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***The Official Login Queue Thread!*** (Threads about queues will be moved here)



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    gethralkin1gethralkin1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, after about 4 and a half hours of waiting, my chores are done and since I am still in queue (and not British, from a Douglas Adams joke) I am giving up and changing the channel.

    SWTOR has enough server space that I can play without a so-called "short" wait.

    EDIT: Well, after this post, I actually was logged in finally. However, my frustration level is so high at the moment that I only did some minor mail maintenance (another peeving issue) before logging out. Next stop, SWTOR, where a lot of others are going.
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    dankodangidankodangi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    22,757 back in Q for the 3rd time as i get house chores done and watch TV and do laundry and im running out of things todo come on fix this or its gonna confuse the heck out of my wife when she comes home and EVERYTHING is done
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    deasamus6284deasamus6284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    no guys you think my request may seem petty but i also know there are millions of players so requesting a common item for mass gifting to me doesnt seem unreasonable for compensation. this is very inconvient and its not our fault its theres and i think requesting a gift is not unreasonble.
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    navcomonlinenavcomonline Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm 17006 of 22778 now in login queuve :(
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    jackyrulezjackyrulez Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I understand that the ques means the game is full and a lot of people are playing which is a great thing but I think its time to get new servers or buy more being 22k in line is pretty ridiculous. I love the game but those ques are too high! That's my 2 cents now... what to do while i wait for game to let me in hmm...:P
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    zwarfelzwarfel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Entertained right now.. has anyone else other then myself thought to login the perfect world site and do the surveys while they wait. Its free ZEN... just a thought

    yes. but got rejected three times. Bll**** has to be carefully selected. :-)
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    beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thedderz1 wrote: »
    I left the queue going and after 94 minutes I'm still only up to 4000. Its a shame that all modern releases nowadays under estimate the stress put on log in servers on release day. I understand costs have to be kept to a minimum but I cant imagine how much lost revenue they will have from those of us unable to log in and play.

    I bought the Starter pack and haven't been able to try the content yet, I'm happy to come back in a day or two when things are hopefully resolved by the company however as someone who was tempted with the LTS last night, I now have no interest in purchasing a subscription which means that I still have to queue. I'll keep that money for something else.

    Not meant to be a moan, just a perspective from a casual gamer who just, well wants to game and not queue.

    However its good to see that a game that I thought was dying before PWE stepped in is going so strong :)

    dont hold your breath.....PW (parent company to cryptic) is all about revinue (chinese company) they do little if anything to better the product yet constantly churn out better rated ships so players are forced to buy them to compete.

    just look at all the games perfect world runs all pay to win asian garbage
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    chr22chr22 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »
    Not just that.

    Some LTS/Golds think that silvers should be completely kicked from the server when a LTS/Gold is trying to log on.

    Ignoring that the "free" players have likely sunk money into the game too via the cash store, in some cases well over the price of a full charge LTS membership, just spread out over a year instead of in a lump sum.

    wait..hatred against free players?! I thought this was STO not TOR

    well...guess they're mad since they have to wait in line with the rest of us
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    thelatathelata Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    a lot of people say they werent prepared for the mass influx of people logging in when LoR went live,lag,lag and lag,most people can deal with lag if they can get into the game,to prove they were prepared they even made a nice little lcars login queue screen,before it was just a basic text which very rarely popped up,lol they even spent time coding an lcars screen,anyway i dont know much about servers and their capacity,but this is the first time ive seen full servers in an MMO,and even an MMO which has been slated as a failure since launch
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    fluxing1955fluxing1955 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So you want to be rewarded for not being able to get in to a FREE TO PLAY game? Good luck with that.
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    turalisj89turalisj89 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shale087 wrote: »
    Because this isn't 2005, and people don't expect problems like 'server queues' to happen anymore. In fact, this is probably the first time I've seen an MMO with one in at least 3 or 4 years.

    As paying customers they're also entitled to complain, and while some may overdo it, I'd say it's better than watching a good chunk of the playerbase start charging back their purchases and/or quitting the game entirely if this keeps up for much longer. Not to say that -will- happen, but if PW/Cryptic doesn't handle this situation properly, it very well could damage STO in an irreversible way.

    Guild Wars 2. In maps with big events going on, you'll get shunted to an overflow server where the event likely isn't happening.

    Similar, not the same, but still godfracking annoying.
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    ardvarkboyardvarkboy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You get to play a free game. Enjoy your gift.
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    jkwrangler2010jkwrangler2010 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Que was at 24835 last time I checked.
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    vanclifvanclif Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This queue has only one reason: incompetence

    For some weeks STO has problems and you launch Neverwinter on the same server cluster.
    Result: More Problems
    Then you launch STO LoR.
    Result: More Problems and angry customers

    And the best: while we wait in 20k+ queues Neverwinter runs without problems.
    Why? Nobody cares about Neverwinter. Shut it down and fix STO!

    That fail was foreseeable...
    If you launch events / games / addons without the server resources it is no wonder.
    The time has come you have to invest in new servers. tho old have not enougth capacity.
    Do it or do it not and in some month the capacity will be enougth, cause the users will run away.
    It has already startet. Just TODAY and just in my fleet 3 Players quit the game and will not come back!
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    smallbrainfieldsmallbrainfield Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ha ha ha, and I thought the recent server problems with Battlefield 3 were bad. I'm off there now to vent some frustration...

    Not really surprised there are server issues, but the sheer amount of time you are expected to queue is rather staggering. Hope this gets sorted soon. Godspeed Cryptic, hope you get this sorted soon.
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    mcconnamcconna Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What's funny for me, as a subber gold member. Both times I logged on and actually got thrown into the queue (2 other times it didn't even put me in the queue and I got in) it put me in the 1st and 3rd spots (Which was in front of 26k). So yeah, haven't had issues as a gold member with it yet. :P
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    roosterrider80roosterrider80 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zwarfel wrote: »
    yes. but got rejected three times. Bll**** has to be carefully selected. :-)

    Ya I just missed out on the big ones.. still working thru a list of the small ones though. I like that in everyone though I'm from Beverly Hills lmao
    Boldly going where most men and Ferengi have gone before...come here Leeta!
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    larskdvalllarskdvall Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    22552 out of 22759!

    I had seen queues before, in another universe, but never this bad.

    They're saying they are trying to resolve an issue, but I logged in just fine early today so here's the issue: BAD PLANNING!

    a) New Movie out, stirs the interest for new players
    b) New content, stirs the interest for old players
    c) Not enough servers

    Someone should loose his or her job over this.

    Now I'm not going to stick around for a few hours, to get a chance to get in.

    Here's an idea: Send us emails when it's possible to log in the game.

    Now 20926 out of 22266!

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    karcornerkarcorner Member Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    knerdy wrote: »
    Seriously a login queue and over 25,000 people in queue?

    And you want people to spend money to waiting in line?

    No thanks.

    If you want me to spend my hard earned money then it's time to start regional servers, or get more up. I have better things to do than wait in line for hours.

    This is ridiculous.

    Guess I won't be getting that lifetime subscription after all.

    You obviously are silver and playing for free, that's what the subs and lifetime do, they give you priority QUE. Read the matrix!
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    foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    thelata wrote: »
    a lot of people say they werent prepared for the mass influx of people logging in when LoR went live,lag,lag and lag,most people can deal with lag if they can get into the game,to prove they were prepared they even made a nice little lcars login queue screen,before it was just a basic text which very rarely popped up,lol they even spent time coding an lcars screen,anyway i dont know much about servers and their capacity,but this is the first time ive seen full servers in an MMO,and even an MMO which has been slated as a failure since launch

    If you've never been in a queue or an MMO then one of two things has happened.

    1. You were playing a game that had set "world" servers to which your account was married and therefore instantly allowed access as it was a resident of that server.


    2. You're lying.
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    darkemirrordarkemirror Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was waiting for almost 2 hours with a log in queue of about 20000 and im finally about to start when I get logged out for your "unknown reasons" again! I re-log in and im at the very bottom?! Seriously?! That's not right! At least compensate us for hours of our life we are NEVER gonna get back! Being stuck at a queue screen!!!
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    stalkerstealthstalkerstealth Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
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    zwarfelzwarfel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Was sort of ok 11:30 GMT. So work at night play during the day. Anyway 2076 getting close...
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    djxprimedjxprime Member Posts: 522 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    All of this queue line TRIBBLE reminded me of this. I never thought I'd see these times come back! :rolleyes:


    "No matter where you go...there you are."
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    pwetacodeathpwetacodeath Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cleaned house, and watched 2 (yes 2) Indiana Jones movies, and still waiting. LOL Oh well, guess its time to pop in The Last Crusade

    Small town in the middle of nowhere Pop: 2150'ish and Raining
    I am not a Mod. I am just a player. You have been informed :cool:
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    partyotterpartyotter Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dont hold your breath.....PW (parent company to cryptic) is all about revinue (chinese company) they do little if anything to better the product yet constantly churn out better rated ships so players are forced to buy them to compete.

    just look at all the games perfect world runs all pay to win asian garbage

    Communist TRIBBLE.:mad:
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    valormeervalormeer Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seem's they fixed the issue with Lifers not being able to log in first. Thanks bros! Now if only they could fix that little skill point bug
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    voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I keep seeing massive amounts of forum threads about people complaining that it is taking so long to get into the game since LOR launched.

    To those people I kindly say SHUT UP AND THINK YOU NUMBSKULL!!

    STO was in some pretty dire times, and it's still amazing through all the initial hardships that it even made it through development let alone launch and three years later. It survived through what would normally devastate most into wishful thinking oblivion.

    Thanks to their determination, and us players sticking with the game an investing in its future by purchasing zen and items, the dev team has grown and they have been able to give us this great expansion.

    Sure there's times we all get frustrated at some of the things Cryptic does, but in the end they have and are continuing to give us a really enjoyable game.

    The login queue just proves we were right to invest in the potential we knew the game had and what the dev team could really do some amazing stuff if they had the right resources. So when I'm stuck at 25,042 of 25,454 eagerly waiting to get in the game, I take comfort in the fact that so many are trying to get in and how much brighter the future of the game is with all these new and returning players.

    Now with all that said....Cryptic get some more Servers or I'm holding Bransflakes favorite spoon and Tacofang's tacos hostage until our more servers demands are met. (just kidding of course) :D
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    thelatathelata Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i wont get into technical talk,but ive played quite a few MMOs and never had queue problems like this
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    zombiedeadheadedzombiedeadheaded Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The server is not full. My guess is they are throttling the number of players to prevent crashes, which sounds reasonable, but is actually the lazy way to do it.
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