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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Posting velosity and viewing velocity has decreased a lot over the last few hours. This could mean than the issue is dying down for people or some are just tired of posting.

    Personally I believe that Mr Stahl will implement a compromise like the one I suggested like increasing the officer of the watch from 5 to 50 marks - it's a daily and could be coded in 10 seconds by adding a "0" or some other addition.

    Of course they could also be trying the - let the fire burn itself out - approach. Letting this thread run for so long with mostly nonsense which is not constructive and at many times rude - may indicate this approach.
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Please keep on topic. Posting sliiy videos or Jokes or off topic subjects will just get thsi thread closed. Please keep posting your concerns and opinions about the IOR nurf and current game bugs.
  • diotwdiotw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Posting velosity and viewing velocity has decreased a lot over the last few hours. This could mean than the issue is dying down for people or some are just tired of posting.

    Personally I believe that Mr Stahl will implement a compromise like the one I suggested like increasing the officer of the watch from 5 to 50 marks - it's a daily and could be coded in 10 seconds by adding a "0" or some other addition.

    Of course they could also be trying the - let the fire burn itself out - approach. Letting this thread run for so long with mostly nonsense which is not constructive and at many times rude - may indicate this approach.

    I suspect that we may end up in a similar situation to the STF dilithium grab. They want to reduce the amount of reward issued, but they know people will complain. So, before a weekend when no one's around in the office, they drop an update that removes the reward completely. Then, when all the players have spent the weekend exhausting their rage on the forums, they restore the reward at the reduced amount and are hailed as heroes.
    This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sorry olivia211, I edited my post so I didn't sound so ummm 'pompousy'. Personally have enjoyed your posts and even checked out your vid.

    I didn't think anyone else felt the same way as I do since S7 hit, thank you gr4v14t4r for posting exactly what I feel/do.
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    I'm more upset that they removed tech from STF's, introduced a reputation system for it, and then had the audacity to claim they where doing me a favour.

    Fact is, in S5 I logged on for fun, mostly straight after I got home, did stuff with fleetmates etc. Now, I don't log in till later in the evening, and most of the time I just chat and look at the exchange. In fact, since I got an out of game client to chat I don't even log in anymore. They have taken away the sole reason for playing, to have *fun*. All that is left to me is chatting and STF's every now and then. The dev's keep going on about dilithium, well I never had a problem maxing my cap in season 5, and I still don't have one, I just don't bother with refining it anymore. And if they really want to help us getting more dilithium for the Starbases, rep systems and whatever, then allow us to donate unrefined dilithium too. That wouldn't hurt the dili economy, and stimulate donations...but that's just wishfull thinking I guess.

    I started playing shortly after release (pre-ordered from G Stop) and took a break a few times since, but nothing, not even the 'Year of No Content', has ever made me feel distaste and nearing hatred for a game/publisher as Cryptic/PWE. Even with the ups and downs I have promoted this game telling people 'We were promised to be taken care of, give it a chance.' S7 hit and I said 'No point in subbing more than 1 month now. The cost outweighs the benefits.' Now I say 'Don't. You'll just get heartbroken.'
  • kpg1usakpg1usa Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I agree w/ DS! Thanks for protecting the little guy! :)
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Posting velosity and viewing velocity has decreased a lot over the last few hours. This could mean than the issue is dying down for people or some are just tired of posting.

    It's late, like 4 AM here for starters. People have said what they have to say, unless there's a new development there is little point for those who already posted to keep repeating themselves. But there is no connection between current posting speed and the acceptance level of this issue as you are implying.

    Btw, I find the tone of your post rather annoying, just like your previous post annoyed me. Your solution isn't the best I've seen in this thread, far from it, and waving it in my face doesn't make them any better. If hearing that your idea is the best EVAH is why you are here, well, grab a seat cause you're in for a long wait...
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • je11yfishje11yfish Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I haven't read all 143 pages of this and I do not intend to, but here is my recommendation:

    Make Fleet Marks tradable on the exchange.

    1) people that want to grind them out, can
    2) people that don't want to grind them out, can instead grind for EDC and buy them
    3) by doing this you effectively double/triple the amount of missions that can be used to obtain Fleet Marks (directly and indirectly)
    4) people are already selling their fleet marks, this would just make it convenient and let the market determine their value.
  • kyuui13kyuui13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Posting velosity and viewing velocity has decreased a lot over the last few hours. This could mean than the issue is dying down for people or some are just tired of posting.
    its 7PM Pacific time, on a Saturday, its more likely folks are doing things, OTHER than being here, or are in the game.
    Personally I believe that Mr Stahl will implement a compromise ...
    That is you. Me, I don't believe he will. his metrics tell him we're fine, so that's what he's going with. Never mind, believing him, is a sketchy subject, in and of itself.
    Of course they could also be trying the - let the fire burn itself out - approach. Letting this thread run for so long with mostly nonsense which is not constructive and at many times rude - may indicate this approach.
    Oh its hardly nonsense and non constructive, there has been numerous good ideas, concepts and very sound arguments for them. Not Nonsense.

    The facts, are simple. To many players of this game, "Mr. Stahl" and how he and his company have been treating us as nothing more than "metrics" has begun to wear on people

    Oh and by the way, its Velocity.
    Next time you log in, ask yourself this.
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you can't have fun, then what is the point?
  • smallrougesmallrouge Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That is fine. This is your viewpoint on the matter, and you are entitled to it.

    Regardless...as a fellow consumer in a game that I enjoy playing, I will continue to attempt to affect change in a product or service that I spend my free time in...because I want it to be better. It doesn't matter whether that is my job or not. Sitting on my hands and railing against the devs will not solve the issue. Even if voicing my ideas and opinions goes "unheeded", at least I tried...because not trying guarantees zero change. I'd rather take a slim chance than NO chance.

    There has been some "railing against the devs", but I have been reading this thread from the beginning, every single post, and I would say quite a LOT of people have come up with constructive ideas and voiced them in a rational and defensible way. I think others are saying it is not our job to mesh our ideas with the devs' ideas (particularly since none of us are certain of their goals anyway). I think at the point where we are approaching 1500 posts, you are far from alone in taking a slim chance that your opinion might be heard. You are far from alone in attempting to affect change and you are not the only rational person here.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    admgreer wrote: »
    Please keep on topic. Posting sliiy videos or Jokes or off topic subjects will just get thsi thread closed. Please keep posting your concerns and opinions about the IOR nurf and current game bugs.

    Lighten up there Admiral...

    A bit of levity won't kill the topic at hand, and it usually helps when everybody stops for a moment to take a breath.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Posting velosity and viewing velocity has decreased a lot over the last few hours. This could mean than the issue is dying down for people or some are just tired of posting.

    Or that it's getting late in the evening on a holiday weekend, and people actually hace things to do other than riot on an internet nerd pen.
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    smallrouge wrote: »
    There has been some "railing against the devs", but I have been reading this thread from the beginning, every single post, and I would say quite a LOT of people have come up with constructive ideas and voiced them in a rational and defensible way. I think others are saying it is not our job to mesh our ideas with the devs' ideas (particularly since none of us are certain of their goals anyway). I think at the point where we are approaching 1500 posts, you are far from alone in taking a slim chance that your opinion might be heard. You are far from alone in attempting to affect change and you are not the only rational person here.

    I wasn't railing against the devs, I wasn't saying I couldn't come up with ideas, although some have very well thought out plans in this thread. I was merely saying that it isn't and shouldn't be our jobs to do things that people [devs] are actually getting paid to do.
  • smallrougesmallrouge Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wasn't railing against the devs, I wasn't saying I couldn't come up with ideas, although some have very well thought out plans in this thread. I was merely saying that it isn't and shouldn't be our jobs to do things that people [devs] are actually getting paid to do.

    My post was not in reference to yours. I agree with you. We don't have access to either the data or the guidance that drives changes such as these in the game and therefore we are ill-equipped to step into the role of compromising with devs as the other post suggested. We can only voice our opinion.
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sorry smallrouge I just assumed. Regardless we need more content prior to 'possibly 3 months from now' (we all know how Cryptic is with release target dates).

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting the Good Fight!
  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    admgreer wrote: »
    Please keep on topic. Posting sliiy videos or Jokes or off topic subjects will just get thsi thread closed. Please keep posting your concerns and opinions about the IOR nurf and current game bugs.

    this is not to troll - but never going to listen to us we have all the concerns and opinions we want until we are blue in the face... they don't care what a lifetimer thinks about game or what I think they should change but this is a mess of devs own making a we get stuffer for it by not getting use of foundry because in there hindsight to not think how buffing and nerf of single mission mess production of fleet marks. Just make this clear there no reason that should gave out more 50 fleet marks a day or at least one run of a foundry mission. So with one run of mission and there been no issue but they when over board so players when over board farming fleet mark no want take away something they over buffed i say 50 marks 960 dilithium 1 run then just dilithium after meet players Halfway. Nerfing the foundry daily or rerun into ground make no scene its a simple fix just pay 50 marks ever 20 hours then goes to a cool down... i believe post 1st time took this down to fix the missions i feel same way that they when overboard with the spamming for fleet marks and what you know back square one :mad:

    No its not a joke but you can see the Humor in where no listen to your players gets you.
    "No where."

    Simple fix would avoid this mess 2 months ago... 50 marks a form a rerun mission 20 hour cold down on that reward issue solved until Dilithium is a issue again.:rolleyes:
  • vagiusvagius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Let's be honest, this is about far more then just the IOR. Tensions have been high since about halfway S6 when it became clear that bugs weren't getting fixed, requirements wouldn't be lowered etc. What we see here is what happens when you have a community that's on edge. The smallest additional affront just make thing's boil over. Or maybe a flash over would be a better analogy. This is just like when they took out the STF rewards. By this change they didn't just take away an easy source of fleetmarks, they effectively force us to get them elsewhere. In other words, we are being forced to do things we don't want to do and they take longer then the IOR did too. Our fun just got diminished, and because it takes longer we have less time for things we *do* enjoy. Look at the STF rewards, things stayed unruly untill the item drops where restored. Simply because getting an item, or having the chance to get one, is fun . I never understood why the reputation system had to replace the old system. Those unlucky few who didn't get their tech drops would have had the guarantee of being able to get them, and the rest of us could enjoy looking forward to the lootbag at the end. The dev's keep thinking all we care about is dilithium and fleetmarks, etc. but we don't. If they ever introduce new drop-only gear that can be collected by doing missions with an STF structure, I would play them all day long regardless of them rewarding marks of any kind or dilithium. There no longer are real achievements in this game, it's all about endurance and perseverence now. It isn't rewarding to play this game anymore. All the stuff is either buyable for zen/dilithium, or EC(which effectively is also buyable by zen or dilithium). Sure, you need some marks, running some elites will get you those quick enough. Or I guess grinding down eppohs if you need RM's.

    This game as it stands now, has become a grindfest. Now, that in itself isn't that big of a deal. The problem is that a lot of us are not mmo fans or whatever, we are here because of Star Trek. That means that this game has incredible potential, with loyal fans. However, it also means they can't treat us like mmo fans who like to grind all day. Most of us love the IP to much to just walk away, so we will put up with it for a while....But sooner or later, we will reach a breaking point, where even the most loyal Star Trek fan refuses to put up with this any longer. That would mean the end of this game, because aside from the IP this game has nothing to offer. There are several mmo's out there, that from a gameplay perspective are far better developed, there are several that are more fun, etc.

    Basicly they have the goose laying golden egg's here, only they keep pushing the goose for more egg's. Hell, they are close to taking a chokehold on the goose and shake it for more golden egg's. At the short term that might work, and the goose will lay some additional golden egg's, but then it will die. Keeping the goose happy and entertained might produce a few daily egg's less, but the goose will lay those egg's for years and years to come.

    Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!!

    ^That. all of it.

    I could not have said it better myself.
  • nova2284nova2284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    vagius wrote: »
    ^That. all of it.

    I could not have said it better myself.

    Amen too that!
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think, that had this game's original publisher had bottomless pockets, faith in the IP and in Cryptic, that STO would be a very different game to the one we're playing today.

    Zinc and Stahl after him had grand visions for STO - both have a passion for Star Trek and I truly believe that Dan wants to deliver the best Star Trek MMO he can - nobody wants a failed MMO on their resume and failing a major IP like Trek is failing about as hard as you can.

    The problem is that developing story content - missions, Featured Episodes etc. is so much more time consuming than creating a new ship - even an STF requires a huge investment in design and balancing - months of work for several Devs.

    So they're stuck - to get the maximum profit out of the players they need to keep introducing new lockboxes etc. but how many ships do you need before you get tired of doing the same content in them?

    So they have to create the story content too but it's given far less priority than the lockbox stuff because it doesn't actually make them any money - it just keeps the players interested enough to take their shiny new Andorian Escort for a spin around the new missions.

    And you know, eventually they're going to run out of things to sell. For me, aside from a Tier 5 Connie Refit, they already have - there's no ships, no costumes, no consoles, no races, nothing left that I'd pay for.

    I'd pay for some great new Featured Episodes featuring Kestrel's storyline that get the Iconian thread back on track - but I'm not being offered those.

    I'd pay for some exciting new ground and space STFs that have the care and attention paid to them that Infected, Khitomer or Cure do - but I'm not being offered those either.

    By releasing all the lockboxes they've effectively killed any possibility of additional playable races or the existence of a meaningful, dynamic reputation system. What is there left to release?

    STO is pain, Highness. If Dan Stahl says otherwise, he's obviously selling something. Dread Pirate Roberts may have said something similar once.
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!!

    THIS. A million freakin' times.
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!!

    And there's more! We'll also create an active, helpful community with large numbers of helpful tools which will attract more players to the game and help keep them here. Then they'll give you money too!
  • icegavelicegavel Member Posts: 991 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Let's be honest, this is about far more then just the IOR. Tensions have been high since about halfway S6 when it became clear that bugs weren't getting fixed, requirements wouldn't be lowered etc. What we see here is what happens when you have a community that's on edge. The smallest additional affront just make thing's boil over. Or maybe a flash over would be a better analogy. This is just like when they took out the STF rewards. By this change they didn't just take away an easy source of fleetmarks, they effectively force us to get them elsewhere. In other words, we are being forced to do things we don't want to do and they take longer then the IOR did too. Our fun just got diminished, and because it takes longer we have less time for things we *do* enjoy. Look at the STF rewards, things stayed unruly untill the item drops where restored. Simply because getting an item, or having the chance to get one, is fun . I never understood why the reputation system had to replace the old system. Those unlucky few who didn't get their tech drops would have had the guarantee of being able to get them, and the rest of us could enjoy looking forward to the lootbag at the end. The dev's keep thinking all we care about is dilithium and fleetmarks, etc. but we don't. If they ever introduce new drop-only gear that can be collected by doing missions with an STF structure, I would play them all day long regardless of them rewarding marks of any kind or dilithium. There no longer are real achievements in this game, it's all about endurance and perseverence now. It isn't rewarding to play this game anymore. All the stuff is either buyable for zen/dilithium, or EC(which effectively is also buyable by zen or dilithium). Sure, you need some marks, running some elites will get you those quick enough. Or I guess grinding down eppohs if you need RM's.

    This game as it stands now, has become a grindfest. Now, that in itself isn't that big of a deal. The problem is that a lot of us are not mmo fans or whatever, we are here because of Star Trek. That means that this game has incredible potential, with loyal fans. However, it also means they can't treat us like mmo fans who like to grind all day. Most of us love the IP to much to just walk away, so we will put up with it for a while....But sooner or later, we will reach a breaking point, where even the most loyal Star Trek fan refuses to put up with this any longer. That would mean the end of this game, because aside from the IP this game has nothing to offer. There are several mmo's out there, that from a gameplay perspective are far better developed, there are several that are more fun, etc.

    Basicly they have the goose laying golden egg's here, only they keep pushing the goose for more egg's. Hell, they are close to taking a chokehold on the goose and shake it for more golden egg's. At the short term that might work, and the goose will lay some additional golden egg's, but then it will die. Keeping the goose happy and entertained might produce a few daily egg's less, but the goose will lay those egg's for years and years to come.

    Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!!

    Give this man a MEDAL. No, give him ALL the medals. Make him... THE PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD for one day.
  • lexusk19lexusk19 Member Posts: 1,412 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I second that motion. Give him medals and all sorts of shiny things ^^
  • husserehussere Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What Gravitar said is so true ; In fact I'm here not enjoying that they will release season 8.
    Only because I've been wondering now what kind of grind events they will set in, another grind party that will make the load on our shoulders at a heavier state.
    Another Holding when my fleet can barely achieve T1 on embassy, T3 on Starbase ?

    After all the time and efforts put into it; the dilithium grinded to feed starbase.

    I finally understand we AKA small fleets will never see the end of it.

    You designed the game to have 5 members fleet
    Make it so it is POSSIBLE to have fun with it.
    A Disenchanted player
  • wirtddwirtdd Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    We are so doomed. Why ST stuff is always in the wrong hands?
  • zeus#0893 zeus Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's very simple and has been said so many times since Season 6 and the farming, er I mean Fleet bases, came out....

    Enough of the Grind (aka Fleet Farms and Reputation Grinding style of MMO)...

    Develop content that your customers actually enjoy... (Playable factions and new missions that reward the players for doing them)

    Stop making STO feel like a JOB!

    PWE/Cryptic Stop the grind, bring back the fun!

  • peter109peter109 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hey perfect world how about stabilizing the servers and getting the shields to show their true properties instead of mucking with the foundry this is what frustrates your players.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gr4v1t4r wrote: »
    Stop trying to force the community to spend money, if you present us with enjoyable content, gameplay, bugfixes, fun items, etc. we will gladly give it to you!!!

    Indeed. I think the issue is that Cryptic doesn't seem to want to make a few risks that they should. Things like Territory Control, Ship Interiors, Crafting, and Exploration would be difficult, but once we got those things in working order, any problem that cropped up would eventually solve itself.

    I think that's why the community should be a bit more involved in the creation of this game. Whether it's forum suggestions, polls, or the Foundry, all should be part of the creation of this game.

    Hell, Tomasthecat got his job because everyone on the forums loved his minigames so much. There needs to be more of that happening.

    Less... things like what happened to IOR. :(
  • rtk142rtk142 Member Posts: 613 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just had a thought about Cryptic's fear of scaling requirements and exploits. What if it was made so that there are certain "tiers" of requirements based on fleet size, say every 50 people put you up another tier. And once you hit that tier, you are that tier forever, even if you drop below that magic number. That way, a fleet with 200-249 would be a tier 4 fleet for eternity, and if their leader went on a rampage and got rid of half of their members in an attempt to exploit the system, it wouldn't do them any good, because they'd still be a tier 4 fleet and would have just shot themselves in the foot by not having the members. I wouldn't think something like this would be hard to implement
    Let us upgrade the Seleya Ceremonial Lirpa and Kri'stak Blade
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The plain simple truth

    It would not be difficult to find a way to accommodate both large and small fleets with the system. Their have been dozens of ideas already suggested in a variety of places and quite frankly if they are incapable of finding a way to do so they should not have their jobs.

    Fact is they lack the desire. They don't care your small fleet finds the grind too difficult because of their internal metrics that are giving them data without the ability to know what that data represents. They have other things that are more important to deal with than accommodating your desire to progress at a reasonable pace in a small fleet.
  • netvip3rnetvip3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jellico1 wrote: »
    I am a fleet commander in a 500 member fleet , We use teamspeak and group every day and run your content.

    We pick what is fun to run and enjoy we can pick anything.

    We pick 99% of the time STFs , Why ? because its the most fun content in the game to us

    The only reason we pick any Romulan missions is because ,,,,Were blackmailed into it by your design in rewarding romulan marks , Not because we find any of them fun

    The same goes in spades for Fleet mark missions .......There NOT fun

    Why not let us convert Omega marks and Borg processors into ( Romulan marks ) and ( fleet marks )

    Why not let klingons group with us to Run Content ? We have a klingon sister fleet and those guys have a hard time doing content because the ques are empty a lot of the time while we run full 5 man teams

    We have 2 work arounds to get them in our games I will not disclose because you may try and Nerf it but it would be easier to allow grouping for PvE content

    Final word......If you adc the same reward to Fleet actions that you have in stfs we would still rather play the sTFs The fleet and romulan content is just that poor

    yep yep
    ( short message )
    "If you cannot control yourself, you cannot command others." -- Klingon Honor Guard Manual, Pg. 16
This discussion has been closed.