Did you check the Perfect World login option? You have to make that switch. It's right over the input fields.
I got that wrong a couple of times myself, and, fun fact, still do: if you've got your client set up to remember your username... it'll keep going back to remembering your old Cryptic handle when you log out and back in to switch characters. No matter what you do. Very streamlined, that. Just to remind us of our place in this arrangement, I guess.
Yup, used my new info, my old info, both perfect world and Cryptic.
I even used my account name and forum name.
Won't recognize. Good to see my lts working :mad:
Join Legends Memorial, a chat channel to share stories about the legends of Trek who are no longer with us.
BranFlakes, I have a request: Unbind this Skill Point Pack. I claimed the Linking reward on one of my best characters, and he has no trouble getting BO points. I DO, however, have an Alt I'm leveling that DOES need it (and can't get it). Is there another way to make sure it isn't tradeable? Or, at least ACCOUNT bind it. >.> First I go through all the hassle of making and linking accounts, THEN I nearly have a heart attack because it looks like my sub and CP were erased (confirmed untrue, but thanks for the WARNING), and now the (limited) in-game rewards are either TRIBBLE (Shield and Aux batteries and a TET dual heavy cannons with crappy mods, as if it wasn't TRIBBLE to begin with by simply being Tetryon) or worthless to the guy that has them (a VA That runs dailies CONSTANTLY). It's bad enough that all this is happening, but this is just salt in the wound.
BranFlakes, I have a request: Unbind this Skill Point Pack. I claimed the Linking reward on one of my best characters, and he has no trouble getting BO points. I DO, however, have an Alt I'm leveling that DOES need it (and can't get it). Is there another way to make sure it isn't tradeable? Or, at least ACCOUNT bind it. >.> First I go through all the hassle of making and linking accounts, THEN I nearly have a heart attack because it looks like my sub and CP were erased (confirmed untrue, but thanks for the WARNING), and now the (limited) in-game rewards are either TRIBBLE (Shield and Aux batteries and a TET dual heavy cannons with crappy mods, as if it wasn't TRIBBLE to begin with by simply being Tetryon) or worthless to the guy that has them (a VA That runs dailies CONSTANTLY). It's bad enough that all this is happening, but this is just salt in the wound.
Unfortunately, there is no way to do this. We've added this to the FAQ.
Brandon =/\=
Complete and utter bull****. You force this this change on us, give us ****ty gifts, don't tell us it's going to happen, don't put up instructions until its too late for a lot of people, then all you have to say is "sorry"!?
Who do I talk to to tell how unhappy a lot of the player base is at this?
You guys must learn something about PWE. They dont care about their players. Look how they treat the staple of the company (PWI)
"Packs" came out for the 1st year anni and all the players thought cool this is a neat little thing for a celebration. Players posted a well over 250+ page thread complaining about these packs after they showed up again and again. Now packs are all over PWI.
Sadly PWE only sees money They dont see any loyal people. They dont care how long u played this game. Unless u charge u have no voice to this company. So no offense to all of you but the raging will not do a single thing, cause if they treat the game that the company is named after players like TRIBBLE...they will treat u the same
I want to why my Characters dont count for anything on the PWE website. I have 2 VA levels and a Captain Alt. but according to the PWE website I dont have a single character in the game....
I want to why my Characters dont count for anything on the PWE website. I have 2 VA levels and a Captain Alt. but according to the PWE website I dont have a single character in the game....
I think the thing actually preventing people from buying stuff is the week old account requirement... since all of our accounts are only 1 day old (never mind the fact that my linked Cryptic account is, and properly shows as, much older than that).
I sent a ticket in to fix the i need to have a character at over ten and up, and told them i had 12 VA's.... they fixed it right up fast was not long problem solve.
I'm still looking for a big reason why people are mad, besides the poor excuses of ...oww i joined in 2009...big whoop. I feel sorry for branflakes today, he has to deal with children who are being trained to get off the bottle.
Unfortunately, there is no way to do this. We've added this to the FAQ.
Brandon =/\=
Well this should be fixed, also all old user names should be granted to the previous owner, such as Nagus' name. He has been instrumental in getting us to where we are today, for him to not have his name is very insulting.
This is the first time I have ever been truly upset with STO Brandon, and I know, it was most likely not the fault of anyone at cryptic.
Sollaf: Join date Sep 2009, Lifer. Disgruntled with the JHSS, my Bug feels less shiny now.
I sent a ticket in to fix the i need to have a character at over ten and up, and told them i had 12 VA's.... they fixed it right up fast was not long problem solve.
I'm still looking for a big reason why people are mad, besides the poor excuses of ...oww i joined in 2009...big whoop. I feel sorry for branflakes today, he has to deal with children who are being trained to get off the bottle.
Every person has the right to his or her own opinion. I am very upset that my join date was reset. It's fine that you aren't, but you have no right to call me a child for it. The main reasons I am mad though is:
1. I want my Defiant avatar back.
2. I want my name capitalized. I go by the name Sollaf, just as much as my own given name. It is only proper that it be shown the same respect.
Sollaf: Join date Sep 2009, Lifer. Disgruntled with the JHSS, my Bug feels less shiny now.
I NEVER wanted a Perfect World account, as I saw no advantage in linking the accounts.
First of all, I had to link the accounts or I'd never be able to look at the website or read the forums again!
And then I discovered the login issues.
Because the change forced me to change my handle, the client is not handling the change very well!
It keeps autofilling my old handle and nothing I have done so far has changed it!
Everytime I want to swap characters, I have to manually rewrite the login name.
Out of desperation, I even tried to use my Cryptic account only for this to happen:
"Please use your Perfect World account to login to Star Trek Online".
Return to login screen.
This is a particularly low trick, to make us Perfect World clients whether we wanted to be or not!
I didn't put up with tricks like this from NCSoft and I won't tolerate it from Perfect World either!
I seriously think you should restore our old logins, the way they were!
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
i linked my accounts ages ago, but now i cants login anywhere (game or website) with my cryptic account (ok fair enough ive got to use pwe now i pressume) but when i log into the website my pwe account it says i have no characters, but when i log in the game i quite clearly have (just the one level 50 fed).
also a box pops up on the website claiming i can get free zen, so i think 'ok i could go for that' i click on it and it says i need atleast 1 level 10 character, which apparently i dont have......
any chance that, seeing as its you guys want the linked accounts, you can link them, and when linking accounts remember to actually link atleast some of the info, like toons??
and why even have the option to log in with cryptic when it just says the account doesnt exist?
for a more streamlined and functional thing, this linking malarky is clunky and broken
The avalanche has already started; it is too late for the pebbles to vote.
I got to admit I'm not like the fact we had to link accounts, I especially dislike the fact Cryptic have come out and said that we're eventually not going to have a choice in the matter. For one thing my old username on my Cryptic account was better than this one for my old PW account.
But to be honest ever since the abysmal Season 4 launch, then the equally bad Season 5 launch and everything else that's occurred since then nothing Cryptic/PW do surprises me anymore.
I will say to Cryptic/PW that if your intention is to kill this game then congratulations the path your going down will accomplish your goal eventually, in which case keep up the fantastic work.
I have a different issue, I made a PWE account when I heard we were switching (the reserve my name) but didn't link it to my Cryptic account.
now I want to link them and I can't because my PWE account already HAS a sot account (I must have forgotten to switch the login to Cryptic once)
so now I have two accounts, and can't link them.
I'd make a new PWE account, but my account is linked to my Facebook account, so it's just a mess right now.
I contacted perfect world customer support to have that erronious STO account takes off my PWE account, or to get my Facebook account disconnected so I can create a new account.. here's waiting...
yes i must admit im not exactly a fan of all this. Im not normally one for posting on the forums not even the star trek ones.
So far not a fan of the whole change over but for varied reasons. I like most people am insulted over the method they chose to do the changeover in secret rather than announce the actual change over itself, i agree that perhaps even a couple of days warning would have been appreciated. And perhaps if people had konwn, they would have tried to do it themselves without being coerced into it and been able to inform PWE about the problems that could have been fixed before they made us move over.
Other than that not a fan of the way that we now have to go through some tedious options to buy cryptic points. For myself in the UK this is a bit of a serious let down. Mostly because now im paying in euro's that i have to pay roughly what i was paying before but the bank charges me ?1.50 for the privelage. Adding another 1/3rd onto the cost, and on top of that instead of getting 500 cryptic points i now get 400, Gee thanks for that.
So let me get this right you moved me over didnt even ask, then i get charged ?3.00 more for every thousand zen, of which i now only get 800 c-points - WTF is up with that.
One or the other i could probably live with but both seems to be excessive.
Of course it is. They don't have to give us forums at all, so if they decide to ban all of us and make us create new accounts they can do whatever they want.
Of course it is. They don't have to give us forums at all, so if they decide to ban all of us and make us create new accounts they can do whatever they want.
Well its not about the forum. They will later force everyone to go to PWE with their game accounts too as far as i could read.
I will just say that: I'm more one player not happy with these changes. My forum name used to be "Captain Wilhelm". With upper case letters on the begining and space between the words. But the new rules simply didn't allowed me to use it. And my old account name had a dot on the middle, so I had to change it also. But since it is private, I don't mind too much. Any way, I'm not happy with this and just solidify my opinion: PWE is a bad company and I really wish someday a better company buys Cryptic. I don't mind if this would mean one more year of content drought if this means getting ride of lock boxes and silly rules (like only numbers and letters on account name). And no, the "rewards" doesn't pay the trouble. These itens are all easily obtained in game in a short ammount of time.
Pre-forum change name: Captain Wilhelm Join Date: March 2009
Thanks Cryptic for introducing the Kelvin Timeline. It remembered why I decided to never more put any money on this game.
Hell they give Zen away for filling out surveys or looking at a video or getting a Netflix trial... but not for merging your account no no that would be giving something.
The Artist Formerly Known As Alastor Forthright.
"You know, I'm looking at all those freighters around Vulcan and going, "You know I can't wait for the chance to drop 300 dollars on the chance of getting one of those sexy things." - Altexist
Yup, used my new info, my old info, both perfect world and Cryptic.
I even used my account name and forum name.
Won't recognize. Good to see my lts working :mad:
I second that motion
Complete and utter bull****. You force this this change on us, give us ****ty gifts, don't tell us it's going to happen, don't put up instructions until its too late for a lot of people, then all you have to say is "sorry"!?
Who do I talk to to tell how unhappy a lot of the player base is at this?
"Packs" came out for the 1st year anni and all the players thought cool this is a neat little thing for a celebration. Players posted a well over 250+ page thread complaining about these packs after they showed up again and again. Now packs are all over PWI.
Sadly PWE only sees money
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
I think the thing actually preventing people from buying stuff is the week old account requirement... since all of our accounts are only 1 day old (never mind the fact that my linked Cryptic account is, and properly shows as, much older than that).
Are you sure you added this?
I'm still looking for a big reason why people are mad, besides the poor excuses of ...oww i joined in 2009...big whoop. I feel sorry for branflakes today, he has to deal with children who are being trained to get off the bottle.
Well this should be fixed, also all old user names should be granted to the previous owner, such as Nagus' name. He has been instrumental in getting us to where we are today, for him to not have his name is very insulting.
This is the first time I have ever been truly upset with STO Brandon, and I know, it was most likely not the fault of anyone at cryptic.
Every person has the right to his or her own opinion. I am very upset that my join date was reset. It's fine that you aren't, but you have no right to call me a child for it. The main reasons I am mad though is:
1. I want my Defiant avatar back.
2. I want my name capitalized. I go by the name Sollaf, just as much as my own given name. It is only proper that it be shown the same respect.
I NEVER wanted a Perfect World account, as I saw no advantage in linking the accounts.
First of all, I had to link the accounts or I'd never be able to look at the website or read the forums again!
And then I discovered the login issues.
Because the change forced me to change my handle, the client is not handling the change very well!
It keeps autofilling my old handle and nothing I have done so far has changed it!
Everytime I want to swap characters, I have to manually rewrite the login name.
Out of desperation, I even tried to use my Cryptic account only for this to happen:
"Please use your Perfect World account to login to Star Trek Online".
Return to login screen.
This is a particularly low trick, to make us Perfect World clients whether we wanted to be or not!
I didn't put up with tricks like this from NCSoft and I won't tolerate it from Perfect World either!
I seriously think you should restore our old logins, the way they were!
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
also a box pops up on the website claiming i can get free zen, so i think 'ok i could go for that' i click on it and it says i need atleast 1 level 10 character, which apparently i dont have......
any chance that, seeing as its you guys want the linked accounts, you can link them, and when linking accounts remember to actually link atleast some of the info, like toons??
and why even have the option to log in with cryptic when it just says the account doesnt exist?
for a more streamlined and functional thing, this linking malarky is clunky and broken
But to be honest ever since the abysmal Season 4 launch, then the equally bad Season 5 launch and everything else that's occurred since then nothing Cryptic/PW do surprises me anymore.
I will say to Cryptic/PW that if your intention is to kill this game then congratulations the path your going down will accomplish your goal eventually, in which case keep up the fantastic work.
now I want to link them and I can't because my PWE account already HAS a sot account (I must have forgotten to switch the login to Cryptic once)
so now I have two accounts, and can't link them.
I'd make a new PWE account, but my account is linked to my Facebook account, so it's just a mess right now.
I contacted perfect world customer support to have that erronious STO account takes off my PWE account, or to get my Facebook account disconnected so I can create a new account.. here's waiting...
...ummm...not a good thing...but...you know...
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
So far not a fan of the whole change over but for varied reasons. I like most people am insulted over the method they chose to do the changeover in secret rather than announce the actual change over itself, i agree that perhaps even a couple of days warning would have been appreciated. And perhaps if people had konwn, they would have tried to do it themselves without being coerced into it and been able to inform PWE about the problems that could have been fixed before they made us move over.
Other than that not a fan of the way that we now have to go through some tedious options to buy cryptic points. For myself in the UK this is a bit of a serious let down. Mostly because now im paying in euro's that i have to pay roughly what i was paying before but the bank charges me ?1.50 for the privelage. Adding another 1/3rd onto the cost, and on top of that instead of getting 500 cryptic points i now get 400, Gee thanks for that.
So let me get this right you moved me over didnt even ask, then i get charged ?3.00 more for every thousand zen, of which i now only get 800 c-points - WTF is up with that.
One or the other i could probably live with but both seems to be excessive.
Of course it is. They don't have to give us forums at all, so if they decide to ban all of us and make us create new accounts they can do whatever they want.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
Well its not about the forum. They will later force everyone to go to PWE with their game accounts too as far as i could read.
Join Date: March 2009
Thanks Cryptic for introducing the Kelvin Timeline. It remembered why I decided to never more put any money on this game.
Darn at least make it REFINED...
"You know, I'm looking at all those freighters around Vulcan and going, "You know I can't wait for the chance to drop 300 dollars on the chance of getting one of those sexy things." - Altexist
End Transmission
TF A/175
USS WhipLash
"Sua Sponte"
Yeah, I figured the changeover is inevitable, might as well get a loot box out of the deal.
Even weak loot is better than no loot at all. :biggrin:
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."