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Re: Foundry/ Fleet Mark Reward Changes



  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek

    Apparently my view isn't supported so I'll say it another way: I don't agree with the way you suggest FM should be awarded as it favors playing longer than average missions that few have the talent for writing.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • frelsi777frelsi777 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Up until now I've gotten behind the development effort of STO, and generally only have positive feedback, but the 14/02 update is a very poor one indeed.

    This is because STO at level 50 is one of the grindiest MMORPG's around. I know the game is expanding, and I know more content is being created, but once you hit level 50 there is very little motivation to complete storyline missions.

    The action is in Omega / Romulan grinding, or anything to get fleet marks.

    The whole point of the foundry was to allow players to create new content, which gives more options to earning EC, Dilithium and Fleet marks. Prior to today, this was actually working.

    It was the one thing going for foundry. Who ever thought it was a good idea to remove fleet mark incentives from foundry game play should be fired - I repeat - fired.

    I would maybe understand if there was enough content out there to earn fleet marks, but the reality is there are a few STF's and most of us have done these 100's and 1000's of times over.

    I would also understand why the fleet mark reward was removed, if in the update more ways to earn fleet marks was included, new maps, etc. This wasn't provided.

    All I can say is I'm really glad I didn't buy a lifetime membership, because I can see this update was really amateur, and it has really made me question the competency of the game design department and the direction they're taking.

    Any official response would be appreciated.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • morden2morden2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sunder52 wrote: »
    I am part of a small fleet. 4 of us just finished Tier 2. We felt pretty good about that, considering all the steep requirements. We worked together, and got it done. Now however, with the new changes, we are thinking about taking a break.

    Sometimes I wonder if the Dev's even play STO. They seem to want to make grinding harder with every other patch. It's getting to the point why even play STO... I already have a job.

    Well said we are here to have fun, And its becoming like work to earn anything in the game. The idea is team play and building toward a goal. Please do not turn this into a job.

    I love the game for what it is, and the community it builds, but we need less road blocks and more fun please.

    I have put hundreds of dollars into the game in name of fleet building. Since the changes to the dilth system making that harder to get. That does not count being a life time subscriber as a regular subscriber for years prior.

    If cryptic continues on its current course of making frustrated players.

    The investment I have made in the game is for not.

    Please don't kill the game with poor choices that leave players feeling like they had a bad day at the drive-thru windows.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • frelsi777frelsi777 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well I guess I'm done with the foundry. It was my primary source of fleet marks, same with my fleetmates.

    It's just beyond sad that a certain element with a complex had to go ruin things for everyone else. I'm done with the story missions too as the only thing I can do now is grind out fleet events for marks.

    This wouldn't be nearly as horrible if fleet marks were left attached as a reward, or even an option for reward.

    I feel the exact same way. I'm wondering if it is time to find another game.
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    aramyll wrote: »
    I don't really understand the WHY Cryptic removed the FM reward. I mean look at it from the broader perspective. As fleets progress the requirements needed to advance grow larger and larger, that much is certain. So the need for Fleet Marks is ever daunting and never ending. So the need for repeatable missions that reward fleet marks was happily received.

    Upon that happening people commenced to develop grinder missions that created a loop hole, that allowed players to farm these missions within the ALLOWED time limit set forth by Cryptic itself. Standard missions even grinding missions will take time to finish, and in the nature of every game players will always find ways to finish these missions faster, be it by using specific gear, abilities or tactics. So it has always been pretty obvious that these missions are designed so they can be finished as quickly as possible. You cannot possibly expect players to spend 45min to over an hour on a single mission just so he can collect a bare minimum reward just so he needs to do it again again and again.

    Maybe your not really understanding that a player that does a grinding mission in the foundry can take what, 10 min to 20 min depending on gear, boff abilities, ship etc. But an STF can be done in as little as 6 minutes and usually never goes over the 15 minute marks because of the time requirement for the optional, granted you doing it with 4 other players, but that is irrelevant. A 15 minute mission is still a 15 minute missions be it STF, Fleet Action or RED ALERT. Anything over 15 minutes let alone an hour to complete is pretty much content that players are not willing to do on a repetitive basis.

    To all the foundry mission developers out there and the creators of spotlight missions, Kudos to you for creating content players can learn to love, and enjoy. But get serious if you make a story driven mission, that contains multiple parts. Did u really expect people to do your missions continuously? Does Cryptic think that people are going to 1-2 hr long missions every day, multiple times a day so that they can get a 50 FM reward? Get serious, we put up with long missions while we level cause we want to experience all the game has to offer, but at max level, when most players already have multiple characters, when the need for grinding missions is at an all time NECESSITY. Of course people are going to do those missions over anything that takes too long. People work for a living, they have families, responsibilities, hell even other games to play. There is only so much time in the day to play STO and do missions, and for damn sure no one wants to spend an hours doing a single mission to get a specific reward.

    Compare STF's (ELITE), Fleet Actions, and Red Alerts. STF's, take 15-20 min to finish. and the reward for doing them is extremely well received, 100 Omega marks more or less nice quantity of DIL(900+) and the chance for a MK 12 VR item, plus BNP's. Red alerts give over 400 DIL and take just 10 min to finish, even if you had a group of lowbies and you were the only one doing large amounts of dps, you could still finish the event in time <20 min. So I really don't see what the issue is with grinding missions, simply because people designed some of them so that you had to put little to no effort in doing them. If you are so against this, why have you not penalized afk'ers in STF and other events, why implement Auto Fire for ships, why continuously keep increasing the need and prices on items for Refined Dilithium, but limit the quantity we can refine per day to a number created and assigned back when the system first started and the need was much lower. This list can go on and on sorry.

    Back to this PSA lol, Any foundry developer or Cryptic member that thinks that at any point in time Spotlight mission were going to be more popular than short, quick and easy grinding missions your just kidding yourselfs. This game is a giant grinding machine, players are rushing to finish fleet projects, complete reputations, and level the embassy. So we cannot, we will not waste our time doing missions that give us crappy rewards and take much of the time we need to grind for the resources we need. You cant argue that because you spent hours making a foundry your upset cause another person pieced together a grinding missions in a fraction of the time. You cant complain that your mission isn't on the top of the list cause of all the stupid grinding missions. LOOK AT YOUR RATING, that's what tells you if your mission is good or not, missions listed at the top aren't the best ones they are the most frequented ones, period. Player created content is rated by players and it should be pretty damn clear what players want and need, and that's BAM grinding missions, because everyone knows STO atm is a grinding game plain and simple.

    I still don't understand why cryptic is so afraid of people burning through reputation and fleet projects too quickly, are they afraid we are going to leave the game once we finish everything??? are they afraid people will realize their is nothing to do in STO. Guess what we already know and we have been with you for 3 years now and stuck with you when there was no content, when there was no grind, when there was little to nothing to do in end game and we are still here. Thankfully you realized some of the bad decisions you made when season 7 came out, and you saw the wisdom from the player base so you took action and modified your choices. Listen to us now again, what you just did is bad, bad for the economy of STO, bad for the players, bad for gameplay.

    You want a normal solution for this, fine here it is. Put back the IOR repeatable quest just like it was before, you already hot fixed the grinding missions so that its not a AFK grind fest so the problem was solved. Now ADD in these extra dailies you are implementing as a extra way to reward players and foundry developers for their hard work. Doing RP foundry missions should be a choice not a necessity.

    This right here is one of the best posts in this thread. I agree wholeheartedly with everything said.

    People right now are feeling angry and helpless watching this train wreck in slow motion, and the whole time we're waving at the engineer to stop, and all he does is go faster...
  • ferengitradersferengitraders Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    All they did was shift the AFKers from doing solo missions to TRIBBLE players over in the fleet missions. There will be much more AFK sightings in incursion and others now. Far fewer people will even bother looking at the foundry. They shouldn't even be wasting time with the spotlight stuff... It won't be worth playing.
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    frelsi777 wrote: »
    Up until now I've gotten behind the development effort of STO, and generally only have positive feedback, but the 14/02 update is a very poor one indeed.

    This is because STO at level 50 is one of the grindiest MMORPG's around. I know the game is expanding, and I know more content is being created, but once you hit level 50 there is very little motivation to complete storyline missions.

    The action is in Omega / Romulan grinding, or anything to get fleet marks.

    The whole point of the foundry was to allow players to create new content, which gives more options to earning EC, Dilithium and Fleet marks. Prior to today, this was actually working.

    It was the one thing going for foundry. Who ever thought it was a good idea to remove fleet mark incentives from foundry game play should be fired - I repeat - fired.

    I would maybe understand if there was enough content out there to earn fleet marks, but the reality is there are a few STF's and most of us have done these 100's and 1000's of times over.

    I would also understand why the fleet mark reward was removed, if in the update more ways to earn fleet marks was included, new maps, etc. This wasn't provided.

    All I can say is I'm really glad I didn't buy a lifetime membership, because I can see this update was really amateur, and it has really made me question the competency of the game design department and the direction they're taking.

    Any official response would be appreciated.

    Good luck with that official response....even the foundry has been screwed up so many times...just be glad you didn't get that LTS:D

  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i thinkyou need more than lemons to make lemonaide.
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    marc8219 wrote: »
    My KDF fleet Beautiful Orions will do just fine without this because we actually run the Fleet mark events together as a fleet. We do the 20 man starbase defense flawlessly and thats around 100 marks per person for 20 people each time and we can get groups for this together several times a day if needed.

    The idea behind having a fleet and starbase is you are supposed to grow your fleet big enough so you can also do stuff like this and not have to rely on the public queues.

    So you going to tell me why i want a fleet and starbase because you think thats the way must be ??
    I will do what i want , thank you.
  • brataccasbrataccas Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I think the way to resolve this is to pull all the rewards away from the Foundry - people should be playing Foundry missions because they like Foundry missions, not because they dislike Fleet Actions - those 50 Fleet Marks need to go somewhere else.

    Put them on the Officer of the Watch.

    If Foundry missions just awarded XP and EC then new players (or characters) levelling up would have an alternative way to earn ECs and progress and veterans that don't want to play Foundry stuff won't feel like they're being forced to.

    Having a simple Dilithium award (and maybe a token Lobi award as I suggested earlier) as an incentive to play daily/weekly Spotlighted missions should then be enough to draw in players that are curious to see the best the Foundry has to offer.

    Sure, Foundry authors may see a lot less players trying their missions, but the ones that did play them would be doing so for the right reasons - not because the Foundry is the most convenient way to farm EC/Dilithium/Fleet Marks.
  • kyuui13kyuui13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kirksplat wrote: »
    Would some of you be happy if they put fleet marks back, but set them to scale with dilithium rewards?

    The trick might be if the scaling rewards length.


    15 min mission = 10 FM
    30 min mission = 30 FM
    45 min mission = 65 FM
    60 min mission = 100 FM

    This would grant FMs, but at the same time encourage the play of longer stories, since repeating a boff grinders would earn less than sitting down and playing a story mission. Or it would encourage some authors to make long and epic grinds, instead of ones where you lay behind a fence and shootz stuffz.

    nah I'm of the mindset that it should be removed entirely, No reward for foundry at all. By removing anything that can be exploited it solves the problem entirely, its the logical choice here, since everything they've done has just caused issues. If it has no rewards it can't cause them issues. Simple easy and painless. remove all the rewards from the foundry.
    Next time you log in, ask yourself this.
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you can't have fun, then what is the point?
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    All they did was shift the AFKers from doing solo missions to TRIBBLE players over in the fleet missions. There will be much more AFK sightings in incursion and others now. Far fewer people will even bother looking at the foundry. They shouldn't even be wasting time with the spotlight stuff... It won't be worth playing.

    You know, that could be the silver lining in all this. The foundry dies off, and we can finally be done with all the whining about these heartless players who were "doing it wrong", and ignoring all the 2-hour epic masterpieces.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I agree this is totally TRIBBLE i am sorry to say how are we to be able to build the star base now with small fleets this is utter TRIBBLE what the hell is the point on foundry now when i can not even find it in my available.This makes me mad as hell pwe is ruining the game to the point where i don't want to even play it any more.

    Foundry daily is the only way i can spend time to build my star base.I will not spend any more money on this dumb game.:mad:
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    woot woot red dstahl,woot woot red dstahl all daniel's report to dstahl stations!
    we have dstahl the daniel sir,stahls up fire daniel's

    red alert red alert,all members report to battle stations,we have engaged the enemy sir,shields up fire phaser.

    thats translation,but hey,this game is all about what sir d stahl thinks/needs/wants,so why not mix a couple words?:D
  • trellabortrellabor Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hfmudd wrote: »
    The only answer I can give to this is to repeat my personal belief that Cryptic felt that we were earning Fleet Marks faster than they wanted/expected us to, and not in the ways that they wanted/expected us to. They have the power ("right" doesn't matter, "right" is irrelevant) to change this, to enforce it, and they have now done so. Until they change things again, all we can do is play the game their way... or leave.

    IMO, some people are looking for a scapegoat, someone they can actually reach and blame, because (consciously or not) they realize they have no real power or influence over Cryptic or PWE. They can complain, or leave... and that's all. And if they do leave, no one will care, because there are so many others.

    It's a very sad thing to realize you're powerless, so most people will do anything to pretend otherwise as long as they can.

    40+ pages of posts shows you to be in the minority on that standpoint. I respect your opinion, but that is all it is - your opinion.

    Obviously, the player base is not powerless, and in fact has a lot more power than you believe. The S7 debacle is a good example of players being heard on a major issue. You can bet there will be changes incoming for this patch as well, in one way(read: compromise) or another. Customers always have power over any business that needs them to SURVIVE. If you open a restaurant and nobody comes, you are closed for good - end of story.

    That whole analogy about this being similar to people standing in line for a concert is irrelevant as well, there's no 'queue' or line here, players are not competing against each other for faster 'access' to anything, and there is not a limited number of 'anything' as far as rewards go, there is no way for certain players to 'cut' in front of others, and there is no similar basis for that argument whatsoever.

    The rewards were plentiful and equal for everyone as long as you played a mission that 'met the criteria' established by (wait for it) - Cryptic. So once you found something you liked that met said criteria you could then proceed to repeat it every 1/2 hour if you chose for the 50 FM's and DIL, plus whatever drops you got under the IOR criteria established by (guess who?) - Cryptic. Then, they decide they don't want people farming/grinding EC, so instead of addressing it directly they do the easiest thing for them and just change the AI. Now, for whatever reason, they are not OK with FM's being attached to the Foundry or the IOR in general so they get yanked altogether. At the time this whole 30min IOR thing became active, everyone I spoke with about it was amazed at the change since it was so 180 degrees the opposite what Cryptic had been/was/is doing at the time(and i'll say it again) thought it would only be a matter of time before they nerfed it somehow as it was 'too good to be true'. Even WE could see it was crazy, and somehow Cryptic didn't? I don't think they are particularly great at their jobs but I can't believe they are that ignorant either. They HAD to know what this was going to do.

    People were impressed and thankful when this change was originally implemented, and even some felt a restored faith in what Cryptic had in store for the future. I was one of those people.
    The o3 - Killed you good
  • lordkratos1974lordkratos1974 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The FM missions give such a low reward that it's not worth doing. i log in just to get FM's & some dill to contribute to the base missions. My god man, id like to be at T5 sometime this year. Increase the FM's in fleet missions. If you guys are looking to weed out your player base, id say you have done an outstanding job with this patch. Very tempted to walk away for a while and try out some other games.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Cryptic, remember the TRIBBLE storm that hit with Season 7 and the changes that were made to the foundry rewards?

    I'm sure they do; they also remember that after the forum "TRIBBLE storm", they had record concurrency numbers, and their income went up.

    1) Forum readers are a minority of the player base.
    2) Forum posters are a minority of the forum base.
    3) Angry forum readers are more likely to be posters than are happy forum readers.

    These things are true of every community everywhere, except communities that only exist on a forum; in those you can eliminate #1, but the others still hold true.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I am just going to quit the grind. I wont play what Cryptic is forcing us to play to get fleet marks, I just wont bother entirely.
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    But doffing is done solo and isn't team play.

    Expect it to be nerfed or removed in a patch soon. It follows their logic on why they removed it from foundry.
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    I'm beginning to think their compromise will be what they actually wanted to do in the first place.

    ie: "Lets beat 'em with a nerf stick and get 'em mad, then we'll toss them a bone and they'll love us again...'
  • zerofate74zerofate74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well im now finished with the foundry as many others are. Removing IOR was a huge mistake as the constant grinding of the fleet mark missions gets boring....FAST. Being able to earn a fair amount of FM's while running foundry missions was one of the best things you have implemented. I know you are trying to force people into story missions but damnit cryptic you must realize not everyone here is for story and roleplaying. Some of the quick kill em all "farm type" missions were preferred and alot more fun then these roleplay heavy story foundry missions or the current fleet mark missions you have.

    I hope you realize just how many people are upset over the loss of IOR. You have taken more fun out of the game forcing us to go back to boring grind it out missions for fleet marks that you have created for us. They reward so little for time spent. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would say this don't spend another dime on this game this is totally BS let there revenue drop a little instead of are revenues
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    or what about this;

    gibe a choice:

    or 960 dill
    or 25 fleet marks.

    same concept as before,30 mins cooldown,and with 20 mins minuim playtime?:D
    with a maxuim of 4 time's a day?
    people without much time can still get what they want,and people with to much time,get the same?

    you can choose what you want
    2x dill 2x fm
    all dill,all fm,choose is up to the player?

    i think this is a good midway?
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    See the thing is, I am not angry. I am at best very very confused. The community was pitching a tantrum before when so many sources of Dilithium were removed even as yet another grindfest requiring Dilithium went live.

    Yes; the forums pitched that fit. And then after things settled out, the numbers showed Cryptic that in fact people were generating more Dilithium than before, and the forum fits died out and were never heard from again.

    Now, I don't for a second think that's what's going to happen with this; this will clearly reduce fleet marks in game, and I absolutely think they are going to need to increase them. But it will not be a massive catastrophe. Most of the angry people won't quit. Most of the people who do quit will come back. The Earth will turn on its axis unabated, and when things settle out, Cryptic will make more tweaks.

    I just think one of those tweaks should be an immediate increase in fleet mark rewards for the content they have that they expect people to use for fleet marks. Give a carrot with the stick.

    I also think they should make ANY content that's done by people grouped together who are in the same fleet reward those people with fleet marks. I don't know how many, probably a sliding scale, but ANYTHING that's done together by fleet mates should award some small amount of fleet marks. I don't think that's an immediate change, though; it'll take time to balance.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Yes; the forums pitched that fit. And then after things settled out, the numbers showed Cryptic that in fact people were generating more Dilithium than before, and the forum fits died out and were never heard from again.

    You're conveniently leaving out two major pieces of that ****storm

    1) Cryptic flat out lying to players (which did not happen in this case)


    2) People being very upset at being forced into specific content types for rewards. Prior to the reversion, if one wanted dilitihum there was one set of things one had to run, if they wanted omega marks there was a different list, fleet marks another list and so on.

    We're now back to that. Having to grind multiple currencies non-concurrently is incredibly annoying, especially given what dilithium is supposed to be (a tangible representation of time invested).
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I firmly believe that Cryptic's reasoning for this change is, frankly, bull****. Temporal Ambassador still yields 20 Fleet Marks per run, and that's a solo mission.
This discussion has been closed.