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BUG: 2 Minute Cooldown on All Abilities (RESOLVED 2/21!)



  • molen#7916 molen Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This happened to me to on two different characters on two different ships.
  • kingdoxykingdoxy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ran a infected space elite with no problems, but the timer bug hit me in Cure space elite.
  • aoav160aoav160 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    After respawning in two STF Elites, KASE and CSE, all powers were on 2 minutes (or more) of cool down. Successfully submitted ticket ID #1,479,113

    Dev's, if you need to test drive my toon k'matt@aoav160, I am at work from 6 AM - 7 PM CST.

    Several other fleet and team mates had it.
  • sdf01macrosssdf01macross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I have the 2min cooldown problem. I have a power cycle bound to spacebar, including Beam Overload I and II. The spacebar bind includes distribute shields, EPTS3, EPTS2, EPTW1 x2, EngT, SciT, BO1, BO2, and Fleet Support.

    Starting today, I get a 2 min cooldown and it feels related to beam overload. From limited testing, my guess is that the bug does not happen when I only have one copy of BO bound to spacebar.

    I mash spacebar like a boss. On opening volley, the EPTx powers start chaining and ET/ST fire every 30 seconds, and BO fires immediately with a shot every 15 seconds. With this setup the bug happens almost immediately. When I remove one of the BO copies, it doesn't happen.

    My bindfile looks like the one above, except I removed the "FirePhasers" command and my weapons are on autofire, set to "toggle, change cancels."

    Button4 "+power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    Space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root $$+trayExecBytray 6 0$$+trayexecbytray 6 1$$+trayexecbytray 6 2$$+trayexecbytray 6 3$$+trayexecbytray 6 4$$+trayexecbytray 6 5$$+trayexecbytray 6 6$$+trayexecbytray 6 7$$+trayexecbytray 6 8$$+trayexecbytray 6 9$$+power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    T "team Target: >> $target <<"
    Y "team Please call team target"
  • sdf01macrosssdf01macross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
  • commodoreshrvkcommodoreshrvk Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just had this happen to me twice while running my foundry mission. I use autofire of beams for PvE missions like this.
  • ineluki71ineluki71 Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im getting this 2min cooldown on all abilities and my ship will not fire. Its horrible and so far is only happening in STFs. KSE & ISE
  • twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    We're trying to reproduce this internally right now to get it fixed. I've gathered that KASE is a good place to do it, and recharge doffs MIGHT be a factor.

    It might have something to do with play style. How do you fire weapons? Do you hammer the space bar like a boss or are you more subtle, like a fox? Do you have auto-fire active? What's your opening volley look like, and are you using any keybinds to do it?

    I can't believe that I forgot similar happening to me last night!

    I was fighting Borg in the Asset Recovery mission and I thought I was hit by a subnuke since my buffs all reset. But then the cool down would start up again upon reaching zero. I didnt notice if it was all of the tray powers or not but it didnt seem to effect the secondary tray I keep on the side if the screen. This cycled several times until the sphere died thanks to the auto fire.

    I have my energy weapons set to auto fire. I always hit the space bar to set them off. This happened while using an all turret build.

    Oh, the cool down I had wasnt two minutes. Looked like eight seconds for some, regular cool down for others. Maybe it's just a regular attack I've never encountered until now?
  • sdf01macrosssdf01macross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I have the 2min cooldown problem. I have a power cycle bound to spacebar, including Beam Overload I and II. The spacebar bind includes distribute shields, EPTS3, EPTS2, EPTW1 x2, EngT, SciT, BO1, BO2, and Fleet Support.

    Starting today, I get a 2 min cooldown and it feels related to beam overload. From limited testing, my guess is that the bug does not happen when I only have one copy of BO bound to spacebar.

    I mash spacebar like a boss. On opening volley, the EPTx powers start chaining and ET/ST fire every 30 seconds, and BO fires immediately with a shot every 15 seconds. With this setup the bug happens almost immediately. When I remove one of the BO copies, it doesn't happen.

    My bindfile looks like the one above, except I removed the "FirePhasers" command and my weapons are on autofire, set to "toggle, change cancels."

    Button4 "+power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    Space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root $$+trayExecBytray 6 0$$+trayexecbytray 6 1$$+trayexecbytray 6 2$$+trayexecbytray 6 3$$+trayexecbytray 6 4$$+trayexecbytray 6 5$$+trayexecbytray 6 6$$+trayexecbytray 6 7$$+trayexecbytray 6 8$$+trayexecbytray 6 9$$+power_exec Distribute_Shields"
    T "team Target: >> $target <<"
    Y "team Please call team target"

    just happened to me in PVP. Used the same setup as above except had Torp Spread I in place of BO1. Right when I hit evasive manuv. I had all 2min cooldowns again.
  • sumof4sidessumof4sides Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    the 2 min coold down happened to me 4 times tonight in STF and Tholian missions.
  • sdf01macrosssdf01macross Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    just happened to me in PVP. Used the same setup as above except had Torp Spread I in place of BO1. Right when I hit evasive manuv. I had all 2min cooldowns again.

    I removed Torp Spread and BO from the spacebar tray. It happened again, although it took a little longer.
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited February 2013
    I recently acquired the damage control engineer(chance to add hull healing over time when ASIF is used) the character is an engineer so running ASIF-3. The 2min CD bug didn't seem to happen all the time but 2x during Mirror invasion and 1x during second star to the right. Thought it was an evil FED super weapon :D. Pulled doff from roster atm and it seems to have stopped but testing continues.....
  • captreviledcaptreviled Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This is happening to me tonight for the first time, right after I patched. Was happening while in the starbase 24 fleet action, then on patrol is JSF47, then in the Gateway system. Seems to happen more often when I activate an ability (any one) via mouse-click, but that's the only pattern I see.
  • mn03mn03 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I use auto-fire on all my weapons +
    /bind space "GenSendMessage HUD_Root FirePhasers $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields" which links Distribute shield to the spacebar.
    Join date: 5 Feb 2010
  • ztrl1ztrl1 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    This has happened to me twice today, once in PvP and once in PvE. The PvP was in my Jem Dreadnought and everything, even the fighter commands went on cooldown. Even my FIREWORKS go on cooldown. This is not cool and needs to be fixed like right now. :|

    PvP map was Solar Wind
    PvE map was Fed Fleet Alert
    Some people buy Tier 6 ships and expect to win. Other people buy Tier 6 ships and are Tier 6 pilots.
  • cpthardcovercpthardcover Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Just had this crop up on me while fighting a B'Ger in the Regulus block. Only effect that was on me besides the normal ones (700-day vet XP boost, MACO buffs, etc.) was a Borg Shield Neutralizer. Hadn't seen an issue before now.
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yep most of my fleet experienced it
  • yeoman85yeoman85 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Been playing all day and it has happened to me every few minutes, 2 minute cool down on EVERYTHING and it's getting a bit annoying - I'm getting pwned cos of this bug!!!
  • haldan1968haldan1968 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It happened with me numerous times on my new Ambassador. Multiple times during all STFs that I tried to run. It even happens if I don't touch any abilities at all (although I do have multiple beams on auto fire.)

    It seems to trigger when a weapon or ability is used, and it moves around so that it isn't always the same ability or weapon that triggers it. Like I said, it even triggered once when I didn?t touch anything at all but my beams were auto firing, so it must have triggered automatically when the beam fired.

    I tried to remove and replace all my bridge officers (which I have no trouble with), but this did not resolve the issue. I am not entirely sure why I thought it would, but I was willing to try anything at that point.

    I switched ships to my fleet defiant, and had no trouble. Although I did not play that long on the other ship to be sure if it is immune to this bug or not, but it seems to be less affected by it. My Ambassador on the other hand gets hit with this bug every few minutes, and multiple times (as previously stated) during any single STF run.


    (I edited out the emotional stuff for clarity)
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Have this too in PVP in Fountry Missions and STF Missions... since last patch
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
    Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
  • kiloonezerokiloonezero Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This has got to be the biggest TRIBBLE ever in this game! Period End of Discussion !

    I have this happen to me every time I play 2-5 min Cool downs on everything, only thing that I can do is launch fighters and that is if I'm even in my carrier. It was bad enough that I just got done Spending and grinding my brains out for a stupid ship for some pets on the new Dread, but now you guys gotta TRIBBLE us around with these absurd cool downs and all these bugs that have come about.

    I am so tired of this it makes me seriously want to sue the TRIBBLE out of you guys, but for what? Right, for me to be locked up in court with you all for years to see nothing come out of it but a big F U from BIG CORP.

    Personally, If I wouldn't have already put so much time into this game and made it to where I almost have to play it to get my moneys worth, I probably wouldn't be so pissed off. I know you all are trying to make this game better, but this little stunt that was pulled here is NOT FUNNY AT ALL. The bug ship requirement for the Dreadnought wasn't enough for you guys huh? You gotta keep Fracking us around and I have talked to many in the community that are really absolutely sick of this TRIBBLE!

    Between the maintenance every 5 minutes to the now cool new proc you A HOLES added yeah makes game time on here really suckish and pisses me off to no end. I woulda figure between my tri-monthly subscription and the massive amount of money that not just I but many others waste on this pathetic excuse for a dev fix........ UGGG whatever complaining about it isn't gonna do nothin anyway, good job you A HOLES are #1 Rip off artists, you should instead become con-artist teachers instead of game devs!

    By the way if this is not fixed or you guys decide to pull more TRIBBLE, you should think about giving those of us that PAY YOU to fix this sorry excuse of a mess some of our money back or FIX THE FRACKING GAME!!!!
  • pokersmith1pokersmith1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I was fighting somebody in kerrat and after I killed him, he told me that all his abilities went to cooldown. At the same time, I activated my alpha and immediately noticed that my alpha had no cooldown. I wish I had grabbed a screenshot.
    Elite Defense Starfleet
    Elite Defense Stovokor
  • nezhalnezhal Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Having the same problem since 2 days. Really annoying.
  • thedopefishlivesthedopefishlives Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm also having this issue while grinding the Acamar system. Makes the game impossible to play.
  • bignutterbignutter Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It happened TWICE to me.

    One in a "grind" Foundry Mission. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=127343900 It triggered soon after I depoyed the Plasma, as you can see my foes are still experiancing it.

    The latter in the Defense Contract Mission. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=127343780

    I'm all for testing the Tanking Abilites of my ship.. (The Keiya is a Cruiser after all.) But I almost lost the latter mission as the only thing I could do is park myself near the enermies and hope she can hold it.. she barely did.

    Kat@NuttertKK if you want to know.
  • molen#7916 molen Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I really hope Cryptic can resolve this quickly because it's a real game breaking show stopper of a bug.
  • jimtkirkjimtkirk Member Posts: 0
    edited February 2013
    Is this going to be fixed any time soon???? :mad:
  • kiloonezerokiloonezero Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    jimtkirk wrote: »
    Is this going to be fixed any time soon???? :mad:

    Obviously they don't care or it is "working as intended" and they don't care. Cause this woulda been fixed by now if they did!
  • captainmerzancaptainmerzan Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    this happened as well to me in ka space, i use autofire, and no key binds
  • haldan1968haldan1968 Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Obviously they don't care or it is "working as intended" and they don't care. Cause this woulda been fixed by now if they did!

    I would be happy with a "we are aware and working to resolve it."
    I love this game but it is difficult to love something I can not play.
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