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Omega T4 shield regen (Superior Shield Repair)

momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
For those who didn't know, when you reach Omega tier 4 reputation, one of your two upgrade choices is "superior shield repair". It's supposed to give you a chunk of shield regen every 6 seconds, effectively stacking with your shield's natural regeneration. But due to a bug, it's being added every second, making your shields regenerate at a fairly crazy rate. On Mirror Invasion, my entire team bailed out after they killed the Stadi, and I was tanking the 20-ish ships that were left behind without any trouble. I wasn't killing them quickly, but they weren't wiping the floor with me either. "Inevitable" and "relentless" spring to mind.

I know it's a bug. But.

I have to say that this is really the first time I've had my cruiser feel like a cruiser. That is, pinning down the center of a formation, shrugging off incoming fire, throwing heals at my allies. If my cruiser were this durable by design, I'd say "Hell yea I'm the tank! All aggro belongs to me! Do your worst puny man" and charge into hordes of enemies like the escort guys want cruiser guys to do.

Thing is, ordinarily, to have a cruiser that survives this well you have to be selfish with your heals. I'm sure there's somebody that is using the ridiculously exploitive thing where you have Reverse Polarity running all the time by using aux2batt and dark magic who is about to say "L2P noob", but that's not how the game is meant to work. Ordinarily I have to keep all my TSS and aux2sif and emergency power for my own benefit, and be rippling through all my stuff to make sure the cooldowns don't get out of sync and stuff. It's keeps me alive through a lot, but it forces me to be selfish.

But with this omega bug, now I can take a huge chunk of attention away from my own survive and focus on how my TEAM is doing, because my own survival doesn't require second by second adjustment and selfishness. In the last few missions I played on that ship, I've probably kept more team mates alive, thrown more support at allies, than I have in the last week combined. My personal DPS is still mediocre-to-terrible but my team's average survival rate has gone up a ton simply because I can be a more effective cruiser for them. I feel USEFUL. I feel like I am being adequately compensated for poor agility and poor tactical options with truly superior tankiness and healing, not the paltry +10% hull and shield strength that usually passes for cruiser durability.

So now I can look forward to this bug being fixed, and realizing that this new ship isn't actually anywhere near as durable as it felt at first, and going back to having to be twitchy to stay alive and being selfish with my heals. But it makes me sad because I really like this new gameplay of being the formation anchor and compensating for my low damage contribution with high support contribution. And it makes me wish that cruisers in general could get some kind of love toward this goal. If they choose to play this way.

Anyway. I like being uber-tank. Gonna miss it.
Post edited by momaw on


  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    momaw wrote: »
    Hell yea I'm the tank! All aggro belongs to me! Do your worst puny man!

    Heh, love this line. Yeah its definately not a fair ability, but it sure is fun.
  • thratch1thratch1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I've been finding it hilarious when I go into Fleet Actions on my Escort, and eventually die with 20 Klingon ships hammering away at me... purely from the bleed damage while sitting there with full shields.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    momaw wrote: »
    I have to say that this is really the first time I've had my cruiser feel like a cruiser. That is, pinning down the center of a formation, shrugging off incoming fire, throwing heals at my allies. If my cruiser were this durable by design, I'd say "Hell yea I'm the tank! All aggro belongs to me! Do your worst puny man" and charge into hordes of enemies like the escort guys want cruiser guys to do.

    Anyway. I like being uber-tank. Gonna miss it.

    Amen on all of what you said. Having chosen that same exact passive, it is SO nice to have all that shield regen, and truly be tanking. I know it's bugged, but pulling all the aggro and being SO hard to kill is amazing.

    I couldn't agree more on loving my cruiser ACTUALLY be a cruiser and taking the hits like it truly is meant to be.

    Even when they fix it, it'll still be so nice to have the extra free regen.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • cobalt1975cobalt1975 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    On that note, has anyone chosen the other option the "Omega Graviton Amplifier"? How is that working out as far as damage? Is it noticeable? Or is the 2.5% probability worth it when compared to a reliable regen every 6 seconds (When its fixed)? I've just reached tier 4 and am at a cross roads on which path to take as there is no turning back (that I know of) once the choice has been made.
  • thratch1thratch1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    cobalt1975 wrote: »
    On that note, has anyone chosen the other option the "Omega Graviton Amplifier"? How is that working out as far as damage? Is it noticeable? Or is the 2.5% probability worth it when compared to a reliable regen every 6 seconds (When its fixed)? I've just reached tier 4 and am at a cross roads on which path to take as there is no turning back (that I know of) once the choice has been made.

    If the only thing that's bugged is how often the shield regen ticks, and not the amount -- so it does give us about 1000 shield regen every 6 seconds -- then, even as an Escort pilot, I'd still take the shield regen.

    If they nerf the amount of shield regen too, so that it only regens 100 shield every 6 seconds instead of 1000, then I'd switch over to the weapons proc. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they did nerf the amount... it seems like an extremely powerful passive at 1000 shields per 6 seconds.
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Use my siglinks as a guide to build a proper Cruiser.

    You will feel like a real tank without the need for broken passives.

    Anyhow, the passive will still be ridiculously strong even with the bugfix.
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So what I'm getting here is I *should* take the shield heal passive?

    I was honestly leaning towards the kinetic proc, at least on my ships meant to DPS. I figured since the numbers on the shield heal looked ludicrous, they'd get nerfed hard and I'd be stuck with a useless of half-useless passive until they forced me to be five respecs for each toon that took it.

    I'm still thinking the kinetic proc is a safer bet in terms of "least likely to be nerfed into oblivion", but I'm going to hold out as long as possible before making a call.
  • hroothvitnirhroothvitnir Member Posts: 322
    edited December 2012
    Its basically like having a good cross healing team without having to worry about needing the team. Needs to be and gonna get fixed.

    That said I hope they make it an amount per second and not an amount per 6. Personal preference there. Or they may change it to resist X% damage.

    Main problem is the kinetic proc just looked like it was gonna go inconsequential amounts of damage.
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    thratch1 wrote: »
    it does give us about 1000 shield regen every 6 seconds -- then, even as an Escort pilot, I'd still take the shield regen.

    I have a sneaky suspicion that the "1000" is also a bug and it's meant to be ~250 per facing per tick, which would put it down into the general realm of shield passive regeneration.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I went with the amplifier what-sit, no idea how or if it's working because I pay no attention to the numbers. I basically chose it because my shields are fine as they are.

    I tend to charge into groups of enemies with warp plasma following me already, I don't need other tricks to keep me in one piece (hopefully I'll be even better once I replace the Breen set with something more suitable).

    Saying that, it would be nice to free up some heals for team mates.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I can agree that it would be nice to keep it the way it is, this game makes for too much click and heal click and heal that eng and sci captains don't really get the full use of their team helping abilities and have to rely more on keeping themselves alive. I mean with my eng captain and my tac I find my eng having to rely on boff heals just as much as my tac limiting me how often I can contribute my boff healing towards others considering my miracle worker skill has a cool down of 5 mins, making it a lengthy wait still having to make you dependant on boffs to heal you. Don't get me wrong I build beefy cruisers that survive even most of the worst punishment a boss can throw at it, but having to always rely on boffs and boffs alone to help you survive makes for a poor fun factor and selfish gameplay saying "woops sorry for your luck there team, but i'm still alive."

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I can agree that it would be nice to keep it the way it is, this game makes for too much click and heal click and heal that eng and sci captains don't really get the full use of their team helping abilities and have to rely more on keeping themselves alive. I mean with my eng captain and my tac I find my eng having to rely on boff heals just as much as my tac limiting me how often I can contribute my boff healing towards others considering my miracle worker skill has a cool down of 5 mins, making it a lengthy wait still having to make you dependant on boffs to heal you. Don't get me wrong I build beefy cruisers that survive even most of the worst punishment a boss can throw at it, but having to always rely on boffs and boffs alone to help you survive makes for a poor fun factor and selfish gameplay saying "woops sorry for your luck there team, but i'm still alive."

    If you're in a support cruiser I'm assuming you're using beams. Beams have much less of a penalty in terms of damage reduction at range. Use that to your advantage and stay on the edge of the fight and toss repairs around. If you're targeted withdraw slightly so you're out of the target's range, but can still toss defensive buffs on allies.

    Also, distributing shields, adjusting power settings to move to max shield power, turning your ship, using evasives, various doffs (eg hazzards, shield distros, cooldown reducers), batteries, misc p2w consoles, regular resist consoles are all ways to be defensive w/o using boff abilities you can otherwise use on allies.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
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  • lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i am on same question what to take now this +dmg, or shild, what is now the way to go how much dmg this skill gives, anyone test it out?

    and the shild buff how much it really will give, anyone from cryptic team can say now how the shild buff really will work, i will not make now wrong decision.

    there is no way back if you decide wrong right:/
  • undyingzeroundyingzero Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'd rather it give the shields a decent damage resistance, than shield heal. Most shield heals do much better than the 6 second shield regen, so I find it a bit pointless.
  • ussweatherlightussweatherlight Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'd rather it give the shields a decent damage resistance, than shield heal. Most shield heals do much better than the 6 second shield regen, so I find it a bit pointless.

    I don't know. I've found that the bugged heal makes the borg nuetralizer completely irrelavent. I get hit with it and the regen is higher than the drain, so now I don't lose my shields to it.

    It's nice, but obviously not intented.

    "Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."

    U.S.S. Weatherlight
  • eviaxeviax Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    İndeed to all.But if they r change or fix or something else to passives,they have to give us some kind of token to reset reputation passive skills.That would be nice.
  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    CRYPTIC JUST LEAVE IT ALONE EVERYONE WILL GET IT ANYWAYS SO WHATS THE PROBLEM IF EVERYONE HAS IT. But no they will nerf it to the point of uselessness like they always do for example the old tachyon drones remember when they did something?
  • momawmomaw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    CRYPTIC JUST LEAVE IT ALONE EVERYONE WILL GET IT ANYWAYS SO WHATS THE PROBLEM IF EVERYONE HAS IT. But no they will nerf it to the point of uselessness like they always do for example the old tachyon drones remember when they did something?

    Well right now you have escorts that can tank as well as a skilled and dedicated cruiser. Obviously this a problem.

    My point in starting the thread was to point out that since it's a lot easier for a *cruiser* to tank now, you have a lot more attention and abilities to spare on keeping your allies alive. This creates a much stronger sense of "role identity" for cruisers, who are normally required to be extremely selfish and self-centered in order to reach peak survivability.
  • mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    momaw wrote: »
    Well right now you have escorts that can tank as well as a skilled and dedicated cruiser. Obviously this a problem.

    Also a problem is that in PvP, a lone Cruiser can stand up to multiple escorts. It's really bad for business to have an accessible, passive PvP-breaker in-game when you've just promoted a PvP event...
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ever since Cryptic nerfed shield resists across the board back in S3, escorts have always been competatively tanky because Defense>Resists.

    Cruisers are innately slow, have poor turn rates, easily CC'able and no access to APO, except for maybe a couple of the newer C-store/Lockbox cruisers.

    I've seen Defiants, Jem Bugs and Bops easily withstand focussed fire+ SubNukes from 2 or more ships, either by zipping around in circles or just flying away and resetting buffs.
  • squishkinsquishkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Also a problem is that in PvP, a lone Cruiser can stand up to multiple escorts. It's really bad for business to have an accessible, passive PvP-breaker in-game when you've just promoted a PvP event...

    As always, PVPers QQ because they might have to change their strategy to meet a changing battlefield, and everything gets broken in some vain attempt to suit them.

    More seriously, though, I strongly dislike when Cryptic decides to fiddle around with things on Holodeck because someone didn't think them through to start with. I can understand, for example, fixing the shield repair so it ticks once every six seconds instead of once a second- like it's supposed to, and like the description says- but just deciding to nerf things just because pisses me off (much like they did with the Danube Runabout tractor beams, and if memory serves that was the PvPers QQing then too.)

    Especially when, like the Rep powers, you choose them and then you're stuck with them unless you want to pay to respec. That's ridiculous.
  • seerisowseerisow Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    so the current issue with the t4 rep passive is that it makes shields heal ungodly fast. to me that really does add that versatility on team support ive always wanted for my dedicated engi cruiser user. but it saddens me that this may actually be "nerfed" before i can get the chance to experience it. while i know there are builds/tactics out there that can also make me a great team tank/healer id much prefer this passive. it can allow me to do a healthy mix of dps/tank/heal. a true jack of all trades without excelling in a single area of focus:cool:.
  • straden0straden0 Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    We all know they will fix this bug, so I don't see why some people would whine about it down the road when they can't withstand a barrage of fire in their glass cannons.

    Also, I went with the kinetic passive, mostly because it reminded me of what antiprotons used to be able to do in this game, and because my crit chance + severity is insane. If they were to tweak it, I'd prefer they buff it up just a little bit, 11 additional kinetic isnt anything to scoff at, dont get me wrong, but it would be nice if they touched up that bonus.

    Just my 2 cents at least.
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    squishkin wrote: »
    As always, PVPers QQ because they might have to change their strategy to meet a changing battlefield, and everything gets broken in some vain attempt to suit them.

    More seriously, though, I strongly dislike when Cryptic decides to fiddle around with things on Holodeck because someone didn't think them through to start with. I can understand, for example, fixing the shield repair so it ticks once every six seconds instead of once a second- like it's supposed to, and like the description says- but just deciding to nerf things just because pisses me off (much like they did with the Danube Runabout tractor beams, and if memory serves that was the PvPers QQing then too.)

    Especially when, like the Rep powers, you choose them and then you're stuck with them unless you want to pay to respec. That's ridiculous.

    The thing is the issue of making these kind of things effective for PvE and PvP w/o being OP or useless in either format was pointed out to them before it went live:


    I also went on to suggest different feasible solutions. Further, I wasn't the only PvP poster to bring these things up. Also if you read the Dev post I quoted we didn't have any tribble time to test these things.

    Instead of blaming other players, speak to Cryptic's Mgt for allowing this.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
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  • squishkinsquishkin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    p2wsucks wrote: »

    Instead of blaming other players, speak to Cryptic's Mgt for allowing this.

    Quite frankly I'd rather they actually fix bugs than spend time trying to balance the game for PVP that nobody actually cares about.
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    squishkin wrote: »
    Quite frankly I'd rather they actually fix bugs than spend time trying to balance the game for PVP that nobody actually cares about.

    Fair enough, out of curiousity did you read the link?
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    squishkin wrote: »
    Quite frankly I'd rather they actually fix bugs than spend time trying to balance the game for PVP that nobody actually cares about.

    Well then, I'm not sure where the problem is... they are addressing a bug. I suppose if you're somebody that was enjoying exploiting that bug or somebody that just couldn't play without exploiting that bug... you might have a problem with it.

    There's very little, extremely little, attention given to balancing anything for PvP. There are plenty of things - plenty of bugs - that are brought up by the PvP community. The real question that arises from this, imo though, is why is the PvE community so quiet about them...eh?

    Oh yeah, I mentioned that in the first paragraph...
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well then, I'm not sure where the problem is... they are addressing a bug. I suppose if you're somebody that was enjoying exploiting that bug or somebody that just couldn't play without exploiting that bug... you might have a problem with it.

    There's very little, extremely little, attention given to balancing anything for PvP. There are plenty of things - plenty of bugs - that are brought up by the PvP community. The real question that arises from this, imo though, is why is the PvE community so quiet about them...eh?

    Oh yeah, I mentioned that in the first paragraph...

    I find the PvEers who complain this stuff tend not to read posts which might make them rethink their opinions on the matter. Self denial is a powerful thing.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    p2wsucks wrote: »
    I find the PvEers who complain this stuff tend not to read posts which might make them rethink their opinions on the matter. Self denial is a powerful thing.

    In the end, I'm not really sure that it's fair for it even to be a PvE vs. PvP discussion. It's a player discussion. For various things like this, there will be both PvE and PvP players that speak up about problems...and there will be those players that complain that the others were honest about the situation.

    To continue being fair, mind you - it's likely that there are oodles of PvE players that simply do not realize it. I'm not talking denial or anything like that - I'm not saying their clueless - nothing derogatory. It's simply a case they do not realize it.

    The NPCs are not going to point it out for them if they miss it.

    Players on the other hand, being on the receiving end of certain things, will definitely speak up. In a twisted sense, their the voice of the NPCs...eh?

    I still say that for such changes, as was mentioned in another thread, that NPCs should be given all the abilities that players are given...

    ...the PvE players would be more vocal about such issues. Both those that simply did not know as well as those that knew and exploited them for all they could.
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    In the end, I'm not really sure that it's fair for it even to be a PvE vs. PvP discussion. It's a player discussion. For various things like this, there will be both PvE and PvP players that speak up about problems...and there will be those players that complain that the others were honest about the situation.

    To continue being fair, mind you - it's likely that there are oodles of PvE players that simply do not realize it. I'm not talking denial or anything like that - I'm not saying their clueless - nothing derogatory. It's simply a case they do not realize it.

    The NPCs are not going to point it out for them if they miss it.

    Players on the other hand, being on the receiving end of certain things, will definitely speak up. In a twisted sense, their the voice of the NPCs...eh?

    I still say that for such changes, as was mentioned in another thread, that NPCs should be given all the abilities that players are given...

    ...the PvE players would be more vocal about such issues. Both those that simply did not know as well as those that knew and exploited them for all they could.

    I agree it shouldn't be a player vs player contention. But, there are some PvE players who blame PvP players unjustly. In more than 1 thread in more than 1 forum I've linked a forum discussion w/a Dev where a PvP player (me) identified problems w/the types of passives being introduced and gave suggestions when prompted by the Dev. But, it's not the Devs being blamed for lack of forthought and effort. It's the PvP player base.

    Further, there are players who don't understand they can play the way they want w/o using the reputation system bonuses and don't realize it. I gave a general brief synopsis here:


    I can tell by posts that followed some people don't want to believe the suggestions and discount them if they bothered to read them at all. Quite frankly I don't think the majority of people have an issue w/the passives being fixed and even toned down after that. It's the people who refuse to try and get better then blame people for taking away the OP TRIBBLE.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
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