First, this looks really cool and I have no doubt I will create a Romulan character. But my optimism is tempered by past experiences with the KDF, which were technically playable from 1-50 at the start. I really want to believe that this means that the Romulans and the KDF will be on par with the Federation. I look forward to getting more details.
Actually they started at level 6 if I remember correctly. But in any case, they said they were very committed to fleshing out the KDF before they would release a Romulan faction and they have hired more people and been working 6 long days a week for a long time now, so I'm sure they've got a ton of content made! Also, they've recently been very careful not to mention things that they "might" do, so when I see all three are going to be 1-50, I'm counting on it. Very exciting stuff!!
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Very happy that players will be able to start out with the option of 3 factions. However, since the Romulans are getting " story-driven missions written exclusively from the Romulan Republic's point of view..." will the KDF receive the same treatment? No more copy & pasted fluffy Fed dialogue with our missions? One can only hope.
I couldn't believe the home page was awesome, and the news... wow, so happy I just bought a couple of extra character slots. Was going to play both new characters as KDF, created one and now I'm going to hold the second for a Romulan.
I wonder if the KDF content that is being added is the "retelling of the early missions from the Klingon perspective" or however they put it. The level 1-20 fits! So much new content! It's going to be GREAT!!
I can only imagine how much the devs wanted to tell off the trolls and say "Well guess what?? We've been working tirelessly to build a faction from the ground up, 1-50 aaand flesh out the first 20 levels of an existing faction!!! I hope you like it!!!" lol
Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Branflakes says no in the beginning of this thread. The playable factions will be free and the expansion is free just like everything else in game. There will be some added c-store content but it wont be announced till later. I suppose if you don't have any character slots you will need to acquire them.
Gold Sub since March 2010
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
0% Playerbase? I would happily even change playable romulans for non playable kdf.
But we all get 3 factions, so we should be happy.
Plus there was a poll. There the romulans got more interest then the KDF.... so there is the future playerbase.
Uh...since only a small percentage of players actually use the forums, let alone placed a vote, your opinion is void. Lots of things will change now that the beginner will have 3 factions to choose from at start.
The reason why I ask comes down to this: right now certain kdf only or kdf vs fed queue's at long.
So romulan queue's should be longer.
Is there going to be fed vs kdf vs rom pvp?
Rom vs kdf vs fed territory control?
Are they going to fix old fe's to put a romulan spin on it?
If romulans aren't going to be a sub faction but a real full faction, I am shocked.
All new doff missions?
All new ships?
New romulan version of earth/qunos?
Alot or work for something with 0% playerbase.
3 years in. Need more info:
You might not listen to or read many interviews but it's already been said before that Queues are going to be factionless starting with this expansion or even before.
As i told people in another forum, this has been planed since year 1. it was suppose to be the 3 year anninvery but with them making the next star trek movie thye wanted it to come out close to its theater release.
Uh...since only a small percentage of players actually use the forums, let alone placed a vote, your opinion is void. Lots of things will change now that the beginner will have 3 factions to choose from at start.
Your opinion is more valid then my one because you say so. Lets not go there.
So yes, there is a playerbase for the romulans. Why are you butthurt over it?
The Romulans are not replacing the KDF (Though that would be a fare trade if you ask me) so why all the rage?
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
I am rather impressed and there has really been a lot of background preparation without any leaking through what it was gunna be ... and now this ... KDF going full faction and RSE as well ... this is a hammer, wow. And the new UI looks cute. Now all we have to wait for is the Cardashian / Dominion / Vorta faction.
And yeah, I also think some of this has been planned since Day 1 ... butt purrhaps it would have been smart to let all the Klingunners know that they would get the full faction by the third year of service.
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
What i would like to know is what are the life time rewards for the romulan faction Give me a scimitar as my 1000 day ship? free d'deridex as my option for my free VA ship token
That dream died when the ships were made Lockbox ships.
They could still make an add-on for playable Vorta, Cardashians and Changelings (which would have the ability to change their custumes with a cool-looking shapeshifting carryover.
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Actually they started at level 6 if I remember correctly. But in any case, they said they were very committed to fleshing out the KDF before they would release a Romulan faction and they have hired more people and been working 6 long days a week for a long time now, so I'm sure they've got a ton of content made! Also, they've recently been very careful not to mention things that they "might" do, so when I see all three are going to be 1-50, I'm counting on it. Very exciting stuff!!
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
No the game is F2P
/retraiting bridge officers too?
cant wait to see whats all about
oh,and thx,nice birthday present
join date is Feb 2010
But we all get 3 factions, so we should be happy.
Plus there was a poll. There the romulans got more interest then the KDF.... so there is the future playerbase.
Looking forward to May!
The new site implies BOTH KDF and Romulan factions will have full leveling content from 1-50. Remains to be seen, if true.
WOW!!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Just signed in... and I am totally speechless!
I couldn't believe the home page was awesome, and the news... wow, so happy I just bought a couple of extra character slots. Was going to play both new characters as KDF, created one and now I'm going to hold the second for a Romulan.
Truly amazing an great news!
I can only imagine how much the devs wanted to tell off the trolls and say "Well guess what?? We've been working tirelessly to build a faction from the ground up, 1-50 aaand flesh out the first 20 levels of an existing faction!!! I hope you like it!!!" lol
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
I want a screaming chicken on the bottom of my bird of prey.
Branflakes says no in the beginning of this thread. The playable factions will be free and the expansion is free just like everything else in game. There will be some added c-store content but it wont be announced till later. I suppose if you don't have any character slots you will need to acquire them.
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
Happy Birthday!
As long as I can get a D'deridex I'd happily scan plants to get from lvl 1 to 50.
Uh...since only a small percentage of players actually use the forums, let alone placed a vote, your opinion is void. Lots of things will change now that the beginner will have 3 factions to choose from at start.
This is the reason why i stopped coming to the forums.
Please re-read (or read for the first time) the main page of this expansion: 1-50 for ALL Factions.
You might not listen to or read many interviews but it's already been said before that Queues are going to be factionless starting with this expansion or even before.
This means no more FedvFed or FedvKDF Queues.
I love it when i am right oh yeah
Your opinion is more valid then my one because you say so. Lets not go there.
So yes, there is a playerbase for the romulans. Why are you butthurt over it?
The Romulans are not replacing the KDF (Though that would be a fare trade if you ask me) so why all the rage?
And yeah, I also think some of this has been planned since Day 1 ... butt purrhaps it would have been smart to let all the Klingunners know that they would get the full faction by the third year of service.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Go to the bottom of the page. It seems like the new enemy may be an insectoid!
That dream died when the ships were made Lockbox ships.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
They could still make an add-on for playable Vorta, Cardashians and Changelings (which would have the ability to change their custumes with a cool-looking shapeshifting carryover.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
It's awesome.