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Andorian Weapons in Dilithium Store



  • borgqbeborgqbe Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I do agree with the increase in price and discarding the nerf ideea. I still have to buy them for all my toons flying andorian escorts, but i'll get them even at an increased price. Nerfing them after some people paid a lot already is a rip off.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why? I don't recall anyone asking you for anything.

    So now you've decided to morph from The Angel of Peace(tm) to a know-nothing, unpaid shill for bad customer service? Disgusting.
    Look, I simply do not think this is an issue. I know people think it is, and I can see how it is to them, but I simply do not regard it as a rip off/theft. That is the position I'm speaking from, trying to provide another POV for people to think things through.

    So call me what you will; it doesn't change that fact.

    This is just one thing in a long line of things from Cryptic, that did not struck a nerve in me, despite being affected by it. In other words, everything they've done is okay with me, and I understand all of what they've done. Including this
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I saw a delightful episode of Modern Family the other day. Gloria had "Pregnant Brain" where she wasn't thinking too clearly and had been taken shopping by Claire. Gloria had been standing in the frozen section for 10 minutes as she was trying to remember what she needed there. Claire had gotten cold so she had put on a sweater from the store. She had no intention of buying it and intended to put it back before leaving the store.

    As they're loading the car with their groceries a security guard collects Claire as she forgot about the sweater due to Gloria needing so much attention. She had stolen the sweater without intent.

    That's a light hearted example. I used to work in law and legislative enforcement prior to my sea-change. I saw that MANY breaches of the law can be unintentional. That doesn't stop them from being a breach in the law, however.

    Here's another way of looking at this. Last I checked, the Andorian weapons that are soon to be nerfed are STILL in the dilithium store. This thread started 4 days ago. If Cryptic had any honour they would have removed the weapons from the store with a quick patch, preventing people who don't read the forums from suffering the same fate as those of us for whom it's already too late.

    Why are they still for sale if they're going to be nerfed? Because Cryptic can still make a few more bucks before nerfing it. They know that there are people who don't read the forums and they're banking on those for a little extra profit. They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.

    Well said sir! Absolutely spot on, and one of the reasons the andorian phaser nerf has annoyed me so greatly. It doesn't seem very honourable or ethical the way they're going about it!
    Kirk's Protege.
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    trek21 wrote: »
    Look, I simply do not think this is an issue. I know people think it is, and I can see how it is to them, but I simply do not regard it as a rip off/theft. That is the position I'm speaking from, trying to provide another POV for people to think things through.

    So call me what you will; it doesn't change that fact.

    This is just one thing in a long line of things from Cryptic, that did not struck a nerve in me, despite being affected by it. In other words, everything they've done is okay with me, and I understand all of what they've done. Including this

    OK. We accept that you don't think this is an issue. That's not a point that's in contention. I'm sure Cryptic has read this and can see that it's not an issue for you, too. Your POV is noted.

    It seems that if the nerf happens, you won't be affected. It seems that if Cryptic makes some form of arrangement that makes everyone happy, you won't be affected.

    Based on the two points above, why are you still here? I can only think that you're trolling. I'll give you the opportunity to prove me right or wrong.
  • trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.
    Except for me, I simply don't see it as theft ;) What I see it as, I don't know yet... but it's simply more fun to be flexible, to explore the grey area of things

    But that's just me; things simply being 'good' and 'evil' is not enough
    OK. We accept that you don't think this is an issue. That's not a point that's in contention. I'm sure Cryptic has read this and can see that it's not an issue for you, too. Your POV is noted.

    It seems that if the nerf happens, you won't be affected. It seems that if Cryptic makes some form of arrangement that makes everyone happy, you won't be affected.

    Based on the two points above, why are you still here? I can only think that you're trolling. I'll give you the opportunity to prove me right or wrong.
    What? A guy can't respond to answers against him? :confused:

    But since it's noted, I am not a troll; I do not get pleasure from intentionally twisting situations to annoy people. I simply respond where I choose, trying to help out where I can... it just happens that in this case, there was nothing I could do.

    So it's safe to say I won't say much more in this particular thread.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
  • chuckingramchuckingram Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    trek21 wrote: »
    Look, I simply do not think this is an issue.

    Then why are your posting in this thread, to supply aid and comfort to Cryptic? Really, you don't have the ship and didn't spend a load on Andorian weapons, obviously, so what aspect of your psyche is served be telling those of us who DO care, that you don't?
  • chuckingramchuckingram Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    trek21 wrote: »
    So it's safe to say I won't say much more in this particular thread.

    I can only speak for myself in this, but that would be pretty sweet. :D
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    As Marcus Kincaid says in the Borderlands.... No refunds!

    I'm so happy I did not buy the weapons.

    Still, it is not a nice move to downgrade already purchased items, especially one with a ludicrously overpriced dilithium tag.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Here's another way of looking at this. Last I checked, the Andorian weapons that are soon to be nerfed are STILL in the dilithium store. This thread started 4 days ago. If Cryptic had any honour they would have removed the weapons from the store with a quick patch, preventing people who don't read the forums from suffering the same fate as those of us for whom it's already too late.

    Why are they still for sale if they're going to be nerfed? Because Cryptic can still make a few more bucks before nerfing it. They know that there are people who don't read the forums and they're banking on those for a little extra profit. They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.

    This is probably the best reason for them to keep the same stats and the price in dilithium to go up (as I said earlier). If they really want to nerf them they need to be removed NOW and reinstated when they are adjusted. Otherwise, it really does look like they are purposely misleading buyers.
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • chuckingramchuckingram Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This is probably the best reason for them to keep the same stats and the price in dilithium to go up (as I said earlier). If they really want to nerf them they need to be removed NOW and reinstated when they are adjusted. Otherwise, it really does look like they are purposely misleading buyers.

    Indeed, regardless of the initial mistake, having them still on sale makes Cryptic look terribly uncaring and greedy.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Indeed, regardless of the initial mistake, having them still on sale makes Cryptic look terribly uncaring and greedy.

    expect it to be corrected next patch with no offer of refund either

  • chuckingramchuckingram Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    usscapital wrote: »
    expect it to be corrected next patch with no offer of refund either

    Then they can expect me to never spend another red cent on this game. I pumped $80 into Cryptic for the pack and weapons, not to mention similar purchases in the past. I refuse to spend this sort of $ and be treated like an idiot child.
  • kelshandokelshando Member Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    usscapital wrote: »
    expect it to be corrected next patch with no offer of refund either

    And if that happens, they will not get another dime from me.... ever. They need to compensate those who bought it with a refend, grandfather them in, or alow us to trade them for fleet ver. at no extra cost to us. If they do not do something like that then they get no more money from me...end of line.
  • timerastimeras Member Posts: 33 Media Corps
    edited March 2013
    Best solution will be:
    • Move the current existing Andorian Phasers to the Fleet-Store, upgrade them to MKXII (as you statet they are already stat-wise).
    • Create the as-intended-downgraded-ones to the dilithium store for future purchase.

    It was your fault, Cryptic, not the customer's and you have to pay for it ... not us.

    This is a far better solution then blaming players for buying something from you or to pay a refund to all of us.
    Photonen im Wind a foundry mission by timeras13
    Photonen im Eis a foundry mission by timeras13
    Photonen im Schatten a foundry mission by timeras13
  • crownvic2doorcrownvic2door Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Am i the only one that reads stats before spending dill or zen on something? I saw that they had lower dps then fleet and I decided against it even though they would look cooler then normal orange phasers...fact is they said in the agreement no refunds and they reserve the right to change whatever at any time. Sad but true...nothing you can do about it so just grind a bit more and get the fleet versions when they pop up in fleet store, This is what I'm doing...Well actually I didn't buy the weapons in the first place I figured it was a typo.:rolleyes:
    it sucks for you guys that spent the hard earned dill on them...I mean i feel ya but life isn't fair.:(
    I'm looking forward to using Andorian fleet DHC's with the Romulan plasma consoles..lol:D
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Am i the only one that reads stats before spending dill or zen on something? I saw that they had lower dps then fleet and I decided against it even though they would look cooler then normal orange phasers...fact is they said in the agreement no refunds and they reserve the right to change whatever at any time. Sad but true...nothing you can do about it so just grind a bit more and get the fleet versions when they pop up in fleet store, This is what I'm doing...Well actually I didn't buy the weapons in the first place I figured it was a typo.:rolleyes:
    it sucks for you guys that spent the hard earned dill on them...I mean i feel ya but life isn't fair.:(
    I'm looking forward to using Andorian fleet DHC's with the Romulan plasma consoles..lol:D

    Some of us wanted the blue weapons to complete the look of the ship. I knew the fleet weapons were better but I wanted it to look good. This was before it was made known that there were going to be blue fleet weapons.

    I'm very happy for you that you didn't buy them. Bravo. Congratulations. That doesn't help us, though.
  • crownvic2doorcrownvic2door Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I doubt they will do anything for the rest of you guys other then offer a different set to buy in fleet store. Live and learn I guess...Its happened to me as well, I thought the point defense console was going to be worth buying the ship, well it wasn't, I should have gotten the one with the quads on it.
    One thing I can recommend is the collectors addition of STO, the perks of getting the game are worth it if you find it on sale cheap...I heard some of them even include a borg officer:)
  • chuckingramchuckingram Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Am i the only one that reads stats before spending dill or zen on something?

    There must be something inherent in internet communcations that activates the stupid gene in those lucky enough to have it. There's one thing that reality will always have that "chat" never will, immediate reprecussions for arrogant, antisocial behavior.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Am i the only one that reads stats before spending dill or zen on something?

    that's the thing they are lowering the stats of said weapons , why do you think people who purchased them are moaning ??? . read the thread before posting in future :P

  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Lol, cryptic releasing items for purchase, people get busy purchasing said item for weeks then suddenly, "oops we made a mistake and need to nerf the stats" Seems some things will never change in the cryptic camp. A few more of these and people are going to start leaving over it since we never get compensation. I've already been struck several times and wasted a ton of currency whether it be dollars or dilithium or lobi. Had I bought these phasers it might have been the straw that broke the camels back.

    And to add salt to the wound, "oh hey guess what guys we know you've been busy buying these dil store weaps but we're going to give you fleet versions"

    Lol. The shadiness never ceases to amaze me. I can't wait to see what's next.
  • usscapitalusscapital Member Posts: 985 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    well the money I was going to buy zen with was used to buy the new starcraft 2 game , sorry cryptic you lost out this time around due to you error's/bugs

  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    usscapital wrote: »
    well the money I was going to buy zen with was used to buy the new starcraft 2 game , sorry cryptic you lost out this time around due to you error's/bugs

    It's funny you say that. I was thinking about buying some zen/keys as I wanted to try at getting a Galor. Then I thought, "No, why should I give them money when they've just cost me so much dilithium?" Instead I went to to pub with some friends and spent that money on beer. I had a lot of fun and the bartender didn't tell me that he needed to dilute the beer after I drank it.

    Sorry, Cryptic. (Well, I'm not sorry but it seemed the polite thing to say.)
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I understand the disappointment that some people are feeling at the stats being decreased. To be clear, we were certainly not intentionally misleading anyone. I detailed the intent behind these weapons in a previous post (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8322161&postcount=98). The stats on these weapons were a bug, plain and simple.

    These items were intended to be for fun and flavor purposes. While some of the posters have noted that Spiral Wave Disruptors are a similar case, those weapons are significantly more expensive and only a specific weapon type (Beam Array) is available. Making all weapon types at that level of power available on the Dilithium store would represent a significant change to our game's loot progression.

    For those of you who are interested in more powerful Andorian Phasers, I will be adding Advanced Fleet Andorian Phasers to the fleet store. These are statistically identical to other Advanced Fleet Phasers and require an Andorian Escort to purchase. The only difference between these and standard Advanced Fleet Phasers is cosmetic.

    I bought a full set of these. You know how much dilithium that is? You should spot us free fleet andorian phasers for this TRIBBLE-up.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • tcostiktcostik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I understand the disappointment that some people are feeling at the stats being decreased. To be clear, we were certainly not intentionally misleading anyone. I detailed the intent behind these weapons in a previous post (http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=8322161&postcount=98). The stats on these weapons were a bug, plain and simple.

    These items were intended to be for fun and flavor purposes. While some of the posters have noted that Spiral Wave Disruptors are a similar case, those weapons are significantly more expensive and only a specific weapon type (Beam Array) is available. Making all weapon types at that level of power available on the Dilithium store would represent a significant change to our game's loot progression.

    For those of you who are interested in more powerful Andorian Phasers, I will be adding Advanced Fleet Andorian Phasers to the fleet store. These are statistically identical to other Advanced Fleet Phasers and require an Andorian Escort to purchase. The only difference between these and standard Advanced Fleet Phasers is cosmetic.

    So does this mean we'll be getting Fleet Spiral Wave Disruptors? I spent a ton of dil on them, and I'm not complaining about that, but if you're adding in fleet variants of d-store weapons to placate the seething masses, then please be fair about it, and give us Galor owners (who have spent TONS of zen getting the ships in the first place) the same.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    These items were intended to be for fun and flavor purposes. While some of the posters have noted that Spiral Wave Disruptors are a similar case, those weapons are significantly more expensive and only a specific weapon type (Beam Array) is available. Making all weapon types at that level of power available on the Dilithium store would represent a significant change to our game's loot progression.

    Hi Archon.

    Actually the Spiral Waves would still be quite a cut above the Andorian Weapons if the Andorians were made MK XII.

    The Andorian weapons have:
    > 1 Proc (phaser)
    > 3 Mods (a typical weapon design).
    = Total of 4 Mods

    The Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Arrays have:
    > 2 Procs (disruptor & phaser)
    > 4 Mods (ACCx2, DMGx2)
    = Total of 6 Mods

    So the Spiral Waves have 6 mods in comparison to 4 mods to justify their higher cost, you also get 4 of them complimentary with the actual Galor, and only need to buy 4 more if you're so inclined.

    The Andorian Ship comes with 0 Andorian Phasers, and they are for all intents and purposes "blue phasers".
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tcostik wrote: »
    So does this mean we'll be getting Fleet Spiral Wave Disruptors? I spent a ton of dil on them, and I'm not complaining about that, but if you're adding in fleet variants of d-store weapons to placate the seething masses, then please be fair about it, and give us Galor owners (who have spent TONS of zen getting the ships in the first place) the same.

    I'd love that but seeing as they're the best beams in the game I'd say that's never going to happen.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd love that but seeing as they're the best beams in the game I'd say that's never going to happen.

    Y'know what I'd like to see? Different wing cannon flavors... Plasma, Disruptor, Tetryon, Anti-Proton, etc.

    It's not like the Phaser Lance that's welded to the ship, it's a weapon can be removed or even discarded. I'd pay good Dilithium to not be locked into using only phasers on this ship when I have, for Example, a full set of Romulan Weapons after grinding my Romulan reputation.

    It'd be nice to be able to use the other hybrid weapons that are in the game, as there are NO hybrid weapons that are Phaser-Based. Plenty with phaser procs, but none that have phaser as the core damage.

    I mean if you're gonna nerf the Andorian weapons, please give us a bone here. I see nothing but sales if you make different wing cannon weapons. And people need to own the ship to use the wing cannons, so win/win.
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Y'know what I'd like to see? Different wing cannon flavors... Plasma, Disruptor, Tetryon, Anti-Proton, etc.

    It's not like the Phaser Lance that's welded to the ship, it's a weapon can be removed or even discarded. I'd pay good Dilithium to not be locked into using only phasers on this ship when I have, for Example, a full set of Romulan Weapons after grinding my Romulan reputation.

    It'd be nice to be able to use the other hybrid weapons that are in the game, as there are NO hybrid weapons that are Phaser-Based. Plenty with phaser procs, but none that have phaser as the core damage.

    I mean if you're gonna nerf the Andorian weapons, please give us a bone here. I see nothing but sales if you make different wing cannon weapons. And people need to own the ship to use the wing cannons, so win/win.

    Actually I agree. More special weapons for the non phaser and non disruptor weapon types would be great. Wing cannons, quad cannons, etc.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited March 2013
    I shall not be original because IMHO the best comments about this debacle have been said by the forum community already, starting with my personal favorite:
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I hate to use the old 'excuse me ?' , but Excuse Me ??? :confused:

    A 25-50$ item that needed a ton of fixes and now even it's accessories (that cost more money (or grind)) get fudged as well ??

    Who let Bobo The Clown run the show (?) and how on earth are we suppose to trust anything else that Cryptic might want to sell us ?

    Also , the proposed solution is not all that great because it hides the Mk12 versions behind the Giant Wall of Grind called a Starbase .
    How is that exactly supposed to encourage sales of the Smurf ship ?

    ^THIS +10
    Hi Archon.

    Actually the Spiral Waves would still be quite a cut above the Andorian Weapons if the Andorians were made MK XII.

    The Andorian weapons have:
    > 1 Proc (phaser)
    > 3 Mods (a typical weapon design).
    = Total of 4 Mods

    The Spiral Wave Disruptor Beam Arrays have:
    > 2 Procs (disruptor & phaser)
    > 4 Mods (ACCx2, DMGx2)
    = Total of 6 Mods

    So the Spiral Waves have 6 mods in comparison to 4 mods to justify their higher cost, you also get 4 of them complimentary with the actual Galor, and only need to buy 4 more if you're so inclined.

    The Andorian Ship comes with 0 Andorian Phasers, and they are for all intents and purposes "blue phasers".

    erocker wrote: »
    Considering they are special "Andorian" phasers I don't find it hard to believe that folks who bought them were pretty confident about the legitimacy of the stats.
    The Dilithium store isn't intended to carry the best equipment in the game. These items were priced as Mark XI items - similar to the other gear already available in the Dilithium store. The incorrect stats were a bug, and I apologize if people bought them based on that bug.

    As a general rule, we try to keep our endgame equipment in endgame systems, such as the Fleet system and the various Reputation systems.

    We'd like to have higher-end Andorian weapons available as well, and we're currently discussing the best way to make those available to players.

    ^ I call BS since you can get mk xii purple weapons as drops in elite stfs, which all my just leveled noob toons can do without any fancy rep yet.
    zerobang wrote: »
    what are you holding the XII versions back for?
    is there an Andorian Reputation system planned? or a Fleet Holding that hands out Andorian stuff?

    i really see no reason to release these and then only hand out XI versions.

    ^ MONEY grab or to cover up any acknowledgement to quality control?
    usscapital wrote: »
    that's what the tribble test server is for (well it is supposed to be) , but far to often these bugs/mis-labeled things hit the holodeck

    ^MORE importantly what about the in-house test server, which they are testing season 8-ish on? -_-
    eisaakaz wrote: »
    As a developer myself... the real questions that beg to be answered here are:

    1. Why did you not have this conversation before you released these in the first place?
    2. Why were they released with a bug or error or miss information (place whatever word you need here)?

    As a development team with 3 years into a project, how are you letting these issues get on production servers? Have you just thrown testing out the window? Is one guy just doing whatever he wants and you all wake up and find new ships flying around the server?


    sean2448 wrote: »
    but why they cost so much for 11 once we hit RA upper half or MG we get 12 so why not bump up to 12 any way?

    Spirals also cost 43k dil.

    The solution is obvious; leave the Andorian weapons with Mk XII stats, change their tooltip to show Mk XII, and increase their price accordingly. Nobody loses anything they've already purchased and the early adopters get to enjoy their discount.
    A win/win here is to increase the Dil cost of the ones currently in the store instead of nerfing (and it *is* a nerf) the ones people already bought. Since we have to have an Andorian Escort to already get the weapons, we have already paid a premium for them just to unlock them. No one should be upset by the price increase. Just call the earlier price an introductory sale.

    See, easy peasy.

    Here's another way of looking at this. Last I checked, the Andorian weapons that are soon to be nerfed are STILL in the dilithium store. This thread started 4 days ago. If Cryptic had any honour they would have removed the weapons from the store with a quick patch, preventing people who don't read the forums from suffering the same fate as those of us for whom it's already too late.

    Why are they still for sale if they're going to be nerfed? Because Cryptic can still make a few more bucks before nerfing it. They know that there are people who don't read the forums and they're banking on those for a little extra profit. They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.

    ^THIS +100
    It's funny you say that. I was thinking about buying some zen/keys as I wanted to try at getting a Galor. Then I thought, "No, why should I give them money when they've just cost me so much dilithium?" Instead I went to to pub with some friends and spent that money on beer. I had a lot of fun and the bartender didn't tell me that he needed to dilute the beer after I drank it.

    Sorry, Cryptic. (Well, I'm not sorry but it seemed the polite thing to say.)

    It makes me sad that a game I love to play {24 toons last count but i still have open slots :) } has such poor in-house quality control and that the community can come up with a better solution than just swing the nerf Bat because we want you to grind/spend more cash later, truly sad.

    Good Hunting all
  • aramyllaramyll Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This post is long but very informative please read on:

    Frankly it amazes to sheer amount of contradiction that Cryptic is throwing around. You say that due to a mistake made on your part because of your lack of internal testing (please don't say you have an internal testing team, because if that were true we wouldn't see half the dumb and obvious bugs we currently have in game for months and years even) you put the incorrect stats on the Andorian phasers and now you are going to force changes on items that people have already bought. This is a contradiction to to statements made on other forum posts by YOU ARCHON: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=524671&page=10

    Originally Posted by archoncryptic View Post
    Adjusting the existing BOFFs would be unfair to people who bought the BOFFs for the powers they already have. While Subterfuge isn't as popular as Romulan Operative in the forum community, that doesn't mean someone didn't buy a BOFF with the intent of getting the Subterfuge trait..

    By your own words changing an item that you have already bought for the stats it posseses is considered UNFAIR and thus will not be changed. So please explain to me what your doing here. Which version of the truth is correct here then, the fact that you don't add/fix/change some obvious mistake/laziness because its unfair to those that have already purchased the items as they currently are? Or the fact that you are about to forcefully change MULTIPLE ITEMS bought by ALOT of people??

    So then I imagine that after these changes go into effect you are going to then fix the Romulan BOFFS, and change the stats on all the boffs that have been bought so far to keep in line with your reasoning here. Correct? If not then you and everyone at Cryptic is a hypocrite, what you are doing is unethical, and hiding behind the guise of "this content is subject to change at any time" is total bull**** and you know it.

    As for your marvelous Fleet Advanced Andorian Phasers coming up, are you serious? This has to be a joke correct, you are taking a mislabeled item nerfing it and then to compensate you add the exact same item in the fleet store but now they are blue, and still require owning the andorian escort to buy them? Not to mention they have the exact same stats as weapons we already own....... Will these be available for every stat combination currently available for all weapons in the fleet store or just 1 single type? Can we at least trade in our current fleet phasers to obtain these or do we have to fork over another huge amount of dilithium to get a little FLAVOR into our ships? Since most people already own advanced fleet weapons, why not bump these up to the Elite fleet weapons which are only phasers and re work the stats like someone said, give it 6 mods just like the spinal phasers from the galor, make it ACCx2 DMGx2 Phaser proc, SHeal proc? Adding just coloring flavor to something is extremely dull specially for an item that is so expensive. This way it would fit on your scale of you have to work hard to get it. Recapping you would need, a T5 starbase, an Andorian escort purchased, and the dilithium to be able to obtain, I think this would constitute your idea of working to get end game content, wouldn't you agree.

    Sorry going a bit off topic here: Why was a mistake as obvious as this not picked up before the release of the Andorian content. It seems to me that almost everything regarding the Andorian ships was released completely half assed and incomplete. You boasted about the beauty and power these ships have when you announced them, only to make them available with so many bugs that the question of whether or not these were tested was brought up and YOU said:

    Quote: We do have an internal QA team, and they're actually the reason why these *are* on a shared cooldown - the burst potential was just too high.

    This was for the shared cooldown issue with the Ando consoles, which if any real testing would have been done you would know, that this is not true, hence your decision to remove the shared cooldown days after the ship and consoles were released.

    Recapping on Andorian Content Released so far:
    Andorian Ship: Shield bug, Healing bug,
    Andorian Conoles: Shared CD with BOFF abilities, changed right away (intentional bug)
    Andorian Weapons: Mislabeled, wrong stats (about to be forcefully changed)
    Wing Cannons: Unable to delete bug.

    If I am missing some other Andorian content please add it in but I am sure that ALL Andorian content was bug on release. So can you really sit there and tell me that your INTERNAL QA Team was unable to find all of these OBVIOUS issues before it was relased. If that is true then FIRE them cause they suck and don't know how to do their jobs.

    Back on topic: I was really surprised and happy that you used an answer to one of my posts to make clear that dilithium weapons are not meant for end game, but if the purpose of the andorian weapons is meant for just flavor and not to provide any edge over other "real" end game weapons then, why not use the suggestion I gave you and make the blue phaser color a unique ability on the andorian ship itself? IE: if you fly a andorian escort and use phasers on it the phasers come out blue, BAM problem solved and you added a nice flavor pump into the ship?
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