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Official Warp Core Feedback Thread



  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    hyouki wrote: »
    First things first...

    To counter some of what I've read in this thread, please, for the love of Andoria, do NOT make warp cores set pieces! I'm sick of my captain putzing around sector space at Warp 10 because I got even MORE sick of logging in, jumping into an STF, and finding in mid-battle my set was broken because I swapped in the borg engines for faster transit the day before. The whole reason I was in favor of breaking off the warp core from the impulse system was so that warp speed would be independent of those sets.

    I also have mixed feelings about having reputation-based warp-core. On one hand, it's good to have something to strive for, where consistent effort over time gives you a set reward. On the other hand, though, there is an absurdly vast amount of top-level gear that drops in combat will never ever see use because nobody wants to break their set; it's just so much vendor trash. If the Warp Core is only available via space drops, I might actually get excited to see one turn up, as it may have a flavor I feel is better suited for my build than my current one; even if it didn't there would also be a more active market for them on the exchange, as there's no competition from a grindable-but-guaranteed-to-be-better warp core, so I could potentially sell it. Adding craftable warp cores could also add a boost to a badly underdeveloped part of the game. As such, I think I would have to say NO, don't give us reputation warp cores; we have enough systems to grind for, and we should have SOMETHING worthwhile drop occasionally from combat.

    (On an off-topic, but tangentially related note, it occurs to me you should create a system that allows you to break down vendor trash (maybe above a certain quality level?) for a small amount of unreplicatable materials for use in crafting. Or, you know, remove those thrice-bedamned dilithium costs from it entirely.)

    On a UI note, you may want to create a locked Transwarp System "slot" next to the Warp Core slot for the Excelsiors and the Tuffli; it wouldn't be a slot in the same sense as the others (you wouldn't be able to add or remove a transwarp console from it), but it would be a good place to put a mouseover where you could see which additional transwarp locations that specific ship can go to.

    Regarding Singularity Cores, I see a lot of potential and they look quite interesting. I've seen it suggested here that there be a rep-granted Singularity Core available (presumably for non-Romulan factions), and I would STRONGLY argue against that, at least for now. It would be insane to dilute the primary unique factor of Romulan captains and ships right off the bat. Down the road, however, it may be appropriate to introduce a pseudo singularity core available for non-Romulans; it wouldn't give the full benefits of the Singularity Core, but a hybrid, acting primarily like a M/A Warp Core, but perhaps enabling a single Singularity Core skill, or something. Not knowing yet how a full Singularity Core works, it's hard to say what a happy middle-ground would be. ...although I say it shouldn't be available right away, it does occur to me that such a pseudo singularity core (scalable) would make a highly appropriate Tribble test reward....

    Also, I do appreciate the generous spread of possible warp cores being made available. The one weakness of that is, if you want a particular combination of attributes, thanks to the vagaries of random number generation, there is a small-but-real chance that it will never drop. Ever. For anyone. Even if that particular flavor drops for someone else, if they're not willing to put it on the exchange, you're still out of luck. Still, it might give me a chance to look at a combo I hadn't planned on using and find that it was better than I'd expected.
    I understand what you're saying, and crafting warp cores is on my wish list.

    On the one hand there is a certain logic to receiving reputation based warp cores. And a certain illogic of salvaging cores from destroyed ships. I would sell those to Ferengi for better or at least refurbished core parts.

    And Fleet Warp cores just make sense. A Fleet can build a ship, a core is a component piece.

    But getting a random high quality warp core in combat that actually does something amazing is also a great thing.I don't know.

    That said, warp cores being the primary actor of our sector space warp speed also makes sense. (Slipstream on the other hand should be modified through the deflector).
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • zebulongileszebulongiles Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I was wondering if certain warp cores would provide their own Main Engineering room down on the engineering deck? Certainly not every single warp core would, way too much work.

    Though if they did warp cores as part of existing sets, something like that might work, like with a MACO set, it's warp core might provide a unique Warp core/main engineering room, etc. Though I guess that would still take some work either way.

    Just something I was wondering about.

    Aside from that, I do like the concept, and appreciate the work gone into the new warp core/singularity core system so far :)

    edit: To expand on this idea further, a warp engine as part of a MACO set, or any other specific set could unlock the matching Main engineering room or engineering deck for optional use in the ship customization service. Or Aegis set, etc.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I want set and reputation and fleet warp cores with great abilities for my ships! Same for the singularity ones.... I like the shiny gear! :)
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Dont know if it was mentioned before but
    when u remove the warpcore in space its if nothing happened :confused:

    no warpcore = only emergency power
    similar to when you remove the engines u only have thrusters
    your ship should loose shilds weapons end main engines while the warpcore
    is removed
  • allen78j20stoallen78j20sto Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    tl:dr all pages.... but I would like to see as stated in another thread somewhere that if we take damage,instead of dying and respawning, we were able to repair also being able to eject the warp core would be cool.
  • allen78j20stoallen78j20sto Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Also only for solo missions. Would be a good way to get rid of the enemy. Gotta have all of the prerequisites in place i.e. getting ready to die etc. I would also think it would have to result as an end of mission deal, cant respawn after you eject the warp core and it explodes. Enemy shouldve warped out after detecting the buildup etc. Timer it like an STF and if you are running in elite, cant do another mission until you are towed back to a starbase, by an actual player.

    Or make ejecting the warp core an elite level ability.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    No bugs for me yet.

    I do have a small request though, if it's not already planned that is, Give the Warp cores their own image.

    As it stands it looks like we've got two impulse drives installed. Maybe even a modification to the ship itself when some of the exceptionally rare or hard to get (Rep/fleet?) Warp Cores are installed.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    foundrelic wrote: »
    No bugs for me yet.

    I do have a small request though, if it's not already planned that is, Give the Warp cores their own image.

    As it stands it looks like we've got two impulse drives installed. Maybe even a modification to the ship itself when some of the exceptionally rare or hard to get (Rep/fleet?) Warp Cores are installed.

    My guess they are placeholders for new icons. But given Impulse Engine icons look like Warp Cores, I figure it will be the Impulse Engine icons that get a new look.
  • admiralandyadmiralandy Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    My guess they are placeholders for new icons. But given Impulse Engine icons look like Warp Cores, I figure it will be the Impulse Engine icons that get a new look.

    Yeah it was previously answered that these were tribble test holders, image/art to be changed.
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    With this interpretation coming, will we see our C-store "+1" starship bonuses be shifted to unique cores? To reflect from where those bonuses originate. Even if locked to their C-store iterations only?
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • krovankrovan Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    In a general sense I'm very happy to see more customization/diversity added into ships via new slots. I'd love to see this concept expanded to hull materials, and also to the ships computer (like voyagers bio computer) to let us tweak and refine the ships much more than we currently can.

    The fan base for this IP is a bit more pre-disposed to a higher learning curve, espeically with the concepts introduced in numerous episodes of the shows and the literature surrounding ships and the unique capabilites they posess.

    I'd like to see a more horizontal progression for some of these things as a player, rather than vertical, adding more depth to the endgame once a player has become farmiliar with the systems through gameplay.

    Ideas for this are things like increasing a shield recharge rate when hit by certain weapon types, or by certain weapon energy types, chances to trigger higher recharge times on boff abilities or secondary effects when activating those abilities etc.

    Whatever the case, I am happy to see these new warp cores and already enjoying the discussions and the developing terminology in this thread, I look forward to debates on power settings and ship tweaking becoming much more a part of the end game experience.
  • mondoidmondoid Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I noticed that there is no Warp Core Feedback Tread. They are a new item in the game that changes how our ships play (power level wise).

    Any thoughts?
  • cpdoomcpdoom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I noticed that there are a lot of energy bonus possibilities between weapon, shield, engine and auxiliary. There are a lot of combination but what I observed there is not a lot A-> something. There is the A->W, but that is all, what about the others? As a Science captain I need the other options like A->S for example.
  • allmyteeallmytee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I love the idea of warp cores, however i believe they should have some advantages and disadvantages based on warp core type and ship type. Or perhaps just some pros and cons based on warp core type.

    Make some which increase power in one system, while lowering it for another. Maybe add shield resist by taking away hull resist. Gain acc by sacrificing crit, etc. etc.

    This would add much more in the way of flexible build IMHO
  • xenovixenovi Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've only seen the warp cores in the dilithium store, but it would be nicer to see a few more cores that grant a bonus from auxiliary power. So far I've only seen the one overcharged core that grants a bonus to weapons power and EPS. Be nice to see more that would be more relevant for aux heavy sci ships
    13th Autonomous Battle Group
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  • kirkepsilon1kirkepsilon1 Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    What do I think of them well am not sure to be honest since I don't see yet how they make any difference to my ship at all. Other than just taking up a random slot they don't feel very relevant to me.

    Since they don't contribute to over all speed in sector space which at the moment is determined by what engine you have whether it be one of the Fed engines or the borg engine which is currently the fastest, so for me at the moment I feel they just fill a unwarranted slot with no real value.

    In conclusion I just don't see a good reason to have them at all unless your bothered about vanity in relation to your ship lol. Maybe this warp core stuff is a good example of maybe if its not broken don't fix it?
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Maybe this warp core stuff is a good example of maybe if its not broken don't fix it?

    Well a lot of people keep at least 2 impulse engines on them. One is an impulse engine with a sector speed boost like the borg engine, the other is one with good stats in combat/ part of the set that person is using. The fact people have to swap engines depending on where they are is where the break is; the whole idea from what I understand was to move the sector space bonuses to the warp cores so you can pick the best engine for fighting and not have to swap it out all the time. As an added bonus, the warp cores have some new benefits and affixes we haven't seen before.

    Speaking of sets they should add set warpcores and shift the sector space bonuses to those. As an added bonus, that would mean you could have two 2-set bonuses rather than just one 2set bonus and a single piece from another set (for instance the Borg 2-set with MACO shield could become Borg 2-set with MACO 2-set with a MACO shield and warp core or it could bring back the borg 3-set plus MACO shield we used to enjoy by slotting in a Borg transwarp coil in our warp drive slot). That's adding value.
  • torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First of all, how are people supposed to test a warpcore, if they have got only a white version? We need a Testitem-Vendor, if you want us to test the amazing abilities they should have.
    There is currently no possibility to craft a warpcore or buy one of rare or very-rare quality.

    From what I've seen a warpcore allows you to have a powerlevel of 130 to one subsystem, since everything is just DPS-related (I mean the whole Endgame-Content) you could give us only the one version that allows us to have more weapon-power (and a non-Escort would have trouble to get that powerlevel)

    There is no ship, that offers you +20 engine-powerlevel or +20 shield-powerlevel, while there are escorts that have +15 weapon-power, there is an assimilated console that grants you +5 weapon-power and there are just a few skillpoints you need to spend to hit +25 weapon-power. The only exception to this might be the Vesta with its Aux-DHCs and a maximum of +15 power to auxilary.

    The uncommon bonus is 7.5% Bonuspower from one Subsystem to another, so for every ship out there (except for the Vesta again) it will need to be Weapons to Engines, Weapons to Auxilary or Weapons to Shields.

    So the whole Warpcore is just designed to give Escorts more directed energy firepower and a bonus to shields (for regeneration and the powerlevel-based resistance) or engines (higher defense-value and turnrate) - welcome to Escorts-Online.
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
  • sabremeister1sabremeister1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Warp cores:

    1. Don't make them part of sets. Set gear is specially designed equipment to improve specific areas of performance of the ship (Breen set is tuned to resist power drain, Jem'Hadar set is tuned to boost combat manoeuvrability and power). If you change the warp core, you change the performance of the whole ship. This is how they are now.
    2. Add them to crafting. Every other piece of ship equipment is craftable, so why not warp cores?
    3. Remove them completely from loot drops. Currently, defeating a ship = destroying it (unless it's scripted to be disabled, in which case you don't get any loot anyway). If you destroy a ship, the warp core blows up. Unless you change the mechanics of defeating a ship so that it can be destroyed in different ways (wrecking life support, perhaps, or eliminating structural integrity so that the hull crumbles but nothing blows up), you can't loot a warp core.
    4. Allow fleet versions. I'm not in a fleet and I don't intend to join one, but I have no objection to those who are getting goodies. As long as you add warp cores to crafting as well.

    This thread:
    1. Purple stuff is Very Rare. It's not intended to drop frequently, that's why it's called "Very Rare". So, no, the drop rates for blue (Rare) and purple stuff do not need upping.
    2. You've got a ship with all MkXII stuff, and you're ******** about getting a MkX warp core? You obviously enjoy the game enough to play it enough to earn all that MkXII stuff, so go out and earn another piece of MkXII equipment. You don't get nothing for free.
    3. We need a sticky top post with a link to the release notes thread that tells us about warp cores, and summarizes the key points made in this thread so far (like the stuff about the +5 maximum power boost, and how the W>E mechanic works)
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Warp cores:

    1. Don't make them part of sets. Set gear is specially designed equipment to improve specific areas of performance of the ship (Breen set is tuned to resist power drain, Jem'Hadar set is tuned to boost combat manoeuvrability and power). If you change the warp core, you change the performance of the whole ship. This is how they are now.
    I was thinking more along the lines of end game sets: the gear in the rep system. At least half of the set impulse engines have a sector space buff. Cryptic has said they want to move sector space buffs to these warp cores, so that means making set cores and moving said bonuses from the impulse engines. Also your argument sounds more like a pro for warp cores: sets buff across the entire ship, cores do that, so they make sense in sets, and set items often have strange and interesting stats, so a set core could add more options. As for the example of the breen set, a breen core, for instance could have power insulators.

    Again it would also be adding gameplay value since it would let you run two 2 piece sets or a single 3 piece set with some other asorted item (with fleet gear, it is sometimes nice to be able to drop a set piece for a fleet shield or deflector, and romulans are going to love the fleet engines)
    2. Add them to crafting. Every other piece of ship equipment is craftable, so why not warp cores?
    yes please
    3. Remove them completely from loot drops. Currently, defeating a ship = destroying it (unless it's scripted to be disabled, in which case you don't get any loot anyway). If you destroy a ship, the warp core blows up. Unless you change the mechanics of defeating a ship so that it can be destroyed in different ways (wrecking life support, perhaps, or eliminating structural integrity so that the hull crumbles but nothing blows up), you can't loot a warp core.
    Don't add logic here. if we were being realistic, we wouldn't be able to casually loot anything. Besides that, while I am all for crafting and fleet stores and what not, random loot drops add much more breadth to equipment choices.
    4. Allow fleet versions. I'm not in a fleet and I don't intend to join one, but I have no objection to those who are getting goodies. As long as you add warp cores to crafting as well.
    This thread:
    1. Purple stuff is Very Rare. It's not intended to drop frequently, that's why it's called "Very Rare". So, no, the drop rates for blue (Rare) and purple stuff do not need upping.
    2. You've got a ship with all MkXII stuff, and you're ******** about getting a MkX warp core? You obviously enjoy the game enough to play it enough to earn all that MkXII stuff, so go out and earn another piece of MkXII equipment. You don't get nothing for free.
    Having to make find or buy cores is perfectly fine. People wanting free cores are just complaining they have to work for something new. That said, the drop rates are a bit low. In the time I have gotten half dozen white warp cores, I have found a greater amount of green and blue equipment of shields, deflectors and impulse engines. Very rare should mean very rares, yes, but common should also mean common, and at the moment, common warp cores aren't common at all; everything is rare to very rare.
    3. We need a sticky top post with a link to the release notes thread that tells us about warp cores, and summarizes the key points made in this thread so far (like the stuff about the +5 maximum power boost, and how the W>E mechanic works)
    THere was a dev blog on what the affixes were for (though nothing for the singularity cores [just the powers]), but yes, it would be good to have better descriptions. Too many people keep thinking the cores add power.

    As for what they do. the core types let you max a system at 130 power rather than the usual 125. Fairly straightforward. The [X->Y] is based off power setting.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You know perhaps there should be one warp core per Reputation system. A general STF core from Omega Force that works well with MACO, Omega Force, Honor Guard, and the adapted sets that has anti-Borg perks; another for the Romulan Reputation that has some singularity aspects while not being an actual singularity core (or if you want to get really crazy a Reman Thalaron core...maybe for the C-Store Scimitar); and another core for the new Nukara Reputation.

    And seriously, I think it's on the Dev's minds, but shifting Sector Space speed increases strictly to the warp cores is a good idea and just makes sense.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes but if you had one core per set, then you could have set bonuses linked to the cores.

    Now singularity abilities on a romulan rep core, that would be cool, but it should be limited to one or maybe 2 abilities.
  • wilvwilv Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Warp cores and singularities need to be added as part of the fleet/embasy system as well as reputation system. From a story telling perspective alone It makes far more sense for a player to be able to acquire these items from a starbase than it does for a player to keep salvaging them.

    It's also a no-brainer. Players with a fleetbase and embassy will see weapons, engines, shields, deflectors and consoles in their stores, they will expect warp cores and singularities to be in there as well.
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There is literally no good reason to tinker with existing sets.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    wilv wrote: »
    Warp cores and singularities need to be added as part of the fleet/embasy system as well as reputation system. From a story telling perspective alone It makes far more sense for a player to be able to acquire these items from a starbase than it does for a player to keep salvaging them.

    It's also a no-brainer. Players with a fleetbase and embassy will see weapons, engines, shields, deflectors and consoles in their stores, they will expect warp cores and singularities to be in there as well.
    That's one of the strongest reasons. We're talking about THE "core" ship component. Having it available at Starbases is simple and direct logic.
    There is literally no good reason to tinker with existing sets.

    Unless you're adding abilities and functionality of course. But there is a rationale for shifting sector space speed bonuses to the component most directly linked to the faster than light drive.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is more of an art related thing, but I noticed how the warp nacelle grille colour on Romulan vessels on test have a more "solid" green texture to them, so could we have a visual element added to the new Starfleet and KDF warp cores that change the way your starship warp nacelle grilles look, similar to how the Aegis or MACO sets change the texture of your ship?

    I wouldn't mind seeing more solid shades of blue and red colours for Starfleet and KDF ships, rather than the blue/white and red/white we currently get. If people don't like the looks of them, they would have the option of disabling the effect similar to how other visual elements associated with equipment is currently handled in-game.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    amosov78 wrote: »
    This is more of an art related thing, but I noticed how the warp nacelle grille colour on Romulan vessels on test have a more "solid" green texture to them, so could we have a visual element added to the new Starfleet and KDF warp cores that change the way your starship warp nacelle grilles look, similar to how the Aegis or MACO sets change the texture of your ship?

    I wouldn't mind seeing more solid shades of blue and red colours for Starfleet and KDF ships, rather than the blue/white and red/white we currently get. If people don't like the looks of them, they would have the option of disabling the effect similar to how other visual elements associated with equipment is currently handled in-game.

    That's a great idea, though I would love to have the option of a Gold Warp field grill.

    So if not tying it to the core, then perhaps an option in the tailor? I actually like the first option. Though both would be good too.

    Perhaps unlocking ship tailor options in the same way we unlock STF armor clothes in the tailor.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First of all, how are people supposed to test a warpcore, if they have got only a white version? We need a Testitem-Vendor, if you want us to test the amazing abilities they should have.
    There is currently no possibility to craft a warpcore or buy one of rare or very-rare quality.

    When I was last doing stuff with my Feddie on Tribble, you could buy warp cores from the dilithium store. There was a VERY large variety. However, I'm not sure that bonuses were working as they were supposed to, and I know there were no purple-level ones (so no battery/capacitor ability).
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Would it be possible for someone to summarize precisely what the issues with warp cores are? My eyes kind of glaze over trying to slog through so many posts, and I'd like to provide feedback.

    I actually kind of hope that, if the devs insist on the EPtX changes, the warp core capacitors at purple level could be used in a chain manner to circumvent that, which would provide additional reason for them to exist.

    From what I HAVE seen thus far though:

    * We need more warp cores to test, please.
    * We need purple level warp cores to test, as well.
    * The bonuses don't seem to be working, although I'd have to double-check that as it's been a bit since I tested my Federation character with this.
    * Warp cores as part of sets seems to be something that would be a major pain to use, and would seriously cut down on the diversity of the components, especially since the "thousands of possibilities," as I understand it, are one of the selling points of the warp core system in the first place.
  • sgtstarfallsgtstarfall Member Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There's currently 22 pages of feedback on this post, so I haven't read it all. Here's what I think about Warp Cores at its current state:

    The addition of Warp Cores is a good step forward for the game. All ships now have a new way to distinguish themselves and make themselves stand out from the rest of the crowd. However, I don't think the Warp Core should have been made along side the Shield/Engine/Deflector group. I was hoping that it would have been placed along side the Console slots, so that we'd be able to mix and match different Warp Core Adjustments. One way to make it different from consoles is the inability to stack - this would lead to more diverse warp core modifications.
    All hands! Prepare the popcorn and tinfoil hats! :D
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