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very disapointing and not very canon...

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited August 2011 in Federation Discussion
ok, so flying around esd today i noticed that the nebula was rebadged a sci vessel, now my hope is that they are just rying to throw people off cause it is a cruiser. i as a tac officer was actually looking forward to playing my favorite ship, and now that is possibly an impossability... i will not buy it if it is a sci vessel, and i will whine and cry like the sci's for equal right as far as an escort goes... thus the escorts would be the only peeps getting no love...

plz cryptic leave the nebula as a cruiser so we can "all" enjoy it. there is no reason a sci player cannot use a cruiser, they are just being stubborn...

the other problem this brings up with me is the lack of canonality with this move. the nebula was an explorer cruiser, it has the same armaments as a galaxy, and is just a bit smaller. three for and three aft weapons hardly would do it justice, and the fact that only sci peeps would benefit from it (being a multi role ship in canon) further makes me lose the star trek feel. i have been drooling for this ship since the game released and now i feel like because a couple of people complained, (though a far vaster majority wanted it to stay cruiser) u guys caved in. i have baught every cruiser you released, but i have baught no sci vessels, and i will continue to not purchase sci vessels (as i know most tacs and engineers feel the same way..). a vessel loses to much when it is a sci vessel for it to be apealing to tac and engineer.... if your gonna give the sci's something, develop a new ship that no one cares about... but be fair and make the cannon ships (unless otherwise slated like a defient being an escort, or the olympic being a sci for example) cruisers.

again i am disapointed that the devs decided to make it a cruiser, and then caved.... really lame for the rest of us... the disapointment makes me lose interest in the game....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    While its nomenclature is a sci vessel, I wouldn't be surprised if it operated like a cruiser in action.

    To be honest, I am glad they made it a sci vessel as it does make sense.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Putnam wrote:
    there is no reason a sci player cannot use a cruiser, they are just being stubborn...

    There is no reason a tac or eng player cannot use a science vessel; you are just being stubborn...

    I use science vessels on my tactical alt, and I have tons of fun with her.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    the neluba is out already?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    dude, ive tried it, missin two weapons slots is a big deal.... further more, the powers are all messed up, i actually enjoyed the challenge of playing a sci vessel as a tac, and no, i do not have a closed mind, as anyone in my fleet as i will try anything... but it is impractical, and made me go from being a strong dps, to a mediocre dps, and only then was it situational... to play as a tac in a sci ship, you have to be playing with a specific group of people to make it work... i for one just wanted to be able to enjoy the ship as apposed to being /meh, about it... its the sci guys who are close minded and whining and complaining about every ship that comes out cause its not a sci ship... i have yet to see a sci in a cruiser outside of my fleet, and it works very well in my fleet. i see more scis in escorts lately, but still they complain that they want more.... sci's can play in any ship and be decently dependable and practical, it is not backwards compatible however, tacs are very weak in sci ships... and im just saying how disapointed i was, as i had started planning on how i was gonna build it and started stock piling equipment for it, which is now a waste of badges and emblems... i wouldnt have been as disapointed or upset if they had come out from the get go and said it was gonna be a sci ship, but they screwed me over by changing it mid stride... they should put it back to a cruiser, and make a new ship for the scis and escorts...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Putnam wrote:
    ok, so flying around esd today i noticed that the nebula was rebadged a sci vessel, now my hope is that they are just rying to throw people off cause it is a cruiser. i as a tac officer was actually looking forward to playing my favorite ship, and now that is possibly an impossability... i will not buy it if it is a sci vessel, and i will whine and cry like the sci's for equal right as far as an escort goes... thus the escorts would be the only peeps getting no love...

    plz cryptic leave the nebula as a cruiser so we can "all" enjoy it. there is no reason a sci player cannot use a cruiser, they are just being stubborn...

    the other problem this brings up with me is the lack of canonality with this move. the nebula was an explorer cruiser, it has the same armaments as a galaxy, and is just a bit smaller. three for and three aft weapons hardly would do it justice, and the fact that only sci peeps would benefit from it (being a multi role ship in canon) further makes me lose the star trek feel. i have been drooling for this ship since the game released and now i feel like because a couple of people complained, (though a far vaster majority wanted it to stay cruiser) u guys caved in. i have baught every cruiser you released, but i have baught no sci vessels, and i will continue to not purchase sci vessels (as i know most tacs and engineers feel the same way..). a vessel loses to much when it is a sci vessel for it to be apealing to tac and engineer.... if your gonna give the sci's something, develop a new ship that no one cares about... but be fair and make the cannon ships (unless otherwise slated like a defient being an escort, or the olympic being a sci for example) cruisers.

    again i am disapointed that the devs decided to make it a cruiser, and then caved.... really lame for the rest of us... the disapointment makes me lose interest in the game....

    I dunno. The sci vessels seem to have quite the edge over cruisers in many ways.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    There is no reason a tac or eng player cannot use a science vessel; you are just being stubborn...

    I use science vessels on my tactical alt, and I have tons of fun with her.

    also, i have fun with mine, but its not practical, and when its time to play and not fool around, i have to switch... i do not have infinate respec tokens, and i do not enjoy switching ships all the time... my tac is my main character, and i cannot bring a tac in a sci ship to stf's like terradome, or ka, or even the cure (doable in the cure, but not fair to the rest of the group since we dont down things as quickly....)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm glad its a science vessel. Cruisers have gotten more than enough love. Plus the Nebula is really a multi-role ship often used for scientific missions:
    The mission profile of the Nebula-class varied from performing various scientific roles to conducting patrol and transport duties. (DS9: "Second Sight", "Explorers"; TNG: "Brothers" set artwork; TNG: "Sarek", "The Game")
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    dorko1 wrote: »
    I dunno. The sci vessels seem to have quite the edge over cruisers in many ways.

    except that as a tac your primary position is dps, and missing 2 weapons slots hurts alot... also, its tuffer to play with power settings

    i mean i just feel that making it the first ship with a universal b.o. slot, then making it the weaker out of the three classes of ships was kinda stupid... i just feel like having the universal boff on anything but a cruiser is a waste.... i garunteee they will see less sales on it now that it is a sci vessel.. im not saying staggeringly less, but noticably....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I would have preferred it sticking to being a new star cruiser, so I can get rid of the hideous things we have now...I mean...umm...the not quite as shiny as I would like...thing.

    But I can live with it being Sci.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm glad its a science vessel. Cruisers have gotten more than enough love. Plus the Nebula is really a multi-role ship often used for scientific missions:

    i love when peeps use this quote, it is saying that it is a role for all three... lol... just because it says science first doesnt mean its a asci ship... take a look at the next few words, i see patrol, which in my mind is tac... lol...

    also, they make everything a cruiser, cause it is the most universal.. it is the most rounded and usable by all with very little disadvantages to each class... im so sick of hearing that cruisers get all the love, the way i look at it (being a tac who would like to see more escorts) its the best way to share the love....

    if you look up some info on many of the starfleet ships in memory alpha it states that they are designed to do scientific studies as well as patroling and other stuff... that is why they are all cruisers lol.... so in the argument that is highlighted in red on your reply, the galaxy, the akira, the norway, the stream runner and everything should be a science vessel... lol...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The Nebula in the shows clearly functioned as all three classes depending on which pod it was fitted with and how it was outfitted.

    From Memory Alpha:
    The mission profile of the Nebula-class varied from performing various scientific roles to conducting patrol and transport duties. (DS9: "Second Sight", "Explorers"; TNG: "Brothers" set artwork; TNG: "Sarek", "The Game")
    Atop the primary hull was a superstructure which could support a variety of modules, such as the inclusion of a triangular platform, fitted with torpedo launchers, an oval platform, or additional warp nacelles. (TNG: "Redemption II", "The Wounded", "Future Imperfect")

    It's more clearly an escort than most of the escorts we have in game (patrol assignments, torpedo launcher pods), clearly a science vessel and clearly a cruiser... and clearly only one of these things at a time based on how the particular ship was outfitted. Of these roles, I'd say the more prominent uses would be as a science vessel but there's a strong case to be made for eventually releasing one Nebula variant of each class.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Putnam wrote:
    also, i have fun with mine, but its not practical, and when its time to play and not fool around, i have to switch... i do not have infinate respec tokens, and i do not enjoy switching ships all the time... my tac is my main character, and i cannot bring a tac in a sci ship to stf's like terradome, or ka, or even the cure (doable in the cure, but not fair to the rest of the group since we dont down things as quickly....)

    Well, given that dstahl has said that only a small portion of the game's population actually does the STFs, I don't think it's a good idea to make it a cruiser simply because of that. Outside of the STFs, a tactical character in a science vessel does just fine; in fact, I like using mine more than my science main.

    I won't be buying it, simply because I've never liked, nor wanted, the Nebula. However, I am glad that they may be making it a science vessel because there really is more cruisers in the game (Fed side) than any other type of vessel.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Well, given that dstahl has said that only a small portion of the game's population actually does the STFs, I don't think it's a good idea to make it a cruiser simply because of that. Outside of the STFs, a tactical character in a science vessel does just fine; in fact, I like using mine more than my science main.

    I won't be buying it, simply because I've never liked, nor wanted, the Nebula. However, I am glad that they may be making it a science vessel because there really is more cruisers in the game (Fed side) than any other type of vessel.

    i dont understand why peeps get all upset that there is a ton of cruisers, that is what starfleet bases the whole fleet off of. and i know that only a small percentage play stf's but that translates into pvp as well, tac in a sci is very situational, and you have to build not only your ship, but others to make it work... there is a severe lac of dps, and if your a tac in say a pvp match, and your not doing decent dps, than your not doing your job.... believe me i have tried it, and i am a pretty good player who has been playing since the get go... i have played with every ship that is available in game (cause i get bored and want to try different things), but i was actually looking forward to this ship, i was a huge advocate for it when they made the poll, and i am now very disapointed that cryptic once again lied and renegged on something they said... when they came out and said, "we played with the idea of it being a sci vessel, but decided it was better suited a cruiser" that to me made me feel like they made up their minds. but alas, cryptic is good at making me waste time... lol....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Putnam wrote:
    i dont understand why peeps get all upset that there is a ton of cruisers, that is what starfleet bases the whole fleet off of. and i know that only a small percentage play stf's but that translates into pvp as well, tac in a sci is very situational, and you have to build not only your ship, but others to make it work... there is a severe lac of dps, and if your a tac in say a pvp match, and your not doing decent dps, than your not doing your job.... believe me i have tried it, and i am a pretty good player who has been playing since the get go... i have played with every ship that is available in game (cause i get bored and want to try different things), but i was actually looking forward to this ship, i was a huge advocate for it when they made the poll, and i am now very disapointed that cryptic once again lied and renegged on something they said... when they came out and said, "we played with the idea of it being a sci vessel, but decided it was better suited a cruiser" that to me made me feel like they made up their minds. but alas, cryptic is good at making me waste time... lol....

    I'm not upset that there are more cruisers than other ships. I simply think it's a good idea for them to add something other than a cruiser for a change.

    Also, when dstahl made the 'DRAFT - The Neubla' thread, the post starts with "THIS IS ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!! (unless you forgot what happened with the Excelsior)". That's why it's a work-in-progress.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Putnam wrote:
    ... its the sci guys who are close minded and whining and complaining about every ship that comes out cause its not a sci ship...

    And what was every ship that's come out again?

    Doesn't seem very "close minded" that a Science Vessel captain might actually, you know, want a Science Vessel.

    It does seem kind of close minded that you'd deny them one because of your personal desires when you could always pick up the Excelsior, Galaxy-X, Galaxy-R, Assault Cruiser or Star Cruiser is you want a Cruiser for your Tactical Officer, especially since the Excelsior would gel a lot better with that profession and definitely help your DPS a lot more with it's LtC Tactical Slot (and apparently according to you if "your not doing decent dps, than your not doing your job").
    Putnam wrote:
    except that as a tac your primary position is dps, and missing 2 weapons slots hurts alot... also, its tuffer to play with power settings

    And being a Science Officer your primary position is buff/debuff, and missing all those Science Vessel BOff slots hurts a lot... also it's tougher to play with non-SV power settings.
    Putnam wrote:
    i dont understand why peeps get all upset that there is a ton of cruisers...

    Says the guy getting upset that there won't be one more on the pile...and will "whine and cry" over it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm not upset that there are more cruisers than other ships. I simply think it's a good idea for them to add something other than a cruiser for a change.

    Also, when dstahl made the 'DRAFT - The Neubla' thread, the post starts with "THIS IS ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!! (unless you forgot what happened with the Excelsior)". That's why it's a work-in-progress.

    I still want something better looking for my ship type of choice, the star cruiser. No matter how much I play with the parts, I can't make it look good.

    Oh well, maybe the next large ship class!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Putnam wrote:
    i dont understand why peeps get all upset that there is a ton of cruisers, that is what starfleet bases the whole fleet off of. and i know that only a small percentage play stf's but that translates into pvp as well, tac in a sci is very situational, and you have to build not only your ship, but others to make it work... there is a severe lac of dps, and if your a tac in say a pvp match, and your not doing decent dps, than your not doing your job.... believe me i have tried it, and i am a pretty good player who has been playing since the get go... i have played with every ship that is available in game (cause i get bored and want to try different things), but i was actually looking forward to this ship, i was a huge advocate for it when they made the poll, and i am now very disapointed that cryptic once again lied and renegged on something they said... when they came out and said, "we played with the idea of it being a sci vessel, but decided it was better suited a cruiser" that to me made me feel like they made up their minds. but alas, cryptic is good at making me waste time... lol....

    Well I love cruisers myself more than any other ship but other players should also get fair treatment. What if some one just wants to fly a sci ship? More cruisers have been made than any other class and I think it is only fair to keep it even. A sci officer may be OK in a cruiser but if they want to be a pure science class they get the most benefit from the science vessel as it has more sci slots or maybe some people just like science more. They cant only think of one class or one type of ship after all.:o By your line or reasoning there should only be cruisers and that would be boring:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Based on its size and compliment, it would make more sense as a cruiser. That and its largely based around galaxy class components, regardless of the version that your looking at.

    The multi role argument does strengthen its position as a cruiser just as much as a sci vessel. It would seem to me that having a large crew and better armaments would make it better at tackling a large variety of missions then better sensors, faster turning rate, lower hull, and lower crew compliment.

    The only real argument I see going for it being a sci vessel is that people want something other then cruisers as new ships and the special ability is very science-like. That is fine with me and good reasons, but from a cannon standpoint it is a cruiser.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I'm not upset that there are more cruisers than other ships. I simply think it's a good idea for them to add something other than a cruiser for a change.

    Also, when dstahl made the 'DRAFT - The Neubla' thread, the post starts with "THIS IS ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!! (unless you forgot what happened with the Excelsior)". That's why it's a work-in-progress.

    yes but after he made that statement, another dev stated that they had thought about making it a sci vessel, but felt that it was better suited to be a cruiser... which they were right... but apearantly, these parents will give the candy to the screaming child instead of doing what is right lol...

    listen, i know you love to debate things on forums and get peeps going, but im tired, im going to bed, ill pick this back up in the am... lol.... good night all, and just remember, im sure theyll make the nx (which i dont want to see in game) into an escort just cause cryptic seems to like to do all the things i dont like hahahaha... good night..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Really, the most canon appropriate configuartion is to make it all three types. But it was mostly a Science vessel, and it makes sense for it to be a Science ship in game if they had to pick one type.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    This is little comfort to those who wanted the Nebula to be a cruiser, but it does open the door balance-wise for a new Tactical ship to enter the scene at some point.

    They've said they're looking at putting in a "predecessor" to the Enterprise-J. This would be a pretty good candidate for a really tactically-oriented Cruiser, moreso than the Excelsior Refit. Think about it -- a Cruiser with Commander, Lt. Commander, and Ensign Tactical stations, a Lieutenant Science station, a Lt. Commander and Ensign Engineering.

    There'd be, of course, things to balance about this design, but if Cryptic were to go that route, I'd leave that in their hands (as though I had a choice).

    However, more on topic. There was an episode of TNG where a rogue captain took his Nebula-class ship into Cardassian space and just started blowing everything Cardy to hell. This sticks out as one of the defining moments in the series, for the Nebula class. The ship has definitely proven its worth as a warship in canon, when it needs to be.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    And what was every ship that's come out again?

    Doesn't seem very "close minded" that a Science Vessel captain might actually, you know, want a Science Vessel.

    It does seem kind of close minded that you'd deny them one because of your personal desires when you could always pick up the Excelsior, Galaxy-X, Galaxy-R, Assault Cruiser or Star Cruiser is you want a Cruiser for your Tactical Officer, especially since the Excelsior would gel a lot better with that profession and definitely help your DPS a lot more with it's LtC Tactical Slot (and apparently according to you if "your not doing decent dps, than your not doing your job").

    well the point im trying to make is that its not a canon sci vessel (im a stickler for canon) and since its an iconic ship, it should be usable for everyone... i really hate that voyager was made into a sci vessel seeing as though it was classified as an interceptor class of cruiser lol... but i dont argue it cause they made the decision and stuck with it... also a star cruiser is probably gonna have better manueverabilty than the science version of the nebula, and ive seen some sci guys be quite effective in the star cruiser... ill agree that they do need to add more sci and tac vessels, but i think the nebula was a poor choice for it... what next, theyll redesignate the sovreign as a sci vessel as well...

    And being a Science Officer your primary position is buff/debuff, and missing all those Science Vessel BOff slots hurts a lot... also it's tougher to play with non-SV power settings.
    yes, but if you would have had more of those with the universal boff slot.. (duh..) and there are ways around the sv powers with consoles and whatnot...

    Says the guy getting upset that there won't be one more on the pile...and will "whine and cry" over it.

    like i said, i wouldnt have been upset enouph to post had they come out and said it was going to be a sci vessel from the get go, they just got me all excited for it, then shut the door....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Aris wrote:
    Really, the most canon appropriate configuartion is to make it all three types. But it was mostly a Science vessel, and it makes sense for it to be a Science ship in game if they had to pick one type.

    no it wasnt mostly a sci vessel, the only on screen appearence of it with a sci pod on it was the pheonix, there was one appearence with the xtra necelles, and the rest were torpedo pods, and it was usually in combat... ummmm not very sciency lol.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Putnam wrote:
    yes but after he made that statement, another dev stated that they had thought about making it a sci vessel, but felt that it was better suited to be a cruiser... which they were right... but apearantly, these parents will give the candy to the screaming child instead of doing what is right lol...

    And they may still make it a cruiser before it's all said and done. I could really see it going either way. Heck, maybe CBS told Cryptic to make it a science vessel (although, I doubt it).
    listen, i know you love to debate things on forums and get peeps going, but im tired, im going to bed, ill pick this back up in the am... lol.... good night all, and just remember, im sure theyll make the nx (which i dont want to see in game) into an escort just cause cryptic seems to like to do all the things i dont like hahahaha... good night..

    Actually, I mostly like to be silly and have fun on the forums. When someone posts something I don't agree with, yes, I do debate it. That's (partly) why the forums are here.

    (As for the NX-class being an escort, I don't care if they do make it one. Regardless of what class they make it, I'll be buying it. :) )
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Well if its Sci, thats OK, but it better have the Phoenix sci pod and not the torp pod on it....lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    knox1711 wrote: »
    Well if its Sci, thats OK, but it better have the Phoenix sci pod and not the torp pod on it....lol

    Id like a customization option for that, I always thought the Nebula was a multi role cruiser though. Just cause the few times the ship was seen it was doing science things and tactical things doesnt mean its not capable of other things...the different mission pod scould display the change in role...though its unlikely it will work that way in game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I always figured the Nebula ought to have a class specific equipment slot for the mission pod, allowing the owning player to adjust its type. Giving it the AWACS pod would produce a science ship; bonus to snsors, deflectors, emiters stealth detection, etc. A weapon pod might give it a total of 10 weapon slots (5 fore 5 aft). An extra pair of engines such as was done with the proto-nebula in the graveyard of Best of Both Worlds could give it a larger energy pool. Each pod should also come with changes to the BO seating chart in favor of Science, Tactical, and Engineer respectively.

    Though the trick there might be that it would be possible to see an all Nebula group of ships, though that's possible with any current class, a Nebula which can be reconfigured like this would be far more workable...but I think such a thing would be too gimmicky to be taken seriously as a viable strategy.

    The ship is already known to have several variants, the AWACS version was shown as the USS Phoenix, all subsequent appearances were with the weapon pod save for a desk model used as set decoration showing it with an extra pair of nacelles in place of the mission pod.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So wait.. someone said more than once that they were trying it out. Is it on Tribble?

    I know the model is in game and shows outside of ESD in a dock facility.. I hadn't heard that it was testing on tribble, since it was postponed a few weeks.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    So wait.. someone said more than once that they were trying it out. Is it on Tribble?

    I know the model is in game and shows outside of ESD in a dock facility.. I hadn't heard that it was testing on tribble, since it was postponed a few weeks.

    I don't think it's out for testing, yet; dstahl said it was hitting Tribble this Thursday for testing. I haven't checked Tribble, so I can't be 100% sure if it's not already out yet or not.

    edit: just check the ESD ship vendor (on Tribble), and I didn't see it as an option.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Cruiser cruiser cruisers...crui ser ser crui crui ser cruiser cruiser cruiser. Is this the only language most of you guys understand when it comes to introducing new ships into the game? Really, enough already. I say stop introducing cruisers into the game til they have a high tier escort, dreadnought escort, high tier science, and a dreadnought science put into the game. This way things balance out. For those of you that INSIST we science guys fly cruisersyou once again miss the point that we actually like using skills like viral matrix 3, gravity well 3 and tyken's rift 3. And would love to use those skills with a new ship.
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