A tac can do this, a tac can do that. Not every1 who rolled a rommy toon rolled a tac, yet i see most of the arguments complaining about this super uber month old tactical rom face rolling an entire team lol...heres a counter for it:
is it really the console that needs nerfed or does over healing not need to be counted towards leader boards? Or is this just a ploy to get people to buy the cstore ship and a planned nerf to the console in the coming weeks once the money has been made?
Healing does not need to be removed from leaderboards. Doing so would be a huge step back in the fight against STO's DPS centricity.
As to whether the current implementation of the console is more than an oversight, I doubt it. LoR was not what you would call a bug or flaw free product.
Healing does not need to be removed from leaderboards. Doing so would be a huge step back in the fight against STO's DPS centricity.
As to whether the current implementation of the console is more than an oversight, I doubt it. LoR was not what you would call a bug or flaw free product.
Healing does not need to be removed from leaderboards. Doing so would be a huge step back in the fight against STO's DPS centricity.
As to whether the current implementation of the console is more than an oversight, I doubt it. LoR was not what you would call a bug or flaw free product.
A tac can do this, a tac can do that. Not every1 who rolled a rommy toon rolled a tac, yet i see most of the arguments complaining about this super uber month old tactical rom face rolling an entire team lol...heres a counter for it:
Forgetting the part about him being a romulan so he always has the jump and could end that one trick pony quick by getting the jump on whoever targeted his weapons (not to mention that wouldnt work anyway)
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Forgetting the part about him being a romulan so he always has the jump and could end that one trick pony quick by getting the jump on whoever targeted his weapons (not to mention that wouldnt work anyway)
The spy of STO?
*Lowerleif attacks you using Snipe and crits for 13478 damage*
We did CE Elite with 6 elitist pvpers, and 4 elitist PvErs' the pvers, were in fed escorts, defiants, kumaris and so on, elitists were on dhelands and mogais and etc, my PvE friends pulled first places without the heal console, this either means that healing doesnt count, or pvp people are overrated, or simply said those special people I invited were too good for pvp folks to handle, I vote the second one, I know those guys are good, both of them, in their own aspect, but if you really specialize in dmg dealing, those pvp guys with valdore consoles had no chance.
Say the word, it saves the world. CUUCUUMBEER!"-With slight partigen with it." Proud member or DPS-800"-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
*Lowerleif attacks you using Snipe and crits for 13478 damage*
o.o i knew lowerleif. pvped against him several times, actually.
and yeah thats pretty much what the romulan tac is it seems, the lolspai of sto, and this new console is a combination of those OP defensive specials spies had late-game. The ones where they could tank anything hitting them while still putting out some of the highest spike damage in the game.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
For the love of God please do not nerf it. I remember shelling out the money to buy the galaxy x because i loved the spinal phaser so much from the show. I thought it would be great to give my eng a little dam boost but then people cry'ed about how op'ed it was and now we are left with a worthless ship. When are people going to realize it more fun to be op'ed. I say give everyone something great instead of nerfing something. I mean look at games like WoW and Rift those game are dying because the Dev's have spent all there time nerfing things and making them more simpler which is not fun at all.
No. What you are proposing is the best way to kill an MMO. No one in an MMO should ever be able to be significantly stronger than others by just buying one item. The Valdore console is even worse than that. It doesn't make you 'significantly stronger', it makes bad players elite and superb players downright invincible. It's like the user is being accompanied by an armada of invisible healboats that constantly throw science team III on him.
Cryptic has a history of never testing new items and ships before release. That's why we constantly have to bring up these topics to bring things back in line. Enjoy the Valdore console while it lasts, but you better don't rely too much on it. Cryptics history also shows that all these OP items got eventually nerfed.
Its not pay to win...everyone can grind and get it and then everyone is invincible ...major facepalm.
that console doesn't make you invincible, even with elite fleet shields. there's such a thing as bleed through, dots, etc. shield tanking is only half of tanking and if you cant keep your hull up too, then it doesn't matter if you got full shields or not.
borg still can take down your shields and rip you apart with a mega invisi torp, viral matrix can take your shields off line, etc etc.
The oh so magical Valdore console allows a 2.5% chance to heal your shields for 200% of the energy damage your weapons deal.
That is ALWAYS on, applies to EACH weapon, EACH firing cycle, and completely disregards whether your weapons actually land a hit or not. Furthermore, it's not hard at all to get DHCs doing 4k+ damage per cycle... meaning you can essentially refill your shields with literally no effort.
Naturally, this is unbalancing PvP quite a bit. Tac/Warbirds are pumping out absurd amounts of healing without having to change their builds or tactics at all - there's matches where Warbirds with these consoles are outhealing dedicated Recluse healers by a few million.
Now we all know that people love to complain about PvPers getting everything nerfed, but what about PvE?
Events like CE take damage AND healing into account. Before, lower damage ships (Sci and non-DPS Cruisers) could use their relatively massive heals to boost their score. Now, Tac/Warbirds can pump out their high damage and crazy high heals as well to send their score through the roof.
How is anyone else supposed to compete with that?
In a ISE a fleet-mate was using the console and 2x epts2, the console heal was about 15 times that of his epts2 (his epts are in his key-binds) console was about 1780 a sec in a complete ISE.
that console doesn't make you invincible, even with elite fleet shields. there's such a thing as bleed through, dots, etc. shield tanking is only half of tanking and if you cant keep your hull up too, then it doesn't matter if you got full shields or not.
borg still can take down your shields and rip you apart with a mega invisi torp, viral matrix can take your shields off line, etc etc.
but if the console heal your shields so much he can loose his 2x epts and maby not use his TT.
Now he have insane shield heal and 2x ET2, with HE2 & PH1 good luck killing him.
Keybind: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=9355971&postcount=463
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
that console doesn't make you invincible, even with elite fleet shields. there's such a thing as bleed through, dots, etc. shield tanking is only half of tanking and if you cant keep your hull up too, then it doesn't matter if you got full shields or not.
borg still can take down your shields and rip you apart with a mega invisi torp, viral matrix can take your shields off line, etc etc.
go in pvp ,borgs are way more stupid than real humans .You can heal the bleedthrough faster than you get damage .VM cant take your shields offline in pvp because people know about it and how to counter it easy.
Its the single mOst powerful shield healing ability in the game, and its not an ability.
Its as simple as firing weapons. and there's no icp.
Weather or not the numbers are reporting correctly, (i.e. showing 100k heal when you only have 30k shields to be healed) makes no difference what so ever. Its is a ridiculous argument with little or no bearing at all on the actual issue.
It heals shields to full.
Its heals are larger and come more often than a sci team 3 or transfer shield strength three given by a sci captain fully specced to heal running full aux and shield power and multiple shield emitter consoles.
MUCH, fraking. larger.
That alone should be all the information you need to make a decision about weather or not this console is, in fact, way over powered.
Cause it is.
If you say its not you're dumb.
go in pvp ,borgs are way more stupid than real humans .You can heal the bleedthrough faster than you get damage .VM cant take your shields offline in pvp because people know about it and how to counter it easy.
this game isn't made for pvp, why would I bother with that? pvp is and always will be an afterthought for anything that goes into this game and tryin to fux with it for the sake of the 10 people that pvp doesn't ever work out well.
There's a reason why in just about every other mmo theres separate gear for pvp if the game itself isn't designed for it. Cryptic just hasn't caught on to that.
I digress, however. This thread was about the consequences of this console in PvE. I really have to ask, who seriously cares? cuz you're not getting the 2 worthless purple drops at the end of crystal event? Is that what the gripe is?
Cryptic knows exactly what they're doing... Their mission log has but one objective in it, make more money. Whether or not this console gets nerfed in the future wont make a diff. It's an EZ mode for leveling and at end game for a lot of people and at a mere 1k zen to buy it, its appealing to everyone who plays a romulan. If 2k people buy it, that's 20k USD made off a t3 ship... if 10k buy it, that's 100k USD... for an entry in a database and the time to build and texture a model.
I am not sure the console needs to be nerfed or not, or if healing needs to be counted or not. I can only attest to my own experiences in both the Defiant warship and the Moghai warbird.
These are the arguments I have not yet seen:
1) Defiants have 8 weapons vs the Moghai's 7. (I am going to call it the Valdore from now on, that's what mine looks like and it's easier for me to type. :P )
2) My valdore will sit there for days trying to kill something 9KM away while my defiant will pop in, blow the crud out of it and be on the next target within 30 seconds. Same weapons, same power settings!
3) Federation/Klingon ships have more power to assign than valdores. So yes, valdores might get a shield heal, if the RNG doesn't TRIBBLE us over, but you get more shield regen anyway just from having more power there. (25 vs 15 for instance, is the different between my resting regen on the defiant vs the resting regen on the valdore.)
4) My defiant can turn on a freaking DIME and that's with just one RCS console (mark 10, rare.) My valdore still has large U-turns with 3 RCS consoles (mark 11, rares) which one is going to have room left to shove some hull armor on? Yea, that's right, my defiant since it still has consoles available for hull armor.
5) My defiant doesn't lose 2 console slots to put the shield heal combo set together, my valdore does. That's 2 science console spots my defiant gets to use for anything else my valdore doesn't. I happen to use shield consoles for those, so again, my defiant is going to have more shield regen base as well.
6) My defiant has more tactical slots than my valdore, so I have more base dps there as well.
7) My valdore can hide and skulk around and doesn't have to wait 20 years for the red alert to be over before hiding. So yes, it will get the extra dmg from leaving cloak more often than the defiant will. But seriously, how often are you cloaking and waiting 5 seconds before decloaking anyway? I mean in PVE!
In summation:
Defiant: More energy to assign, more science consoles for shield strength, more engineering consoles for hull strength, more tactical boff stations for damage ouput, more maneueverable, much smaller hit box (great for flying around those huge TRIBBLE d'deridexes!)
Valdore: Sometimes gets nice shield heals, if all the wheels come up Cherry and it's not wasted because shields are already at full. Has to be on top of the bloody target to do any real damage (honestly, if I'm not within 5km, I don't even bother.)
Valdore: way more fun, because I want to be a romulan. I just hate that I have to team up with those uppity, snobbish Federation people or those unbathed heathens of the Klingons.
My last point: If you take your torp launchers off and replace them with dual beam banks, I don't care WHAT ship you are flying (as long as T5) you will get first place in CE. I flew in my Sovereign with 8x energy weapons and beat out all the other ships because my ship was ALL ENERGY WEAPONS, and believe me, that ship can tank! Sit there all day tanking Hive Elite in my sovereign and never go below 40% hull!
My next ship is going to be the T'varo. Why? Not because Valdores are OP, not because they are sluggish, has nothing to do with the Defiant running rings around them in pve/pvp, but because there are too many freaking D'Deridex and Valdore pilots and I want to be at least a little different from the crowd!
this game isn't made for pvp, why would I bother with that? pvp is and always will be an afterthought for anything that goes into this game and tryin to fux with it for the sake of the 10 people that pvp doesn't ever work out well.
If that's even remotely true, why did Cryptic hurry themselves to fix the EptA bug in world record time? It's not as if the NPCs have been chaining EptA in PvE to check for cloaked ships.
this game isn't made for pvp, why would I bother with that? pvp is and always will be an afterthought for anything that goes into this game and tryin to fux with it for the sake of the 10 people that pvp doesn't ever work out well.
There's a reason why in just about every other mmo theres separate gear for pvp if the game itself isn't designed for it. Cryptic just hasn't caught on to that.
If that's even remotely true, why did Cryptic hurry themselves to fix the EptA bug in world record time? It's not as if the NPCs have been chaining EptA in PvE to check for cloaked ships.
because new people using cloak and op romulan ships would get killed by a 0.0001 dps healer
I am not sure the console needs to be nerfed or not, or if healing needs to be counted or not. I can only attest to my own experiences in both the Defiant warship and the Moghai warbird.
These are the arguments I have not yet seen:
1) Defiants have 8 weapons vs the Moghai's 7. (I am going to call it the Valdore from now on, that's what mine looks like and it's easier for me to type. :P )
2) My valdore will sit there for days trying to kill something 9KM away while my defiant will pop in, blow the crud out of it and be on the next target within 30 seconds. Same weapons, same power settings!
3) Federation/Klingon ships have more power to assign than valdores. So yes, valdores might get a shield heal, if the RNG doesn't TRIBBLE us over, but you get more shield regen anyway just from having more power there. (25 vs 15 for instance, is the different between my resting regen on the defiant vs the resting regen on the valdore.)
4) My defiant can turn on a freaking DIME and that's with just one RCS console (mark 10, rare.) My valdore still has large U-turns with 3 RCS consoles (mark 11, rares) which one is going to have room left to shove some hull armor on? Yea, that's right, my defiant since it still has consoles available for hull armor.
5) My defiant doesn't lose 2 console slots to put the shield heal combo set together, my valdore does. That's 2 science console spots my defiant gets to use for anything else my valdore doesn't. I happen to use shield consoles for those, so again, my defiant is going to have more shield regen base as well.
6) My defiant has more tactical slots than my valdore, so I have more base dps there as well.
7) My valdore can hide and skulk around and doesn't have to wait 20 years for the red alert to be over before hiding. So yes, it will get the extra dmg from leaving cloak more often than the defiant will. But seriously, how often are you cloaking and waiting 5 seconds before decloaking anyway? I mean in PVE!
In summation:
Defiant: More energy to assign, more science consoles for shield strength, more engineering consoles for hull strength, more tactical boff stations for damage ouput, more maneueverable, much smaller hit box (great for flying around those huge TRIBBLE d'deridexes!)
Valdore: Sometimes gets nice shield heals, if all the wheels come up Cherry and it's not wasted because shields are already at full. Has to be on top of the bloody target to do any real damage (honestly, if I'm not within 5km, I don't even bother.)
Valdore: way more fun, because I want to be a romulan. I just hate that I have to team up with those uppity, snobbish Federation people or those unbathed heathens of the Klingons.
My last point: If you take your torp launchers off and replace them with dual beam banks, I don't care WHAT ship you are flying (as long as T5) you will get first place in CE. I flew in my Sovereign with 8x energy weapons and beat out all the other ships because my ship was ALL ENERGY WEAPONS, and believe me, that ship can tank! Sit there all day tanking Hive Elite in my sovereign and never go below 40% hull!
My next ship is going to be the T'varo. Why? Not because Valdores are OP, not because they are sluggish, has nothing to do with the Defiant running rings around them in pve/pvp, but because there are too many freaking D'Deridex and Valdore pilots and I want to be at least a little different from the crowd!
My understanding is that you can put the valdore console on another warbird.
The console is not OP. Yes, it can heal your shields up but you can take them down fast enough. It won't protect you from bleedthroughs or shield penetration.
There are a ton of skills or ways available to kill those weak-hulled Mogai/Valdores. Just spam plasma, DEM or add the Tholian Rep passive and watch their low hull melt down...
Super healing shields aren't helping in STFs that much. Every stupid Borg NPC is just spamming plasma procs and melt you down after HE is on CD. Not to speak of their apparently "WAI" insta shot Torps, completely ignoring your shields and resistances.
CE or Fleet Actions are nothing either. I had Valdores and Mogais in CE and CE Elite and still ended up first place. Beside that, what do you get scoring 1st place in CE/Elite? A stupid insulting MK X item...wow.
It isn't a God-Mode console. It is convenient yes, but nothing like OP. There are a lot of other consoles or skills which can be considered more OP. Just because it is new, does not mean it is a golden ticket.
Keep calm, adapt and move on. The next OP console will be coming soon.
this game isn't made for pvp, why would I bother with that? pvp is and always will be an afterthought for anything that goes into this game and tryin to fux with it for the sake of the 10 people that pvp doesn't ever work out well.
There's a reason why in just about every other mmo theres separate gear for pvp if the game itself isn't designed for it. Cryptic just hasn't caught on to that.
lolwut? Two opposing factions, its own queue system, war zones, tutorials that LEAD YOU TO TRY THE PVP ASPECT, gear specifically designed with pvp in mind...
yeah youre clueless mate
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
If that's even remotely true, why did Cryptic hurry themselves to fix the EptA bug in world record time? It's not as if the NPCs have been chaining EptA in PvE to check for cloaked ships.
there's a difference between a bug fix and equipment designed for pvp. I've yet to see anything in this game that's specifically designed for pvp. Yes, there are gear and skills that have more utility in pvp than pve, but it was all made for pve.
You get what, kerrat and private matches? What kinda pvp rewards do you get? dil? some more pve gear? If you're lucky, a console that can get you a few mil ec?
Seriously, i am really disapointed in the PvP "crowd", i wouldve expected a more pro reaction, like in a lines of "Hmm, finnaly a chalange, now lets develop some new tactics and strategies". But no, again the reaction is nerf, nerf, nerf.
And all that now suposely for PvE concern :rolleyes:
God forbids to think of weapons offline, turnrate debuff etc and learn new ways to counter any new stuff thats brought in the game, yet from new players on pvp boots camps its expected to learn their 2-3 year old practiced tactics:rolleyes:
Same thing happened with the Omega Rep space shield regen, yes it was a bug, but cuz of all the pvp players QQed about it, it was nerfed to useless and even disabled as far as i know.
This console is not OP and I sure hope that devs wont nerf it but probly they will temper with it to show that player feedback is taken in consideration, even if only a minor portion of the player base wants it nerfed and the majority of players like it as it is.
PPl who don't want to nerf this OP console because you only do PVE.
Do you want the game to be super easy or what?
Elite STF's are way to easy as it is.
I for one don't want to fly around as if I was a all powerful GOD
Anyone who thinks this console is not OP has either not tried it with cannons, or does no damage, or is lying.
To fix it without ruining it for people using beams or doing less damage, the amount of healing it does needs to have a fixed cap. Or make it only able to proc every x seconds.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
Healing does not need to be removed from leaderboards. Doing so would be a huge step back in the fight against STO's DPS centricity.
As to whether the current implementation of the console is more than an oversight, I doubt it. LoR was not what you would call a bug or flaw free product.
I said over healing, not healing.
He said OVER Healing. Not healing.
Forgetting the part about him being a romulan so he always has the jump and could end that one trick pony quick by getting the jump on whoever targeted his weapons (not to mention that wouldnt work anyway)
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
The spy of STO?
*Lowerleif attacks you using Snipe and crits for 13478 damage*
Hence it won't happen. End of story.
Its not pay to win...everyone can grind and get it and then everyone is invincible ...major facepalm.
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
o.o i knew lowerleif. pvped against him several times, actually.
and yeah thats pretty much what the romulan tac is it seems, the lolspai of sto, and this new console is a combination of those OP defensive specials spies had late-game. The ones where they could tank anything hitting them while still putting out some of the highest spike damage in the game.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
No. What you are proposing is the best way to kill an MMO. No one in an MMO should ever be able to be significantly stronger than others by just buying one item. The Valdore console is even worse than that. It doesn't make you 'significantly stronger', it makes bad players elite and superb players downright invincible. It's like the user is being accompanied by an armada of invisible healboats that constantly throw science team III on him.
Cryptic has a history of never testing new items and ships before release. That's why we constantly have to bring up these topics to bring things back in line. Enjoy the Valdore console while it lasts, but you better don't rely too much on it. Cryptics history also shows that all these OP items got eventually nerfed.
that console doesn't make you invincible, even with elite fleet shields. there's such a thing as bleed through, dots, etc. shield tanking is only half of tanking and if you cant keep your hull up too, then it doesn't matter if you got full shields or not.
borg still can take down your shields and rip you apart with a mega invisi torp, viral matrix can take your shields off line, etc etc.
In a ISE a fleet-mate was using the console and 2x epts2, the console heal was about 15 times that of his epts2 (his epts are in his key-binds) console was about 1780 a sec in a complete ISE.
but if the console heal your shields so much he can loose his 2x epts and maby not use his TT.
Now he have insane shield heal and 2x ET2, with HE2 & PH1 good luck killing him.
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
go in pvp ,borgs are way more stupid than real humans .You can heal the bleedthrough faster than you get damage .VM cant take your shields offline in pvp because people know about it and how to counter it easy.
Its as simple as firing weapons. and there's no icp.
Weather or not the numbers are reporting correctly, (i.e. showing 100k heal when you only have 30k shields to be healed) makes no difference what so ever. Its is a ridiculous argument with little or no bearing at all on the actual issue.
It heals shields to full.
Its heals are larger and come more often than a sci team 3 or transfer shield strength three given by a sci captain fully specced to heal running full aux and shield power and multiple shield emitter consoles.
MUCH, fraking. larger.
That alone should be all the information you need to make a decision about weather or not this console is, in fact, way over powered.
Cause it is.
If you say its not you're dumb.
Good day.
this game isn't made for pvp, why would I bother with that? pvp is and always will be an afterthought for anything that goes into this game and tryin to fux with it for the sake of the 10 people that pvp doesn't ever work out well.
There's a reason why in just about every other mmo theres separate gear for pvp if the game itself isn't designed for it. Cryptic just hasn't caught on to that.
I digress, however. This thread was about the consequences of this console in PvE. I really have to ask, who seriously cares? cuz you're not getting the 2 worthless purple drops at the end of crystal event? Is that what the gripe is?
Cryptic knows exactly what they're doing... Their mission log has but one objective in it, make more money. Whether or not this console gets nerfed in the future wont make a diff. It's an EZ mode for leveling and at end game for a lot of people and at a mere 1k zen to buy it, its appealing to everyone who plays a romulan. If 2k people buy it, that's 20k USD made off a t3 ship... if 10k buy it, that's 100k USD... for an entry in a database and the time to build and texture a model.
These are the arguments I have not yet seen:
1) Defiants have 8 weapons vs the Moghai's 7. (I am going to call it the Valdore from now on, that's what mine looks like and it's easier for me to type. :P )
2) My valdore will sit there for days trying to kill something 9KM away while my defiant will pop in, blow the crud out of it and be on the next target within 30 seconds. Same weapons, same power settings!
3) Federation/Klingon ships have more power to assign than valdores. So yes, valdores might get a shield heal, if the RNG doesn't TRIBBLE us over, but you get more shield regen anyway just from having more power there. (25 vs 15 for instance, is the different between my resting regen on the defiant vs the resting regen on the valdore.)
4) My defiant can turn on a freaking DIME and that's with just one RCS console (mark 10, rare.) My valdore still has large U-turns with 3 RCS consoles (mark 11, rares) which one is going to have room left to shove some hull armor on? Yea, that's right, my defiant since it still has consoles available for hull armor.
5) My defiant doesn't lose 2 console slots to put the shield heal combo set together, my valdore does. That's 2 science console spots my defiant gets to use for anything else my valdore doesn't. I happen to use shield consoles for those, so again, my defiant is going to have more shield regen base as well.
6) My defiant has more tactical slots than my valdore, so I have more base dps there as well.
7) My valdore can hide and skulk around and doesn't have to wait 20 years for the red alert to be over before hiding. So yes, it will get the extra dmg from leaving cloak more often than the defiant will. But seriously, how often are you cloaking and waiting 5 seconds before decloaking anyway? I mean in PVE!
In summation:
Defiant: More energy to assign, more science consoles for shield strength, more engineering consoles for hull strength, more tactical boff stations for damage ouput, more maneueverable, much smaller hit box (great for flying around those huge TRIBBLE d'deridexes!)
Valdore: Sometimes gets nice shield heals, if all the wheels come up Cherry and it's not wasted because shields are already at full. Has to be on top of the bloody target to do any real damage (honestly, if I'm not within 5km, I don't even bother.)
Valdore: way more fun, because I want to be a romulan. I just hate that I have to team up with those uppity, snobbish Federation people or those unbathed heathens of the Klingons.
My last point: If you take your torp launchers off and replace them with dual beam banks, I don't care WHAT ship you are flying (as long as T5) you will get first place in CE. I flew in my Sovereign with 8x energy weapons and beat out all the other ships because my ship was ALL ENERGY WEAPONS, and believe me, that ship can tank! Sit there all day tanking Hive Elite in my sovereign and never go below 40% hull!
My next ship is going to be the T'varo. Why? Not because Valdores are OP, not because they are sluggish, has nothing to do with the Defiant running rings around them in pve/pvp, but because there are too many freaking D'Deridex and Valdore pilots and I want to be at least a little different from the crowd!
If that's even remotely true, why did Cryptic hurry themselves to fix the EptA bug in world record time? It's not as if the NPCs have been chaining EptA in PvE to check for cloaked ships.
who told you that?
because new people using cloak and op romulan ships would get killed by a 0.0001 dps healer
My understanding is that you can put the valdore console on another warbird.
This thread is about the console, not the ship
There are a ton of skills or ways available to kill those weak-hulled Mogai/Valdores. Just spam plasma, DEM or add the Tholian Rep passive and watch their low hull melt down...
Super healing shields aren't helping in STFs that much. Every stupid Borg NPC is just spamming plasma procs and melt you down after HE is on CD. Not to speak of their apparently "WAI" insta shot Torps, completely ignoring your shields and resistances.
CE or Fleet Actions are nothing either. I had Valdores and Mogais in CE and CE Elite and still ended up first place. Beside that, what do you get scoring 1st place in CE/Elite? A stupid insulting MK X item...wow.
It isn't a God-Mode console. It is convenient yes, but nothing like OP. There are a lot of other consoles or skills which can be considered more OP. Just because it is new, does not mean it is a golden ticket.
Keep calm, adapt and move on. The next OP console will be coming soon.
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
lolwut? Two opposing factions, its own queue system, war zones, tutorials that LEAD YOU TO TRY THE PVP ASPECT, gear specifically designed with pvp in mind...
yeah youre clueless mate
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Id say more like 12.5/25 percent on a 1 percent chance to proc. Now that would fit in with everything else in the game proc based.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
there's a difference between a bug fix and equipment designed for pvp. I've yet to see anything in this game that's specifically designed for pvp. Yes, there are gear and skills that have more utility in pvp than pve, but it was all made for pve.
You get what, kerrat and private matches? What kinda pvp rewards do you get? dil? some more pve gear? If you're lucky, a console that can get you a few mil ec?
And all that now suposely for PvE concern :rolleyes:
God forbids to think of weapons offline, turnrate debuff etc and learn new ways to counter any new stuff thats brought in the game, yet from new players on pvp boots camps its expected to learn their 2-3 year old practiced tactics:rolleyes:
Same thing happened with the Omega Rep space shield regen, yes it was a bug, but cuz of all the pvp players QQed about it, it was nerfed to useless and even disabled as far as i know.
This console is not OP and I sure hope that devs wont nerf it but probly they will temper with it
Do you want the game to be super easy or what?
Elite STF's are way to easy as it is.
I for one don't want to fly around as if I was a all powerful GOD
To fix it without ruining it for people using beams or doing less damage, the amount of healing it does needs to have a fixed cap. Or make it only able to proc every x seconds.
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