I wouldn't be as irritated if waiting in the queue didn't take up 33% of my processor and 45% of my memory constantly. And that's not including the load on my video card, which has been running its fans full-blast for the last hour.
Just adding my 2 cents.
I'm angered slightly, dissapointed more so, and slowly getting myself psyched to play something else. Likely WoW for a couple months. Guess I won't be buying the new ship I had planned. That money goes to Blizzard now.
If I'd wanted to spend hours watching numbers go by I'd go back to Eve Online. At least there you get pretty graphics to go with them.
This queue is abit ridiculous, been trying to confirm my T5 Reman unlock is even there, basically waiting 4 hours for something that will take 10 seconds.
Because this isn't 2005, and people don't expect problems like 'server queues' to happen anymore. In fact, this is probably the first time I've seen an MMO with one in at least 3 or 4 years.
As paying customers they're also entitled to complain, and while some may overdo it, I'd say it's better than watching a good chunk of the playerbase start charging back their purchases and/or quitting the game entirely if this keeps up for much longer. Not to say that -will- happen, but if PW/Cryptic doesn't handle this situation properly, it very well could damage STO in an irreversible way.
you can stress test until the hardrive melts you can pick every bug out of a game, you can program the game to run perfectly, but you'll always have problems. People are too used to perfect launches
it could be bad plan to make ppls buy gold or lifetime-yes,but more likely its due to the new patch....since it was released there is problems....slow patching,then "login failed due to unknown reason".if u manage to log in and see there isnt so many ppls playing as many ppls waiting to play,but a company that owns few online games they should be able to handle with that if is due to server capacity or there support team to fix those problems.truth is that after like a day there is new and new problems comming on.next one perhaps will be that all account data will be deleted? or somethink like that.its become worse with every hr since this patch had come
They dont want it.They dont care.Maybe they r enjoying this...If honest company was tried already to do something...Look at the over 200 pages on forum and still waitin over 20k ppl to log in....And there is nothing to do from them still...
Well MWO is F2P and the new content was released yesterday. No queue there, oh well guess MWO gets my full attention for the next few weeks. (not to mention money)
Just did a little math based on my initial position in the queue and how long it took to get to my current position in the queue ... and unless the queue starts moving faster than it is now then I will have to wait more than 2 hours to actually start playing!
On what "perfect world" is a 2+ hour wait acceptable for a PC game?
In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
Poor tactic, many potential customers will see this wait and wonder 'why would I pay for that' and continue to play for free. Failure to anticipate capacity demand for a major launch is a rookie move
I wouldn't be as irritated if waiting in the queue didn't take up 33% of my processor and 45% of my memory constantly. And that's not including the load on my video card, which has been running its fans full-blast for the last hour.
If I'd wanted to spend hours watching numbers go by I'd go back to Eve Online. At least there you get pretty graphics to go with them.
I agree, my old GTX 260 SP216 running at 95% and its hell hot 80+C fan blows at 100% lmao
not complaing about CPU or RAM they can handle it, but my GPU drives me nuts lol
Well lets just say if you don't want to wait get your self a life time sub.Life subs like me get ahead of the pack.Be cause we paid for the game.
Free to play players have the longest wait time.
Sorry to be blunt but it's the truth.
And if you don't mind waiting for a couple of days for the server to calm down.
Actually I have spent more on the game than a lifetime sub costs. I wish they had taken that into account. So the line would be Lifetime, gold, supporter, free player.
So yeah some of us with silver payed for the game too. While I appreciate your support of the game maybe you should take that into account before posting.
This is really insane. Having 25,000 people trying to get into your game means one thing... 25,000 that WANT to play but can't, and have nothing better to do than to give you bad press. 25,000 people that may want to spend money, but they can't even get in your game to do so.
Get additional servers online immediately.
I was planning to drop about $50 on some stuff and keys, at this point I won't even be able to get keys while they are on sale. Was possibly going to try the LoR pack, but again I won't even be able to play in time to buy it while it is on sale (no I am not waiting 3-4 hours in queue just so I can log in and throw money at them, leave that to Apple fans). My money would be better spent moving on to something else rather than trying to come back to STO.
I get that new launches have issues, but excluding a large portion of your playerbase all while saying "OMG hey buy our wonderful overpriced stuff for our wonderful game and don't forget to get lifetime for a F2P game".... that is a little insane.
A reputable company would extend the sales, get new servers online (even if temporary) and get some real info out to the players rather than "We know there are queues and people get in quick". 3-4 hours is not quick.
I just thought of something... Has anyone gotten through queue only to realize after getting in that they selected the wrong character? I can't imagine how bad that would make me feel...
Around 4 - 6 AM is easy to get in. I jsut kinda accept that is the way I will be playing over the next few weeks.
The update has a weird color feel to it Im not sure I like.
You all shouldn’t be so quick to throw the free to play people under the bus. In game they are usually the best players for the equipment they are given and the few purchases they make. They are by far the most fun to be on a team with even if we all just blow up most of the time.
This queue is abit ridiculous, been trying to confirm my T5 Reman unlock is even there, basically waiting 4 hours for something that will take 10 seconds.
How fun.
If you are expecting it to be in the t5 rom rep as an unlock, you are going to be disappointed..
Cough up the cash or no reman for you.
I just thought of something... Has anyone gotten through queue only to realize after getting in that they selected the wrong character? I can't imagine how bad that would make me feel...
Yep, I had intended to start with the Romulan but mistakingly took my main... so indeed, played 15, 20 minutes, duty officers mostly, and then thought i'd switch....
stress testing and still having problems is a true thing, however...
this ****storm of an expansion event is
well let's just say it's poorly executed.
Quite similar to Tribble bugs, tribble bugs are pointed out, devs say thanks, players say np, tribble bug almost always ends up in holodeck.
Idk, I don't think I've seen quality control this bad since that last final fantasy mmo inital release. The whole staff there was "reshuffled" and the game was remade from scratch. Now it isn't so bad , heads just need to roll. Nothing personal, just business.
Yep, I had intended to start with the Romulan but mistakingly took my main... so indeed, played 15, 20 minutes, duty officers mostly, and then thought i'd switch....
I feel for you brother...
If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
One fix for LONG login issues. Once logged in, your IN...changing characters does NOT log you out. The simple act of changing chars is half the login issue. Near 3/4's of the people in queue would not be there if that simple little switch was flipped.
Was gunna buy a life time membership today. Then i waited over 3 hours to log on. not gunna lie im not investing anymore time waiting on this game. let me know when this silly queue problem goes away and maybe ill come back. good lord i might even go outside.:mad:
If I'd wanted to spend hours watching numbers go by I'd go back to Eve Online. At least there you get pretty graphics to go with them.
How fun.
Login queue: 7000 out of 24000
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg..
- grows grey hair as he waits for actual login...
you can stress test until the hardrive melts you can pick every bug out of a game, you can program the game to run perfectly, but you'll always have problems. People are too used to perfect launches
They dont want it.They dont care.Maybe they r enjoying this...If honest company was tried already to do something...Look at the over 200 pages on forum and still waitin over 20k ppl to log in....And there is nothing to do from them still...
Sarcasm party of Fail your booth is ready!
On what "perfect world" is a 2+ hour wait acceptable for a PC game?
Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
I agree, my old GTX 260 SP216 running at 95% and its hell hot 80+C fan blows at 100% lmao
not complaing about CPU or RAM they can handle it, but my GPU drives me nuts lol
Actually I have spent more on the game than a lifetime sub costs. I wish they had taken that into account. So the line would be Lifetime, gold, supporter, free player.
So yeah some of us with silver payed for the game too. While I appreciate your support of the game maybe you should take that into account before posting.
Sorry to be blunt but it's the truth.
sorry, you arent better than anyone else
Might get LTS, but I'll see. If the queues get Gold/LTS players queued, it can't be good. At least there must be a LOT of people playing.
Get additional servers online immediately.
I was planning to drop about $50 on some stuff and keys, at this point I won't even be able to get keys while they are on sale. Was possibly going to try the LoR pack, but again I won't even be able to play in time to buy it while it is on sale (no I am not waiting 3-4 hours in queue just so I can log in and throw money at them, leave that to Apple fans). My money would be better spent moving on to something else rather than trying to come back to STO.
I get that new launches have issues, but excluding a large portion of your playerbase all while saying "OMG hey buy our wonderful overpriced stuff for our wonderful game and don't forget to get lifetime for a F2P game".... that is a little insane.
A reputable company would extend the sales, get new servers online (even if temporary) and get some real info out to the players rather than "We know there are queues and people get in quick". 3-4 hours is not quick.
Take my like sir.
842 of 23931.
Really not good enough Cryptic.
The update has a weird color feel to it Im not sure I like.
You all shouldn’t be so quick to throw the free to play people under the bus. In game they are usually the best players for the equipment they are given and the few purchases they make. They are by far the most fun to be on a team with even if we all just blow up most of the time.
If you are expecting it to be in the t5 rom rep as an unlock, you are going to be disappointed..
Cough up the cash or no reman for you.
Yep, I had intended to start with the Romulan but mistakingly took my main... so indeed, played 15, 20 minutes, duty officers mostly, and then thought i'd switch....
this ****storm of an expansion event is
well let's just say it's poorly executed.
Quite similar to Tribble bugs, tribble bugs are pointed out, devs say thanks, players say np, tribble bug almost always ends up in holodeck.
Idk, I don't think I've seen quality control this bad since that last final fantasy mmo inital release. The whole staff there was "reshuffled" and the game was remade from scratch. Now it isn't so bad
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I feel for you brother...