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You guys are going to love this - Removed B'tran dilthium



  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is probably about the fact that paired with Strange New Worlds, and letting these missions sit in your log for a day before completing them, you can do the B'Tran and SNW missions twice in about half an hour, once every two days, for 5760 Dilithium. Masquerading as a magnanimous act, as now Feds need no longer feel compelled to fly aaaaall the way to B'Tran for the SNW daily, any cluster will do, or some other activity, whichever they prefer.

    But it's a valid point, the KDF has its overlap missions as well, such as the kill counters. They could remove those, but I'm generally not about dragging others down with me. The obvious alternative would be to add similar dailies to the Federation side. And maybe just (if this is about removing dilithium, and let's face it, it probably is) up the killcounts required for mission completion on these things.

    Either way, this isn't going to make me play my KDF alts any more.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    scififan78 wrote: »
    With them making Dilithium harder to come by, I hope they reduce or remove the dilithium costs on the Fleet System too. 200k for cosmetics.........ummm no.

    What he said.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    For every Dlithium nerfed mission that is one less that I will play.

    Not sure what they are trying to do, but this will be the result.
  • kurtzroykurtzroy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    kathornn wrote: »
    I can pay $25 for a ship, if its a full equip Borg Cube, with borg officers and all...

    If thats the case, i can give you the money lol...

    With Cryptics/PWE pricing that Cube would cost you $2,500.

    STO just might push me back into Final Fantasy 11 lol.
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Do you remember the famous Battlestar Galactica scene where Adama and Caine square off? ... I beginning to see a different take on it.

    Players: DStahl has not given us the dilithium resources that he promised he would, and has sentenced existing methods to death.

    [Players to DStahl] You told us we'd have ways to get more. What kind of chance do we possibly have now?

    DStahl: I assure you I heard you out. I weighed your statements against those of the Devs and I took into consideration your game play records and commendations. It was a difficult decision Captain, but I dare say it was a fair one.

    Players: We have the right to have their case heard by a jury!

    DStahl: I am a flag officer on detached service during a time of war. Regulations give me broad authority in this matter.

    Players: [among themselves] Launch the fighters.

    [to DStahl]

    Players: You can quote me whatever regulation you'd like. I'm not going to let you execute my dilithium reserves!

    DStahl: I highly suggest you reconsider that statement, Captain.

    BranFlakes: Admiral, players launching Vipers and Raptors.

    DStahl: Captains, why are you launching Vipers?

    Players: Please arrange for dilithium procurement methods to be put back they way they were as soon as Season 7 arrives.

    DStahl: I don't take orders from you!

    Players: Call it whatever you like. We're getting our dilithium.

    DStahl: You are making *such* a mistake!

    Players: We're getting our dilithium!

    [hangs up]

    DStahl: Action stations.

    [Alarm sounds]

    Branflakes: Admiral, this will spiral out of control fast.

    DStahl: Launch the alert vipers. The Players have taken us over the line. They've left me with no choice. Launch the alert vipers.

    And the point of it all in a message to the devs .... "this will spiral out of control fast."
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sirusvoxx wrote: »
    To all those who considered the "quick click" foundry missions an explolit, wasn't the B-Tran mission an exploit as well, since you could complete it and the Explore Strange New Worlds mission at the same time to get 2880 dil from only exploring 3 systems?

    There are better ways to fix the exploit than flat out removing the dilithium reward - like removing the Explore B'Tran Cluster mission so you can't finish "Explore Strange New Worlds" and "Chart the B'Tran Cluster" simultaneously.
  • velktravelktra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sirusvoxx wrote: »
    To all those who considered the "quick click" foundry missions an explolit, wasn't the B-Tran mission an exploit as well, since you could complete it and the Explore Strange New Worlds mission at the same time to get 2880 dil from only exploring 3 systems?

    If doing B'tran and Explore Strange New Worlds simultaneously is an exploit, so is doing both of the arena PvP dailies simultaneously when they're both available. If they're going to kill the ability of PvE players to acquire dilithium, it's only fair to do it to PvPers too, but there's been no sign of that happening.

    There are better ways to handle it, like removing the otherwise useless "Explore the B'tran Cluser" daily, which only gives experience and skill points. Or setting it so you can only accept either "Chart" or "Explore" and not both at the same time.
    Demons run when a good man goes to war.
  • tjexcimer500tjexcimer500 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    First they took the clickies away, and only a few complained...
    Then they took the B'Tran away, and only a few complained...

    I notice a trend.

    Thanks Levi3 for making us aware of this. Even if we disagree on the clickies (which I was using to help my small fleet get its starbase projects completed - not to hoard/sell dilithium). Well after hearing about the clickies, I thought - ok guess I'll do B'Tran more often...they beat me to that punch. Now, I'm just thinking about forgetting this altogether. My guild/fleet was already considering switching to GW for a while, guess that's exactly what we'll be doing now.

    Season 7: Shaka, when the walls fell.
    There are Four Lights... say no to ARC
    Fleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
  • trenttylertrenttyler Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    While this sucks, can anyone say they are truly surprised?

    When we have a dev response to some changes that stated "Not open to discussion"?

    When we have been told out and out lies time and again?

    This is a trend that has been ongoing since closed BETA, so dont be surprised by anything, and for sure never everr believe a Cryptic Dev about anything as far as content and ability to make such and such through in game means............

    It is truly sad, this IP deserves so much more than Cryptic/PWE
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Craig Zinkievich linked this on his Twitter


    LOL Craig not realizing STO is one of the greedy MMOs that chew you up and spit you out if you arent a true Trekkie at heart. He thinks STO is the good guy in that article? Keep drinking your own KoolAid Craig.

    Having said that, I think STO has made it too easy to play the game for free, so I begrudgingly understand the dilithium squeeze. You all want to get free zen off the wallets of guys like me. Dilithium has way too much purchasing power right now, and I havnt put Zen into the system for months. Last I did it I got 320+ dil per Zen and Ive been sitting on 300k dil for months. It will get used up now with S7 looks like.

    STO has burned through the suckers after ripping them on Lockboxes. Too many good games out now, and freepers milking zen off the rich, Cryptic has to reduce dilithium availability because they can see their supply of rich whales is decreasing. They killed all their big whales too soon.

    Now the way for them to make money is get real money per player for their Zen, and reduce the super freeloaders. If they want to survive, they have no choice but to start making money more honestly and straightforward with less deception of lockboxes. They think they cant live without lockboxes. I say unto them, you will burn through Americas supply of whales faster when you lockbox them to death. They have no strategy to spread their income over the long run. They are totally living off the IP name right now.

    The way to play this game is as I do. Silver account, buy the occasional ship (Ive only bought two $25 and only one mega ship pack $50 for the Vesta line. Ive bought a few vanity items here and there and thats it. I refuse to let the game play me for my wallet and time. Being a frugal STO player/ buyer is the only way to go now. Im using my buying habits to force them into making regular things I want to buy at fair prices non lockbox prices. I had another thread showing them how. I could turn STO around without zero EP experience just buy going for an honest pricing model that doesnt chew you up and spit you out in 3 months or less. But if they want to live by the quick greed they can die a quicker death. The US is NOT China. I dont doubt they are trying to kill STO because thry are realizing STO is too American and the Chinese sucker model wont work here.
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,910 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Well, play KDF then! It is, by the way, also a fun game experience. ;)

    I wonder if this is there way to get people to play KDF more.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • lordthrudlordthrud Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    And the point of it all in a message to the devs .... "this will spiral out of control fast.

    Nicely put genhauk.

    The spiralling has reached critical levels already and maybe the tipping point for player versus IP loyalty has already been reached.

    This may bruise some ego's but hey ho it needs saying again.

    Sorry to break it too you all at cryptic/PWE it is loyalty to the IP that's got you so far.
    While i will be the first to admit I do like a lot of what you have done game and mission wise but with out the love of the IP.

    STO will be venting atmosphere with a large chunk of your player base grabbing an escape pod destined for another galaxy far far away.

    Or putting underwear over spandex tights and kicking doctor dooms butt.

    This is no bull but a lot and I do mean a lot of people I talk to in game have lost the love the way things are going.

    It beggars belief as there is a lot to like in S7 missions are fun and look great in the main.

    Then they nerf the dil increase the grind of the game beyond enjoyment and think its all going to be fine.

    I really hope someone there stops singing the lalalala,lalalala,lalalala,lalalala song and actually looks at what's going on and takes steps to plug the damage before its too late for STO.
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    I'm not so much angry and disappointed about this as I am just humored at the baffling stupidity behind this change. Honestly, I'd rather just point and laugh and Cryptic at this point rather than spew venom.

  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Words cannot express how much I hate you and your campaign levi3. :P

    Ok in all seriousness, I do not have the time nor the inclination to spend 30 minutes to an hour on someone's foundry mission so I can get the MINIMUM dil I need to still gain enjoyment of this game. Asking for or praising PWE for removing such conveniences only hurts YOU in the end as the players that will be left are not the players that may love this game the most.

    This will just serve to be yet one more coffin in making me play this game less and less to the point of just uninstalling. TOR is calling me....
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012

    STO has burned through the suckers after ripping them on Lockboxes. Too many good games out now, and freepers milking zen off the rich, Cryptic has to reduce dilithium availability because they can see their supply of rich whales is decreasing. They killed all their big whales too soon.

    Now the way for them to make money is get real $ for their Zen, not freeloaders. If they want to survive, they have no choice but to start making money more honestly and straightforward with less deception of lockboxes. They think they cant live without lockboxes. I say unto them, you will burn through Americas supply of whales faster when you lockbox them to death. They have no strategy to spread their income over the long run. They are totally living off the IP name right now.

    THIS. So much THIS. I was thinking the same thing on the way to work.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    This is what I can do on my KDF toons:

    Pi Canis Sortie Alpha
    Pi Canis Sortie Brovo
    Good luck charms
    Good day to die - space
    Ship killer - Starfleet
    Captain Killer - Klingon
    Most Dangerous Ground - space
    Turret Killer
    Claiming Enemy Emergency reserves

    Plus a few other PvP

    The great news is that 4 of those can be done at the same time in Ker'rat

    Hopefully they leave the KDF with such a huge advantage over the Feds as far as getting dilthium - the KDF will be getting even more of the new powerfull gear even faster!:eek:
  • bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lianthelia wrote: »
    I wonder if this is there way to get people to play KDF more.

    I was thinking the same thing. It is such a lazy way to get people to play the KDF though... it is pretty much forcing people to play as KDF, it would be better to have people want to play as the KDF for their own reasons, not because it is the only way a fed player can gain a little extra dilithium.
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
  • joker8mejoker8me Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I have 4 mains, Fed- Tac/Sci/Eng and Kling- Tac. All of my 16 alts are Klings and there is an easy way to circumvent the removal of the 1440 officer reports quickie mission.

    In fact, the time difference is pretty much a wash since anybody using Klingon alts at the Academy is usually doing DOFF related chores that are going to be gone with S7.

    If Cryptic's intent was to slow down players/power farmers from generating dilithium quickly then this update is not going to accomplish much except create an even bigger gap between hard-core & casual players.
  • bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I think the other funny side effect will be just how low the cost of zen for some dil will go. You just burned so much of the farming that was injecting the dil into the system with the report nerf, along with casuals, and the B'tran thing while at the same time removing more of it from the game with the rep grind along with the current fleet grind.

    80 dil for zen in about 2 months at this rate. Good for me as I'm already geared up but bad for the true casual and cryptic's pocketbook I would wager.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    genhauk wrote: »
    Do you remember the famous Battlestar Galactica scene where Adama and Caine square off? ... I beginning to see a different take on it.

    Players: DStahl has not given us the dilithium resources that he promised he would, and has sentenced existing methods to death.

    [Players to DStahl] You told us we'd have ways to get more. What kind of chance do we possibly have now?

    DStahl: I assure you I heard you out. I weighed your statements against those of the Devs and I took into consideration your game play records and commendations. It was a difficult decision Captain, but I dare say it was a fair one.

    Players: We have the right to have their case heard by a jury!

    DStahl: I am a flag officer on detached service during a time of war. Regulations give me broad authority in this matter.

    Players: [among themselves] Launch the fighters.

    [to DStahl]

    Players: You can quote me whatever regulation you'd like. I'm not going to let you execute my dilithium reserves!

    DStahl: I highly suggest you reconsider that statement, Captain.

    BranFlakes: Admiral, players launching Vipers and Raptors.

    DStahl: Captains, why are you launching Vipers?

    Players: Please arrange for dilithium procurement methods to be put back they way they were as soon as Season 7 arrives.

    DStahl: I don't take orders from you!

    Players: Call it whatever you like. We're getting our dilithium.

    DStahl: You are making *such* a mistake!

    Players: We're getting our dilithium!

    [hangs up]

    DStahl: Action stations.

    [Alarm sounds]

    Branflakes: Admiral, this will spiral out of control fast.

    DStahl: Launch the alert vipers. The Players have taken us over the line. They've left me with no choice. Launch the alert vipers.

    And the point of it all in a message to the devs .... "this will spiral out of control fast."

    Holy cow. I just love the creativity on this forum. :D
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    atomictiki wrote: »
    I think the only appropriate response to this is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyZ7Aod0Yq8

    Sorry for all the quotes, but so many redirects and quotes in this thread are awesome. Love memes! :eek:
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    lnblade wrote: »
    Yeah, obviously players can earn too much dilithium in one day. It's not like there's an arbitrary cap on the amount that can be refined per day, say 8000. And it's not like every single means of earning dilithium has some sort of cool down timer ranging anywhere from one hour to twenty. And it's not like it would take days to save up for the stuff that's for sale in the dilithium store. Nope, far too easy for players to earn a lot of dilithium and dump it all into making their ships better and having fun and buying stuff from the Z-store and-and-and-and-

    *post cut short due to sarcasm overload*

    Thank You. You're awesome. :cool:

    /NOT sarcasm
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    joker8me wrote: »
    I have 4 mains, Fed- Tac/Sci/Eng and Kling- Tac. All of my 16 alts are Klings and there is an easy way to circumvent the removal of the 1440 officer reports quickie mission.

    In fact, the time difference is pretty much a wash since anybody using Klingon alts at the Academy is usually doing DOFF related chores that are going to be gone with S7.

    If Cryptic's intent was to slow down players/power farmers from generating dilithium quickly then this update is not going to accomplish much except create an even bigger gap between hard-core & casual players.

    Why do you think there have been 1000's of players rolling KDF toons since S6 launched - it is so much easier to exploit the systems in place on the KDF side. You are right - after this more and more will be flooding the KDF with it's MASSIVE dilthium grinding advantage -

    But this is BAD NEWS for the KDF as it will be filled with more players that don't care about the KDF - Cryptic will look at the raw numbers and say "Hey KDF pop has gone up 25% - but KDF purchases have gone no-where - so I guess KDF is a bust - no use spending more money there.

    This Is long-term BAD news for the KDF
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    meehee wrote: »
    The point is to kill STO ;)

    They can't just kill the game outright... no, no that could hurt their PR for Neverwinter, so what they are doing is slowly hurting the fun aspects of the game to drive people away from the game so that the diminished playerbase won't cause much of a noise when the games servers are re-purposed for the launch of neverwinter.

    Think about it, since F2P just about everything has had some sort of cash shop aspect attached to it, then there's the mass C-store ships, the constant spamming of the lockboxes, the insane costs of fleet starbases designed to suck dilithium from players, the sale with lifetime accounts... over the past year the game has been a constant cash grab with very minimal money put back into the game for development. I reckon the profits they are pulling in have reached their peak and now since neverwinter is just around the corner they are starting to tighten the reins on the game to drive people away.

    If you think like a corporate money mongering deviant my theory makes a lot of sense. :D

    I thought that myself one crazy evening, but the CBS lawsuits alone makes this financially unfeasible as a strategy.
  • theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jexsamx wrote: »
    "There's a guy who likes to be hands-on with his work, and actively continues his education!"

    ...what can I say? The kid's an optimist.

    Hey guy,

    Regarding your signature, I get your Galaxy X comment with regards to it being a recruiting reward. I would not mind it still having a played time or smaller recruitment requirement still attached to it for a lower cost of dil to buy it, so that all players can "earn" it as you say.
  • doubleohninedoubleohnine Member Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    bareel wrote: »
    I think the other funny side effect will be just how low the cost of zen for some dil will go. You just burned so much of the farming that was injecting the dil into the system with the report nerf, along with casuals, and the B'tran thing while at the same time removing more of it from the game with the rep grind along with the current fleet grind.

    80 dil for zen in about 2 months at this rate. Good for me as I'm already geared up but bad for the true casual and cryptic's pocketbook I would wager.

    Wait what? No! I want the market back in the Zen sellers favor, where it belongs. Ok, so if Dil becomes more scarce, it will demand more Zen. But I as a player refuse to sell zen into the economy even now at current rates, let alone if it drops worse. If players are thinking like me, Im only buying zen with my cash and only buying Z store items straight up. Ive never been tempted by lockboxes. So if Dil is scarce, but Zen sellers stand their ground, more players have to buy their goods themselves and rely less on the dil/ zen economy to play this game.

    As someone willing to plug cash into a game, the economy should always be in our favor. I wont sell more zen till it is.
    STO: @AGNT009 Since Dec 2010
    Capt. Will Conquest of the U.S.S. Crusader
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Wait what? No! I want the market back in the Zen sellers favor, where it belongs. Ok, so if Dil becomes more scarce, it will demand more Zen. But I as a player refuse to sell zen into the economy even now at current rates, let alone if it drops worse. If players are thinking like me, Im only buying zen with my cash and only buying Z store items straight up. Ive never been tempted by lockboxes. So if Dil is scarce, but Zen sellers stand their ground, more players have to buy their goods themselves and rely less on the dil/ zen economy to play this game.

    As someone willing to plug cash into a game, the economy should always be in our favor. I wont sell more zen till it is.

    I have watched stock markets for over 20 years - although the US market is now more manipulated than it ever has been in history by the Ferderal Reserve Bank(which is a private bank - they just fool you into thinking its controlled by the US gov't)- you still get some Volitility.

    Before S6 the dilthium market was extremely volitile - moving some time as much as 10 points in a day without there being a major release that people wanted to buy with ZEN

    Now for 4 months is has stayed within a point or 2 of the 156-158 range - there is only ONE way that can happen - Cryptic is keeping it stable to encourage people to still buy Zen to trade for dilthium.

    Of Course this is all my opinion and speculation - but it is their market - their currency - they can do anything they want with it.

    If Dilthium does not drop to at least 100 per zen come S7 there is only 1 conclusion that any economist/market strategest/ anyone with knowledge of how markets work - would conclude - the price is being supported by Cryptic.

    So I would not worry too much about the price plummeting come S7 - i don't think Cryptic will allow it to happen and kill ZEN sales to convert.
  • docroadie69docroadie69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    daveyny wrote: »
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes

    Sorry about that... got carried away...

    It's amazing how the 'forum police' are quick to cover our eyes in fear that we'll be scarred for life. But not a response regarding why they made this Btran change knowing when they did it it would cause an uproar.

    It's not like one day this week you guys said "Yeah, lets Nerf the VA Btran from giving Dilithium".. This decision was probably made months ago but now you gently ease it in the middle of the patch notes hoping nobody would notice or be too upset.

    I guess it could have been worse. You could have forgotten to tell us--like you forgot to tell us about the DOFF dilithium Price Gouging for S7.
  • levi3levi3 Member Posts: 1,663 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    It's amazing how the 'forum police' are quick to cover our eyes in fear that we'll be scarred for life. But not a response regarding why they made this Btran change knowing when they did it it would cause an uproar.

    It's not like one day this week you guys said "Yeah, lets Nerf the VA Btran from giving Dilithium".. This decision was probably made months ago but now you gently ease it in the middle of the patch notes hoping nobody would notice or be too upset.

    I guess it could have been worse. You could have forgotten to tell us--like you forgot to tell us about the DOFF dilithium Price Gouging for S7.

    In that particular case Brandon - whose job it is to enforce violations of forum rules - only removed a post that was involing terms and words + suggestions of those words(adult themes) which are not allowed on the forums - he was not removing a opinion as to the new changes. So don't go accusing him of being some kind of "thought police".
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    What exactly used to take place in B'tran ?

    And about the slavers I have yet to see them pull any dil. and they going to have to score 30,000 dil / 2000 dil per turn-in x 5 contrabands = 75 contrabands, assuming you get 1 contraband per 2 missions that's 150 missions before you even start making a profit, not exactly heavy duty in-come there is it :rolleyes:

    Lastly they openly said they want us playing fleet missions so it makes sense more and more stuff is getting cut, less is more ! :D


    ps yes I have the advanced ones
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