The Foundry is an awesome concept. I've only been a subscriber for 3 days and have ran like 4 Foundry missions. I'm looking forward to trying out some of the 4-5 star missions from some of the more well known authours like Galactrix, et al.
I agree with most of what you've said.
I disagree with the object collisions.
Being able to meld objects together gives us more room to be creative.
Like the steps I've made on the Axis Space Station in my latest 3 missions.
Never could have done them with object collision countermeasures preventing it.
Contact me directly in-game sometime.
I'd love to chat with you some more and maybe even show you what I mean first-hand ;-)
Perhaps have objects have collision after editing. So when you go to the "set", they are solid no matter where you put them.
Right now, my biggest gripe with the Foundry Editor that I'm hoping that will be fixed soon is the how the mouse wheel doesn't always zoom / unzoom, especially with the custom editor. I really like a manual zoom bar added like with the Dialogue and Map Sections.
Perhaps have objects have collision after editing. So when you go to the "set", they are solid no matter where you put them.
Right now, my biggest gripe with the Foundry Editor that I'm hoping that will be fixed soon is the how the mouse wheel doesn't always zoom / unzoom, especially with the custom editor. I really like a manual zoom bar added like with the Dialogue and Map Sections.
My main gripe is not being able to resize "Costumes".
We're essentially making another character in that tab.
So why does all of my "Costumes" have to be set at 4 feet tall with no way to change it?
I made a Gorn "Costume", and put it on a Gorn NPC and it was STILL only 4 feet tall.
If we can't edit any other size factors such as facial features & body type, we should still at least be able to change the height.
I mean, Hirogen are about 7 feet tall (from what I've seen in the Foundry) and Ferengi are about 4 feet tall.
Yet they're the same size if they're both costumes.
Not right >.<
While we're at it, why not add a feature allowing us to change an enemy's Faction logo?
I mean, I have a series of missions involving a species from Star Trek that's not even in STO, and I understand not being able to make their own logo, but it would be nice if I could at least use say Klingons, but change each enemy's faction logo to something else, or at least change it to the civilian emblem.
Fighting a Hur'Q Soldier with a Klingon faction logo on their lifebar just so they can have appropriate weaponry doesn't make sense.
That's why my good missions aren't published yet, because I'm hoping for this feature to be put in at some point.
As far as that goes, maybe we could just change the entire enemy squad's faction logo?
Cryptic, are you there? It's me; A lifer with great ideas.
I personally am hoping to get some functionality for timers. I doubt we will see such a concept soon, but it would be great. I have several mission ideas for "Survive for X minutes".
Also, I'd love to be able to see ships given exact paths rather than wandering, but I'm sure everyone else has cried for that too at some point
I personally am hoping to get some functionality for timers. I doubt we will see such a concept soon, but it would be great. I have several mission ideas for "Survive for X minutes".
Also, I'd love to be able to see ships given exact paths rather than wandering, but I'm sure everyone else has cried for that too at some point
Why wouldn't we? There's a survival timer in the tutorial mission at Delta Vega when you first join STO
Still looking for/hoping for an updated roadmap....pretty please?
I have been searching the forums for an update on the foundry. I resubscribed about two weeks ago and the foundry has been down/unaccessible to me? Is it down for a fix or am I doing something wrong?
I would appreciate any help/suggestions that you might have.
I have been searching the forums for an update on the foundry. I resubscribed about two weeks ago and the foundry has been down/unaccessible to me? Is it down for a fix or am I doing something wrong?
I would appreciate any help/suggestions that you might have.
Thank you.
Welcome to the "We are waiting on Cryptic Dev Team to let us know when that day will come" Foundry Season 4 update ...
And yes, Foundry is 'Down' until they fix whatever ails it. :mad:
i would play foundry missions but since theres a chance to get involved in one thats broken and the sad fact that the foundry editor is borked its unfair to both the community and the author. and the really sad part is the game is pretty boring without foundry and peeps can only wait so long. a progress report would be nice but right now its feeling more and more like a giant void.
The most I've seen about the Foundry is the discussion in the updates for tomorrows... er, todays, later this morning... patch.
Bug updates with generating maps, mostly.
I'm waiting for a big release for the Foundry TBH. The missions I want to develop are beyond what I can do now... too many changes just to make it somewhat the way I want.
Player Starship Costumes
- Set the player's starship costume. [or enable a holoemitter of a custom costume] This will enable players to create missions that truly roleplay them into the shoes of another starship. [a 23rd century roleplay, for example]
Control Map Level
- Similar to private fleet actions, the mission (or map) must have a toggle that determines the skill level (or rank) of all (enemy & ally) NPC's on a map, instead of simply defaulting to be equal to the player's rank.
Control NPC Level
- Set the rank of individual enemy NPC's. [Perhaps to create a swarm of Level 21 frigates around a Level 61 Dreadnaught.]
Restrict Player Starship
- The ability to require a player to be in a particular starship, or a perticular Tier of starship. [or shuttlecraft]
{{ In addition to solving a ton of other problems, such changes will provide a Foundry-based solution for Vice Admiral players who want to play with their Tier-1 starships }}
Loot Restrictions
- Set looting restrictions; ability to exchange quantity for quality, and visa versa. [Ex: increase the number of loot drops to occur for every third or fourth enemy destroyed, but actual loot are only food items and/or common Mk I items]
whats the status on the foundry? does it make sense to make missions now? Are/were triggers added? Since the initial release was anything on the road map added?
Future updates?! We still have yet to see features that were available in the Foundry beta. I DEMAND COLLABORATION BE ADDED!!!
Many minds working as one. War, hunger, inefficiency, typos, these will all become obsolete. Oh also we want your cookies. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, Snickerdoodles. Any will do.
Many minds working as one. War, hunger, inefficiency, typos, these will all become obsolete. Oh also we want your cookies. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, Snickerdoodles. Any will do.
All of the above and some white chocolate macadamia nut for Z.
Currently on Life support.
Luckily for Dstahl, this is no longer his concern.
Unluckily for those whom like the Foundry it doesn't seem to be Cryptic iether at the moment.
One can only hope they put effort back into it after the F2P has rolled out.
The Foundry is in worse shape than the KDF.
I have come up with a use for the different drinks in STO. If each drink is given an alcohol percentage in increments of 10% they would have the following effects [ +10% damage and -10% accuracy ]. So a character can imbibe alcohol and increase his/her damage in melee combat. So the drink percentages stack. Example a Synthale and and a Nerve Tonic would result in being +60% to damage and -60% on Accuracy. The cooldown time of each drink would vary. Of course foodstuffs could have the effect of absorbing the alcohol too at various rates. Each toon would have a 100% tolerance that would vary by race with some drinks affecting other races differently. Of course there would need to be an unarmed melee option in the bars. This of course would be policed by the MP's so you could have a new accolade "Evading The Cops" if you were able to elude them. However there is also a catch if they catch you you spend 2-5 Mins in the Brig for affray and could face Admiral Quinn and be busted a full rank for insubbornation. That being said, there would be a plethora of accolades to add to unarmed combat and could re-inact the K-7 debacle where Mr. Scott got aggravated at the Klingon for calling the Enterprise a garbage scowl and promptly threw the first punch.
Synthale +10% to Dmg -10% Acc
Chateau Picard +20% to Dmg -20% Acc
Saurian Brandy +30% to Dmg -30% Acc
Aldebaran Whiskey +40% to Dmg -40% Acc
Nerve Tonic +50% to Dmg -50% Acc
Romulan Ale +60% to Dmg -60% Acc
Blood Wine would have special properties like 3X Damage and would be -80% Accuracy.
Once you reach intoxication point of 100% you pass out and wake up in the brig. This idea would bring a much needed flavor to the "Latnium Club" mindset of shoreleave.
Yes this is a shameless plug for you to visit my Foundry mission Espionage by Arnthebard. Go play this so you could see the Latnium Club as a setting for the Bar Fight Scenario.
Just under a month to go until the 1 year anniversary of the original roadmap....and no updates. Can we have this changed please, something that indicates that Cryptic even vaguely considers the Foundry a relevant thing anymore?
So.. this is the thread I've been directed to by Zero on the P1 podcast in answer to the question:
"Why should i subscribe and invest in the foundry? What features are going to be added and when?"
A dev post that's a year old by a guy who doesn't work there anymore... No ETAs, no Updates.. and yet we are always told that things change on a daily basis..
i would like to see a far less restrictive foundry, one with far more items, triggers and such. it feels so dumbed down at the moment that i can not pin point the problem to my mission i created a week back. i won't publish it until i can figure out the problems and make massive improvements, specifically, having the ability to create ship decks section by section, ability to easily create patrol paths, different gestures, ability to easily transition between maps without having to place down markers to reach from the last map to the new to to access the transition.
i also want to see the foundry mission map load up not have this automatic window minimize, it's very annoying having to prop the window back open again.
but so far i havent seen any change and under the current structure being as restricted as it is, i may never get a mission out.
I would really like to get some NPCs to start following.
I agree with most of what you've said.
I disagree with the object collisions.
Being able to meld objects together gives us more room to be creative.
Like the steps I've made on the Axis Space Station in my latest 3 missions.
Never could have done them with object collision countermeasures preventing it.
Contact me directly in-game sometime.
I'd love to chat with you some more and maybe even show you what I mean first-hand ;-)
Right now, my biggest gripe with the Foundry Editor that I'm hoping that will be fixed soon is the how the mouse wheel doesn't always zoom / unzoom, especially with the custom editor. I really like a manual zoom bar added like with the Dialogue and Map Sections.
My main gripe is not being able to resize "Costumes".
We're essentially making another character in that tab.
So why does all of my "Costumes" have to be set at 4 feet tall with no way to change it?
I made a Gorn "Costume", and put it on a Gorn NPC and it was STILL only 4 feet tall.
If we can't edit any other size factors such as facial features & body type, we should still at least be able to change the height.
I mean, Hirogen are about 7 feet tall (from what I've seen in the Foundry) and Ferengi are about 4 feet tall.
Yet they're the same size if they're both costumes.
Not right >.<
While we're at it, why not add a feature allowing us to change an enemy's Faction logo?
I mean, I have a series of missions involving a species from Star Trek that's not even in STO, and I understand not being able to make their own logo, but it would be nice if I could at least use say Klingons, but change each enemy's faction logo to something else, or at least change it to the civilian emblem.
Fighting a Hur'Q Soldier with a Klingon faction logo on their lifebar just so they can have appropriate weaponry doesn't make sense.
That's why my good missions aren't published yet, because I'm hoping for this feature to be put in at some point.
As far as that goes, maybe we could just change the entire enemy squad's faction logo?
Cryptic, are you there? It's me; A lifer with great ideas.
Also, I'd love to be able to see ships given exact paths rather than wandering, but I'm sure everyone else has cried for that too at some point
Why wouldn't we? There's a survival timer in the tutorial mission at Delta Vega when you first join STO
I have been searching the forums for an update on the foundry. I resubscribed about two weeks ago and the foundry has been down/unaccessible to me? Is it down for a fix or am I doing something wrong?
I would appreciate any help/suggestions that you might have.
Thank you.
Welcome to the "We are waiting on Cryptic Dev Team to let us know when that day will come" Foundry Season 4 update ...
And yes, Foundry is 'Down' until they fix whatever ails it. :mad:
yes an update after 7 months would be nice, wouldn't it? I'm sure they'll get a "roundtoit" eventually.
Mostly Im just looking for something akin to a engineering report of a state of the union for the Foundry
Bug updates with generating maps, mostly.
I'm waiting for a big release for the Foundry TBH. The missions I want to develop are beyond what I can do now... too many changes just to make it somewhat the way I want.
Player Starship Costumes
- Set the player's starship costume. [or enable a holoemitter of a custom costume] This will enable players to create missions that truly roleplay them into the shoes of another starship. [a 23rd century roleplay, for example]
Control Map Level
- Similar to private fleet actions, the mission (or map) must have a toggle that determines the skill level (or rank) of all (enemy & ally) NPC's on a map, instead of simply defaulting to be equal to the player's rank.
Control NPC Level
- Set the rank of individual enemy NPC's. [Perhaps to create a swarm of Level 21 frigates around a Level 61 Dreadnaught.]
Restrict Player Starship
- The ability to require a player to be in a particular starship, or a perticular Tier of starship. [or shuttlecraft]
{{ In addition to solving a ton of other problems, such changes will provide a Foundry-based solution for Vice Admiral players who want to play with their Tier-1 starships }}
Loot Restrictions
- Set looting restrictions; ability to exchange quantity for quality, and visa versa. [Ex: increase the number of loot drops to occur for every third or fourth enemy destroyed, but actual loot are only food items and/or common Mk I items]
Many minds working as one. War, hunger, inefficiency, typos, these will all become obsolete. Oh also we want your cookies. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, Snickerdoodles. Any will do.
All of the above and some white chocolate macadamia nut for Z.
Here, here!
White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies are my FAVORITE cookies!
Currently on Life support.
Luckily for Dstahl, this is no longer his concern.
Unluckily for those whom like the Foundry it doesn't seem to be Cryptic iether at the moment.
One can only hope they put effort back into it after the F2P has rolled out.
The Foundry is in worse shape than the KDF.
Please sir, can we have some scrapes?
I have come up with a use for the different drinks in STO. If each drink is given an alcohol percentage in increments of 10% they would have the following effects [ +10% damage and -10% accuracy ]. So a character can imbibe alcohol and increase his/her damage in melee combat. So the drink percentages stack. Example a Synthale and and a Nerve Tonic would result in being +60% to damage and -60% on Accuracy. The cooldown time of each drink would vary. Of course foodstuffs could have the effect of absorbing the alcohol too at various rates. Each toon would have a 100% tolerance that would vary by race with some drinks affecting other races differently. Of course there would need to be an unarmed melee option in the bars. This of course would be policed by the MP's so you could have a new accolade "Evading The Cops" if you were able to elude them. However there is also a catch if they catch you you spend 2-5 Mins in the Brig for affray and could face Admiral Quinn and be busted a full rank for insubbornation. That being said, there would be a plethora of accolades to add to unarmed combat and could re-inact the K-7 debacle where Mr. Scott got aggravated at the Klingon for calling the Enterprise a garbage scowl and promptly threw the first punch.
Synthale +10% to Dmg -10% Acc
Chateau Picard +20% to Dmg -20% Acc
Saurian Brandy +30% to Dmg -30% Acc
Aldebaran Whiskey +40% to Dmg -40% Acc
Nerve Tonic +50% to Dmg -50% Acc
Romulan Ale +60% to Dmg -60% Acc
Blood Wine would have special properties like 3X Damage and would be -80% Accuracy.
Once you reach intoxication point of 100% you pass out and wake up in the brig. This idea would bring a much needed flavor to the "Latnium Club" mindset of shoreleave.
Take a look at this for the setting¤t=EspionagePoster2.jpg
Yes this is a shameless plug for you to visit my Foundry mission Espionage by Arnthebard. Go play this so you could see the Latnium Club as a setting for the Bar Fight Scenario.
"Why should i subscribe and invest in the foundry? What features are going to be added and when?"
A dev post that's a year old by a guy who doesn't work there anymore... No ETAs, no Updates.. and yet we are always told that things change on a daily basis..
i also want to see the foundry mission map load up not have this automatic window minimize, it's very annoying having to prop the window back open again.
but so far i havent seen any change and under the current structure being as restricted as it is, i may never get a mission out.