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Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #2



  • edited April 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • zeratkzeratk Member Posts: 409
    edited April 2013
    Concerning the DS9, BoP Vessel Argument:

    There is a difference between sharing military technology (what the FED always refused to to) and boarding a ship, or taking control over an old abandoned starbase.
    This is Crypticverse... :mad:
  • commandersalvekcommandersalvek Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    So romulans are kinda xenophobic and we have a half embodying the romulans attitudes ... does she calls herself names in the mirror?

    Its a strange point of view thinking she does that.

    Sela is not a Romulan, she is either biological or even on other aspects, I would like to point out her "brilliant" plan of invading Vulcan was 3 transports with 2000 trops ... you cannot even hold New Jersey with 2000 troops.

    She is NOT Palpatine, she is Daala.

    Because Sela was never seen again since Reunification II, likely how that plan so failed (I think the Romulan navy was going to blow up those ships anyway to prevent the Romulans to became the laughing stock of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant), you are saying Sela IS the Romulans thats a lot of wind, we seen plenty of Romulans before her, like Tomalak.

    With Sela? only because D'tan is a GENIUS compared with her ... heck if my choice was meditation on Vulcan or Empress Blond plans ... I take Vulcan.
    shpoks wrote: »
    Do you observe the Romulans through all the Trek series or only TNG?

    Sela is a mirror-universe half-human power hungry Empress-wanabee faliure that, honestly, in my eyes is the biggest disgrace for the Romulan people.
    They already tried something similar trying to make a human-clone Praetor of the RSE with Shinzon and we all saw how well that ended for them.

    But, Sela? Really? Embodiment of Romulan attitudes? She is a power-hungry ego-maniac, she only cares about herself being in a position of power. She'd go to bed with the devil himself if he promises her a position of power. She is working with Iconians and probably amongst the responsible for blowing up Romulus. Very Romulan, indeed. :rolleyes:
    Romulans are suposed to be civilized species and yet she allowed the Hirogen to freely hunt in Romulan space, because she needed their ships & support for her own benefit.
    She declared herself as "Empress", discarded the need for Praetor and shaped the Romulan senate to her will. How is this Romulan? The Romulans have Senators from all the major provinces & colony worlds and the Senate is where the decisions are made. The RSE was lead by a Praetor. Again, everything spells as power-hungry wanabee "Empress" that just looks out to her own best interests. She plays ping-pong with the Romulan people, comes and leaves them at her own convenience.

    I'm sorry, but when I want to play a Romulan, I want to fight for the Romulan people. To protect that Romulan girl working in the bakery or my friend the Romulan engineer serving aboard some I.R.W. from the scum of the galaxy. I don't want to fight to fulfill the pathologic desire of one person to remain in a position of power, especially not at the cost of others of my kin.

    You call these Romulans squeemish? These are the first Romulans we have seen fight back to the opressive non-Romulan regime of the so called "Empress". How long have Romulans lived with the fear in the shadow of Tal'Shiar? The RSE military obviously doesn't like or trust them and yet they didn't dare doing anything against them. This are the first Romulans to have the courage to confront the Tal'Shiar for the good of the Romulan people. This spells badass to me, not squeemish. I find them fresh & invigorating.
    These Romulans are badass and D'Tan is the man.

    Don't like the Republic? Sorry, but if that's how you feel, don't play them and keep to your Oddy., Vesta or whatever and the blue side.
    Seems I won't have to join the Ferengi though, since D'Tan has the virtue to confront the situation at hand, I'll be rolling with him and Obisek.

    Thanks for trying to explain it f2pdrakron, it's nice to see someone understands my pov on this matter.

    Oh well, with all those FCA Agents that I'll have by my side, I'm sure we'll be able to negotiate something that will benefit us both! ;):D

    LOL One thing in of all this pure subjectivity is P.O.V-Which "Romulans" are you choosing?

    I never would use the term squeamish for anything Romulan- We have seen Romulans die before having any help from Klingons or Federation

    So as long as has been the Senate and a Praetor (or an empress in the past) All of them have been ideal embodiments of the common Romulan until Sela? Really?

    What about Praetor Hiren? Senator Tal'Aura?

    What about the Tal Shiar initiating a first strike against the Dominion? The Founders rating them the highest threat to the Dominion-ensuring they were deceived and destroyed. Was that not in Romulan Interests?

    The Romulans that fought in the Dominion war-we ignore the role of the military?

    But D'tan a follower of a Federation Vulcan is the "Badass" and he joined the Remans- they certainly embody Romulan Values?

    I do not find the Republic "fresh" its just a name holder until our federation/klingon masters find a better one.

    Oh I will stay to see the Romulans regain their rightful place and you have your place marked with the ferengi::D

    I can give examples of Romulans who are a disgrace: Alidar Jarok, Koval, M'ret etc
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    nynik wrote: »
    I apologize in advance if my comments come across as aggressive.

    What right has the UFP to deem it improper for Sela to rule as an Empress? What right has the UFP to deem it acceptable to supply ship and weapons technology (humanitarian aid is fine) to one faction in an internal conflict of another society? All I'm getting from this is that I just have to accept it without explanation. But why? Can't we expand the story to explain why President Aennik Okeg sanctioned these actions? Maybe hes an imposter, or maybe he is against it and the council forced his hand?

    This isn't paying attention to the order of the story.

    By the time of the formation of the Romulan Republic and going to Dewa III, specifically AFTER the events of the Cloaked Intentions feature episode series, Sela is GONE. The Iconians have taken her. She had previously dissolved the senate. Obisek tells the players that without her, Rator III is in chaos. There is no Romulan government of any kind until Proconsul D'Tan steps up to the plate. There is no dictatorship of ideals. D'Tan saw an opportunity to try an alternative means of advancement for the Romulan and Reman peoples, as Sela's empire had collapsed. From his perspective, the old "Romulan way" had failed miserably.

    President Okeg has always been written as being full force behind diplomacy. A new Romulan government open to diplomatic relations and cooperation is well within the bounds of something that he's behind. So when D'Tan asked for help, the Federation jumped at the opportunity. And to prevent New Romulus from being dragged into the war, D'Tan also invited the Klingon Empire in.

    I think the fact that the Romulans are choosing factions isn't something based on their loyalty to the Republic as much as it is personal relationships. Which is something we've seen throughout Star Trek. Think about the episode "The Defector" Picard managed to get an escort of three Birds of Prey for his backup plan. That was out of nothing but his reputation amongst the Klingons. No other Starfleet captain could've pulled that off. He didn't have to call the Federation President about that. He used his personal connections. Neither he nor the Klingon captains switched allegiances, they helped out an ally.

    That said, I don't see the utility or story justification of Romulans flying other faction starships. I can't see the Klingons actually giving Romulans of any sort access to their ships, unless they're completely stripped down. It's not like it hasn't happened before, as "the Enterprise Incident" clearly shows, but there's more bad blood since then. And this really isn't a swap of ships and technology (cruisers for cloaking devices) like it was then. What does the Empire or the Federation get out of the deal? I think DStahl touched on it but I forget.

    There's a difference between a Romulan serving in Starfleet being granted command of a ship, or a Romulan Republic Officer regularly serving with and/or assigned to a Starfleet post like Kira was taking command of a Starfleet vessel, than a Romulan Republic officer with a Romulan Republic crew, commanding a Starfleet made vessel, on Romulan Republic business. And I don't hate the idea of it, simply because it opens up a great deal of options for a Romulan player. I doubt the Romulans are gonna get their own Vesta as D'Tan doesn't seem the type to lead into a Typhon Pact arc, so that makes sense. But I can't really see a pure story justification for it.

    I'm assuming that as time goes on the Romulans will get their own C-Store ships?
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    The reason I asked had nothing to do with the ease or difficulty of navigating the rep system, as it's supposed to be voluntary participation. I DO have great animosity for the devs who decided to lock the new content of season 7 into the voluntary participation nature of the new Romulus rep system tho and I questioned this new (S8) content following the same pattern, as well as a mention of some of the new factions gear also going into the rep system.

    I'm over being asked to pay millions in credits and dilithium to reestablish my characters position on the top tier of the rep system as the perks arent needed for the single player missions, and are only marginally useful in the current incarnation of the PvP game.

    ...that is until the next round of balancing then the arms race begins again.

    I can certainly understand your view point. it just isn't that demanding. new Romulus felt more rewarding than omega because it was totally new and at each tier you unlocked a new mission and new story. I know that can kinda suck but like I say it really wasn't that demanding.

    i'm sure I saw dstahl respond to a post of yours. regarding LOR not being connected to the reputation system. but only said it wasn't connected to the new tholian rep. never said if it was connected to the new Romulus rep, that did leave me wondering how that may or may not be connected from the romulan side.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    wazzagiow wrote: »
    I can certainly understand your view point. it just isn't that demanding. new Romulus felt more rewarding than omega because it was totally new and at each tier you unlocked a new mission and new story. I know that can kinda suck but like I say it really wasn't that demanding.

    i'm sure I saw dstahl respond to a post of yours. regarding LOR being or not being connected to the reputation system. but only said it wasn't connected to the new tholian rep. never said if it was connected to the new Romulus rep :s

    Heh, I asked is the rom progression was connected to the rep system (I was careful to leave it ambiguous), and he replied that NONE of it was locked into it.

    We'll see come May.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Heh, I asked is the rom progression was connected to the rep system (I was careful to leave it ambiguous), and he replied that NONE of it was locked into it.

    We'll see come May.

    yeah because he only said it's not connected to the ''end game tholian reputation''. not to reputations in general :s
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    This isn't paying attention to the order of the story.

    By the time of the formation of the Romulan Republic and going to Dewa III, specifically AFTER the events of the Cloaked Intentions feature episode series, Sela is GONE. The Iconians have taken her. She had previously dissolved the senate. Obisek tells the players that without her, Rator III is in chaos. There is no Romulan government of any kind until Proconsul D'Tan steps up to the plate. There is no dictatorship of ideals. D'Tan saw an opportunity to try an alternative means of advancement for the Romulan and Reman peoples, as Sela's empire had collapsed. From his perspective, the old "Romulan way" had failed miserably.

    President Okeg has always been written as being full force behind diplomacy. A new Romulan government open to diplomatic relations and cooperation is well within the bounds of something that he's behind. So when D'Tan asked for help, the Federation jumped at the opportunity. And to prevent New Romulus from being dragged into the war, D'Tan also invited the Klingon Empire in.

    I think the fact that the Romulans are choosing factions isn't something based on their loyalty to the Republic as much as it is personal relationships. Which is something we've seen throughout Star Trek. Think about the episode "The Defector" Picard managed to get an escort of three Birds of Prey for his backup plan. That was out of nothing but his reputation amongst the Klingons. No other Starfleet captain could've pulled that off. He didn't have to call the Federation President about that. He used his personal connections. Neither he nor the Klingon captains switched allegiances, they helped out an ally.

    That said, I don't see the utility or story justification of Romulans flying other faction starships. I can't see the Klingons actually giving Romulans of any sort access to their ships, unless they're completely stripped down. It's not like it hasn't happened before, as "the Enterprise Incident" clearly shows, but there's more bad blood since then. And this really isn't a swap of ships and technology (cruisers for cloaking devices) like it was then. What does the Empire or the Federation get out of the deal? I think DStahl touched on it but I forget.

    There's a difference between a Romulan serving in Starfleet being granted command of a ship, or a Romulan Republic Officer regularly serving with and/or assigned to a Starfleet post like Kira was taking command of a Starfleet vessel, than a Romulan Republic officer with a Romulan Republic crew, commanding a Starfleet made vessel, on Romulan Republic business. And I don't hate the idea of it, simply because it opens up a great deal of options for a Romulan player. I doubt the Romulans are gonna get their own Vesta as D'Tan doesn't seem the type to lead into a Typhon Pact arc, so that makes sense. But I can't really see a pure story justification for it.

    I'm assuming that as time goes on the Romulans will get their own C-Store ships?

    Agreed, it would only make sense if the Romulans were sharing their ships and technology with the Federation and KDF as well.
    As it stands, DaStahl has not told us if the Federation and KDF can use cstore bought Romulan ships and equipment. This needs to be cleared up by him.
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • squonkmansquonkman Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    He mentioned early in the thread that he's here talking to us right now when he could/should be working on a new Klingon mission.

    He didn't mention the word "new". His exact words were:
    dastahl wrote:
    ...finishing the Klingon mission I should be working on...

    which, from Dan Stahl, could easily and quite possibly mean:
    ... finishing the working as intended speech for the next TRIBBLE up job on KDF I should be working on...
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    You present some convincing arguments (as do some of the others talking about the Republic). BUT - I still think that there would be a serious faction that would try to rebuild the Empire, either the way it was before Nemesis, with a Senate and a Praetor, or even as something new - but this faction, despite throwing off the totalitarian ways of the Tal Shiar and Sela, would not want to join Spock Jr.'s Federation 2.0.

    I'll see what the story of LoR is, but if there's not a serious look at addressing this third party of Romulans, I will be disappointed. Yes, D'Tan saw an opportunity, and was able to start his Republic. But that doesn't mean every single Romulan is going to jump at the chance to ally with the Feds or KDF. Some will apparently join the Tal Shiar. But others will no doubt want to create their own independent worlds, or rebuild the Empire without the Tal Shiar, and without outside interference.
    shpoks wrote: »
    She'd go to bed with the devil himself if he promises her a position of power.

    shpoks wrote: »
    She is working with Iconians and probably amongst the responsible for blowing up Romulus.

    I think it's pretty clear that she is not. She was already in exile when Hobus happened, and the dev statements make it seem that Hakeev (Taris' officer) is the main Iconian guy.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    flash525 wrote: »
    Some Feedback:

    Are we (as Romulans) going to have a unique Romulan Duty Officer System, or will we be sharing the one of the alliance we choose?

    I read on the forums that it'll be the latter, (though we will get some romulan-specific duty officer assignments). Can't say I'm a fan of this for some rather obvious reasons; I'm not in the belief that a Romulan officer would execute a fellow officer for disobedience. Could you clear this up?

    So Romulans get to fly Federation/Klingon ships? Can't say I'm fond of this idea. Sure Kira Nerys was able to command the Defiant, but the Defiant was never crewed entirely by the Bajoran Provisional Government, and I highly doubt Starfleet would be in the position to hand one of their warships over to an 'ally'. Still, you've made your call on this. I can only hope this doesn't extend to all fleet ships; such vessels as the Fleet Assault Cruiser and Fleet Advanced Escorts (etc) should remain specific to the Federation (in my opinion at least).

    ...so if I have completed the Romulan Rep System on one character, I can purchase Reman on any character?

    Example: I've completed the Romulan Rep System on a Federation character of mine; does this mean I'll only be able to buy a Reman for my Federation character, or will I be able to purchase a Reman Bridge Officer for my Klingon/Romulan characters too?

    Also, are these Reman Bridge Officers Bound?

    The Romulans will have the ability to use Fed or KDF bridge officers as well.

    The Decipher card game had some interesting takes on commanding other faction ships.

    In general, as I recall, at least one station had to be filled by the appropriate affiliation bridge officer.

    It would be interesting if Cryptic at least adapted that by having, say, Fed and KDF ships' commander station also have a faction requirement. So that when using those ships, the commander station must be staffed by a Fed or KDF bridge officer.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    It just doesn't make sense.

    How many war fronts does the Federation have now? We at war with everybody. But we're just going to give starships to Romulans because we are nice guys who support their cause.

    Weapons, sure. Help, sure. But not starships. That is dumb.

    If you don't have enough Romulan ships for Romulan players, add more ships later.

    The Federation and Klingons have one front (IE they're the ones waring openly with each other). The Undine are effectively fighting EVERYTHING in the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta Quadrants; as are the Borg (and even Sela's Romulan Star Empire and D'Tan's Republic are also dealing with this situation.)

    D'Tan is reaching out to the Feds and KDF for assistance; and Sela and the Tal Shiar have allied with the Iconians (and/or some other Race the denizens of the Alpha Quadrant aren't aware of fully as yet.)

    So, it's not like the Federation is fighting everyone/everything; the whole Galaxy is in conflict with either the Borg or other outside forces.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    There is a (very vocal group) of player saying this option is silly/should'nt exist at all.

    Fixed that for you ;)
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like the fact that you all are taking the Romulan Empire back to it's roots of strength and honor and that the Republic will most likely once reclaiming Imperial territory declare itself the Empire reborn if not in name. Also since you've retconned the story to make Sela working with the Iconians also the Federations involvement in an internal Romulan affair makes sense since the RSE is receiving outside support as well.

    My only issue at this point is the lack of Romulan Fleets and fleet progression, the way you've described the alliance is tolerable and I would like to think that in the future after the Romulan population has stabilized that you'll break the faction off into true independence. I'm cautiously optimistic to see what you're doing.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Fixed that for you ;)
    Well considering that according to that study of Negative/Positive replies to topics that was brought up earlier had positive and negative comments as basically the same amount, it's a very large group, so it would make sense that they are rather vocal.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    You present some convincing arguments (as do some of the others talking about the Republic). BUT - I still think that there would be a serious faction that would try to rebuild the Empire, either the way it was before Nemesis, with a Senate and a Praetor, or even as something new - but this faction, despite throwing off the totalitarian ways of the Tal Shiar and Sela, would not want to join Spock Jr.'s Federation 2.0.

    I'll see what the story of LoR is, but if there's not a serious look at addressing this third party of Romulans, I will be disappointed. Yes, D'Tan saw an opportunity, and was able to start his Republic. But that doesn't mean every single Romulan is going to jump at the chance to ally with the Feds or KDF. Some will apparently join the Tal Shiar. But others will no doubt want to create their own independent worlds, or rebuild the Empire without the Tal Shiar, and without outside interference.


    I think it's pretty clear that she is not. She was already in exile when Hobus happened, and the dev statements make it seem that Hakeev (Taris' officer) is the main Iconian guy.
    I can agree with that.

    To be perfectly honest though, there should be humans around that may be descended from Maquis or Maquis sympathizers or just colonies that are beyond the bounds of the Federation that don't necessarily want to join Starfleet. And there are likely Klingon houses that violently disagree with the Empire's decision to go to war with the Federation, who remember what happened in the prelude to the Dominion War who would not bring their ships to the table.

    In this instance even though there are people who would hold this view, from a gameplay perspective, it is logical that the factions would be concentrated. Starfleet loyal, KDF loyal, and Republic loyal.

    I'm wondering where the old Romulan Commander of Balance of Terror would fall in. Would he try and rebuild the Empire in an honorable image, or would he defend the Republic?

    Honestly, maybe all the factions need mini-factions of their own. Well there are many more seasons to go hopefully. To dip into another franchise, "the future is not set".

    I'd also like to point out that, Sela's Romulan Empire was in fact a return to glory rebuilding of the Romulan Empire. The republic is actually the third attempt. I think that some Romulans would be jaded about the empire. Like those poor miners on Hfihar, I really hope we find out what happened to them...or that in the Romulan side of Mine Enemy...we get to do something about it.
    The Romulans will have the ability to use Fed or KDF bridge officers as well.

    The Decipher card game had some interesting takes on commanding other faction ships.

    In general, as I recall, at least one station had to be filled by the appropriate affiliation bridge officer.

    It would be interesting if Cryptic at least adapted that by having, say, Fed and KDF ships' commander station also have a faction requirement. So that when using those ships, the commander station must be staffed by a Fed or KDF bridge officer.

    That's brilliant.

    It's also curious with the Romulan ships and singularity cores having specific traits that synergize with Romulans, that in order to get the most out of a ship that it would require someone of the associated faction.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    You present some convincing arguments (as do some of the others talking about the Republic). BUT - I still think that there would be a serious faction that would try to rebuild the Empire, either the way it was before Nemesis, with a Senate and a Praetor, or even as something new - but this faction, despite throwing off the totalitarian ways of the Tal Shiar and Sela, would not want to join Spock Jr.'s Federation 2.0.

    I'll see what the story of LoR is, but if there's not a serious look at addressing this third party of Romulans, I will be disappointed. Yes, D'Tan saw an opportunity, and was able to start his Republic. But that doesn't mean every single Romulan is going to jump at the chance to ally with the Feds or KDF. Some will apparently join the Tal Shiar. But others will no doubt want to create their own independent worlds, or rebuild the Empire without the Tal Shiar, and without outside interference.

    No doubt. Break-away worlds, conservatives, militarists... these would all be part of the soup. But as I was saying earlier, under these conditions, writing a story where you're both an Imperialist and a good guy would be extremely difficult to do, especially for a MMO, because a good part of your story would be squashing those farmers who declared independence and established a democracy. Which I bet is the very first thing that happens in the Romulan missions - your planet declares independence, then a couple of warbirds show up and massacre your people.

    The alliance thing is a different issue. It makes sense for a fledgling Republic squaring off against an established power to seek outside aid, but from what we know so far the way this is implemented in game is extremely questionable.
    I think it's pretty clear that she is not. She was already in exile when Hobus happened, and the dev statements make it seem that Hakeev (Taris' officer) is the main Iconian guy.

    Being exiled could've all been part of the plan... because if people say "Maybe Sela was involved?" she could say "But I was exiled at the time!" :P
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Well considering that according to that study of Negative/Positive replies to topics that was brought up earlier had positive and negative comments as basically the same amount, it's a very large group, so it would make sense that they are rather vocal.

    192 both pro and negative people are not a lot.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Fixed that for you ;)

    Vocal? Um no, i see some diversity. And most people aren't "vocal", they're just saying that when you work on something, you have to do it well, even if it takes more time. Rushed and unfinished stuff (alliance ships look like that, cryptic not willing to make the required amount of ships for a faction) should never get any support. :P

    Would you say "well done" to people building a home with everything but a roof and saying it's safe to live there? :rolleyes:
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    qjunior wrote: »
    The unlock is for playing a Reman, not buying Boffs.
    So Reman Bridge Officers are available to us straight away?
    The Romulans will have the ability to use Fed or KDF bridge officers as well.
    Really? Where was this confirmed? Will these Bridge Officers be in Federation uniform, or a unique Romulan variant?
    In general, as I recall, at least one station had to be filled by the appropriate affiliation bridge officer.

    It would be interesting if Cryptic at least adapted that by having, say, Fed and KDF ships' commander station also have a faction requirement. So that when using those ships, the commander station must be staffed by a Fed or KDF bridge officer.
    I suppose I could live with this, though I still don't like the idea of Romulans flying around with our prized fleet ships.
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