The best part of all this is that since the fleet version of Andorian phasers will have typical (bad) fleet modifiers that means the Kumari and all variants will basically be junk for any sort of PVP.
So after the nerf hits holodeck you can consider Kumari players to basically be a free (or easier) kill on any PVP map if they're using Andorian phasers for wing cannon synergy.
Hope nobody bought this ship expecting it was actually going to be useful for anything other than shooting dumb NPCs.
The good thing about Cryptic fixing PvP (?) is that crippled, wrinkle-less ego's like this will have to go elsewhere to get their emotional fix.
I still say they should've made the Andorian Phasers bound to Andorian Ships only and raise the Dilithium Cost to equal that of the Spiral Wave Disruptors.
I'll still use em in STF's and what not but honestly, when I bought the Ship Pack, I didn't really even think about the Andorian Phasers. At some point, I just browsed the Dilithium Store just to see what, exactly, they were. I saw the [Acc]x2 and thought maybe Cryptic is actually starting to make PvP fair again by giving a wider base of players other means of obtaining weapons with [Acc] besides random luck drop/roll or blowing a fleet bank's worth of EC's on the exchange.
Especially since PvP is probably the biggest, if not the only, thing driving this game's economy, maybe the exchange wouldn't be so out of whack if, I dunno, say Cryptic implemented a PvP Rep system.
Andorians never used phasers, they used a particle cannon that was blue in color.
Cryptic put a command code that would allow you to set the RGB values of your weapons, CBS told then to disable it, why am I bring this up?
Because Klingons and Romulans use disruptors, they are of the same color, green no matter were it comes from, a Klingon ship or a Romulan ship yet the Andorian phasers are of different color ... ok ...
And yes tetryon is slightly different but its still blue, I admit there are problems because Wing Cannons are blue and Phaser so types would be mixed and that is considered to be "bad" that once again leads me back to.
The moment you looked at stats you became competitive.
I use phasers because Fed use phasers, I used disruptors because Klingons use disruptors and if there are Romulans out the corner I will use disruptors because Romulans use disruptors, NOT Plasma energy weapons.
Am I allowed to be competitive? yes because those weapons exist at End Game level but I am stuck with Fleet and so [Dmg]x2/3 (fat change of x2 in my case) and the "random drop"/Exchange.
Were you with Andorian Phasers? no ... they didnt made then to be competitive, you have what is called "vendor trash" because anything UNDER Mk XII Blue is Vendor trash and even blue Mk XII is very much "budget" series.
Trying to use the "roleplaying" excuse doesnt fly with me because you were not looking at then being blue, you were looking at performance AND being blue ... doesnt change the fact its going to be turned into vendor trash and if your argument is "well I want Blue Phasers" I once again point out Mk X common ... after all "weapons can'y be seen unless they're firing".
I am not saying they are not, I would say looking at orange from phasers and then ... BLUE! is a annoyance but thats it, I can correct it and even spend Dilithium to correct it but that doesnt mean my reasons are valid to EVERYONE, also even I can make decisions knowing damn well I taking a hit for aesthetic reasons and I will not say its "fine" because its roleplaying and so OK.
Performance matter, *I* dont say this ... Cryptic DOES with their reward system in Fleet Actions with"placed first? take these 2 Mk XII purple items ... placed third? here a Mk X blue item", we been calling them on that and yet.
Now people HAD performance AND aesthetic because of the Holy Will of the Design demands it, I am NOT saying the price was wrong for the performance but being shoved into the fleet system (and you need T3 Fabricator for that) is WRONG, I am tired of having a pay wall over EVERYTHING because Cryptic doesnt play the game, they look at metrics and they want us in the game 24 hours a day, 7 days a week not because they want for people to like the game but because someone said "well my data shows the more time people play the game the more they spend" but they are ignoring the fact people are not more willing to spend money on the game because they are forced to be there, they do it because they ENJOY the game ... and since none of the Cryptic developers seem to play the game ... they dont enjoy it so why should we?
I'm sorry I was curt. This whole thing is really annoying to me.
I'm not one that really cares too much about the actual physics and particles of the game. What I care about is the aesthetics. The Andorian Phasers look closest to the cruiser's weapons in that Enterprise episode. I want my Andorian ship's weapons to look as close to that as possible. That's why I'm not using tetryon.
As for me being competative, I don't think I explained myself properly. I'm not trying to be the best and deadliest, I want to use the gear that's supposed to be used with my ships on the provision that they don't completely suck. I could use the best Omega gear and fleet weapons on my JHAS but I don't; I use the dominion cannons and set. Why? Because I like to hold true to my ships and because I know that whilst they won't be the most effective, I know they won't totally suck.
You confuse "competitive" with trying to be the best when I'm just trying not to be the worst player out there.
For those of you who are interested in more powerful Andorian Phasers, I will be adding Advanced Fleet Andorian Phasers to the fleet store. These are statistically identical to other Advanced Fleet Phasers and require an Andorian Escort to purchase. The only difference between these and standard Advanced Fleet Phasers is cosmetic.
My request would be... for those of us who already own the Andorian items, perhaps an 'upgrade' would be possible? The same way we upgrade the Jem'Hadar Sets, or the Crystalline Shell set, perhaps we could have a cheaper upgrade involving fleet credits and a small additional amount of dilithium for each Andorian weapon type to get us to the Fleet version without losing our initial investment.
Well isn't this a unfortunate event. My precious weapons are being reduced. Question to the devs. Couldn't we just say the andorian phasers inherently do more damage? That is their "Thing" that their mk 11 are are just that powerful. Their mk 12s would be added later but would have higher base damage also. If you reduce them to normal phaser mk 11s then the only reason to get them is because of the blue color. Which for a lot of people just makes them pointless to have wasted Dil.
Just say that Andorian weapons have just that much damage. OR you could leave what weapons that have been bought alone statiscally and just make the store ones weaker and so any new ones will be the weaker versions.
I much prefer the Andorian phasers are just that aggressively strong base damage. It fits their race for being militaristic and aggressive.
whats the point of the andorian ship ? , if it is a glass cannon so to speak then why the nerf ? . it will make it pointless and feel like it is firing blanks tbh , waste of resources if you ask me and also makes the ship pointless if you want andorian weapons and are not in a fleet
No no.. thats not whats happing.. and if it was a day one oops our mistake you may have argument. We are talking about over a week later.
What they are doing is no diffrent then if you went to buy a car that was advertised at 40mpg... then get it recalled with them saying opps our bad we forgot to install a fuel filter so now your only going to get 30 mpg. In real world buisness the company would have to compensate you or refund your money.
The fact there saying that they are nerfing it and telling the customer well your screwed and not getting what you payed for (and some payed real money for them) is pretty much theft. If they want to make this right they need to grandfather the ones in game to there owners or allow them to get a refund. Anything else is theft.
Theft means intentional stealing. This is fixing an error that they made, which is completely different, and one day or 3 years to fix it does not change that view.
And I might remind you, it's in the terms of agreement that they can change anything in the game (and it means ANYTHING) as they please. Asking for a refund or being compensated for your dissatisfaction with a game is, I think, quite frankly arrogant. It's a game, not an expensive car.
I know there are many who are upset, and many who will not agree with what I've said... wow, that does kinda sound patronizing XD But still, that's what I believe. Theft requires malicious intent, and fixing a simple error in the code for a game item is hardly malicious, no matter the outcome
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Theft means intentional stealing. This is fixing an error that they made, which is completely different, and one day or 3 years to fix it does not change that view.
And I might remind you, it's in the terms of agreement that they can change anything in the game (and it means ANYTHING) as they please. Asking for a refund or being compensated for your dissatisfaction with a game is, I think, quite frankly arrogant. It's a game, not an expensive car.
Don't be silly. STO is a product and monetary transactions are involved. Items, real and substantial or not, are paid for using real money by consumers. Who would pay real money for a make-believe space ship? Well we would, god help us, and Cryptic can hardly afford to look down on the practice since it butters their bread.
Now obviously (well I hope it's obvious) Cryptic has the legal and ethical right to alter items as they see fit. They make it pretty clear that everything purchased ingame is subject to change, and that is as it should be. But just because Cryptic is not in any way bound to dole out refunds doesn't mean people can't or shouldn't ask. Part of being in a business is catering to the clientele and keeping the paying customers happy. Customer service is good business, and asking for customer service is not unreasonable.
Is it 'arrogant' to ASK for a refund when an item you may well have paid actual money for is hobbled? Really? Well it's fine for you to have that attitude -- and it's fine for Cryptic too.
Theft can also mean a one sided alteration of a bargain after the bargain was made .
The side that did not alter the bargain can very well feel cheated , after he entered said bargain in good faith .
It's a game, not an expensive car.
Actually it's a purchased extension to a very expensive item .
Today a Triple A game title costs 60$ .
The Smurf ship alone costs anywhere between 24-50$ .
Are you telling me that of you got a scratched DVD-rom of a game that you purchased for 60$ you would not go back to the shop and ask for a new disc ?
You would just swallow it because "It's a game, not an expensive car" ?
Yeah , right . :cool:
- But more to the point I'm also talking about our rights as STO players .
Sure on one hand they can do whatever they want (according to the blanket statements in the EULA -- blanket statements that show up in all sorts of EULA's all over the world and get challenged every day in courts all over the world) .
Some folks seem to think of EULA's as gospel .
As someone who has taken legal action twice against my former employers for not standing behind our contractual agreements , I have a different view .
For me "a contract is a contract is a contract -- and not only between Ferengi" .
Thus I look at the Caitain Nerf and now this as an alarmingly escalating disregard of costumer rights by Cryptic .
I feel bad for the Dev who came out and posted this stuff -- I think he was just trying to help , but that does not take away from the overall issue , and those folks who good intentionally argue that this is not a big deal are in fact arguing against their own rights as customers .
If I can ask for a replacement/refund for a cup of coffee that's worth less then 5$ , I should be able to get a refund for this as well .
Take that for what you will .
Why? I don't recall anyone asking you for anything.
I know there are many who are upset, and many who will not agree with what I've said... wow, that does kinda sound patronizing XD But still, that's what I believe. Theft requires malicious intent, and fixing a simple error in the code for a game item is hardly malicious, no matter the outcome
So now you've decided to morph from The Angel of Peace(tm) to a know-nothing, unpaid shill for bad customer service? Disgusting.
Theft means intentional stealing. This is fixing an error that they made, which is completely different, and one day or 3 years to fix it does not change that view.
I saw a delightful episode of Modern Family the other day. Gloria had "Pregnant Brain" where she wasn't thinking too clearly and had been taken shopping by Claire. Gloria had been standing in the frozen section for 10 minutes as she was trying to remember what she needed there. Claire had gotten cold so she had put on a sweater from the store. She had no intention of buying it and intended to put it back before leaving the store.
As they're loading the car with their groceries a security guard collects Claire as she forgot about the sweater due to Gloria needing so much attention. She had stolen the sweater without intent.
That's a light hearted example. I used to work in law and legislative enforcement prior to my sea-change. I saw that MANY breaches of the law can be unintentional. That doesn't stop them from being a breach in the law, however.
Here's another way of looking at this. Last I checked, the Andorian weapons that are soon to be nerfed are STILL in the dilithium store. This thread started 4 days ago. If Cryptic had any honour they would have removed the weapons from the store with a quick patch, preventing people who don't read the forums from suffering the same fate as those of us for whom it's already too late.
Why are they still for sale if they're going to be nerfed? Because Cryptic can still make a few more bucks before nerfing it. They know that there are people who don't read the forums and they're banking on those for a little extra profit. They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.
I have to say I'm not one to trash talk game companies - I've come to accept their shady practices.
But after reading this thread, I'm pretty amazed that a) there will be no payback in any form of currency and b) nothing has been done yet so people are still buying this stuff with no knowledge it's getting 'fixed'
I have to say I'm not one to trash talk game companies - I've come to accept their shady practices.
But after reading this thread, I'm pretty amazed that a) there will be no payback in any form of currency and b) nothing has been done yet so people are still buying this stuff with no knowledge it's getting 'fixed'
If I were going to rank what amazes me most about this situation, it would have to be how adamant they seem about their ?solution.? Those of us who were stupid enough to buy these things on face value can just go pound sand it seems. How many successful companies (Stahl and others have said that Cryptic is doing just fine) would TRIBBLE people like this without batting an eye? I guess I should feel privileged to have access to an inferior version in the fleet store that I?d have to pay for again.
I do agree with the increase in price and discarding the nerf ideea. I still have to buy them for all my toons flying andorian escorts, but i'll get them even at an increased price. Nerfing them after some people paid a lot already is a rip off.
Why? I don't recall anyone asking you for anything.
So now you've decided to morph from The Angel of Peace(tm) to a know-nothing, unpaid shill for bad customer service? Disgusting.
Look, I simply do not think this is an issue. I know people think it is, and I can see how it is to them, but I simply do not regard it as a rip off/theft. That is the position I'm speaking from, trying to provide another POV for people to think things through.
So call me what you will; it doesn't change that fact.
This is just one thing in a long line of things from Cryptic, that did not struck a nerve in me, despite being affected by it. In other words, everything they've done is okay with me, and I understand all of what they've done. Including this
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
I saw a delightful episode of Modern Family the other day. Gloria had "Pregnant Brain" where she wasn't thinking too clearly and had been taken shopping by Claire. Gloria had been standing in the frozen section for 10 minutes as she was trying to remember what she needed there. Claire had gotten cold so she had put on a sweater from the store. She had no intention of buying it and intended to put it back before leaving the store.
As they're loading the car with their groceries a security guard collects Claire as she forgot about the sweater due to Gloria needing so much attention. She had stolen the sweater without intent.
That's a light hearted example. I used to work in law and legislative enforcement prior to my sea-change. I saw that MANY breaches of the law can be unintentional. That doesn't stop them from being a breach in the law, however.
Here's another way of looking at this. Last I checked, the Andorian weapons that are soon to be nerfed are STILL in the dilithium store. This thread started 4 days ago. If Cryptic had any honour they would have removed the weapons from the store with a quick patch, preventing people who don't read the forums from suffering the same fate as those of us for whom it's already too late.
Why are they still for sale if they're going to be nerfed? Because Cryptic can still make a few more bucks before nerfing it. They know that there are people who don't read the forums and they're banking on those for a little extra profit. They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.
Well said sir! Absolutely spot on, and one of the reasons the andorian phaser nerf has annoyed me so greatly. It doesn't seem very honourable or ethical the way they're going about it!
Look, I simply do not think this is an issue. I know people think it is, and I can see how it is to them, but I simply do not regard it as a rip off/theft. That is the position I'm speaking from, trying to provide another POV for people to think things through.
So call me what you will; it doesn't change that fact.
This is just one thing in a long line of things from Cryptic, that did not struck a nerve in me, despite being affected by it. In other words, everything they've done is okay with me, and I understand all of what they've done. Including this
OK. We accept that you don't think this is an issue. That's not a point that's in contention. I'm sure Cryptic has read this and can see that it's not an issue for you, too. Your POV is noted.
It seems that if the nerf happens, you won't be affected. It seems that if Cryptic makes some form of arrangement that makes everyone happy, you won't be affected.
Based on the two points above, why are you still here? I can only think that you're trolling. I'll give you the opportunity to prove me right or wrong.
They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.
Except for me, I simply don't see it as theft What I see it as, I don't know yet... but it's simply more fun to be flexible, to explore the grey area of things
But that's just me; things simply being 'good' and 'evil' is not enough
OK. We accept that you don't think this is an issue. That's not a point that's in contention. I'm sure Cryptic has read this and can see that it's not an issue for you, too. Your POV is noted.
It seems that if the nerf happens, you won't be affected. It seems that if Cryptic makes some form of arrangement that makes everyone happy, you won't be affected.
Based on the two points above, why are you still here? I can only think that you're trolling. I'll give you the opportunity to prove me right or wrong.
What? A guy can't respond to answers against him?
But since it's noted, I am not a troll; I do not get pleasure from intentionally twisting situations to annoy people. I simply respond where I choose, trying to help out where I can... it just happens that in this case, there was nothing I could do.
So it's safe to say I won't say much more in this particular thread.
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Then why are your posting in this thread, to supply aid and comfort to Cryptic? Really, you don't have the ship and didn't spend a load on Andorian weapons, obviously, so what aspect of your psyche is served be telling those of us who DO care, that you don't?
Here's another way of looking at this. Last I checked, the Andorian weapons that are soon to be nerfed are STILL in the dilithium store. This thread started 4 days ago. If Cryptic had any honour they would have removed the weapons from the store with a quick patch, preventing people who don't read the forums from suffering the same fate as those of us for whom it's already too late.
Why are they still for sale if they're going to be nerfed? Because Cryptic can still make a few more bucks before nerfing it. They know that there are people who don't read the forums and they're banking on those for a little extra profit. They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.
This is probably the best reason for them to keep the same stats and the price in dilithium to go up (as I said earlier). If they really want to nerf them they need to be removed NOW and reinstated when they are adjusted. Otherwise, it really does look like they are purposely misleading buyers.
Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
This is probably the best reason for them to keep the same stats and the price in dilithium to go up (as I said earlier). If they really want to nerf them they need to be removed NOW and reinstated when they are adjusted. Otherwise, it really does look like they are purposely misleading buyers.
Indeed, regardless of the initial mistake, having them still on sale makes Cryptic look terribly uncaring and greedy.
expect it to be corrected next patch with no offer of refund either
Then they can expect me to never spend another red cent on this game. I pumped $80 into Cryptic for the pack and weapons, not to mention similar purchases in the past. I refuse to spend this sort of $ and be treated like an idiot child.
expect it to be corrected next patch with no offer of refund either
And if that happens, they will not get another dime from me.... ever. They need to compensate those who bought it with a refend, grandfather them in, or alow us to trade them for fleet ver. at no extra cost to us. If they do not do something like that then they get no more money from me...end of line.
Move the current existing Andorian Phasers to the Fleet-Store, upgrade them to MKXII (as you statet they are already stat-wise).
Create the as-intended-downgraded-ones to the dilithium store for future purchase.
It was your fault, Cryptic, not the customer's and you have to pay for it ... not us.
This is a far better solution then blaming players for buying something from you or to pay a refund to all of us.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Photonen im Wind a foundry mission by timeras13 Photonen im Eis a foundry mission by timeras13 Photonen im Schatten a foundry mission by timeras13
Am i the only one that reads stats before spending dill or zen on something? I saw that they had lower dps then fleet and I decided against it even though they would look cooler then normal orange phasers...fact is they said in the agreement no refunds and they reserve the right to change whatever at any time. Sad but true...nothing you can do about it so just grind a bit more and get the fleet versions when they pop up in fleet store, This is what I'm doing...Well actually I didn't buy the weapons in the first place I figured it was a typo.:rolleyes:
it sucks for you guys that spent the hard earned dill on them...I mean i feel ya but life isn't fair.:(
I'm looking forward to using Andorian fleet DHC's with the Romulan plasma
The good thing about Cryptic fixing PvP (?) is that crippled, wrinkle-less ego's like this will have to go elsewhere to get their emotional fix.
I'll still use em in STF's and what not but honestly, when I bought the Ship Pack, I didn't really even think about the Andorian Phasers. At some point, I just browsed the Dilithium Store just to see what, exactly, they were. I saw the [Acc]x2 and thought maybe Cryptic is actually starting to make PvP fair again by giving a wider base of players other means of obtaining weapons with [Acc] besides random luck drop/roll or blowing a fleet bank's worth of EC's on the exchange.
Especially since PvP is probably the biggest, if not the only, thing driving this game's economy, maybe the exchange wouldn't be so out of whack if, I dunno, say Cryptic implemented a PvP Rep system.
I'm sorry I was curt. This whole thing is really annoying to me.
I'm not one that really cares too much about the actual physics and particles of the game. What I care about is the aesthetics. The Andorian Phasers look closest to the cruiser's weapons in that Enterprise episode. I want my Andorian ship's weapons to look as close to that as possible. That's why I'm not using tetryon.
As for me being competative, I don't think I explained myself properly. I'm not trying to be the best and deadliest, I want to use the gear that's supposed to be used with my ships on the provision that they don't completely suck. I could use the best Omega gear and fleet weapons on my JHAS but I don't; I use the dominion cannons and set. Why? Because I like to hold true to my ships and because I know that whilst they won't be the most effective, I know they won't totally suck.
You confuse "competitive" with trying to be the best when I'm just trying not to be the worst player out there.
My request would be... for those of us who already own the Andorian items, perhaps an 'upgrade' would be possible? The same way we upgrade the Jem'Hadar Sets, or the Crystalline Shell set, perhaps we could have a cheaper upgrade involving fleet credits and a small additional amount of dilithium for each Andorian weapon type to get us to the Fleet version without losing our initial investment.
Just say that Andorian weapons have just that much damage. OR you could leave what weapons that have been bought alone statiscally and just make the store ones weaker and so any new ones will be the weaker versions.
I much prefer the Andorian phasers are just that aggressively strong base damage. It fits their race for being militaristic and aggressive.
And I might remind you, it's in the terms of agreement that they can change anything in the game (and it means ANYTHING) as they please. Asking for a refund or being compensated for your dissatisfaction with a game is, I think, quite frankly arrogant. It's a game, not an expensive car.
I know there are many who are upset, and many who will not agree with what I've said... wow, that does kinda sound patronizing XD But still, that's what I believe. Theft requires malicious intent, and fixing a simple error in the code for a game item is hardly malicious, no matter the outcome
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Don't be silly. STO is a product and monetary transactions are involved. Items, real and substantial or not, are paid for using real money by consumers. Who would pay real money for a make-believe space ship? Well we would, god help us, and Cryptic can hardly afford to look down on the practice since it butters their bread.
Now obviously (well I hope it's obvious) Cryptic has the legal and ethical right to alter items as they see fit. They make it pretty clear that everything purchased ingame is subject to change, and that is as it should be. But just because Cryptic is not in any way bound to dole out refunds doesn't mean people can't or shouldn't ask. Part of being in a business is catering to the clientele and keeping the paying customers happy. Customer service is good business, and asking for customer service is not unreasonable.
Is it 'arrogant' to ASK for a refund when an item you may well have paid actual money for is hobbled? Really? Well it's fine for you to have that attitude -- and it's fine for Cryptic too.
But it may not be good business.
Theft can also mean a one sided alteration of a bargain after the bargain was made .
The side that did not alter the bargain can very well feel cheated , after he entered said bargain in good faith .
Actually it's a purchased extension to a very expensive item .
Today a Triple A game title costs 60$ .
The Smurf ship alone costs anywhere between 24-50$ .
Are you telling me that of you got a scratched DVD-rom of a game that you purchased for 60$ you would not go back to the shop and ask for a new disc ?
You would just swallow it because "It's a game, not an expensive car" ?
Yeah , right . :cool:
- But more to the point I'm also talking about our rights as STO players .
Sure on one hand they can do whatever they want (according to the blanket statements in the EULA -- blanket statements that show up in all sorts of EULA's all over the world and get challenged every day in courts all over the world) .
Some folks seem to think of EULA's as gospel .
As someone who has taken legal action twice against my former employers for not standing behind our contractual agreements , I have a different view .
For me "a contract is a contract is a contract -- and not only between Ferengi" .
Thus I look at the Caitain Nerf and now this as an alarmingly escalating disregard of costumer rights by Cryptic .
I feel bad for the Dev who came out and posted this stuff -- I think he was just trying to help , but that does not take away from the overall issue , and those folks who good intentionally argue that this is not a big deal are in fact arguing against their own rights as customers .
If I can ask for a replacement/refund for a cup of coffee that's worth less then 5$ , I should be able to get a refund for this as well .
Take that for what you will .
Why? I don't recall anyone asking you for anything.
So now you've decided to morph from The Angel of Peace(tm) to a know-nothing, unpaid shill for bad customer service? Disgusting.
I saw a delightful episode of Modern Family the other day. Gloria had "Pregnant Brain" where she wasn't thinking too clearly and had been taken shopping by Claire. Gloria had been standing in the frozen section for 10 minutes as she was trying to remember what she needed there. Claire had gotten cold so she had put on a sweater from the store. She had no intention of buying it and intended to put it back before leaving the store.
As they're loading the car with their groceries a security guard collects Claire as she forgot about the sweater due to Gloria needing so much attention. She had stolen the sweater without intent.
That's a light hearted example. I used to work in law and legislative enforcement prior to my sea-change. I saw that MANY breaches of the law can be unintentional. That doesn't stop them from being a breach in the law, however.
Here's another way of looking at this. Last I checked, the Andorian weapons that are soon to be nerfed are STILL in the dilithium store. This thread started 4 days ago. If Cryptic had any honour they would have removed the weapons from the store with a quick patch, preventing people who don't read the forums from suffering the same fate as those of us for whom it's already too late.
Why are they still for sale if they're going to be nerfed? Because Cryptic can still make a few more bucks before nerfing it. They know that there are people who don't read the forums and they're banking on those for a little extra profit. They're prepared to obtain more financial gain (for those who convert zen to dil) using deceptive means. Theft.
But after reading this thread, I'm pretty amazed that a) there will be no payback in any form of currency and b) nothing has been done yet so people are still buying this stuff with no knowledge it's getting 'fixed'
If I were going to rank what amazes me most about this situation, it would have to be how adamant they seem about their ?solution.? Those of us who were stupid enough to buy these things on face value can just go pound sand it seems. How many successful companies (Stahl and others have said that Cryptic is doing just fine) would TRIBBLE people like this without batting an eye? I guess I should feel privileged to have access to an inferior version in the fleet store that I?d have to pay for again.
So call me what you will; it doesn't change that fact.
This is just one thing in a long line of things from Cryptic, that did not struck a nerve in me, despite being affected by it. In other words, everything they've done is okay with me, and I understand all of what they've done. Including this
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Well said sir! Absolutely spot on, and one of the reasons the andorian phaser nerf has annoyed me so greatly. It doesn't seem very honourable or ethical the way they're going about it!
Kirk's Protege.
OK. We accept that you don't think this is an issue. That's not a point that's in contention. I'm sure Cryptic has read this and can see that it's not an issue for you, too. Your POV is noted.
It seems that if the nerf happens, you won't be affected. It seems that if Cryptic makes some form of arrangement that makes everyone happy, you won't be affected.
Based on the two points above, why are you still here? I can only think that you're trolling. I'll give you the opportunity to prove me right or wrong.
But that's just me; things simply being 'good' and 'evil' is not enough What? A guy can't respond to answers against him?
But since it's noted, I am not a troll; I do not get pleasure from intentionally twisting situations to annoy people. I simply respond where I choose, trying to help out where I can... it just happens that in this case, there was nothing I could do.
So it's safe to say I won't say much more in this particular thread.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
Then why are your posting in this thread, to supply aid and comfort to Cryptic? Really, you don't have the ship and didn't spend a load on Andorian weapons, obviously, so what aspect of your psyche is served be telling those of us who DO care, that you don't?
I can only speak for myself in this, but that would be pretty sweet.
I'm so happy I did not buy the weapons.
Still, it is not a nice move to downgrade already purchased items, especially one with a ludicrously overpriced dilithium tag.
This is probably the best reason for them to keep the same stats and the price in dilithium to go up (as I said earlier). If they really want to nerf them they need to be removed NOW and reinstated when they are adjusted. Otherwise, it really does look like they are purposely misleading buyers.
Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
Indeed, regardless of the initial mistake, having them still on sale makes Cryptic look terribly uncaring and greedy.
expect it to be corrected next patch with no offer of refund either
Then they can expect me to never spend another red cent on this game. I pumped $80 into Cryptic for the pack and weapons, not to mention similar purchases in the past. I refuse to spend this sort of $ and be treated like an idiot child.
And if that happens, they will not get another dime from me.... ever. They need to compensate those who bought it with a refend, grandfather them in, or alow us to trade them for fleet ver. at no extra cost to us. If they do not do something like that then they get no more money from me...end of line.
It was your fault, Cryptic, not the customer's and you have to pay for it ... not us.
This is a far better solution then blaming players for buying something from you or to pay a refund to all of us.
Photonen im Wind a foundry mission by timeras13
Photonen im Eis a foundry mission by timeras13
Photonen im Schatten a foundry mission by timeras13
it sucks for you guys that spent the hard earned dill on them...I mean i feel ya but life isn't fair.:(
I'm looking forward to using Andorian fleet DHC's with the Romulan plasma