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Re: Romulan Alliances and the Romulan Republic Faction



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    xlocutusofborgxxlocutusofborgx Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Well, we've already had Yoda and the lightsabers. Doctor Who could be next. :)

    lol keep it down.. someone might.. hear you ;)
    R E S I S T A N C E - I S - F U T I L E
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    weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sad but true, the only thing STO shares with Star Trek is the artwork

    T'TRIBBLE begs to differ :P
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
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    inosaskainosaska Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sad but true, the only thing STO shares with Star Trek is the artwork

    So its finally shown its roots as a theme park game and now is classified as one. This is no longer associated with the universe of Star Trek. Continue to butcher your alternate universe Cryptic while I go and play a different game.
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    jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lizwei wrote: »
    Oh, you mean massive sweeping changes like forcing us to play reunificationist Romulans with no interest in expanding and protecting the empire who work for their people's sworn enemies?

    You keep claiming that it doesn't, but you do not say how it doesn't.
    How is a Romulan who permanently binds themselves to the Federation, following Federation rules, obeying Federation orders, doing missions that promote and expand the power of the Federation, allowing their ships to be built in Federation shipyards and be staffed by Federation crews not cowing to the Federation? (insert KDF where applicable).

    This so-called "alliance" is about as one-sided as you can get.

    You're conflating game mechanics or possible code limitations with the way real life works. Just like how canon doesn't necessarily make a fun game, real life doesn't necessarily make a fun game either.

    As for how nothing about the way the Republic will work precluding Romualns being Romulans?

    Well, it doesn't rule out espionage. If all the Romulans are picking different sides but are still buddy-buddy with each other, I'd imagine any Romulan worth his salt would start playing sides against each other clandestinely. Why else would a Romulan seek a truce of any kind if not to play for power, position, and/or time? What better way to ensure an advantage than to work alongside the enemy, gathering intelligence? How's that saying go... keep your friends close, and your enemies closer? Romulans have no friends, so when it comes to the Federation and KDF joint operations, that only leaves one possibility...

    I will concede, until we know how it's being written, I can't say any of this is actually the case. But by the same token, you can't really say for sure anything of your claims is accurate either. We're both making assumptions based on our views and very little information. It really comes down to how you want to roleplay your character - I don't mean "hang out at Drozana and talk in Local to a green stripper roleplay, I mean something a little more... plebeian; "This is my character and this is what he/she is like."

    So I guess we'll see.
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    thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I accept STO for what it is: a Trekish-themed, space-based MMO that isn't Eve Online. I use it to have fun. If I want to really feel Trek I put in a DVD and watch one of 725ish actual episodes. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
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    thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    To start the Reman were very much a comedy "EVILLLLL" on ... what that movie name? Terrible? wait, Nemesis ... so they were a two dimensional ... wait, one dimensional stands up because I suppose they were cheaper that the furniture.
    In all fairness, large chunks of Trek were two-dimensional - including the original Klingons in TOS. If we dismissed everything based on that there'd be no Trek at all. :)
    So I can see why they would not exactly mind the Remans to join the Federation at some point, I mean the logical step of the Romulans after THAT little stunt would be g-e-n-o-c-i-d-e, at least kick then out of their space if they were feeling very generous.
    Ok, I might be willing to give you the Remans, even though they killed the Romulan senate and tried to destroy the earth. Of course I'd have to wonder why they would put a Klink in charge of a Federation starship if they were at war with the KDF. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
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    reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I wanted a Romulan Faction, not to have to Regrind everything I have already done as a subject to one of the existing factions. You save us on the Starbase, but we still have to level, redo reps, redo rep projects, redo BOFFs and DOFFs, regrind fleet projects anyhow to get fleet credits to spend.

    I don't even have a Fed Starbase to regrind since I'm in a small fleet of friends formed before Star Bases were even announced, and we are stuck at the upgrade to Teir 1 project. Probably would have looked for a bigger fleet if there had been greater honestly beforehand that if you have less then 50 people you should probably forget about starbases.

    This was a chance to start over and get to enjoy Starbase content, but now there is no choice, I'd have to give up all the grinding I did on my Fed Starbase to join a new Fed fleet to grind out another starbase, and maybe sometime down the road you'll give us a 3rd Romulan Starbase to grind out, but since you are diving us with the Fed/KDf choice we'll probably have to make a totally new Romulan character to choose a Romulan fleet and have to regrind all our personal stuff again too.

    If you really cared about the grind you should have just added Romulan ships to both factions and told us to use the character editor to make out existing characters look like Romulans.

    I don't know how you can say this is a good decision for players or STO, totally has me not wanting to play anymore.
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    As infuriating as everything else is, has anyone given any thoguht to the fact that Romulan players are restricted to One species from the start? Remans have to be unlocked via the Reputation system (yay, more grind for a species that should be in by default!) meanwhile the only other confirmed species so far is for subscribers and lifetime only. add to this the inevitable liberated borg, and we will have fully half of our species options restriced from FTP. Every other faction only has one species (liberated borg) restriced from FTP, and have more species options to boot. I don't think this bodes well for the future, IMO.
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    lizweilizwei Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Thing is, you can come up with this or that reason for a Romulan joining the Federation or KDF.

    She or he is a spy, is doing this or that. It's an alliance, etc. etc.
    The point is.. I shouldn't have to. This is far from what we were initially hinted at, and I am disappointed.
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    Ok, I might be willing to give you the Remans, even though they killed the Romulan senate and tried to destroy the earth. Of course I'd have to wonder why they would put a Klink in charge of a Federation starship if they were at war with the KDF. :)

    Yeah cause Worf was never allowed to captain the Defiant during the KDF/Fed war in DS9.
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    mousernovmousernov Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have a trouble wrapping my head around the premise that a unified republic navy under a central command structure would go to war with itself in space for a foreign entity, Destroying its own ships, crews and peace for someone elses foreign agenda.

    Then once we have destroyed our own ships, crews and people cause they asked us to well land our ships at our centralised refit bases to be serviced and go home to spend the rest of shore leave with the friends, comrades, brothers, sisters we just finished murdering in space at the behest of said foreign entity.

    Mind you, we are all of one people and one mind in the formation of our republic, in fact, our only disagreement is who we feel we should purchase our weapons from, weird man, very.,
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    lizweilizwei Member Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    mousernov wrote: »
    I have a trouble wrapping my head around the premise that a unified republic navy under a central command structure would go to war with itself in space for a foreign entity, Destroying its own ships, crews and peace for someone elses foreign agenda.

    Then once we have destroyed our own ships, crews and people cause they asked us to well land our ships at our centralised refit bases to be serviced and go home to spend the rest of shore leave with the friends, comrades, brothers, sisters we just finished murdering in space at the behest of said foreign entity.

    Mind you, we are all of one people and one mind in the formation of our republic, in fact, our only disagreement is who we feel we should purchase our weapons from, weird man, very.,

    Stahl's answer: "It's, like, a game, man!"
    Yes, nobody cares about videogame stories and worlds right?

    You know between this, fiascos like Simcity and the Mass Effect 3 debacle last year I'm convinced game developers are just seeing what they can get away with before the industry crashes again.
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    abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lizwei wrote: »
    Stahl's answer: "It's, like, a game, man!"
    Yes, nobody cares about videogame stories and worlds right?

    You know between this, fiascos like Simcity and the Mass Effect 3 debacle last year I'm convinced game developers are just seeing what they can get away with before the industry crashes again.

    Woooo you got to use the word debacle, I myself just got to use it a few days ago, fun isn't it.
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    skonnskonn Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You should just call a spade, a spade. We're getting a new playable race with unique uniforms and new ships. And that's that.

    You're not doing this to save us grinding (if you really cared, the game wouldn't be plagued with dil sinks. Just like the Omega rep system was never about letting us earn the MK XII sets.. the ground ones are still broken, by the way :D ) You're not doing this to give us "the best of both worlds." You're doing this as a cop-out to get out of making new STF sets, doffs, starbase models and PvP mechanics, to mention but a few.

    Need more revenue to get it done? Then stop being "generous" and charge for the expansion.

    You had a chance to make a mint.. and ended up disappointing quite a few of us. In words you can understand: forced "alliances" are a stupid idea, and as unromulan as you can get.

    "This is the only way that including playable Romulans makes sense in the game's story". Last time I checked, you still had a Romulan Empire under Sela. "But they're the bad guys!" And the KDF are "good guys" how?

    "The FED/KDF war is really what's important."

    The same war that's been irrelevant and forgotten in the story line since before the Dominion FE series?
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Good God. I swear another 25 pages of posts (if not more) have been added in the last 7-8 hours. I bet half of those posts started in another thread too, heh. Anyway, quote time.
    broadnax wrote: »
    Go ahead and choose your potential ally -- then ignore it and just be a Romulan if you so choose.
    That isn't the point. Sure we can ignore it, but we shouldn't have too. How would people feel if they merged the FED with the KDF and said "well just ignore the fact that you're all playing one big faction".
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    I started a whole topic on this point earlier, but the slammed it in here, I feel so violated.
    I do believe the Forum Moderators to be on a Power Trip again. I think I've had three threads put into this one, only one of which I actually agree with. Still, can't argue with someone who is trigger happy and has power. God forbid.
    duaths1 wrote: »
    suppose we make a fleet now. full of Romulan only toons.

    then, in a year or 2, after releasing Ferengi, cardassians, whatever faction.. they decide to give us Romulan fleet holdings.

    do they expect us to ABANDON the Romulan fleet and start a new one?
    The most obvious answer is no. They don't. DStahl says that we may get a Romulan fleet holding in the future, as far as I'm currently concerned, that's bull****. They have no intention of adding in a Romulan Fleet Holding, they're just saying that to keep us quiet(er) and to give off the aurora of false hope.
    broadnax wrote: »
    They've explained why we are forced to pick sides *for now* in both the Ask Cryptic and in Mr. Stahl's forum posts. We all want what we want, but can't always get it exactly.
    Yes they've explained their reasons, but they must think us idiots if they expect us to believe what they preach. We all know far too well that Cryptic don't work on the old, they work only on the new.

    A few months (or years) down the line, what possible incentive would they have to turn the Romulans into their own true faction? They'd not make any money out of it. They're more likely to get the Romulans released now, then work on the next cash-grab species.
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    It is a new faction, just that you have to chose sides in the war, too bad there isnt just a neutral choice.
    That is one of the core problems though, you're a Romulan character, who has split from the former-empire and decided to rebuild some form of Romulan Colony for peace. We're then being given the choice to join one of two opposing factions, thus we're going to have these peaceful Romulans fighting each other.
    inosaska wrote: »
    They either make 3 factions or cancel the entire thing because what they have done is essentially idiotic beyond comparison. I expect that if they haven't changed things by mid April then they will lose a ton of the players because of this terrible move.
    Oh you can be sure if they've spent the past six months (or probably longer) putting this idea forward, they're not going to change it now; they couldn't even if they wanted too (which I doubt they do). They're idiots, and they're treating us like idiots too.
    plox21 wrote: »
    Everyone hate new informations about Romulans but when May comes they will be first to create new character :) , i just love when people rage about new faction that is not exactly what they wanted.
    You know what? For all the attention you're after, you're actually right. Come May, a good number of people will create that Romulan character. Why? Because it's something new. The problem however will come once they've created it. Short of the first ten levels, it'll be just like playing a Federation or Klingon character all over again, and that's when people will most likely drop this 'third' faction in favor of an already existing toon. You think people are going to stick around and grind the hell out of a toon that (end game) is no different to ones they've already got? I sure as hell ain't.

    With the news of Romulans, I actually thought that it would be my main focus for a while, with Federation 2nd, and Klingon 3rd. With this revelation though, Romulans are going to be my 3rd focus (long-term) just because I've already invested so much into my FED & KDF toons, and a Romulan toon will be no more unique.

    What they're giving us isn't a faction, it's an extension. A true faction has all of their own toys, storyline and content. This isn't the case here.
    Your feedback is important to us and is being heard.
    Knowing most of our feedback isn't positive, I am curious to know where you (and the team) plan to go with it. You can't realistically change all your plans for the Romulan Faction now; you've not got enough time to make the necessary changes. Regardless of feedback, you're still (come May) going to be releasing this faction exactly as you've been planning too, aren't you?

    Thus I beg the question, how important is our feedback? What difference is it ultimately going to make?
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    CBS does care about canon. They have vetoed many things in this game. I even remember when Cryptic showed a picture of an upcoming ship and then CBS vetoed it - Cryptic showed the pic before they had gotten CBS' final approval.
    How on Earth did CBS approve this?
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    You know even if the starbases are not ready they could still implement the system for upgrading them, sure it would be a little weird donating to a project you cant see or go to yet, even weirder when you finally can an it comes into existence half built but that would be better then having to trudge around a Fed starbase or the gloomy Kdf bases.
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    No thank you. I still have a Fed and a KDF base to complete. I do not need my fleetmates using resources to support a non-existent Fleet too. :)
    Actually, the best thing they can do for the Romulans right now is release them without the need to have a Starbase/Fleet Holding.

    Give them the Embassy (it's on their planet anyway) along with a few, unique scenery sets, but hold off on the Starbase and the Alliances. Just leave the joining of a Starbase alone until you (Cryptic) are in a position to do it properly. Say another 6 months when there should be amply T5 Starbases around to allow for Romulan players to start their own.
    The only thing Im still abit foggy on with all this, and would really like some answers is, if and when your romulan gets to the point where he is being offered to ally himself/herself with the federation and or klingons, can he/she just say no, id rather not take sides, and stay out of it... or... does she/he actually have to pick one.
    I do believe we must make a choice. We can't evade an alliance.
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    picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hey I have been away.

    I see that... there is a Romulan faction or something?

    Can someone just give me a 200 word summary of this new development? Thanks.
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    vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Basically, Cryptic started out working on the next update sometime after finishing the bulk of season seven. Up to a certain point, they were saying how season eight was going to be a big story update for the Klingons and the war with the Federation. Sometime around early winter, they stopped really giving us details about the upcoming stuff they were working on. They eventually stopped calling it a ?season?, saying it was much bigger than that. Up until last week, they have been silent except for a few tidbits they were allowed to say, such as an overhaul of the character creation screen and the new user interface update.

    Last week they announced that we were getting the first expansion to the game, Legacy of Romulus. With their expanded team, they managed to come up with not only a new Romulan faction, but also enough content to be able to start a Klingon at the start. The new faction is going to have the story start before the events of cloaked intentions and have them be the ones who settle New Romulus, the adventure zone introduced last season, with the ability to ally with Starfleet or the Klingons.

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    picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Basically, Cryptic started out working on the next update sometime after finishing the bulk of season seven. Up to a certain point, they were saying how season eight was going to be a big story update for the Klingons and the war with the Federation. Sometime around early winter, they stopped really giving us details about the upcoming stuff they were working on. They eventually stopped calling it a ?season?, saying it was much bigger than that. Up until last week, they have been silent except for a few tidbits they were allowed to say, such as an overhaul of the character creation screen and the new user interface update.

    Last week they announced that we were getting the first expansion to the game, Legacy of Romulus. With their expanded team, they managed to come up with not only a new Romulan faction, but also enough content to be able to start a Klingon at the start. The new faction is going to have the story start before the events of cloaked intentions and have them be the ones who settle New Romulus, the adventure zone introduced last season, with the ability to ally with Starfleet or the Klingons.

    Thanks for the answer, very cool. So Klingon starts at level 1 now? I think that was a great idea the way you can be the Romulan that settles on New Romulus since that is one of the main things of the STO story recently. thanks again.
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Basically, Cryptic started out working on the next update sometime after finishing the bulk of season seven. Up to a certain point, they were saying how season eight was going to be a big story update for the Klingons and the war with the Federation. Sometime around early winter, they stopped really giving us details about the upcoming stuff they were working on. They eventually stopped calling it a ?season?, saying it was much bigger than that. Up until last week, they have been silent except for a few tidbits they were allowed to say, such as an overhaul of the character creation screen and the new user interface update.

    Last week they announced that we were getting the first expansion to the game, Legacy of Romulus. With their expanded team, they managed to come up with not only a new Romulan faction, but also enough content to be able to start a Klingon at the start. The new faction is going to have the story start before the events of cloaked intentions and have them be the ones who settle New Romulus, the adventure zone introduced last season, with the ability to ally with Starfleet or the Klingons.
    Well...that's leaving out basically all of the controversy.....

    The Romulan Faction is not the Romulan Space Empire, despite said already existing in-game. Instead it is the Romulan Republic, led by D'tan. In addition to the Republic holdign few if any of the attributes beloved by many of the RSE, the player is forced to choose between the Federation and KDF at level 10, at which point they essentially become a member of that faction, being limited to their DOFFS and BOFFS and their starbases, ships, and PVP and PVE Queues. In addition, Romulan players will not have access to the RSE uniforms, or even the IRW prefix for their ships, meanwhile there are only three confirmed species (with an additional one, the Liberated borg, an obvious, but not yet confirmed choice) All but one of these options (the Romulans) are restricted, being unlocked by either the reputation system (Remans) or by having a Gold or lifetime subscription, severely limiting their options.

    How's that?
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What poster #2 has seemingly failed to inform you of is that, as a Romulan player, you must (come level 10) join with either the Federation or Klingon factions to progress through the story.

    Edit: Poster #4 beat me to it.
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    khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    While you also technically could progress on using doffs, events and lots of grinding to 50 without choosing a side, I really doubt there would be enough of players like you for Cryptic to bother making content for.

    Which means, even if they said no, there will practically be no Rom starbase, endgame or whatever, outside of rep and STFs. For example, I doubt you can even join a pvp queue while factionless.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    khayuung wrote: »
    While you also technically could progress on using doffs, events and lots of grinding to 50 without choosing a side, I really doubt there would be enough of players like you for Cryptic to bother making content for.

    Which means, even if they said no, there will practically be no Rom starbase, endgame or whatever, outside of rep and STFs. For example, I doubt you can even join a pvp queue while factionless.
    Apparently not. At level 10 you are forced to choose. If you don't, you can't level up, or get Doffs (you have access to the ones of the faction you choose, all others are from Zen duty officer packs according to what we know so far). You don't get the option of remaining neutral.
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    khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    But don't you get access to doffs at level 7? Unless they are bumping it all up to 10 now?

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    khayuung wrote: »
    But don't you get access to doffs at level 7? Unless they are bumping it all up to 10 now?
    They've changed the leveling system. You now unlock the Duty Officer System at level 11, after you've chosen your stupid alliance. :(
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    khayuung wrote: »
    But don't you get access to doffs at level 7? Unless they are bumping it all up to 10 now?
    "Dstahl: In addition to adding Romulan Republic Duty Officers to existing packs in the game, Romulan Republic captains will gain access to the Duty Officers packs of their chosen ally"

    It sounds like they are just adding Romulan duty officers to the KDF and Fed factions instead of giving them their own duty officers. In fact, it sounds like there isn't much Romulan-specific content outside of whatever rewards their episodes (before level 10, presumably) give you, the Zen store, and their Warbirds.
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    genericolagenericola Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    not only is the romulan faction the new romulus not-romulans, but it is also a panda style mini-faction where you join either the KDF or the feds after lvl 10.

    seems to me like the worst of both worlds.

    Rather than doing a half-baked romulan faction, I would have prefered an expansion dedicated to completing the klingons.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    genericola wrote: »
    Rather than doing a half-baked romulan faction, I would have prefered an expansion dedicated to completing the klingons.
    As much as I wanted the Romulans, I'd have waited a lot longer for them to be done properly, and would have supported a Klingon completion had I known what to expect from Cryptic.
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Also what some poster also fail to mention the Romulan faction has unique content till level 40 just like FEDs had at launch but not the KDF ever which makes it more than a half baked faction compared to the real half baked faction the Klingons.
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    jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    pyryck wrote: »
    <took a phaser shot to the knee from Cryptic>

    Jermbot, my apologies, sir. I was wrong.

    It seems as though Cryptic will be dropping the playable Romulan subfaction of the Fed/KDF on New Romulus at end game. :(

    Yeah, and I'll pour a drink on the ground in mourning for the loss of three-way PVP myself.
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    catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Also what some poster also fail to mention the Romulan faction has unique content till level 40 just like FEDs had at launch but not the KDF ever which makes it more than a half baked faction compared to the real half baked faction the Klingons.
    What? Seriously? People are still complaining about the Klingons having less content than the Rommies?

    1) The KDF has been stated to be getting full 1-50 content.

    2) The Rommies get 1-10 level content and then get saddled with Fed or KDF content (probably with a few dialogue changes here and there).

    3) Last I heard, the Klingon Emprie wasn't Divied up between two of its long time enemies, didn't have its own starbases, weren't sendign off their soldiers and ships to be killed on both sides of a war. Were not reduced to a bunch of vulcan-wannabie hippies, and weren't getting the Vorchas and brels stuck in lockboxes for every other faction to pilfer!

    edited due to badly misplaced word.
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