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Tricobalt Mines : Upcoming Changes



  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    you mean like all the big pvp communities and subnuke doffs premades and others that you yourself are probably guilty of just as well as everyone else.

    and also your reading comprehension is terrible that or you are not catching my drift the pvper cummunty is suggesting PDS to give pvers a hard time.it doesn't go through and a few of those less than useful players might rage quite you put the PDS through and you will lose a lot of pvers not just a few.

    it will hurt the bottom line of PWE.

    i don't pvp much these days not because i won't win but rather i do not wana deal with arrogant people like you.
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited December 2012
    kamipoi wrote: »
    you mean like all the big pvp communities and subnuke doffs premades and others that you yourself are probably guilty of just as well as everyone else.

    and also your reading comprehension is terrible that or you are not catching my drift the pvper cummunty is suggesting PDS to give pvers a hard time.it doesn't go through and a few of those less than useful players might rage quite you put the PDS through and you will lose a lot of pvers not just a few.

    it will hurt the bottom line of PWE.

    i don't pvp much these days not because i won't win but rather i do not wana deal with arrogant people like you.

    Who said PvPers want the PDS on NPC's?

    We don't care, that's NPC's.

    Personally, I think it's a mistake.

    All they need to do is fix the 1crit, they all Crit. Or, decouple the dispersal patterns from tric mines (if they do that, they should not decrease the damage or MES values)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    You may be right, considering the only reasons I can think of for carebears to be in this subforum are to 1) instigate; or 2) weigh in on threads describing changes that would affect all gameplay modes but are inexplicably posted in the PvP subforum. Obviously, I would be in the latter party.

    You bring up a good point there, which invalidates what I said to an extent. There's definitely that chance for the vitriol to spill over to folks that were not intent upon spewing it in the first place.

    Thomas comes to the PvP forums - spewing vitriol. Richard from the PvP forums, returns the favor in kind. Harold comes to the PvP forums, having followed the Dev Stalker or just seeing the thread and posts his thoughts. Richard, still fuming after what Thomas said - lashes out at Harold as well.

    Yep, I've seen that. I've tried to point it out when I see it. Thomas deserves it - Harold doesn't.
    Conversely, I'm not sure where you're going with the sun thing or how it applies to me. What I know about Tricobs is what I gained using them for a short period of time with no specialization whatsoever and what I've read/watched from this thread. I'm not one to take anything anyone says as gospel, but if my knowledge of something is limited then it's only logical to default to information provided by others with more experience.

    I had tried to break that down into a separate paragraph, because it was no longer applying to you - it was more a general statement about what people think of the PvP forums, folks that PvP, etc, etc, etc. There are quite a few things said about both that are mind boggling. So it's one of those things that they've heard somebody say it and it's become the truth for them, regardless of what the truth may be. That wasn't directed at you specifically, and I should have done a better job at making it clear that was a general statement (I'll go back and add a disclaimer to it so that's clear).
    Regardless of any of that, this thread definitely has me at Red Alert since I was looking at buying that Hyper Plasma Torp... gonna have to put that off for a bit now, since its future will be mighty bleak if that PDS garbage is implemented.

    Yeah, I'm not sure I've seen anybody in favor of the PDS thing.

    They Hyper, any THY targetable, pets, all the other mines, etc, etc, etc, etc - everything that has nothing to do with Tric Mines - would be affected - so many things.

    It's bad enough how often some of the things out there can FAWspam - but add in a PDS? That's just insane...
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    brandonfl wrote: »
    All they need to do is fix the 1crit, they all Crit. Or, decouple the dispersal patterns from tric mines (if they do that, they should not decrease the damage or MES values)

    Pretty sure that every single Tric Mine thread I've seen here has come down to those two things: DPB + Crit Chains.

    All the other stuff surrounding them, has been cleared away as mesmerizing fluff detracting from the issue of the DPB + Crit Chains.

    It's been the constant feedback...that's been constantly ignored.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kamipoi wrote: »
    and also your reading comprehension is terrible that or you are not catching my drift the pvper cummunty is suggesting PDS to give pvers a hard time.

    Wow, really? You're suggesting that the PvP community wants Cryptic to spend time implementing PDS to give PvE folks a more difficult time... nope, nothing to do with reading comprehension there in the least. That's one of those things that I would have never thought anybody would be stupid or insane enough to suggest. Not calling you stupid nor insane, mind you - it's just that I would have never guessed that somebody would be stupid or insane enough to suggest.

    How do people that PvP get their gear? Oh, they PvE?
    How do people that PvP tend to farm? Oh, they PvE?
    Yeah, it's a PvE game where almost everything is centered around PvE...duh.

    So wait a second here - it's not really a case that it's PvE vs. PvP at all is it?

    No, it's the folks that PvE but do not PvP vs. the folks that PvE and PvP...

    So you're suggesting that those folks that PvE (and PvP) suggested (nowhere to be seen) to Cryptic that they spend time (that the PvP folks have been asking to be spent elsewhere) on adding PDS to NPCs so that the PvE folks (that don't PvP) will have a hard time... even though, that would also mean a hard time for the PvE folks (that do PvP) when they PvE?

    I would have never guessed that...
  • omeganights84omeganights84 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Wow, really? You're suggesting that the PvP community wants Cryptic to spend time implementing PDS to give PvE folks a more difficult time... nope, nothing to do with reading comprehension there in the least. That's one of those things that I would have never thought anybody would be stupid or insane enough to suggest. Not calling you stupid nor insane, mind you - it's just that I would have never guessed that somebody would be stupid or insane enough to suggest.

    How do people that PvP get their gear? Oh, they PvE?
    How do people that PvP tend to farm? Oh, they PvE?
    Yeah, it's a PvE game where almost everything is centered around PvE...duh.

    So wait a second here - it's not really a case that it's PvE vs. PvP at all is it?

    No, it's the folks that PvE but do not PvP vs. the folks that PvE and PvP...

    So you're suggesting that those folks that PvE (and PvP) suggested (nowhere to be seen) to Cryptic that they spend time (that the PvP folks have been asking to be spent elsewhere) on adding PDS to NPCs so that the PvE folks (that don't PvP) will have a hard time... even though, that would also mean a hard time for the PvE folks (that do PvP) when they PvE?

    I would have never guessed that...

    This is a post that deserves applause.
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This behavior does exist, and it a concern that's not being ignored. To be clear, it's existed since Launch, but has been amplified by Tricobalt Mines due to the massive amount of damage they can deal on a crit.

    We've requested this to become a high priority for our Software team. But to be honest, there are a vast number of issues that are "high priority" on their list right now. As such, we (the Systems Team) can't guarantee any sort of timeline on a fix.

    Between the old "Imbued summons" exploit in Champions Online and the Tricobalt Mine problem here in Star Trek Online, I think you guys need to tackle this immediately. It's a critical flaw in the engine and it needs to be addressed at some point. It's done nothing but cause problems for both of your games and headaches for the designers who had to scramble to pick up the mess. It's no exaggeration that, if you guys fixed this engine flaw, this Tricobalt Mine problem would cease to exist.
  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    well borticus pulled the PDS from somewhere and no self respecting pver would have ill succeed borts just plain mad.

    and yes im insane i play sto ;-)
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kamipoi wrote: »
    well borticus pulled the PDS from somewhere and no self respecting pver would have ill succeed borts just plain mad.

    and yes im insane i play sto ;-)

    You know, I was thinking about it - there was the suggestion from a few folks to give NPCs everything that players have. One could take that as giving PDS to NPCs... so you know, could entirely blame those PvP folks for that.
  • x5xxx5xx Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hello everyone,
    brandonfl wrote: »
    All they need to do is fix the 1crit, they all Crit. Or, decouple the dispersal patterns from tric mines (if they do that, they should not decrease the damage or MES values)
    Brandonfl, can you say if this opinion is only yours or if it's the pretty much same for all Sad Pandas or/and others PvP_Fleets like some we can see here (TSI, TRH, etc...) ?
    I ask that because if the "all crit hits" is removed I wanted to know if I can fit tricomines on my ship without be considered like a person using OP/I-win things in PvP.

    Of course I know maybe you don't have the answer to my question, and others readers can give their opinions if they want.


    P.S. : Sorry if this message seems weird but my English knowledge is poor...
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited December 2012
    x5xx wrote: »
    Hello everyone,

    Brandonfl, can you say if this opinion is only yours or if it's the pretty much same for all Sad Pandas or/and others PvP_Fleets like some we can see here (TSI, TRH, etc...) ?
    I ask that because if the "all crit hits" is removed I wanted to know if I can fit tricomines on my ship without be considered like a person using OP/I-win things in PvP.

    Of course I know maybe you don't have the answer to my question, and others readers can give their opinions if they want.


    P.S. : Sorry if this message seems weird but my English knowledge is poor...

    I'll just quote virusdancer, because what he said is pretty much true.
    Pretty sure that every single Tric Mine thread I've seen here has come down to those two things: DPB + Crit Chains.

    All the other stuff surrounding them, has been cleared away as mesmerizing fluff detracting from the issue of the DPB + Crit Chains.

    It's been the constant feedback...that's been constantly ignored.

    I think fixing those issues would make most PvPers happy.
  • warstriderwarstrider Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    reduce tricobalt damage by 66% along with its cooldown by 50%, its damage becomes manageable while allowing for a single pattern to work on a single mine.

    12k damage per mine on a DPB3 as is now means about 80k kin damage on a crit. despite being chainable on 30 sec with a single tricobalt mine, it still allows a rear slot for other fun stuff, maybe even other mine types for trolling.

    NPCs should use csv1, bfaw1 and ts1. they are really bland sometimes and only recently its that those NPCs started to cycle shields. could as well allow them to use polarize hull while timed to the player's skill, so a second after a dderix saw a player use DPB it uses bfaw and polarize hull to take out any possible mines. its what should happen anyway.

    also it was not mentioned anywhere. if DPB is nerfed, will DPA be too? its not like deploying with a delay wouldnt be a nerf by itself.
  • sollafsollaf Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    mimey2 wrote: »
    You see though, that's just it.

    The fact that anybody can just make a tric build, without the slightest bit of strategy or work, then go into an STF and demolish it all is the whole point.

    Trics are acting as little more than an...and I REALLY hate saying this, 'I win' button. You can go into STFs, drop trics, and everything dies, pretty much guaranteed.

    That's nothing against you, but it honestly doesn't help players in the long run, if all they see is 'trics = winning'. Then they will apply that logic to other PvE stuff in the game, not really truly trying to learn or improve their gameplay at all, which won't bode well if this game ever gets more difficult PvE stuff (besides just Into the Hive and Hive Onslaught), or if they try and PvP.

    If 'Joe Average' can make a tric build and head into PvP, thinking he's all that, and suddenly gets wasted by a premade stomping him into the ground, I REALLY doubt he's gonna be happy, but as we see too often on these forums, 'Joe Average' is gonna whine about being toasted and NOT want his trics nerfed.

    Again, nothing on you at all. But if anyone can use trics, that means big-time PvPers can use trics as well.

    The downside of a tric build in stf's is the cool down. One minuet in an stf is an eternity, if you don't have a decent build, and know how to help your team, then you will truly be useless. That's why I only run a tric build on one of my toons, and not my main. As opposed to essentially taking tric out of the game with this nerf, if they could just break the crit chain, or possibally nerf the dmg they could do to shields, while keeping the hull dmg high, it would allow trics to be a vaiable build for a talented player, while stoping the one shot kills that have made it so popular. As to stf's neutronium armor really helps against tricks, breaking the crit chains should solve most of the issues there.
    Sollaf: Join date Sep 2009, Lifer. Disgruntled with the JHSS, my Bug feels less shiny now.
  • sollafsollaf Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    That's alot of Exaggeration.. -.- the average hit i've got from 3-4 Tri-Mines is 80k-100k hp WITH Crit!

    Nobody in the history of the game will get a "1 million HP" 1 shot 1kill

    Not true, I was running Infected with one of my fleet mates, and he one shoted the tact cube. It is possible, just very improbable.
    Sollaf: Join date Sep 2009, Lifer. Disgruntled with the JHSS, my Bug feels less shiny now.
  • sollafsollaf Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    [3:53] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 208875 (105207) Kinetic Damage to Vegetable0.

    [3:53] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 273555 (137784) Kinetic Damage to Vegetable0.

    [3:53] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 236523 (119132) Kinetic Damage to Vegetable0.

    Nope.... NOT AT ALL
    Heres some moar
    [3:42] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 96582 (115341) Kinetic Damage to Vegetable0.

    [3:42] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 105068 (125475) Kinetic Damage to Vegetable0.

    This is him buffed up.... Ababtive armor at ~93%

    [3:35] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 14657 (175034) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Vegetable0.

    [3:35] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 12233 (146086) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Vegetable0.

    [3:35] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 13808 (164903) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Vegetable0.

    [3:35] [Combat (Self)] Your Mine Explosion deals 13130 (156804) Kinetic Damage(Critical) to Vegetable0.

    Still Died.

    I mean u know. This is Obviously not OP, I can instakill u thru 93% Hull Resistance right?/

    Well If you wanna complain they ARE NOT OP. Go ahead, but these numbers beg to differ. And theres no way u can say that they aren't. Why? Because those are instakills. And when they are used in pvp. It isn't Oh hey 1 guy is using 1, they get shot down. Its 5 guys are using 2 with DPB 3, with pets, so u cant even see them let alone defend urself.

    Ablative armor does nothing against tricks, only montanium, and neutronium alloys work.
    Sollaf: Join date Sep 2009, Lifer. Disgruntled with the JHSS, my Bug feels less shiny now.
  • warstriderwarstrider Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    silly question wich id like answered, when a hangar pet is on intercept, will it target other pets or mines first?

    i just dont have a hangar pet on my fed
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sollaf wrote: »
    Ablative armor does nothing against tricks, only montanium, and neutronium alloys work.

    thats because the trics "stun" disables the ablative armor.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited December 2012
    a 10% reduction in damage will change nothing in PVE

    Science characted fires Grav well and traps 6 to 8 spheres in it

    Mine launcher caption lays the tric mines

    all spheres go poof

    the boss npcs go poof as well using varations of these tactics

    2 science and 3 minlayers are..............God to a stf

    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    maicake716 wrote: »
    thats because the trics "stun" disables the ablative armor.

    I think someone confused the intrepid ability with the console...

    Of course Mai is right the sci ability would only help against the first tric.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited December 2012
    I think someone confused the intrepid ability with the console...

    Of course Mai is right the sci ability would only help against the first tric.

    Well, technically they are both consoles now.
  • broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    brandonfl wrote: »
    Who said PvPers want the PDS on NPC's?

    they just come to rant. but if they actualy read post from pvp'ers they would see we dont want this on npc because it wold hurt pve just abit. and trust me i hope pve gets hit so badly the kirk heroes will make millions of post bashing cryptic. then the pve'ers can get a tast of what we deal with.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
  • kamipoikamipoi Member Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    then maybe we can get to a point where we all agree the current trics are not going to work as is but a band aid fix will not work here it must be a well tested and working fix

    just droping their damage by 10% wont do anything as has been pointed out
    it will have to be A.separated from mine skills B.drop damage of tric mines down but leaving them still hitting harder then quantoms.
  • broken1981broken1981 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kamipoi wrote: »
    then maybe we can get to a point where we all agree the current trics are not going to work as is but a band aid fix will not work here it must be a well tested and working fix

    just droping their damage by 10% wont do anything as has been pointed out
    it will have to be A.separated from mine skills B.drop damage of tric mines down but leaving them still hitting harder then quantoms.

    no you cant take them off of mines skills. its the reason people did not use them in the first place. they need to tone the damage when used with dp. as many others said a huge issue is when 1 tric crits they all crit. just look in logs. fix that and most of the problem is solved.
    Join Date: Dec 2007Originally Posted by BROKEN1981
    I can throw [Fireworks] at you and hope you catch on fire and burn to death lol
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kamipoi wrote: »
    then maybe we can get to a point where we all agree the current trics are not going to work as is but a band aid fix will not work here it must be a well tested and working fix

    just droping their damage by 10% wont do anything as has been pointed out
    it will have to be A.separated from mine skills B.drop damage of tric mines down but leaving them still hitting harder then quantoms.

    This would make mines even worse then they were before the great mine revamp in season 6. Many of you guys obviously seem to think that going full pew-pew should be the only DPS option in this game and rage hard when another option accurs. I plead for more variety. ATM all projectile weapons (except tricobalts) are inferior to the raw damage of full dual heavy cannons/turrets - builds.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Just a little word of warning for all those that say fix crit chaining.

    Right now the same rules apply to dots... if we unlink the crit chaining. The new thing we will be complaining about will be DOT builds.

    Think about it... right now.... how easy is it to stack 5-10 plasma dots on someone? Very right... trust me the math is very very bad if the crit chaining is unlinked.

    Yes right now if a string of dots crits all of them do... however if right now you stack 10 dots on someone ... the average player has around a 50-70% chance to Have ONE sting crit... which makes for 10 out of 100 dots = crits.... if we unlink they number of crits will in fact go up with every single crit having its own math calc... I would say dot dmg will go up a good 20-40%.... and for tacs that are now able to hit 20%+ crit chances it should be honestly over the top dmg... out of dots.

    Crit linking is fine... IMO... its one weapon roll when you pattern or land a dot... and its a logical operation. If we unlink two things happen.

    1) the unexpected masssive buff to Tac Dot boats happen.... and
    2) the server is going to melt... honestly in a match where 2 people per side are running plasma boats... throw in some ewp and a few mine layers.... The server is going to have to do 20x the math... To be honest I don't see Cryptics servers handling it very well at al... it is possible Systems tells bort its a no go.

    That is why I say just change the DP Tric mine behaviour....
    1) make them so they are only one out but give them higher dmg and a 100% proc on the tric rift
    2) drop the cool down on tric mines to 20s

    This would allow people to lay around the same number of tric mines we have now... with or with out DP... so it would be in fact a buff for most people... However it would mean no more clusters of death... linking would not be an issue as the mines would be spread out.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    at least half the fun of my builds is watching someone literally melt in seconds from my EWP3 chain crits lol. thanks to the new tier5 rom active, i can decloak alpha an EWP3 with the tool tip showing just over 2k damage, before crits...
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    at least half the fun of my builds is watching someone literally melt in seconds from my EWP3 chain crits lol. thanks to the new tier5 rom active, i can decloak alpha an EWP3 with the tool tip showing just over 2k damage, before crits...

    Exactly... right now you have a 20% chance to really really hurt someone... but if the first one doesn't land you get no crits at all.... If they unlink your chance of landing 3-4 crits in a ewp chain of dmg is going to be the norm... so dmg in general will go up... with out perhaps the very painful full sting.

    The real issue will be when you throw say an omega torp and perhaps even a rom torp into the mix...

    Very quickly you could have 3-5 regular plasma torp burns on someone... +2-3 burns from the hy plasmas... + your EWP... and perhaps even 1-2 stacks from plasma energy weapons (or the console version)...

    Right now all those things get ONE roll to crit... and yes if they crit they hurt... but if they unlink they all get independent rolls every single tick. It will make full burn builds a complete nightmare... we will all go back to full borg and run 2 copies of hazards just to resist it. :)

    Not to mention we have no idea how the engine treats crit calculations on skills fired up to 15s before...

    Do buffs activated from the originator after the dot lands effect the dot tick ? (meaning I won't hit my alpha... or omegas until I have a good string of burns on a target)

    Does defense count against acc and crth / crtd when the dot is first landed or is it going to be real time ? (meaning again holding things like gravity wells / tractor beams Vms and engine disables until again we have a nice stack built up... then disable and boom crit explosion)

    The thought of cryptic changing such a fundamental part of the engine scares the heck out of me... cause really I don't see them thinking through all the implications of a change... and we will no doubt be stuck with what ever they do for a long time.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm only interested in the Crit-Chaining of Tricobalt Mines when used with Dispersal Patterns. The entire Crit system does not need a revamp, just that one small part of it.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I'm only interested in the Crit-Chaining of Tricobalt Mines when used with Dispersal Patterns. The entire Crit system does not need a revamp, just that one small part of it.

    Thats just it... if they make a system change to crit chaining it is going to effect everything...

    Gravity Well
    Tykens Rift
    Plasma Weapons
    Plasma Torps
    Tractor beams (no big deal I know)
    Tractor Beam Repulsors (I am pretty sure)

    That is why i think we should push them to change them in away that doesn't involved the possibility for crit chains to happen.

    Drop the cool down on the mines to 20s (10s global), and drop there dmg 10-40% or so... make patterns just boost dmg and enable rifts... and imo I think they are fixed... they are still the massive hit weapons... but we no longer have the first one killing your shield and the second your hull... and crit chains are no longer an issue as they are always one out... and almost never going to be grouped in clusters.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • captainf00kcaptainf00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have a simple solution to this problem, no mine dispersal under red alert period for any kind of mine. In real life, mines are placed strategically before battle as a trap or as a defensive measure to protect an asset, not during battle. If you want to use mines in PVP, litter your spawn with them. It will keep people from spawn camping you. If you want to use them in PVE, set a defensive radius around the Kang or Gateway ~11 km out. It's fun in PvE, but escorts flying at 70+ Km/s using DPB3 is silly. As it stands now, the current mine usage is a very skilless attack with a low (or no) opportunity cost. There is no arc to maintain and no expiration period on the mines. Replacing 1 turret at ~136 DPS with a mine that can chew through a hull at full shields (transphasic) or one that can chain crit around 900k - 1 mil for a DPB3 (tricobalt) is not very balanced and again, skilless.
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