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very disapointing and not very canon...



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    AtomicFB wrote:
    While its nomenclature is a sci vessel, I wouldn't be surprised if it operated like a cruiser in action.

    To be honest, I am glad they made it a sci vessel as it does make sense.

    I think it'd have made more sense for the Galaxy and Nebula to both be Exploration cruiser costumes, since that's what they were.

    That said, as far as Sci ships go it's still very cruisery, especially if you pop an engineer in the universal slot.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I don't know, how is "Nebula" any more sciencey than "Galaxy"?

    I think the "pod" (can't think of a better name right now) on top of the ship can be switched out depending on whatever mission it is going to be undertaking. Weapons, sensors, some other specialty tool. Where to the best of my knowledge the Galx can't be. Not with out some serious overhaul and upgrades.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I think the idea is that while the Galaxy is designed to be a large and extremely powerful combat oriented cruiser, the Nebula is more adaptable with its replacable mission pod, and advanced systems like its high energy sensors. (Which O'Brien was able to use to beam through the Phoenix's shields, and Data likely used to foil Sela's attempt to penetrate the tachyon detection grid)

    In other words, the ship is more suited for lighter, non combat missions like accompanying research teams, scouting and patrol missions, or serving as a supply ship. In other words, it is to the Galaxy what the Miranda was to the Constitution 100 years before.

    Sure, the Miranda is a "Light Cruiser", but personally I've always said that it should be the Science Ship of the Tier 1 selection. The Oberth finally took that spot, but again, it's not a cruiser like the Constutition, it is a "Light Cruiser". So the Nebula is a sort of Cruiser/Science hybrid as well. And as mentioned, with the Universal Slot it can come extremely close to that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    superchum wrote: »
    The Nebula was always a cruiser too. That didn't seem to matter much in this game. The Akira was supposed to be a carrier.

    So I don't see why they can't make the Odyssey an escort for game balance purposes.

    The nebula was an advanced research vessel, with the side pourpose of collecting galaxy sacuers after the star drives were destroyed. Starfleet reenginered the ships with a galaxy sacuer. The refit nebulas were exploration ships.

    Memory Alpha: The mission profile of the Nebula-class varied from performing various scientific and exploratory roles to conducting patrol and transport duties

    (Only one Nebula without a saucer was made)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sollaf wrote: »
    The nebula was an advanced research vessel, with the side pourpose of collecting galaxy sacuers after the star drives were destroyed. Starfleet reenginered the ships with a galaxy sacuer. The refit nebulas were exploration ships.

    I'm not sure about the "using the saucer after the stardrive was destroyed" part. They used the same nacelles as the Galaxy, and a similar secondary hull. Circumstancial evidence seems to show that they were built to take advantage of construction orders of large numbers of Galaxy saucers. They weren't really a kitbash, though, more a new class in their own right.

    I like my comparison to the Miranda. The Miranda clearly came after the Constitution, but appears to have been a testbed for the design changes that went into the Constitution refit. So the Nebula MIGHT have been a preliminary class that came before the Galaxy, to test the technology. Later Nebulas, though, ended up with more advanced systems than the Galaxy, particularly when it comes to sensors. This seems to be backed up by the large number of prototype designs that seem to vary from the standard. (And again, the Miranda seems to vary a lot more than the Constitution class ever did)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well, I think making it a science vessel with a bit of a cruiser feel was a perfect choice based on it's size and really that's what they di *crunch*

    Ahh, my brains! It bit my sweet beautiful brains, now how will I tell people how to fix STO! *dies*
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Blayyde wrote:
    I'm not sure about the "using the saucer after the stardrive was destroyed" part. They used the same nacelles as the Galaxy, and a similar secondary hull. Circumstancial evidence seems to show that they were built to take advantage of construction orders of large numbers of Galaxy saucers. They weren't really a kitbash, though, more a new class in their own right.

    I like my comparison to the Miranda. The Miranda clearly came after the Constitution, but appears to have been a testbed for the design changes that went into the Constitution refit. So the Nebula MIGHT have been a preliminary class that came before the Galaxy, to test the technology. Later Nebulas, though, ended up with more advanced systems than the Galaxy, particularly when it comes to sensors. This seems to be backed up by the large number of prototype designs that seem to vary from the standard. (And again, the Miranda seems to vary a lot more than the Constitution class ever did)

    I'll try and find the article, I read it a long time ago. It was about the design phase of the Nebula, and how it was intended to rescue galaxy sacucers. It mentioned that only one prototype was built, then the federation realized its versitility and added the galaxy sacuer to future models. According to memory alpha the Galaxy and Nebula were built at the same time.

    (In all reaility the Nebula was a kit bash of two galaxys used in Best of Both worlds. Then producers thought the design was worthy of its own place in the show.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Let me see. Bumped-up old thread from last year, going off topic.
    No! Penalty Box!
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