Ok the officer report clickies gone - that ones good - up next B'tran removed.
Heck time to roll more KDF - they now have 3 dilthium missions to the Fed 1 - plus all the contraband and can run advanced orion slaver fighter pets which collect contraband as they go - good to be a KDF - sucks to be Fed.
We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.
- Updated the Embassy System:
- Updated the description of the Diplomacy Tier 2 Unlock.
- The Inter-Fleet Shuttle project now properly unlocks at Tier 2 Embassy.
- All Embassy Tier Unlocks have had their descriptions updated.
- Romulan Reputation Ability Points now have an icon.
- Corrected a typo in Romulan Plasma Torpedo project.
- Removed references to "Adapted Omega" from the Omega system Tier 5 Tier-Up Unlock description.
- There is no Adapted Omega, only MACO and Honor Guard.
- Resolved an issue that caused all Foundry missions to display as unqualified for the Investigate Officer Reports daily mission.
- Added menu options to access your ship and shuttle interiors individually.
- The Dilithium reward has been removed from the Chart the B'Tran Cluster, Vice Admiral - Daily, mission.
- All Embassy and Reputation item rewards should now be Bind on Pickup, with a few, very rare exceptions.
- The Epohh research Duty Officer mission now correctly rewards 3 Epohh research on critical success.
- Existing Reman datalogs have been converted into Romulan Marks.
- The conversion rate is 5 marks to 1 datalog.
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
But now from an explore? really? Sorry... but WTH
So MK XII Borg weaponry gear gone, all fleet and reputation system weapons cost dilithium... purple drops moved to Fleet Actions (may the best DPS win (sorry Sci and Eng... roll a tac)).
This is ridiculous.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
It would make this so much more simple - death by 1000 cuts is worse I suppose.
Now I can just go chill and explore in any star cluster!
Aren't you thankful?
/sarcasm off
I'm getting so tired arguing with Cryptic. No explanation, no chance to discuss, and even if we do it's likely we're not listened to. Dil sources are less, dil rewards are less, dil grind missions are more numerous, dil costs are higher.
I guess they feel this is all justified since they removed dil costs from rep. At least I thank you for that.
I really wonder what goes through their minds when they make these decisions. Are they doing this to spite us because we made a big stink about dil sinks and they removed it from the new rep system? "We'll give it to them here but don't worry we'll TRIBBLE them back over there."
In business we say that impression is everything. I started with a very high and hopeful impression of Cryptic but it seems like every other day this gets eroded away. :mad:
You mean you have not heard what's coming next? Oh dear!:eek:
...Yeah, I'm feeling the rage on this one.
For romulan marks you can fly all over the new romulan sector block without even beaming down to New Romulus. Maybe they're thinking about doing something similiar for the Borg in B'Tran?
Well according to reported sources they are going live with season 7 in less than 4 days - that would be something you would see already if it was planned.
Honestly this smacks of poor planning. If it is, as I suspect, because they never intended for us to complete Explore Strange New Worlds and Chart the B'Tran Cluster (Vice Admiral) Daily with a single run through they should have found some way to make us run Explore the B'Tran Cluster separate from Chart the B'Tran Cluster or just removed Explore the B'Tran Cluster because it's completing the Explore mission that nets you the completion of the Explore Strange New Worlds wrapper.
(I just don't enjoy them, I feel that at times, that I'm more of a detriment than a help to the team)
And I really suc at PvP...
(an unpleasant experience..., doesn't come close to describing just how I felt, the few times that I tried it)
B'Tran VA + Strange New Worlds was a nice alternative Dilithium source for folks like me...
I feel like I'm being squeezed outta the game cause I don't run-with-the-pack.
New Romulas is interesting, I just hope it doesn't become boring too quickly...
They add more things to the game..., but I seem very often, to find less things I like to do.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
But what about the 3 or 4 KDF missions that overlap? - heck you could even probably find a way to overlap 5 of the KDF dailies + the Pi Canis sorties
Oh Boy I see an Epic Fed side tantrum coming if they don't nerf the KDF side as well.
I wish that instead of removing rewards they'd find a different way to stop players from doubling up by doing "Explore" and "Chart" at the same time...
Why nerf the KDF side? If this is a move to get more people to jump over to the KDF once a day then so be it. I'f they're not going to give us any new content then they shouldnt really nerf anything.
I am serious if they don't remove some of the KDF mission - which are now 3 to 1 - the Fed side fury is going to be so bad - the best STO battles will be right here on the forums - that is until many of the casual Fed players walk out the door feeling bitter toward the KDF and Cryptic.
Going to need front row seats for this one.
And They have a severe plan to curtail it's acquisition.
I just hope They don't curtail our expectation that the game is worth playing, at the same time.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
The Federation are crybabies.
Your damn straight they better nerf the KDF hard - or I'm going to walk - I'm not going to roll up a KDF toon just to get all the extra dailies they have now - only if there were real content there - I won't waste time on that promise. This will get ugly!
What makes it worse is that these changes are predictable, what does that mean for you devs? That you have built a reputation for delivering the exact opposite of what is your mandate. I don't know how those at Cryptic sleep at night, one trip to the forums and you can quite quickly formulate a correlative idea that you are disappointing your customers time and time again. This is just the latest dagger in the back. Season 7 had promise, I was willing to forgive the relentless grind that Season 6 ensued but it is now past the point of being a business model trying to sustain itself, it is now a game entirely conducive to making you guys money wherever you can. The audacity to make these changes (even if this is reversed) after months of lock-box mania is galling.
Your collective incompetence is a greater achievement than your butchery of the Star Trek IP. Keep up the good work, at least I'll be ignorant to your erroneous decisions. I feel sorry for the good people I've met in STO that will have to endure your inexorable idiocy.
Valdus | Charn | Costello | Typhus | Thyran
Your sense of what's fun to observe is quite twisted...
Watching a game I like to play, possibly go down in flames due to questionable decisions, is not what most folks would consider enjoyable.
I too, occasionally find amusing, reading some of the over-the-top discussions/posts around here...
But reading banter about which captain is better or which faction is more powerful, is a far cry from post upon post of folks rage-quitting enmasse...
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I've played roughly half the Fleet Actions and unless you've got a full team of 20 players most of them suck, never mind how they drag on forever. Trying to PuG those is going to be a nightmare and trying to get together a full group is going to be a massive undertaking...and by all indications those will be the only way to get Dilithium by the end of the year.
*post cut short due to sarcasm overload*
We're all users of the game, it isn't Federation vs. Klingon. What affects one faction will at some point be mirrored for the other. Besides, the KDF can hardly talk about not moaning can they? It's practically their raison d'etre.
Valdus | Charn | Costello | Typhus | Thyran
Now that there's no real way to know which que is worth bothering with...
It may become even more of an impossible nightmare..
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Well I don't know about nerfing them "hard" - but I do predict an epic fit and possible mass rage quits by some Feds casually sitting on the fence as to whether to stay - if they don't cut out some of the KDF dailies as well.
The KDF don't have a lot of content - but most Fed players won't see it that way and will just be outraged that they get nerfed and not the KDF - so yeah it could get messy.
The federation has more ships, more mission content and generally receives more love from the Cryptic/PWE, the KDF has sweet **** all.
[EDIT] Also I know a fair few people who refuse to take advantage of the free KDF character slot they get, those people are stupid.