So.. this is the thread I've been directed to by Zero on the P1 podcast in answer to the question:
"Why should i subscribe and invest in the foundry? What features are going to be added and when?"
A dev post that's a year old by a guy who doesn't work there anymore... No ETAs, no Updates.. and yet we are always told that things change on a daily basis..
In fairness she does go on to explain why foundry improvements have been delayed and why the adding of foundry assets are a low priority... but the idea that it's not even on a longterm schedule.. not even a vague ETA is just plain depressing.
What really winds me up me also.. . sure there's alot going on right now that the content team needs to polish and work on so they apparently can't give the foundry any dev time, but the lack of support for the foundry seems almost total. Community support included.
For example: They don't even spotlight missions anymore... They don't have to produce fancy VO'd trailers.even a post on the homepage or facebook would go along way towards encouraging the foundry author community right now.
(Disclaimer regarding spotlight suggestion: As a foundry author of very limited not angling for anything here.. Dereliction Duty, Surrounded, the Star Trek:Overture or Deadly Intentions series would be my shouts!)
Zero! Why was the collaboration tool never added to the Foundry outside of the closed beta? I want this tool available! Can you please look into having it added, please!
Zero! Why was the collaboration tool never added to the Foundry outside of the closed beta? I want this tool available! Can you please look into having it added, please!
What collaboration tool are you talking about here?! I never saw one, on RedShirt, Tribble or Holodeck.
It was from the closed beta for the Foundry. It allowed more than one person (or people to share) work on a single mission. This tool needs to be returned to the Foundry! Not only does it allow different people to write dialog for different characters in a mission, but it also allows others to show someone less knowledgeable with the Foundry tools how to do something or have it done for them.
Oh great Stahl of Dan, bearer of the torch of UGC. Now that you are back in the fold, and the head honcho of all things UGC. Can we purdy purdy please get some kind of update to the roadmap? We are here, now, with a working copy of the Foundry. We would really like to see some positive traction for the tool that people can USE right now. I know there is work going on with the NWO stuff, and that it will benefit us in the future, but really some sign would be really nice, and dialogue can go a long way.
The team is very excited about the response to the Foundry going into Open Beta. Already we have seen some great missions come in over the weekend and it shows a bright future ahead where the community has a direct impact on the stories being told throughout the galaxy. We are already passing around our favorite fan made missions internally, and I can say that we're impressed! We knew you could make awesome missions and considering the tools will improve over time, this is only going to get more awesome.
In the coming weeks we will be working diligently behind the scenes to address stability and scalability. The Foundry will be offline at times as we make large infrastructure updates to prepare Tribble and Holodeck for full scale production of the missions you'll be creating.
As we continue with this initial testing phase of the product, what follows is a basic Roadmap for where the Foundry is today, and what features and updates you can expect in the near future.
Foundry Launch Beta Feature Goals
The following list of features are supported in the current Open Beta (v.03) release of The Foundry.
Play missions authored by the community
Search for missions in the new Remote Contact Tab by author or mission name
Browse mission ratings and descriptions
Rate the missions you've just played
Sign up to be a Reviewer and give early feedback on new missions
Share links to new missions via a short key code
Manage your Foundry Projects
All users can create new Foundry projects
Create test characters for testing missions in the isolated Foundry environment
Select whether the mission is for the Federation or KDF
Share the project with other players by publishing it
Monitor the publishing progress
New drag and drop flowchart-based mission editor
Customize the NPC that gives you the mission
Create and arrange mission objectives via drag and drop
Create objectives to interact with one or more objects on a map
Create objectives to defeat one or more enemy groups on a map
Create objectives to reach a location on a map
Create objectives to talk to one or more NPCs on a map
Create objectives that can take place on open-world social maps or custom maps
Combine objectives into a Complete All group of simultaneous mission objectives
Customize how transition between maps takes place, including prompts and text
Add custom pop-up prompts before or after objectives and map transitions
Creating your own Custom Maps in the Editor
Create your own maps based on existing pre-built space, ground, and interior maps
Create a completely custom space mission map
Edit these maps using an easy to work with two dimensional map view
Customize the location where players spawn into the map
Choose from a set of map backdrops (sky, sound, and lighting)
Place detail objects from a large library of different types of objects
Populate space maps with planets, rings, comets, and debris fields
Populate ground maps with buildings
Place contacts using pre-built costumes or custom costumes you make yourself
Place friendly or enemy encounters in your maps
Customize the positions and costumes for each actor in your encounters
Place go to markers that can be used to complete objectives
Place respawn points for players to help with mission flow and player defeat
Customize some behavior options for friendly and enemy groups
Mission previewing and personal testing
A method to preview your content while in the editor for testing while creating a project
Preview a mission from the beginning or from a specified objective
Preview an existing map to determine if it is one you might want to use
Kill enemies with one button press to speed up testing
Enter God Mode to make your test character temporarily invincible
Custom costume creator
Create ship or ground character costumes based on existing costume pieces
Edit and save costumes for use as contacts, enemy actors, or friendly actors
The Foundry for Star Trek Online is not complete. There are additional updates coming to fill out the feature set. Dates and feature sets for these updates are being determined, but the expectation is to provide regular updates in upcoming STO releases in 2011.
Okay. It's been 1 year and 1 month. And now it's 2012.
Please provide us with an update, dstahl. I'm sure we'd all greatly appreciate it!
Are you familiar with the Infamous 2 UGC Editor? The Foundry pales by comparison (and I say this with all due respect to you, sincerely), and it was made for a single player game, which as a result has a limited life cycle. I estimate that The Foundry only has about 5% of the features that are available in the Infamous 2 UGC Editor. If you've never seen it, please pick up a copy of the game and see it firsthand. It really will blow your mind.
Knowing there is something out there that puts The Foundry to shame is very disappointing for me personally. STO is an MMO -- its life cycle is undetermined and hopefully many, many years away. The things we could do if we had the Infamous 2 UGC Editor in STO would greatly benefit this game and could even be its saving grace. Not having it just makes me sad.
Okay. It's been 1 year and 1 month. And now it's 2012.
Please provide us with an update, dstahl. I'm sure we'd all greatly appreciate it!
Are you familiar with the Infamous 2 UGC Editor? The Foundry pales by comparison (and I say this with all due respect to you, sincerely), and it was made for a single player game, which as a result has a limited life cycle. I estimate that The Foundry only has about 5% of the features that are available in the Infamous 2 UGC Editor. If you've never seen it, please pick up a copy of the game and see it firsthand. It really will blow your mind.
Knowing there is something out there that puts The Foundry to shame is very disappointing for me personally. STO is an MMO -- its life cycle is undetermined and hopefully many, many years away. The things we could do if we had the Infamous 2 UGC Editor in STO would greatly benefit this game and could even be its saving grace. Not having it just makes me sad.
Dont count on it, modders could have done alot with improving it in the small time that it has been out but i have had the opportunity to check out the I2UGCE and it is awesome!
Imo, you should look long and hard at moving PvP map creation to a very short term goal and not a long term goal. PvP in general has been neglected. See DotA as example of custom map from a game (Warcraft III) that people still play to this day.
Imo, you should look long and hard at moving PvP map creation to a very short term goal and not a long term goal. PvP in general has been neglected. See DotA as example of custom map from a game (Warcraft III) that people still play to this day.
If you gain nothing PvP, what is the point? So many games of the past have used that and it is was very very popular and this poor mans PvP is a complete joke. There is no reason for anyone to learn PvP, because their no risk.
If you gain nothing PvP, what is the point? So many games of the past have used that and it is was very very popular and this poor mans PvP is a complete joke. There is no reason for anyone to learn PvP, because their no risk.
I'm not sure I get your objection to moving PvP Foundry map creation to the top of the priority list. I gave an example of user generated map from an old game which people still play because it's fun.
Also, I didn't mean Foundry mission PvP map creation as a PvP end game, but as a way to bridge the gap for more indepth PvP as well as being able to stand on its own once a more indepth and likely time consuming PvP gameplay is put into the game.
I'm not sure I get your objection to moving PvP Foundry map creation to the top of the priority list. I gave an example of user generated map from an old game which people still play because it's fun.
Also, I didn't mean Foundry mission PvP map creation as a PvP end game, but as a way to bridge the gap for more in-depth PvP as well as being able to stand on its own once a more in-depth and likely time consuming PvP game play is put into the game.
Ah, my apologizes i was simply pointing out that the PvP in this game is just nothing to be desired. I think what you have suggested would be a welcomed addition however at this point if they did it, they would have to add on some along the lines of a campaign system to and along with the introduction of starbases would also be great, but for them to introduce some type of generated system, no, but if they allowed the foundry to be used in creating content for such a process, more power to them and those that want to create it.
I dont know what 2 UGC is - need enlighten here...
I just started last week and I find the editor very easy to use - took me an hour to make a space mission...
So if we can get more detailed that would be nice...authored missions into a subscription game? They should make us creators Gold !
I am only about 25% into what I can do with the editor right now but will work on it and my missions in the coming months...Beta 0.5 looks depressing though - lets get a move on PW.
So...CaptainGeko talked about some really interesting Foundry related stuff in his interview with PodcastUGC this week. Wouldn't it be nifty if someone codified it into an official post of things they want to do for the future, what they hope to have out in the near term, etc.
Map editor improvements
Better visualize placed objects in the editor using 2-D preview images Fully customize backdrops, assembled from various sky effects layers, atmospheric effects, sound effects and music
Enable snap-to-grid to more easily place objects
Place waypoints for patrol routes for actors to follow
Place job nodes for actors to interact with, such as consoles
Mission Triggers (new)
Triggers are a way to make the game play react to the players actions
Show pop-up dialogs in response to a trigger
Spawn encounters in response to a trigger Play music or sound effects in response to a trigger
Set a trigger on entering a volume
Set a trigger on killing an encounter
Set a trigger on interacting with an object
Set a trigger on talking with a contact
How do we do this again? I've tried triggers, I've tried custom backdrops, there is no music choice on custom backdrops, so you can NOT chose music for specific map, there is only AMBIENT SOUND for specific backdrop. I didn't see any music, sound choise for triggers. Were these features only partially implemented or am i missing something? Also some mentioned triggers are not in place. Dialogue related trigger is not working (always says that there are no dialogues to chose from).
Also LOL at you comparing "Infamous 2" UGC editor with STO's innocent attempt to give us such an opportunity.
You know why UGC for I2 so good? Because its what darn developers used to create game missions. Foundry for STO is a toolset kit that they were going to use to create a new game. It was never done, toolset kit was in its premature stage, so they only now start working on it.
I don't personally understand why Cryptic can't just release the ToolKit that they are using to create missions for STO. ITS NOT LIKE THEY GONNA DO ANYTHING MUCH FOR US ANYWAY. They need revenue now after going F2P and the only revenue they can bring into the project is by working on Cryptic Store.
SO WHY CRYPTIC JUST GIVE US PLAYERS THE TOOLS WE NEED SO WE CAN CONTINUE WORKING ON A GAME AND MAKE IT VERY FUN! Cryptic themselves can just work on their store items that PWE seems to be forcing them to do to make STO bring cash into PWEs wallet.
Give us the darn toolkit, we will work on our own game ourselves. Whats the point on spending resources and improving foundry, if you already have the darn toolkit that you use for STO missions creation? Why do you need to improve Foundry to the same point that it will eventually work like your original ToolKit that your devs are using currently?
I dont get this logic, honestly.
Dragon Age Origins developed, published and then released the game and gave us an awesome Toolset Kit, polished down for player usage. Cryptic instead gave STO players completely different Toolset Kit that they now are working on to improve it for players instead of just giving us the game toolkit itself and work on whats important and what you still have budget for. Come on, Cryptic...
Also LOL at you comparing "Infamous 2" UGC editor with STO's innocent attempt to give us such an opportunity.
You know why UGC for I2 so good? Because its what darn developers used to create game missions. Foundry for STO is a toolset kit that they were going to use to create a new game. It was never done, toolset kit was in its premature stage, so they only now start working on it.
I don't personally understand why Cryptic can't just release the ToolKit that they are using to create missions for STO. ITS NOT LIKE THEY GONNA DO ANYTHING MUCH FOR US ANYWAY. They need revenue now after going F2P and the only revenue they can bring into the project is by working on Cryptic Store.
SO WHY CRYPTIC JUST GIVE US PLAYERS THE TOOLS WE NEED SO WE CAN CONTINUE WORKING ON A GAME AND MAKE IT VERY FUN! Cryptic themselves can just work on their store items that PWE seems to be forcing them to do to make STO bring cash into PWEs wallet.
Give us the darn toolkit, we will work on our own game ourselves. Whats the point on spending resources and improving foundry, if you already have the darn toolkit that you use for STO missions creation? Why do you need to improve Foundry to the same point that it will eventually work like your original ToolKit that your devs are using currently?
I dont get this logic, honestly.
Dragon Age Origins developed, published and then released the game and gave us an awesome Toolset Kit, polished down for player usage. Cryptic instead gave STO players completely different Toolset Kit that they now are working on to improve it for players instead of just giving us the game toolkit itself and work on whats important and what you still have budget for. Come on, Cryptic...
How do you get missions from the foundary?How do you make your own?
Getting missions to play: open the mission journal, click "Available", then "Community Authored" tab on the left.
Making your own missions: click the "Create Content" tab in the character screen. If you're a Silver player, you'll need to purchase slots for 10,000 Refined Dilithium.
I know how hard it is to have you creativity limited, but negativity never does anything good for the community.
I've listened through that podcast before posting that. As far as negativity goes, my apologies, I am impulsive sometimes when I see BS . In my opinion if you release soemthing then why not release it in good condition instead of all limited and missing 50% of options.
I don't want to argue really but its a common knowledge that we are using Neverwinter development tool tweaked for STO content. If they'd given us access to original development tool we'd have a lot wider arsenal of options. I guess they have their reasons. And most likely they don't have resources to convert STO development tool that devs use on their workstations for public use by STO players. So we'll just have to patiently wait.
I've listened through that podcast before posting that. As far as negativity goes, my apologies, I am impulsive sometimes when I see BS . In my opinion if you release soemthing then why not release it in good condition instead of all limited and missing 50% of options.
I don't want to argue really but its a common knowledge that we are using Neverwinter development tool tweaked for STO content. If they'd given us access to original development tool we'd have a lot wider arsenal of options. I guess they have their reasons. And most likely they don't have resources to convert STO development tool that devs use on their workstations for public use by STO players. So we'll just have to patiently wait.
I understand. I was once like that, then realised the community thrives of positivity. This is an mmo after all and I can't name one out there that isn't polished. It is us the players that must make this game better by using what we have and giving Cryptic what they need to make it better as well as knowledge towards increasing it's popularity. No argument here, I agree. Plus I can't afford a ban at this time .
Well I have to say that even with the options we have people still can create some nice missions. I've played a few TOP ones and to be honest I wasn't impressed at all . I think after i am done my mission will blow their mind.
Bu then again you never know who will play yours and what their taste is like.
Well I have to say that even with the options we have people still can create some nice missions. I've played a few TOP ones and to be honest I wasn't impressed at all . I think after i am done my mission will blow their mind.
Bu then again you never know who will play yours and what their taste is like.
One guy gave me this review on my "Save the Signal" KDF mission, which is basically "Stop the Signal" from the KDF's perspective and NOT a carbon copy of "Stop the SIgnal".
"I stopped playing about halfway trhough i think.
That listening station was at Bomari III not Bomari II.
You need to actually PLAY some Cryptic missions before you rip them off."
However, I played Stop the Signal again, and I he was wrong.
The map was labelled as Bomari III in the Foundry, but when I played the mission, it was callked Bomari II.
Whatever. I just imported the mission, and republished it without his one-star review ^_^
You were referred to THIS thread by Zero? Really?
Yep.. afraid so.
It's one of the early questions in the interview.
In fairness she does go on to explain why foundry improvements have been delayed and why the adding of foundry assets are a low priority... but the idea that it's not even on a longterm schedule.. not even a vague ETA is just plain depressing.
What really winds me up me also.. . sure there's alot going on right now that the content team needs to polish and work on so they apparently can't give the foundry any dev time, but the lack of support for the foundry seems almost total. Community support included.
For example: They don't even spotlight missions anymore... They don't have to produce fancy VO'd trailers.even a post on the homepage or facebook would go along way towards encouraging the foundry author community right now.
(Disclaimer regarding spotlight suggestion: As a foundry author of very limited not angling for anything here.. Dereliction Duty, Surrounded, the Star Trek:Overture or Deadly Intentions series would be my shouts!)
Okay. It's been 1 year and 1 month. And now it's 2012.
Please provide us with an update, dstahl. I'm sure we'd all greatly appreciate it!
Are you familiar with the Infamous 2 UGC Editor? The Foundry pales by comparison (and I say this with all due respect to you, sincerely), and it was made for a single player game, which as a result has a limited life cycle. I estimate that The Foundry only has about 5% of the features that are available in the Infamous 2 UGC Editor. If you've never seen it, please pick up a copy of the game and see it firsthand. It really will blow your mind.
Knowing there is something out there that puts The Foundry to shame is very disappointing for me personally. STO is an MMO -- its life cycle is undetermined and hopefully many, many years away. The things we could do if we had the Infamous 2 UGC Editor in STO would greatly benefit this game and could even be its saving grace. Not having it just makes me sad.
Dont count on it, modders could have done alot with improving it in the small time that it has been out but i have had the opportunity to check out the I2UGCE and it is awesome!
If you gain nothing PvP, what is the point? So many games of the past have used that and it is was very very popular and this poor mans PvP is a complete joke. There is no reason for anyone to learn PvP, because their no risk.
I'm not sure I get your objection to moving PvP Foundry map creation to the top of the priority list. I gave an example of user generated map from an old game which people still play because it's fun.
Also, I didn't mean Foundry mission PvP map creation as a PvP end game, but as a way to bridge the gap for more indepth PvP as well as being able to stand on its own once a more indepth and likely time consuming PvP gameplay is put into the game.
Ah, my apologizes i was simply pointing out that the PvP in this game is just nothing to be desired. I think what you have suggested would be a welcomed addition however at this point if they did it, they would have to add on some along the lines of a campaign system to and along with the introduction of starbases would also be great, but for them to introduce some type of generated system, no, but if they allowed the foundry to be used in creating content for such a process, more power to them and those that want to create it.
I just started last week and I find the editor very easy to use - took me an hour to make a space mission...
So if we can get more detailed that would be nice...authored missions into a subscription game? They should make us creators Gold !
I am only about 25% into what I can do with the editor right now but will work on it and my missions in the coming months...Beta 0.5 looks depressing though - lets get a move on PW.
Now back to the real game !
Cdr Hawkeyez
Dan Stahl left STO & Cryptic MONTHS ago, dude.
You wanna talk to Stephen D'angelo about this, bro.
You should check the forum before posting assumptions.
Read Daniel Stahls last post (Click).
Wouldn't that be great....
How did Stahl come back without me hearing about it?!
That's F@%&ing great!
How do we do this again? I've tried triggers, I've tried custom backdrops, there is no music choice on custom backdrops, so you can NOT chose music for specific map, there is only AMBIENT SOUND for specific backdrop. I didn't see any music, sound choise for triggers. Were these features only partially implemented or am i missing something? Also some mentioned triggers are not in place. Dialogue related trigger is not working (always says that there are no dialogues to chose from).
You know why UGC for I2 so good? Because its what darn developers used to create game missions. Foundry for STO is a toolset kit that they were going to use to create a new game. It was never done, toolset kit was in its premature stage, so they only now start working on it.
I don't personally understand why Cryptic can't just release the ToolKit that they are using to create missions for STO. ITS NOT LIKE THEY GONNA DO ANYTHING MUCH FOR US ANYWAY. They need revenue now after going F2P and the only revenue they can bring into the project is by working on Cryptic Store.
SO WHY CRYPTIC JUST GIVE US PLAYERS THE TOOLS WE NEED SO WE CAN CONTINUE WORKING ON A GAME AND MAKE IT VERY FUN! Cryptic themselves can just work on their store items that PWE seems to be forcing them to do to make STO bring cash into PWEs wallet.
Give us the darn toolkit, we will work on our own game ourselves. Whats the point on spending resources and improving foundry, if you already have the darn toolkit that you use for STO missions creation? Why do you need to improve Foundry to the same point that it will eventually work like your original ToolKit that your devs are using currently?
I dont get this logic, honestly.
Dragon Age Origins developed, published and then released the game and gave us an awesome Toolset Kit, polished down for player usage. Cryptic instead gave STO players completely different Toolset Kit that they now are working on to improve it for players instead of just giving us the game toolkit itself and work on whats important and what you still have budget for. Come on, Cryptic...
That's not exactly entirely true. Check out Captain Geko's interview on StarbaseUGC Podcast.
It is also important to note this.
I know how hard it is to have you creativity limited, but negativity never does anything good for the community.
You can check out the official site guides here.
Other wise these three will get you started.
Kirkfat Foundry Tut
Havarha Tut UGC
Alimac30 PDF Foundry Tut's
Getting missions to play: open the mission journal, click "Available", then "Community Authored" tab on the left.
Making your own missions: click the "Create Content" tab in the character screen. If you're a Silver player, you'll need to purchase slots for 10,000 Refined Dilithium.
I've listened through that podcast before posting that. As far as negativity goes, my apologies, I am impulsive sometimes when I see BS
I don't want to argue really but its a common knowledge that we are using Neverwinter development tool tweaked for STO content. If they'd given us access to original development tool we'd have a lot wider arsenal of options. I guess they have their reasons. And most likely they don't have resources to convert STO development tool that devs use on their workstations for public use by STO players. So we'll just have to patiently wait.
I understand. I was once like that, then realised the community thrives of positivity. This is an mmo after all and I can't name one out there that isn't polished. It is us the players that must make this game better by using what we have and giving Cryptic what they need to make it better as well as knowledge towards increasing it's popularity. No argument here, I agree. Plus I can't afford a ban at this time
Bu then again you never know who will play yours and what their taste is like.
One guy gave me this review on my "Save the Signal" KDF mission, which is basically "Stop the Signal" from the KDF's perspective and NOT a carbon copy of "Stop the SIgnal".
"I stopped playing about halfway trhough i think.
That listening station was at Bomari III not Bomari II.
You need to actually PLAY some Cryptic missions before you rip them off."
However, I played Stop the Signal again, and I he was wrong.
The map was labelled as Bomari III in the Foundry, but when I played the mission, it was callked Bomari II.
Whatever. I just imported the mission, and republished it without his one-star review ^_^