Scotty:But Captian, the dilithium needs to be realigned with the warp matrix, the only problem is the warp core is gone, I need another 2 hours to build one from scratch Captian.
Kirk: Scotty, we need warp drive in 10 seconds or were all dead.
Scotty: Well bugger me Jimmy, i guess we is screwed.
we have seen these messages before friend have you been playing since the beginning this is old now and they should have this fixed we have said all these things and so have I and its started to get beyond a joke (this has been said before as well) then we will get the servers are back up message and then that's the end of it till the next down time that always comes sooner or later, but nothing seems to get fixed. all the old bugs that have been there since season 5 are still there and not fixed then they add more content and just make even more bugs. if they just fix all the current bugs first then add new content and fixed the bugs that popped up then it would be different but they just keep on leaving them.
He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no-one had a chance to interrupt; it was really quite hypnotic.
SCM - Infected(S) - DMG Out: 11,776,567 DPS: 114,224.70 (28.7% of Team) - Pinky@ukcaptain420 I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
Hey um case you havnt noticed Star trek online the legacy of romulas has CRASHED and the server is down and we are going :eek: or:mad: and a few are so maybe can we kinda get an idea of whats going on AND an estimate of when it will be back up thank you soooooooo much
humm the server status on the sto website is now saying the server is down and we havent got an answer from the devs at all
You do realize the server datacenter is in Boston, MA and the Cryptic Devs are in California, right? My point? At this point it's up to the server engineers in Boston to find out what failed, fix it, and get the server hardware fixed and back up and running.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I've actually been wanting to play this for awhile given my massive love for Star Trek. I finally got a computer that I could play games on max settings so the first thing I did was get on the site to create an account and play this. Been playing Lord of the Rings Online for years and wanted to try something new. What better than the only other story/lore that matches my passion for LoTR. I've been psyched for weeks to get in. Funny thing is; all my friends, both from gaming and IRL, told me not to play this and I'd be hugely disappointed but I just shrugged it off.
Honestly, I'm okay with it just being bad timing. I mean, this is what happens in MMO's sometimes. It just sucks that I just chose today to finally start playing. And the more research I do, the more I'm seeing negative things. But, I just want to try for myself.
What I'm real annoyed about is that i have so many questions but am not allowed to post any topics to seek help from other players.
Don't pay attention to the forums. For some strange reason, these forums are a hotbed of people wanting to kvetch and yell about every tiny nitpick. Don't let my latest GP article linked in my signature turn you away, either. It's the last in a series lead up (though totally go there and read all my STO articles :P)
The game is fun. You'll have fun if you like Star Trek. I'm sorry about th ebad timing, that really sucks, man.
I'm done putting money into this game until they put their big-boy pants on. DONE - I work and wait and when I get my chance to play, 50% of the time it's shard maintenance or just FAILS. No other business in the world could get away with this and still have people pumping money into it. Not mine, not anymore.
This is such a drag. My two buddies and I just sat down to play. First time all three of us have been all free at once for over a week. Of course, the server has to go down right then!
Rotten luck. Hope they fix it soon, or at least let us know how long this will last.
Everything I have found says the server is up, but I too cannot get in. "Connection to the ;ogin server timed out". I have a limited window to be on, hurry up Cryptic..please,
AMEN to that. Read in an interview somewhere that the servers where NOT connected AT ALL! Funny how when Never winter started server dying, that STO came down with the same Server deaths... odd how that works. Though, it has gotten better.. (Could hardly have gotten worse! *crosses fingers, knocks on wood, buys four-leaf clover from Ebay* Not to Jinx it...)
I believe it was said that they are not run on the same server(s), but that they share networking equipment.
And to think I have a pole waiting for me at the syndicate nightclub on Nimbus III ...*sigh* how's a girl meant to earn energy credits..I can barely get a tax rebate!
General : Sub-Commander! Take us to Nimbus III! At once.. I hear interesting things will await us there!
Sub-Commander : Can't Sir! Main Ships computer is down!
General : Down how can it.. wait *looks around* why are we floating through space.. without a ship!?!?
Sub-Commander : Couldn't load the ship either sir...
General : well that's just.. Hey.. Wait.. why am I vanishing!?!?
Sub-Commander : You timed out sir.. sir? By the Elements.. not again!!!
"This is our game time: B'tanay, the time of awakening. Return to that dark place from which all life springs. A primal energy charges your processors, an energy of reboot. The server awakens, and focuses on its task. Pagh'tem'far, B'tanay. Pagh'tem'far, B'tanay..."
Mind If I keep that quote for the next down time could be useful XD
Seems like FUBAR again.....bonus weekend that we won't be able to take advantage of
Hey, I was just about to spend $50.00 for the bonus ZEN when the server crashed. So much for that. Thanks guys, you just saved me $50.00!!! You really want to keep the server UP when you are having a sale. Just a thought!! LOL !!!!:D
Kirk: Scotty, we need warp drive in 10 seconds or were all dead.
Scotty: Well bugger me Jimmy, i guess we is screwed.
He just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no-one had a chance to interrupt; it was really quite hypnotic.
I reserve the right to have a completely different standpoint depending on my mood.
The Hill of Competency.
You do realize the server datacenter is in Boston, MA and the Cryptic Devs are in California, right? My point? At this point it's up to the server engineers in Boston to find out what failed, fix it, and get the server hardware fixed and back up and running.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Don't pay attention to the forums. For some strange reason, these forums are a hotbed of people wanting to kvetch and yell about every tiny nitpick. Don't let my latest GP article linked in my signature turn you away, either. It's the last in a series lead up (though totally go there and read all my STO articles :P)
The game is fun. You'll have fun if you like Star Trek. I'm sorry about th ebad timing, that really sucks, man.
Well, if I were in the Netherlands I'd be getting high right now. And just think, we paid for his trip. (double entendre intended)
So its all your fault
I believe it was said that they are not run on the same server(s), but that they share networking equipment.
General : Sub-Commander! Take us to Nimbus III! At once.. I hear interesting things will await us there!
Sub-Commander : Can't Sir! Main Ships computer is down!
General : Down how can it.. wait *looks around* why are we floating through space.. without a ship!?!?
Sub-Commander : Couldn't load the ship either sir...
General : well that's just.. Hey.. Wait.. why am I vanishing!?!?
Sub-Commander : You timed out sir.. sir? By the Elements.. not again!!!
Mind If I keep that quote for the next down time could be useful XD
Hey, I was just about to spend $50.00 for the bonus ZEN when the server crashed. So much for that. Thanks guys, you just saved me $50.00!!! You really want to keep the server UP when you are having a sale. Just a thought!! LOL !!!!:D
Ahh, Internet TRIBBLE to the
Three hours, thirty-seven minutes.