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Most hated Star Trek character



  • dipshitforumnamedipshitforumname Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TOS: Ben Finney.

    You know, that loser who tried to set Kirk up for killing him. I'm not sure which was worse: The acting or the script. "Except for Finney and his one mistake.... I was a good officer!" Ugh.

    Second choice goes to anyone who ever wore a red shirt but was not killed (excluding Scotty and Uhura).

    TNG: Dr. Pulaski.

    Seriously, what is her problem?! You know why the conflict between McCoy and Spock worked so well? Because it was mutual. But in this case, it was basically just Pulaski being a racist ***** toward Data. Instead of responding with in-kind insults like Spock would, Data merely expressed confusion and almost came across like a puppy that was just scratched by a really mean cat.

    Then of course there was her old-time farmer's wisdom. Worst quote of season 2 actually goes to Data: "As Doctor Pulaski would at this junction no doubt remind us, life is rarely fair."

    Instead of making the season finale a flashback episode (oh and btw, WTF on that?!), they should have had the crew of the Enterprise revisit Vegra II, the planet where Tasha Yar was killed. Maybe Pulaski, being the tough-as-nails doctor that she is, decided to take a shuttle down there because Armus really needed a good talking-to.

    Armus then replies, "Wow, you're an even bigger ******* than me, and I'm the embodiment of all that is evil!" He then kills her and absorbs her body, greatly adding to his evil powers. The Enterprise barely manages to escape while the newly-merged Armus is busy trying to decide whether to henceforth refer to Data as "Data" (mispronunciation) or "Tin Man."

    On the holodeck, a ghostly image of Pulaski appears and tells everyone what she thinks is wrong with them. That is, everyone except Data, whom she doesn't even acknowledge. Picard then whispers, "Va te faire foutre, Katherine" (look it up) and everyone leaves.

    That would've been a far more fitting end for that character.

    Side Note: I seem to be one of the only people who actually liked Wesley to some small extent. He was a good-natured boy genius that everyone thinks is annoying for no apparent reason; in other words, someone I can really relate to. That said, he was a total prick in Journey's End. When his father appeared in that vision, he should've smacked the little TRIBBLE upside the head and told him to mind his manners.

    I also thought Troi was awesome (and hot). And, of course, Data is the best Trek character of all time! So there.

    DS9: Ezri Dax.

    I actually liked Jadzia. Sure, she could be annoying and pretentious. And she clearly had awful taste in men. But she was smart and knew how to have a good time. She didn't take herself too seriously, which I thought was pretty awesome.

    But Berman decided to be a prick when contract negotiations were up and fired her. Then he brought in Ezri, the pathologically insecure psychiatrist whose job on the Defiant bridge was to sit at one of the science stations and, well, that's about it. If she had appeared on Voyager as Barkley's soul mate, that would have been a much better fit.

    Oh and the second actress who played Quark's mother: WORST - CASTING - DECISION - EVER! Well, not really. But it was pretty bad.

    VOY: 7 x 9

    Bad acting. Horribly written character. She got the job because she was Braga's girlfriend at the time. And because she has nice TRIBBLE.

    She got less annoying later in the series, but then got super-annoying again in the finale. Seriously, WTF was up with that last-minute love affair between her and Chakotay?! Made absolutely no sense and seemed really, REALLY forced. They should've paired her up with Dr. Baldie and Chakotay with Captain Katherine Hepburn.

    ENT: T'Pol (Seasons 3 & 4)

    At the beginning of the series, her character was very interesting and believable. The lotion scene in the series premiere notwithstanding, she didn't strike me as eye candy or a ratings ploy.

    Then the producers decided to give her emotions. That scene at the beginning of season 4 when she almost broke down sobbing as she said, "Germany.... has launched.... a successful invasion of the United States" really did it for me.

    No, I take that back. That scene in season 3 where she started crying was what did it for me.

    Side Note: I watched the last episode once and never again. It pissed me off almost as much as Nemesis. Those idiots killed Trek.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Mine lawds! The Necro is pulsating with this one!

    InB4Lockages. :P
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TOS: Greek Gods that would show up

    TNG: Troi- All those romance episodes ticked me off a tad but not as much as #1 Wesley Crusher...

    DS9: Ezri Dax

    Voy: Kes Kes and Kes. Then Janeway a bit later on. I actually liked 7 of 9
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Am not gonna include characters you *are* supposed to hate. If an actor can make you hate him/her, he/she is that good!

    TOS Cast: No one actually! (my fav is Chekov!)

    TNG Cast: Deana Troi (my fav is Picard.. he HAD authority)

    DS9 Cast: Jadzia "High & Mighty" Dax (fav is Quark)

    VOY Cast: Harry "whine-boy" Kim (EMH is my fav here)

    ENT Cast: That guy at the helm.. don't remember his name. (fav's Shran)

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Wesley hands down
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • varoolvarool Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ENT: T'Pol (Seasons 3 & 4)

    At the beginning of the series, her character was very interesting and believable. The lotion scene in the series premiere notwithstanding, she didn't strike me as eye candy or a ratings ploy.

    Then the producers decided to give her emotions. That scene at the beginning of season 4 when she almost broke down sobbing as she said, "Germany.... has launched.... a successful invasion of the United States" really did it for me.

    No, I take that back. That scene in season 3 where she started crying was what did it for me.

    Side Note: I watched the last episode once and never again. It pissed me off almost as much as Nemesis. Those idiots killed Trek.

    T'Pol mind was abused a while ago that left her unable to fully control her emotions due to a neurological imbalance from that attack, she already had emotions during most of season 2 as well, even then it was precariously controlled. When she came into contact with Trellium-D, it had an unexpected side effect like drugs do to humans, she regularly injected herself with this metal compound, as a result it made things worse because she wanted to find out more about emotions she had during season 2 and ended up damaging her body. I actually found the acting quite plausible because vulcan's do not know how to handle these emotions, like the outburst when Archer heads out to Azati Prime to stop the superweapon, T'Pol looses her self control over the whole thing.

    my most unliked character has to be Natasha Yar, she carried so much emotional baggage around that it controlled her more then she can control it. she was always acting before thinking. terrible traits for a security officer which could of lead to disaster if Picard was not around.
  • stealthednlstealthednl Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I really hated Lt. Barclay a.k.a broccoli ;P Something just annoyed me whenever he showed up. Kes is second in line, I just didn't like her somehow. Was very glad when seven of nine showed up.
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I hated Tuvok for the whole first season. It's like startrek has to have a token vulcan first officer all of a sudden.

    Token Vulcan first officer, um I hate to say but in 5 shows only 2 had a Vulcan first officer, and that's only of I'm right that t'pol was first officer on that show?

    Tuvok was not voyagers first officer he was head of security.
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Bah, even Will Wheaton hated Wesley Crusher.

    Really, of is he just saying that so he can fit in with us a bit better lol
    Without thinking twice: Naomi Wildman !!!

    Haha if she looked then how she dose now then I think most guys would disagree lol
  • dipshitforumnamedipshitforumname Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    varool wrote: »
    T'Pol mind was abused a while ago that left her unable to fully control her emotions due to a neurological imbalance from that attack, she already had emotions during most of season 2 as well, even then it was precariously controlled. When she came into contact with Trellium-D, it had an unexpected side effect like drugs do to humans, she regularly injected herself with this metal compound, as a result it made things worse because she wanted to find out more about emotions she had during season 2 and ended up damaging her body. I actually found the acting quite plausible because vulcan's do not know how to handle these emotions, like the outburst when Archer heads out to Azati Prime to stop the superweapon, T'Pol looses her self control over the whole thing.

    Yeah I know that's the excuse they used, but they really just wanted to have an emotional Vulcan. All Vulcans have emotions and some suppress them better than others. T'Pol could've gradually "loosened-up" over the course of the series due to prolongued exposure to humans; kinda like what happened to Sovol. That would've been believable and would've allowed the character to evolve organically. Instead, they went with, "She decided to snort some magic rocks that transformed her into Aunt Flo."
  • f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    varool wrote: »
    my most unliked character has to be Natasha Yar, she carried so much emotional baggage around that it controlled her more then she can control it. she was always acting before thinking. terrible traits for a security officer which could of lead to disaster if Picard was not around.

    Most of the characters were poorly developed in the first season, if she had stuck around, I think she would have gotten a lot better as the series improved. There was definitely potential there. I think she just seemed so out of place because her background was the polar opposite of what we were used to with the rest of the crew.

    Now, Pulaski, she was pretty much a female clone of McCoy, but my least favorite character would probably have to be Naomi Wildman. Not only does she age like 8 years in the six years she is on the show, but she's inconsistant, it's like they couldn't decide how mature she should act. That whole episode with Flotter really bugged me because up to that point she acted pretty mature for her age, and then suddenly she's a bawling toddler again.
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Jar Jar Bi ..... oh, wait, sorry, knee-jerk reaction.
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    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • catcherintheskycatcherinthesky Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Pretty hot topic.

    I didn't read through every response but there are two types of character hate in my view... the GOOD hate because of their adversarial role in the story (ie: Darth Vader/ Q) and the bad, those that are so utterly devoid of purpose or so poorly acted that you keep a bucket chairside for when they walk into a scene.

    Mine are:

    TOS...no one comes to mind as unbearable...maybe Chekhov if I HAD to pick one.

    TNG... Crusher and her spawn, Wesley. Diana Troy.

    DS9... Odo and Bashir

    Voyager... easier to say who I didn't despise... Tuvok, The Doctor, that serial killer Betazoid guy and Seven, to look at if nothing else.

    Enterprise... haven't seen much of them but feel safe saying I can't stand Archer or the Vulcan chick.
  • varoolvarool Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    if you are asking for specific characters i hated to each series?

    TNG - Natasha Yar - previously mentioned.
    TOS - Talosian leader - the idea they were confused about human mating rituals and torturing a man to understand why, one of my least liked characters, at least this leader somewhat redeemed himself by helping out later on.
    VOY - Janeway - She jumps from one side to the other, one moment really calm collected and rational, the next bending the prime directive to chase down an enemy and if something stands in her way she ends up destroying it rather then wondering around it. quite heavy handed and reckless for a federation captain at times.
    ENT - Hoshi Sato - Tended to complain one too many times too much for my liking. not really a positive influence on the ship like Trip or Archer or even T'Pol at times.
    DS9 - Weyoun - Always buzzing about, you kill his clone and another one comes out the woodwork.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Grand Nagus Zek. I don't know what aspect of him I hate more: the screechy nails-on-chalkboard voice, or the withered gremlin face.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • gornman47gornman47 Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I gotta go with useless here because I HATE Kai Winn but I loved what the character and thought she was was the real nemesis of the show over Dukat.
    So this is my most useless list by series:

    TOS: Chekov- Reason was apparantly he was the Tac/Security officer and well he did nothing on the show that portrayed that. He was a useless character that was re-deemed in the movies more as a likable character and for comedy relief but was still useless.

    TNG: Pulaski/ Tasha Yar: These two are tied for being annoying and not doing their jobs and being whiny and just plain stupid. Good testament to the show getting rid of Pulaski and thank god even Denise Crosby thought the character lacked depth or we would have been stuck with her for 7 seasons (I'd hate to live in that alternate reality).

    DS9: Kira: This was a hard choice for uselessness because in the end DS9 had a big cast with great characters that you could see grow throughout the series and not really stagnate. The reason I found Kira useless was that she wasn't a very good first officer, Jadzia and Worf filled that role more than she did and the fact that she was the token Bajoran got really boring really quick. IMO she was only badass in the last story-arch in the last season and that was it.

    VOY: Neelix: Almost goes without saying that he was the Jar-jar binks of Star Trek. Even on the show in numerous episodes they were trying to find him something to do. This character could have been less annoying and been badass but they went the family friendly route and well there's not much else to say.
    There are of course others that annoyed me and ones I hated, Janeway I hate, Kes I hate. There were other useless characters too but i think they were blind sided and shoved to the side when Star Trek: Voyager became Star Trek: Seven of Nine. Tuvok was most notably amongst the characters that got ruined by this.

    ENT: I definitly have chracters here that annoyed me and weren't devoloped much and it's hard to find a chracter that was most useless because I beleive that all the chracters had there usefulness although it seemed really forced at times. I'm gonna have to go with Travis Mayweather, because mostly he was a underdevolped chracter and all he really did was fly the ship and never really got to show off as the "best stick and rudder" pilot there is. He none of the traits of a flyboy and was a little down to earth homebody type that wasn't even born on earth. The close second here was Reed only for being annoying, his usfulness was getting better especially with the Section 31 stuff. Would like to have see this series to the end. (I am aware of the novels and I love the way they fixed and ended the series).

    Anyways thats my list, some were hard to pick and some were waaaay to easy to pick. here's hoping a new Star Trek looks at the past and makes characters that are useful and not annoying!
    Q: [quoting Hartley] "Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays..."
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    DS9: Jadzia Dax, Worf.
    Voyager: Easyer to say those who was good: Janeway, Tuvok, The Doctor, Nelix.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Admiral Quinn lol
  • rachelj88rachelj88 Member Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Love Voyager... hate Tom Paris... felt like he needed to be locked up for the entire 7 series!

    Favorite Voyager Character The Doctor... EMH... ECH... CMO... Robert Picardo! take a bow!

    Favorite Star Trek Character of all Time... Spock... Leonard Nimoy \\//

    *End Of Transmission*
  • quiscustodietquiscustodiet Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2012
    Neelix, Wesley, Neelix, Tom Paris, Neelix, Sisko, Neelix, all the bajorans with the possible exception of Ro Laren, Neelix, the prophets, Neelix, B'elana, Neelix.
  • captwinters1701captwinters1701 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Per Show

    TOS/TAS: none
    TNG: Dr. Pulaski (Annoyed me to no end)
    DS9: Dr. Bashir (could never tell if he was human or a founder, even after he'd been "rescued")
    VOY: Neelix (no explanation required)
    ENT: Any vulcan but T'pol

    For those who dislike Kai Winn, it probably needs to be said (or repeating if already stated) that Louise Fletcher played her admirably. She was supposed to be a sanctimonious overbearing ummm Witch, so to say you didn't like her is possibly missing the entire point of her in the show. that's my 2 Federation Credits
  • frankierayefrankieraye Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have a love/hate relationship with Deanna Troi.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My list, no special order, i hate them all the same. :D
    Kirk (just a arrogant and egocentric, jerk)
    JANEWAY (a self-righteous maniac)
    Chakotay (such a Wimp)
    Most bajorans, except Leeta of course (terrorism is NOT a alternative, ever. Just my personal opinion)
    Deanna and Lwaxana Troi
    Dr. Pulaski
    B'Elanna Torres (i hate such agressive women)
    Kira Nerrys (completely antipathetic to me, if she would have vanished after season 1 i wouldn't have noticed it.)
    Ezri Dax (they replaced a nice and sympathic women with a whining child?)
    7 of 9 (just to look good is not enough, i don't like her very much even so)
    EDWARD JELLICO (i really HATE him)
    Adm. Alynna Nechayev (i HATE her even more)
    Gul Madred (i wish at some point picard or someone else could have had the chance to take revenge, why do guys like him always get away with what they do?)
    Adm. Norah Satie (i deeply hate such self-righteous people like her)
    Lieutenant Valeris
    Kai Winn Adami

    Trek Characters i like:
    (in no special order)
    Jean-Luc Picard (althrough he was a bit too intellectual and to little down-to-earth especially in the first season)
    Will Riker
    Jadziha Dax
    Mc Coy
    Adm. Maxwell Forrest (one of the few sane Star Trek admirals)
    Julian Bashir
    The O'Brien Family
    The Doctor
    General Martok (my Favourite Klingon)
    Dr. Phlox
    Charles Tucker III (letting him die in the last episode was just a kick in the N**s for the fans)
    Montgomery Scott
    Captain Willard Decker (i felt sorry for him when Kirk grabbed command of his ship, the Enterprise. And no one was on his side)
    Saavik (portrayed by the early Kirstie Alley, very cute :))
    Lieutenant Selar

    Trek Characters i really do NOT care about
    Reginald Barclay
    Wesley Crusher
    Hikaru Sulu
    Pavel Chekov
    Tom Paris
    Tasha Yar (althrough she has a beautyful voice)
    Dr. Soran (just a obsessed man, not really someone to hate.)

    My lists refer only to Star Trek Characters NOT to the actors.

    EDIT: i forgot Tuvok

    Live long and prosper.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • bloctoadbloctoad Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TOS: There's no one I really dislike from this series.

    TNG: Wesley, obviously. And Data, yes, Data. There I said it. Data was the new attempt at Spock. Well we need a character who is absurdly logical and doesn't get any of the jokes. He can't be Vulcan and he can't be Human....Android! That's the ticket. Data was a pest. Or maybe I just don't like Brent Spiner

    DS9: Several options here. Kira was relatively useless in that Worf generally did her job. Jadzia can easily be viewed as a Mary Jane but she was the seventh or so host for her symbiote. She had a little too much brawn to go with the brains though. The most annoying was Sisko only for the direction the writers took him with the whole Bajoran Jesus concept.

    VOY: Neelix, obviously. But also Harry Kim. He spent seven years as an Ensign. When he finally complained about it, Janeway all but told him his work sucks. And finally, Janeway. Was the staff dancing around that much with the posterboards of her lines or did she really have massive eye seizures in every..single..close-up shot?

    ENT: I was unable to watch much of this show as even the thought of doing so cause horrific brain pains, nausea, and mental anguish.

    But as captwinters1701 said, we were supposed to dislike Kai Winn just as we were Captain Jelico. Ronny Cox played that perfectly much he did in Cohaagen in Total Recall and later as Senator Kinsey in Stargate SG-1. Damn you Ronny Cox!
    Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content."
    Al Rivera hates Klingons
    Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
    All cloaks should be canon.
  • rhazedurilerhazedurile Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    TOS: No one. Do not question The Founders.

    TNG: Alexander. He was written poorly and TNG was already overflowing with Klingon drama. Wesley, but not because of Wil Wheaton. It was the writing. He was made into an annoying brat and the only good writing I saw was Final Mission. After that went off, I shouted, "Where was that the last several episodes?!" Pulaski, because one does not act like Dr. McCoy unless one is Dr. McCoy.

    DS9: Jake Sisko, aka Wesley Crusher 2.0, because it worked so well the first time. Rom, because he was the idiot brother who somehow became leader of the Ferrengi and got the hot chick.

    Voyager: Janeway. She needed serious professional help. The random decisions that were in counter to previously established behavior, endangering the ship and crew to get coffee from a nebulae (space starbucks)...seriously Kate, that's some bad caffeine addiction you've got there.

    Enterprise: Hoshi. She was useless and an Uhura ripoff. Her only good part was the mirror universe arc.

    If I had to pick one...



    *fiddles with envelope*


    Janeway, because none of the other characters were so absolutely spastic and psychotic.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Yeah of the main captains I like Janeway least. Her quasi-mystical explanation of temporal mechanics made me wanna puke.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ericsonxxericsonxx Member Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I always would have liked to see the Kahless clone show up again in TNG or even DS9. Literally, the most old-school OG Klingon there could be in attitude barring Worf, just out for honorable battle and legit glory, no tricks, no deception, just stand up "I'll fight you till one of us is dead and we'll both be remembered!"
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I especially like:
    Leonard McCoy
    Jean Luc Picard
    Katherine Pulaski
    Ro Laren
    Miles O'Brien
    Dax (both)
    Seven of Nine
    Trip Tucker

    I especially dislike:
    Deanna Troi
    Beverly Crusher
    William Riker
    Kira Nerys
    Jake Sisko
    John Archer
  • hydaspeshydaspes Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    4) Lt. Tasha Yar - The most incompotent security officer to walk the decks of a Starship (of course again, the writing staff was to blame - wrote her more like some random comm officer who carries a phaser ;)).

    I am really surprised it took 22 posts in this thread before her name was mentioned!

    Seeing her in these TNG episodes was like sitting in the bath with your baby brother, and then suddenly seeing a TRIBBLE floating to the surface. Every episode she starred in. Any episode where she was cast in prominently was just completely ruined for me. Bad writing? Maybe. Bad acting? I wouldn't call it acting. She was just walking around like an anally retentive giraffe. Maybe that was written for her, I don't know.

    But I do feel the TNG staff got that too. It's not often one of the central cast is killed off in a Star Trek series.

    I apologize for this unbalanced comment....but when Tasha Yar is mentioned....it just gets me.
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