Upcoming Foundry Feature Goals
The following features are high on the priority list for upcoming updates (most likely Q1 2011)
Mission Triggers (new)
Triggers are a way to make the game play react to the players actions
Show pop-up dialogs in response to a trigger
Spawn encounters in response to a trigger
Play music or sound effects in response to a trigger
Set a trigger on entering a volume
Set a trigger on killing an encounter
Set a trigger on interacting with an object
Set a trigger on talking with a contact
Branching dialogue (new)
Add multiple buttons to a prompt and chain prompts based on button chosen
Show/hide buttons based on mission state
Alter button behavior based on mission state
Timeline editor (new)
Change encounter behavior based on objectives in progress and triggers
Change contact dialog text in based on objectives in progress and triggers
DSTAHL - these are the most appealing and exciting considerations for upcoming features in the foundry. Branching Dialogues & Mission Triggers seem to be the most sought after requirement from the BETA and the most requested so I'm glad you guys have listened and have added them to the slate for the future.
All in all, I'm really impressed with the Foundry tool and I can see this is going to keep me busy playing and creating for years to come!
i havent looked at that part yet..so im not sure. if i wanted to.. could i create a 20 foot tall, 8 legged beast, with 5 eyes, a long scorpion like tail, tentacles at the mouth, and large menacing claws? i have a mission that requires a creature of that type of very alien design. ( seriously, thats the design i am looking for. no joke)
i need that "holy TRIBBLE we dont belong here" kind of reaction.:D i may actually need a pack of 3 or 4 of them. part of the mission will have that Jurassic park-run-from-the-trex kind of feeling to it. so if the custom costume can do that, then i am set
i mean just like you can do with characters (people) i want a separate version for animals and other non-sentient life,
parts like bug features, arachnid, lobsters, mammals, etc
you can mix and match to an extent. determining if it is land, air, water, space, subterranean would determine the limitations. after-all, we probably dont want giant ducks with fish tails running around with monkey feet.
--so maybe i want a crab-like armor body, with a spider abdomen, 4 legs placed at the joint (or the slider could allow me to move 2 legs to the front of the beast and 2 in back of the beast). maybe i want tentacles out the belly and fly like eyes at the front rim of the shell. the top of the creature i color black, and the underside is yellow-white. maybe i want him to be 1 foot tall, or maybe i want him towering over me--
what can it do? sting? bite? grab? throw? pinch? fire projectiles? generate electricity? poison?
is it corporeal or non-corporeal?
that kind of stuff
i just think it could be a cool way to add easy variety to alien life, for missions or ambient life forms. parts can be added as time goes on, allowing for more and more
This is all very exciting stuff, I'm really looking forward to the changes in the Foundry.
By the way, is the Foundry offline for updates or was it's use on Tribble only a temporary test phase?
i havent looked at that part yet..so im not sure. if i wanted to.. could i create a 20 foot tall, 8 legged beast, with 5 eyes, a long scorpion like tail, tentacles at the mouth, and large menacing claws? i have a mission that requires a creature of that type of very alien design. ( seriously, thats the design i am looking for. no joke)
i need that "holy TRIBBLE we dont belong here" kind of reaction.:D i may actually need a pack of 3 or 4 of them. part of the mission will have that Jurassic park-run-from-the-trex kind of feeling to it. so if the custom costume can do that, then i am set
i mean just like you can do with characters (people) i want a separate version for animals and other non-sentient life,
parts like bug features, arachnid, lobsters, mammals, etc
you can mix and match to an extent. determining if it is land, air, water, space, subterranean would determine some parts.
--so maybe i want a crab-like armor body, with a spider abdomen, 4 legs placed at the joint (or the slider could allow me to move 2 legs to the front of the beast and 2 in back of the beast). maybe i want tentacles out the belly and fly like eyes at the front rim of the shell. the top of the creature i color black, and the underside is yellow-white.--
what can it do? sting? bite? grab? throw? pinch? fire projectiles? generate electricity? poison?
is it corporeal or non-corporeal?
that kind of stuff
i just think it could be a cool way to add easy variety to alien life, for missions or ambient life forms. parts can be added as time goes on, allowing for more and more
Well that's SPORE stuff and, unfortunately, it's not supported in this game. It's not likely to ever be supported, honestly, as it requires some heavy duty technology just to make it work and even then, it doesn't work all that well.
Well that's SPORE stuff and, unfortunately, it's not supported in this game. It's not likely to ever be supported, honestly, as it requires some heavy duty technology just to make it work and even then, it doesn't work all that well.
yea its probably long term, which is why i put that idea on the back of my list. but i figure if i request it now, it might inspire someone and may at least get the talk started. who knows what the future can bring? :cool:
Using Foundry to create custom starship bridge and ship interiors
Using Foundry to create custom starbase interiors
Using Foundry to create PvP maps
Using Foundry to create Fleet Action maps
This topic is very important to me, and I think the entire PvP community. If you can't squeeze in more PvP maps and modes on your own, maybe at least we can try to create some.
Sounds good. I had no idea you could already do this: Combine objectives into a Complete All group of simultaneous mission objectives
I'll have to look for that feature.
One thing I don't see is a way to copy/paste stuff (like costumes)...is that on the roadmap anywhere?
You can make costumes and use them in your current project. You cannot then save them, start up a different project, and use them again.
Something you'd want, if, for example, you were to use that same NPC ship in the follow up mission. You wouldn't want to have to recreate the uniforms and the notable NPCs like the captain.
I thought "importable projects" was supposed to cover this (mostly), but that's not on the roadmap as far as I can tell...
Although, if you're creating a large project, you're going to want/need backups - and I don't see any easy way to do that without saving it locally. e.g. accidentally delete a map, and there is no way to recover it etc.
For that reason, I do think the developers should seriously consider how to allow a player to save content to their PC, and from that potentially allow them a local 'archive' of editor content? (the savefile should contain the editor settings to create the object, not the object itself - thereby making it useless to hack).
I do like the list of upcoming features though - lots of fun to be had there!
Be able to award items of no game value, this allows the ideas in the UGC Starbase to be enabled.
Specify pathing
Ability to copy/paste/move between maps
Ability to link multiple missions together (e.g., Make it easy for a player to find the next mission in the series)
Access to the physics engine so we can: Make it look as if an NPC has telekinesis, have objects float, have debris rain down, create a "balanced rock" puzzle, etc.
Random number generator - This will allow missions to have an unpredictable element
Creating/Storing variables at Mission scope based on actions performed, events triggered, or random numbers generated so they can be used to affect later actions
Add emotes to dialog options
Add ability to have BOs execute skills as a part of the storyline ( (e.g., have the doctor rez an NPC, Engineer to fabricate something, take cover behind a boulder [really good for cut scenes])
Have a spell checker and possibly a grammar checker
Be able to determine Player/BO Gender, faction, Race, Profession, Rank, Skills, Accolades
Detect time passed, either to trigger an event or as a quest time limit.
Start a timer that will trigger an event, Place a countdown timer on the PCs display Or have a computer voice provide a countdown (good for self-destructs)
Missions that can be marked as "holosuite", which means they can only be played at a holosuite, sold on the exchange, but do not generate rewards or grant experience.
Holosuite missions should allow content and NPCs from any Star Trek Era (e.g., Kirk/Spock/Enterprise) and be able to build missions from outside the Star Trek IP (e.g., Sherlock Holmes mystery)
Variable and no gravity for away-missions
Ability for players to specify personality for BOs that can be used by designers to select appropriate actors for actions and for specific dialog tracts (ideas)
Ability to create PvP content.
Localization to support multiple languages (e.g., English, French, German)
Checkboxes in the mission search to indicate acceptable languages (e.g., English, German)
Checkbox to view unranked missions
A process to automatically unpublish any mission ranked a one after 60 days and ranked a two after 90 days. This will help keep only the best content in the game and remove "junk".
Conversation Editor Wish List
Star Trek is known for its rich banter between the crew and powerful dialog, the UGC tools will need an equally powerful toolset to build missions that can do the Star Trek universe proud.
Debugger - Ability to run through and test the dialog options
Branching - A PC should have choices in the dialog that they can select (e.g., a choice they pic decides if the PC goes down a diplomatic path or a combat path to resolve the mission).
Conditions - There may be prerequisites that must occur before a conversation can take place (e.g., a doctor BO in the party) - if the condition is not met the dialog portion should be skip-able.
Speaker - The speaker of the line may not always be clear at design-time, as such a speaker should identified by NPC Name, or a combination of one or more: Profession, Race, skills, frade, gender, and faction. Combinations may be additive (e.g., Female+Doctor) or subtractive (e.g., Tactical - Klingon) [Note: these features are needed mostly for sparking BO banter]
Emotes: When a speaker speaks a line, they should be able to do an emote.
Robust - The dialog system must handle conversation where the PC is attacked and needs to temporarily break off dialog by being able to return to the dialog. However the system needs to know which conversations have already completed to ensure the correct dialog choice is being made.
Cut-scene Editor
Using a variation of the /demorecord feature a designer can setup a scenario (complete with npcs running scripts) and record it. The designer can then specify any character in the recording as either an NPC, the PC, or a BO of the PC (in space the ship could be designated as the player or an NPC). When the player sees the cut-scene, those characters are replaced as appropriate. This tool would also contain an editor and commands like fade-in/fade out (or convert to an video format where external editors could be used).
Wow. This is extremely ambitious, and if you can pull it off that will be a serious feather in the cap of Cryptic. Mission Architect in CoE is cool but the missions it creates are fairly linear. I get the distinct impression that there's much more variety possible in Foundry.
For that reason, I do think the developers should seriously consider how to allow a player to save content to their PC, and from that potentially allow them a local 'archive' of editor content? (the savefile should contain the editor settings to create the object, not the object itself - thereby making it useless to hack).!
Yeah. I'd like the ability to export and import various things from a local machine. Maps, costumes, and so on. That way, they are stored server side, but, if you need them, you can load up a project, export what you need, then go to the project that needs them and import them. Something I think is a must for revisiting locations and characters, especially as they increase customization allowed within the costume editor.
For that matter, it'll also allow you to set up a space map and then make a copy of it within the same scenario, although a copy button would be simpler for that.
Can we have custom missions launch from Star Cluster maps? It will make the production of our own first contact and diplomatic missions much more in keeping with the rest of the game, and will allow us the ability to create whole new star systems that won't seem out of place on the normal map.
Can we have custom missions launch from Star Cluster maps? It will make the production of our own first contact and diplomatic missions much more in keeping with the rest of the game, and will allow us the ability to create whole new star systems that won't seem out of place on the normal map.
good idea, i was thinking something similar myself the other day. also helps when we need to start making system names up, to put them into the star clusters.
I am very happy about this communication! This gives me an perspective of what to expect, and defining the area of development options achievable. Please keep this going.
I am very happy that the music / sound effects are added into the game.I think this will give a great immersion perspective to the storytelling purposes and was high on my personal list.
As a suggestion, and I might have overlooked it: Duplicating contacts (e.g for Federation costume purposes) is a feature that might make life more convenient. Or is "Placement of auto-generated civilian populations" tied into this?
The team is very excited about the response to the Foundry going into Open Beta. Already we have seen some great missions come in over the weekend and it shows a bright future ahead where the community has a direct impact on the stories being told throughout the galaxy. We are already passing around our favorite fan made missions internally, and I can say that we're impressed! We knew you could make awesome missions and considering the tools will improve over time, this is only going to get more awesome.
very clever indeed. your actually fooling ppl into PAYING to make content for you..
very cost effective i must say.
in all fairness, authors of popular and well made missions should get paid for their work, not having to pay to do it.
You've posted a really tall order, do you think that you can really get these ideas up and running?
All of these features exist in their own development tools. The only restraints are making it user-friendly for players to use, and preventing exploitation.
I don't see anything on there about the option to limit away team members to zero though. This is the only thing not listed that I really want to see implemented. Some missions I want to make are specifically aimed at low level characters. I find it wholly ridiculous that a level 5 Ensign would be provided a 4-man team of armed henchmen to check up on a cargo delivery in the bowels of earth space dock. :mad:
And of course I've just thought of another thing, as you do :rolleyes:
Rewards for non-combat missions: Starfleet Merits/Honor or Diplomacy XP. The choice of either or both would be awesome.
Foundry is the key piece to bring STO to new dimension. Whit it, STO break a frontier with another mmo, and I'm sure that will bring us new people, and more... mucho more fun.
We see how another parts of STO are changing and upgrade... may be in a close future, STO'll the best game (at least to me, now is the more fun).
GREAT GREAT GREAT.... Thanks to Criptic crew for the "unique" oportunity to us "to make the difference". Your work will be remmenber
very clever indeed. your actually fooling ppl into PAYING to make content for you..
very cost effective i must say.
in all fairness, authors of popular and well made missions should get paid for their work, not having to pay to do it.
and no, free game time is not "getting paid".
no, i disagree completely. im not being fooled into anything. i make missions because i enjoy it and because i want other people to enjoy it. my value for money is increasing with the foundry. i have the luxury of making what i want, when i want to what ever level of quality i want. i am accountable to no one.
if i want to get paid id apply for a job with them.
why would i want cryptic to hand our sub money over to other people. that gives them less money to make proper professionally created missions and features. If my missions help people to stay with sto or join sto because they like them, then that gives cryptic more money to make the game even better and i benefit from that. my time is being reward with a better more popular game. i dont benefit anywhere near as much because they send me a cheque for a few pounds each month.
How else could we keep our reputation as a miracle worker?
DSTAHL - these are the most appealing and exciting considerations for upcoming features in the foundry. Branching Dialogues & Mission Triggers seem to be the most sought after requirement from the BETA and the most requested so I'm glad you guys have listened and have added them to the slate for the future.
All in all, I'm really impressed with the Foundry tool and I can see this is going to keep me busy playing and creating for years to come!
i havent looked at that part yet..so im not sure. if i wanted to.. could i create a 20 foot tall, 8 legged beast, with 5 eyes, a long scorpion like tail, tentacles at the mouth, and large menacing claws? i have a mission that requires a creature of that type of very alien design. ( seriously, thats the design i am looking for. no joke)
i need that "holy TRIBBLE we dont belong here" kind of reaction.:D i may actually need a pack of 3 or 4 of them. part of the mission will have that Jurassic park-run-from-the-trex kind of feeling to it. so if the custom costume can do that, then i am set
i mean just like you can do with characters (people) i want a separate version for animals and other non-sentient life,
parts like bug features, arachnid, lobsters, mammals, etc
you can mix and match to an extent. determining if it is land, air, water, space, subterranean would determine the limitations. after-all, we probably dont want giant ducks with fish tails running around with monkey feet.
--so maybe i want a crab-like armor body, with a spider abdomen, 4 legs placed at the joint (or the slider could allow me to move 2 legs to the front of the beast and 2 in back of the beast). maybe i want tentacles out the belly and fly like eyes at the front rim of the shell. the top of the creature i color black, and the underside is yellow-white. maybe i want him to be 1 foot tall, or maybe i want him towering over me--
what can it do? sting? bite? grab? throw? pinch? fire projectiles? generate electricity? poison?
is it corporeal or non-corporeal?
that kind of stuff
i just think it could be a cool way to add easy variety to alien life, for missions or ambient life forms. parts can be added as time goes on, allowing for more and more
so basically i am looking for the non-humanoid aspect of trek
By the way, is the Foundry offline for updates or was it's use on Tribble only a temporary test phase?
Well that's SPORE stuff and, unfortunately, it's not supported in this game. It's not likely to ever be supported, honestly, as it requires some heavy duty technology just to make it work and even then, it doesn't work all that well.
yea its probably long term, which is why i put that idea on the back of my list. but i figure if i request it now, it might inspire someone and may at least get the talk started. who knows what the future can bring? :cool:
I agree with Brad, would love to use that feature.
What does the crystal ball say on ETAs?
Combine objectives into a Complete All group of simultaneous mission objectives
I'll have to look for that feature.
One thing I don't see is a way to copy/paste stuff (like costumes)...is that on the roadmap anywhere?
I thought "importable projects" was supposed to cover this (mostly), but that's not on the roadmap as far as I can tell...
Although, if you're creating a large project, you're going to want/need backups - and I don't see any easy way to do that without saving it locally. e.g. accidentally delete a map, and there is no way to recover it etc.
For that reason, I do think the developers should seriously consider how to allow a player to save content to their PC, and from that potentially allow them a local 'archive' of editor content? (the savefile should contain the editor settings to create the object, not the object itself - thereby making it useless to hack).
I do like the list of upcoming features though - lots of fun to be had there!
Conversation Editor Wish List
Star Trek is known for its rich banter between the crew and powerful dialog, the UGC tools will need an equally powerful toolset to build missions that can do the Star Trek universe proud.
Cut-scene Editor
Using a variation of the /demorecord feature a designer can setup a scenario (complete with npcs running scripts) and record it. The designer can then specify any character in the recording as either an NPC, the PC, or a BO of the PC (in space the ship could be designated as the player or an NPC). When the player sees the cut-scene, those characters are replaced as appropriate. This tool would also contain an editor and commands like fade-in/fade out (or convert to an video format where external editors could be used).
All the very best of luck!
Yeah. I'd like the ability to export and import various things from a local machine. Maps, costumes, and so on. That way, they are stored server side, but, if you need them, you can load up a project, export what you need, then go to the project that needs them and import them. Something I think is a must for revisiting locations and characters, especially as they increase customization allowed within the costume editor.
For that matter, it'll also allow you to set up a space map and then make a copy of it within the same scenario, although a copy button would be simpler for that.
Can we have custom missions launch from Star Cluster maps? It will make the production of our own first contact and diplomatic missions much more in keeping with the rest of the game, and will allow us the ability to create whole new star systems that won't seem out of place on the normal map.
good idea, i was thinking something similar myself the other day. also helps when we need to start making system names up, to put them into the star clusters.
I am very happy that the music / sound effects are added into the game.I think this will give a great immersion perspective to the storytelling purposes and was high on my personal list.
As a suggestion, and I might have overlooked it: Duplicating contacts (e.g for Federation costume purposes) is a feature that might make life more convenient. Or is "Placement of auto-generated civilian populations" tied into this?
very clever indeed. your actually fooling ppl into PAYING to make content for you..
very cost effective i must say.
in all fairness, authors of popular and well made missions should get paid for their work, not having to pay to do it.
and no, free game time is not "getting paid".
Why can't the ability to make game content be intrinsically motivating?
All of these features exist in their own development tools. The only restraints are making it user-friendly for players to use, and preventing exploitation.
I know I spent far more time with the NWN 1 toolset than playing the actual game
It's reasonable to think all of this could be implemented by late 2011 or early-mid 2012 if they're working on other stuff in the meantime.
And of course I've just thought of another thing, as you do :rolleyes:
Rewards for non-combat missions: Starfleet Merits/Honor or Diplomacy XP. The choice of either or both would be awesome.
We see how another parts of STO are changing and upgrade... may be in a close future, STO'll the best game (at least to me, now is the more fun).
GREAT GREAT GREAT.... Thanks to Criptic crew for the "unique" oportunity to us "to make the difference". Your work will be remmenber
Yay! Triggers!
Can't wait
no, i disagree completely. im not being fooled into anything. i make missions because i enjoy it and because i want other people to enjoy it. my value for money is increasing with the foundry. i have the luxury of making what i want, when i want to what ever level of quality i want. i am accountable to no one.
if i want to get paid id apply for a job with them.
why would i want cryptic to hand our sub money over to other people. that gives them less money to make proper professionally created missions and features. If my missions help people to stay with sto or join sto because they like them, then that gives cryptic more money to make the game even better and i benefit from that. my time is being reward with a better more popular game. i dont benefit anywhere near as much because they send me a cheque for a few pounds each month.