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Re: Foundry/ Fleet Mark Reward Changes



  • drestandrestan Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    On the bright side, the Anniversary Event got extended...
  • bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kyuui13 wrote: »
    nah I'm of the mindset that it should be removed entirely, No reward for foundry at all. By removing anything that can be exploited it solves the problem entirely, its the logical choice here, since everything they've done has just caused issues. If it has no rewards it can't cause them issues. Simple easy and painless. remove all the rewards from the foundry.

    then all the foundry authors would be in a uproar becuase they are the ones that wanted there missions to give a reward.
    Originally Posted by marc8219 View Post
    My KDF fleet Beautiful Orions will do just fine without this because we actually run the Fleet mark events together as a fleet. We do the 20 man starbase defense flawlessly and thats around 100 marks per person for 20 people each time and we can get groups for this together several times a day if needed.

    The idea behind having a fleet and starbase is you are supposed to grow your fleet big enough so you can also do stuff like this and not have to rely on the public queues.

    in any case that is not a option for all fleets so having this taken away will hurt them a bit. my point being that not all fleets can get 20 people on at one time to do private ques
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Cryptic knows what the right thing to do is. The should patch tomorrow. Reverse the wrongs and find a better solution than this butchered patch.
  • draxonflydraxonfly Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I like the reward changes.
    For someone like me, who is not in a Fleet, this gives me more incentive to play the Foundry missions.

    Maybe they should make it a 'choice reward' where when you finish the mission you can either chose 'Dilithium' or 'Fleet-Marks' for your reward (and still get the skill points/expertise with either choice).
    That way the incentive to play the Foundry missions will be more for more people..
  • kyuui13kyuui13 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    then all the foundry authors would be in a uproar becuase they are the ones that wanted there missions to give a reward.

    And its that desire that is causing the problem, the fact is folks will make foundry missions to get as much from it as they can with the least amount of work, by taking ALL the rewards out, this can not happen, and the problem is solved. Its the best solution to the problem, it completely removes ALL potential for exploits. This should be the course of action taken. Then those who want the do the fan fic missions that are the "good" foundry missions, can, and don't have to worry about exploits or issues, the story will be the reward.
    Next time you log in, ask yourself this.
    dastahl wrote: »
    If you can't have fun, then what is the point?
  • marielangmarielang Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    vote with your wallets People stop buying zen thats only thing that gets there attetion
  • darramouss1darramouss1 Member Posts: 1,811 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kyuui13 wrote: »
    And its that desire that is causing the problem, the fact is folks will make foundry missions to get as much from it as they can with the least amount of work, by taking ALL the rewards out, this can not happen, and the problem is solved. Its the best solution to the problem, it completely removes ALL potential for exploits. This should be the course of action taken. Then those who want the do the fan fic missions that are the "good" foundry missions, can, and don't have to worry about exploits or issues, the story will be the reward.

    By your argument you should stop everyone from driving to prevent people from speeding. Ruining it for the masses to stop the exploiting minority is NEVER the right way to do things.

    As for removing all rewards, completely wring way to do things. In a game where there are far more resources needed than a person can obtain you'll find that the things that offer no reward will die off. The foundry is too special a place to allow that to happen to it.
  • psymantispsymantis Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    fun (noun): Massive reward for no risk.

    Folks are complaining they can't get Fleet Marks for making AFK grinders in the Foundry anymore, so instead they'll go AFK in other grinders.

    Clearly this will shut the game down tomorrow. :rolleyes:

    Wrong. It's people who've been playing the mission the way it was set up that are complaining. Just look at this thread or look in game to see. Some people go AFK but not the majority.

    Removing Fleet Marks because of AFK players is like closing a swimming pool because someone is peeing in the pool.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kyuui13 wrote: »
    And its that desire that is causing the problem, the fact is folks will make foundry missions to get as much from it as they can with the least amount of work, by taking ALL the rewards out, this can not happen, and the problem is solved. Its the best solution to the problem, it completely removes ALL potential for exploits. This should be the course of action taken. Then those who want the do the fan fic missions that are the "good" foundry missions, can, and don't have to worry about exploits or issues, the story will be the reward.

    Yes but not many of us is going to spend an hour playing MISSION.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • atomictikiatomictiki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    draxonfly wrote: »
    I like the reward changes.
    For someone like me, who is not in a Fleet, this gives me more incentive to play the Foundry missions.

    i dontthink anyone should tell him that youget even less dilithium now thanbefore...
    Leave nerfing to the professionals.
  • recks43recks43 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    fun (noun): Massive reward for no risk.

    Folks are complaining they can't get Fleet Marks for making AFK grinders in the Foundry anymore, so instead they'll go AFK in other grinders.

    Clearly this will shut the game down tomorrow. :rolleyes:

    How are small KDF fleets supposed to get fleet marks AT the keyboard?

    Roll your eyes across that question.

    One hour waits for fleet action queues is not going to work.
  • nbs2vipernbs2viper Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why would you people do this same mistake again?!!! you are once again making the foundry unapealling to anyone with a limited time to play. not everyone sits athome all day on STO in their underware eating hot pockets and doing 1-4 hour foundry missions. With the LIMITED TIME we have to try and enjoy the game. the constant grind to rep up a character or two. then restock on omega and romulan marks, then.. a couple of STFs with fleet members to help them do the same. jump out to run daily missions for fleet marks. then.. do the daily officer reports IF THERE IS TIME. to try and keep our fleet starbase wich wasnt bad enough.. the Embassy comes along to rob HAlf of those fleet marks. and a rep system to cut even more time out of my playing time.. Those 50 fleet marks are needed in the play of the game.. Needed to allow our fleet to continue to rep up both fleet holdings.. which is alot. Cryptic, This is an alienation move if Ive every seen one. Have you lost this much touch with your own fan base? :confused:
  • coughingdogcoughingdog Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What about my rewards! Pre-patch, I had three "Investigate officer reports" dailies completed (one on each character) with unclaimed rewards! I log in after the patch, and the mission is gone, and I am simply "out" 50 fleet marks and 960 dilithium on each toon?

    Sad you all didn't take this into account before wiping this mission across the board...

    Thanks Cryptic!
  • bughunter357bughunter357 Member Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's not being snobish. It simply demonstrates an understanding on their part of how Cryptic intends fleets to work and their willingness to play as a fleet within that framework. I consider it snobbish of those who think that the fleet holding system needs to change to accomodate them because they don't want to do what needs to be done to play it in its current state.

    I am all for giving small fleets a small outpost/facility that has tier-progression costs that are in line with what they can do as a small fleet. It won't be a massive Starbase like what large fleets can get. And large fleets would not be able to get a small outpost.

    IF a small fleet WANTS to undertake a full-scale Starbase, then so be it. But the costs should remain balanced for large fleets and Small fleets must be made to understand this going in.

    but cryptic never intended on giving small fleets a small base they wanted the same for everyone so that's how it ended up if that was the case we would have what you suggested already. plus that's a chance for exploitation all big fleets would have to do is decrease there size for a bit then bring back the members and bingo they have a base without the hassle of what you suggested.
  • kamiyama317kamiyama317 Member Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why would you complete IOR and not claim the rewards?
  • deathstalker89deathstalker89 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well looks like these greedy people will want you to buy Fleet marks for Zen. They also think people can play this Game 24 hours a day grind for fleet marks some people have to work so they can buy zen. Stop being stupid and put out some mission that take 15-20 minutes like the STF mission but give 60 fleet mark as rewards.
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Next time fix stuff that's broken and leave working stuff alone!!!
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
  • apostolis78apostolis78 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I went through most of this thread and I am amazed at the fact that there are some who defend CEs choices regarding the foundry.

    Picture this:
    I need fleet marks--> Choice a) Play Battle Royalex2 which is fun, fast, pewpewtastic, and get 100 FMs, 1960Dil, and energy credits from the loot.

    Choice b) Play a crappy Fleet event with TRIBBLE pugs or half the team AFK, become frustrated and angry and earn 10-25 marks for your time and effort.

    I don't even see the above as a choice. There was no choice and you Cryptic made it as such, not the players. And now you force people to endure those fleet events which reward a laughable amount of marks and for what?

    Now everything will be even more grindy. That too is your design decision to make it more grindy than it already is,which way too much.

    Have you thought about, say, lifers and subscribers who love playing 6-7 characters? You effectively force us to spend a whole day to get the equivalent amount of FMs we would get through IORs on many characters.

    My two cents
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well looks like these greedy people will want you to buy Fleet marks for Zen. They also think people can play this Game 24 hours a day grind for fleet marks some people have to work so they can buy zen. Stop being stupid and put out some mission that take 15-20 minutes like the STF mission but give 60 fleet mark as rewards.

    You can't buy fleet marks with Zen.

    They never said they were considering it.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
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  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hot damn, what a looong thread. Wonder how many other threads were merged with this one, and how many times it got moved around XD.

    I also noticed an amusing increase in the number of posts moderated towards the second half of the thread. First half, maybe one or two, second half... every 4th post or something insane like that XD. Good stuff.

    All mockery aside, I am neither for this change or against it. I already have what I need fleet-wise on my main (dead fleet, we have 4 active members out of 30 or so total, NONE of them are alts, they all just went to SWTOR or quit entirely), and my KDF toon's fleet is almost dead (3 active members, LOL what a joke), but I don't really need fleet marks, since for the most part I don't use fleet stuff, since the best fleet gear is tier 5, the rest of it is a joke, and unfortunately, most of the tier 5 fleets aren't recruiting. Bummer.

    Be that as it may, I can see how smaller lower tier fleets would be hurt by this, and I can't really condone that level of treatment, but at the same time, I can't really condemn it. When fleets first came out, cryptic made it clear that these were long term time and resource consuming features. They made it clear that fleet starbases were designed around fleets of 25+ members, and anything smaller would have trouble. They made it clear that this was a LONG TERM AND COSTLY INVESTMENT. And yet I constantly see people complaining that their tiny fleets are having trouble. And that they're being discriminated against. And so on and so forth. Um... DUH???? -.-

    Anyways, back on topic, yeah, FMs are going to be a pain to get now, hopefully something is implemented that allows for easier acquisition.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • deathstalker89deathstalker89 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    You can't buy fleet marks with Zen.

    They never said they were considering it.

    Not yet but you wait and see!
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    You can't buy fleet marks with Zen.

    They never said they were considering it.

    Maybe not zen...but they need to consider other conversion opportunities.

    How about letting me convert my Omega Marks to Fleet Marks? Or how about Romulan Marks? I have a ton of those sitting unused from the winter epohh projects. I'm done with the rep projects on all my alts and I've got just about all the gear I need as well. Giving me the ability to convert Omega or Romulan marks into fleet ones would provide me with incentive to continue playing those missions.

    I was about to suggest letting us convert fleet credits to marks, like you can do for embassy provisions, but then you get into a round-robin situation because fleet marks actually provide fleet credits...

    The bottom line is that we need more and better ways to get fleet marks.
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    You can't buy fleet marks with Zen.

    A lightbulb just went off above D.Stahls head....
  • gizmox64gizmox64 Member Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll put my two cents into the machine.

    Keep the foundry as it currently is with one change.
    Take whatever Dilithum you get and divide that by 20 or 30 to get your Fleet Marks reward.

    As of now there is no cooldown with the foundry (repeatable) missions, as before there was a 30 min cooldown. You were guaranteed a set amount of rewards, 50 FM, 960 Dil.

    Now we get some exp and dil based on "average" time it takes to complete, whatever that means, I don't know the scale.

    What I do know is that I did Battleship Royal Rumble, as I find it quick and fun, since The Corsairs - Part 1 just keeps getting removed for no "qualifying" for the now old repeatable, so at least I can do that mission again and get some reward and there is no cooldown either.

    When I did Battleship Royal Rumble it took me about 16 mins to complete and I got 640 Dil, I don't even pay attention to exp as we are capped at level 51, and I have a ton of points to train my Boffs.

    So take your Dil reward value that is determined by average time to complete the mission, and divide it by 20. I'd get 32 fleet marks, now that maybe to much (actually it's right about where the reward was before based on 960 dil / 20 = 48, ok so divide it by 30, so I get 21 fleet marks.

    This way we would still get a huge library of missions we can play, but still get fleet marks based on your new formula for Dilithum rewards.

    One thing is for sure, the foundry is basically dead now, offering no real incentive other then story and some dil. We are sick and tired of playing the same PvE Fleet Credit missions over and over and over. The best part of the Foundry is/was WE created the content, and yes I only played the missions that qualified for the daily rewards, now with your new system I can play EVERY mission I want with no cooldown, but you MUST bring back a scaling Fleet Marks reward in with our new reward calculations.

    Please Cryptic be reading this thread and hear your player base.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thebumble wrote: »
    A lightbulb just went off above D.Stahls head....

    Well it would solve the one man fleets who want everything a big fleet has....sure you can have it...but you gotta pay. :D
  • lordagamemnonb5lordagamemnonb5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    By shifting this away from a system the playerbase can easily exploit, Cryptic has made the right decision.

    Except it wasn't an exploit. An exploit would be something along the lines of not turning in missions until a specific time reaping large rewards.

    This was just another (read: Optional) way of doing things. People still did Fleet Events, but there was something else to ease the grind, something else to do when fleet events got stale.

    No choice now. I fail t osee how limiting player choice is a good decision.

    Next some people will demand EC loot be nerfed, and that will be removed.

    "Holy TRIBBLE, Season 10 (or whatever it will be called) introduced more grind. Better remove dilithium from the Foundry to preserve the 'purity and integrity' of the Foundry."

    "People are only playing the Foundry Missions for XP. EXPLOIT!" The Nerfbat cometh.

    Where does it end? Aren't their more pressing issues, like adding actual content to the game (instead of lockboxes and bunny tagging) and fixing 2 year old bugs?
    How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
    Star Trek: The Original Grind
    Star Trek: The Next Grind
    Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
    Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
  • captainedwards09captainedwards09 Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The fleet marks need to be added back to the foundry missions ASAP, just my opinion

    Stop changing things with the Foundry, trust me there are way more important things to do, I would rather they spend more time creating new lock boxes then messing with something that was working just fine
  • zeus#0893 zeus Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Okay so does everone here have the amount of time needed in each day to do what is required by PWE/Cryptic to "play" this game. No not really. Yes I understand that the Fleet bases are designed to take a long time and that they designed it for 25+ member Fleets, but why keep making it harder on the smaller fleets? What purpose does it do except to make more and more players in the small fleets just give up and move on. The "answer" is not to recruit more as the small fleets don't have anything to offer except grinding due to PWE/Cryptic designs. And trying to get into a large fleet is almost impossible. So if PWE/Crypic designed the Fleet system for 25+ members... why do they allow a fleet to be formed with only 5 members? Oh wait I know that answer.... the fleet concept was designed before the fleet bases back in a time when players made them to enjoy the game and do things together. If 5 was the number then, and by the way it still is the min. number now, then why did the devs design the fleet bases around the 25+ members number? Seems someone did not understand what fleets were and why they originally formed.

    PWE/Cryptic please stop the grinding madness and bring back the fun!

  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Next some people will demand EC loot be nerfed, and that will be removed.

    "Holy TRIBBLE, Season 10 (or whatever it will be called) introduced more grind. Better remove dilithium from the Foundry to preserve the 'purity and integrity' of the Foundry."

    "People are only playing the Foundry Missions for XP. EXPLOIT!" The Nerfbat cometh!

    It's so cute that you (still) believe that Cryptic listens to Foundry authors, or me, or you, or anyone but their bosses.

    How's that Klingon content coming? "Soon." Right.
    Join Date: January 2011
  • thebumblethebumble Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013
    Except it was.

    Of all the top 'grinder' missions, how many had ships that shot at and killed each other and not you (you only had to 'tap' them once to get kill credit/loot)? How many had 'timid' enemies that never shot back (before they fixed it), how many had 'static fields' that removed all enemies shields while you were in the clear? How many had 40 battleship level enemies stacked on top of one another in order to create a easy chain reaction explosion which took them all out leaving you to clean up the loot stack?

    Yeah, none of that is exploiting the system...

    'ZOMG! People are EXPLOITING the MIRROR EVENT for XP!!!'

    'We need to remove it ASAP!!!'

    Nerfhammer ho!
This discussion has been closed.