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Update on Fleet Marks and Dilithium



  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    buzz0942 wrote: »
    my 2 cents:

    i think putting back fm wouldnt change anything right now. this was just the last drop.

    the real problems are laying much deeper - in my opinion they are:

    - massive grinding
    - very poor designed and boring repetitive missions/events
    - reuse/copy-paste of (already bugged) code and selling this as something new
    - nerfing of things we like(d)
    - afk-leechers in stf/fleet events - and to know that cryptic knows and just ignores it
    - announcing amazing, fantastic and big new content and delivering something unfinished, untestet, economy-breaking that isnt fun to play
    - understanding new content as small modifications in: running around and klicking on things or flying around and firing on things (and now - brand new - running around and firing on things. i think you got the point.)
    - unable to deliver fixes for game-breaking things in time

    And even though i can no longer belive a single word one "special" person here is saying that maybe or maybe not
    will be happen in the future (hi dan 'i know something but i wont tell' stahl - no offense) - i truly believe that with each patch constantly
    breaking more things than fixing is not their intention. so something must be going badly wrong internally or - they just have
    no idea what they are doing. i dont like both options.

    i have really no idea what we can hope for:
    that cbs pulls the plug because they have to protect their ip from further harm
    or a chinese phone call saying: why u not making money?

    Very well put Buzz - these are among the many issues that concern me.

    STO may be free-to-play but things like Fleets represent enormous amounts of investment in terms of time and/or money and the players investing their energy in creating these Fleets want STO to be around for a long time - we all do.

    Cryptic's constant push to dazzle lapsed and potential players with shiny but insubstantial content is causing growing resentment amongst existing players (the ones that pay their salaries) and is constantly introducing new bugs and issues whilst old ones remain unresolved.

    PWE may want to sacrifice long-term sustainability for short term profit, but as customers, that's not what *we* want - it's about time we hammered that message home.
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • deathstalker89deathstalker89 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I quit a game that i played for 3 years because all i did was grind and never had any fun.I look back now and see it was the best thing i did saves me alot of money and time. I see this game dieing because to much grinding at least 50% of the grinding should be removed.How many people can come on here and not have to grinded if you dont you get kick out of your fleet. Well in the next year a couple of big games are coming out this game will loose over over 50% of its players if they dont get less grinding in it so people can have some free time to have fun in it.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    STO may be free-to-play but things like Fleets represent enormous amounts of investment in terms of time and/or money and the players investing their energy in creating these Fleets want STO to be around for a long time - we all do.

    Let's put some numbers to this. The amount of dilithium to build a full T3 starbase (assuming one did solely non-dilith needing projects and none of the fluff ) is, per sto-wiki's compilation of projects:

    64800 + 216000 + 648000 = 928800 (Starbase tier upgrades)
    (32400 + 108000 + 324000) x 3 = 1393200 (Category tier upgrades)
    15750 + 108000 + 324000 = 447750 (Transwarp conduits)

    For a grand total of 2,769,750 dilithium, or at the current exchange rate of about 90 dil/zen over $300.

    I imagine the EC to dilith to zen to dollar calculations on the commodities/doffs/equipment would yield a similarly crazy number. And that's not even taking into consideration the fleet mark stupidity.

    And that's just Tier 3.

    The point of all this morning arithmetic is this: Cryptic has put into place a system whose sole purpose is to suck the equivalent of thousands of dollars out of their players, yet when anyone raises a voice to ask for improvements to said system they're told, in no uncertain terms, to shut up and offer up another wallet for sacrifice.
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Making a T5 base should only be the realm of the super fleets - or if it takes a 300+ person fleet 10 months as it is right now then a 25 person fleet should take at least 2 years.

    That said after several super fleets have reached T5 - perhaps they could open up a General Fleet store where all fleet gear/ships could be sold at a significally higher cost than at the fleets starbase - to account for the massive resources that people put in to reach T5

    so for example a T5 ship or gear would cost at least 3 -4x as much - this would be fair as it would make up for the lower investment that those people made.
  • smallrougesmallrouge Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think there IS an amount of dedication here that is given just because some of us are Trek fans. I walked from WoW (guild leader moved our lvl 25 guild to another server without a word, we all logged in one day and found we'd lost our guild, our guild bank, and all associated benefits) and Rift (devs shut down a server and forced an overnight move to new servers, guild leader was not online at the time the move was forced and it fractured our guild across multiple servers) and SWTOR (real life friends fought with our guild lead and quit playing so I quit) without a backward glance. Admittedly, I have had unusually bad luck with guilds prior to joining this game. I find I am no longer comfortable in a large guild/ fleet. Period. No matter how stable or long-standing it appears.

    I guess I differ from others in that I am on the whole happy with the game. I do understand the points others are making about grinding and bugs so this is not a criticism of those concerns at all. My point is that this ONE change, and the associated announcements regarding fleets, was all it took to turn one of your players off from a game they loved. I am still here hanging on in these forums because I AM a Star Trek fan. I am certainly never motivated to hang on to WoW forums despite playing WoW for years.

    I need to hear that the balance the devs are trying to achieve INCLUDES a balance between small and large fleets. I need to hear you won't deliberately squash the teeny fleet I finally found that I am willing to settle into.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    smallrouge wrote: »
    I need to hear that the balance the devs are trying to achieve INCLUDES a balance between small and large fleets. I need to hear you won't deliberately squash the teeny fleet I finally found that I am willing to settle into.

    Here's the thing...

    Based on Stahl's posts in this thread, they're not bothering with either. It's pretty much "go zerg fleet or GTFO of the fleet holding system".
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I definitely think pricing has become an issue. Rather than offering a lot of things for a small amount of money/ dil each, they have gone the route of releasing fewer and fewer things which cost a phenomenal amount.

    C-store prices and dil requirements have gone up and up and up, the purpose of MICRO transactions has been forgotten. I personally would happily spend more money, but I want more for what I'm spending at the moment.

    Having single items, that are part of a set, taking hundreds of thousands of marks and tens of thousands of dilithium is a joke. And these issues that are being experienced are merely a symptom of the inflated pricing system that exists now to rake in as much money from the big spenders (ie, the idiots who drop like $300+ on lock boxes), while preventing many people from spending smaller amounts here and there in order to get things.
  • smallrougesmallrouge Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Making a T5 base should only be the realm of the super fleets - or if it takes a 300+ person fleet 10 months as it is right now then a 25 person fleet should take at least 2 years.

    Disagree with the first part. As I have said, small fleets have Vice Admirals that need decent gear just like large fleets. However, I agree with the second part. I think members of small fleets already accepted it would be a harder road for them. Harder didn't equal impossible though.
    That said after several super fleets have reached T5 - perhaps they could open up a General Fleet store where all fleet gear/ships could be sold at a significally higher cost than at the fleets starbase - to account for the massive resources that people put in to reach T5

    so for example a T5 ship or gear would cost at least 3 -4x as much - this would be fair as it would make up for the lower investment that those people made.

    This is a very interesting idea, though 3-4x as much might be harsh. Think in terms of fleet module cost. Consider how many players are not joining a fleet now until they reach T4... are those players to be likewise subjected to increased costs relative to their fleetmates?
  • lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Keep the customers happy; happy customers keep paying.
    Make the customers unhappy; unhappy customers go somewhere else.

    Here is what will keep us happy:
    Forget the metrics that warn you that your year old additions to the game might be achieved this year by many gamers who worked diligently to obtain them; and instead concentrate on creating new missions and new content for us.

    Eliminate the different marks - take the Omega/Romulan/FM and make just one mark.

    Reduce the grind! Increase the fun!
    Every mission, including the episodes should earn marks and dilithium. You've already created some awesome missions - which can be played by a fleet (that's what my fleet does) - if you truly want us to have more and less grind - give us marks/dilithium for completing them.

    In short - give us more across the game grid.

    We are your customers. We are the ones spending our money for the product you produce. We are not metrics.

    Improve the product and improve your income.

    Yes, you have my vote to be the PWE chairman!

    In one post you said everything we ever dreamed and developers never did.

    The developers have done a good job in the anniversary episode, everyone liked. Why can not continue the good work?

    More confusion like this and we not need to have the eighth season!
  • corbormitecorbormite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    He who controls the oil (fleet marks in this case) controls the market (starbases in this case).

    The powers that be want the game slowed down. Longer game player = more chances of getting some money in from someone, somewhere.

    Sadly, money is all that matters to them it seems.

    Just my 2 cents but isn't it better for everyone if the game is long lasting?

    And the plain fact is you don't ever have to spend a penny in STO (unless you want things immediately, stamp, stamp), there are loads of ways to make mases of dil, ec, etc. In fact the only restricting factor I've found is the 8k/day dil conversion cap - i could do 5 times tha/day - hint, hint :)
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    corbormite wrote: »
    Just my 2 cents but isn't it better for everyone if the game is long lasting?

    And the plain fact is you don't ever have to spend a penny in STO (unless you want things immediately, stamp, stamp), there are loads of ways to make mases of dil, ec, etc. In fact the only restricting factor I've found is the 8k/day dil conversion cap - i could do 5 times tha/day - hint, hint :)

    Run off and get me 100 FMs and let me know how long that takes you.

    See you in a few hours...
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    corbormite wrote: »
    Just my 2 cents but isn't it better for everyone if the game is long lasting?

    And the plain fact is you don't ever have to spend a penny in STO (unless you want things immediately, stamp, stamp), there are loads of ways to make mases of dil, ec, etc. In fact the only restricting factor I've found is the 8k/day dil conversion cap - i could do 5 times tha/day - hint, hint :)

    I think you missed the point.

    People don't want a short game. People are just tired of grinding the same thing over and over and over again. The only thing that passes for content nowadays is lockboxes (unless you count jacked-up C-store prices as additional content). The game as it is now is artificially long because of time gates on damned near everything, combined with the exorbitant cost of everything.

    Compounding that are the nerfs and bugs that go unfixed.
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • tvlartvlar Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    Run off and get me 100 FMs and let me know how long that takes you.

    See you in a few hours...

    On the Fed side I can get 330 FM during the 2 hour bonus event - with 5 toons

    KDF is a bit different - although I Q'd for Colony invasion KDF yesterday and only waited 30 sec during the bonus event and we finished the mission in 5 min - my best time fed side was 7 min.

    But on the whole KDF wait times are longer - but they have been improving after this change - the one benefit of the change.
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Let's put some numbers to this. The amount of dilithium to build a full T3 starbase (assuming one did solely non-dilith needing projects and none of the fluff ) is, per sto-wiki's compilation of projects:

    64800 + 216000 + 648000 = 928800 (Starbase tier upgrades)
    (32400 + 108000 + 324000) x 3 = 1393200 (Category tier upgrades)
    15750 + 108000 + 324000 = 447750 (Transwarp conduits)

    For a grand total of 2,769,750 dilithium, or at the current exchange rate of about 90 dil/zen over $300.

    I imagine the EC to dilith to zen to dollar calculations on the commodities/doffs/equipment would yield a similarly crazy number. And that's not even taking into consideration the fleet mark stupidity.

    And that's just Tier 3.

    The point of all this morning arithmetic is this: Cryptic has put into place a system whose sole purpose is to suck the equivalent of thousands of dollars out of their players, yet when anyone raises a voice to ask for improvements to said system they're told, in no uncertain terms, to shut up and offer up another wallet for sacrifice.

    Couple of points:

    1) The first - and perhaps only SOLO T3 starbase was completed in Oct by Levi3

    2) I have heard from him recently - although he only plays 1/10 the amount of time he used to - he is in the process of upgrading to a SOLO T4 starbase!! - just firing off the T4 sci upgade last I checked with him - with Mil and Eng being at 90k - and he never used the new IOR system - only doffing 9 toons for marks/dilithium. And He has not spent a dime of outside money.

    Considering this case - although extreme - puts the small fleets can't do it argument into the airlock.

    3) Mr Stahl has stated that their goal WAS to make thounsands of dollars per starbase.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    You're once again making the hilariously false assumption that every created character is not only active, but in a fleet.

    Every character not in a fleet raises the average, not lowers it. The absolute MINIMUM that average can be is 121.

    So unless you're criticizing me for pegging the bottom of average, I'm not seeing what you meant.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Every character not in a fleet raises the average, not lowers it. The absolute MINIMUM that average can be is 121.

    So unless you're criticizing me for pegging the bottom of average, I'm not seeing what you meant.

    Are you seriously arguing that the less people there are in fleets the higher the average fleet population is when the fleet number stays constant?

    Let's do some math here...

    500 people in 10 fleets. That's a 50 person average.

    250 people in 10 fleets. That's a 25 person average.

    25 is in no way shape or form greater than 50.

    I'm criticizing you for using completely incorrect math on top of already suspect numbers to try and support a notion that fundamentally consigns small fleets to second class status simply by nature of them being small.
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Not sure if it's been suggested before, but how about adding a project to the Omega Reputation that will allow you to convert Omega Marks to Fleet Marks at a 1:1 ratio? This would be a massive boon to KDF players who can sometimes sit for an hour or more without a Fleet Mark event popping, but can almost always get into an STF.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Couple of points:

    1) The first - and perhaps only SOLO T3 starbase was completed in Oct by Levi3

    2) I have heard from him recently - although he only plays 1/10 the amount of time he used to - he is in the process of upgrading to a SOLO T4 starbase!! - just firing off the T4 sci upgade last I checked with him - with Mil and Eng being at 90k - and he never used the new IOR system - only doffing 9 toons for marks/dilithium. And He has not spent a dime of outside money.

    Considering this case - although extreme - puts the small fleets can't do it argument into the airlock.

    3) Mr Stahl has stated that their goal WAS to make thounsands of dollars per starbase.

    1 +2) So because a single individual did something that probably 95% of the playerbase doesn't have the time, patience or resources to do, everyone else has zero standing to raise a stink? Also, by Stahl's logic the CXP to FM payouts shouldn't exist since they're 100% solo, but that's neither here nor there...

    3) That's precisely my point. When you prioritize profits over an enjoyable mechanic the end result is a playerbase that's royally pissed off. Which, coincidentally, is exactly what we have right now.
  • weylandjuarezweylandjuarez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    3) Mr Stahl has stated that their goal WAS to make thounsands of dollars per starbase.
    3) That's precisely my point. When you prioritize profits over an enjoyable mechanic the end result is a playerbase that's royally pissed off. Which, coincidentally, is exactly what we have right now.

    And further to this, all this investment - all these hours sunk in fleets and all this money (Dilithium and Zen) - what has it gotten us?

    A developer that keeps its players in the dark, constantly comes up with new ways to suck out the fun and increase the grind and delivers half-finished, bug-ridden insubstantial content whilst closing off sources of in-game revenue and hoping we'll put our hands in our pockets again.

    *shakes head* I can't believe I'm writing that about the developer of a Star Trek game - this should be one of the greatest MMOs ever - where did it go so wrong? :(
    Please join our peaceful protest to help make STO a better game
    Proudly not contributing to PWE's bottom-line since October 2012
  • gr4v1t4rgr4v1t4r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Every character not in a fleet raises the average, not lowers it. The absolute MINIMUM that average can be is 121.

    So unless you're criticizing me for pegging the bottom of average, I'm not seeing what you meant.

    How is that even possible?! Are you telling me the game is hard-coded not to let the average number of players in fleets go below 121? If the average becomes 121, we are no longer allowed to leave fleets? An average can't have a minimum value higher then 0, it is mathematically impossible.
    Lost and Delirious... and Disenchanted too
    Apparently some forum posters have diplomatic immunity nowadays, where can I get mine?
    askray wrote: »
    Expressing my opinion isn't trolling but nice try. Besides, if I was you wouldn't know it ;P
  • bizzarquestionbizzarquestion Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Good morning STO! Something I would again point out. Since I refuse to be a constant member of a large fleet I will remain in my small fleet with people I actually want to play the game with. However if I wanted my fleet gear I can just buy my way into Mega Fleet X pick up my gear and 1 finger wave to Dan the whole time. This is one loophole they cannot fix without killing the game. This loophole makes the idea that small fleets shouldn't have access to T5 Star Bases and their corresponding store access moot. Everyone, including Mega Fleet X has stated the Star Base is actually Star Ghost Town. I really hate being cynical, but we as a community need to get passed the elitism ideal of Star Bases. They should take longer for smaller fleets, but not nearing impossible, let alone 3 years.

    Anyway...Power to the People! Keep fighting The Good Fight!
  • ferengitradersferengitraders Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    And further to this, all this investment - all these hours sunk in fleets and all this money (Dilithium and Zen) - what has it gotten us?

    A developer that keeps its players in the dark, constantly comes up with new ways to suck out the fun and increase the grind and delivers half-finished, bug-ridden insubstantial content whilst closing off sources of in-game revenue and hoping we'll put our hands in our pockets again.

    *shakes head* I can't believe I'm writing that about the developer of a Star Trek game - this should be one of the greatest MMOs ever - where did it go so wrong? :(

    I think it's time for some new blood as executive producer. We should demand dstahl's resignation and write per and cryptic execs demanding as much.
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    ...*shakes head* I can't believe I'm writing that about the developer of a Star Trek game - this should be one of the greatest MMOs ever - where did it go so wrong? :(

    That's the big depresser. It should be epic, but it falls far short.

    I'mma go listen to The Impossible Dream from Man of La Mancha again. Don Quixote had it right...
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A developer that keeps its players in the dark, constantly comes up with new ways to suck out the fun and increase the grind and delivers half-finished, bug-ridden insubstantial content whilst closing off sources of in-game revenue and hoping we'll put our hands in our pockets again.

    See, I personally don't mind being kept out of the loop so much if the information we're eventually given is accurate, detailed, and (most importantly) consistent. Unfortunately, Cryptic is usually zero for three on that point when it comes to dealing with upcoming content.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm criticizing you for using completely incorrect math on top of already suspect numbers to try and support a notion that fundamentally consigns small fleets to second class status simply by nature of them being small.

    I didn't use it to support any notion you assumed I was supporting (because it was the opposite of your position and I posted in the thread.)

    You are correct, however, that my math logic was faulty. I blame having only gotten 7 hours of sleep over the past three days due to travelling. :cool:

    I made my position on these changes clear in the first page of the thread; I see no point in continually reiterating it, that would add no value to the discussion.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    I didn't use it to support any notion you assumed I was supporting (because it was the opposite of your position and I posted in the thread.)

    You are correct, however, that my math logic was faulty. I blame having only gotten 7 hours of sleep over the past three days due to travelling. :cool:

    I made my position on these changes clear in the first page of the thread; I see no point in continually reiterating it, that would add no value to the discussion.

    Actually, if people posted in the first few pages of the thread, they may want to post them again, just because people coming late to the thread are not going to filter through 150+ pages and read every post.

    Or maybe just a quick link to the earlier page...
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    Or maybe just a quick link to the earlier page...

    There is a link to the beginning of this thread on every page of the thread. :)

    Also, a clarification; my post was in the first page of the old thread, not of this one. Sorry for the mis-remembrance. In any event, I've made my position clear to PWE, and that's all that matters; I have no desire to convince any player to agree with me or not, you all can make up your own minds about the patch and what, if anything, should be done to change it. Spamming my opinion over and over would just make it harder for anybody else to have their voice heard.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • corbormitecorbormite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    Run off and get me 100 FMs and let me know how long that takes you.

    See you in a few hours...

    I'm no expert but 100 FM - What's that, a couple of PvE missions? An hour?

    Maybe you'd prefer players are given FM simply for logging in.

    STO isn't perfect, the missions could be more challenging (but the way they are implemented makes making a challenging mission difficult - eg. you always know where to go next). But imho it is improving and is fun to play if you don't have unrealistic expectations.
  • bclark09bclark09 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    *shakes head* I can't believe I'm writing that about the developer of a Star Trek game - this should be one of the greatest MMOs ever - where did it go so wrong? :(

    It went wrong in May of 2011 when PWE purchased Cryptic. Since then, it's been a downward spiral of endless grindfests, micro-transactions, continued disregard for the KDF, lockboxes, continually rehashed STF's, legacy bugs that persist, new bugs with every patch, $20 "upgrades" to starbases that are mostly rubbish, and a general feeling of being screwed over by a game you love so dearly.

    Of course that's just my two cents.
This discussion has been closed.