod.*

    I am Vice Admiral Soval, of the United Federation of Planets. Can you understand me?

    *Shrod stopped bashing his fists against the forcefield and looked Soval in the eye with a menacing grimace. The particle entities were gaining more intricate control over the Lieutenant's body.*

    Shrod: ...Admiral Soval, of the United Federation of Planets. Your kind has trapped us. Stripped us from our home, and imprisoned us. First, within the cold confines of your vessel. Now, within this organic structure. We demand that you release us and return us to our domicile, that which you have so violated. If you do not comply, our kind will be forced to retaliate. You have witnessed our power to obsolesce one of your vessels and commandeer this organic. We possess the ability to do so on a scale so great as to cripple your United Federation. Release us. Now!

    *Shrod thrusted his fist into the forcefield, leaving it there for a few seconds, making the forcefield flash uncontrollably.*
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    *Shrod stopped bashing his fists against the forcefield and looked Soval in the eye with a menacing grimace. The particle entities were gaining more intricate control over the Lieutenant's body.*

    Shrod: ...Admiral Soval, of the United Federation of Planets. Your kind has trapped us. Stripped us from our home, and imprisoned us. First, within the cold confines of your vessel. Now, within this organic structure. We demand that you release us and return us to our domicile, that which you have so violated. If you do not comply, our kind will be forced to retaliate. You have witnessed our power to obsolesce one of your vessels and commandeer this organic. We possess the ability to do so on a scale so great as to cripple your United Federation. Release us. Now!

    *Shrod thrusted his fist into the forcefield, leaving it there for a few seconds, making the forcefield flash uncontrollably.*

    Soval: Lower the forcefield.

    Security Lt: Sir?

    Soval: Now!

    *The security officer shuts down the forcefield.*

    We are sorry. Our people are... explorers. Our mission is to seek out new worlds - to learn about the universe. When the Vancouver... abducted you, it had no idea that you were a life form. We've never encountered a form of life like you before - our sensors couldn't tell. They meant you no harm - they were merely curious.

    We did not trap you in this organic - not intentionally. But, we want to help, if you'll let us.

    I am a Vulcan. My people are contact-telepaths. We can share our thoughts and memories.

    If you will let me, I can show you our sincerity.

    T'las: Soval... be careful.

    Soval: Your concern is... appreciated, Commander.

    *He returns his attention to Lt Shrod.*

    Will you let me help you?
  • illogicoillogico Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    I wanted to put in some cool intro for Voporak as the first reply. :D

    Simply, human, I am Romulan. You are not. You lack the capacity of our self sacrifice, as it is ingrained from birth and supplemented by example and history. You are more numerous but are never better simply by numbers but only by individual achievement. You will never understand our "ideal of enemy" which demonstrably claims and praises both those we defeat and sings paeans for those who us defeat. It was long ago we struck out separate from our Vulcan brothers as their choices were found by us to be too limiting, too subservient, and too failure prone.
    I am not certain I can explain this.... Once again, basically, our differences are at times immense and at other times are minuscule. If everyone does fight to win, so do we, but! We fight to win forever! no matter our personal sacrifice.
    As said D'Dar of Remus in 2069 (your date method!): "Sometimes you 'win,' sometimes you 'lose,' but only a Romulan knows true Victory is when that victory is well colored and odored and when the Warrior never finds fault with his own dedication and service."
    I've been tasked to clarify some details I forget are not common among all warriors:

    Wherein Victory is that or any outcome which does not deny nor denigrate ones Racial honor.
    Wherein honorable actions are not dependent on "my own" interpretations of our Romulan goals.
    Wherein Defeat is not that outcome that identifies any personal fault nor failure, nor excuse it, but may identify it, but only that which can cause pause to the success of the Romulan Way.

    Sooo? If you aren't Romulan you are dust.
    If you are dust, we need brooms or shovels.
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Soval: Lower the forcefield.

    Security Lt: Sir?

    Soval: Now!

    *The security officer shuts down the forcefield.*

    We are sorry. Our people are... explorers. Our mission is to seek out new worlds - to learn about the universe. When the Vancouver... abducted you, it had no idea that you were a life form. We've never encountered a form of life like you before - our sensors couldn't tell. They meant you no harm - they were merely curious.

    We did not trap you in this organic - not intentionally. But, we want to help, if you'll let us.

    I am a Vulcan. My people are contact-telepaths. We can share our thoughts and memories.

    If you will let me, I can show you our sincerity.

    T'las: Soval... be careful.

    Soval: Your concern is... appreciated, Commander.

    *He returns his attention to Lt Shrod.*

    Will you let me help you?

    Shrod: If you wish to help us, free us from this prison and return us to our home! Only thus shall you prove your sincerity.
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    Shrod: If you wish to help us, free us from this prison and return us to our home! Only thus shall you prove your sincerity.

    Soval: Soval to Bridge, set course for the coordinates where we found the Vancouver and engage Slipstream Drive.

    Ores *Over Comm*: Aye sir.

    Soval: We'll do what we can.

    *He turns to Wil.*

    Ensign, a moment.

    *He walks out of Sickbay and waits for the Ensign in the corridor.*
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    illogico wrote: »
    Simply, human, I am Romulan. You are not. You lack the capacity of our self sacrifice, as it is ingrained from birth and supplemented by example and history. You are more numerous but are never better simply by numbers but only by individual achievement. You will never understand our "ideal of enemy" which demonstrably claims and praises both those we defeat and sings paeans for those who us defeat. It was long ago we struck out separate from our Vulcan brothers as their choices were found by us to be too limiting, too subservient, and too failure prone.
    I am not certain I can explain this.... Once again, basically, our differences are at times immense and at other times are minuscule. If everyone does fight to win, so do we, but! We fight to win forever! no matter our personal sacrifice.
    As said D'Dar of Remus in 2069 (your date method!): "Sometimes you 'win,' sometimes you 'lose,' but only a Romulan knows true Victory is when that victory is well colored and odored and when the Warrior never finds fault with his own dedication and service."
    I've been tasked to clarify some details I forget are not common among all warriors:

    Wherein Victory is that or any outcome which does not deny nor denigrate ones Racial honor.
    Wherein honorable actions are not dependent on "my own" interpretations of our Romulan goals.
    Wherein Defeat is not that outcome that identifies any personal fault nor failure, nor excuse it, but may identify it, but only that which can cause pause to the success of the Romulan Way.

    Sooo? If you aren't Romulan you are dust.
    If you are dust, we need brooms or shovels.

    Er... what?
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Soval: Soval to Bridge, set course for the coordinates where we found the Vancouver and engage Slipstream Drive.

    Ores *Over Comm*: Aye sir.

    Soval: We'll do what we can.

    *He turns to Wil.*

    Ensign, a moment.

    *He walks out of Sickbay and waits for the Ensign in the corridor.*

    *Wil follows.*

    Wil: I suppose you have a plan, Admiral?
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    *Wil follows.*

    Wil: I suppose you have a plan, Admiral?

    Soval: We're going to do what it asks. However, we don't know how the life form was trapped in the lieutenant's body in the first place. Do you have any idea how it could have happened? I need to know how Lieutenant Shrod was injured.
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Soval: We're going to do what it asks. However, we don't know how the life form was trapped in the lieutenant's body in the first place. Do you have any idea how it could have happened? I need to know how Lieutenant Shrod was injured.

    Wil: Sir, as I recall, the Lieutenant was rendered unconscious shortly after the particle containment field collapsed. I guess as the particle beings spread throughout the ship, some of them must have got caught in Shrod's body, like flies in a web. Though, none of the other officers with him were affected. Only Shrod. Any ideas?
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    *Z-6 Sector. Several strange inactive satellites float in a formation in space between the stars. Close by, space is distorted as the dim outline of the U.S.S. Black Phantom decloaks. It moves at one half impulse to each satellite and transmits a code, causing them one by one to turn on. When the last is activated, they all flash as a massive cloaking field is disengaged. In total darkness, only the blotting out of stars reveals the presence of a lone and mysterious drydock.*

    Voporak: There it is.

    Mirra: Still the same as you left it, absolutely everything powered down. There is not even any antimatter in the warp core.

    Voporak: Good. It's time to wake her up. You have the bridge.

    *Voporak gets up and goes to the turbolift*

    Deck 5.

    *In the shuttlebay at the bottom of the ship, Voporak walks in wearing his custom designed armor suit and carrying the helmet. It used to be a standard MACO suit, but is now very heavily modified and acts also for EVA protection.*

    Voporak: Open the door.

    *The circular bay door in the center of the room's floor pulls apart, and through the forcefield the giant, dark shape can be seen just about 100 feet below.*

    Ready to go.

    Shuttlebay Officer: Good luck, sir.

    *Voporak puts on and locks his helmet and steps onto the forcefield. He activates his shoulder thrusters, which propel him out of the bay and down towards the object. Above him, Voporak can see the flashing lights of the ship, and below him a shadow coming closer. As he touches down, Voporak activates the magnetic boots which hold him onto the hard metallic surface. Looking at the built in tricorder on his wrist, he slowly makes his way to a certain spot. Voporak bends down and finds a small hole in the surface. He takes out of his suit a small piece of tritanium attached to a power cell. Voporak plugs it into the hole, which fits the piece perfectly, and the cell activates. The tiny battery is just enough to bring alive the long unused circuits and conduits of the dark thing. Far off, Voporak can see lights come online in pairs, illuminating two warp nacelles. As more light up, the stardrive's outline can be seen. Finally, a huge saucer section appears in space. Standing on top of the glowing bridge, Voporak watches the frontal floodlight reveal a name and registry: U.S.S. Dreadnought NX-92974.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • kylelockekylelocke Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    [Earth Spacedock, Sol System]

    *Earth, the homeworld of humanity, the very heart of the United Federation of planets and to some a coveted prize to be conquered. With the familiar hum of the transporter and flickering of blue light as his molecules arranged themselves in the proper order, Kyle transferred over from the Excalibur to the massive space station. After the transporter process had finished, he stepped off of the pad and gave the transporter officers a small nod in thanks before heading out into the busy corridor and then followed it to Club 47. As he approached the club, he could hear the muffled sound of the usual deafening music that played inside, the reason why his contact had chosen such a place to meet became apparent when he entered and his ears were assaulted by the music, no one would be able to hear them if they began a conversation and it would look less suspicious if they were in a public area. Approaching the bar at the back of the club, he saw his contact sitting at one of the tables closest to the back and took a seat opposite him.*

    Franklin Drake: Does anyone know about our meeting?

    Kyle: No and I thought I told you I didn't want anything more to do with Section 31.

    Franklin Drake: It's not as simple as you think. One does not just walk away from our organisation.

    *Kyle glared at the man.*

    Kyle: What is it that you want Drake?

    Franklin Drake: Here.

    *The Section 31 operative slid a PADD to the starship captain*

    Franklin Drake: Even though your little...'jaunt' back home managed to disrupt the operations of the Orion Syndicate and stopped them from distributing faulty personal shield generators, it would appear that they've managed to re-establish themselves and this time they've not only have they moved their operations but have gone to the trouble of hiring more muscle and putting advanced security measures in place.

    Kyle: And your hoping that I will take this 'assignment' of yours? Let the proper authorities deal with it.

    Franklin Drake: Please! You and I both know that some authorities tend to be on the Syndicate's payroll or are being threatened with blackmail or through physical means and I know that isn't something you will ignore because once they start on personal shields, they'll go to weapons, then to medical stores, anything that they can get their dirty fingers on.

    *The brunette looked at the scarred man carefully and reluctantly snatched up the PADD with one had, proving that Franklin Drake had indeed pegged him for someone that cannot just turn a blind eye to the obvious.*

    Franklin Drake: I look forward to seeing your results captain.

    *The man said confidently before disappearing into the crowd, leaving Kyle to scrutinize over the information in the PADD.*

    Kyle: Locke to Excalibur.

    *He tapped his combadge.*

    Jasmine: Excalibur here, what is it captain?

    Kyle: Starfleet Intelligence requires me to do a mission for them so I am taking the Warrego.

    Jasmine: Sir?

    Kyle: Don't ask questions commander. All information about the mission is classified.

    Jasmine: Yes sir. We'll have it ready for you when you arrive.

    Kyle: Good, Locke out.

    *He tapped his combadge again and closed the channel between him and Jasmine. He got up from his seat and exited the club. While this was a mission given to him by Section 31, it was also a personal one because it was his farther's investigation into the Syndicate on New Sydney had that gotten him killed and just remembering that made him angry enough to forget everything that is expected of a Starfleet officer.*

    Kyle: Time to make them pay.
    "I will make the Orion Syndicate face the light of justice or burn them with it." - Captainl Kyle Nathaniel Locke, U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-98105-C
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    Wil: Sir, as I recall, the Lieutenant was rendered unconscious shortly after the particle containment field collapsed. I guess as the particle beings spread throughout the ship, some of them must have got caught in Shrod's body, like flies in a web. Though, none of the other officers with him were affected. Only Shrod. Any ideas?

    Soval: Unfortunately not. As you say, no one else suffered this phenomenon. FOr now, we will have to hope we can find our own answers.
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Soval: Unfortunately not. As you say, no one else suffered this phenomenon. FOr now, we will have to hope we can find our own answers.

    Wil: Well I doubt we'll find these answers by ourselves. I suggest all the senior staff be assembled. We'll need as many heads working on this as we can.
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    Wil: Well I doubt we'll find these answers by ourselves. I suggest all the senior staff be assembled. We'll need as many heads working on this as we can.

    Soval: Agreed.

    *He taps his combadge.*

    All Senior Staff, please report to the Observation Lounge.

    *5 minutes later, the Senior Staff are assembled in the Observation Lounge in front of the Bridge. Soval is sitting at the head of the table with T'las and Sylix flanking him around each corner.*

    Soval: The question of whether we should aid the alien must take a side seat for the moment. Our first priority must be how to aid the alien without injury to Lieutenant Shrod.

    *The Klingon Tactical Officer turns his head and speaks up.*

    B'o'juk: The alien has given us an ultimatum - assist or die. It's hostility towards us is clear. Shouldn't our own defence be paramount?

    T'las: B'o'juk, from its perspective we attacked it.

    Soval: The Lieutenant makes an excellent point though; what do we do if we cannot aid this creature? Do we destroy it to protect ourselves?

    B'o'juk: Yes.

    Sylix: Unfortunately, I must concur.

    Soval: So we condemn both Lieutenant Shrod and the alien to death?

    *A moment of silence passes as the crew contemplates the prospect.*

    Now that we're less rooted in our own complacency, how would we go about liberating the alien from Shrod's body?

    Gardra: We didn't detect it until observing that its brain patterns were different to Shrod's. That suggests a telepathic relationship between the two.

    Soval: Go on, Commander.

    Gardra: Well, whatever way you look at it, our thoughts are just a series of bio-electrical impulses sent along a chemical transmission path to different areas of the brain. If we were to ascertain the difference between the alien's thought patterns and the lieutenant's...

    Soval: And since particles contain an ionic charge, theoretically we should be able to force the two patterns to separate. Fascinating.

    T'las: I'll have Starfleet Medical send us Lieutenant Shrod's EEG readings from his last medical.

    Soval: Commander Gardra, I want a method to carrying out your plan ready by the time we arrive at our destination.

    Gardra: Aye sir.

    Soval: Ensign Wil, your opinion?
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Soval: Agreed.

    *He taps his combadge.*

    All Senior Staff, please report to the Observation Lounge.

    *5 minutes later, the Senior Staff are assembled in the Observation Lounge in front of the Bridge. Soval is sitting at the head of the table with T'las and Sylix flanking him around each corner.*

    Soval: The question of whether we should aid the alien must take a side seat for the moment. Our first priority must be how to aid the alien without injury to Lieutenant Shrod.

    *The Klingon Tactical Officer turns his head and speaks up.*

    B'o'juk: The alien has given us an ultimatum - assist or die. It's hostility towards us is clear. Shouldn't our own defence be paramount?

    T'las: B'o'juk, from its perspective we attacked it.

    Soval: The Lieutenant makes an excellent point though; what do we do if we cannot aid this creature? Do we destroy it to protect ourselves?

    B'o'juk: Yes.

    Sylix: Unfortunately, I must concur.

    Soval: So we condemn both Lieutenant Shrod and the alien to death?

    *A moment of silence passes as the crew contemplates the prospect.*

    Now that we're less rooted in our own complacency, how would we go about liberating the alien from Shrod's body?

    Gardra: We didn't detect it until observing that its brain patterns were different to Shrod's. That suggests a telepathic relationship between the two.

    Soval: Go on, Commander.

    Gardra: Well, whatever way you look at it, our thoughts are just a series of bio-electrical impulses sent along a chemical transmission path to different areas of the brain. If we were to ascertain the difference between the alien's thought patterns and the lieutenant's...

    Soval: And since particles contain an ionic charge, theoretically we should be able to force the two patterns to separate. Fascinating.

    T'las: I'll have Starfleet Medical send us Lieutenant Shrod's EEG readings from his last medical.

    Soval: Commander Gardra, I want a method to carrying out your plan ready by the time we arrive at our destination.

    Gardra: Aye sir.

    Soval: Ensign Wil, your opinion?

    *Wil looked around the room and saw all eyes focused on him. He wasn't expecting to have any input. It might've been the crimson uniform, but he could barely follow the conversation at all about brain functions. He sat forward in his chair.*

    Wil: Lieutenant Shrod... Is someone I greatly admire... I look up to him. While serving aboard the Vancouver, he took me under his wing and set the example of what it is to be a Starfleet officer. I would hate to lose him, and if there was a chance to bring him back, no matter how slight... I'd take it... However... Of all the things I learned from him, one that sticks out above all others is that being a Starfleet officer comes with a risk that we must be prepared to face. A risk that lingers in the backs of our minds when we wake up in the morning... There may come a time when we will have to pay the ultimate price, and by doing so, we will ensure that our friends and families at home, those who don't live with that risk in mind, will not have to.
    If we come to a point where we must make a difficult decision, if there's absolutely no other way to free the particle entities, we must remember that, like all of us, Shrod is prepared for the most drastic of sacrifices. If it would mean saving countless lives from a war against an opponent we can't see or even scan, he would not hesitate to do it. Besides, I certainly don't have to remind you of our sentiment towards the needs of the many.
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wlafrance wrote: »
    *Wil looked around the room and saw all eyes focused on him. He wasn't expecting to have any input. It might've been the crimson uniform, but he could barely follow the conversation at all about brain functions. He sat forward in his chair.*

    Wil: Lieutenant Shrod... Is someone I greatly admire... I look up to him. While serving aboard the Vancouver, he took me under his wing and set the example of what it is to be a Starfleet officer. I would hate to lose him, and if there was a chance to bring him back, no matter how slight... I'd take it... However... Of all the things I learned from him, one that sticks out above all others is that being a Starfleet officer comes with a risk that we must be prepared to face. A risk that lingers in the backs of our minds when we wake up in the morning... There may come a time when we will have to pay the ultimate price, and by doing so, we will ensure that our friends and families at home, those who don't live with that risk in mind, will not have to.
    If we come to a point where we must make a difficult decision, if there's absolutely no other way to free the particle entities, we must remember that, like all of us, Shrod is prepared for the most drastic of sacrifices. If it would mean saving countless lives from a war against an opponent we can't see or even scan, he would not hesitate to do it. Besides, I certainly don't have to remind you of our sentiment towards the needs of the many.

    Soval: Agreed. Well said, ensign.

    Well, if there is nothing else...?

    Then dismissed.

    *Earth, Sol System. U.S.S. Victorious, Bridge. Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Dannover, also known as Six of Twelve, as working at the Bridge Engineering Station when she starts to get a headache, hearing what sounds like a mechanical whir in her head, along with a frightening chorus of voices.*

    Voice 1: Find us.

    Voice 2: Find us.

    Voice 3: Join us.

    *The chorus is continually drilling into her skull until she feels a hand on her shoulder.*

    Ryan: Commander?

    *She snaps around, gasping from fright, before calming herself down and panting slightly. Ryan looks at his Chief Engineer with concern.*

    Are you okay?

    Six: Yeah, sure.


    Ryan: Commander, my Ready Room.

    Wenj, you have the Bridge.

    Wenj: Aye, sir.

    *Ryan leads the liberated Borg Engineer into the Ready Room, sitting behind his desk upon entry.*

    Ryan: Computer, seal entrances.

    *He looks at Six, concern highlighting his face.*

    What's wrong?

    Six: I... I'm hearing voices.

    Ryan: Voices?

    Could your implants be malfunctioning?

    Six: That's just the thing. It's not background collective transmission - it was deliberately provoked.

    *He looks at his screen, displaying a Starfleet daily status report.*

    It was--

    Ryan: Don't tell me - "like something like the Borg was drumming inside your brain, calling you like the Borg, only not Borg"?

    Six: How did you...?

    Ryan: Fleet-wide bulletin. Nearly every former Borg Officer in the fleet is in the same boat as you.

    Six: Well... that's quite a coincidence.

    Ryan: Yes... it is. Precisely why I doubt it is coincidence.

    Computer, connect to Admiral Quinn, Starfleet Command, Starbase 1.

    Computer: Stand by.

    *Within seconds, Admiral Quinn appears on Ryan's console.*

    Ryan: Admiral.

    Quinn: Captain Allington. What can I do for you?

    Ryan: I just recieved a report from my Chief Engineer that she's been hearing voices from her Borg implants.

    Quinn: Did someone organise a convention without telling me?

    Ryan: The Victorious can be ready to investigate within the hour.

    *Quinn sits there in thought for a few moments before turning back to him.*

    Quinn: Very well. Godspeed, Captain.

    Ryan: Thank you sir.

    Quinn: Quinn out.

    *The screen deactivates.*

    Ryan: I'd ask you to give directions...

    *He looks up at Six.*

    But, honestly, I don't think you need to push it.

    Six: It's okay, sir. I know where to look.

    It's somewhere near the Haakona Sector.

    Ryan: Alright. Get some rest, Six.
  • mrslowrymrslowry Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I know this might not be the place to ask but i have downloaded star trek online and been playing i singed out last night and now i cant get back in game to play will u help me please karlalowry2012@hotmail.com thanks:(
  • sodin3sodin3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    United Fedration Of Planets
    Starfleet Records
    File Title : Sodin Solong Ram File ID :1105330
    File Loading..............

    Vice Admiral Sodin S. Ram was born in a small town in Pella, located in the district of Central Macedonia, on the northern part of Greece, under the name Edessa. His father, was Starfleet Captain Solong Ram, Captain of the U.S.S. Pella, who became famous in his encounters with the Borg Collective, and was killed after putting his ship in a colliding course with the Borg Queen Octaherdon, after evacuating the ship's crew, and had to do it manually since the ship's auto pilot had been disabled, apparently a week before the encounter. His actions, allowed enough time for the remaining ships to escape the Borg forces and also killing the Borg Queen, at the Ambush on Hotep IV, making the battle a phyrric victory for the Federation, because despite their losses, the loss of their Queen, forced the Borg to abandon their current position and regroup.

    At the age of eighteen , Sodin Ram decided to join Starfleet and after 5 years of extensive tactical training, he became a first officer, and latter the captain of the ship he would name U.S.S Ambassador after his superior was killed in Ram's first encounter with the Borg, the species that killed his father. Later on, Ram advanced relatively quickly among ranks, and had taken place in the Klingon Front and against the Romulan Star Empire, and took part in the skirmishes over Deep Space 9 Station. Afterwards he took part against the Breen, the Borg Collective and the Undine, also known as Species 8472. Currently he operates within the Omega Force,taking once again arms against the Borg Collective*.

    While he's been criticised by other officers, thanks to his - sometimes - unorthodox techiques, and a extensive like on females, Vice Admiral Ram is one of the most efficent Captains on Starfleet, with a considerable ammount of commendations, and, as some should say, trained to "perfection", in Hand to Hand Combat and Battle Strattegies, as well in Guerrilla tactics, and is one of the most accurate sharpshooters in Starfleet.

    It's also interesting that after Ram named his second ship U.S.S. Phoenix, he kept his two first ships names, and named his other ships in the current system:

    U.S.S Ambassador U.S.S. Phoenix U.S.S. Ambassador II U.S.S Phoenix II U.S.S. Ambassador III but named his last ship U.S.S. Alliance.

    Sodin Ram has been engaged to one of his Bridge Officers, Nora Matthews, since December 16 2209**.

    Notes: * ** Subject to change.


    Ok took me some time to write it. I wrote this first on the WordPad but when I pasted it, some words got unbolded so I just did the important stuff. Hope it looks fine. I'll come with Klingon and Romulan posts. Maybe a Cardassian one too.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OOC: Ram rammed the Borg Queen... that was funny. :o Anyway, nice post.

    *The Odyssey class U.S.S. Dreadnought warps through space towards the Sol system. Voporak is in his ready room, recording a voice message.*

    Voporak: Greetings, Vice Admiral. It was a pleasure meeting you at the Vancouver, as you appear to be a fine officer. But let's get to the point. I know that you realize there is something different about my ship. Your sensors did not lie to you on that day. I am en route to Earth right now, and I invite you to board my ship and I will explain further. Have a nice day.

    Computer, transmit message to the U.S.S. Bunker Hill.

    Computer: Message sent.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • wlafrancewlafrance Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    [U.S.S. Bunker Hill, Sickbay]

    *Lieutenant Shrod stood stern by his biobed, head tilted down and his fists clenched tight. The forcefield had been re-erected as a precautionary measure, and two armed security officers stood near the door. The Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Luis Sandhurst, and the nurse were in the office, thoroughly examining all scan results of Shrod?s brain activity, along with anything else they could find that might be helpful in any way.

    Ensign Wil stepped through the door.

    Shrod stared as Wil walked into the office and talked silently with the doctor for a short time. They then exited the office and crossed over to the biobed where he stood.*

    Wil: Lower the forcefield.

    Security Officer: On who?s authority?

    Wil: On the authority of the U.S.S. Bunker Hill?s representative of the U.S.S. Vancouver?s crew. Lower the forcefield.

    *The security officer nods to the other, who taps in the command.*

    Wil: We're going to try to free you from Mr. Shrod's body. We're going to have to sedate you in order to do so.

    Shrod: We will not permit you to remove our sentience!

    Sandhurst: You will not be affected, it will only deny you access to the Lieutenant's motor functions to allow us to attempt the procedure.

    *Shrod's green eyes stared directly into Wil's.*

    Shrod: If you fail, or attempt to deceive us, we will retaliate with all our strength. Your precious technology will become useless. We will possess your bodies and drive them to die. We will crumble your Federation into dust and plague your species for countless generations to come. *Wil nods to the doctor.* You have not known true suffering until you have crossed--*Doctor Sandhurst injects Shrod's body with a quick hypospray to the neck, instantly demobilizing him.*

    *Moments later, Shrod's body, equipped with a cortical probe, is lying on the biobed. Doctor Sandhurst is manning the bed's console.*

    Wil: How's it look?

    Sandhurst: Befuddling to say the least. It's not everyday you get to deal with two patients sharing the same brain. I'm still recalibrating the probe to compensate... There.

    Wil: There?

    Sandhurst: Yes! There. See that sinusoidal graph? Those are the entities' brain patterns, and from the looks of it, they seem quite agitated at the moment.

    Wil: Any sign of Shrod's?

    Sandhurst: Hmm... Let me adjust the sensor range... Ah...

    Wil: Ah?

    Sandhurst: Yes. Ah. See that straight line? That's our Lieutenant.

    Wil: So what, does that mean he's dead?

    Sandhurst: Not every straight line on a medical display implies death, Ensign. He's simply dormant.

    Wil: Well how do we wake him up?

    Sandhurst: We can't. Not until we've expelled the entities. We'll have to force them out somehow. Then, presumably, Mr. Shrod's brain functions will activate to fill the gap. At least, after some persuasion with a cortical stimulator.

    Wil: Alright, so now all we gotta do is... remove the aliens.

    Sandhurst: Indeed...

    Wil: ...Well?

    Sandhurst: Shush! I'm thinking.

    Nurse: We can't talk when he's thinking. *She rolls her eyes.*

    Sandhurst: I've got it!

    Wil: Tell us!

    Sandhurst: Well, we can't merely suppress the brain activity until it's gone, as that would kill our alien hosts and possibly Mr. Shrod along with them, which is less than desirable. However, if we can transfer the brain activity somewhere else, the aliens might follow, leaving room for Mr. Shrod's functions to return!

    Wil: Sounds good. But where would we transfer them to?

    Sandhurst: I have an idea... I might be able to emulate a Borg neural transceiver, but with modified settings so as to "download" the aliens into the device, as opposed to downloading the lieutenant into the collective.

    Wil: It's a bit outside-the-box, but if you think it'll work...

    Sandhurst: It's our best option.

    Wil: Then let's get to it.

    Sandhurst: Computer, bring up a detailed working description of a Borg neural transceiver. Now make the following modifications.

    *Sandhurst begins working away at his modified transceiver.*

    Wil: How long is this gonna take?

    Sandhurst: Not long. I've attended numerous seminars pertaining to the use of Borg technology in common medicine. Really quite a fascinating topic!

    Wil: Have you ever used it in practice?

    Sandhurst: No. But I've seen demonstrations! There! That should do it! Computer, save this updated schematic under "Sandhurst Borg Prototype 001" and replicate one.

    *The computer produces a modified neural transceiver and the nurse attaches it to the base of Shrod's skull.*

    Sandhurst: Activating the transceiver... It appears to be working! The entities' brain patterns are being transferred. Neurogenic energy is draining, compensating now... Yes! The transfer is almost complete!

    *Wil approached the biobed and placed his hands on the side.*

    Sandhurst: Wait... No! Shrod's patterns are being sucked into the transceiver!

    Wil: Stop it!

    Sandhurst: I can't! The transceiver can't tell the two patterns apart. We're losing him! Should I terminate the procedure?

    Wil: ...If we continue, will the aliens be harmed?

    Sandhurst: ...No. Their brain patterns will exist inside the transceiver until we deactivate it, allowing them to escape.

    Wil: And Shrod?

    Sandhurst: His will be lost... Forever.

    Wil: Dammit!

    *Wil clenched his teeth and tightened his grip on the edge of the biobed.*

    Sandhurst: Ensign?

    Wil: ...Do it...

    --To be continued...--
    "There are three things to remember about being a starship captain:
    keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew."

    - Kathryn Janeway
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