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Omega T4 shield regen (Superior Shield Repair)



  • ashilon81ashilon81 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    mrtshead wrote: »
    There are so many things I simply don't understand about this worldview. Like, first, how is it not OBVIOUS that 1000 shield regen is just... stupid? What is the threshold here for obviousness? 2000? 10k? Seriously, the number that was listed was way op, even without the bugged timing. One of the great things about numbers is that they are easy to compare to each other, so sometimes it doesn't take extensive play-testing to see when something is well outside the power curve.

    Second, even if you don't believe in math, the idea that the power is being 'nerfed' into uselessness is either hyperbolic, or just plain absurd. Again, this passive is probably making it so your shield regen is three times what it was before. That's not nothing. It's, in fact, about 170 shield healing per second, once you factor in the 4 faces. If you are distributing shields while under fire, you will definitely notice the difference. It still may be the strongest passive power available, even with the 'nerf', which says something about how OP it was before.

    Third, the idea that somehow not having this passive as it was 'ruins the game' again seems like something a lunatic might howl between bouts of rocking and crying. See, for almost 3 years the game has run without the power, and, I mean, I dunno, didn't seem ruined. I've done every bit of content in this game without it. You all probably have too, so, how is it possible that not having the passive suddenly makes the game 'too hard', or whatever?

    Ultimately, I think if the power had gone live as it is now nobody would have thought to ask for it to be buffed, because it's strong as is. The people complaining now are basically mad that Cryptic 'took back' a bonus they never meant to give us in the first place. All apologies to the people who feel upset by this, but I think you are letting your emotions run away with you, without actually pausing to look at the issue with any kind of perspective.

    Oh well. If nothing else, let this be another cautionary tale in the annals of 'why careful in-house playtesting matters'.

    Also, for the people demanding a 'refund' of their resources, I would totally support that, as long as you lost any and all items you unlocked, all the dilithium you earned for running the projects, and access to the rep stores etc. If this is the reason you want to 'opt out' of the rep system, be my guest.

    Making a statement such as "1k is just insane or stupid or rediculous" without ANY FACTUAL DATA WHATSOEVER is literally ignorant, as in YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE SKILL CAN EVEN DO BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER TESTED NOR WAS IT LIVE IN ITS PROPER FORM, so to say that something is OP just because YOU feel that 945 TOTAL (nowhere does that skill say "each facing") is too much. You nor ANYONE else has ANY idea of this skill was DESIGNED to do. So you're saying that it's OP just because others are saying it. So your entire statement is unfounded and literally ignorant.

    And as far as you "Strongest Shield skill available" bs, you can flush that down with the rest of your opinions because this too is also unfounded. When I first selected this skill I knew it was going to be changed, I knew something was wrong, now am I going to lie and say I didnt enjoy the benefits of the bug? Hell no, I loved running into a pack of mobs in mirror event and aoe everything and walk out of it alive, yeah it was fun, but again, I and all my friends knew this would be changed. Then I learned of the bug with the sec/6sec problem and I understood that perfectly and knew they would fix that. What is OUTRAGEOUS here, is the knee jerk reaction by the developers to not even try the skill that people earned and already chose to buy, they decided to not test it for a week, they decided to remove it and call it a nerf. There is LITERALLY no difference from right now and before I chose this skill, no difference at all, even with the Borg nerf they rolled out this week I die the exact same amount of times in stfs, 1-2 with good groups, 2-4 with a bad team, no difference at all. Now explain to me how that is "Superior Shield Regeneration"????? And to cut a skill down 75% from its original value is not a "nerf", its removing a skill. Name ANY skill that YOU would consider loosing 75% of its effectiveness.....you and everyone would simply not use that skill anymore. And that is what they've done here.

    Your third paragraph is as irrelevant as you are, being I never said it ruined the game, I said it ruined that SKILL.

    So you can take your math and shove it down your throat because no amount mathematical maneuvering will explain why I spent 6 weeks, Millions of of EC, a few hundred thousand Expertise ......and received NO BENEFIT.
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited December 2012
    Assuming for a moment that the 1000 regen you received in the original version of this power was only activating every 6 seconds. That's 4000 healing total every 6 seconds because, as has been explained already, the regen value is applied to each of the four shield facings.

    By contrast, your own shield without this passive, at 125 shield power and depending on your class of ship, is going to regenerate between 800 and 1200 every 6 seconds. That's 3200-4800 healing total every 6 seconds.

    After they fixed the problem, you now receive a boost of around 250 to your innate regen rate. This is a significant boost! Applied to all 4 facings that's a total of 1000 recovered every 6 seconds, the value they intended originally.

    It was only reduced by 75% because when they released it without testing, they did so in a state that was four times better than intended. On top of that, the power that was supposed to activate every 6 seconds actually activated much more frequently.

    I just don't know how much more simply this can be explained. Your anger reflects your inability to comprehend the importance this correction brings for the improvement of this game. It wasn't a knee jerk reaction to reduce the rate, it was a correction to a bit of coding that they made a mistake when releasing.

    Your time, money, blood, sweet and tears weren't wasted. It's still a superior passive ability. Granting free respecs in situations like this would be a sign of good faith on Cryptic's part and I still hope they might. Nevertheless, the correction they made is better for the game.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • lostusthornlostusthorn Member Posts: 844
    edited December 2012
    If you don't see the benefit from the passive, you hava way more issues with the gameplay then the passive.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ANyone who's been on Tribble since the latest update can now TEST these abilities.

    You know, AFTER having already bought one of them and likely making you regret your choice.
  • mrtsheadmrtshead Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ashilon81 wrote: »
    Making a statement such as "1k is just insane or stupid or rediculous" without ANY FACTUAL DATA WHATSOEVER is literally ignorant, as in YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE SKILL CAN EVEN DO BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER TESTED NOR WAS IT LIVE IN ITS PROPER FORM, so to say that something is OP just because YOU feel that 945 TOTAL (nowhere does that skill say "each facing") is too much. You nor ANYONE else has ANY idea of this skill was DESIGNED to do. So you're saying that it's OP just because others are saying it. So your entire statement is unfounded and literally ignorant.

    1) I had the power. I used it. I saw how it worked. It was 1000 shield healing for every facing, every second. It was way, way op. Even 1000 shield healing every 6 seconds is way op, and the fact that you think it's impossible to know that shows that you are either bad at math, or bad at thinking. In any case, just because YOU didn't have any data doesn't mean that the rest of us who used the power didn't, and it certainly doesn't mean the Devs didn't. My point stands - if this number wasn't obviously over-powered, I shudder to think what it would take before you would recognize that you don't always have to do a rigorous playtest to know something is far, far outside the bounds of the rest of the game.

    I mean seriously, what did you think this passive power was meant to do? Make you invincible? Even in PVE, that's not game balance, that's just lame. You say we can't know the designed intent - I would contend that we can make some informed assertions. For starters, we can look at the other tier 4 powers, and use those as a guide. It seems likely that the intent was to make the different options a legit choice, not make one option way, way op, and the other option the newb trap. So, given the power of the other Tier 4's, I think we can say that the intent was to be a nice bonus - useful, but not something that fundamentally broke the game. 1000 regen breaks the game. Sorry.

    Oh, also, it doesn't say 'each facing' because regen is ALWAYS each facing. And, again, having used the power, I can say that is definitely how it worked/works now.

    ashilon81 wrote: »
    And as far as you "Strongest Shield skill available" bs, you can flush that down with the rest of your opinions because this too is also unfounded. When I first selected this skill I knew it was going to be changed, I knew something was wrong, now am I going to lie and say I didnt enjoy the benefits of the bug? Hell no, I loved running into a pack of mobs in mirror event and aoe everything and walk out of it alive, yeah it was fun, but again, I and all my friends knew this would be changed. Then I learned of the bug with the sec/6sec problem and I understood that perfectly and knew they would fix that. What is OUTRAGEOUS here, is the knee jerk reaction by the developers to not even try the skill that people earned and already chose to buy, they decided to not test it for a week, they decided to remove it and call it a nerf.

    Didn't say it was the best shield power, I said it was still the best passive, and I am flat right about that. You may disagree, but understand that it is like disagreeing with quantum physics. Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean it's not true. Also, for the umpteenth time - the power was NOT removed, it was brought back into balance.

    This is exactly like when MACO shields were reducing all incoming damage TO 10% instead of BY 10%, and some clowns actually got up in arms about how the fix made the shields 'useless', when in point of fact they are still the best in the game, it's just that now there's MAYBE a reason to run others depending on your build. Here, the passive is still the best, but now at least it's not completely stupid to pick the offensive proc if it fits in your build. At 1000 regen there is absolutely no contest - the only people that would pick the offensive proc are people that don't understand the game, or who are deliberately handicapping themselves for RP reasons.
    ashilon81 wrote: »
    There is LITERALLY no difference from right now and before I chose this skill, no difference at all, even with the Borg nerf they rolled out this week I die the exact same amount of times in stfs, 1-2 with good groups, 2-4 with a bad team, no difference at all. Now explain to me how that is "Superior Shield Regeneration"????? And to cut a skill down 75% from its original value is not a "nerf", its removing a skill. Name ANY skill that YOU would consider loosing 75% of its effectiveness.....you and everyone would simply not use that skill anymore. And that is what they've done here.

    Here we get to the crux of the issue - your play experience. See, here's the thing - I definitely notice a difference between having the power and not. In fact, strangely, I barely notice the difference between where it was before the fix and where it is now, except in PVP, where it no longer takes 3 people and a lucky Tric mine crit to kill me (and trust me, I'm not that good). In PVE, the only things that have killed me since the fix are the things that one-shot you through full shields and hull anyway, because while my shields do sometimes dip a bit now, they basically never, ever, drop. As an added bonus, the extra shield regen means I replaced a shield heal from my boff powers for another copy of HE, so now the nerfed borg plasma is even less of an issue, and I can even help heal others more.

    This means that the problem here must necessarily be with your play style or build. Now, I'm not hear to tell you how to play, or anything like that, but since you are stuck with the passive, I'd suggest taking a look at some of the guides on tanking around the forums - you may learn something that you've been overlooking in terms of keeping yourself alive.
    ashilon81 wrote: »
    Your third paragraph is as irrelevant as you are, being I never said it ruined the game, I said it ruined that SKILL.

    You're right, and I apologize. You did not say that the game was ruined for you, you just used a lot of CAPS to indicate that you were mildly put out about a needed balance change, as well as asserting an opinion about the fix that doesn't hold up under scrutiny. I should not have muddied the water by attempting to preempt an argument that wasn't there, since there was enough 'wrong' in your post already to deal with.
    ashilon81 wrote: »
    So you can take your math and shove it down your throat because no amount mathematical maneuvering will explain why I spent 6 weeks, Millions of of EC, a few hundred thousand Expertise ......and received NO BENEFIT.

    I'm sorry you feel that way, and like I said, as long as you are willing to give up any/all items you unlocked, all the dilithium you earned from the level up process, any store access you may have unlocked, and all the other passives you earned along the way, I would absolutely be in favor of you getting a 'refund' for your EC and oh-so-important expertise, since clearly there is 'NO BENEFIT' to a power that at least doubles your innate shield regen, and clearly that means you wouldn't have even bothered with the whole rep system in the first place.

    If, on the other hand, you are demanding that you get a respec/resource refund AND you get to keep everything, because the power (one you admitted you knew was broken when you picked it) got fixed to be 'merely' great instead of godlike, well...
  • kitsune1977kitsune1977 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ok I have noticed that the listing was 1050 shield /6s before but now it is listing 12.7 /6. is it just me or is that nerfed into complete oblivion?

    Could anyone help shed some light on this issue and why does it keep bouncing between those 2 values?
    Delta Rising: The fall of PvP.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The tooltip stats changes depending if you are looking at it from the ground or from space.

    But aside from that, I do think the power might've been cut too much. I understand the previous version was a bit too much, but now I think it's reduced to the point it really has no function.
  • kitsune1977kitsune1977 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ok checked it from space, it says 262.5 now. they reduced it by 75%

    For something that takes so long to get it surprises me that they reduce it to a skill that you can't even notice any more. Why did they just not fix the 1 sec proc bug and leave it at 1050?

    They always nerf into oblivion. Is it possible for them to actually reduce it a little bit and try it out? Just seems to be a recurring theme with them.

    1. Make cool set / power / console / ship / what ever.

    2. Players that have it think it is awesome.

    3. Players that don't have it whine on forums calling it over powered.

    4. Gets nerfed to uselessness / oblivion / pointlessness.

    5. People complain.

    6. Gets reset to original values.

    7. Other people complain again.

    8. Gets nerfed to oblivion again.

    Try the middle ground people. You do it for the NPCs why not the players?
    Delta Rising: The fall of PvP.
  • thratch1thratch1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm surprised they didn't give everyone a free chance to change the T4 power when they nerfed it.

    Well, no, not surprised I guess. I pretty much figured they wouldn't, actually... but they should have, and I can think of other MMO devs that wouldn't possibly consider not giving players a chance to change it.

    Of course, I can also think of other devs that wouldn't have released such a crucial ability bugged, or at least wouldn't have waited to fix it until after most people already had reached T4.
  • stevanstormcloakstevanstormcloak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well to be fair the ability before was bugged, where it went about 1050/1sec as it was bugged and was going off every sec, now instead of fixing the problem and seeing how it went, they not only fixed it to a 6 sec time, but also dropped it by about 75% in healing str, so this was a bit overboard.

    I do wish they would have just fixed the bug and gave it a chance on tribble for some testing before they reduced they heal amount, and yes I know it did go on tribble before it went live, but when it did it was already on the notes that the build was going to live in 2 days, so they really didnt care what was found out with testing, it was going in its now current form no matter what testing of it said.

    I would still pick it as I use a shield regen build and it still helps out, but I do feel like the rug was pulled out from under me a bit, as I picked that just hours before the change was announced as I was unaware that it was even bugged, and had no idea that a change was on the verge of being announced.

    And on a side note lol, I had picked the sensor placate power the day before that so with the 12 sec cool down that was added, I got a double nerf :( yay for me....
  • avarseiravarseir Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Now that this skill has been nerfed to oblivion, can we have a name change for the skill from "Superior" Shield Repair to:

    1. "Some" Shield Repair
    2. "Small" Shield Repair
    3. "Slight" Shield Repair
    4. "Skimpy" Shield Repair
    5. "Subpar" Shield Repair - Courtesy of hypl
    6. Etc

    As it is now, its rather misleading consumers you know :)
  • vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Actually, I think it's a shield decrease now. My shields are doing worse with it than they were without it.
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    OP is totally right...
  • spacepenguin121spacepenguin121 Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So bonus passive shield regen that is larger than base shield regen is somehow not a superior shield repair in your world. :rolleyes:

    All I hear in these posts is crying about an obviusly broken Iwin botton being taking away. As a passive it still very good.
    TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
    Svarog | Veles | et al.
  • avarseiravarseir Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So bonus passive shield regen that is larger than base shield regen is somehow not a superior shield repair in your world. :rolleyes:

    All I hear in these posts is crying about an obviusly broken Iwin botton being taking away. As a passive it still very good.

    Hmm I didn't say it was bad or anything. I'm saying that its misleading because its not exactly "superior". Its average now vs it was before (I'm referring to 1050/6sec one, not the 1050/1sec bug, which i agree should be fixed.. I mean I was tanking borg cubes in a shuttle!).

    Deserves a name change to prevent confusion :)
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    So bonus passive shield regen that is larger than base shield regen is somehow not a superior shield repair in your world. :rolleyes:

    All I hear in these posts is crying about an obviusly broken Iwin botton being taking away. As a passive it still very good.

    Ok.. so you somehow believe that (in my case: 14k shield) 1.9% every 6 sec is superior?
    Well I don't
  • buckgodotbuckgodot Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Nope.. its broken somehow... not sure what they did but my shields are worse off then when I didn't have the the new rep powers.

    I have a fully decked out Vesta with 2 shield heals, tactical team, two hull heals, and 3 shared hull/shield heals, and I can't stay alive... hull and shields seem to be dropping like mad.

    Fix this.. I'll play again when you do. As it is right now, its unbearable.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The sad part is a lot of people are STILL unaware that the original passive was broken, proccing every 1 second instead of 6. THAT was overpowered for sure.

    We will never know with absolute certainty whether the originally intended passive was really overpowered or not, because we never had it in the first place.

    For now, let's name it Subpar Shield Repair. :P
  • goltzhargoltzhar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    hypl wrote: »
    We will never know with absolute certainty whether the originally intended passive was really overpowered or not

    That is true, but what I wonder is how there is possible to make several colossal mistakes.

    Wrong description:
    1: Rumor said that it should have been 250/6 sec
    2: It said 1000/6 sec
    3: It was 1000 every second.

    How the H*** could this make it all the way from drawing board to probably several instances to tribble and then LIVE on holodeck without anyone noticing.. Unbelievable.

    This tells me that there is to many people messing around with a singel project/thing.
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    When I checked Omega Superior Shield Repair last night, its value had dropped to 12.6 bonus shields regen per second. I knew it had gotten nerfed, but not to the point of utter-uselessness lol.
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited December 2012
    If you look at the regen rate on whatever shield you choose, then look at the regen you get from this passive, it is indeed a superior rate from whatever your base might be. You can't look at the numbers as separate because they are meant to be combined, making a truly superior regen rate. It is always active (barring your shield system being disabled).

    You can't look at the value of regen on the ground because it gives you the wrong numbers. If yours isn't a three digit number then you need to beam up and look again in space.

    As for how such a significant mistake could be allowed to go live, one needs only look at the long bumpy history Cryptic has with this very problem. I'm not trying to bash them as it won't solve anything. However, whether its an issue of resources, priorities, or something else all together it all comes down to a systemic problem with their quality assurance team. They don't test things very well (if at all) and even when you can test it on tribble (which wasn't possible in this case until it was too late) often times these things slip through.

    Some recent examples include reports that people on tribble were gaining additional bridge officer slots due to an unintended error regarding shuttles (and other stuff). MACO shields had an unintended interaction with Shield Distribution Officers that meant received shield healing and resistance that far, far exceeded even this most recent mistake. For a long while it was even possible to equip shields in different slots and when that got fixed you could actually stack shields in the same slot (basically) by just double clicking a spare shield in your inventory. The list goes on and on but there is not shortage of examples of errors making it through.

    The Omega and Romulan Rep passives seem designed to compliment one another. In that regard I'm convinced someone copied and pasted some coding, or maybe there was a template issue. I don't know that's what happened but I think it's a decent theory. It should have been caught but it wasn't and that is unfortunate.

    This is why respecs should be cheaper and also offered with each patch. If they aren't going to up their testing standards they should at least make good with their player base, in my opinion. Even though in this case, the correction is more reasonable even though it is not as flashy and broken.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    shar487a wrote: »
    When I checked Omega Superior Shield Repair last night, its value had dropped to 12.6 bonus shields regen per second. I knew it had gotten nerfed, but not to the point of utter-uselessness lol.

    Were you on the ground when you looked? I'd bet money that you were.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • shadowx0xshadowx0x Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Dear devs,

    Am very disappointed in Cryptic nerfing this passive ability to completely noting, the reason being. It has been nerf so badly that it isn't any use completely at all. When I was deciding on choosing the ability, the whole reason I chose this was because I saw the status. But now that its being nerf almost to noting, I would have chosen the other ability which now I can't, because its lock to only choosing 1 ability of each tier. How can your team change something like this after players have already selected it, its basically cheating the player in not getting what he earn towards. Its not only me with the complain, take a look at the community on the forums. Many players are very upset with it. Please take into consideration on this matter and do something about it as soon as possible.
  • maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    oh so... that FREE... EXTRA shield regen it gives you is totally worthless?

    ithought thats what passives were, they were abilities that ENHANCED not REPLACED abilites in the game?

    i dont know why people thing something that was broken and mislabeled getting fixed and labeled properly is the end of the world?

    its still a highly useful ability that is FREE (not in term of cost but in terms of you can have it AND all your other powers) to have and use. its not even a "set it and forget it" ability, its a "ill always be here and on" ability...


    i do however think that cryptic does need to start handing out more free respecs because of their errors and typos.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
  • romuzariiromuzarii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    stevehale wrote: »
    If you look at the regen rate on whatever shield you choose, then look at the regen you get from this passive, it is indeed a superior rate from whatever your base might be. You can't look at the numbers as separate because they are meant to be combined, making a truly superior regen rate. It is always active (barring your shield system being disabled).
    This is called rationalizing. The omega rep system is an alternative advancement system. It is separate from everything else. It also costs money to go through it. I didn't go through 4 tiers of omega rep to pick a useless T4 passive in comparison to it's 750 kin proc counterpart.

    This just shows why you should have pve and pvp servers, or it teaches you the values of separating the two by disabling certain skills and abilties when entering pvp so that pve doesn't have to suffer with no progression and always being held back because of something breaking pvp gameplay. Pve and pvp don't mix and never will. It's been the biggest headache ever for MMOs. Cryptic knew exactly what they were giving us for months with this shield repair, a balanced choice vs a damage proc, and they listened to a handful of people rather than the majority of PVPers who said the original stat was acceptable. Said handful of players have PVP interests to protect. Period. They already win at PVP and of course they think 262 shield regen every 6 seconds is acceptable and balanced. In the meantime they'll be snickering and choosing the kinetic proc for their T4 passive. God forbid a 1k regen that doesn't scale, they'll have to autofire a dozen more shots every escort vs escort match up. Ooooh geeez the horrors.

    PVP is so well balanced now without this 1k shield repair every 6 seconds. Career cruisers are doomed now without it because they're definitely not invincible or anything in pvp.
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    romuzarii wrote: »
    This is called rationalizing. The omega rep system is an alternative advancement system. It is separate from everything else. It also costs money to go through it. I didn't go through 4 tiers of omega rep to pick a useless T4 passive in comparison to it's 750 kin proc counterpart.

    This just shows why you should have pve and pvp servers, or it teaches you the values of separating the two by disabling certain skills and abilties when entering pvp so that pve doesn't have to suffer with no progression and always being held back because of something breaking pvp gameplay. Pve and pvp don't mix and never will. It's been the biggest headache ever for MMOs. Cryptic knew exactly what they were giving us for months with this shield repair, a balanced choice vs a damage proc, and they listened to a handful of people rather than the majority of PVPers who said the original stat was acceptable. Said handful of players have PVP interests to protect. Period. They already win at PVP and of course they think 262 shield regen every 6 seconds is acceptable and balanced. In the meantime they'll be snickering and choosing the kinetic proc for their T4 passive. God forbid a 1k regen that doesn't scale, they'll have to autofire a dozen more shots every escort vs escort match up. Ooooh geeez the horrors.

    PVP is so well balanced now without this 1k shield repair every 6 seconds. Career cruisers are doomed now without it because they're definitely not invincible or anything in pvp.

    Actually, his post attempted to explain some of the mechanics involved and overall context of the Romulan pasive shield regen boost as well as how to observe it. Others (including myself) have done this repeatedly in multiple posts and threads.

    People who willfully remain ignorant on the matter are the ones who are rationalizing. They complain about the regen rep and don't include the native regen and how that works including but not limited to the ship's power level's impact on the native regen. I've not seen 1 complainer post a value of the passive in system space at max shield power with and then w/o the passive boost. I've not seen one complainer compare various ship type bonuses w/the passive regen at max shields. I've not seen one complainer compare various shield type bonuses w/the passive regen at max shield levels.

    The complainers don't mention recent additions of the Fleet shield's defensive bonuses. They don't mention the Reputation Sci console options for another passive shield rep. They don't mention the many fleet ships' w/enhanced shield modifiers. There is no context.

    It is the complainers who remain willfully ignorant no matter how many times and ways the mechanics are explained to them. It is the complainers who are quick to resort to insults to other players and or Devs (rather than lay the blame at Mgt's feet). It is the complainers who confuse effort with "work" in a game designed for fun and entertainment.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited December 2012
    A little bit of grinding, the most significant part of which is the lengthy time gate, does not justify the existence of mechanics that are detrimental to the game. Nor does that grind entitle anyone to said mechanics. Cryptic should make an effort to compensate the players who were mislead by mistakes on their part. Failing that, it's far more important that they continue to make corrections like this and any other adjustments in the interest of better game play.

    While I enjoy the grand conspiracy angle, I don't suppose it's worth denying since some folk are resistant to reason. I will simply say that it would be interesting to see feedback if Cryptic gave NPCs the broken version of the Omega Tier 4 Passive.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • rs2965rs2965 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    maicake716 wrote: »
    oh so... that FREE... EXTRA shield regen it gives you is totally worthless?

    ithought thats what passives were, they were abilities that ENHANCED not REPLACED abilites in the game?

    i dont know why people thing something that was broken and mislabeled getting fixed and labeled properly is the end of the world?

    its still a highly useful ability that is FREE (not in term of cost but in terms of you can have it AND all your other powers) to have and use. its not even a "set it and forget it" ability, its a "ill always be here and on" ability...


    i do however think that cryptic does need to start handing out more free respecs because of their errors and typos.

    Yup...I don't think these passive skills were ever meant to be anything more than marginally useful but, I do agree that there should be some means of respec with these skills since this is bound not to be the first time that one is adjusted. Free would be nice but, I'll take any means of doing so that is not a blatant money grab.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    p2wsucks wrote: »
    Actually, his post attempted to explain some of the mechanics involved and overall context of the Romulan pasive shield regen boost as well as how to observe it. Others (including myself) have done this repeatedly in multiple posts and threads.

    People who willfully remain ignorant on the matter are the ones who are rationalizing. They complain about the regen rep and don't include the native regen and how that works including but not limited to the ship's power level's impact on the native regen. I've not seen 1 complainer post a value of the passive in system space at max shield power with and then w/o the passive boost. I've not seen one complainer compare various ship type bonuses w/the passive regen at max shields. I've not seen one complainer compare various shield type bonuses w/the passive regen at max shield levels.

    The complainers don't mention recent additions of the Fleet shield's defensive bonuses. They don't mention the Reputation Sci console options for another passive shield rep. They don't mention the many fleet ships' w/enhanced shield modifiers. There is no context.

    It is the complainers who remain willfully ignorant no matter how many times and ways the mechanics are explained to them. It is the complainers who are quick to resort to insults to other players and or Devs (rather than lay the blame at Mgt's feet). It is the complainers who confuse effort with "work" in a game designed for fun and entertainment.

    There is only one problem with what you're asking. You cannot actually see your shield regen in your status window if you have the passive. That was one of the first things I noticed after this last patch. I open my status window in system space, I go to the defense tab, and I look under shield regen, and I see no value. So these "complainers" you are commenting about, cannot do as you ask. Sorry to disappoint, but we have as few facts to back up our claims as you do to attack them.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I just realized that all the threads commenting on the nerf of the passive got merged with threads that were just talking about the passive.

    WHAT GIVES??? The two are completely different things!!!
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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