I got a idea for the foundry, what if you have to be in a shuttle and fly around in your shuttle in the sky, you can fight enemys in the sky and do missions on a planets Atmosphere.
Oh, then you posted this in the wrong forum... This is a foundry forum, and my opinions are based as such.
Well my ideas were based with the foundry mechanics, you'd need the ability to change things like that even if it were for ingame use instead of making a foundry mission, they kinda lend themselves to each other in that way.
Bringing editing techniques from the foundry to use say on your own starship would be cool, then you could design it ground up and make it unique.
I could see it starting off as a foundry add-on, but my initial idea to spread it into the design of your own ship would be cool if Cryptic could add say a new npc at ESD so you can edit the interior design of your ship.
The only reason I posted it here was that the elements in the foundry could make this work in a mission you were designing, so naturally crossing over to add the same editing tools via an npc to use on your own ship is the idea I was striving for, sorry if I didn't explain it properly.
The foundry is nice it has alot of features and I hope they add more. It is still pretty hard though to see the changes you have made to a map in 2d. It might help if you could actualy see the changes as you make them instead of having to go back and forth between editor and test play.
I'm hoping that the pre-patching is an indication that it may be tomorrow. I realize the patching is on Holodeck, but if it is a release day, just maybe we'll get it. Here's to hoping.
I'm hoping that the pre-patching is an indication that it may be tomorrow. I realize the patching is on Holodeck, but if it is a release day, just maybe we'll get it. Here's to hoping.
lol, the bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment xD
I got a idea for the foundry, what if you have to be in a shuttle and fly around in your shuttle in the sky, you can fight enemys in the sky and do missions on a planets Atmosphere.
Speaking of torture: Am I right that there's still no intention of providing an easy way to transfer/import/export/copy and paste your Tribble missions to Holodeck?
Speaking of torture: Am I right that there's still no intention of providing an easy way to transfer/import/export/copy and paste your Tribble missions to Holodeck?
I'm waiting for a dev to give us a surprise reveal of it before holodeck goes live! ::crosses fingers::
Is anyone else having problems generating maps from the Play map Option.
I keep getting generating map genesis error.
Started about 10hours ago. Tribble recently went down.
I did this with me when the Foundry came back up. Have you a got a resource not found error in the box on the bottom left? It was the backdrops that caused this for me
I dunno if the question has already been answered at all, but could someone tell me whether they will include:
* Hostile fed NPC's for fed side *holding me up on two or so missions in development atm, undine influenced etc*
* Feature episode maps including characters. *I need Obisek for a Mission lol*
* And custom ships including factions such as romulans and remans.
The ability to create content that takes place on the players own bridge interior
Custom cut scenes as part of the mission
We've been very spoiled lately with the cut-scenes that were added to the revamped missions and included with Cloaked intentions for example.
I can see a CUT SCENE EDITOR as a great addition to foundry.
A method to create a "script" where you give assign ACTIONS to ACTOR and CAMERAS, and SCENES
ACTORS would need move-to and emote verbs, CAMERAS would need pan-to, zoom-to and activate (for 2nd cam) verbs, SCENES would need sfx to activate an effect and text-overlay verbs,
a WAIT command for dramatic pauses or to give the player time to read something,
With that you could easily build a quality cut-scene the same way you would write a screenplay dialog.
move-to, pan-to, zoom-to, and sfx would need a location parameter or "mark" to be pre-defined
so you could do something like ACTOR "Hakeev"move-to:<mark1>, for example.
Probably the most complicated thing in this proposal would be to build a tool to place marks.
Concretely how would this work;
I imagine that you would be inside the mission, in test mode, but have an additional tool/power called 'cut-scene'
This cut-scene power would start by pressing "pause world"
which brings up a new UI overlay with the text-based script,
and pre-populated list of ACTORS (NPCs and BOs) that are on the current game screen
and a Camera element at it's current position
So you start with all the elements in their current on-screen starting preset places.
Next press Play (like the director shouting "action" on scene)
and the events would step through a list of tasks in a text script,one by one.
Very linear, no multi-threading. or simultaneous actions required
After all you want the players attention focused on one thing at a time.[/COLOR]
The back-end system would need to track each element's locations at each step so that the UI text screen could include the typical Play/Pause, Previous-step (rewind), Next-step, as the scene was debugged.
When you have the scene scripted the way you want, you press 'Record', the scene starts from the beginning, and is rendered into an object/file that is saved into your foundry mission.
That is probably where the real challenge is.
Remember all the debates about foundry mission not really being pre-built (compiled) beforehand the way Cryptic's in-house missions are? So with this scenario you get a hybrid, pre-build little piece, and have to push it back out to your foundry mission editor.
But clearly not insurmountable.
There are a number of things that could be added incrementally.
Adding new Actors, more cameras, more emotes, more Special Effects, etc.
Extending the max-length of a scene (I would expect it to be limited in both time and number of actions to start)
remember cut scenes should kept short not as a feature lenght movie tied into the game, although im sure people would like to do that.
The option to skip cut scenes should be included as a standard. But you would need to effectivly take the AI out of the system else your cut scenes would fail.
You would need to put in specific commands similar to the dialog editor into the cut scene so that each person each ship would know exactly what to do.
Say borg sphere turns up and tractors the players ship it would need know where the players ship is and to tractor and not shoot its phasers.
that whole system would need to be a system on its own.
remember cut scenes should kept short not as a feature lenght movie tied into the game, although im sure people would like to do that.
The option to skip cut scenes should be included as a standard. But you would need to effectivly take the AI out of the system else your cut scenes would fail.
You would need to put in specific commands similar to the dialog editor into the cut scene so that each person each ship would know exactly what to do.
Say borg sphere turns up and tractors the players ship it would need know where the players ship is and to tractor and not shoot its phasers.
that whole system would need to be a system on its own.
From what I here the Dev's don't like using it because it's to finicky. So I think any version on foundry will probably be only used by the more advanced authors. I also don't believe they will allow us to make epic cut-scenes because of bandwidth and all. I just hope the foundry version is not so simplified it becomes annoying within foundry missions.
I think a cutscene editor would only work well if the map editor became more like the one for Trainz/Railworks/et al where you're actually seeing everything in 3D.
Also, the 'pathed' talking options need more clarity (i.e. talking to a person for more than one text box) as the current wording/listing is unclear.
I think a cutscene editor would only work well if the map editor became more like the one for Trainz/Railworks/et al where you're actually seeing everything in 3D.
Also, the 'pathed' talking options need more clarity (i.e. talking to a person for more than one text box) as the current wording/listing is unclear.
Ah I'm a huge fan of Trainz simulator type gaming. The amount of hours I've spent making maps on Simulators and not having anyone play them other than myself is a little sad, but thank you for Foundry. The only maps any one has every played I've designed is my friends playing Company Of Heroes via lan.
Not to sure what you mean about the second statement. I'm pretty sure every NPC contact, Popup tool and Talk to Npc tool now has Advanced Dialogue. The Advanced Dialogue is customisable to the brink of insanity, have you tried dragging the arrows at the bottom of the boxes. This might open up a world of possibility. However if your talking about the NPC chat Behaviour, Yes you only get one line. But it is my opinion that it is now obsolete and most will no longer be using it.
Seriously turn on an xbox and get a copy of halo. Then look at FORGE. I hope the 2d thing is very temporary if this is a level construction program. I don't mean to be a jerk and i know it is still under construction. Please if it is possible, look into this for creative people that want to see what they are doing.
Seriously turn on an xbox and get a copy of halo. Then look at FORGE. I hope the 2d thing is very temporary if this is a level construction program. I don't mean to be a jerk and i know it is still under construction. Please if it is possible, look into this for creative people that want to see what they are doing.
I'm pretty sure the Dev's have played both of them. 101 Training and research for most game designers, but remember this is an MMO customisable game engine and not a one of developed game Product. I really think that if the 2D map editing is difficult, any 3D element would be even more complicated. I'm al for it, however I'm a Foundry addict, most people just want to hop on create and have fun. The more complicated it becomes, the more the masses will get upset, the less mission will be authored. Which is good for me, more players for my missions, But the Foundry is for everyone to use, not just the die hard map creators.
Well my ideas were based with the foundry mechanics, you'd need the ability to change things like that even if it were for ingame use instead of making a foundry mission, they kinda lend themselves to each other in that way.
Bringing editing techniques from the foundry to use say on your own starship would be cool, then you could design it ground up and make it unique.
I could see it starting off as a foundry add-on, but my initial idea to spread it into the design of your own ship would be cool if Cryptic could add say a new npc at ESD so you can edit the interior design of your ship.
The only reason I posted it here was that the elements in the foundry could make this work in a mission you were designing, so naturally crossing over to add the same editing tools via an npc to use on your own ship is the idea I was striving for, sorry if I didn't explain it properly.
lol, the bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment
This has nothing to do with the foundry.
You said it
Haven't even had the Holodeck patch. My God, I jinxed it !!
Yes it does, I was saying a feature they could give us
We have been told it probably won't be up until early next week..
I'm waiting for a dev to give us a surprise reveal of it before holodeck goes live! ::crosses fingers::
I lovethe idea of using the holodeck for testing NPC text in the foundry. Very nice touch.
I keep getting generating map genesis error.
Started about 10hours ago. Tribble recently went down.
I did this with me when the Foundry came back up. Have you a got a resource not found error in the box on the bottom left? It was the backdrops that caused this for me
Is there a way to exit a mission edit with out going back to the login screen.
Having cool toys makes it complex.
* Hostile fed NPC's for fed side *holding me up on two or so missions in development atm, undine influenced etc*
* Feature episode maps including characters. *I need Obisek for a Mission lol*
* And custom ships including factions such as romulans and remans.
* Lovin Foundry keep up the great work cryptic*
So very true, But think of the possibilities. I think organisation is better than simple.
We've been very spoiled lately with the cut-scenes that were added to the revamped missions and included with Cloaked intentions for example.
I can see a CUT SCENE EDITOR as a great addition to foundry.
A method to create a "script" where you give assign ACTIONS to ACTOR and CAMERAS, and SCENES
ACTORS would need move-to and emote verbs,
CAMERAS would need pan-to, zoom-to and activate (for 2nd cam) verbs,
SCENES would need sfx to activate an effect and text-overlay verbs,
a WAIT command for dramatic pauses or to give the player time to read something,
With that you could easily build a quality cut-scene the same way you would write a screenplay dialog.
move-to, pan-to, zoom-to, and sfx would need a location parameter or "mark" to be pre-defined
so you could do something like ACTOR "Hakeev" move-to:<mark1>, for example.
Probably the most complicated thing in this proposal would be to build a tool to place marks.
Concretely how would this work;
I imagine that you would be inside the mission, in test mode, but have an additional tool/power called 'cut-scene'
This cut-scene power would start by pressing "pause world"
which brings up a new UI overlay with the text-based script,
and pre-populated list of ACTORS (NPCs and BOs) that are on the current game screen
and a Camera element at it's current position
So you start with all the elements in their current on-screen starting preset places.
Next press Play (like the director shouting "action" on scene)
and the events would step through a list of tasks in a text script,one by one.
Very linear, no multi-threading. or simultaneous actions required
After all you want the players attention focused on one thing at a time.[/COLOR]
The back-end system would need to track each element's locations at each step so that the UI text screen could include the typical Play/Pause, Previous-step (rewind), Next-step, as the scene was debugged.
When you have the scene scripted the way you want, you press 'Record', the scene starts from the beginning, and is rendered into an object/file that is saved into your foundry mission.
That is probably where the real challenge is.
Remember all the debates about foundry mission not really being pre-built (compiled) beforehand the way Cryptic's in-house missions are? So with this scenario you get a hybrid, pre-build little piece, and have to push it back out to your foundry mission editor.
But clearly not insurmountable.
There are a number of things that could be added incrementally.
Adding new Actors, more cameras, more emotes, more Special Effects, etc.
Extending the max-length of a scene (I would expect it to be limited in both time and number of actions to start)
The option to skip cut scenes should be included as a standard. But you would need to effectivly take the AI out of the system else your cut scenes would fail.
You would need to put in specific commands similar to the dialog editor into the cut scene so that each person each ship would know exactly what to do.
Say borg sphere turns up and tractors the players ship it would need know where the players ship is and to tractor and not shoot its phasers.
that whole system would need to be a system on its own.
From what I here the Dev's don't like using it because it's to finicky. So I think any version on foundry will probably be only used by the more advanced authors. I also don't believe they will allow us to make epic cut-scenes because of bandwidth and all. I just hope the foundry version is not so simplified it becomes annoying within foundry missions.
Also, the 'pathed' talking options need more clarity (i.e. talking to a person for more than one text box) as the current wording/listing is unclear.
Ah I'm a huge fan of Trainz simulator type gaming. The amount of hours I've spent making maps on Simulators and not having anyone play them other than myself is a little sad, but thank you for Foundry. The only maps any one has every played I've designed is my friends playing Company Of Heroes via lan.
Not to sure what you mean about the second statement. I'm pretty sure every NPC contact, Popup tool and Talk to Npc tool now has Advanced Dialogue. The Advanced Dialogue is customisable to the brink of insanity, have you tried dragging the arrows at the bottom of the boxes. This might open up a world of possibility. However if your talking about the NPC chat Behaviour, Yes you only get one line. But it is my opinion that it is now obsolete and most will no longer be using it.
I'm pretty sure the Dev's have played both of them. 101 Training and research for most game designers, but remember this is an MMO customisable game engine and not a one of developed game Product. I really think that if the 2D map editing is difficult, any 3D element would be even more complicated. I'm al for it, however I'm a Foundry addict, most people just want to hop on create and have fun. The more complicated it becomes, the more the masses will get upset, the less mission will be authored. Which is good for me, more players for my missions, But the Foundry is for everyone to use, not just the die hard map creators.
Allot of stuff is still possible once you learn the tools, available objects and the sizes. Here are a few picks of a shuttle bay I started working on for fun last night. http://s223.photobucket.com/albums/dd314/filbones/?action=view¤t=9959776e.pbw