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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Extremely simple solution to several issues: I have Finished the Rep system and Purschased all the Gear sets ect. I have no need to go to New romulas, Tau Dewa, Raise Epoh's do SFT's. The only thing I can do with Omega and Romulan Marks is convert to Dil. How about let me convert them to FM. Then players like me are back doing mini missions on New Romulas, Back raising Ephoh's, Back doing Tau Dewa Daily missions. Beacuse once players finish the Rep system and buy the gear they want all that work the Dev's did creating New Romulas is for naught beacuse players will have no reason to go there. So allow me to convert OM and RM to FM and I will be back on New Romulas scanning raidation, spraying bugs and taking water samples again and fighting the Borg Queen.
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Let's be honest, *snip*

    Hated to snip that because it's so true and I agree with all of it 100%, but this:
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!!

    I agree with 1000% :)
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • oldlordskull73oldlordskull73 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Let's stop for a second here, folks. They have heard the community...Branflakes has acknowledged that. Continuing to rail against them will not help our position.

    What we need to do, as a united playerbase, is to CONSTRUCTIVELY COLLABORATE with some ideas that we the players can live with, and that the devs can live with as well.

    We have an opportunity to put our minds together, come up with ideas that would allow us to get the rewards, materials, marks, etc. that we want and NEED....and be able to present said ideas to the devs instead of continuing to shout at them endlessly.

    Because let's face it....nobody likes to be yelled at or berated. Their decisions aside and our feelings toward that...right or wrong....the hostilities will get this thread shut down and NOTHING will come of it. We're mad....they KNOW IT.

    Let's turn this thread into working towards SOLUTIONS instead of the angry mob with pitchforks and torches approach. We unite, collaborate, come up with ideas that will be acceptable to both sides.

    Hell...a guy can hope, right?
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As ever, ann (gr4v1t4r) speaks the truth.

    I do wish she'd remember where she got that golden egg laying goose analogy from though :P

    I think we should put together a list of changes that we think NEED to be made and changes that we would LIKE to see made.


    btw oldlordskull73, the few replies we have received so far have more or less been non-replies. You're quite right that things should be constructive mind you.
    I need a beer.

  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    admgreer wrote: »
    Extremely simple solution to several issues: I have Finished the Rep system and Purschased all the Gear sets ect. I have no need to go to New romulas, Tau Dewa, Raise Epoh's do SFT's. The only thing I can do with Omega and Romulan Marks is convert to Dil. How about let me convert them to FM. Then players like me are back doing mini missions on New Romulas, Back raising Ephoh's, Back doing Tau Dewa Daily missions. Beacuse once players finish the Rep system and buy the gear they want all that work the Dev's did creating New Romulas is for naught beacuse players will have no reason to go there. So allow me to convert OM and RM to FM and I will be back on New Romulas scanning raidation, spraying bugs and taking water samples again and fighting the Borg Queen.

    This, to me, is by far the best solution. And it can't be that difficult to implement, since they already have the assignments that exchange the Rep marks for Dilithium. It seems that more people enjoy the Omega and New Romulus content than the Fleet Mark content, so why not let us play things we like, and still keep our fleets going?
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    admgreer wrote: »
    Extremely simple solution to several issues:

    Great post - great ideas but Cryptic had a myriad of ways to put those Fleet Marks back into the game but they didn't - they didn't because they don't want you to have easy access to them - for whatever reason they want to cut off the supply - either to paralyse small fleets or slow down the larger ones.

    It's this lack of transparency that a lot of us are finding so frustrating - Dan's original post tells us nothing of the reasons for this change other than that they want FM's to be rewarded for 'Fleet play' - but they could have done that - they could have doubled the rewards for things like Mine Trap but they chose not to.

    Likewise with Season 7's Dilithium nerf, we were told things had been changed to allow us to refine more Dilithium - really? By removing Dilithium rewards altogether from STFs and charging us Dilithium for Rep projects?

    What Season 7's stated goals were and what the true goals were are two very different things - the players aren't stupid and they know when they're being fed a line - a lot of us hoped the backlash over the Dilithium fiasco would have them thinking twice before meddling with the stuff we enjoy in STO but no - they've blundered in and screwed everything up and enraged the player-base yet again.

    I wonder if the metrics they're looking at are actually from Champions Online? It'd certainly explain why they're so out of touch with the players of STO :rolleyes:
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!![/QUOTE]

    I'm not sure how that part gets lost on the people in charge. We will fork over money if the content is worth it.

    I've never played WoW, but Blizzard must be doing something right having been around since 2004 and (even though they have recently experienced a drop in subs) have millions of people paying monthly to play.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This thread could get 10,000 posts but it does not change one simple fact:

    Mr Stahl has said several dozen times that their primary decisions are made when the review the "metrics"

    What players do in the game matters more than what they say they will do on the forums - sorry but thats the bottom line.

    He has said this over and over - frankly at this point I hope Mr Stahl is not bothering with this thread any more as it's not very constructive.

    Several times I have posted an excellent change they could implement and it has just be buried in all this ranting and raving.

    I will post the Idea one more time:

    Make the Officer of the watch daily reward 50 marks. Not only will this be an easy and simple way to get 50 marks - but it will cause people to actually go to the base!! This may have the added effect of people becoming more attached to their fleet and doing other fleet mark events together.

    This is the last time I will post this Idea - I think it is fair - not exploitable and a good reward for the 5 min or so of time invested.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Let's be honest, this is about far more then just the IOR.

    Yup, thats kind of the point I'm trying to make.

    All games live or die on maintaining the relationship between the playerbase and the developers.

    While I was appalled by the IOR decision, I'm frankly flabberghasted at the subsequent handling of it by dStahl.

    He positioned the change as a balancing issue, while explicitally stating that he was skewing the game towards big fleets and away from small fleets.

    This seems to show a distinct lack of awareness of how the player base thinks.

    All MMO games thrive on diversity. Indeed, we even had a tribble exemplifying this principle...IDIC anyone?

    The change was an apparent attempt to force a narrowing of player choice in how to play the game, rather than an enabling of choice.

    Such an attitude goes way beyond the IOR or the fleet mark issue. It speaks to a fundamental lack of empathy/understanding.

    At the time of writing, nobody at Cryptic has allowed Branflakes to communicate to us that they even get the issue.

    We are, in no uncertain terms, giving our feedback to cryptic. It is way past time that we get some genuine feedback in return.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This thread could get 10,000 posts but it does not change one simple fact:

    Mr Stahl has said several dozen times that their primary decisions are made when the review the "metrics"

    What players do in the game matters more than what they say they will do on the forums - sorry but thats the bottom line.

    He has said this over and over - frankly at this point I hope Mr Stahl is not bothering with this thread any more as it's not very constructive.

    Several times I have posted an excellent change they could implement and it has just be buried in all this ranting and raving.

    I will post the Idea one more time:

    Make the Officer of the watch daily reward 50 marks. Not only will this be an easy and simple way to get 50 marks - but it will cause people to actually go to the base!! This may have the added effect of people becoming more attached to their fleet and doing other fleet mark events together.

    This is the last time I will post this Idea - I think it is fair - not exploitable and a good reward for the 5 min or so of time invested.

    I'd love to see the reward increased for the Officer of the Watch missions, but 50 marks is really not a realistic amount. Think about it, if they didn't want us to get 50 marks for half an hours work in the Foundry, why would they give us 50 marks for five minutes work for the Officer of the Watch. I'd like to see Fleet Mark reward rates increased for all the missions that give them out, with the Officer of the Watch awarding somewhere around 20-25. But I still think the best bet is a Reputation tier 5 assignment that lets you convert Rep Marks into Fleet Marks.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Great post - great ideas but Cryptic had a myriad of ways to put those Fleet Marks back into the game but they didn't - they didn't because they don't want you to have easy access to them - for whatever reason they want to cut off the supply - either to paralyse small fleets or slow down the larger ones.

    Just like oil. I said it earlier today in game. He who controls the fleet marks, controls fleet progression. It is quite plain that encouraging fleet or even team play is not the goal of those in charge.
    It's this lack of transparency that a lot of us are finding so frustrating - Dan's original post tells us nothing of the reasons for this change other than that they want FM's to be rewarded for 'Fleet play' - but they could have done that - they could have doubled the rewards for things like Mine Trap but they chose not to.

    It's always coming back to these themes of "respect" and "transparency". I wonder why? :D
    Likewise with Season 7's Dilithium nerf, we were told things had been changed to allow us to refine more Dilithium - really? By removing Dilithium rewards altogether from STFs and charging us Dilithium for Rep projects?

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. However, I get the feeling that cryptic is a small company trying to do the work of a large company. Small, ad-hoc, cowboy even. These things have their place, but with any kind of large scale programming (and this IS large scale) procedures need to be followed. From what we are seeing, they aren't being followed either by the devs themselves, or on instructions from those in charge.
    What Season 7's stated goals were and what the true goals were are two very different things - the players aren't stupid and they know when they're being fed a line - a lot of us hoped the backlash over the Dilithium fiasco would have them thinking twice before meddling with the stuff we enjoy in STO but no - they've blundered in and screwed everything up and enraged the player-base yet again.

    It happens. Unfortunately.
    I wonder if the metrics they're looking at are actually from Champions Online? It'd certainly explain why they're so out of touch with the players or STO :rolleyes:

    Stranger things have happened!
    I need a beer.

  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    This thread could get 10,000 posts but it does not change one simple fact:

    Mr Stahl has said several dozen times that their primary decisions are made when the review the "metrics"

    What players do in the game matters more than what they say they will do on the forums - sorry but thats the bottom line.

    He has said this over and over - frankly at this point I hope Mr Stahl is not bothering with this thread any more as it's not very constructive.

    Several times I have posted an excellent change they could implement and it has just be buried in all this ranting and raving.

    I will post the Idea one more time:

    Make the Officer of the watch daily reward 50 marks. Not only will this be an easy and simple way to get 50 marks - but it will cause people to actually go to the base!! This may have the added effect of people becoming more attached to their fleet and doing other fleet mark events together.

    This is the last time I will post this Idea - I think it is fair - not exploitable and a good reward for the 5 min or so of time invested.

    I'm sorry, I stopped reading at 'Mr Stahl'. What was it you said again?
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Let's stop for a second here, folks. They have heard the community...Branflakes has acknowledged that. Continuing to rail against them will not help our position.

    What we need to do, as a united playerbase, is to CONSTRUCTIVELY COLLABORATE with some ideas that we the players can live with, and that the devs can live with as well.

    We have an opportunity to put our minds together, come up with ideas that would allow us to get the rewards, materials, marks, etc. that we want and NEED....and be able to present said ideas to the devs instead of continuing to shout at them endlessly.

    Because let's face it....nobody likes to be yelled at or berated. Their decisions aside and our feelings toward that...right or wrong....the hostilities will get this thread shut down and NOTHING will come of it. We're mad....they KNOW IT.

    Let's turn this thread into working towards SOLUTIONS instead of the angry mob with pitchforks and torches approach. We unite, collaborate, come up with ideas that will be acceptable to both sides.

    Hell...a guy can hope, right?

    Here's the thing...

    Since the Starbase system was first introduced people have been doing exactly that: putting forward concepts for consideration that would allow for fleets of any size to make progress, lessen the grind and all around make the mechanic less of a naked cash and resource grab. What came of those ideas? Absolutely nothing.

    To put it bluntly, players are sick of being ignored. They're even more sick of having band-aids that made the system somewhat bearable ripped off, and then being effectively told "we're not bothering with this for another three months, enjoy!".

    So while I'm more than willing to debate the merits of any proposal that folks are willing to put forward, I am absolutely not willing to keep my displeasure at the current state of affairs off camera.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I will post the Idea one more time:

    Make the Officer of the watch daily reward 50 marks. Not only will this be an easy and simple way to get 50 marks - but it will cause people to actually go to the base!! This may have the added effect of people becoming more attached to their fleet and doing other fleet mark events together.

    This is the last time I will post this Idea - I think it is fair - not exploitable and a good reward for the 5 min or so of time invested.

    Ah, in the deluge you must have missed the many posts I saw agreeing with you, mine included.

    All they need to do is simply look at the bit of code that says '5' fleet marks and add a nought '50'

    Its very simple.

    To be fair there have been a lot of other worthy suggestions too, making FM, RM and OM interchangeable was one. Adding fleet marks to STFs was another.

    There have been many constructive suggestions.

    Problem isn't that they haven't been acknowledged by the player base, problem is that they haven't been acknowledged by Cryptic.

    We're just banging on the door waiting for an answer....hiding behind the sofa doesn't make us go away......at one point they need to answer the door.
  • oldlordskull73oldlordskull73 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I will post the Idea one more time:

    Make the Officer of the watch daily reward 50 marks. Not only will this be an easy and simple way to get 50 marks - but it will cause people to actually go to the base!! This may have the added effect of people becoming more attached to their fleet and doing other fleet mark events together.

    This is the last time I will post this Idea - I think it is fair - not exploitable and a good reward for the 5 min or so of time invested.

    This is a good start. Going with your thought on fleet members doing more mark events together, I had posted earlier in this thread regarding that. I would propose that the number of people in your fleet that you are actively teamed with for those fleet mark events should award some sort of "bonus" or "multiplier"....better fleet mark rewards for teaming with your fleet. Scale it. A full team of fleetmates would reward double the amount of marks....prorate something down from there the fewer you have.
  • oldlordskull73oldlordskull73 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Here's the thing...

    Since the Starbase system was first introduced people have been doing exactly that: putting forward concepts for consideration that would allow for fleets of any size to make progress, lessen the grind and all around make the mechanic less of a naked cash and resource grab. What came of those ideas? Absolutely nothing.

    To put it bluntly, players are sick of being ignored. They're even more sick of having band-aids that made the system somewhat bearable ripped off, and then being effectively told "we're not bothering with this for another three months, enjoy!".

    So while I'm more than willing to debate the merits of any proposal that folks are willing to put forward, I am absolutely not willing to keep my displeasure at the current state of affairs off camera.

    I hear and understand you there, brother....and I can sympathize. Beating our heads against a brick wall only frustrates us more. And I agree....they really need to start taking a good, hard look at some of the suggestions and concepts that the playerbase comes up with. We DO deserve a voice....not one that is ONLY ACKNOWLEDGED...but one that is HEEDED from time to time. They want our money? Work with us. But don't dismiss everything we have to say!
  • husserehussere Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    [...] Let's be honest, this is about far more then just the IOR.
    [...] What we see here is what happens when you have a community that's on edge. The smallest additional affront just make thing's boil over.

    [...] I never understood why the reputation system had to replace the old system. Those unlucky few who didn't get their tech drops would have had the guarantee of being able to get them, and the rest of us could enjoy looking forward to the lootbag at the end. The dev's keep thinking all we care about is dilithium and fleetmarks, etc. but we don't.

    [...] There no longer are real achievements in this game, it's all about endurance and perseverence now. It isn't rewarding to play this game anymore. All the stuff is either buyable for zen/dilithium, or EC(which effectively is also buyable by zen or dilithium). Sure, you need some marks, running some elites will get you those quick enough. Or I guess grinding down eppohs if you need RM's.

    [...] This game as it stands now, has become a grindfest.

    [...] Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!!

    Basically about that.

    ' Let's be honest, this is about far more then just the IOR. '

    It is exactly pointing out the issue : the straw that broke the camel's back.

    IOR is just the last one failure thing top over a huge stacked failure things that have not been fixed , letting players frustration growing over months/ years.
    A Disenchanted player
  • johnsteele1johnsteele1 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    This is the 11th most commented thread in this entire sub-forum with over 1300 posts - all the threads with more posts are now archived so this particular issue has received more feedback and attention than:

    a) The Omega Rep System

    b) The 1000-day Veteran debacle

    c) The announcement of the winner of the design the Ent-F competition

    d) The news post announcing STO's intention to go F2P :D

    Keep it going and keep it constructive!!

    How about the one on the STF respawn timer changes? I remember that getting pretty darn long, definitely over 50 pages, but can't remember the details.
  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This thread is "Fascinating!" seems players have more Logic, a shame can't not said :rolleyes: must be Russian!

  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This thread could get 10,000 posts but it does not change one simple fact:

    Mr Stahl has said several dozen times that their primary decisions are made when the review the "metrics"

    But there are metrics and game mechanics. We can also ask them something respecting their need to monitor stuff (sigh) according to their principles.

    Harder missions like STFs reward more ressources. Fleet missions are easy and reward very little marks. We could use one or two "elite" versions of the current fleet missions. I'm not sure if it's doable in a short period of time but it could help us later. I mean a really challenging fleet alert, with tough and nasty NPCs and so on, for instance. With at least 2-3 times more marks at the end.

    It still respects their principles and wouldn't hurt metrics if it's difficult enough because not everyone can do this.

    What we need is a compromise, and an elite mode is definitely one.

    On another note, i tried the Nukara missions today. The rewards were excellent at the begining of season 6, and now it's utter TRIBBLE. 6 fleet marks for medium ones you complete within 10 to 30 minutes is an insult, even if we get a box with crappy gear inside. :D
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Originally Posted by himble42 View Post

    Epic :eek::D;)
  • tjexcimer500tjexcimer500 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What we need to do, as a united playerbase, is to CONSTRUCTIVELY COLLABORATE with some ideas that we the players can live with, and that the devs can live with as well.

    No compromises. :)

    "There can be no peace as long as Kirk lives."
    I mean there can be no peace until they restore FMs to the IOR.
    There are Four Lights... say no to ARC
    Fleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    No compromises. :)

    "There can be no peace as long as Kirk lives."
    I mean there can be no peace until they restore FMs to the IOR.

    No, that would be a cease-fire, for peace to be restored something would have to fundamentally change in the way this game is being handled.
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • ericandrewrossericandrewross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like to thank the development team for basically saying 'frak you' to small fleets. No sliding scale for projects so players can be a meaningless cog in a large fleet, or never get to build up a base to Tier 4 or 5 in a small fleet... oh and kiss the only reasonable way small fleets can keep up with larger fleets in fleet marks earnings.

    You have really told us that you do not give a rats hindquarters about most players.
    Vice Admiral Ross
    and others too numerous to name...
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    nova2284 wrote: »
    Originally Posted by himble42 View Post

    Epic :eek::D;)



    Also, I'm reading some great ideas.

    Hope the devs are browsing the thread...
  • izdubar2izdubar2 Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    diotw wrote: »
    But I still think the best bet is a Reputation tier 5 assignment that lets you convert Rep Marks into Fleet Marks.

    That limits fleet participation to not just level 50s but to those who grinded those hell reps. Better solutions, imo, are "fleet mode" where you sacrifice reward for marks (CoH did this, though I'm sure PWE would be more draconian in ROI), or that quest on the starbase upped to 50/day, or even just be in a fleet, get fleet marks from doing stuff (although I admit that is far too generous for Cryptic to even think of).
    How MMO companies reach for the stars: "And as far as Season 7 being "grindy" - welcome to the MMORPG genre."
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What many people are suggesting as 'fixes' are mere variations to the 'Band-Aids' that have been added and then removed. Mark conversions will not fix the lack of content. Adding/buffing marks to current content will not fix stale content.

    Someone even suggested we band together to come up with an idea that we can both compromise on. First and foremost, I'm sorry but that isn't my job as a consumer. Secondly this single thread and others from as far back as Season 6 have suggestions that go unheeded or dismissed with disdain.

    The biggest outcry I have seen in this post is the current state of the game. I have read every single one, spending my entire day yesterday (~12 hours) reading. Minus 4 STFs and personal breaks (even ate lunch and dinner while still reading) I still was reading the forums between the few STF I ran and even missing out on a couple friend only STF runs.

    Today I log in and want to try out a new ship. Guess what? Can't slot my BOffs without some method that is quite like some folk remedy. Game breaking bugs that were noticed on Tribble, and less than 24 hours later it is still shoved down our throats. Are we going to fix it? 'Maybe after we take a long weekend we'll will think about it.'

    There's a quote from a computer terminal in Fallout 3 that sums up this whole situation. "Currently we are detecting no outstanding issues with your system and assure you that any problem or complaint you are currently experiencing is simply a misperception on the part of the user."

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting the good fight!
  • husserehussere Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    izdubar2 wrote: »
    That limits fleet participation to not just level 50s but to those who grinded those hell reps. Better solutions, imo, are "fleet mode" where you sacrifice reward for marks (CoH did this, though I'm sure PWE would be more draconian in ROI), or that quest on the starbase upped to 50/day, or even just be in a fleet, get fleet marks from doing stuff (although I admit that is far too generous for Cryptic to even think of).

    This would be a great idea;
    As it was suggested before, and I believe come from CoH ?
    A Disenchanted player
This discussion has been closed.