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Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #2



  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Certainly answered some of my questions thank you.

    I like how I've already unlocked a Reman by leveling through the Romulan rep system on one of my characters.

    I like how there is a warbird on each tier when leveling up.

    I like the fact that I will unlock a Tal Shiar uniform with more classic uniforms coming.

    I really look forward to seeing a Romulan Bridge.

    The allied part, Meh since you've explained it, it bothers me less honestly, but I would have preferred to be able to play a Tal Shiar, completely separate from both existing factions, but that's just me.

    I'm not so upset that I won't play a Romulan character, it's new content and I'll take what I can get. But I would have preferred to play a Tal Shiar, that's just being honest.
    Maybe someday.

    I guess my question would be, will we get an extra character slot as part of this expansion?
    I have extras as it is now, but I'm just curious.

    I'm also curious about the veteran rewards in regards to the Romulan "faction".

    As a lifetime player, I would certainly like to play a liberated Borg Romulan.

  • sabledrakesabledrake Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I really like everything that has been revealed, and am very much in favor of everything mentioned so far, especially the ability to fly the ships of the chosen ally. The only concern I have is with the fleet membership limit. I would really hope Cryptic would consider either increasing it or switching it to a per account basis as the expansion will mean a huge influx of new alts into my fleet and I honestly doubt that the remaining 170 slots will be up to the challenge.
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Get off of you conspiracy theories. Her numbers are not subjective and the 47% she discounted were posts which were not taking any side in the argument. She only confirmed what every intelligent person already knew. There are a relatively small group of posters who post in all most every thread repeatedly and who do not make up a majority.

    Considering her conclusion was that the ratio of dissatisfied to satisfied was just about 1:1, every "intelligent person" should be concluding that among those that actually care, opinions are fairly evenly split.

    In other words, if those dissatisfied are a small group of posters, then so are those who are satisfied.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Considering her conclusion was that the ratio of dissatisfied to satisfied was just about 1:1, every "intelligent person" should be concluding that among those that actually care, opinions are fairly evenly split.

    In other words, if those dissatisfied are a small group of posters, then so are those who are satisfied.

    It took this long for that to click in your head.
  • tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    just read the interview. did they really just rationalize the decision with the romulans by using the poor implementation of the klingon faction as an example? LOLWTF.
  • aeolusdallasaeolusdallas Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Really hmmmm someone tell Kirk that when he stole a Romulan cloak from them by tricking them...Federation were the bad guys there.

    The Romulans inTOS were not the paranoid evil villains they became in TNG.

    Yeah the Feds were clearly the bad guys in The Enterprise Incident. I agree the Romulans in TOS where in the mold of the civilized honorable enemies while the Klingons were standard dishonorable fascists.
    TNG somehow got the two reversed.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    dastahl wrote: »
    That is why i'm in the thread listening instead of finishing the Klingon mission I should be working on, because I am listening to the viewpoints and we do discuss the feedback. Sometimes there isn't much we can do, but in some cases we do consider what we could alter.

    And that's why we love ya Dan :D

  • aeolusdallasaeolusdallas Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Living in a police state will do that to a person.

    Except as far as we can tell the Romulans didn't live in a police state. The Klingons did. The Romulans were based off of Rome which was while spartan was not a police state.
  • broadnaxbroadnax Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    I don't think there is an unreasonable sense of entitlement to expect our EP to think:

    A. Ok, so we're adding a new faction and it needs content...
    B. How can help the UGC community help us do that?
    C. Hmm... at the very least we should turn the thing on for Romulan missions and give them a reasonable amount of stuff to make Romulan missions.

    It's not unreasonable to expect that minimum amount of thought and consideration.

    Pure speculation on my part, but could they be waiting perhaps to port over new functionality from the NWN Foundry? It might be premature to add stuff for this expansion if tool advancements may be coming a little further down the line.
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Also, interesting that these questions come from Terilynn Shill shortly after she makes a news item on the Massively site claiming her subjective numbers suggest anyone unhappy with the Romulan news is just a troll.

    I didn't get that exact impression, but I cut her a wide margin. She's fun, full of TRIBBLE and vinegar and I like that, Usually.

    Some of her previous comments rubbed me the wrong way, but I'm lettin them roll off as they weren't directed at me per se.
    That's somethin I've gotta get better at tho I'll admit.

  • broadnaxbroadnax Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I didn't get that impression, I actually got the opposite. Romulans get to have normal and c-store ships, and their own fleet variants of romulan ships. That's not to say you're absolutely wrong, I've been known to read things wrong on occasion, but that's the impression I got.

    After rereading the interview, you might be correct. We'll see how that plays out.

    Either way, my Romulans will not be taking advantage of that. They'll fly Romulan vessels.
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Except as far as we can tell the Romulans didn't live in a police state. The Klingons did. The Romulans were based off of Rome which was while spartan was not a police state.

    Not from what we saw in TOS, no. But remember, the Romulans disappeared for 50 years so they could focus on "other matters", and by the time they showed up again, the Tal Shiar was deeply embedded into their society.
  • commandersalvekcommandersalvek Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    shpoks wrote:

    Sela is my most hated character in Trek and once long ago I said that if in STO the Grand Nagus decides to go hunting for her, even the Ferengi would have my allegiance, life, starship and the loyalty and lives of my crew. If the Republic is going after her, they will have all my expertise at their disposal! ;)

    Sela is the most hated character to you? Why?

    Please go join the Ferengi.
  • plox21plox21 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    .....sigh.... sometimes im ashamed to be ST fan when i read all these comments :(, everyone just acts like they are majority of playerbase and that their opinion is only one that matters.
    Even when somebody make constructive topic/reply on forum , he will be insulted by some players that cant stand other peoples opinion if it doesn't match their own.... sadly forum is full of these *******.

    For me legacy of romulus is great expansion , i love it and i will play it as romulan character despite rage on forums with romulans suck treads etc..... when i first read that romulans are coming i was little worry on how they will be introduced in game but now when i see what we will get.....I can only say good job cryptic and thank you for new FACTION!!!( it is faction you ****** ).

    For everyone that hate romulan faction i can only say.... don't play what you don't like , it is easy and you will not rage about it because what is the point of playing something that make you feel angry , sad or even sick??..... realy , what would be the point?.

    Well this is everything what i would like to say on this situation of fans vs. angry mob of legacy of romulus expansion , im not native english speaker so my english suck realy bad :D.
  • goldenlion619goldenlion619 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    plox21 wrote: »
    .....sigh.... sometimes im ashamed to be ST fan when i read all these comments :(, everyone just acts like they are majority of playerbase and that their opinion is only one that matters.
    Even when somebody make constructive topic/reply on forum , he will be insulted by some players that cant stand other peoples opinion if it doesn't match their own.... sadly forum is full of these *******.

    For me legacy of romulus is great expansion , i love it and i will play it as romulan character despite rage on forums with romulans suck treads etc..... when i first read that romulans are coming i was little worry on how they will be introduced in game but now when i see what we will get.....I can only say good job cryptic and thank you for new FACTION!!!( it is faction you ****** ).

    For everyone that hate romulan faction i can only say.... don't play what you don't like , it is easy and you will not rage about it because what is the point of playing something that make you feel angry , sad or even sick??..... realy , what would be the point?.

    Well this is everything what i would like to say on this situation of fans vs. angry mob of legacy of romulus expansion , im not native english speaker so my english suck realy bad :D.

    Thinking the Romulans are a faction the way they are setup by cryptic is like a opinion man. Also I dont see many people who disagree with cryptics choices calling other people ****** for liking it.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    shpoks wrote:

    Sela is my most hated character in Trek and once long ago I said that if in STO the Grand Nagus decides to go hunting for her, even the Ferengi would have my allegiance, life, starship and the loyalty and lives of my crew. If the Republic is going after her, they will have all my expertise at their disposal! ;)

    Sela is the most hated character to you? Why?

    Please go join the Ferengi.
    It's a strange point of view, for sure. Sela is one of the most iconic Romulans, one that embodies romulan attitudes quite well. Hating her is like hating Romulans. If he/she hates Sela so much why don't they just play a completely different faction?

    More credence to my theory that Cryptic has designed the Romulans to appeal to people who would otherwise feel too squeemish playing Romulans and just want to fly their ships.
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I do hope my commanding officer in the Romulan Republic has the same acerbic attitude as Vreenak.
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Does the addition of the Romulan/Reman faction mean that we will finally be able to edit the appearance of our FED/KDF Reman BOffs?

    (You need to make that happen as well as with the other locked species like the Sci Borg, Diplo KDF, Hologram)
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    trekie85 wrote: »
    I find it AMAZING the amount of negativity surrounding this new faction .. it confuses me .. they are adding in a new faction FOR FREE with a unique feel to them, unique ships, species, and whats even better is they get to choose who they ally them selves with !!!

    Although the blog post itself made me feel better, some of the replies have not. The negativity is because the "faction" is a transparent attempt at making "unique" content that is really the same missions for all three factions, with minor changes in text. I'm sure Cryptic has been (and is) "busting their behinds" to get this much done, but I personally would rather they bust their butts to create Romulan starbases, and a revamp to the PvP system so that Romulans don't have to choose Fed or KDF. It's a terrible thing when gameplay influences story, and not the other way around.

    Additionally, even if the stories weren't minor text change duplicates, the fact remains that the Romulans that people know and love from the shows wold never ally with the Feds or KDF. Even if they were to throw off Sela (a well-liked ruler who brought peace to the Empire, according to the Path to 2409) because she was discovered to be allied with the Iconians, most of them would still try to bring back the Romulan Star Empire, and not join Spock Jr,'s Fed-Lite Republic. We should have the option to join that faction - the one that is anti-Iconian Tal Shiar, anti-Fed-Lite, and pro-Empire.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The negativity stems from the fact that the Romulans will be the goto Faction for min/maxxing your play with their ability to use both fed and their own ships and equipment.

    To insure they are played, Cryptic has hung out this carrot as they are the only faction that can do this.

    People don't want to, but will be forced to grind up from 0 level another Toon to be able to benefit from this ability.

    Everyone will be a Romulan.
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It's a strange point of view, for sure. Sela is one of the most iconic Romulans, one that embodies romulan attitudes quite well. Hating her is like hating Romulans. If he/she hates Sela so much why don't they just play a completely different faction?

    More credence to my theory that Cryptic has designed the Romulans to appeal to people who would otherwise feel too squeemish playing Romulans and just want to fly their ships.

    This is why I've been calling the New Romulan government Spock Jr.'s Fed-Lite Republic. I get that we (the players) are all about Truth, Justice, and the American Way, but that's the Feds' shtick. There are ways of making an Imperial power the good guys, at least from their own point of view. I hope the story reflects this in some way.
  • kadieraskadieras Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Actually they're about the same size as those who are in favor of it, it's about fifty fifty according to the breakdown of positive and negative posts
    This actually isn't true. They are small but very vocal minority. They are in no sense a majority.
    Like the Romulan Alliance System? Of course you do, it sounds fine to you because you aren't Romulans, you're FED or KDF who are going to make a Romulan alt, it makes a HUGE difference in perspective.
  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kadieras wrote: »
    Actually they're about the same size as those who are in favor of it, it's about fifty fifty according to the breakdown of positive and negative posts

    Forum opinions rarely if ever account of the opinions of the player-base as a minority post here, Cryptic will for sure have better metrics by June though :).
  • startuxstartux Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Actually like what they're doing with the Romulan's, it leaves their future 'destiny' untold as they could become strong enough and shake off outsider influence when the opportunity arises.

    Looking forward to seeing the KDF faction finally completed too, my Ferasan engineer and Gorn science officer will finally see the light of day, plus a Romulan something or other lol.

    Thanks Cryptic!
  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    How does one get into the closed beta?

    Has this became clear yet? I want on the waiting list, please.
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    This is why I've been calling the New Romulan government Spock Jr.'s Fed-Lite Republic. I get that we (the players) are all about Truth, Justice, and the American Way, but that's the Feds' shtick. There are ways of making an Imperial power the good guys, at least from their own point of view. I hope the story reflects this in some way.

    You can make a villain a protagonist only by giving them an antagonist that is even worse. The Godfather works as a story because for all the horrible things the Corleone family does, the other families are worse.

    Also realize that the desire for freedom, self-expression, and all those other inalienable rights is universal. Given the tyranny and repression the Romulans have endured, and the weakened if not non-existent condition of the Imperial government, making the conditions ripe for revolution, how do you propose Cryptic write a story where dragging an old man out of his bed in the middle of the night and shooting him in the head because he told a co-worker that the right to vote seems pretty keen, makes the protagonist a good guy?

    Because that's essentially what you're asking for. Oh, and remember to make the characters three-dimensional, who do what they do because of their own psychology, and not because you, the writer, decided that all Romulans love being oppressed.

    We're not talking the relatively-benign British Empire here (which was still hated by a whole lot of its non-English - and even some English - constituents). We're talking Stalinist Soviet Union.
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Also realize that the desire for freedom, self-expression, and all those other inalienable rights is universal. Given the tyranny and repression the Romulans have endured, and the weakened if not non-existent condition of the Imperial government, making the conditions ripe for revolution, how do you propose Cryptic write a story where dragging an old man out of his bed in the middle of the night and shooting him in the head because he told a co-worker that the right to vote seems pretty keen, makes the protagonist a good guy?

    Because that's essentially what you're asking for. Oh, and remember to make the characters three-dimensional, who do what they do because of their own psychology, and not because you, the writer, decided that all Romulans love being oppressed.

    We're not talking the relatively-benign British Empire here (which was still hated by a whole lot of its non-English - and even some English - constituents). We're talking Stalinist Soviet Union.

    ...what? Have you read the Path to 2409? Sela's reign as Praetor began with unprecedented peace throughout the Empire, and she was able to declare herself Empress without fuss, while instilling a sense that the old ways of Romulus were a grand way to go about doing things. It is implied that she becomes an autocratic dictator, yes, but where the heck are you getting "dragging an old man out of his bed in the middle of the night and shooting him in the head?"

    Even in the first episode, Romulans have a great sense of duty and honor. I'm sure that eventually it will be revealed that Sela / Hakeev is working with the Iconians, and the general Romulan people won't like that, but that's not going to make them all suddenly run to the Reunification movement and Spock Jr.'s Fed-Lite Republic. If anything, they would reinstall a Senate and a Praetorship, ratehr than ally with the Feds or the KDF.
    The Romulan Star Empire is enjoying a time of peace that it hasn't seen since the destruction of the Romulan homeworld almost two decades ago. Praetor Sela settles long-simmering disputes between colony worlds, opens the Romulus memorial at the remains of the homeworld, and gently shapes the Senate to her way of thinking.


    Observers at the coronation say that it proceeds with as much pomp and circumstance as the recovering empire can muster. Sela calls for a return to the traditions of old, including the carrying of honor blades and blood oaths.
    In fact, before taking the crown the empress publicly uses a jeweled blade to cut her own palm. As the blood dripped down onto a rug of white fur, Sela takes an oath to uphold and preserve the empire with her life.
    "Tradition is very important in this new order," the SI source says. "Sela is consciously recalling a golden age on the old homeworld, and using those memories to inspire the people. They're talking about mnhei'sahe again, and a lot of people have started referring to Nova Roma as Mol'Rihan, which is 'New Romulus' in High Rihannsu."

    Seems to me that until she gets revealed as an Iconian ally, she's doing good things for the Empire, and I don't see Romulans leaving the Empire itself just because their leader is a bad apple. Like I said, with the reinvigoration of Romulan culture (mnhei'sahe etc.) why would a majority of Romulans flock to the Fed-Lite Republic, even if Sela ends up being bad?
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You can make a villain a protagonist only by giving them an antagonist that is even worse. The Godfather works as a story because for all the horrible things the Corleone family does, the other families are worse.

    Also realize that the desire for freedom, self-expression, and all those other inalienable rights is universal. Given the tyranny and repression the Romulans have endured, and the weakened if not non-existent condition of the Imperial government, making the conditions ripe for revolution, how do you propose Cryptic write a story where dragging an old man out of his bed in the middle of the night and shooting him in the head because he told a co-worker that the right to vote seems pretty keen, makes the protagonist a good guy?

    Because that's essentially what you're asking for. Oh, and remember to make the characters three-dimensional, who do what they do because of their own psychology, and not because you, the writer, decided that all Romulans love being oppressed.

    We're not talking the relatively-benign British Empire here (which was still hated by a whole lot of its non-English - and even some English - constituents). We're talking Stalinist Soviet Union.
    A worse enemy than the Villain protagonist? How about the Iconians? Who blew up the homeworld? Or the Klingons, their mortal enemies? Or the Federation? It hasn't stopped the KDF from blowing them up.

    As for desire for freedom etc. YOu should realize that the cultural interpruetations of those concepts vary from culture to culture, yes? If Star Trek is truely all about the Human condition, than it shouldn't shy away from exploring alternative cultures. And again ,the existance of the KDF faction contradicts your narrow view.

    No, it isn't what people are talking about. We are talking about Romulan stuff like going undercover, infiltrating bases, extracting moles, and engaging in precision first strikes against enemy targets. No one is asking that we need to be shooting old men in the head or whatever.

    it should be noted that the KDF has a duty officer assignments like "Execute for incompetence/execute for cowardice/execute mutineers/sell prisoners to orion slavers, etc etc" Double standards much? Every time I bring up the obvious parallells with the KDf, you skirt the issue.

    Romulans are already plenty 3-dimensional enoguh already, or were you missing out on the episode where Troi infiltrated a Romulan Warbird?

    As a side note....British Empire+Benign...HA!
  • darkelfofficerdarkelfofficer Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    felderburg wrote: »
    ...what? Have you read the Path to 2409? Sela's reign as Praetor began with unprecedented peace throughout the Empire, and she was able to declare herself Empress without fuss, while instilling a sense that the old ways of Romulus were a grand way to go about doing things. It is implied that she becomes an autocratic dictator, yes, but where the heck are you getting "dragging an old man out of his bed in the middle of the night and shooting him in the head?"
    TORETH: Protection? From what? How was the Empire threatened by the words of an old man, a devoted citizen who merely tried to speak his mind? How did the Tal Shiar protect the Empire by dragging him, my father, out of his home in the middle of the night?... He was just an idealistic old man. I never saw him again.
    Star Trek: TNG, "Face of the Enemy"
    Seems to me that until she gets revealed as an Iconian ally, she's doing good things for the Empire, and I just don't see Romulans leaving the Empire itself just because their leader is a bad apple.

    They're not revolting because one leader is a bad apple (although I will point out that "one bad apple" - George III - more or less caused the American Revolution), but because they've endured the oppression and tyranny of their government for generations. It's not "one bad apple" it's "they're all bad apples." The common man doesn't care about kings or empire, they care about food on the table and not having family members dragged off in the middle of the night by their own government for expressing their opinion. And don't forget that right next door is a free and prosperous democratic society. The common Romulan isn't going to want to go back to Emperors and secret police; he's going to want what the Federation has.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Star Trek: TNG, "Face of the Enemy"

    They're not revolting because one leader is a bad apple (although I will point out that "one bad apple" - George III - more or less caused the American Revolution), but because they've endured the oppression and tyranny of their government for generations. It's not "one bad apple" it's "they're all bad apples." The common man doesn't care about kings or empire, they care about food on the table and not having family members dragged off in the middle of the night by their own government for expressing their opinion. And don't forget that right next door is a free and prosperous democratic society. The common Romulan isn't going to want to go back to Emperors and secret police; he's going to want what the Federation has.
    Ah, yes. Toreth. Whom you keep quoting as beign cut from the same cloth as the likes of D'Tan. And yet she had no problem with killing one of Spock's followers or torturing and killing Troi/Rakel the moment she found out she was working ofr the federation. In the end, she was completely loyal to the RSE, whatever her feeligns towards the tal'Shiar. You seem to think that all Romulans are 'two dimensional' evil monsters, yet ignore the exceptions, like Toreth that show the Romulans have a capacity not only for keeping their sneaky and decietful RSE ways, but of having personalities of their own.

    As for Romulans wanting what the Federation has? You talk about how everyone who disagrees with you is stereotyping, yet you seem to ignore the importance of tradition and culture on people. Folks have a tendency to clign to their way of life, no matter how 'barbaric' it may seem to you. Assuming that one particular culture is inherently better than yours and that it's only natural and inevitable that they choose yours over theirs when given the chance is a rather ethnocentric viewpoint. This isn't a question of a few 'bad apples' (and lol at blaming the revolutionary war on King george) but a case of going up agaisnt a whole culture.
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