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Network Outage (Resolved!)



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    mandatorianmandatorian Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    can we hit 200 pages of downtime before uptime ?
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    kirkson2kirkson2 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In service level agreements, it is common to mention a percentage value (per month or per year) that is calculated by dividing the sum of all downtimes timespans by the total time of a reference time span (e.g. a month). 0% downtime means that the server was available all the time.

    For Internet servers downtimes above 1% per year or worse can be regarded as unacceptable as this means a downtime of more than 3 days per year. For e-commerce and other industrial use any value above 0.1% is usually considered unacceptable.
    Klingons smell worse than wookies:D
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    sjokruhlicasjokruhlica Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Who says accordions aren't metal?

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    tahlloltahllol Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    porchsong wrote: »
    اتهمت تركيا جهاز المخابرات السورية بالتورط في التفجيرين اللذين هزا مساء السبت بلدة الريحانية جنوب البلاد وأسفرا عن أكثر من أربعين قتيلا ونحو مائة جريح.

    ونقلت قناة "أن.تي.في" التركية عن بشير أتالاي، نائب رئيس الوزراء التركي، قوله إن النتائج الأولية للتحقيق في التفجيرين -اللذين نفذا بسيارتين ملغمتين- أظهر ان المهاجمين على صلة بجهاز المخابرات السوري.

    وفي وقت سابق قال بولنت أرينج نائب رئيس الوزراء التركي إن النظام السوري من بين المشتبه في وقوفهم وراء هذين التفجيرين، لكنه أكد على ضرورة انتظار انتهاء التحقيقات.

    واعتبر أرينج في تصريحات صحفية أن النظام السوري "مشتبه فيه طبيعي"، مشيرا إلى أن بلاده ستنتظر نتائج التحقيقات قبل أن تحدد أي رد.

    وأضاف "بأجهزتهم السرية وبجماعاتهم المسلحة، فهم بالتأكيد واحد من المشتبه فيهم الطبيعيين الذين يمكن أن يحرضوا ويقوموا بمثل هذا المخطط الشنيع".

    دمار كبير
    وكانت "أن.تي.في" ذكرت أن انفجارا ثالثا وقع السبت في البلدة نفسها الواقعة على الحدود مع سوريا، لكنها قالت إنه لا علاقة له بتفجيرين سابقين بسيارتين مفخختين وقعا السبت أيضا في الريحانية.

    ونقلت القناة عن وزير الداخلية التركي معمر غولر قوله إن التفجير الثالث وقع بسبب انفجار سيارة تنقل صهريج وقود، ولم تذكر ما إذا كان قد خلف ضحايا أم لا.

    وقتل أكثر من أربعين شخصا وأصيب نحو مائة آخرين في التفجيرين اللذين وقع أحدهما أمام مبنى البلدية والثاني أمام مبنى البريد في بلدة الريحانية الواقعة بمحافظة هاتاي.

    وذكرت مصادر تركية أن قوات الأمن فككت سيارة ثالثة ملغمة في البلدة نفسها. وتقول المعلومات الأولية إن الانفجارين أديا إلى دمار كبير في مبنى البلدية والمباني المحيطة. ولم تعلن أي جهة حتى الآن المسؤولية عنهما.

    عشرات القتلى والجرحى سقطوا في التفجيرين (الأوروبية)
    أما رئيس الوزراء رجب طيب أردوغان فعلق على التفجيرين قائلا "أرغب في أن يفهم إخوتنا بالريحانية أن العملية التي نقوم بها عملية حساسة.. أولئك الذين لا يمكنهم قبول عملية الحل في تركيا ربما يتورطون في حوادث".

    وقد دخلت الحكومة في محادثات مع زعيم حزب العمال الكردستاني المحظور عبد الله أوجلان تمخضت حتى الآن عن إعلان الأخير وقف القتال الذي يخوضه مع القوات التركية منذ عقود، وانسحاب عناصر الحزب المسلحة من تركيا.

    ونددت الولايات المتحدة بالتفجيرين، وقال السفير الأميركي لدى تركيا فرانسيس ريتشاردوني إن بلاده "تستهجن بشدة الهجوم الوحشي الذي وقع اليوم، وتقف إلى جانب شعب وحكومة تركيا لتحديد الجناة وتقديمهم إلى العدالة".

    وبدوره أدان الائتلاف الوطني لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية التفجيرين، معتبرا أن هدفهما "الانتقام من تركيا لوقوفها إلى جانب الشعب السوري".

    ووصف الائتلاف في بيان له هذين التفجيرين بأنهما "جريمة إرهابية"، وأكد "وقوفه وأبناء سوريا جميعا إلى جانب الحكومة التركية والشعب التركي الصديق".

    ورأى البيان أن هذه "الجريمة الإرهابية النكراء تهدف إلى الانتقام من الشعب التركي، ومعاقبته على مواقفه المشرفة بالوقوف إلى جانب الشعب السوري، واستقباله للاجئين السوريين الذين فروا من جرائم النظام في قراهم ومدنهم".

    now they are allowing terrorists to use the forums and game as a way to communicate, must let someone know about this.
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    hydrodurahydrodura Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited May 2013
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    atomicshed wrote: »
    Then you have a valid reason for rage, and I support you in it.

    < looks behind rocking chair for either torch or pitchfork>

    Well, for a mob gathering, the torches and pitchforks ARE free.
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    darklordkddarklordkd Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Star Trek Online
    24 minutes ago
    Hi Captains. The team continues to investigate the network outage and is working to bring back up all Cryptic games and services ASAP. from there face book page:eek: thinking it could be an issue with a outside line if there full system is down or there is an issue with there network switch
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    kaptaindetarikaptaindetari Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hitler Reacts to Star Trek Online Downtime

    Exactly! :eek:
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    kpg1usakpg1usa Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How didthe Library Computer get tied into the STO forum? (ie Wiki & Recipes?)
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    hk447hk447 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought it was my internet lol
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    dinos2012dinos2012 Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trekie564 wrote: »
    maybe when you get a little older at least pass 12 years old you mite get it!! fruity nit.
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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Who says accordions aren't metal?


    Nobody. I'm one of the biggest TURISAS fans you're ever likely to meet. The Violin is also totally METAL.

    Kirk's Protege.
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    tinkywinkyofborgtinkywinkyofborg Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about haikus?

    The servers are down,
    What the frak is going on,
    It occurs too much.

    I'm game!

    Alas, my poor luck!
    My first time to play in months:
    and servers are down.

    "Red Alert!," say I
    while manning the photon torps,
    targeting servers....
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    howtokhowtok Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trekie564 wrote: »
    NO! th website is the LOWEST on the priorities, the launcher says SERVER DOWN. the launcher is always more accurate

    And the Website can be seen by all not only the Players....
    Thats the more likely reason ....
    Afraid bout the shame???
    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.
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    annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,642 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hydrodura wrote: »
    Me hungry cook

    and to think i'm better in bed than in the kitchen.... just sayin
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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    commandergravecommandergrave Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A little compensation for this would be appropiate... A disscount on some items or just plain zen giveaway ;D

    anyways, I got kicked right when I finally got to do some infected with my fleet... that was a few hours ago, still can't play.
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    thor759thor759 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If PW are wondering why their income is dropping it is probably due to people like me who consider the game to be too unreliable to justify further investment in new gear. I was thinking about the Legacy Pack but not anymore. PW need to upgrade the network infrastructure or it will be total chaos come May 21st!!!!!

    Also it would be nice for an official notice concerning what has failed and how long the repairs are going to take!
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    roswellgornakroswellgornak Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The launcher is up but the server light is still red.
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    valsharenvalsharen Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here's a hilarious trek song to pass time with:
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    shawnypshawnyp Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    not being booted 6 times a day and an exchange console on the fleet starbase, are these things too much to ask for?
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    soullsdsoullsd Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL well that answers one question. its a hit

    do remins get tribble bonuses
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    treking2treking2 Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It is quite obvious what has happened:

    1. The servers are "working as intended".
    2. The network load problem is being addressed.
    They are attempting to shed network load by having
    disgruntled customers log off and never log in again.
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    bigmarine2bigmarine2 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tahllol wrote: »
    now they are allowing terrorists to use the forums and game as a way to communicate, must let someone know about this.

    i really want to use a derogatory term i learn over seas but i wont all i will say is just translate the page
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    sekritagentsekritagent Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Note to PWE/Cryptic:

    Hookers, liquor and drugs are not considered "investments" in network infrastructure. Time to invest your income appropriately in honest improvements for the sake of your business.

    Anyone else see a new lockbox coming to pay for all of these server "improvements"?

    I just got a mental image of the office looking all disheveled on a Saturday, food TRIBBLE and trash everywhere, with Tacofangs smoking that good and listening to Bob Marley, JamJamz face down with white powder all around his face and Borticus in the corner sweating with his arm tied off and a needle in it. And then giggling women in underwear come running out of Zinc's office and he's passed out nude on a couch with a bottle of Maker's in one hand.
    Delta Rising is the best expansion ever and the players love it! No, seriously! ...Why are you laughing so hard? :(
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    drizzecdrizzec Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
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    ddoherty1011ddoherty1011 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    topset wrote: »
    You win, we can't have a haiku competition now :(

    Lol I can

    Servers are a myth,
    When it comes to our Star Trek,
    Just a stuck button.

    However it is unstuck,
    That is server up.

    But mostly down stuck,
    Meaning less playing for us,
    Why we kick a fuss?

    Well TRIBBLE you cryptic,
    Fix your god damn button now!
    Or find that button,

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    zidanetribalzidanetribal Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How about haikus?

    The servers are down,
    What the frak is going on,
    It occurs too much.

    I'm more of a limerick sort of guy.

    When it comes to Star Trek Online
    Outages cause players to whine
    The developers are pressed to mend
    Problems they can't comprehend
    Of worse things, this could be a sign.

This discussion has been closed.