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What would bring you into PvP?



  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some sense of faction individuality of play style and tactics would help as things are starting to feel vanilla, also I can sympathize with the daunting truth that one has to grind a lot of stuff, rep and the like to be competitive at the highest levels of PvP. It sucks.

    More open PvP adventure zones would be cool.
    Possibly some focus on PvP for a change would help draw people in to playing.
    Things like kits and more ground options, new space maps and all sorts of other stuff thats been discussed inthe pvp forums.

    Though its true what is said about PvP being a school of hard knocks. A new player will die alot before getting better at pvp.
    Join PvP Bootcamp and it will help.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • carrowcanarycarrowcanary Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Real PvP has stakes, where the winner takes something from the loser.

    STO has carebear pvp.
    I agree.

    I still PvP in STO (pretty much exclusively in Ker'rat), but I don't really give a toss about the outcome when I can just respawn after 15 seconds instead of having to re-ship and re-buy the fittings at a station several jumps away.
  • keyboalpha2keyboalpha2 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It has been mentioned several times so I may repeat: One queue for premade teams and one "pug" queue would be great!

    Usually it will be a mess even for a good player who is in a pug team if he meets a good premade team. And to die 10 times within a couple of minutes is no fun at all.
    Umbra Venator
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Either people have to put money up to Pvp, or else you can loot their ship after you kill them and take something.

    Real PvP has stakes, where the winner takes something from the loser.

    STO has carebear pvp.

    Doubtful STO will go the loot route. Too many would cry foul at losing thier most valued equipment.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It has been mentioned several times so I may repeat: One queue for premade teams and one "pug" queue would be great!

    Usually it will be a mess even for a good player who is in a pug team if he meets a good premade team. And to die 10 times within a couple of minutes is no fun at all.

    How do you keep those players whom know each other but are not a premade from working together?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • zombiedeadheadedzombiedeadheaded Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let's be honest, the idea of PvP in this game is laughable, noting to lose, nothing to gain. If I kill you do i get to loot your wreck? What do I risk if i lose? Nothing, no point.
  • edna#7310 edna Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let's be honest, the idea of PvP in this game is laughable, noting to lose, nothing to gain. If I kill you do i get to loot your wreck? What do I risk if i lose? Nothing, no point.

    dignity ..you will loose it when your ship pops lol :D
  • captaintrueheartcaptaintrueheart Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you have to not suck at talking to people.
    you have to at least try to not sound smug and condescending.

    lol... exactly...

    And yes definitely have something where if you kill me in PvP I get to completely re-outfit my ship. I can't think of anything that would be more awesome and get me to dive right into PvP than that.

    Let's just make PvP non-consensual... because if it's just about getting people to PvP then really what better way to do it than make it a non-consensual, level agnostic affair. No reason a Level 51 player shouldn't be there to roll over people just as they exit the tutorial right?

    That would teach all those {insert random word here}"bear" players to not suck and learn to play the game right or just shutup and "GTFO".

    If there's any question why someone doesn't PvP, this thread should pretty much answer it.
    =/\= ================================= =/\=
    Captain Ariel Trueheart Department of Temporal Investigations
    U.S.S. Valkyrie - NCC 991701
    =/\= ================================= =/\=
  • keyboalpha2keyboalpha2 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    How do you keep those players whom know each other but are not a premade from working together?

    How about this: people who want to enter a pug match are not allowed to be in a team (or at least are limited to be in a team containing not more than 2 players) before they want to start the queue. If they are in a full team they can't enter the pug match. Of course there will meet players well known to each other in the same team by pure chance - and work together. But the "preamade kills pug team within seconds"-thing would be less annoying (for the pug AND premade team).

    Best would be a player's skill- and experience-based pug queue (good players meet good ones, not so good players meet not so good ones...) but I don't know how this could be implemented.
    Umbra Venator
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about this: people who want to enter a pug match are not allowed to be in a team (or at least are limited to be in a team containing not more than 2 players) before they want to start the queue. If they are in a full team they can't enter the pug match. Of course there will meet players well known to each other in the same team by pure chance - and work together. But the "preamade kills pug team within seconds"-thing would be less annoying (for the pug AND premade team).

    Best would be a player's skill- and experience-based pug queue (good players meet good ones, not so good players meet not so good ones...) but I don't know how this could be implemented.

    Could be done with a rating system. Like chess.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Lack of purpose. What do I gain by partaking in PvP content? Nothing worth while compared to other content.

    2) Lack of balance. This includes the ship/gear/captain issues along with the lack of a ranking system.

    3) Lack of fairness. This includes the P2W issues along with the lack of a proper matching system.

    Their is no PvP rep, nothing specific I can gain from it that cannot be gained somewhere else much faster. I used to bum around Kerrat in the past for Mk 12 drops and the purple rocks but the PvP aspect of it did not matter one bit to me.

    Anyone who claims PvP is balanced is delusional. When engineers are considered pointless (1/3rd of the possible options for captains alone) let alone all the boff abilities, skills, consoles, etc etc that are complete junk and everyone is pushed into specific roles that even lack the flexibility that a MOBA gives you it kills any interest for me from an experimental vantage.

    When I partake in a competition I expect to enter with a 50-50 chance of victory or defeat. If I know I will win then the entire activity is pointless to me from a 'thrill of the challenge' point of view. If I know I will loose the same applies. Although honestly I probably prefer a 30-40 percent chance of victory honestly, keeps you on edge. This obviously does not apply to PvE content as I do not expect it to scratch that challenge itch.

    TLDR: MMO PvP is (to me) the worst form of competitive gameplay that exists and as such I never have, nor will, bother with it unless the rewards are extremely good and in that case I view it more like PvE than anything else. The only exception I have ever experienced was in EVE where although I did not go seeking PvP the few times it found me improved the overall game experience massively. That is one hell of a thrill.
  • krovankrovan Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ever play sins of a solar empire?

    Remember how the jumplanes between planets would change color depending on who had more influence in the systems on each end of the lanes?

    I'd like to see the astrometrics overlay have a similar concept in territory control, like a layer on top of the existing sector space that you can turn off and on.

    then I'd like to see each system assigned a resource, and each of those resources be required to build a new type of fleet holding, lets call it an outpost for now.

    Then each fleet, can drop an outpost at a system, and depending on the time when it was dropped, it can be attacked by a 5 man group every 24 hours.
    While the outpost is active, it farms resources, a little dilithuim, some fleet reputation points for starbase projects..whatever makes it fun.

    If you don't want to have a pvp experience, you flag your outpost as neutral, and instead defend it form enemey npc groups for fleet marks or something.

    Heres where it gets fun though.

    Anyone that toggles on the pvp astrometrics layer becomes similar to one of those enemey signal contacts, and the opposing faction can intercept them and a mini pvp map pops up.

    in order to build a pvp outpost, or attack one, you need the pvp toggle to be active, otherwise the sector and system won't display pvp control zones.

    put a cooldown on turning it off and on and youve got some open world pvp mixed with territory control that doesn't split the player base or move it out of the main world, and is totally consensual.
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,298 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I already dabble in PvP, but it gets boring very quickly.

    Like others have mentioned, there needs to be some sort of 'constant' resource/territory battle and some real rewards for taking part (similar to the reputation system)

    At the moment its just the same thing over and over again with no real point.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What would bring you into PvP?


    Having played PvP in other games (APB Reloaded, for example) I can honestly say that nothing would entice me to play PvP.

    Occassionally, i've played a private challenge against one of my fleet-mates to settle a few discussions - Aquarius Vs Hoh'Sus, Galaxy Saucer Vs Odyssey Shevron, Haakona Vs Prometheus vectors etc. I'm fine with that because it's friendly and amusing.

    But my general experience of PvP is being expected to hold my own against veteran players with pitch-perfect builds and extremely expensive or one-time gear. And frankly, getting my TRIBBLE repeatedly handed to me is boring. PvE is much more fun. Personally, i'd prefer to see more work go into expanding STO's PvE experience - more endgame PvE's, and an increase in complexity to PvE objectives.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • brantregarebrantregare Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Honestly, there is nothing that could be done to bring me in to PvP. Tried a few times to get the 1440 Dil that was being offered.. but 3 runs always felt like 4 too many. Almost every encounter was a one sided affair, and the ones that were not one sided were drag-fests that took near an hour to complete. For me, PvP is dead.
  • secondalksecondalk Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    The player requirement in STO in general has been lowered .
    You level faster , STF's are easyer , everything is aimed at the "casual gaming experience" .

    In PVP , it's just the opposite . The sharp opposite in fact .
    And while the PVP bootcamp was an interesting experiment -- the end design of it was not just to to make a player better , but to attempt to bring them to the same level that the PVP community is at .

    And to be honest , I don't want to play at that level .
    It requires too much work , too much EC / Lobi , too much "polishing" of your ship + Boff's + Doff's -- and at the end of the day you still get creamed by a premade .

    And that does not even cover the speed devils , the carrier spam , the uselessness of Engineers , the OP-ness of Tacs , what on the PVP forums ppl refer to as 'cheese' ,the power creep of the Reputations , and the near exclusive balance of all new powers for PVE alone (that just screws up PVP) more and more .

    In short , space PVP has become stupid .

    Mind you I respect ppl who stick with it .
    I wish them the best .
    But the PVP in STO is not for me . Not any more .

    PVP might become popular if they introduce cookie cutter builds & powers , with minimal customization , and a separate skill tree . In short , PVP for dummies .
    But this would be against the wishes of 90+% of the current PVP community .

    I still have fun in lower level PVP from time to time , but I know that most "pro" PVP-ers are not about that these days , and those who try to bring back the "old days" by limiting this/that seem to always run into walls .

    It's not called 'PvP for dummies', it's called a professional circuit where players are set on competitive terms and victory is determined by skill and strategy.

    It isn't like that in STO. Alot of these guys are playing big fish in a small pond that would sooner complain about being set on viable terms with others, instead of maintaining the advantage they now feel entitled to over new entries.

    I don't care to see people who generally know what they are doing get shredded because they don't have the gear that I do. I don't care to see people persisting longer than they should by sole virtue of their wallet. Sure, there are a limited number that would still be at the top of their game in a real circuit, but no surprises if those leaderboards shift on equal footing.

    That is what makes PvP feel daunting and complex. Alot of junk to juggle that shouldn't be real factors.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would bring nothing! No PSG, no armor. I'd just let myself get killed and then lay there for the rest of the match! ;)

    ...jk, jk, jk! But seriously:

    I like PvP occasionally to sharpen/test my skills, but ultimately I want a story-driven "Trek" experience. That being said, I'm still supportive of PvP enhancements, and if there were a capture-the-flag mode, I'd play a LOT more! I still remember the days of Elite Force, that was some fun capture the flag playing online!
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • horkathanehorkathane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ground PvP is really fun but space PvP can be an issue since its highly dependent on gear. For some reason ground PvP seems more skill based. I seen people in space pvp have such good gear their shields dont even go down unless 4 people are attacking them. Thats Gear so there is an imbalance. Ints not like you have as many movement options in space as on the ground to get cover.
    The Legendary Horka Thane
    1999 Tribes 1
    Infamous TurreNt Camp ( if you dont know you are not Legendary )
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    what would make me pvp alot more?

    i like the type of pvp that gives you motivation to fight for something
    and i dont mean Grinding.
    something like guild wars factions territory battle pvp system.
    i always like that one, fight for territory and hold on to certain
    elite missions so you can get access to certain unique equipment.

    and i am still puzzled what i was told along time ago
    Quote: "PVP isn't profitable" which is a lie.
  • horkathanehorkathane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    but to add to what I said on the downside of gear, being able to be attacked by so many at one time can create such a FX lag on your system that I bet if you dont have a beefy computer (like me heh) the mouse lag and frame rate will kill em lol.
    The Legendary Horka Thane
    1999 Tribes 1
    Infamous TurreNt Camp ( if you dont know you are not Legendary )
  • poiuylkjhg09876poiuylkjhg09876 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love PVP in it's intended role, the final evolution of gameplay and the last place to sharpen the gameplay skills. Very few games manage to balance between PvE fun and PvP, due to the balance of the game on both sides. Many modern games are simply made or broken by this balance and trying to maintain it between the two environments.

    I PvP occasionally, with fleeties just for the social experience buta lot like pugs it tends to be a low rate of satisfaction. I majoraly wind up in games that are too one-sided to learn anything much less enjoy the experience. If i want to shoot things that are easy to kill i will stick with PvE. If i want to toss the dice into the pug queues or to try to bet weather my premade will catch an equivalentally balanced-equipped-or skilled team is an actual virtual waste of time.

    I think the best fix to PvP would be to spam more ships and variety into the game for infinite possibilities and not micromanaging OP then nerfing cycle everytime something new is delievered. Simply put the entire game balance and pvp system needs to be overhauled to make it fun or worthwhile.

    You can't properly motivate people to do pvp with rewards like dilihtium that can be used in any asppect of the game. If you reward dilithium and there were a way to farm or "manipulate" the system to get good loot, cryptic would say no fair. If we tried to scale i to time as in the foundry u would have afk'ers and farmers. Perhaps if there were a pvp only type of reward , currency, or rep system of some sort that wou.d encourage pvp as a seperate enitity that might drum up some traffic.

    I have played many games witht he typical storyline sginle player modes or pve modes and well developed pvp aspects and they always tend to be much better games on one aspect or the other because the two are in opposition of each other, thats simply poor design and overreaching.

    Frankly speaking i love pvp aspects in games but i think the way it is done in STO actually detracts from the game overall. Everytime something gets nerfed it isn't cause teh AI is rying about this is unablanced or shouldn't be able to beat my cookicuttter dps stack build. That comes from the coddled pvp crowd who apparently never tire of doing the same handful of repetitive battles again and again or perhaps of finding easy fodder in pvp queues. Perhaps the aspect that most keeps me from pvp is the game format itself and the way cryptic constantly dances about trying to keep the paying customers happy even when their complaints are selfish and inconsideate of the whole. At the same time they struggle to keep the game fresh and up to date, to add new content and ZZ store items to entice players along with new weapons gear systems which all must be balanced and generally rebalanced 2 more timess after. Initially it comes OP so people will buy it and be pleased until it is claimed to be too OP by PvP community, then they readjust, and a month later repeat the entire cycle.

    The real PvP game in STO occurs only in forums and domination for player influence on the dev's changes and pov.

    I won't even touch the whole macro, keybind topic. I DO love the game for not being a pay to win format tho, and they do a lot of good and appreciated work. On occasion i have found myself enjoying the game unexpectedly at the strangest moments.

    I always looked forward to pvp'ing when i thought i was rdy, then i realized the pvp wasn't ready for me.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What would get me into pvp?

    Nothing, honestly. Now, I've not tried pvp in this game, so all of this comes from both trying it in other games & reading forum threads in other games.....

    I avoid pvp because of the horribly toxic atmosphere around it. The whole "trash talk"/abuse/teabagging/"lol carebears go back to Hello Kitty Online"/rampaging fratboy jerkass, thing. (Along with other stuff like... attempts to "balance" pvp causing problems with pve; the budding sociopaths who defend "open world" ganking of lv10 players by lv60 ones with stuff like "yeah, that's pvp" or "lol, pvp happened on a pvp server"; etc.)
  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i currently do a bit of pvp im not a bad player but im far from the best one thing where i see the issue is there is no opponent scaling or should i say a ranking system.

    beginners get tossed in with those like me that have alot more practice then them and with such a small pvp population its not just 1 out of 10 or even 1 out of 5 games its 1 out of 2 games they get tossed in a game there is no way they can win it...this ruins the fun for them and from that moment onwards they wont join ever...

    the thing that could help this game is for the system to attempt to average team skill if it can't it should be able to break teams apart,of course there would have to be another que that does not have this built in that warns players that its an open rank que.

    just an idea.
  • ehrlehnehrlehn Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nothing actually. Since my main is fed engineer there is no point in PvP, the class is simply not viable in that atmosphere....yes I could tank, but whoop-dee-doo, a sci can do that and actually contribute with sub-nuc, etc. So.....no.

    I may perhaps try sometime with my klingon tac, but the better equipment is out of that characters range at this time, and with my lack of free time...doubtful.

    If I really want PvP, I play WoT.

    Derrick - Fed Eng
  • gstamo01gstamo01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I wasn't being smug in my last post. I was being honest.

    For those people who are actually interested in PvP, but currently do not participate, a good fix for STO would be to go the route of Guild Wars.

    So what do I mean by Guild Wars? In the original Guild Wars, you had your PvE play and your PvP play. When you created your character, you selected which type of game that character would play. A PvP character did just that, PvP. Nothing else. Be it in a team with friends/guildies or random grouping. That PvP character already starts out at max level and a skill set. Every class was different, but two people of the same class started out the exact same. So while your PvE characters may currently have <inset p2w item here>, your PvP characters would not have access to them.

    This would be a big fix for PvP in STO
    You know Cryptic has Jumped the Proverbial Shark when they introduced Tractor Pulling to Star Trek Online! :D
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let's be honest, the idea of PvP in this game is laughable, noting to lose, nothing to gain. If I kill you do i get to loot your wreck? What do I risk if i lose? Nothing, no point.

    Outside of baubles you don't need to complete any PvE content in the entire game, what exactly do you gain or risk to lose by playing this game's PvE?

    I mean this game, literally, gives you gear for completing the only content you could possibly use that gear in.

    I.e. you never actually needed it in the first place.

    secondalk wrote: »
    It's not called 'PvP for dummies', it's called a professional circuit where players are set on competitive terms and victory is determined by skill and strategy.

    Most premade vs. premade matches will hash out quick rules/terms before the match.

    secondalk wrote: »
    It isn't like that in STO. Alot of these guys are playing big fish in a small pond that would sooner complain about being set on viable terms with others, instead of maintaining the advantage they now feel entitled to over new entries.


    I find it amusing how many people make broad, sweeping assumptions when most of the premade capable fleets are generally desperate to have good, hard, fights with other premade teams.

    I can tell you on vent that even when we end up in a match against a PUG team that isn't coordinating that we let out a collective groan.

    None of us enjoy that, it's not fun for us. We'd do more premade matches if there were more to be had - this is why we and other fleets have been taking part in player run tournaments with a short list of simple rules with Rule No. 1 being "Have Fun".

    Two successful tournaments so far, a lot of fun had by all and the first tournament had over 100 players get together for it.

    I think that's pretty indicative that your statement, is quite flatly false.
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What would bring me into PvP? Nothing really as I have no real interest in PvP.

    I came to STO to enjoy the ST IP in a playable format where I am involved somewhat in how the episode or movie plays out. I came for the story and the atmosphere.

    I did not come to STO to play Rock'em Sock'em robots with the robots in ST ships or uniforms.

    Yes, I have played in a few fun PvP matches when I was a member of a KDF fleet a few years back.

    And yes, I have leveled 7 different KDF characters since STO was released. But I leveled them thru PvE content. I still have 3 LGs I just don't have any real interest in playing them anymore.

    To do PvP correctly, a game has to be designed and coded specifically for PvP from the beginning - like EvE. STO was not designed like that from the start. PvP was an afterthought or addon. And still is.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If STO was like EVE the PvP of STO would be dead by now as very few fans of ST seem willing to permantly lose thier items.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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